
By Bradley Gibbons

Published on Apr 18, 2020


"FLOORPISSING": Scotty and Ethan (part 1) by BadBoyKal

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Scotty and Ethan were at the mall for the afternoon. They were spending the day playing arcade games and lounging around the food court looking at the boys. The two were cousins, and were pretty close; Scotty was 12 and Ethan was 13, but both were in the eighth grade at Winterfell Junior High.

Apart from being older, Ethan was the more adventurous of the two. He could be really spacey and got real distracted by "shiny" things or things he liked see. This could range from flashy advertisements for the next blockbuster movie to a cute boy on the other side of the room. Scotty was... "mild-mannered," you might say. He stayed inside the lines and made good grades. Sometimes he had to pull Ethan back down to earth when his distracted flightiness began to be a social embarrassment.

They'd been there for about two hours--that made it about 4:30. Suddenly Ethan said "I need to pee."

"I'll come too," said Scotty. The two early adolescents walked in a way that tried to say "look at me, I'm so cool!" (It fell flat for Scotty, but Jared really pulled it off.) The pair turned down a long side hallway that was deserted: the bathroom was down there at the end. They could sense the bustle and energy of the mall gradually fading away into the quiet of the hallway. They got to its end and went in: It was empty.

Scotty walked up to the first urinal like usual, and emptied his bladder into it. Ethan went over to the nearest stall, which Scotty noticed--but he didn't say anything. He flushed and zipped up; he went back over to the sinks and began to wash his hands. It was then that he noticed an odd sound. He'd expected the sound of pee hitting toilet-water, but this just sounded a little off. It was like it was more echoing and tinkly than usual. Pausing he calls over to Ethan "Ethan, what are you doing?"

"I'm giving the janitor something to do later." Now that was a confusing--though quite intriguing-- reply; quickly Scotty turned off the water, shook his hands quickly without drying them, and walked over to see what his cousin was about.

To his amazement, Ethan stood in the doorway of the stall, and right before him was a virtual lake of piss all over the floor! This registered with Scotty immediately, in his body. In mere seconds, he was fully hard! He marveled at the size of the puddle of yellow that Ethan'd let rip and watched with his jaw dropped as he waved his penis leisurely from left to right, making the hot sound that Scotty had heard and growing the puddle just that much more. Then the cousin finished his piss, leaving Scotty thinking "damn, I wish I'd seen the whole thing!"

Ethan put his cock away and zipped up his jeans with a HUGE smirk. Then he turned around to see Scotty standing there, jaw still on the floor. "Nice trick, huh?" Ethan said. Scotty didn't know what to say, so he kept his mouth shut.

Just then the elder cousin noticed the tent in his relative's pants. "Well, I guess at least some part of you liked it." Scotty went crimson. "I-- I've never seen anybody do that before" he stammered out.

Ethan said something at that point that left Scotty totally shocked. "Scotty, have you ever had a blowjob?"

"No" was the eventual reply from the younger pre-teen, his feelings of embarrassment and shock and overwhelmment leaving him unable to choose the words for any further reply to the question.

"C'mon" said Ethan imperiously. "We're going down to the last stall, the handicap one." He grabbed Scotty's hand and pulled him in tow; leaving the dumstruck boy in the middle of the stall, he closed and locked the door. Then he turned back toward Scotty and swiftly fell to his knees, which felt the cold of the bathroom floor. Scotty was too shocked to offer any resistance (though he was not sure if he wanted to offer resistance or not, to be honest); Ethan undid his belt, unbuttoned and unzipped his jeans, thrust his jeans to his ankles and pulled the front of his underwear down and out until Scotty's very hard bone lay exposed, shooting straight out in front. And then, with no hesitation, as if it were the most everyday thing, Ethan leaned his head forward, and engulfed his cousin's penis with his soft, warm teenage mouth.

Scotty just about shot up to the moon. The muddle in his head receeded, as it'd ceased to matter: all there was and all he could pay any attention to was the feelings he had in his cock. It was so unlike anything he'd felt before--not like jacking off at all. Ethan made long, slow up-and-down movements on Scott's cock, swirling its cockhead against the roof of his mouth between each one. After that mindblowing softness that was Scotty's first intro to getting his dick sucked, his cos' switched it up: while still sucking hard on the penis in his barely-teenage mouth, he started going in-and-out fast, rhythmically, hard; his whole mouth and throat was like a cuff engulfing the lengths of Scott's dick. It was still breathtaking to Scotty, but this new technique was gonna make him cum, he could tell! Quickly he began his build-up, and it was as if Ethan's mouth went collecting more and more of the pubescent arousal that was building inside of that organ.

