
By Bradley Gibbons

Published on May 20, 2020


"FLOORPISSING": Zach & Peter - pt. 4 by BadBoyKal

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It was Zach's big day, he was thinking. Peter had stayed over the previous night and they'd spent ages talking and planning and getting Zach hyped... then there was the perk of them riding the same bus to school to have a chance for more of the same. Zach had already decided (and Peter had blessed) the "when" and the "where"--but they to just leave up to chance what other boys might be in there at the time ('cept for Peter, who promised his presence for moral support). The bathroom was the main one across from the cafeteria and up the hallway; immediately around it, apart from the cafeteria, there were eighth-grade classrooms on all sides. Zach chose the break after third period to do it, and that time was still early enough that no one would be having lunch--so there ought to really be only other eighth graders insde it at the time (which is what they were after). Zach was nervous as soon as they got in the building, basically. He went to the bathroom and emptied his bladder for the last time the boring way (into the toilet), already shaking slightly with nerves knowing that the next piss to pass out of his piss slit after this load would be floor and wall-bound. But, to his exultation, this thought did give him a little charge of horniness throughout his thin frame, and he put his little organ away fast before it had time to chub out completely.

Classes were as boring as usual--just another day. The only way it was special was for the secret Zach was keeping, the risk he was gonna take. Zach made a point of drinking at least three or four gulps of water at each inter-period break, for he would hate to come to the big moment and simply not have to piss! He was pacing himself pretty well, it turns out... his urge started halfway through third period and built 'til he had to go pretty badly by the time the bell rang. Peter waited for Zach in the hallway between their science room and the bathroom down the hall. Zach said, "Damn, man. I gotta piss so bad! I am really worried about this!"

Peter rubbed Zach's collarbone. "Just relax and remember what you're doing is really hot and really cool--plus I GUARANTEE you, Zach, you WILL have fun doing it! The nerves will be gone by the time you shake off your last drops, 'cause all that's left will be AWESOMENESS and HOTNESS!"

It was just what Zach needed to hear. Peter fell a pace behind Zach and they entered the bathroom. The little entrace hallway dead-ended on a blue-painted cinderblock wall on the far side of which were sinks and hand dryers. To the left were a row of four urinals, the leftmost lower down than the others... At a quick glance of the room, it seemed like there were five boys in it at the time: three spread out 1-3-5 on the urinals, and one in each of the stalls beyond them, based on the locked doors. Plus there was him and Peter, and another couple seemed to be following them in through the little hall. It was a nerve-wracking amount of people, but Zach was determined. He decided to go for one of his simpler (but still quite bold) ideas of where to piss: He decided on the wall of the first stall, to drip a puddle to the floor from there. He would have his back to his peers--so "no homo"--yet he'd be practically in the middle of the room, impossible to miss to all those at the urinals and streaming in. Quickly Zach walked straight up to his target, spread his feet, reached in his fly and underwear hole, and fished out his dick. (Peter lurked by the hand-dryers, hands crossed over a stack of textbooks and notebooks, watching from close by and yet afar for moral support.) No one had apparently realized what he was doing just yet. He tried to piss and found to his surprise that it was all cued up and came easily. Here goes!

God, did the yellowish stream ever look hot as it hit the yellowed divider wall, transforming into three rivulets which coursed thick and fast with Zach's piss! Wow, he was shocked at how much fun it was right away... He realized in his anxiety he'd managed to forget just how unique the high of floorpissing actually was. Yes, he might very well be pissing his expulsion from school out his dick into the growing puddle below, but at least, no matter how bad what came next was, he had the joy and lust of actually DOING it!

The stream coming off the bottom of the divider set to making that tinkling, clinkety sound right quick, and with that sound, two different boys raised their voices to Zach. The first was from within the stall... Zach recognized Quentin's voice quietly as he watched the growing puddle: quietly (politely) he asked Zach "Uh... what are you doing?"

The dude in the urinal closest to Zach--just about right behind him--glanced Zach's way and raised his eyebrows high before nestling closer in to his urinal. But then came the beginning of the part Zach was dreading, even as he knew intellectually it should go in his favor: A popular kid, Justin--football quaterback and eighth-grade bigshot--took in what was going down all the way from the short urinal, furthest from the boy.

