Football Widow

By moc.loa@ylloCssiM

Published on Aug 15, 2003


Sue groaned and rolled over when she heard the front door slam. She had awakened when Bernie did, but simply closed her eyes as he dragged himself from the bed. She was warm and cozy and really didn't want to move because her body was sending warning signals from practically everywhere. To start with she had rug burn on her knees. Her thighs and calves were so sore they felt like she had run ten miles. Her pussy ached and throbbed, setting alarm bells off in her brain every time she moved. It felt swollen and was so tender, that even the light sheet lying across it caused her to wince when she moved. Her abs were sore as were her arms and shoulders. She basically felt like she had been run over by a truck and...and God, she wouldn't trade the way she felt this morning for anything in the world! She found herself smiling even though she was sore and remembered Christa's words.

"If you say yes then this is going to be an all

day fuck fest. I won'tleave till I am sure you will

spend the whole week walking around with

a well-fucked smile on your face,"

A well-fucked smile, well she was certainly smiling now, she thought. Sue felt alive and vibrant and..and..and horny. Sue paused and wondered about that, Christa had left her so sated she had almost passed out on the living room floor, but here she was, wanting more of the little butch's cock. Just remembering Christa and her strapon caused Sue to hum happily. Her hand slid down her flat belly and very gently touched her swollen pussy. The contact was fleeting, bringing a mixture of pain and pleasure. Her mind was filled with memories of last night and her fingers became more demanding, pressing between her lips to rub her clitoral area in a slow circular motion.

Pleasure, shot through with pain assaulted her mind, but the pain was minimal and the pleasure thick and heady. Her free hand stole to her breast and began to play with her quickly stiffening nipple. Best not start this if you intend on getting anything done today, she told herself. Sue dragged her mind from Christa and slowly rolled out of the bed. She shuffled to the bathroom and performed her morning absolutions in an almost mechanical way. Her shuffling gait was almost comical as she watched herself approach her dresser in the big mirror mounted above it.

"Fucked me till I walked bowlegged," she said out loud to the reflection. The reflection that smiled back at her was hers, and yet it was subtly different. She seemed to be standing a little taller and her skin seemed to glow somehow. The absurd smile plastered on her face just would not go away and she had to admit, she looked well-fucked. There was just something about a woman who was sexually gratified and Sue had seen it often on the faces of her co- works before she had landed this job. You could always tell who was cheating at work because they just looked different. She had the look of someone who was getting laid and loving it, which she was she supposed. In the mirror she could see the puffy lips of her pussy peeking out from her golden curls. The tiny scars from her C-sections were the only blemish on her creamy skin. She thought she probably needed to get some sun, but winter in New England just didn't present many opportunities.

She looked through her underwear drawer. For some reason she didn't want to wear any of her comfy undies, she wanted something sexy. After a moment she decided on a red thong and the matching bra. She examined herself in the mirror and smiled, she looked good. She was pulling her blouse on and caught herself wondering if Christa liked red. Sue blushed and giggled, if she had realized having an affair could feel so good she might have considered doing it long ago. It was almost like dating again, wondering what was next, finding out what your lover liked, and great sex.

She knocked out her workload in less then two hours and happily shut off her computer. She sprayed another dose of Lysol in the living room, inhaling deeply she could still smell pussy. That reminded her of the flowers and she threw them away, relieved that Bernie hadn't noticed them. She kept one though and pressed it between the pages of a heavy accounting reference book she kept on her desk. A keepsake from a wonderful evening she told herself.

Bernie came in around four thirty and gave her a big hug and kiss. When he suggested dinner at Taliferro's she immediately became suspicious. Taliferro's was her favorite restaurant and it was Bernie's answer to all their problems. Since he hadn't screwed up anything seriously in the last few days he must want something and it must be something pretty serious. On the other hand a dinner out would be nice and she could still say no to whatever it was. Taliferro's was such a romantic spot, Sue wondered if maybe they could rekindle their attraction to one another. She felt guilty about cheating on Bernie and more than a little confused by her feelings for Christa. Maybe a night out would settle her and do something to transfer the hunger she felt for Christa to her husband.

Sue went upstairs and put on a nice dress. Bernie actually put on a button down shirt and khakis. Sue knew it was something big, Bernie only dressed up for funerals and weddings and then only under protest. He was a big man and had put on a lot of weight since he became foreman, but he was still handsome. Sue felt a little guilty when she realized she felt nothing sexually towards him despite her rampant hormones.

Dinner was nice and Sue had a couple of glasses of wine with her meal, she was feeling very mellow and was off her guard when Bernie delivered his bombshell.

"Hun, I got tickets to the game!" he said excitedly.

"What game?"

"The championship game!" he said so loudly that it caused others to look over at them.

"The football game?"


"How much?" Sue said scowling. Bernie got a sly look in his eyes that she didn't like. He thought he was a good liar, but his eyes always gave him away. She never called him on it, but always she knew.

"Not too much, I paid for it from my account, it isn't a big deal,"

"How much Bernie?" Sue demanded.

"Only seven hundred dollars," he said defensively. Sue was seething inside but managed to keep her temper in check. The big screen had cost over two thousand dollars, but he had been able to argue that they would have it year round and could watch movies on it together and she eventually gave in because it was so important to him. After game day this would mean two three hundred and fifty dollar pieces of torn paper. They lived comfortably, but Sue frowned on extravagant purchases. Her income covered the bills and Bernie's went mostly to the kid's college funds, car payments, the mortgage and savings. She liked to plan major purchases and budget for them in advance. Seven hundred from Bernie's play money wouldn't be that big a deal, except she knew he kept his account nearly empty and he would soon be robbing from the money they usually put into savings to support his hobbies. They were so different in that, Bernie spent his play money like it was water, while Sue saved hers until she really wanted something.

"Bernie, I think you're an idiot for spending that kind of money on tickets to a stupid game. Your play money is yours, but I had better not see one penny less going into our savings or the kid's college funds and I will be watching closely. So when you want to go out drinking with the guys and you don't have any money, you will just have to stay at home. When basketball season starts and Ace wants you to go with him to the Knicks game, you just tell him you can't. When Jim calls from Florida and wants you to come down for a weekend deep-sea fishing don't you dare ask if you can take money out of the vacation fund again. That's a ridiculous expenditure and this time I am not going to let it slide,"

"Why are you in such a grouchy mood?" he asked sullenly.

"Because I'm tired of this obsession of yours ruling our lives. I'm not being grouchy, you made your decision and we have always agreed on us each having a separate account for our own money to do with as we please. As long as you are wasting your money I really don't care, its yours, but I won't stand for you shortchanging the kids or us as a family for football," she said seriously. Bernie brightened and ordered more wine. The silence at the table became thick after it arrived and Sue suddenly realized there was something else. She waited patiently, but an icy anger was building in her.

"Hun, the game is in Oakland," Bernie said.

"It's a long walk," she said coldly.

"Oh come on. It's the chance of a lifetime. Me and Herm will never get another chance to go,"

"I assume that since you bought the tickets Herman is taking care of the plane tickets and hotel?"

"Well, Herm is short on cash, so I got the plane tickets," Bernie said. Sue fought back the explosive anger she felt. Tickets to LA from NY were not ridiculously expensive, but they would be over four hundred dollars and since Sue did all the household expenditures she knew Bernie didn't have that kind of money in his private account.

"I'm impressed. I didn't think you had that kind of money in your account," Sue said evenly.

"I didn't, I borrowed some from the vacation money. I'll put it all back I swear," he said quickly as Sue's face turned red.

"Take me home," she said.

"Oh come on honey, stop being such a bitch. I said I would put it back," he said in a wheedling voice. Sue stood up, threw her napkin on the table and marched out of the restaurant, ignoring the stares. She caught a cab home and threw Bernie's pillow and a blanket on the sofa before locking the door to the bedroom and collapsing on the bed.

