Flowers from Alfie

By Hank

Published on Nov 11, 2023



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Flowers From Alfie

Alfie boarded the bus, and fumbled trying to get his token into the slot. His arms were laden with the largest bouquet of red roses he had ever seen. This was the night he was going to ask Meg to move in with him. He held off on an engagement ring, because Meg was determined not to rush things.

Alfie and Meg had been dating for nearly a year. When they spent a quiet evening at home, it was apt to be in Alfie's apartment. He lived alone and Meg had a roommate. Her roommate would have given them plenty of privacy, but they felt inhibited. Meg's roommate was a guy, and he often entertained behind his closed bedroom door. Presumably, he was not inhibited at all.

Alfie was good looking, but Meg's roommate, Blake, was exceptionally handsome. He was also 100% gay. He was incapable of being aroused by Meg, who was beautiful, by the way, so Alfie never worried about Meg and Blake sharing an apartment. Although they had different sexual orientations, Blake and Alfie became good friends. Blake often double dated with Meg and Alfie, and on a few occasions, he went with them as a third wheel. At twenty-eight, he was the assistant manager of Bloomingdale's Men's Wear Department. That was a great achievement for a man so young. He made a good living, but without a roommate, he would have to give up his apartment.

When Alfie finally got to Meg's apartment, he had to struggle to ring the doorbell. The roses were an armful, but he prevailed. Blake opened the door, and looked surprised to see Alfie. In fact, he was just leaving for a Saturday night out with friends at his favorite gay bar, The Watering Hole, in Greenwich Village. He was dressed for the occasion; tight jeans, muscle shirt, and sandals. Underneath the tight jeans, he boasted a five-inch, cut, fat, cock. He hardened to eight solid inches. Word had gotten around in the gay community about Blake's endowments, and he had sex whenever he wanted to. Notwithstanding the fact that he was not starved for sex, Blake had a secret. He was tired of one-night stands. He was looking for love.

Because of his surprise to see Alfie, Blake neglected to ask Alfie in. He just stared at him, so Alfie just walked in, looked around and asked, "Where's Meg?"

Blake's face displayed even more surprise. "Didn't she tell you?" he asked.

"No. Tell me what?"

"Meg has gone back to Maine. It's a good thing I'm still home or you wouldn't have known,"

Alfie was speechless. In fact, he was struck dumb and couldn't breathe. The roses in his arms dropped to the floor.

"Wait a minute," Blake said. "She left you a note and asked me to make sure you got it."

He went over to the dining room table and retrieved a folded piece of paper. He handed the note to Alfie.

Alfie unfolded the note and read:

Dear Alfie:

I'm too chicken to face you, so I left you this note and skipped town. I came to New York with big dreams, but I'm still waiting on tables. I'm not near to getting an acting job. I've begun to hate New York. It's too crowded, too noisy, too everything. It's way over the top.

I realize you're a lawyer and have a great job. You can't, and shouldn't, leave New York, but I can. I want to go home, where I have family and lots and lots of friends. I'm very sorry.


Alfie finally found his voice. He started to sob. "She didn't even say she loves me."

"What's in the note?" Blake asked. He was really in the dark.

Alfie thrust the note at Blake. All Blake was capable of saying was, "Wow! I lived with her, and I had no idea that she was leaving until the moment she did. I didn't even know how much she wanted to get out of New York. She shipped all her stuff home while I was at work, so I had no clue."

Alfie picked up the roses from the floor. "Here," he said, "you might as well put these in a vase. I can see that you were about to go out. I'll leave you now."

"You'll do no such thing. You shouldn't be alone to sulk. I'm going to take you out with me. We'll have dinner, and a couple of drinks. That'll help you calm down."

"I hardly ever drink."

"No matter. Tonight, you're gonna get sloshed, and I'll bring you home with me. You can sleep in Meg's room."

"Are you going to take me to a gay bar? If you are, I don't think I'll be comfortable there."

"Don't be so uptight. We'll pretend to be a couple and nobody will bother either of us. Just get over yourself. The food is good, and the booze is potent. My friends are a lot of fun. I promise, you'll have a good time. It'll help you get over your melancholy."

"You win," Alfie said. "I really don't want to be alone right now."

