
By Bradley Gibbons

Published on Apr 19, 2020


"FLOORPISSING": Scotty and Ethan (part 1) by BadBoyKal

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I've got a few more notes to share with this part, today. Feel free to jump to the story. I have loved to write each chapter of this in just exactly the way that I've written them. I'm very proud of my work. At the same time, though, I'm concerned that it may be too detail-oriented to the point where it just reads like fluff and not like an action story.

In this chapter, I have attempted to make the main body of this chapter a little quicker and leaner , cutting a lot of words out of my first draft of the centerpiece floorpiss scene (in the middle, it being the sexual "heart" of the story). I've done this because I think you might like it better. Although, honestly, I wish I hadn't done it that way. I need to write these stories just how I want to write them, and just for my own enjoyment. And, I suppose some sort of "if you build it, they will come" principle hopefully applies to Nifty readers.


Zach and Peter went to school the next day as usual, and, despite the epicly big and intense day that had come before, both found their next few school days to be almost unusually normal. Of course, "normal" was not without its perks: each boy had a gym period to look forward to (though sadly the two weren't together for that particular one). Gym class, of course, meant locker room; locker room meant showers; showers meant getting to gawk at prime pubescent boy-dick! And, what made it better, some of the boys in their classes were already further along in puberty, and therefore boasted deliciously larger penises. In the best case this might mean a schlong as big around as a Ballpark frank, even soft ('specially on the black kids). Yes, each of our heroes relished his gym period. Peter rather got into the sports they played, and so liked it in its entirety; Zach, though, wasn't into sports... but he was so dick that it more than made up for having to go through the motions of whatever game they were playing.

The buddies, of course, thought of floorpissing every day, and definitely more than once. Each of them would step up to the urinal every time he had to take a piss and daydream about spilling it in a much more badass way. Zach had the words of his brother stirring around in his head; that very first day, he made a personal commitment to himself that he would floorpiss at school, at least one time. Whatever the details were, however daring or timid, in whatever bathroom (or the locker room?)---he owed it to Dean---nay, to himself---to recapture that thrill in a place where the stakes me it all the more daring. The next day as the two rode home in the same bus, Zach said he wanted to tell Peter something, and had him lean in real close. Zach kept his voice real low as he relayed everything his brother had said to him about floorpissing at school, and how it could you real popular. Peter'd already thought of doing it school, but had dismissed the idea as impossible 'cause those bathrooms were always so crowded. But, if it worked for Dean and Justin when they were in middle school, well, it just might work for them now!

Peter in particular just couldn't wait to floorpiss again. He hadn't had the chance to since that first time, 'cause the only public bathroom he'd used was at school. He was dying to do it there, and do it up big. He started making a plan that would not require him to have to do it right in front of all the other boys, not just yet---but that would nevertheless get him some recognition and begin his reputation as the first boy in their class to pee all over the floor and walls and shit at school... and he was pretty stoked about starting to have that reputation. He was a calm, rational kid, and he knew what he wanted. Then, he tended to go right after it.

The plan actually called for a floorpiss not in a bathroom, but in the bathroom area of the boy's locker room. By the fifth day after his first time, he was ready to roll.

They were playing soccer in gym that week, and when Peter got benched his asked Coach if he could go use the bathroom ("use" it... hehe). He walked determinedly to the locker room door and strode through the first section, full of lockers and benches on each side. Beyond that, further back and to the left, was the part where the toilets and urinals all were. In the back against the far wall were spaced out four urinals. Peter was feelin' brave, but at the same time he was so anxious he was shaking! <Well, with any luck,> Peter thought to himself, He smiled at the silly thought.

Given it was his first time, and the first time where their were real stakes---both punishments and rewards!---he'd decided he was keep the actual mess a little more simple---leaving just one puddle in one spot, he'd decided. Standing there a good six feet away, anxiously facing the urinals in the bathroom side of the gum boys' lockerroom, the sexy, brave, level-headed and ambitious youth took a deep breath and unbuckled his belt, put his fly down, and reached for that sexy tan boycock of his. He walked right up to the first two urinals and tucked his slender, tall frame neatly between them, his cock thus positioned merely two inches away from the wall.

was his smug thought. Finally the kid started pissing---and the happiness it brought the guy was INSTANT.

