For Justins Love

By moc.loa@962ihdaraF

Published on Dec 30, 1999


This story is a work of fiction, blah, blah, blah. If you're underage, blah blah, and if it offends you, yadah yadah yadah, screw you! I want to thank all of you who've supported me so far. Jason, Matt, Allen, you guys have all been great. Zeo, JM, Mike, I'm still thankful I've met you all and had the opportunity to learn from you.


Nick got to the club and met the guys. "Hey Nick, what's up," Howie asked jovially.

"Not too much," Nick replied, glancing at the dance floor. "It's nice to finally be on a break."

"Oh yeah," Brian agreed emphatically. "There's nothing like it!"

"Except for sex, maybe," AJ added with a grin.

Everyone laughed, but Brian had a strange twinkle in his eye. "Speaking of which, Nick," he began, "how are you getting along with Ryan?"

Nick stiffened. "What are you talking about, Bri?"

Brian smiled. "Well, you volunteered to have him stay with you so quickly that I just figured," he shrugged, "you know."

"Well, I didn't do anything and that's NOT the reason I invited him to stay with me," Nick responded hotly.

"Calm down, Nick," Kevin said, putting a hand on his shoulder. "He didn't mean anything by it."

"That's bullshit, Kev, and you know it. Don't give me that! Besides, you're always protecting your cousin," Nick countered angrily.

"What the hell are you talking about," Brian shouted.

"Jeez, guys, shut up! Have you noticed that you fight more when we're on vacation than when we're touring," Kevin asked.

"Whatever," Nick replied, walking towards the dance floor.

"What's with him," Brian asked, annoyed.

Kevin glanced worriedly at Nick, who was dancing with a couple of girls who couldn't believe their luck to be where they were. Nick's face was set and he really didn't seem to be enjoying himself that much. In the flickering, multicolored lights of the club, he seemed to be extremely preoccupied, and the loud music didn't intrude itself into his thoughts, as his dancing was off beat.

The rest of the group joined him out on the dance floor and everyone else seemed as though they were having fun. After only three songs, Nick gave up with dancing and went over to the bar. Knowing Nick, the bartender had no qualms about giving him whatever he ordered. And he did order. A lot. Kevin watched him, worried about his strange behavior. After nearly an hour of steady drinking, Kevin felt that Nick was inebriated enough to call it a night.

"Look, guys, I'm taking Nick home. I'll catch you all later," he told Howie and AJ. Brian was still on the dance floor, hitting on some blond girl who seriously looked like she didn't have a thought in her head. Kevin shook his head slightly.

Howie took one look at Nick sprawled on the bar and nodded. "We still need to teach him how to hold his liquor," he said lightly.

"Hey, go easy on him," AJ kidded. "He's still a baby, after all." The two "ooh"ed and "aah"ed for a while then went back to the dance floor, snickering.

Kevin walked over to the bar and helped Nick to his feet. He half- carried, half-dragged him to the waiting cab and gave the driver Nick's address. "What's the deal, Nick," he asked softly. "I've never seen you like this before."

Nick only mumbled and muttered drunkenly. The only intelligible words Kevin heard were "Ryan," and "no." Afterwards, Nick completely passed out.

I heard the car approach, and I went downstairs with my hands in a fighting position-an old habit of mine, I suppose. As I moved towards the door, I noticed a shape on the couch in the great room, but I ignored it. Kevin approached the door and realized that he had to get Nick's keys from his pockets. "Great," he muttered, realizing that he would have to put Nick down to search his pockets. I looked out the peephole and saw Kevin and Nick and jerked the door open, my face pale. "My God," I whispered harshly. "What happened to him?"

Kevin was looking at me curiously. It was then I realized I was still only in my black boxers. I flushed, but ushered Kevin inside. "Drunk," he replied sadly.

"We should probably put him to bed," I said hesitantly. Kevin nodded in agreement, shifting Nick's weight on his shoulders. "Do you, uh, need some help," I asked nervously, uncertain as to the exact scenario here.

He smiled at me brightly. "Do you mind," he asked flippantly. "It seems that he's getting heavier and heavier and I'm definitely not getting any younger."

I smiled and put Nick's arm over my shoulders. He stirred slightly at the new contact, and his head fell onto his shoulder and mine. "Ryan," he muttered. Without thinking, I answered him, "Yeah?" Nothing else followed and I stared at him in consternation. Kevin looked as though he were about to explode in laughter so I looked at him sharply and whispered, "Don't say another word."

With his right hand, the hand not holding Nick, he crossed his heart, his eyes still brimming with unspoken laughter. I looked at him suspiciously for a while, and then we managed to get Nick to his room upstairs. Kevin was right: Nick was heavy, and the stairs certainly didn't make things any easier. As we gently lowered Nick onto his bed, Kevin said, "I guess I'll be going now." I held out my hand. "Thanks for your help, man," I offered. He shook it firmly. "You've helped us before, too, remember? Besides, I wouldn't let anything happen to him." He smiled helplessly. "What can I do?" I patted him on the back. "Nothing. I don't think he'd make it without you."