"You're dressed like you're about to attempt to sway a jury. Come with me. I'll give you more appropriate clothes to wear," Blake said. He took Alfie's hand and led him into his bedroom. He laid out a pair of sneakers, tight jeans, and an even tighter tee shirt with a small hole in the shoulder.

"It's a sexy look," Blake explained to Alfie.

"For a gay guy, maybe," Alfie said.

Alfie hesitated to change.

"What's wrong?" Blake asked.

"I don't wear underwear. Would you please leave the room while I get ready."

Blake started to laugh. "You really are one uptight dude. Do you think I've never seen a cock before? I asked Meg about you once, and she said you were very well endowed. I want to see."

Alfie began to change, and Blake had to whistle. He was every bit as big as Blake was, and he was cut. Blake sprung a boner which was being crushed in his tight jeans.

"You were right," he said, "I should have left the room. You have me all hot and bothered."

"Maybe I should leave after all," Alfie said.

"Will you please relax," Blake laughed. "I promise not to come on to you, unless you change your mind, that is."

Blake finally put the roses in a vase. "They're beautiful," he said, and the two men left the apartment to find a taxi to take them to The Watering Hole.

It was a Saturday night, and the bar was overflowing with gay humanity, but they had no trouble getting a table in the restaurant.

"Eat anything you want. It's on me," Blake said. "Before you ask me what's good, everything is."

They both ordered shrimp cocktail as an appetizer, New York strip steak with mashed potatoes as an entree, and apple pie ala mode for dessert. Obviously, they had the same taste in foods.

"You were right," Alfie commented. "It was a great dinner."

Blake could tell that Alfie was over the shock of being dumped, even if he still felt like he had been hit by a truck. Well, it was a step forward.

"It's slosh time," Blake said after dinner.

He took Alfie's arm and led him to the bar. Within five minutes, Blake introduced the distraught straight guy to a half dozen "close" friends. At one time or another he had slept with every one of them. They were all upbeat and jovial, and after his third scotch and soda, Alfie forgot about the reason he was in the bar, and he began to enjoy himself. The camaraderie of the gay men was rubbing off on him. By the fourth drink, he forgot that he was a straight man in a gay environment. He was having fun.

At about 1 AM, Blake whispered in his ear, "I've had it. I'm calling for an UBER car."

"Aw," Alfie said, "Do we have to leave. I'm having a ball. Why didn't you tell me that gay bars were so much fun?"

He slurred his words badly, and Blake said, "I promise you, we'll be back as often as you'd like, but trust me, for now we've got to get home and into bed."

When they got home, they both stripped naked and left their skimpy clothes anywhere on the floor they happened to fall. When they were naked, Blake said something he never would have said if he were sober.

"Do you want to be smart and sleep with me?" he asked, "Or do you want to be dumb and sleep alone?"

Alfie had no idea what Blake was proposing, and he stupidly said, "I hate to sleep alone."

So, Blake steered him into his bedroom, and they fell on Blake's bed. They were both so drunk they fell asleep immediately. They slept until 9 AM. When they were fully awake, they made a beeline to the bathroom at the same time. They were forced to cross swords. They had no time to think about it. They needed to get rid of last night's booze.

"Do you smell anything?" Blake asked.

"No, what do you smell?"

"Nothing. Isn't that great.? This apartment used to reek of cosmetics, and now it smells delightfully fresh."

"I know what you mean," Alfie said. "Whenever Meg slept over, my apartment smelled like a beauty salon."

"I'm not ready to get up yet," Blake said. "Let's get back in bed for a while longer."

Alfie didn't give it a second thought. He got right back in Blake's bed and fell fast asleep.

They slept for about another hour. Blake woke up first, and he was afraid to move and wake up Alfie. Alfie woke up a little while later. He was sober now, and very shocked to find himself naked in bed with Blake.

Blake smiled at Alfie, and Alfie looked like he was facing a firing squad. He was shaking, and Blake could see the pain on his face, so he reassured his bed mate.

"Relax," he said. "Nothing happened between us. We were both too drunk. Even if I were sober, I'd never take advantage of a drunk man. That's totally unethical." Blake laughed at his own feeble attempt at humor.