After the first few seconds of nothing but coating the wall there, a giddiness washed over Peter. <Fuck, I'm doing it! I'm really fucking doing it! Gosh I can't believe it... this is so fuckin' hot!>

Now, if you've got a whole bladderful, and you're trying to have you some fun, you're not really gonna wanna just stand still pissing it all at one spot on the wall. He couldn't resist moving his piss stream around: he hit the part of the wall underneath each of the two urinals, and then, backing up, built a nice little yellow swampland not only between them but in front of them on the ground too!

It was a big fuckin' mess, as it turned out! Still, he wasn't too worried. (You'll see was in a bit.) In fact he was like on Cloud 9! In that moment he truly believed that he was braver and sexier than all those other boys out there still playin' soccer. He was FLYIN'! Peter had NEVER had a high like this before, not even which he'd done it the first time and chubbed up. He felt proud! He had done it on his own, and he had done it throwing cautions to the wind, and he'd done it even though it was almost certain the others boys in his class would find out. This honestly was a big deal!

Now, there were three things Peter'd been counting on, when he made the plan to do what he just did. First, and, really, most importantly, the fact that Coach never went into the lockerroom. (Prob'ly he was afraid he'd be accused of pedophilia.) The only adult who ever did was the janitor, and that couldn't be something that even happened every day. Second, he counted on Dean's story (and his own speculations) to believe that all the other boys would mostly be impressed and admiring when the found out it was him, and he wasn't even trying to hide it. The ones that didn't feel that way, well---they'd definitely either stay quiet or pretend they had liked it just to fit in. As long as they admired him, it didn't even matter how much teasing they piled on him. And the final thing that made this plan a good and not a stupid idea was this: Peter was ready for a change. He WANTED to be the subject of gossip! He wanted to have a reputation, to be known throughout the school. It wasn't a matter of rebelling, even---more just that he wanted to be cool! So, if floorpissing could bring him that, on top of all its other benefits, well... he would just be set.

He hung around for a moment more, just gloating---but, presently, he'd have to go back out to gym class. There were still 25 minutes in the period, and, obviously, Peter was hella distracted for the whole rest of that particular game. When at last they were done playing and coach dismissed them to go shower and change, Peter hung toward the back of the pack. There were butterflies in his stomach, but he told himself to just hang tight... it would all be over, one way or another, soon.

There were about 12 boys in the pack, some real scrawny, others quite muscular, most, just... average. The pack mostly went straight to their lockers, not proceeding to the bathroom area---but, to Peter's luck (hopefully, good luck) there were two young preteens who had to take a piss. Peter went to stand at the end of the middle bank of lockers, loitering, listening, trying to not be seen. He was close enough to hear James and Ed as they started to talk about the puddle that had obviously just appeared there while they had all been playing. James didn't keep it quiet at all, right out the gate! He said "Whoah, dude... there's a huge fucking puddle here---oh, man, shit! Guys... I think it's piss!"

"What the fuck happened??" Ed added. "'Cause it's DEFINITELY piss and it's definitely obviously on purpose!"

Seth---bigger guy with curly dirty blond hair---had his ears prick up hearing Ed and James, and ran bustling over and shouting "WHOAH, DUDE!!! Did you say somebody pissed on the floor?" At this point every boy in the room's heard the news; excitedly they swarm to get just as close to the puddle as they could, most of 'em real excited that something so insane was happening. Again, Peter hung back a little... soon -- soon -- his moment would come. Meanwhile Tommy shouts "Who the fuck did this? I mean it woulda had to've been a kid in this class: we were the only ones in the gym this whole time."

Time to shine, Peter! Our kid pushes between the two dudes who're standing in his way, and then, being real sure to make his voice loud and deep, he says "I did it."

See, all the kids are dumbfounded for a minute. I guess they'd thought it'd be a big investigation to discover who the culprit had been. But the stunned silence wears off and the boys all begin to crack smiles again. Drew claps 'im on the back with a "Well done, Stolch!" Most everybody laughs at that, and it just rolls from there: "Hey, bro---d'you think you coulda maybe added just a little bit more pee to this puddle?" Laughter cascades. The lockerroom had never been so loud.

