Flophouse Rules

By moc.loa@1kwahymmoT

Published on Jan 5, 2007




By Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM



There was a deferential knock at his door. "Come in." said Bovins, not bothering to pull on his sweatshirt. Just his sweat-shorts, what he used to sleep in, that was all that covered his large, beautiful black body as he lay upon his bed as if upon a throne.

"Mr. Bovins, sir?" came the timid voice from the little blond-haired ofay at the door.

"What do you want?" Bovins answered. "And the name's just Bovins."

"Yes, sir." This kid couldn't be more'n barely eighteen, mebbe twenty. His chin bore a fuzz of whiskers, but not the solid, fine shadow of a real man. "I come to talk to you about staying here?"

"Is that a question?" Bovins asked him.

"Uh, yeah." the kid said. "Sir." It came separate, but it was like he just had to say it.

"Why should I let you stay here?"

"I...I can help you, sir." the kid said. "Sell drugs, or help you with your whores, or...or whatever."

"You think I sell drugs and have a stable of hookers, and I'm living here?" Bovins cocked his eye over.

"Oh. Sorry." the kid said. "But...I heard that you had this place and I could maybe stay here if you said I could. I been told you got some empty rooms."

"And if I do?"

"Could I use one, just for a while?" the kid said, shivered. "It's getting cold out, nights. And it's nice and warm in here."

That it was. The old furnace downstairs worked, and long as some heating oil was available to keep it running, the old building was sturdy enough to keep most of the rooms warm, well, compared to the outdoors. Bovins' room was a bit too warm, but he got the one closest to the furnace's best working heating shaft. Just one of his perks.

"You don't have any family you could move in with for the winter?" Bovins asked. One hand came up to play lazily with one large, distended nipple splayed across the well-muscled chest; the kid's eyes watched it as if hypnotized. "Don't you have a home somewhere to go back to if things are that rough?"

"Not back there!" the kid's eyes flashed. "I left them and I said I wasn't ever coming back. And I meant it, too!"

"Why'd you want to go and do a damn-fool thing like that?" Bovins asked him. "Got a daddy who beats you, or a momma who drinks, or what?"

"No, I...I got no respect." the kid was worked up now, and forgot all about calling Bovins "sir." "I'm a grown man and they kept trying to tell me what to do, and I got fed up with it. Dad tried to make me work with him in his hardware store, and Mom tried to get me to come work in the supermarket with her. I said I wanted to just sit and think about things for a time, what I wanted to do, and they didn't shut up, just kept at me and at me, every time they came home, every meal, every thing I did. I couldn't even have my friends over and them leave me alone, Dad would take into me about getting a job right in front of them. A man has his pride, damn it!"

"Yep, he does have his pride." Bovins allowed. "Of course, now you're here and winter's coming and you're cold at night. You had enough time to think about what you're going to do?"

"I got some ideas." the kid said. "But it's going to be my decision what I do. Maybe after I get myself straight, I'll go visit them, some."

"But for now, you need a place to stay." Bovins' hand went from his nipple (which was getting a bit tender from his mauling fingertips) and down over his slim waist and cupped his basket, careless-like. "And you figure that could be here."

"I'm told you let people live here with you." the kid said. "Said if you said I could stay, that was all it would take. That'd let me live off the money I make begging, for food and clothes and such, and that would let me find the job I want. I wouldn't have to stay any longer than it takes to get enough money to rent my own place, somewhere."

"Well, then, let me tell you about my rules here." Bovins said. "Ever'one who lives here, they got to contribute some way. Some of them keep the pipes fixed, another works on cleaning up the place, another patches things, another keeps an eye on the door. Some pay me money that lets me buy the supplies to keep the place fixed up. But everyone has to give something."

"I said I'd work for you." the kid said. "Whatever you want me to do. Long as it isn't too much time each day, I could do that and work or such during the day."

"The rule is you have to do what I say." Bovins clarified. "Sometimes it takes longer'n others. But if you get a job, we can work around that."

"Great." the kid said. "So I can stay?"

"Depends on how you do what I say." Bovins said. His hand now came up and went into his sweatshorts. The gyrations of his hand inside were lewdly specific, he was pumping on his pud inside the clothing, large, long motions. "Everyone here's got his job to do. I decide what that job is. You ready to find out what your job is? Ready to get a good look at it?"

"Sir?" Well, that brought out the word again; Bovins was wondering where it'd gone to!

"I said if you want to stay here, you have to do what I say." Bovins said. "You ready to do that?"

The kid gulped, and damned hard. "I don't know."

"If you can't, then get the hell out of here." Bovins said, taking his hand away again. That left his cock tenting out the shorts. "You choose."

"I...I gotta have a place to stay." the kid dithered.