Tears of anger and frustration streamed down her lovely face, but inside she felt an icy calm. When she heard Bernie come in and knock at the bedroom door she ignored him. After a few tries she heard him walking back downstairs. Bernie was used to her anger, it showed itself only rarely, but it was best to leave her alone when it did. She didn't stay mad long and usually felt so guilty about it she would relent no matter what the argument had been over. There was something different tonight. She felt like some invisible bridge had been crossed and while she couldn't put her finger on just what had changed she knew something had.

Sue slept late Tuesday, Bernie was long gone before she opened the door to the bedroom and came out. Once downstairs she cleaned up the mess he had left from his breakfast and logged into work. She immersed herself in the figures and it was well past two when she took her first break. Sue was spot auditing the marketing department and already had a list of irregularities that would demand a full audit by the whole department. She hated to call for that, it would mean she would actually have to go in to work for a week, but she didn't hesitate to send the recommendation to her boss.

At four o'clock there was a knock at the door and she signed for a parcel. It was addressed to Bernie and she surmised it was the plane tickets. Her first impulse was to throw them away and then act as if nothing had happened, but she decided that would be childish. What was done was done and there was nothing she could do to undo it. She opened the package and read the itinerary as she made coffee. They would be catching the one o'clock flight out of JFK. That meant in all likelihood Bernie would take a half-day at work.

Sue went upstairs and packed two bags for him. If she were still in a vindictive mood she would have let him pack for himself, the thought of him arriving with fifty Jets sweatshirts and a single pair of boxers amused her, but she didn't want to keep this fight going. Once she had him packed she locked herself in the bathroom and ran a bubble bath. She hoped the warm water would relax her, but she doubted it would take all her cares away this time.

Bernie was in a foul mood at work and as usual he was taking it out on Christa. Normally he could make himself feel better by making her miserable, but today nothing he did seemed to make a dent in her good mood. He knew it was probably his imagination, but it seemed like the madder he got the more she smiled. He was still stewing over Sue's making him sleep on the sofa and acting like such a bitch. He just didn't understand women, how could she not see this was a once in a lifetime thing for a working class guy like himself? The vacation money was for vacations after all and he had earned one. It wasn't like the money in the account wasn't mostly from his checks anyway.

He felt a lot better at lunch when everyone was congratulating him. Christa just sat and smiled and Bernie felt an overriding need to wipe the smile from her face. It was almost like she was laughing at him.

"From that smile I guess you got lucky last night," he said.

"Nope, was at home all evening," she replied.

"Oh, from that shit eating grin I figured some guy must have finally laid your ugly ass and made an honest woman of you," he said. The guys at the table burst out in laughter and catcalls.

"Not in this life time," Christa said. She knew she should have left it there but she just couldn't resist taking a jab at him.

"From the look on yours I guess the missus kicked you out of bed," she said. The flash of surprised anger was priceless and she smiled. She knew she would pay for it, her boss was nothing if not a vindictive bastard, but hell, she was gonna pay for it anyway, might as well do something to deserve it. The guys at the table all laughed, which only served to anger Bernie more.

"When ya leaving Bern?" Ace asked, trying to diffuse the situation. He didn't care for Christa, but when Bernie was pissed they all got it. Part of the reason she was so unpopular was her mouth constantly getting everyone else into trouble. Christa didn't care, she had no interest in any of them, but she let it slide, she had a personal interest in knowing Bernie's plans.

"Taking a half day tomorrow, should be into LAX by seven thirty or eight our time," Bernie said, his mood lifting at the thought of going to the big game. Christa did some quick calculations in her head. That meant his plane left at one, so she could drop by and console Sue anytime after that.

As she expected Bernie had her on the jackhammer for the rest of the afternoon. It had been back breaking toil when her first put her on it, but she had been in the dog house so much over the last year it barely even bothered her any more. Today it seemed even less of a burden, she was alone all after noon with thoughts of what she was going to do with Sue and she actually found herself daydreaming. At 3:15 coffee break she handed Bernie a leave request form.

"What's this shit?" he said looking at it.

"Why do you think you got those tickets numb nuts? I gotta be somewhere over the weekend,"


"None of your fucking business," she snapped. She didn't have a ready excuse and she didn't feel like making one up. Getting caught in a lie might jeopardize her plans with Sue. She fully intended to have the beautiful blonde greeting her at the door every evening at some point in the future, but she didn't want to have Bernie discover their affair before she was ready.

"The hell it ain't, you work for me!" he roared.

"Sign the slip you cock sucker, or I will grieve your ass so fast it will make your head spin. You remember the last time don't you? You heard what the shop steward said, one more and he was taking it to the national level. Racism, sexual harassment, the whole nine, you've already fucked up so many times it'll be your ass. Besides grievances are heard on Fridays, if I put one in today after work you will have to be there to hear it Friday, so sign it unless you want to watch the game on your fucking big screen?"

"You think you're so damned smart, one of these days I am going to see your ass fired," he said as he viciously scrawled his name on the form. Christa snatched her copy from him and held it up.

"It'll be a cold day in hell when a dumbass like you gets the better of me. I ain't never done nothing to you, but one day soon you're going to have a reason to hate me," she said as she went back to the jackhammer. It really aggravated her that he could still get to her, even when things were going so good.

Once the workday ended and everyone signed out at the garage Christa walked out into the parking lot and made her way to her car. It wasn't hard to find, the only car in a lot with forty-five Trucks and SUV's. A usual one of the tires was flat. Men could be so childish she thought. From the trunk she pulled out the electric air pump and hooked it up to the cigarette lighter. They never actually hurt the car, the one time someone keyed it she had raised so much hell that the company had been forced to call in the police and the guy who did it landed in jail overnight. He had been fired and when he lost his court case and the union couldn't get him his job back they all realized she was not to be trifled with. Of course they all hated her, but they had hated her before that, now they at least respected the fact that she wouldn't stand for their shit. Once the tire was inflated she waited in the line of trucks trying to get out of the lot and onto the road.

She didn't really breath a sigh of relief until she was across the GW and headed north on the Palisades. She made the drive so often she was no longer conscious of it, it wasn't that she was a dangerous driver or not paying attention, it was simply that it was all so familiar she didn't remember any of it when she got to her turn off.

The guard at the gate to her community recognized her and hit the button to let her pass without even opening the window to his small booth. Christa didn't blame him, it was frigid out and she knew he only had a tiny space heater in the booth. She walked into her house and paused in the doorway. For a split second she clearly saw Sue sanding there in her white lingerie. The image was gone as quickly as it had come, but it made the little butch smile.

"You got it bad, girl," she said to no one in particular as she closed the front door. She had purchased the large ranch style house for her last steady girl, Alexis. Lexi had been into modern stuff, the living room was all bronze and glass with modern art on the walls and fancy gilt lamps. Christa hated it, but she had never gotten around to buying stuff she liked better after Lexi left her, truth was she hadn't done much of anything since that night. The only room in the house she liked was her bedroom. It was decorated in solid cherry traditional with a four-poster canopy bed and a massive armoire that held her TV, VCR, DVD and stereo.

Christa stopped and looked at the big bed. It was a California king and attached to each post was a set of heavy black leather straps. She had often tied Lexi down on the bed when they were together, but now she could only imagine Sue's enticing body secured spread eagle, with her hips up and waiting. Christa shook her head. She was putting the cart before the horse. First you have to hook her, then you have to land her, then you have to get her to move in. After that you can introduce a little kink and see how it goes, she thought as she stripped and took a long hot shower to shake off the cold. She had just exited the shower when her cell rang. She grabbed it as she wrapped a towel around her waist.


