
By Bradley Gibbons

Published on Apr 29, 2020



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Ryan, Nick and Stanley had been an inseparable trio, a bestfriendship triad, since at least the second grade. Something in the way they each thought must have just clicked with the other two. They'd grown up together until now they were all 14-year-olds, in the summer after frshman year. Ryan had an arresting face, a hard, lean body, sharp chiseled features, and dark brown hair he kept short, with a natural cowlick at front. Nick was a bit bigger-boned, but neither tall nor large in the weight department. His dirty-blond hair hung down on all sides of his head, forming what might be called a bob, with cute diagonal bangs at the front, and a really down-to-earth, relatable smile. Stanley was an artsy, dramatic kid who was well used to the perpetual rumors he was gay. His light brown hair hung down shoulder-length, his body was skinny, and he dressed the best of the three. Each was so different, yet somehow there was some magical alchemy to their friendship. When the three had hit puberty--thankfully all within a mere month of each other, for had it been otherwise their bond might have been strained. As it was, they three had each other as always to share the experience of their bodies changing, and--most importantly their minds. For nothing could be more fundamental a change for a pubescent boy to suddenly acquire his sex drive and be horned off the wall LITERALLY ALL THE TIME. No sooner had the first among them discovered masturbation than they extended the concept naturally to mutual masturbation. It must'nt've been more than six months till the buds added giving each other blowjobs to their repertoire; they regularly got off together, having the gift of two other horny young teens constantly around to keep their sex drives sated. They'd not told anyone of their sex play, but in all honestly none of them would've particularly cared if it had been known among their peers at school. Everyone knew they did everything together, so it was only naturally that they should do, well... EVERYTHING together.

Around the same time our heroes had just started their forays into the fun of oral sex, they discovered a different kind of sexual thrill that Ryan was quite fond of calling by a specific, compound name: "floorpissing." What had happened was some unidentified boy had left a yellow puddle right in the middle of the bathroom floor, not even near urinal, nor toilet. They'd all heard about it because the teachers had naturally given a lecture to the whole male class since no evidence was forthcoming. That day, on the school bus, Ryan and Stanley shared a seat while Nick leaned forward from the next one back to talk to his best friends. "So," Stanley said, "interesting what happened today, don't you think?"

Ryan looked straight ahead and spoke with confidence "Yeah. I wanna try it."

"Try what?" Nick interjected.

"Taking a piss where you're not supposed to in a bathroom."

The other two mulled it over a moment, each lost in his own thoughts; Ryan turned to face them, anxious to hear his best friends' reactions.

"Yeah, man, I guess... I guess I might try it once and see how it went," Nick mused.

Stanley, always the one to turn things dramatic or silly, said "Uh, guys!--I never thought I would say this, but--let's go piss on the floors of some public restroom facility!" It was settled.

The next day the three went together to their city's Waterfront Park; Ryan, the natural leader went in before solo, to see if the place was empty or not. The teens--the oldest of them still two months from 13--lounged outside the bathroom 'til it cleared out, and then slunk a bit skittshly inside. Ryan strode purposefully to the exact center of the room, turned so his cock was pointing right at the door, and got unzipped. Nick posted up some five or six feet from Ryan, facing him, while Stanley wandered further before stopping in front of the urinals but a good four feet back from them.

Long story short, that first time was a resounding success. To a boy they found it thrilling and hot, and all got boners once their pee was spent. "That was DOPE AS FUCK" Stanley exclaimed as the now-hyped up trio jauntily walked away from the building. "Yeah, man, I'm gonna wanna do that again. Like, a lot," Nick commented. Ryan concluded "I knew there had to be something to it."

From that time on, floorpissing became part of the three's regular sexual play, and during the summer they did a floorpiss all together at least once a week; they enjoyed it solo, to, perhaps at church, or a store, or a restaurant; after such times they'd report back and share high-fives. Stanley even started recording video of his exploits. Sadly laws prohibited a full-on display of the boys' peckers, but Stanley found if he held the angle just so, the piss stream was evident without any view of his cock--and then you could just put them up on YouTube!

Fast forward to age 14, two years later, by which time most certainly each one of them had done at least fifty floorpisses, and none was experiencing even the slightest twinge of regret or of change of heart. It was just something they did; carefully the boys had taken it one-at-a-time to mess up the bathroom/locker room at school, happy to check that milestone off their bucket list. Ryan continued to be the most into it, acting up as the biggest daredevil of the three; when Ryan did his first at-school floorpiss, he'd done it right in front of another boy! Steve was a quiet, nerdy kid who was of no real social importance, but who knew better than to tell on things others had done. Well, they were in the locker room before gym class, the rest of the boys having gone out to the gym. Steve stood at the urinal for a quick whizz before class, whereas Ryan had the same idea--but with a twist. Confidently he walked up behind Steve, standing more than six feet behind him, half in front of the stall adjacent to the urinal Steve was at. Really getting off on what he was doing and about to do, Ryan stopped, planted his feet wide apart, and proceeded to undo belt and pants, his long soft cock hanging wide open. And he let'er rip!