It barely took any time for Ethan to get Scotty close. As the orgasm built Scotty asked himself if he oughtta tell Ethan. He went on the side of caution and told 'im: "I'm close," with a high-pitched whine and a breathiness. Scott was afraid Ethan would stop, but the little cocksucker didn't even break his stride. Apparently getting a mouthful of cum wasn't anything his cousin was worried about--and this floored him even more, right as he'd believed his shock couldn't increase any more. <What was Ethan doing, that he knew how to suck cock like this? What hidden sides of Ethan's life had Ethan kept from Scotty? For how long?> Scotty's passing thoughts as his approached the edge... Almost to the point of no return! Gosh, five seconds from the edge, and his cocksucking cousin kept it right up. Here it was, then! He was gonna cum!

"Ethan, I'm cumming!" Scotty shouted forgetting all else but his cock spewing cum. It was a big load and a GOOD orgasm. He was amazed and really hella turned on that his cousin caught all his jizz in his mouth--and Scotty saw him swallow the whole load down in one gulp. Ethan came off his cousin's meat and exhaled loudly. Scotty could see into his mouth and see proof that he'd swallowed the sperm down. Scotty was SO relaxed and excited, while Ethan was positively beaming. During his stunt of floor-pissing Ethan'd worn a mischievous smirk--but now his smile was just of joy--just broad and easy and happy, happy, happy. Scotty had no doubt in that moment that his cousin REALLY liked sucking cock, which surprised him but also made sense.

"Hey--Ethan," said Scotty quietly, but with the unmistakeable ring of arousal in his voice. "Whenever I cum I always gotta piss afterward. Even if I didn't have to go before. I'm gonna try your trick of giving work to the janitors."

"Yeah man it's pretty fun" Ethan quipped. He arose from his knees and backed up to give Scotty room. Scotty considered doing it somewhere else, but decided that actually this big handicapped stall would be perfect. He raised his jeans back up so he could walk around, took about two paces back, and, holding his flaccid little dick 'tween his right thumb and forefinger, let it go.

He watched the first spurt splash against the white-and-gray tiles, and he had to admit it gave 'im a real thrill. He meandered across the open space of the stall with his cock, tracking lines of wetness wherever his stream hit. Then he had a really fun idea, which he'd have space to do only in the handicapped stall: What if he spun around in circles while continuing to piss? It tickled him so much, both his naughty side and his boyish fun-loving streak, that he just had to try it. "Watch out" he called out to Ethan--and then he whirled!

He was going fast enough that he wasn't watching his stream hit the floor at all; on the other hand, not so fast as to throw his golden droplets out to hit Ethan. He was giddy; why not another spin? Finally he spent the rest of his bladder (which was not much, since he'd pissed before the blowjob) in this freewheeling, childish circles. He was out of breath and laughing at the end, and he could tell his cousin Ethan was sharing his joy and wonder at his free-spirited mischief. Presently Scott's junk was put up and he felt it was time to move on ('cause if someone else entered the room, at that time, they'd be fully aware that these boys'd just committed acts of what Scotty figured would count as vandalism). It would only be right to ask, though... "Ethan, are you gonna get off?"

"Uh, how 'bout this, little cousin" Ethan replied. "How about we go back to my house, into my room, and then I can show you what I know about sucking cock and you can, uh... return the favor."

"You know what," Scotty said, "I never so much thought about it before, but I think I would really like to suck you off today." A curt grin and a bit more blushing from Scotty. "Oh, and, uh, thanks for showing me that pissing trick."

"It's called 'floorpissing,''' Scotty said, "and it is a sacred masculine art." It turned Scotty on a lot to hear Ethan talk like that.

And so they were ready to go. Scotty saw his sprawling meandering yellowish splatter, and then took in his cousin's handiwork again on the way out... he was positively beaming, he was so turned on by the thought of those boys and men who would come in later on in the day and see all the evidence of what they'd done!