"Life's full of tough choices." Bovins commiserated. He tugged his sweatshorts down and exposed his nine inches of hard black cock. "You got to take the bad with the good sometimes."

The kid gulped again and then put one knee on the bed.

"Nu-uh." Bovins said. "Strip outta them dirty clothes first."

"Yes, sir." the kid said miserably. Bovins watched him pulling off that tight t-shirt, skin out of those faded blue jeans. Like watching a chicken skin itself out of its feathers, peeling them rather than removing them. His arms and legs were on the skinny side.

"Nice going." Bovins approved when the kid was naked. "Now pull this off me so you can get moving." He indicated his sweatshorts.

The kid did so and knelt again onto the bed. His eyes glazed as he regarded Bovins' hard dong. He swallowed hard and then, eyes crossed, he dove onto the shaft in one swift, convulsive motion.

"Hah, ah, damn, kid, take it easy!" Bovins groaned. That dry gullet was downright painful! "Ain't you never sucked a dick before? Go easy, and work some spit up! Damn!"

The kid complied, shivering. His motions were awkward, but became smoother.

"Ah, yeah, now you're getting it, kid." Bovins said. "Nice and slow and easy. Once you get it all slicked up, then you can go faster. You got to get me all the way off, you want to live here with me."

The kid just murmured around his cock, not understandable, but it didn't sound flattering.

Bovins just chuckled, said, "You can speed up on it now. Longer you take on it, the longer it'll take to get done."

The kid made a moaning sound in his throat as he sped up and that was when Contreras walked in. The big Latino man stopped dead in his tracks. "Hey, Bovins, what you got here?"

"A kid who needs a place to live." Bovins said. "I'm letting him pay his rent this way."

"Oh." Contreras watched the kid, who had stopped, frozen, when Contreras opened the door, but a hand by Bovins had started him in again. He said after a time, "Hey, he any good?"

"He's learning." Bovins said. "A bit more training, we'll have a good cocksucker in the building."

"Man, I could use one of those." Contreras said, fondling his trousers.

Bovins saw that, smiled. "Maybe you should get a piece of his other end. Have to get him fully trained before we can put him on the regular schedule."

"You got that right." Contreras said. "That last one, he squealed like a pig when I plugged him."

"This one squeals on you, we throw him out." Bovins said. "Slick yourself up and get aboard."

The kid groaned as he watched Contreras strip, all the time grinning at him obscenely. "Hey, you want a big piece of this?" he proferred his dong when he got out of his clothes. "Maybe put a little salsa on it to give it some spice when I stick it in you?"

"Just use plenty of Vaseline." Bovins said. "There's a jar on the dresser."

Contreras' cock squeaked as he worked the thick oily gunk over his prick. "Yeah, that's how it's gonna sound when I get it in him." he judged.

"You ready for that, kid?" Bovins asked him.

The kid grunted, gave a sobbing sound, then grunted out Mm-hmm.

"I think our little plaything is getting into this." Bovins said to Contreras. "Are you getting into this? Play with my nuts while you suck me. You're ignoring them. Never leave a man's nuts alone when you're sucking him, he likes you to play with them."

The kid's hand came up and cupped Bovin's testicles, and Bovins groaned. "Ah, hell, yeah, kid! That's really making them gurgle!"

And that's when Contreras' cock kissed the kid's virgin ass. The kid hissed through his nostrils as the hard, hot Latino prick pushed at his little dimple of an asshole.

"Take it easy on him." Bovins said. "Don't go ripping the kid apart. Let him get used to it."

"Hey, don't worry about me." Contreras said. "I like it slow." He gave a long, slow push at the kid's butt and then uttered an "Ahhhh!" as he got the head inside. "Yeah, kid, you can take this. You get used to that and then I'll push it in some more!"

Bovins closed his eyes and shuddered. Damn, nothing like a hot young virgin mouth to really churn his nut-juices! Shit, he could come any second now! He loosed some soft, moaning sounds to warn this kid he was about to have to drink some hot man-spunk. This was a part of the good life he had here, always some young stud wanting a place to stay rather than the street, and most of them were willing to put out to get it!

The door opened again, and Bovins let Contreras handle it. He was too busy feeling those sweet urgings flowing over him. Nothing like a hot young innocent mouth to get him ready to squirt that cream!

"Hey, you got us a new one!" came the voice of Fremont, the long-bearded man walked in. "You got Contreras breaking him in, eh?"

"Yeah, this kid is a real natural." Contreras said and he gave another shove and pushed the first inch of his prod deeper into the kid's bowels. "Another few inches and I can start fucking him."

"Can I go after you?" Fremont asked.

"If you don't mind waiting." Contreras said. "I'm going to take this stud's cherry nice and slow. He's going to be begging me to finish him off in no time, but I won't do it. When I'm done, you'll have a fully broken-in bed-toy here."