"Did I catch you at a bad time?" a silken voice purred.

"Just got out of the shower, what's up?" Christa replied as she rummaged through her drawer looking for a clean pair of boxers. She hated doing laundry and always waited until there was practically nothing clean before she forced herself to do it.

"Nothing, just wondering if your Boss took the bait?"

"Yeah, he's flying out tomorrow at noon," Christa said. The voice on the other end let out a musical laugh.

"Excellent! So I take it you will be tied up all weekend? Or maybe someone else will?"

"I hope I won't be home all weekend, but you know how it is with fluffs. For all I know she won't even let me in the house," Christa said. She didn't believe that, but she had formed the habit of always expecting the worst. That way anything less than the worst was good. It wasn't a perfect defense mechanism, but it worked for her, usually.

"Perish the thought dear girl. After a taste of Black Beauty, you'll be lucky if she doesn't rape you on the front door step," Bethany said confidently.

"You sure got a lotta faith in that thing," Christa said as she struggled into a sports bra.

"I have a stable of lovers, and four of them were happily married until they met Black Beauty. Now they don't even sleep in the same room with their husbands. Trust me girl, if you used it right she will greet you with open arms and open legs," Bethany chuckled.

"I don't want a stable, I just want one," Christa said seriously. The voice on the other end sighed.

"You really are in deep aren't you?" Bethany said, all trace of lightness gone from her voice.

"I'm tired of being alone, Beth. After Alexi I gave up on relationships, but I am sick of the games. I just want one woman who will be mine and will love me, is that so wrong?"

"No, it isn't wrong. But why this one? In all the years I have known you you've never even dated a white girl and I can't remember you ever going after a married woman,"

"I don't know," Christa said.

"Are you sure you aren't just in this for the thrill of the chase? Trying something new? Maybe to stick it to your boss?"

"I'm tired of the chase. I don't want something new, I just want her. You just have to meet her to understand, she's...perfect. I don't have a word for it, but she's so soft and loving and sweet, she just makes me want to wrap her up in my arms and hold her. I've never met anyone who made me want to be near them, even if there was no sex I would still want to be around her. When she laughs it's like the sun shine and when she smiles shyly and blushes I just want to protect her and keep the world away from her,"

"Yeah, there's no doubt, you're in love,"

"Why do you say that?" Christa asked.

"Because we have been talking for over two minutes and you haven't once told me how much you want to fuck her. Besides the fact she is white, married and blonde I don't know a thing about her, not even her name. No details at all from you about sex or what she looks like. I can hear it your voice you're in love. And you are already getting that little jealous and possessive streak that's so adorable on you. She must be quite a lady to have you so wrapped around her finger in such a short space of time,"

"That's it! That's the right word. She's a lady, that's the word for her," Christa said excitedly.

"As long as she follows the unwritten rule for ladies you'll be fine," Beth said in an amused tone.

"What's that?" Christa asked.

"A lady in public, but a whore in bed," Beth said laughing.

Dinner at the Prescott house was strained. Bernie was still fuming about having to sleep on the sofa and Sue found her anger rekindled when he didn't even thank her for packing his bags. Bernie went up stairs right after dinner and went to bed to keep from spending another night on the sofa. Sue decided to sleep on the sofa rather than share the bed with him; she turned on a movie and curled up. The movie wasn't very good and before long her mind began to wander. She had a whole weekend to herself coming up and she thought about what she would do with all the time.

She decided the first thing she was going to do was visit the spa at her gym and get a massage, facial, manicure, pedicure, the works. Next she was going shopping. She hadn't been out shopping to just treat herself in months and she wasn't going to let herself feel guilty about it this time. Her "play" money account held well over 10,000 dollars and she was going to go spend some of it. She was tired of having to be the responsible one in the marriage, she already felt like she had more than her fair share of the parenting duties and Bernie was more like an irresponsible teenager than a husband sometimes.

Sue didn't sleep well, partly because she was still mad at her husband, partly because the sofa wasn't really very comfortable and partly because her dreams were filled with Christa. She awoke horny and tired, with the tail end of a dream in which she had been giving Christa head lodged in her mind. She didn't manage to shake the vivid snippet of her dream until after her second cup of coffee. Bernie had taken his bags with him, no goodbye kiss or anything. For some reason that didn't make her mad, it just made her feel down. The big house was quiet and she realized she was going to be lonely. That depressed her more and when she logged in to find her boss had approved the full audit her spirits sank even lower. At least that gave her an excuse to go shopping, she hadn't had to physically go to work in months and her business wardrobe could definitely use some sprucing up.

She read her mails and saw a net meeting of the whole auditing department was scheduled for tomorrow afternoon. She would definitely have to go shopping tomorrow morning then. She sent an email to her boss requesting the morning off and got it back before she even had time to finish the last of her mails. She printed the approval and filed it with the few others she had ever made. Once she shut the machine down she glanced at the clock; five o'clock and nothing from Bernie. Not even a call when he made it to the airport. She sighed heavily and started into the kitchen to make dinner when the doorbell rang.

She wondered who it could be and froze in her tracks. There could be any number of people at the door, from one of her neighbors to Herm's wife to a delivery guy. Somehow she knew it wasn't any of those, somehow she just knew it was Christa. She bolted to the door and threw the locks open. The little butch was standing there in her work clothes, but she had flowers and a box of candy. She looked so tired, but extended the gifts with a self conscious little smile that was actually very endearing. Sue took them and stepped back, allowing her guest to enter.

"Thank you," she said when the door closed, even that short period of being open had Sue shivering. Her heart was beating a mile a minute and she began to wonder if maybe she was becoming a nymphomaniac because her body was suddenly yearning for Christa's attention.

"A beautiful lady like you deserves gifts," the black woman said with a big smile. She looked so worn out that Sue's mommy instincts overrode her lust. The small woman was shivering, but doing her best not to show it.

"You look so tired, can I get you something? A drink? I was just about to cook dinner,"

"What I really need is a hot shower," Christa said.

"Well, you know where the bathroom is," Sue said blushing.

"Sure do, come scrub my back?" Christa asked.

"Let me get dinner going, then I'll join you," Sue said hesitantly. She wanted to just follow Christa upstairs, but she also wanted to cook some food for her. She smiled bemusedly when she realized her mommy side was fighting with her desire. As Christa staggered up the stairs Sue hurried into the kitchen. She started the London broil and quickly wrapped potatoes in tin foil. She really wanted to cook something more elaborate, but when she heard the water come on upstairs she thought of her lover naked in the shower and felt a lump in her throat. Her maternal instincts were strong, but apparently not as strong as her growing sex drive. She stopped and made herself a drink at the bar, killed it to calm her nerves, poured another for herself and one for Christa then headed up to the bathroom.

Christa was humming to herself as she stood in the hot spray. The warm water was quickly taking the chill from her body and the ache from her muscles. She had expected another little cajoling scene at the door, but apparently Sue was more than happy to see her. Christa was actually pretty happy, it seemed like she had accomplished the first part of her plan and Sue was hooked. Now she just leaned against the wall and let the warm steam and water surround her as she considered how to land the tall femme. She looked up when Sue entered.

The sight that greeted her eyes nearly took her breath away; the tall blonde had a drink in each hand and wore only a sexy red thong and bra. Her long legs looked simply delicious and Christa couldn't help but imagine what they would feel like wrapped around her waist.

"I thought a drink might help you get warm," she said softly.

"Baby, the sight of you in that outfit would warm anyone up," Christa said as she smiled and licked her lips. Even in the steamy bathroom she could see Sue's blush. The tall blonde took a big swallow of her drink as she handed Christa's to her. The little butch wasn't really interested in a drink but accepted it and took a sip. Sue nervously took another deep swallow of her vodka.

