
By Bradley Gibbons

Published on Apr 8, 2020


"FLOORPISSING" Part 3: Zach and Peter continued by BadBoyKal

(If you enjoy this story, let me know! Your emails are the only way I'll ever know that anybody's so much as read these things... And I think they're turning out good, but I'd love to hear it from you! Email me at thepatternking@gmail.com)

Forty-five minutes later, back at Zach and Dean's house, Zach and his best friend were enjoying some time to themselves -- Dean being occupied with football practice, and Mom and Dad not yet home from work. The two boys seemed to be thinking the same thing in the aftermath of that floorpiss: Was it okay how aroused they god just from seeing each other naked? If they liked seeing other guys' cocks, did that mean they were gay? Naturally, of course, the actual questions they asked each other were a good bit more creative and abstruse than this.

Peter was the one to start it off, as they were finding something to munch on from the pantry: "Hey, Zach, I wanna make sure you understand... that turned me on, right? I mean, I REALLY liked making a mess, it made me feel hot. But I don't want you to think my little... uh... boner back there was because I am some kinda queer. I mean, sure, I like looking at other dudes' cocks, but who doesn't want to look when they have the chance to do it?"

"Yeah, well... I don't know, personally. `Cause I'd be lying bigtime if I said anything other than that seeing your cock today, and Dean's cock yesterday, turned me on bigtime. I think I actually like cock in general. And of course I don't know what that means about me liking girls or not, as well... but if I can be totally truthful, man, I know that when I see a penis, hard or soft, that's a thing that I'll prob'ly always go out of my way to look at. If I can be brutally honest, Peter--I really am afraid that I'm a queer. I wouldn't expect you to take kindly to having a queer for a best friend, but, man, I'm really unsure when it comes to how I feel about cock, and it's not like there are any pussies around to compare it to.

Zach took a deep breath. "Ah. Peter, what do you think? If I'm a queer, would you... well, would you still want to be friends with me?"

"Well, sure I would, Zach! Heck, I'm the one who got hard back there! I don't think I am no queer, but to be honest, do I really know that for sure? No, I couldn't possibly. All I know is that something back there was really getting me off. Maybe it was the pissing, and maybe it was the cocks out, or both--all I know is that that thing we just did--`floorpissing' or whatever--damn dude, I wanna do that again every single day of my life, that's how much I liked what we did."

Zach smiled contentedly in the silence that follows this declaration. He hoped he wasn't a queer, but at least now he felt safe in his friendship with Peter. And what's more, Peter was confused too! Between these two facts, he felt secure, and at least he knew, whatever would happen next in his sexual development, that he could face it hand in hand with Peter--yeah, hand in hand, bitches! What you gonna do about it??

The rest of the afternoon was spent doing normal middle-school boy activities. They didn't talk again about what had happened... Perhaps they'd made an unspoken silent agreement to keep the afternoon normal,' just so that not too much changed all at once. To himself, though, Zach was pretty interested in seeing that boy-boner of Peter's in a bit of a more... hands-on' way than when they were pissing.

Well, it happened that it was Zach's lucky day. The boys had finished homework and were laying down on the couch watching the end of some movie and dozing. Peter was in the back, both arms stretched out around a pillow and head down. Zach was lying in the same direction in front of Peter--and unlike Peter, Zack was awake. He'd been hoping and scheming in the back of his mind about how to get further with Peter and his cock, but he was soon to discover that there was hardly any necessity for scheming.

Zach was watching the main couple get back together in one of the last scenes of the movie, all the while thinking how badly he would truly want to play with his best friend's dick. He snuggled deeper into the couch, when--all the sudden--he felt something! There on the small of Zach's back was a lump sticking out from Peter's groin as he slept! Zach was aghast--it had not occurred to him in all his scheming that perhaps Peter's body would naturally offer itself to him again.

Carefully, Zach snuggled further up by about a foot and a half. Now his hands were reaching down to precisely the region of the `unidentified' bump in Peter's pants. Zach would have to be careful, but at the same time, he felt pretty empowered by their conversation earlier. If Peter wouldn't think it made Zach a queer, what reason was there to NOT a fun time with his sleeping best friend?