As planned, they went straight for the mall's main entrance, flooded in sun, outside of which their bikes rested tied up on the mall's bike rack. Summer sure was a good time to be learning about cocks and sex and creative pissing! Scotty mused.

As the pair unlocked their bikes Scotty noticed that Ethan sported a pretty considerable boner now. He made no attempt to hide it, though there were people (and even girls) right near them going inside! Scotty found that pretty fucking hot. In fact, he was starting to find that he found pretty much everything Ethan did pretty hot, if he could be honest.

Ethan's house was the closer of the two, but it was still about a mile and a half away. Scotty thought excitedly the whole ride home, 'bout what might happen when they got back with the door closed. Ethan felt the exciting buzz of horniness, but he didn't try to think ahead about what would most definitely be some most worthwhile sex play. He was ready and looking forward to getting off -- he hadn't cum since first thing that morning (and he was thirteen)!

The boys dismounted as their bikes rolled through the front yard of Ethan's place and along the side to the back yard. There, unceremoniously the dumped them. They ascended some five or six stairs that led up to the back door, which opened on the kitchen.

"Hi, Ma! Scotty's here," Ethan called out as soon as they entered. The pair straightaway mounted the stairs, which were carpeted in a medium gray color and which gave out into the far corner of the kitchen, where it met the hallway. Ethan's room was up there.

"Hey, boys" cried out their aunt/mother, from somewhere deeper in the house.

The two could count on being left alone. Ethan's mom rarely, if ever, bothered them. It was already after five, so dinner wasn't that far off. But the boys were very horny, and you know 12-and-13-year-olds don't last long!

Ethan's room was the first door on the right after you went up the staircase. The door was closed; Ethan opened it inward to reveal a double bed with a thick, plush deep red comfortor, and a lot more things likewise bold (in reds and blues). On the wall hung a few of his old lacrosse jerseys and on the desk three trophies stood arrayed neatly on the corner. He was lucky to have a double bed as a thirteen year-old! And lucky too that his mom left him so much to his own devices.

Each boy slipped inside and then Ethan closed the door again; the carpet of the stairs and hall continued in his room, and it was thick enough even to provide a sound barrier for his room. Ethan kicked off his shoes, and Scotty followed suit. Ethan dove into his bed, then, leaning back against one of those pillows that sort of have arms for you to sit up in bed against. Scotty lingered on his feet awkwardly, but in his pants, his cock was fully hard. Yep, he was "all-in" for this activity.

As Scotty stood for a moment Ethan pushed his hips out, making his shorts tent way out in the sexiest way. His shorts were board shorts and had a drawstring; Ethan untied it and opened the fly. Scotty had, by this point, crawled onto the bottom portion of the bed and was focussing lustily on his cousin's exposed tented brief. He'd seen the boy's dick before, sure... But he'd never seen the boy's boner, and was not ashamed to be stoked about it. (Come to think of it, he'd never seen ANY dick hard except for his own--not counting porn, of course. First blowjob AND first time seeing a cock in the way cocks are meant to be: HARD!)

Scotty thrust his right hand down his jeans and touched himself. Ethan saw this and said "'Cuz! Pull your pants down, and your underwear!" Scotty quickly complied, as Ethan kicked out of his shorts, leaving Scotty with just that thin layer of white cotton fabric between him and his sought-after first boner ever.

"Can I take your underwear off, Ethan?" Ethan smiled his trademark woozy chill endearing stupid smile, and said "Sure."

Scotty could hardly take the anticipation, but the whole thing was new enough to him that he naturally went about it slowly. First he poked at the brief-encased dick, and in a quick inspired moment put his fist around his cousin's cock with the underwear still on. But what he really wanted was two things: to SEE it and to FEEL it, without anything in between. "Here goes" he stupidly said--then he grabbed Ethan's brief's waistband in the middle, and pulled out and DOWN, for the time being hooking the waistband underneath his older cousin's balls.

And boy, was he happy to see that dick! It was a sight to behold. It was five inches long and had a slightly yellowish skin tone; it was cut (of course), and not too thick, but evenly thick from top to bottom. Scotty saw, with envy, that it wooshed up at a 30 ° angle from his belly, unlike his, which shot straight out like a post.