Then Alfie said something so shocking, that Blake almost rolled off the bed. "It's too bad nothing happened. I wouldn't have minded experimenting. Hell. I'd like to know what all the fuss is about."

"You want to make love with me?" Blake asked incredulously.

"Why not? It's Sunday. We have all day. We like each other, and we're friends. Besides, I want the privilege of telling you that straight sex beats gay sex by a country mile."

"You are about to change your mind, Buddy," Blake said smugly. "But before we get to it, we are going to have breakfast and take a shower."

"Sounds good to me," Alfie said.

"Alfie," Blake promised. "You won't be disappointed, and you certainly won't be sorry. I have a confession to make. I've been in love with you since the day we met. I want only to make you the happiest lawyer in New York. When we're done, if you still want to leave, you'll have my blessing."

Blake made scrambled eggs, whole wheat toast, and coffee for breakfast. Alfie was so shocked at Blake's confession that he couldn't say a word all through breakfast. They cleaned up, and Blake led Alfie into the bathroom.

"All good love making begins in the shower," Blake said.

"Good, I sure could use a shower," Alfie said. "Do you want to go first?"

Blake got hysterical. "No doofus. We're about to make love. We're going to shower together. I'll show you what to do. Please stop worrying. Whatever we do is designed to give pleasure to both of us, not pain, so drop the angst."

"I guess," Alfie said. He was loosening up and relaxing a little.

After they both agreed on the water temperature, they stood like statues under the flowing cascade in the shower. At last Blake took a bar of soap and he gently started to bathe Alfie. Blake was not shy. He did not avoid Blake's cock, balls, and ass. Alfie grew weak, and began to purr like a kitten. He had to grab Blake's shoulder to keep from falling.

Blake fell to his knees, turned Alfie around and started to rim his ass. Alfie just kept sighing. Blake turned him around again, and began to suck Alfie's balls. Finally, he took Alfie's cock into his mouth. He only managed to get about half of that monster into him. His tongue did all the work. It expertly and sensuously swabbed up and down the underside of Alfie's manhood, which had grown longer and harder than ever before. Alfie's balls started to shrink and harden, so Blake pulled away.

"Why did you stop?" Alfie screamed in anguish.

"Two reasons; first of all, I like to cum in a dry, comfortable bed, second of all, it's your turn."

Alfie didn't know if he could do all that to Blake, but he feared that if he didn't do it, Blake might not bring him to orgasm. He made up his mind to do it. He was still afraid, but suddenly he realized how much pleasure Blake was giving him, and more than that, Blake said that he loved him. Alfie came to a decision to fully participate, and share in the joy Blake had given to the two of them.

He rimmed and sucked Blake, as Blake had done to him. He was pleased to hear Blake whimpering and purring. It was evidence that he was pleasuring his shower mate. Of more importance, Alfie was shocked to realize that he had passed into a sexual heaven. Suddenly, Blake pulled away. He felt his climax upon him.

"It's time to dry up and take this to bed," Blake said, but first, there's one more thing that a lot of guys like to do in the shower."

"What's that?" Alfie asked. Subconsciously, he wanted to try everything.

"Did you ever hear about golden showers?"

"No, but it sounds kind of exotic."

"It's where the lovers pee all over themselves. Some guys like for their partner to pee in their mouths and in their asses. If that's too gross for you, we can skip it," Blake said.

"I want to try it," Alfie said, "but I don't have to pee right now. Could we do it next time?"

NEXT TIME??? Blake was too shocked to say anything. He just nodded.

When they were dry and in bed, Blake wrapped his arms around Alfie. He smashed their cocks together, and started to dry hump. He placed his lips on Alfie's, opened them, and offered Alfie his tongue.

Strictly from muscle memory, Alfie responded. When their kisses reached a frenzied pitch, Blake pulled away and proceeded to give Alfie a trip around the world. His educated tongue didn't miss a square inch of Alfie's body including all his toes. Alfie was writhing in pleasure. Finally, Blake gobbled up half of Alfie's enormous cock. That's all he could manage. When he felt Alfie's balls hardening and constricting, he pulled away and asked, "Do you want to cum in my mouth or my ass?"