Eugene is the smallest of the bunch, and is rather a dork. In a lull in the banter, Eugene pipes up thus: "Shouldn't we, uh, maybe tell an adult?"

Drew's APPALLED. "What the FUCK man? Why would you wanna turn in our boy Stolch after he's just pulled off a real hardcore stunt like what 'e did? "Yeah, what the fuck," "Go back and suck on your mother's tittie some more, ya little baby" Justin, the only black kid in the bunch and also one of the biggest, makes sure Eugene get's how it's gonna go. "Bro, don't you even THINK of saying a word to nobody 'bout what went on here. I promise you," he elucidated menacingly "that you would not be happy at all if you did."

Peter is relaxed again, and he's feeling warm inside. He had never dreamed it would actually go THIS well! He'd gotten pats on the back and fist bumps from almost every kid in the lockerroom... it was like he was a celebrity. Fucking surreal. Presently a genial pleasant-featured dirty-blond-haired guy named Andrew was chatting Peter up. "So, uh... Have you pissed on the floor in any other interesting places?" He genuinely wanted to know. "Did you, like, learn this from somebody, or---what, you just said like 'Screw it, I'm going all over the floor'?" Peter fielded these questions and many similar ones right then and there.

"Yeah, well I've only done it once before, but---dude, it's such a rush. So forgive me for saying I think there's a lot more floorpissing in my future, to be honest." "'Floorpissing'" shouts Steve. "Tahaha! That is too wild."

So, it had started. With this one daring move, Peter'd moved himself onto a whole nother track in the eighth grade society at Winterfell. Things would never be the same again.

Zach, of course, had heard most of the details of Peter's plan. He didn't say anything, but he felt left out. Plus it really sounded like Peter wanted to get all new friends and be in the inside of the popular crowd. Zach wasn't sure he could even still BE best friends with him if all his new 'bros' were hanging out together all the time. Because of COURSE they could accept Peter. He was handsome, smart, tactful, steady, brave...

The thing that got to him the most, even, really, was he felt jealous that Peter was doing a school-bathroom floorpiss before he was. He had promised himself he'd do it, remember, and he meant it... but geez, he was thinking at least it'd be a couple weeks before either of the buds was brave enough to do it! And, quite simply, Zach had wanted to be first. It felt like Peter had taken something from him unfairly, and at the same time it seemed he was about to start abandoning him in favor of cooler boys (and girls). He was just down and mixed up about all of that. More than anything, it was that he wanted to be first. He wanted that whole script with the jokes and laughter and shock and congratulations to be directed at him, not at Peter. The problem was, you can only have one person be the first to do something like floorpissing. That one kid gets the kudos and the glory, and the second, well, would surely fare pretty well too, but... eventually it'd just become a fad, and everybody'd be doing it, and it wouldn't be this special badass thing that Zach's bro had showed him about.

Wait, though... there's something there, something Zach hadn't thought about in quite that way before. Yes, the first gets credit for "inventing" it and gets the biggest share of the glory... but the second, the second also gets quite a bit of glory for himself, too, right? 'Cause that guy is the one who's proving himself brave enough to be the first to start the "trend"! Yes! Peter would be first, 'cause Zach couldn't compete with him nor stop him (though he wished he could). But Zach could then be second... he would then ALSO be elevated to the most popular ring of boys 'n' gals around, and thus he'd also secure him and Peter's bestfriendship. So: it was decided. Zach HAD to be second. He'd be a dark horse, doing this: after all, he won't have even been part of the original group who saw Peter's floorpiss mess.

It HAD to happen. Zach HAD to get over himself and just do it. And, to make sure no one else beat him to second place, well... Zach would just HAVE to do it the very next day. And he's just have to pray that no one did one on that same day before he took his turn at the little "schoolyard floorpiss" game.

Right now, Zach didn't feel ready at all. He felt not even remotely brave, picturing all the other guys in the bathroom when he did it, all of whom could be thinking any sort of bad thing at all against him. It was not gonna be easy. In fact, there was prob'ly only one way it could ever go down okay, and that was like this: with Peter's help. Peter could give him courage. Peter could give him support. Peter could fill him up and make him feel good about himself.

Well, it sounded like he had a complete plan-de-floorpiss, then.


Next: Chapter 6: The Floorpiss Club 1

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