It was REALLY hot.

Ethan, meanwhile, was enjoying himself plenty as well. As Scotty took in Ethan's dick, Ethan's mouth was watering as he imagined Scotty's mouth on that dick. That would be just the thing. This blowjob he'd been waiting for, he was actually CRAVING it and couldn't wait.

In fact he spoke up: "Buddy, you better pull them all the way off now and get ready, 'cause it's time for you to do some cocksucking!"

"Yes, sir" Scotty parried playfully. He quickly pulled the briefs down and off his 'cuz. Then his left cock fell instantly back down to stroking his own cock. "Okay." he said. "How do I do this?"

"It's really simple" Ethan said. "Basically--well, it's kinda silly, but for a blowjob to be any good you gotta do the OPPOSITE of blow: you gotta suck. The more suction you use, the better it's gonna feel for me. The other thing is, of course, you don't EVER want your teeth to even touch my dick at all. Yeah, it's kinda awkward, you gotta hold your mouth open real wide, and use your tongue and lips to shield your teeth from my dick if you have to. Other than that, just, uh, get going and I'll tell you how I want you to do it as you go."

Scotty was down. He was totally excited about sucking his first dick. He didn't even think he was gay or anything, he just knew this was the hottest thing he'd seen in his life so far! He got on all fours on the bed and crawled up to Ethan's midsection, ass waving coyly in the air--then he plopped down on the bed just to the right of the naked Adonis Ethan and went straight for his cock with his right hand. Scooting a little closer still; now hovering just over the boycock, appraising it as the delicacy he knew it would be. Then, tentatively but very excitedly, Scotty opened his mouth--and slipped it right over Ethan's big cockhead.

Scotty almost busted a nut that very moment, he was so turned on. Ethan, on the other hand, instantly relaxed completely, as he entered the heaven that only oral sex could provide. It seemed Scotty had good instincts, 'cause the head he gave was pretty good. The boy was having great fun as he did it, as well. He simply loved rubbing the head of Ethan's dick back and forth and all around on the roof of his mouth: He got no end of pleasure from doing this.

After a few minutes, predictably (for one who'd blown a dude before, that is), Scotty's mouth got tired from being so wide open. He forced himself to continue, but a few minutes more and he just simply couldn't. (What a shame, Ethan thought: he was just starting to get close.) "You can't suck any more, Scotty?"

"Yeah... sorry... I need a break."

"Well how 'bout this: What if you finish me off with your hands?"

Now, Scotty thought this was an excellent idea. Touching this cousin's member was just as much a turn-on as putting it in his mouth; he'd be happy to wank off his friend (and relative). Lots of spit provided plenty of lube; Scotty hovered over Ethan and took his dick in hand. Up and down, up and down... Scotty tugged that dick at a pretty decent pace, trying to bring Ethan over the edge.

He hadn't long to wait. Ethan had been starting to get close already, from the head; he quickly adapted to the change in strategy and let Scotty's rapid pulls and thrusts bring him closer. Before he even knew it it was JIZZIN' TIME... With that same secret satisfied smile, he decided he'd not give his little 'cuz ANY warning.

Well, what a shock! And what excitement for Scotty, who'd just touched, AND sucked, AND jacked off his first-ever cock, AFTER having been blown by none other than his cousin just before!

It was a great orgasm, and luckily for Scotty, it was a great-looking one, too. The upward-pointing penis pulsed a strong, thick, nasty lougie of sperm halway up the boy's shirt, and six more volleys followed--thick gooey globs, the first ones on his shirt by then adorning his soft boy belly; all the globs being scattered a bit here and there by the motion of Scotty's jerking, which he kept up 'til his cousin was absolutely spent.

"That," reported Ethan "was a nice little orgasm. I think you did alright for your first time."

"Thanks," said Scotty breathlessly, and already having taken his own cock in his hand once more. "I, uh... I need to cum again, 'cuz."

"Hmm..." mused Ethan. I think two blowjobs in one day is pushin' it. How 'bout I give you a hand-job instead. You've never had one of those before, have you?"

"No!" replied Scotty, with a jaunty joy in his voice reflecting the fact that he knew he was just about to try it!

TO BE CONTINUED (probably)

Next: Chapter 5: Zach and Peter 3

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