"Please, Alfie said, "Don't stop. I'll cum in your mouth THIS TIME and in your ass NEXT TIME."

Blake almost fell out of the bed. Alfie kept saying NEXT TIME like it was a given. He had to wonder if Alfie knew what he was saying, or if he was just caught up in the passion of the moment. He stopped wondering, and brought Alfie to a screaming climax. He wanted to share Alfie's cum with him, but thought better of it. He devoured everything all by himself.

They both lay limp in bed, unable to move. Blake was at a loss for words. He was still reeling from all the "next times" Alfie had promised him. The silence grew awkward, so Blake finally (stupidly) asked, "Is there anything special you'd like to do today?"

"Yes, Blake," Alfie said. "I want to do everything to you, that you just did to me." With that, he rolled on top of Blake and began a trip around the world that lasted longer than Blake's journey. He enjoyed himself immensely, but finally, he came to a finale by rimming Blake, and then taking a penis into his mouth with the intent of going all the way. The shower was just a teaser. Like Blake, He could only manage to get half into his mouth. Blake was too far gone to last long, and he spurted long and hard into Alfie's mouth. Unlike Blake, Alfie had no trouble sharing Blake's cum with him, astonishing Blake even more.

Afterward, recuperating in bed, Blake dared asked, "Have you ever made love to a man before? You were so good at it."

"I swear, it was my first time. I just paid attention to what you did to me and I did my best to emulate."

"I expected you to get grossed out," Blake admitted.

"I thought the same thing, Blake, but, when you said you had loved me since we had met, something strange came over me. Meg never said she loved me. My parents never did either. For sure, my tricks didn't. I suddenly realized that in my whole lifetime, you were the only one who ever said that he loved me. My whole being was suddenly filled with love for you. Straight or gay, I could care less. I just wanted to stay in your arms forever, and make love to you for eternity."

Blake began to sob.

"Don't cry. Baby, "Alfie said. "I swear I love you too."

"I'm crying because I'm so happy. What do you say to taking another shower, going out for lunch, and then coming back here and making love all afternoon.?"

"Okay by me. It sounds wonderful, but I'll need a change of clothes for work tomorrow. After we make love all afternoon, pack an overnight bag, and sleep with me in my place tonight."

"Are you pulling a practical joke on me?" Blake asked in great fear, "or are you serious?"

"Very serious. Now that I realize that I love you, and you love me back, I'm floating on air. `I'm king of the world.' Please don't spoil it by doubting me."

After lunch, they did indeed make love all afternoon, and Blake blessed Alfie by taking his butt virginity. Even more lovely, Alfie had the joy of fucking a tight greasy ass hole for the first time. It's hard to say which man was happier.

When they entered Alfie's apartment that evening, Blake was frankly surprised, and he said ingenuously, "I didn't expect this place to be so small. It's just an efficiency, a studio apartment. I would have expected better of a well-paid lawyer."

"I rented this place when I was going to law school, and I've been too busy, and way too lazy, to make a change."

"When's your lease up?" Blake asked.

"I'm on a month to month."

"Alfie, honey, would you consider moving into my big two-bedroom. There's lots of space. If you don't, I'll have to get another roommate. I can't afford it by myself."

Alfie smiled. "I guess I'm your new roommate then," he said.

"Hey we can rent out the spare room, and save even more money," Blake surmised.

"Maybe, we'll see. It's a thought, but right now, I want you all to myself," Alfie said. "Blake, I need to confess something to you. I've never been happier in my life. I realize now that I had plenty of sex, but I lacked love."

"I feel the same way," Blake said. "I hid it from my buddies, but the truth is that I was searching for love also."

"I think we found it," Alfie agreed.

"I guess gay sex is better than straight sex," Blake said, laughing. Alfie reluctantly agreed.

By the time they fell asleep, Meg was a distant memory. As he was falling asleep, Alfie wondered, what would have happened if Meg had given him a heads up that she was going back to Maine. He would not have gone to her apartment that evening with a bouquet of beautiful red roses. In that case, there would have been no need for Blake to have consoled him. Worse than anything, he wouldn't be lying here, cuddled up with his Mr. Wonderful, his Mr. Right, and his Mr. Forever.

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