"Better'n the last one, I hope." Fremont put in. "That one whimpered like a virgin even after six months. I was glad when he went away."

"This one will be better."

"Did I hear we got a new one?" came the voice from the doorway.

"Oh! Hey! Mitch!" Bovins gasped out. "Come! In! Brother!"

"Hey, a white boy!" Mitch said. "And you're about to cream in his mouth, it sounds like."

"Uh! Yeah! Uh!" Bovins moaned. "Ugh-uh-grrrrr!" and he grabbed the kid's head with both hands and he jammed down hard and drove his prong deep into the kid's throat!

The kid was squirming and that just made it hotter! Bovins gurgled and squirmed and he gave a long, low rumble as he hit his climax and the rumble ended in a roar as he blasted into the kid's mouth! "Uuhhhhhhhrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr-GUH, UH, AH, AH, UH, GUH, UH, UHH! HUH!"

The kid choked on the huge wads of jism pouring into his mouth, he gagged, burbled, snorted and with a "hnnh!" sound, he blew one of Bovin's own wads out of his nose and onto Bovin's stomach!

The kid spit out Bovin's cock and gasped for air as he snorted and blew out more come through his nose. Bovins bet that salty spunk burned his nasal passages as he did, it must sting like anything!

And Contreras took the kid's preoccupation to ram his cock in nice and deep!

"Uh-uh-guh!" the kid gasped in surprise.

"Now you got the whole thing." Contreras said. "Feel that for a while and then I'll start to fuck you."

"Man, I got to get me a piece of that." Mitch declared. "I never seen Bovins get so carried away by a blow-job before, it must be something special!"

"After me." Fremont added. "I can't wait for Contreras, I am damned near ready to blow my spunk on the kid's back right now."

"Yeah, you and then me." Mitch agreed. "Then the others can come in and take their turns."

With a roar of rage, the kid burst into action, he pulled off Contreras' raging cock with an audible pop and he scrambled off the bed like it was on fire!

"To hell with this!" he said. "I needed a place to sleep nights! I'm not going to take on every guy in the fucking building!"

"You live here, you do what I say." Bovins said. "That's the way it is."

"It's not so bad." Mitch said. "Bovins takes any of us he wants when he wants us, but he's willing to share. You live you, you can get in line when the next guy comes along to be broken in."

"We share and share alike here." Contreras agreed. "You get a little extra action because you're new. You settle in, you won't have to take more'n two or three guys a night, tops."

"That sounds about right." Fremont agreed.

"No! Damn! I don't have to put up with this!" the kid snarled as he snatched up his pants, began yanking them on. Fremont started to stop the kid, but a motion from Bovins ended that.

"What you going to do, now you can't stay here?" He asked the kid.

"What am I going to do? I'm going...I'm going...."

"Home?" Bovins added kindly.

"Home?" the kid's eyes misted up. "Yeah, home, I'm going to call my Mom and Dad and ask them to send me bus fare! I'll tell Dad I'll go to work in his store with him and...and...I'll go home!"

Bovins reached for his nightstand, where some loose change lay. "Here, take a quarter with you." he said, tossing the shining disc to the kid. "For the payphone, you have to use one to get the dial tone in this town, you know."

The kid took the money, and Bovins couldn't help adding, "Think of it as a tip for a job well done."

"A tip?" The kid was scandalized. He settled for shooting Bovins the finger--Bovins just laughed--and picked up his shoes and t-shirt and took off.

"Guess he's not going to stay." Contreras said. "And me with a hard dick all angry and waiting." He looked at Fremont.

"I guess that's my cue." Fremont said. "Long as I get to do you when you're done." The two left to go to Contreras room, just across the way.

"What about me?" Mitch wanted to know.

"Crawl on in." Bovins said. "Always ready to help a brother out."

"Like you helped out that kid?" Mitch said as he started pulling his clothes off.

"What did you want me to do?" Bovins said. "The street's rough enough on those of us who got no choice but to live on it. But some kid in a funk about making his mom and dad happy and hold down a steady job inside a place he'll inherit one day? We don't need that shit here!"

"So you have us all lay it on thick." Mitch said. "And we all end up as usual with hard cocks and no virgin ass to stick it in. You're too good to these street kids, Bovins."

"Hey, he wasn't a hard case." Bovins said modestly. "He just needed someone to knock some fucking sense into him."

"Fucking sense." Mitch grinned. "That's a good one. That's what you gave him, all right. Taking on a bunch of men every night over a warm bed in his own home, that tends to make the choice easier."

"Speaking of fucking, better spread the Vaseline on your dick nice and thick." Bovins lay back and spread his legs wide. "I'm going to need plenty of hard ramming tonight. Got to make me forget the one that got away."


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Send E-mail to Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM.



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