"Nervous baby?"

"A little," she admitted.


"I don't know, you just make me self conscious I guess, the way you look at makes me feel all shaky inside,"

"That's just your pussy's way of letting you know it's looking forward to some fun," Christa said as she set her drink on the back of the toilet.

"I feel like such a...slut," Sue said. Christa laughed loudly.

"All girl's have a bit of a slut in them Sue. Most just don't find the one who brings it out. We don't have to have sex if you're uncomfortable, I'll be glad just to sit with you and watch a movie or something,"

"No, I'm just being silly, I'm not used to wanting it twenty- four-seven," Sue said as she killed her drink.

"In that case, why don't you join me before the water gets cold?" Christa said. She felt a knot of desire in her stomach when Sue nodded and reached behind her back to undo her bra. Christa couldn't wait to get her hands on the tall woman's tits, they were beautiful and as large as any the little butch had ever seen. The aureoles were a dark brown and the nipples seemed slightly elongated. Christa wondered if Sue had breastfed her kids.

Her eyes were drawn from Sue's glorious mounds to her pretty pussy as she removed the thong. Christa was sure she would never tire of seeing it. Sue tentatively stepped into the shower and bent her head so Christa could kiss her. Christa took her time, slowly exploring Sue's receptive mouth with her tongue. The warm water felt good as it cascaded between their bodies. When the kiss broke Sue picked up her squishy and a bottle filled with a purple gel.

"Still want me to scrub your back?" she asked. Her eyes were sparkling and Christa wanted nothing more than to bend her over and fuck her silly right there. Patience, she told herself. You have taken her hard and fast, now it's time for a long slow session to whet her appetite even more.

"I'm not into smelling like a chick," Christa said as she took the squishy and shower gel from Sue's hands.

"Why don't you get all nice and wet and I'll wash you," Christa said. Sue nodded and stepped under the spray fully. In moments her skin was glowing from the heat and water. Christa poured a generous amount of the gel into the squishy and held it under the water a moment. The strong scent of lilacs infused the room.

Christa slowly worked up a lather while staring at Sue's tits, the water coming over her shoulder mostly ran between the soft orbs, but small rivulets ran down to drip off of the erect nipples. She began by gently soaping the firm mounds up and slowly, thoroughly cleaning them. She worked the lather in as she made long circular trips around them, occasionally squeezing them or hefting one to feel its delicious weight. Sue bit her lower lip and softly moaned when Christa reached the now stiff nipples. Christa's soapy hands slid and rubbed over the wet mounds of flesh until Sue was moaning continuously. The feel was so luxurious and soft, that Christa didn't want to stop and continued to fondle them, all pretense of washing gone now. She was surprised to see Sue's hips jogging and her moans become more ragged. Christa dropped the squishy and seized each of Sue's unusually long thick nipples between thumb and forefinger. Christa watched enthralled as an orgasm approached, she had had many lovers, but never one who could come just from having her breasts manipulated. As she rolled them Sue groaned and then breathed in sharply.

"Ohhhhhh God," she moaned as her hands flew to the wall to steady herself. She had never felt such pleasure coming from her breasts. Not even when she had been feeding her children. One of her deepest and most guilty secrets was that she had had several orgasms while her children suckled. Sue bit her lip when Christa's warm mouth covered one of her nipples. The small woman sucked hungrily, all the while lashing the nipple with her tongue and occasionally nipping it with her sharp little teeth. She continued to squeeze and caress Sue's other breast and her free hand slipped to Sue's back, pulling her forward and holding her in an iron grip.

Christa let the water clean the soap from Sue's other breast and then moved to it. She licked the nipple and then sucked it into her voracious mouth. Sue arched her back, pressing more of her tit into Christa's hot mouth. The little butch forced her leg between Sue's thighs and then pressed her hip against Sue's mound. She released her hold on Sue's back and placed both her small hands on the outside of Sue's tits. Christa pushed them together and held them, using her thumbs to press Sue's nipples next to each other. The little butch then ran her tongue from one to the other pausing occasionally to envelope one for a moment or nip at it. Sue felt like a bottle of champagne that was being gently shaken, the pressure was mounting inside and she knew she would not be able to take much more. Her hips bucked against the small woman's hip bone, rubbing her pussy in a very comfortable and delightful way.

Christa had brought her some of the most violently powerful orgasms she had ever experienced, but this one was entirely different. It began with a gentle ripple of pleasure from her center that spread throughout her body. The waves of pleasure seemed to rebound and cross over each other, the sensations blending and overlapping. While the sensation was undeniably pleasurable, it was also as gentle as a spring shower, leaving her with her eyes closed and her body totally relaxed. The ripples of pleasure still echoed thorough her body and Sue fell backwards when her legs suddenly gave way. Christa moved like a cat, catching Sue before she toppled over backwards.

She helped Sue sit down and then retrieved the squishy. Christa soaped up her whole body and then rinsed her. The girl's attentions were infinitely gentle and her voice soft. Whispering sweet nothings in Sue's ear over and over again as her hands almost reverently washed Sue's quivering body.

Once Christa was done she dried Sue with a fluffy towel and then dried herself. She reached for her clothes, but Sue stepped on them.

"You're not putting those dirty things back on," Sue said.

"Well, sugar britches, I don't have anything else up here and I would get swallowed by anything of yours,"

Sue nodded and went to the bedroom, she returned shortly and tossed Christa a pair of boxers and a huge t-shirt. When Christa looked at her quizzically she smiled.

"Bernie's, the shirt will look like a dress on you, but it's better than those things," Sue said as she looked at the dirty clothes and wrinkled her cute nose. Christa laughed as she donned the shirt, it did look like a dress on her, falling well below mid thigh.

"I've got some things out in the car, I'll run down and get them," Christa said.

"I'll get dinner on the table," Sue said starting to follow her. Christa turned suddenly and gently shoved Sue towards the bed.

"Sugar, the only thing I want to eat right now is you, but let me go out to the car first, you just relax,"

"All right," Sue said compliantly.

"Babe, do you want me to pull the car into the garage? I don't want to get the neighbors curious," Christa said.

"I didn't think about that, the garage door opener is on my key chain, it's hanging over the side table in the foyer, and my coat is in the closet, I don't want you catching a cold" Sue said in a dreamy voice. Christa smiled, she could get used to being babied a little bit. Normally she reacted violently to anyone who intimated she was too small, or too young or too weak to take care of herself. From the tall blonde it didn't seem patronizing, just genuinely sweet and thoughtful. Christa liked that.

She went down and grabbed the heavy coat from the closet. It was snowing again as she silently moved her car into the garage. Once the metal door was down she opened the trunk and took out her duffle bag. She had about a week's supply of clean clothes in the bag. She also retrieved a heavy gym bag, in it she had a small part of her vast collection of toys. She smiled as she imagined the untold pleasures she would bring Sue with the contents of that bag. She stopped off in the kitchen to turn off the stove. Christa hated to see food go to waste, but she had the feeling they wouldn't be eating tonight. She hung Sue's now wet coat on the hanger to dry.

When she arrived back in the bedroom Sue was lying on the bed. She was simply beautiful, her eyes closed, her chest gently rising and falling, but what intrigued Christa the most were her long legs. They were slightly opened and she could see Sue's thick blonde pubes. What the little butch was so intrigued with was what those long legs would feel like wrapped around her waist. Once the idea took hold she found she couldn't wait to find out. She quickly stripped off the shirt and boxers and opened her toy bag. Sue looked up from the bed and smiled wantonly. That smile made Christa's day, still sweet, still lovely, still compliant, but so hungry. She could only thank her lucky stars that Bernie wasn't a good lover. His selfishness and ineptitude were making this so much easier than it could have been.