Steve heard the odd sound from behind him and turned halfway to investigate. When he saw another boy's cock, though, he quickly turned back to finish his piss, not wanting to be called gay. And, hey, what do you know, Ryan's one of the people who'd been peeing on the floors now and then. Well, it had to have been someone... Steve zipped up and walked widely to his right, turning left to the sinks and watching Ryan only out of the corner of his eye.

Ryan was really playing it up--you could smell the bravado, the machismo. Steve had almost reached the hall heading out the gym, when Ryan piped up "Hey, Steve!" (Steve turned, and had to admit he was impressed by the size of Ryan's puddle.)


"I know you're not gonna tell any grown-ups, but, uh, and of the other boys in our class, or even uperclassmen--I don't care who knows this. This wasn't my first floorpiss, and it's not gonna be my last."

"Um, okay." That struck Steve as a little weird, but different strokes for different folks, he guessed. He knew he wouldn't tell anyone that, he meant, unless maybe if the subject came up between the guys and he could drop that juicy tidbit which after all would've spread like wildfire had Ryan chosen a more popular kid to witness his vandalism.

Unsurprisingly, the shy nerd wasn't the one to give Ryan his desired reputation for floorpissing... but he did get that reputation in time, and wore it openly and with pride.

The three boys, now fourteen, had just finished their meals at McDonald's, including for each of them an extra-large coke; they'd thrown away their trash and had nothing left to do but uh--leave the bathroom "better" than they'd found it. Each of them relished what they were about to do; Stanley had been keeping tabs on the occupancy status of the restroom, and reported it empty--time to act! They'd discussed how to do it ahead of time, on their way to the restaurant on foot. The open space in the bathroom was limited, but it would have to do. Quickly, the three formed a loose circle, facing outward, and got their cocks out as quick as could be. A busy place like McDonald's could easily mean another man or boy popping in on them at any moment! Stanley's breathing was ragged; Ryan was "all on"; Nick was even-keeled but a bit queasy... that was just part of it for his body, it seemed.

As soon as their cocks were out, hanging free and pointing floorward, they best friends joined hands. Yeah, it was definitely a little silly, but they'd agreed they may as well just try it once! "On your mark... get set... GO!" Ryan said, facing at the moment away fromt he door. Nick was faced mostly toward the door, while Stanley's pecker pointed not on open floor, but rather the floor underneath the counter the sinks were set into.

One by one, each intrepid floorpisser spluttered to life, leaving first drops of yellow urine (on the white tile floor, which was a bonus), then zags, then puddles... And as the boys pissed, they began to execute the part that would make this plan possibly quite fun: As quickly as they could while keeping their piss going, the three all began to rotate to their right, each streaking his stream in a wide circle; quickly, the circle was complete as their exciting liquid waste products overlapped on the floor (which was also a part of the fun: the feeling of camaraderie, of teamwork).

"Faster!" barked Ryan: the other two complied.... they managed to get enough speed as to cause their cocks to float outward, enlargening their circle. They made at least five circuits before all were spent (Nick and Stanley each reported "I'm done," Ryan pushed out another ten seconds of stream before he also declared it); every one of them, even serious floorpisser Ryan, was laughing genuinely at the end at the silly game they'd devised. Quickly they pulled it together, stowed away their cocks, and headed for the door--in unspoken agreement pausing to turn back to survey their mess. The feeling of satisfaction arose in each of the three: Yes, clearly, anyone who entered this room would have no choice but to notice and conclude that at least one aspiring vandal had pissed quite in the middle of the bathroom... far as the oddly circular puddle was from all urinals and toilets, nothing but outright vandalism made sense. Well, to our heroic three, that was a marker of a job well done. In that briefest of pauses, as the pride of their work welled up, at least two of the cocks belonging to the trio began to jolt hard (the third having been fully boned up already!).

The moment having passed, Ryan led their exodus from the bathroom. They walked nonchalantly through the store, in no hurry as far as could be seen, although Stanley and Nick were quite anxious at this point, looking every which way in fear of a man or boy getting up to go take himself a piss. But they made it out of the building, and then off the block... It was official, then--the bros all exchanged high-fives and sat down on a low wall just around the corner from the block with McDonald's at its far end. Ryan took center, with Nick to his right and Stanley to his left; hungrily Ryan grabbed the bulges in each of his friend's protruding jeans, and rubbed them openly. Yes, the three were glad to know the afternoon wasn't over yet, and each boy began spinning his own personal fantasies about what that might mean.


THE END (perhaps to be continued)

Next: Chapter 8: Tyler and Everett 1

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