Thinking this--and as he did, feeling his own boyhood swell up--Dean's younger brother `threw caution to the wind' and put his right hand right on the bump in Pete's pants. He began rubbing it up and down, slowly, pushing down on the boycock under the cloth: and as he did so, Peter moaned a little, and nestled his head a little deeper into the pillow.

Seeing as the boys will still home alone all these hours later, Zach could get a little bit more involved. Carefully he turned around to face Zach. He nestled his right arm close up against Peter's warm cozy torso, and then, with a bravery born only of the horniest feeling he'd ever had in his young life, Zach lifted Peter's shirt from his waist, and plunged his left hand right into his best bud's underwear, his hand landing right on Peter's cock! So turned on was Zach that he very nearly busted a nut then and there. He couldn't believe it at all: there was a hunk of meat pushing against the palm of his hand, but it wasn't just any meat: it was a HARD COCK! He draped his fingers around his prize and started to rub just a bit--UP, and DOWN...

It was all he could do not to moan in joy!

UP and DOWN, he kept up the caresses. A minute later he decided `screw it' and felt the head of Pete's uncircumcised bone between his thumb and forefinger.

It was about then that Peter finally began stirring. Eyes fluttering open, for a moment he was disoriented: He thought he was at Zach's house, but there was this amazing feeling on his dick that could only be part of the best dream ever. Zach brushed the sides of Peter's dick so softly and subtly at that moment that Peter gasped and then opened his eyes. In an instant it'd become clear that Peter was awake, and he knew what Zach was doing, and he liked it a lot. In between all these glorious feelings Zach was giving him with only one hand, Pete reflected that he had not expected this from Zach, and that he couldn't be sure he'd've agreed to it if awake... but as good as he was feeling, there could be no question at all that he wanted it now. He also registered his surprise that Zach had been so bold, and that already they were doing more cock stuff after only having started with the floorpissing that same day.

As wonderful as were the sensations in his cock, his mind couldn't help but wonder about Zach's cock, bulging so prominently there in the space between them. But what was the protocol for touching your bud's dick? It seemed like you oughtta ask, right? Although Zach hadn't...

Oh, fuck it, just do something. "Hey--Zach--" gasped Peter "--I'm gonna touch your cock too." By way of response Peter noted a devilish glint of pleasure pass across Zach's eyes, and with no further prelude at all Peter's hand was now down Zach's pants, and inside his boxers, and touching his warm straining manhood! With his other hand Peter managed to undo his belt and the button of his jeans, shoving his erection straight out into the open. It was a great idea, Zach thought--and soon he had done the same.

As Peter felt the sensations seem to ramp up, a practical question came to mind: "Hey, Zach--have you ever cum before?"


"Have you?"


"Well then this oughtta be a first for both of us."

Twelve-year-old handsie players do not ever last long... soon the caresses and rubs started stirring new and unfathomably powerful sensations in Zach... It was getting like more and more high-pitched, or something, and it felt like maybe he was about to piss an insane torrent, but he was in so much bliss he didn't care... the feelings grew and grew until it seemed like the only thing there was, it was so strong... Zach looked down just in time to see his very first ever cock explosion, and his first load of his whole entire life shot up onto his shirt, first eight inches up, then six, then four... Peter let go of the dick when it started convulsing, and watched the `grand finale' of his efforts lasciviously.

Zach's head rolled back; he felt spent and cozy and tired in a way he had never felt before. His hand had already let go of Peter's cock during his own climax. Zach almost felt like he were in an alternate reality made of nothing but leisure and relaxation and sexiness. Then he remembered Peter's cock, with a start! And Peter thought it wasn't a moment too soon. They'd shared Zach's first load of cum ever, and now they had to share Peter's--HAD to, Peter thought, `cause it was just too much, too hot, everything all at once! As Zach began to jack Peter's dick again Peter was just floored by how good it felt--so different from when he just touched his own cock.