"So what does my baby want?" Christa said as she opened the bag and pulled out her harness. Sue blushed and mumbled something unintelligible.

"Don't be shy sugar, what do you want?" Christa asked as she buckled the harness around her waist. Sue blushed furiously, and hid her face in her hands, which caused the little butch to laugh. She examined the many dildos and vibes but when her eyes locked on the Crimson Screw she knew that was the one.

It had been the first dildo she had purchased that would mate with her harness. It was only eight inches long and not overly thick, but it made up for those shortcomings in its unique design. It was constructed of a sturdy red plastic and was totally nonflexible, but it was aptly called a screw. The tip was very narrow and it widened towards the base. A single circular ridge spiraled down the shaft, like the biting spiral of a wood screw, but this one was smooth and blunt. Christa usually reserved the screw for very experienced lovers because it took a lot of getting used to. Women who were very tight, unable to relax or naturally dry found it to be painful, but women who did get used to it simply adored the unique sensations it created. Sue was still a little uptight, at least until she got going and her pussy was very tight, but she was so naturally juicy Christa felt she would be able to enjoy the dildo's wild ride.

"Come on baby, you can say it. Fuck, you want to fuck don't you?" Christa prompted as she attached the dildo to her harness.

"Yes," Sue said in a near whisper.

Christa turned and let her see the dildo for the first time. As she had expected Sue looked at with some apprehension.

"Like it?"

"It's so weird," Sue said as she sat up in the bed.

"Trust me sugar, you're going to fall in love with it," Christa said as she climbed onto the bed. She smiled inwardly when Sue spread her legs wide with no prompting. She remembered Bethany's prediction that Sue would meet her with open arms and open legs, apparently her friend knew what she was talking about. Christa ran her fingers through Sue's thick pubic thatch. The older woman's lips were already very slick and gaping open slightly. Christa brought the tip of the screw to Sue's entrance and probed it, the tip slipped in easily and Sue watched her expectantly.

"I want you to relax baby girl, this one is going to make you feel great, but it takes some getting used to. If it's uncomfortable tell me right away, K?"

"Okay," Sue said. She closed her eyes and Christa watched as her body relaxed. She was so fucking hot, what in the name of God was wrong with Bernie? How could anyone waste such a hot horny little treasure? It made no sense at all. If I had a woman like this, I wouldn't leave the house, Christa thought. She became even more determined to win Sue, if Bernie was going to leave such a diamond among the rubbish that was life, Christa was going to claim it.

As Christa slowly pressed her hips forward Sue's breath came through her clenched teeth in a sexy hiss. The damned thing felt so strange as it sank into her tight channel. As it nosed deeper the ridge seemed to caress every millimeter of her tunnel. In the rational part of her mind she knew it wasn't as large as the one Christa had used last weekend, but it felt like it was filling her completely. Even the sensation of being filled was different, she felt full to bursting, but not stretched at all. It was a very strange sensation and it was hard to wrap her head around the incoming signals from her pussy. When Christa's mound bumped against her own she knew it was all the way in, but even then the sensations were strange. She felt full, but at the same time the voids created by the groove left her feeling empty.

"You like?" she heard Christa whisper.

"Yes, it's just...very strange,"

"Wait till I get going, this little beauty is going to rock your world," Christa said confidently. Sue nodded, but said nothing. More and more of her mind was concentrated on sorting out the feelings the screw was producing.

Christa's arms were on either side of Sue's body and supporting the girl's weight. When she began to withdraw the strange dildo Sue wrapped her legs around Christa's waist and locked her ankles. When only the tip was left inside the little butch set her knees and plunged forward. Sue groaned, the full, but not full, sensation was exceptionally disconcerting. After a few thrusts she felt herself responding, raising her hips to meet Christa's thrusts. Sue raised her hips to meet each down thrust, quickly becoming wild in her thrashing while Christa laughed happily and slammed the dildo into her.

The sensation was driving her insane. Full but not full, open but not stretched, being wonderfully fucked, but never getting enough. She whimpered and her hand slid down between their bodies to stroke her clit. The screw intensified the sounds of their lovemaking, adding squishing noises that only made Sue hotter. She was fast approaching another orgasm when the phone rang. Sue was so absorbed in the flow of sensation she didn't notice for a moment that Christa had stopped pumping into her.

"Don't stop," she whined, trying to raise and lower her hips to keep the wonderful flow coming.

"Answer the phone," Christa said with a strange expression on her face. Sue snorted in exasperation and snatched up the receiver.

"What?" she practically snarled.

"Damn, that's a nice way to greet someone, what the fuck's wrong with you?" Bernie's voice came over the line.

"Oh, nothing...I had to jump out of the shower. How was your trip?" Sue said, trying to keep the frustration from her voice. She happened to be looking into Christa's eyes and she saw something flash in them. The girl smiled down on her with an impish grin and began to slowly drive the strange dildo into Sue. The blonde bit her lip to keep from moaning into the receiver.

"The trip was all right, we are at the Hilton down town, got a pen handy?"

"Mmmmmmmm, yes...hang on," Sue said. This was so wrong, so terribly nasty. She was on the phone with her husband and her new lover was fucking her silly. While she tried to feel guilty all she felt was naughty and an incredible rise in her passion. Sue knew she was close to orgasm and she was deathly afraid she would cum before she could get Bernie off the line, but that fear only seemed to escalate the intensity or her passion.

"All right, go ahead," she said.

"You all right? You sound out of breath," Bernie said. Sue bit her lip to stifle a groan of pleasure as Christa added a flourish of her hips to the down strokes. This drove the odd shaped dildo into her with even more power. The sensations were mind blowing and she fought to keep her orgasm at bay and her mind on Bernie.

"I told you I had to run to get the phone," she said, trying to control the lust she knew was creeping into her voice.

"All right, room 523, downtown Hilton..blah, blah, blah,"

Sue's mind couldn't distinguish his words. Her pleasure was so intense and the sensations so unusual that her mind simply couldn't ignore them. Bernie's voice became an irritating buzz, like that of a fly. She resented it, wanting to just enjoy the massive bursts of pleasure she was receiving, but the annoying buzz wouldn't go away.

"Sue?" the buzz called out, loudly enough to rip her mind once again from her pleasure.

"Yes?" she said. She knew her voice had to sound funny.

"Did you get that honey? There's something wrong with this line, I am getting all kinds of interference and strange noises,"

"Yes, I got it, you sound funny to me too, I don't know what the interference could be, are you on a cell?" Sue managed. Christa was slamming the fake cock into her now and Sue just dropped the receiver on the pillow. She felt her orgasm coming and she frantically grabbed Bernie's pillow and held it over her head to muffle her scream. Christa watched as the tall blonde held the pillow over her face. She began to savagely ram the screw into Sue. This was vindication like nothing she had ever imagined in her long flights of fancy on how she would get revenge on her boss.

I'm fucking your wife Bern, she thought. Fucking her better than you ever could while you are talking to her on the phone. That isn't interference you hear, it's my cock slamming into her tight little pussy. You sorry motherfucker. I'm going to take her from you, she's going to be my bitch soon. While you come home to an empty house I'll be coming home to her. You have the perfect woman and you are too stupid to realize how lucky you are, but I know. I know what a treasure she is and I am going to treat her right. Do you hear that scream Bernie? That's your cute little wifey cumming like an atom bomb. I wonder what it sounds like on your end? It sounds like the angels singing on mine.

Sue was thrashing beneath her her, those long legs locked tightly around her, trying to pull her back in each time she withdrew. Her screams, moans, whimpers and sighs were muffled by the pillow, but Christa could hear them, they drove her on and she felt her own orgasm coming. The receiver lay abandoned on the bed and Christa could faintly hear Bernie rambling on.