"WHOAH-Ho-ho! Guys, check it out!: Goodman is doing a floorpiss right now!" The murmer went up and heads turned, one at a time, to the pissers' right sides... urinal users almost lost control of their own streams as their attention shifted to the unexpected vandal. Just immediately zipped up and went up to right behind Zach, putting his arm on his shoulder... Of everyone else in the room, about half seemed disinterested, while the other half had light in their eyes and grins on their faces, like Justin. "Fuck yeah, dude! Own that!" This encouragement was so unexpected to Zach that he couldn't help but smile as well, contagiously. With his new audience, Zach took a half-step back and started swiping his stream widely left and right against the wall. By the time it came to Zach's last drops, he was fully high on the rush... so much so that he made his final jags of piss run long and leisurely before meticulously shaking off his meat. Then came the getting-familiar rush to hide his junk before his dick was too hard to put up! Klein pissed under the sink and Jeff pissed a solid bladderful against the wall between the first two urinals. He seemed to have grown taller in the minute-long course of his piss: definitely his chest had puffed out in a posture not too common for the pre-teen. Justin put his hand up for a high-five, and Zach slapped it in a daze, overwhelmed by how the room had become suddently a zoo. Charles rushed into the room from the hallway, then, diverted from his path to the pissers by the small crowd around Zach's puddle. "Whoah--did someone piss on the floor again? Who was it? Geez, this is fucking awesome!" as he laughed.

What came next, though, neither Zach nor Peter'd predicted. Suddenly some of the guys who hadn't pissed yet felt inspired to carry out their own "open season" against the floor. On the edge of the circle of boys, while most were still shit-talking Zach's achievement, quiet but determined cool-though-nerdy Jamie pulled up at the wall of the urinals like normal... only in between the last two. He'd pulled his piece out and had a solid square-foot puddle formed before anyone even noticed his contribution. Marshall said to the group "Wait, guys, look--it's still going! Look at Jamie!" The little mischiever saw heads turn his way in peripheral vision and leaned back, putting all the pressure he could on his stream. Stepping back, leaving cock exposed for six other boys to see, his triumphant arch of pee SPLATted against the wall between the pissers.

"FUCK!" shouted Justin. "God, I wish I could join you!" he said in envy. I already got rid of all my pee the old-fashioned way, sadly..."

Danny quipped aloud "HAHA! The janitor's gonna have a little fun tonight when he has to clean this room!" Steve and Paul both got shivers at this line, unexpectedly REALLY aroused at that idea. They kept that to themselves, though (readjusting their cocks as need be).

Justin was still going on... "I know... I'll get it next time I gotta go! Maybe I'll, uh... let it loose in an empty locker at the end of gym."

"Bro, you should do it" said Steve--as others added their own quips to the bubble of hype and excitement.

As Jamie stepped back from the first floorpiss of his life, he remarked (while wondering if anyone had been filming him) "Well--WOW! I'm NEVER gonna leave a floor dry after I've pissed anymore, I think!" All bluster, of course--but the high-fives abounded; the eighth-grade group of spectators were eating it up.

By this point Quentin had left the stall and it was empty. Quietly, Peter decided he wasn't going to let this opportunity pass him by. He had to piss a little, and from his hideout in the corner he entered the stall, leaving door open, and squaring up... not against the toilet, but against the same wall Zach had already given a sizeable puddle on the other side of. His long, floppy, tan, cut penis splayed lazily; quickly, Peter turned on the tap, pushing against the now-familiar resistance his body had to breaking the rules each time he did this. For starters he extended the puddle into a sprawling single mass; then he jetted his stream far to the right and left of the little wall; bored of that, he gave some long, slow squirts to the floor and walls on both sides of the toilet at his side. With the incipient tinkle Dexter cried out "Whoah, who's in that stall? Look!"

Justin had noticed Peter slink in: "That's our very own Peter Willenbrink. Guess he's mastered the art of floorpiss at this point... Rofl."

And, finally, halfway through Peter's epic slash, one other boy had decided to jump in the fray. Little Calvin, standing in the cluster of boys, had announced with a showman's flair "Watch, ya'll! I'm gonna do it too, I swear!" By the time he reached the corner Peter'd stood in, his pants were down and his penis out--though moving out as he was, none of the other boys directly saw his dick. He stood with arms splayed wide, holding waistline of his cargo shorts in his left hand; he stood a good three feet from the corner which would constitute his target, and, loving the attention, he did not waste any time in getting messy. He was far enough out that his stream hit the floor directly, growing a giddy splashy circular puddle in the corner (the force of his pissing pushed the puddle's edges against the walls meeting there)... After that puddle was sufficiently developed, Calvin struck his stream out left, and then he had an idea. "Hey, guys, check out THIS!" he yelled:

And Calvin kept right on turning to his left, dribbling pee up 'round his feet and bringing cock into view for the spectators... Daniel skipped back suddenly as the boy's pee stream threatened to sprinkle his shoes, while Calvin brought his arch around to a full 270° and ended his stream at the edge of the cinderblock wall that abutting into the center of the room, there.