Of course Pete was ready to go: He was hornier than he had ever, ever been in all his young life. Zach was doing long downward rhythmic strokes, and after only a moment, it seemed as though every stroke added a little bit of electricity in parts of his anatomy he hadn't even known existed. Over and over Zach stroked, and the electricity got higher each time: higher, and higher, and higher, and higher, `til it surely should've maxed out by then, but it never did! But soon there was a separate feeling too: like a thermometer going up and up, and he knew instinctively he was right on the verge of his first cum. Zach was riveted as fully eight shots of jizz projected two or three inches out from his cockhead, raining back down on his cock and his best friend and new sperm buddy's hand. Zach was wowed almost out of this world: he rather thought that watching Peter nut was an even more religious experience than his own first-ever orgasm.

Both boys just lay there breathing heavy, until one of them started to giggle a little bit: and before you knew it they were laughing out their ecstasy, feeling more comfortable than ever with each other, and so relaxed they didn't know how they would ever be expected to get up off that couch (which thankfully had escaped their cum torrents).

Five minutes on, though, and it became a matter of necessity to figure out how they'd clean up the mess--`cause God forbid Dean walked in the door just then, or even more horrifying, Mom or Dad!

What eventually they decided was to both strip their T-shirts (which, both of them, had a bit of cum dribbled on their tails), and use the shirt as a rag to wipe it all up. Zach could get them both new T-shirts afterward, and no one would ever know the difference.

Zach thought it'd be fun to wipe up each other's loads up at first, but thought better of it for the sake of expediency.

When at last they were back in Zach's room, picking out their new T-shirts, Peter had a funny feeling come over him. It was like, for a moment, he was looking at him and Zach from a distance--almost like it would feel if he remembered these events years later. He saw his best friend Zach in the fullness of his being, and he felt a warmth he'd only felt before from his parents or maybe his sister once in a while. It felt like he was fully appreciating Zach for the first time. The love Peter felt was soft, and warm, and hot, and vibrant. They were brothers, he and Zach--and it was only the naturalest most common-sense kind of thing that they would share this, too: a thing so special you can only do it once: the boys' first times ever cumming. Pete let that warm feeling linger in his head for as long as he could, and knew it was super real--realer, maybe, than the other feelings of hotness' and turned-on-ness' he'd just begun to be introduced to that day.

Peter didn't personally really care if he turned out to be gay, or if Zach did. Each person was just exactly how they were made to be, he figured. If he was gay, he would be always brave, and protect those he loved like Zach. He made that promise to himself: that regardless of all that stuff, he would always try to protect Zach and his feelings--`specially since Zach was really worried about what would happen if he were gay.

Once they were all cleaned up and changed, the boys tried to go back to watching TV. A show both of them liked was on, but both buds felt like something was different. Now, of course things will be different after something as monumental as these first sexual experiences they'd just shared... different, sure. But you wouldn't think it was be different and not feeling good. You wouldn't think there'd be a new awkwardness in every moment of silence they shared--or, in any case, Peter hadn't thought that (and Zach hadn't thought about that at all until after the dust had settled). Peter thought to himself that maybe it would just take a bit of time to get used to whatever had changed. Zach was much more worried about himself, especially about being gay and therefore alarmed about what they'd shared, even for all that he'd loved it and definitely loved Peter like a brother. He was not eager to share what was on his mind--doubly so because he felt guilty for feeling conflicted about what was obviously a pivotal and very special experience he'd gotten to share with his best friend! He wasn't thinking too much about what was on Peter's mind, but he was relieved for the silence, even if it was a bit awkward. He was busy freaking out, and talking would've interrupted him. Peter--whom I'm sure you'd agree is the more grounded and thoughtful of the two--recognized that they had a need to talk long and hard about a whole bunch of stuff they'd never spoken of before. But, he, too, was content to push that back to another date. He managed pretty well to overlook the awkward silence and started doing some processing on his own of all that that day had held. Yes, most definitely things were gonna be different after this!

Before long Zach's parents were home, and Dean popped in for dinner before bolting off who-knows-where. Neither Goodman (for that was their name) seemed to notice anything out of the ordinary in the boys. Around eight Mrs. Goodman drove Peter home, and the craziest day ever in the friendship of Zach Goodman and Peter Stanford drew to a close.

Next: Chapter 4: Scotty and Ethan

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