"Fuck," Christa mouthed silently as the waves of pleasure tore into her. She had never felt anything so strong and she collapsed on Sue when they subsided, Christa had never felt so spent. Sue's eyes were glazed as she tossed the pillow away and groped for the phone. Christa was too far gone to even notice as the blonde shakily brought it to her ear.

"...owds aren't bad, look I need to go, this call is going to cost me a fortune. I'll try to call again after the game, Love you honey," the voice on the phone said.

"I love you too," Sue replied, but as she said it her eyes were on the small woman between her legs. When the receiver went dead Sue hung up and then gently stroked Christa's head. The little black woman was breathing deeply and evenly and Sue realized she was sound asleep. Sue held her softly and sometime later faded off to sleep, the red dildo still buried inside her.

When Sue awoke the first thing she was aware of was the Crimson Screw sliding slowly in and out of her pussy. The sensations were still strange and Sue felt like she had figured out what Christa meant by loving it. The damned thing was addictive. It gave the most wonderful sensation of fullness, but always left you feeling like you were somehow empty and needed more.

"Good Morning" Christa said softly. The little butch's head rested between Sue's breasts and her arms were now around Sue rather than on the bed.

"Good Morning," Sue said, the words followed by a gentle moan.

"I'm sorry I fell asleep on you," Christa said.

"Don't be, it was nice to just hold you," Sue said. Sue had never fallen asleep with someone still inside her. She found that she enjoyed the closeness and waking up to the Crimson Screw sliding in and out of her was a definite plus in her book. For a long time she just lay there and enjoyed the sensations, Christa was still lying on her body and the motion of the dildo wasn't calculated to bring her to orgasm, it was just slow, comfortable and made her feel indolent and drowsy.

"What do you have planned for today?" Christa asked.

"I was going to go to the spa and do some shopping," Sue said as she glanced at the clock. It was nine-thirty, she hadn't slept that late since before Jonathan was born.

"Mind if I join you?" Christa said.

"Don't you have to work?"

"No, I took the rest of the week off," Christa said and smiled. That was an interesting development. Sue was torn between wanting to share the day with Christa and her fear of discovery. The spa was by no means exclusive, but she would have to sign Christa in as a guest. The odds of anyone they knew seeing the two of them out together at the mall were slim, but if they did it would be very hard to explain. On the other hand she would enjoy the company and she wanted to share more with Christa than just sex. She didn't know why, she had always assumed affairs were all about sex, but she wanted to spend time with Christa, get to know her and know more about her. Sue decided that she wanted the smaller woman's company enough that she was willing to risk it.

"You're welcome to come along," Sue said after a moment's hesitation.

"If you aren't comfortable I understand," Christa said.

"I'm not real comfortable with it, but I won't get any more comfortable if we don't just go out and do it,"

Christa pulled out of her and rolled over onto her back. Sue felt suddenly very empty, but she knew the day had to start and there was always tonight. She glanced at the Crimson Screw, still coated in her juices and shivered. The temptation to just roll over on top of her small lover and ride was almost impossible to ignore.

Fighting back the demands her newly aroused sex drive was making, Sue rose and quickly went to the bathroom. She took a very hot shower, enjoying the deep penetrating heat before toweling off and returning to the bedroom. Christa grabbed some clothes from her bag and went to take a quick shower while Sue lay on the bed. The steam rose from her rosy skin and she felt like just going back to sleep. Eventually she forced herself to rise and finished drying off after flipping on the radio.

As Sue dressed Christa came out of the bathroom. She had on a heavy sweatshirt and tight jeans. Christa rummaged in one of her bags while Sue pondered what to wear. It was brutally cold out, the radio was calling for chill factors below zero. New York presented such a problem for her in the winters, it was so cold out you could freeze in your tracks, but every building had the heat up to max. If you could stand the short walks in the cold and you let the car warm up before you got in, you could wear summer clothes comfortably under a heavy coat. If you went all out for cold weather you were fine outside but roasted once you got where you were going. She decided to dress warm, she would have to strip at the spa anyway and no matter how hard they tried it was always at least tolerably cool at the mall.

She was still leaning on her dresser when Christa came up behind her and cupped her pussy. Sue giggled, but didn't move away. Christa's fingers were gentle and felt good as they massaged her. Sue was still a little uncomfortable being naked around Christa, but she was getting more and more accustomed to it. The little woman seemed totally enchanted with Sue's body and it felt good to be adored.

"Mmmmmmmmm, we're never going to get out of here if you keep that up," Sue said as she closed her eyes.

"Oh, we are going out, I'm just getting you ready sugar,"

"Ready for what?"

"For these," Christa said as she pressed something cold and metallic to Sue's entrance.


"Shhhh, just relax babydoll, these are called ben-wa balls and they will keep your pussy all nice and happy while we're out" Christa said.

Sue groaned when the wide metal ball passed her entrance, Christa pushed it in deep with two fingers and then added a second ball. They were cold, but quickly warmed up and once they did Sue became aware of a sensation of being full. It was kind of pleasant she decided.

"Hurry up and get dressed, girlfriend. Wear some tight panties, you don't want to worry about them falling out,"

"You're joking? You want me to keep them in all day?"

"Not all day, just while we're out and I have to be good," Christa said and winked.

Sue nodded, but could think of nothing to say as she dressed. It seemed to her that Christa was concerned about her staying horny. Sue wanted to tell her that she needn't be, just having the small woman around seemed to act as an aphrodisiac. Honestly, Sue couldn't remember a time since their first encounter where she hadn't been randy. It was wonderful and incredible and just slightly scary how the small black woman made her feel. Craving sex 24/7 was one thing, but there was more to it than that. Christa made her feel alive and sexy and...appreciated, wanted, even adored. More than the sex, Sue realized those feelings could become very addictive very quickly. Bernie took her for granted, somehow she knew Christa never would. Living like this day in and day out would be magical and Sue feared where thoughts like that might lead her.

Sue's mind was so preoccupied with trying to sort out her feelings that she found herself in the garage with Christa and couldn't remember dressing or even coming downstairs. The little butch was holding the door to the Miata open for her and looking at her quizzically.

"You Okay?" she asked.

"Yes, fine, just thinking," Sue said quickly. She got into the little sports car and Christa had already shut the door before Sue realized she was in Christa's car. She had planned on taking the van, but she decided not to worry about it. Christa got in and turned on the radio before hitting the garage door opener and backing out. Sue noticed Christa had moved the garage door opener to her key chain and somehow that seemed significant to the married woman, she just wasn't sure how or why.

"Where to?" Christa asked as she accelerated out of the neighborhood.

"The complete woman," Sue said distractedly. Christa began asking questions about her childhood and job and soon they were chatting away like old friends. Sue loved Christa's accent and found to her surprise that the smaller woman was highly intelligent and had sophisticated tastes in art, music and literature. Sue was used to her husband and his co- workers, she had just assumed Christa was of the same mold. They were working class men with working class tastes and often their lack of worldliness was appalling. Her friends in the neighborhood were the same; they were all working class people living slightly beyond their means.

Her neighbors read harlequin romances, watched soap operas religiously and considered discussing art or literature beyond that to be "high falutin". Christa had been to the Met, could discuss art and literature and was conversant in a great number of things. She held season tickets to the opera and often went to plays on Broadway. They were discussing a new play when Christa pulled into the parking lot. Sue started to get out of the car, but stopped herself. Christa came around and opened the car door for her and Sue smiled, it felt good to be treated like a lady.

As they hurried towards the door a raw wind plucked at her coat. Sue barely noticed, as soon as she started walking her mind was ripped away from their conversation and centered on her pussy. The balls seemed to be moving with her strides, caressing her inner walls and sending strong currents of pleasure into her system. Christa held the door for her and they entered the warm lobby.