Boy, Zach had got what he wanted (and needed), but never in his wildest dreams had he anticipated THIS kind of a hubbub! He was so turned on and excited his could easily overlook the twinge of jealously that threatened him, in reaction to the way Peter had seemingly one-upped Zach's performance. Honestly, though... he was just so relieved and happy, he didn't really begrudge Peter the fun that he'd had, too. Not to mention... it was special--sweet, even--that the pair of besties had ended up pissing puddles that joined into one, just as they'd done their first time floorpissing together.

No sooner had Calvin put his cock back than their language arts teacher Mr. Tong ducked into the room to investigate the noisy hooting and cheering! Uh-oh! Instantly the group scattered, two or three sneaking out behind the teachers back, and the rest rushing with maximum speed to the nearest urinal, stall, or sink, desperate to look innocent of the mess-making, even if it meant making a show of pissing out from a bladder that was already emptied. The floor was clearly awash with piss in at least three different areas... what had gone on was instantly obvious to the authority figure "Boys, this is pathetic!" boomed the fast-angering, stout, confident guy in his forties. No one is to exit this room as of this exact minute until I say saw. SILENCE! Finish what you are doing and come stand against the wall on my right." The whole room's astmosphere was hushed and a complete contrast with the merriment of just moments before. "Several men were leaving this room as I came in, before I'd seen what you'd done. They will not escape the consequences either... if I find out any of you know who else was present but do not come forward to tell me, it will be worse for you." It seemed that the last boys' pissings and handwashings dragged on forever; the bell in the hallway made them all aware that they were being held back to deal with the situation. There'd be no escaping letting the other eighth-grade teachers no, that meant.

Mr. Tong reached into his back right pocket and pulled out a miniature legal pad and pencil. Opening to a new sheet, he wrote the name of the first student in the line, a Chris Hartman. As he wrote all their names, he said "Once I say your name, you are to go directly to your next class. Do not go anywhere else, including your locker. You are to apologize for being late and are to inform your next-period teacher that you were with me investigating a disciplinary issue. Do not expect any protection or leniency from me. I will document this incident and call the janitor; during lunch I will conference with the other teachers to decide what is to be done. This should not be a problem in young men as mature as you all are."

One by one they left; Mr. Tong snapped several pictures of the puddles on floors and streaks on walls on his phone before leaving (for his own class was waiting on him, naturally)... On the way past the cafeteria, he stuck his head in and called out the José, one of the kitchen employees. "José, there has been an incident in the boys bathroom right outside here. Would you mind please calling the Mr. Albright and telling him that bathroom needs some immediate attention? I don't want to take the extra time out of my class to call him myself, but he must be informed. Thank you."

Well, Zach left his first-ever in-school floorpiss still smiling (or smiling inside, at any rate). Yeah, it was a bummer that they'd gotten caught, but none of the actual floorpissers themselves had been identified... Zach had had his junk zipped up long before most of the incident had gone by. He felt surprisingly exhilarated, actually, at having been caught. This was not the sort of thing Zach did! He was gonna get the full experience of being "popular" and causing trouble! He was sure detention would be a bummer, but he reckoned he'd think of that time as, like, putting in the elbow grease for building his new & improved high school social standing. That, plus it might even be fun with that full dozen or however many guys who'd been part of the incident!

Mr. Tong and the other teachers decided: It would be one week detention for everyone who had been in the room (Mr. Tong made a stern apology to any kids who had been wholly innocent in the entire proceedings, but he made clear the entire group needed to bear the punishment as an incentive to hold each other accountable in the future). He announced that each boy would be interviewed one at at time the following morning before first period to see if they could come to an account of what had happened, who had actually "misdirected" their piss and who'd just watched. The idea was for these culprits (clearly at least three boys) to suffer three weeks detention plus a five-hundred word letter of apology to the staff and janitor, Mr. Albright.

But Zach could hardly believe what ended up happening. Miraculously, this sterling group of mischeivous boys to a man claimed to not have seen any of the messes themselves actually being made. This turned him on to no end; just thinking of it two days later was enough to make his dong in his jean shorts grow hard. They had made the most of it and had gone down in a blaze of glory, basically.

It seemed there would be little floorpissing at school in their immediate future, Zach reckoned, after the harsh consequences so many of them were facing. But things were different, and they all knew it. They all knew that it was fun (and secretly hot) to make a mess when you shoulda used a toilet; they knew that not only was it wildly popular to do this, but that those who did could expect to be shielded by their peers, even the dorkiest shyest ones! It was really too good to be true, Zach thought; he was hopeful that it would not be the last the school would see of their floorpissing prowress, in time. The world had DEFINITELY not seen the last of Zach's--of that he was sure!

The End.

Next: Chapter 10: Sam and Robby at Six Flags

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