He smiled and moved away to go downstairs. Out the window, I could see him enter the cab and it drove off. I looked at Nick, sleeping so soundly. I knew he was completely unconscious, and I knew that I could do anything I wanted with him and he wouldn't know or remember. God that was tempting. I fought my urges, and my hardon, and decided, reluctantly, that it was the wrong thing to do. However, I did indulge myself slightly as I undressed him for bed. Even though he was completely unconscious, undressing him was one of the most erotic actions I had ever done, and I enjoyed it immensely. I slowly removed his jacket and unbuttoned his shirt. I slipped it off his smooth chest and ran my hands over his six-pack. Shit, it was so hot! I took of his shoes and socks and then moved up to unbuckle his belt. After I unbuttoned and unzipped his pants, I tried to slide them off. That was much harder than I anticipated, so I moved down to his feed to try to pull them off that way. It didn't work. I sat for a second, thinking of how I could get the pants off of his body. Then, and idea hit me. I went over to his prostrate form and began to kiss his stomach. I slowly licked around his navel and as I moved closer to his crotch, I noticed immediately the bulge in his boxers. I rubbed it through the cotton, and he arched his back instinctively. That was the moment I had been waiting for, and I slipped the waist of his pants down to his knees. After that, it was easy to finish undressing him and tucking him in.

When I was finished and going back to bed, I leaned over his sleeping face and whispered gently, "I'm sorry to tease you like that, Nick. But I'm sure you'll understand." Then I kissed him gently on the cheek and went back downstairs to check on that strange shape before going to bed.

The shape was actually Aaron fast asleep on the couch. I had almost forgotten about him! I looked at his sleeping face, and even in the faint light, I could see the tearstains on his cheek and running down to his chest. He hadn't even changed out of his swimsuit. I sighed morosely, feeling completely miserable for making him feel this way, and I wanted to make it up to him. But first-I thought-I should put him to bed. I looked at him, and then I shrugged. He was only twelve and kinda small. I wasn't very big either, but I was positive I could lift him. I lowered myself down and gently picked him up. He snuggled into my bare chest, and I was uncomfortably aware of how turned on I was by the contact. Young, yes, but really cute! I carried him upstairs and put him into his bed. I kissed him lightly on the cheek and finally went to bed.

Unfortunately, I couldn't sleep. I tried lots of different things to think of, I read a book for a while, I watched TV, and nothing worked. -Ryan-I told myself-he's attracted to you. Why don't you go for it? You've never felt what it's like. What's the harm in it?-

I sighed and finally fell asleep, thinking of seeing both Nick's hard rod through his underwear, and of seeing Aaron naked in the bathroom. I was so hard it hurt, but as I was a guest, I couldn't do anything about it and the multiple possibilities running through my head didn't help me get any rest.

Finally, around three in the morning, I meditated for a while. I began to use my Tai Chi and let my thoughts run through my head freely.

That night, Justin was again reading the story, but his mind was elsewhere. He knew firsthand how hot Nick can be, and he was very worried that maybe I'd fall for Nick. He'd done it, long ago, and he didn't want the same thing to happen to me. He sat back, analyzing his feelings for a minute. "What am I doing? How could I be falling for him? Am I falling for him," he asked uncertainly.

In his mind, he went over the little he knew about me. I was definitely not the person that he knew from my story, but he wanted to get to know the real me more. I didn't look or act like he expected, but there was...something. He couldn't stop thinking of it, even though he couldn't recognize what it was.

Nick and Aaron both dreamt of me-although Nick's dreams were few, since he was more comatose than asleep. Aaron still dreamt of having a loving relationship with me and finally knowing what it would be like to experience sex between men. Nick felt a strong attraction for me and in his mind, we were a couple, despite what he had told his mother.

As for me, Nick became Aaron became Justin and I was stuck between them. I didn't know what to do. I knew I was attracted to Nick, and even to Aaron. But I still thought I felt something more for Justin. So, I wanted to go to all of them, but I held myself back from all of them: from Nick because it was more physical attraction than anything else, from Aaron for the same reason and because of legal problems, and from Justin because I really didn't know him like I did the other two. In my mind, I shook my head and cried, knowing that any way I chose would cause some severe pain and problems.

I stopped moving and looked around in the darkness. Then I sighed, "What do I do?" I felt so lonely and I didn't know what to do. Nick was hot, but he wasn't gay and Aaron was illegal.

My dick spoke back to my thoughts then: "Stop worrying so much about what's legal and what's not! Aaron's hot and he wants you! You could get a virgin and young hole! What's wrong with you?"

Troubled, I sat in front of my computer and began to write. I finally lost my writer's block.

That's all for this section. I'm sorry it's so short. I really had writer's block, so it took me too long. I'm letting this story take me where it wants to go, so there won't be any certainty of how long things are. Sorry, everyone. As usual, comments, questions, concerns, please e-mail me at Flames will be read and laughed at before I delete them. Thank you.

Next: Chapter 8

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