Sue sat quietly in the passenger seat listening to the rich sounds of Bach's Brandenburg Concertos. It had been a most pleasant and interesting day. At the spa she had gotten the works, manicure, pedicure, massage, even having her bikini area and legs waxed. Christa had spent her time in the weight room and enjoying the whirlpool. Sue had nearly orgasmed on the walk out to the car. She had discovered the secret of the little bundles of joy she was carrying around inside her pussy. As long as she was sitting still they were just a pleasant fullness and she quickly got to the point where she forgot they were even there, but when she was walking it was a different story. Each step made the little balls move inside her and the sensations were just astounding. When they arrived at the mall Sue shivered.

The place was huge and Sue hadn't been since the grand opening. Four floors of shops and walking from one end to the other was usually tiring. The wind sliced through her coat and the chill penetrated even her jeans and thermals, but it was a minor nuisance. The sensation was inconsequential compared to the two balls moving gently inside as she followed Christa towards the entrance. They seemed to press against her cervix and massaged her insides in a gentle, but persistent way. Sue tried to tighten her inner muscles, but that only intensified the feelings and did nothing to stop the little balls from their gentle onslaught.

The mall was crowded and Christmas decorations were up everywhere. Christa kept up a running commentary on the people around them, but Sue was fighting an inner battle to keep silent. She tried to stop walking and look at a window front, but Christa took her arm and steered her along. When she looked at Christa the little woman smiled and then winked.

"No stopping for you, I can see your new friends are busy and I don't think we should interrupt them," she said in a voice that was so soft only Sue could hear it. When they reached the end of the line Christa led her up the stairs to the second floor. As they started back Sue felt a twinge deep inside. Her panties were soaked and she could feel her lips moving against each other when she tightened her thighs. Every sensation from her loins was hitting her with gale force and she knew she was very close to cumming right there in the mall. Christa seemed to know it too and took her arm, gently but firmly guiding her along.

"Christa!" Sue whispered desperately.

"No stopping babe, I want to see you cum right here in front of all these people. Doesn't that get you hot? Have you ever cum with such a big audience? Mmmmmm, gets me all wet just thinking about it. I'd love to bend you over and just fuck you like mad right here in the mall. Ever dreamed of that?"

Christa's words were like daggers and her firm guidance kept Sue from stopping, the pressure was already at the breaking point. As they passed Ann Taylor her body suddenly went rigid, her eyes shot open and Sue clamped her mouth shut. As the waves of pleasure hit she chewed furiously on her inner lip and leaned against Christa for support as her knees went weak. The little butch watched with sparkling eyes as Sue rode out an intense orgasm right there in the crowded mall. When the contractions had dwindled to mild aftershocks Christa guided her to a bench where she sat heavily. The little butch sat next to her and waited until they we out of earshot of the other mall patrons.

"How was it? Your first public orgasm. I have to admit you looked so damn hot. Tell me you didn't enjoy it, I dare you," she said smiling. Sue could only shake her head and stare at her new lover. The public nature of it was exciting and she had to admit it made her feel naughty and sexy at the same time.

Sue had orgasmed three more times in the mall, each one had come at seemingly the worst time and she was sure people knew she was cumming. The cross between the intense pleasure and the intense embarrassment had been unforgettably wicked. She had managed to get the new clothes she wanted, but it had been a trial and Christa had worked hard to make sure they kept moving. Sue had started into Vic's, but to her surprise Christa had stopped her and said she knew a better place to get lingerie so now they were down in the city and Christa was just pulling into a parking place on a crowded street.

Christa again opened the door for her and once it was closed the little butch took her hand. Sue was a little nervous and they did get a few looks as Christa lead her down a side street and into a small shop, but it felt natural and Sue kind of enjoyed it. At least she could be sure no one here would recognize them, she was the only white woman on the street.

Christa opened the door to a small shop that had the words "The Pampered Lady" stenciled on the glass in gilt script. The shop front was narrow, but the shop was extremely deep and it was filled to overflowing with the most beautiful lingerie Sue had ever seen. From pretty bra and panty sets to bustiers, negligees, girdles and even old-fashioned corsets. One wall held leather and PVC garments while another held maternity lingerie. Another section held racy things like French maid and naughty nurse outfits, cheerleading costumes, Schoolgirl outfits, practically anything that the naive blonde could have imagined and many things she would never have imagined.

Christa made her way towards the back of the shop and Sue followed, feeling the balls begin to arouse her again with their subtle motions inside her drenched pussy. At the back was a counter and several glass cases holding marital aides, sex toys, books and videos. From a curtained off back room a woman emerged. She immediately caught Sue's attention. She was taller than the blonde by at least four or five inches and as thin as a rail. Her skin was a dark ebony hue, but her hair was silver and her green eyes seemed to grab a hold of Sue and refused to let go.

"May I help you?" the old woman said in a clipped British accent.

"That's right, don't even say hi to me," Christa said. The woman turned her eyes on Christa and Sue felt a little relief, the woman's eyes were hypnotic and strange.

"It's been quite some time child. It's good to see you again," the old woman said.

"Yeah, I've missed you too Trina,"

"Where's Alexi?"

"She left me, over a year ago," Christa said quietly.

"That would explain why you haven't dropped by. I told you she was no good for you,"

"I know, I know, you were right, you're always right, Okay? Don't get on my ass about it, that why I haven't come by," Christa said almost, but not quite angrily. The old woman's stern features softened and she smiled.

"So you've been out sleeping with anyone who you could find since then." She said. Christa looked up sharply.

"How'd you know that?"

"I have my ways child. I promised your mother I would look after you and I keep tabs. I would have contacted you, but I know your temper and how you are. You would not have listened, I am rather surprised to see you here, I expected at least another year of you being stubborn and self- destructive before you came to your senses,"

"This is why I didn't come, I knew you would be all over my ass," Christa said.

"No, you didn't come because you knew I was right and it bothers you to have to admit that an old woman knows more about women than you do." the older woman said in an amused voice. Christa laughed and the two of them hugged. It was obvious to Sue that they were very close.

"So what brings you here today?" the old woman said. Christa nodded towards Sue.

"My friend needs some things," Christa said.

The old woman turned those eyes on Sue and slowly examined her body; they stopped on her wedding ring for a moment before continuing up her body.

"You have a lovely body, my dear. My name is Contrina Wellington and most of my customers address me as Ms. Wellington, but since you are a friend of this one you may call me Trina," she said. Her voice was very commanding and she had a strong presence that was almost magnetic.

"Thank you," Sue mumbled and blushed as her eyes lowered to the floor.

"Now, what can I do for you today?" she asked. Before Sue could answer Christa moved next to her.

"She needs the works," Christa said.

"Indeed? Tell me my dear, are you by chance corset trained?"

"No," Sue said.

"Pity, well there is no time like the present to learn. There is a dressing room through that door, please strip for me while I lock up," She said, indicating a door. Sue looked questioningly at Christa, but the small woman nodded and smiled encouragingly. Sue stepped into the small room and began to disrobe. She heard a quiet conversation going on outside and couldn't help but eavesdrop.

"A married woman? Have you gone insane?"

"Don't start, please,"

"You know bloody well I am going to have my say, so just shut up and listen," the older woman's voice said. Sue heard Christa sigh heavily.

"You are a lovely woman, both inside and out. You have so much to offer and eventually you will find a woman who recognizes that. I am tired of watching you throw your love away on undesirables like that bitch Alexi and her ilk. I had hoped you would learn your lesson and now you show up with a married woman. Why?"

"Because I love her," Christa said simply. There was a long pause then, one that became almost pregnant as Sue removed her jeans. The revelation shocked her, but she didn't know what to do or say. For a while the conversation was too soft for her to distinguish the words. Her mind turned to her obviously soaked panties and she quietly cursed as she tried to think of a way to hide her excitement. She had given up when the conversation became audible again.

"In all the years I have known you, I have never heard you say those words and mean them. I just hope this one realizes what she has in you,"

Sue chose that moment to come out of the dressing room. She still wore her bra and panties and both women turned to her. She felt very vulnerable and embarrassed.

"Breathtaking. You are truly lovely, my dear. Before we go on I hate to be so blunt, but exactly how much do you plan on spending today? I know the question is rather..crass, but it will influence what I suggest,"

"I don't know exactly.." Sue began.

"I'm picking up the tab Trina," Christa said with a smile.

"In that case I will make sure to suggest only the most expensive," the old woman said and winked at Sue.

"You would," Christa said.

"Tell me my dear, do you drink tea?" she asked, apparently ignoring Christa entirely.

"Yes, I love tea," Sue replied.

"Excellent, Christa, there's a nice coffee shop around the corner, please go and get us all some tea,"

"For fucks sake," Christa said. The old woman turned on her and delivered a loud slap. Sue's mouth dropped open, she fully expected Christa to hit back and was stunned when the little butch rubbed her cheek

"Sorry," Christa murmured.

"You should be. You know better than to curse in my presence, you are not too old for me to put you over my knee, remember that,"

"Why do I have to go?" Christa asked, ignoring the threat.

"Because you are as bad as any man. A woman who comes here is looking to surprise her lover; she's not going to be able to do that if you are drooling while she makes her selections. Now go. I will call your mobile when we are finished"

Sue watched Christa leave with mixed emotions. She would like to surprise the small butch, but the stern old woman intimidated her and she was not sure she wanted to be left alone with her. The terms the woman used had not been lost on her and Sue was very embarrassed knowing this woman obviously took it for granted she and Christa were sleeping together. Once Christa was gone the old woman pulled the shades and locked the door.

"Now that we have some privacy go ahead and remove that hideous bra and panties," she said.

Sue complied without a thought, somehow it never occurred to her to refuse. She unconsciously tightened her muscles to hold the balls in. Once she was nude the old woman eyed her body critically and took a tape measure and a form from behind the counter. She measured Sue thoroughly, making clucking noises in her throat here and there when she finally finished she put the tape measure away and leaned on the counter.

"I suppose it would be best to get everything out in the open. Christa's mother was my best friend and when she passed away I promised to watch over her only daughter. You seem a sweet girl and rather naive, so I must ask, what exactly are you looking for here?"

"I don't know really...I wanted to get some sexy lingerie and was going to do so at the mall, but Christa said she knew a better place. be frank, my husband doesn't appreciate me wearing sexy things and I have never seen some of the things here, I am a little overwhelmed,"

"So you are getting things for Christa's enjoyment and not your husband's?'

"Yes, I suppose so," Sue said in confusion. The conversation was surreal and standing nude before this woman with the ben- wa balls filling her wet pussy was unbelievably embarrassing.

"Do you have any idea what will "turn her on" so to speak?"

"No," Sue said and blushed. The old woman smiled and handed Sue a robe, which she quickly put on. The smile seemed genuine and somehow put her at ease.

"Don't be embarrassed, despite what you might believe the majority of my customers come here not knowing quite what they want. In your case you are lucky, Christa has brought many of her lovers here and I know what she likes. Just put yourself at ease and trust me,"

"We will start with the basics and move from there, do you need a full wardrobe or just some special items?"

"I don't know. I have plenty of everyday things, but nothing that is really sexy,"

"With your body your everyday things should be sexy. A woman feels her best when she feels desirable and that all starts with what is next to your skin. Follow me," she said and handed Sue a large pink shopping basket.

The old woman started with panties, selecting thongs, bikinis and even a g-string and two pairs of crotchless panties. She chose vivid colors, with reds, oranges and yellows predominating. A few in black and white and a few in softer colors like powder blue and lavender. Next came bras, peek-a-boos, push ups, strapless and one with cut outs for her nipples. Again bright colors predominated, but the old woman also covered the basics as well. From there they moved to the garterbelts and stockings. Here she chose colors to compliment the bras and panties and several different styles from very simple to very lacy and frilly.

For about the next hour Sue tried on negligees, teddies, babydolls, penoirs, merry widows and nighties. The colors were still bright, mostly reds and oranges with only a few in basic black or white. Sue's basket was almost over flowing when the old woman led her back to the counter. She handed Sue a second basket and then smiled gently.

"You are very lovely, it's so easy to find things that look good on you. I know you are shy, so don't let this next question bother you all right?"

"All right," Sue said. She was enchanted with the clothes and the personal attention, it made her feel special and she could just imagine the look on Christa's face when she saw her in some of the things in that basket.

"Have you and Christa played any sex games? Or is it just plain old shagging?" she asked with a sparkle in her wise- old eyes. Sue blushed scarlet, but found herself answering.

"We haven't tried any games," Sue said.

"Well, do you plan on it? I know you are very sexy, but for a woman, keeping things spiced up has a great many rewards,"

"I never thought about it, honestly," Sue said thoughtfully.

"If you will trust me?" the older woman said.

"Of course,"

Trina led her to the wall with the Leather and PVC first, selecting a few things, then to the costumes. Before they were done, Sue had a French maid's outfit, schoolgirl, Nurse and little red riding hood as well as a harem girl and what she could only describe as a hooker outfit. She was dreadfully embarrassed, but also amazingly turned on. Trina led her to the corsets and pulled out a red velvet model. It had six garters, was trimmed in black lace and had a satin inner lining. The cups were removable and so were the shoulder straps. Sue was enchanted with it the moment she laid eyes on it.

"I thought you might like it. My corsets are made to order and usually take about three weeks, but I can have one like this made for you by next Friday if you can come down for a fitting?"

"I'll be in the city all week," Sue said, her eyes still on the corset.

"Excellent, I'll have these all wrapped for you, if you would like to get dressed; I'll give Christa a call?"

Sue dressed quickly, her mind filled with images of herself in the new lingerie and the effect she hoped they would have on Christa. Her damp panties were cold and felt strange, but they at least allowed her to relax her inner muscles and not worry about the ben-wa balls. When she came out Trina was putting all of her new lingerie into pretty boxes.

"She'll be here in a few minutes," the old woman said. Sue nodded and stood by the counter.

"She's a very special woman, I hope you realize that?"

"I know," Sue said. The old woman looked up and locked eyes with her. When she spoke her words were carefully chosen.

"I wonder if you do. I don't know what your relationship is, if you have a serious interest in her or if this is just a tryst for a bored housewife. She is a sensitive and loving woman; she will make a fine lover and provider for someone. I beg you not to play with her emotions, she has had a rough time since her mother died,"

Sue didn't know what to say to that. She just watched as the old woman deftly continued to wrap and box her purchases.

"Do you love her?" the old woman said barely glancing up at Sue.

"I don't know. This is all very new to me,"

"Is there a chance you could love her?" she asked. Sue considered that. There were so many implications in the simple question, so many possibilities and so much confusion on her part. Could she fall in love with Christa? Had she already? If not what was it she felt for the small woman? Surely it was more than just lust. Did she have an answer? Did she even want to face it if she did?

"Yes, I could love her," Sue said. The words sounded alien coming from her own mouth and surprised her.

The old woman looked deeply into Sue's eyes and then smiled. Her eyes were very expressive and in them Sue saw great concern, but also compassion and sympathy.

"Scared out of your pants, aren't you?"

"Yes," Sue said, returning the smile.

"Go unlock the door, my dear, she's waiting for you," the old woman said with a twinkle in her eye.

End part II

Next: Chapter 3

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