For Sale by Owner

By T. Chase McPhee

Published on Feb 7, 2010


You know the drill: The story below is a work of fiction, set in the format of reality. Any resemblances to real people, alive or in the hereafter, is entirely coincidental in nature. It is not meant to accurately reflect upon persons, of continents or islands, in countries, counties, cities, towns, villages, neighborhoods, streets, cul-de-sacs, nor governmental or non-governmental areas, which the story is staged. If a sexual scene involving male-to-male relationships offends you, then why are you here? Seriously, if guy-to-guy sex stuff makes you barf or is going to screw up your mind, you should not read this story. Additionally, if you are under 18 years of age, in most states and countries, you are not allowed to read this story, by law. Check with your local laws regarding such.

% Sexual safety matters. Remember guys, this is fiction. In real life, use protection.

FoR SaLE By OwNEr: CK's STuD MuFFiN PaRTy 12 wriTten by T. Chase McPhee


It was quite a few hours until Steve would need to show off his beautiful bod for the cameras, so he took up the role as tour guard, once Tom Space had taken down some prelimnary information from Palmer.

"There's only one problem?"

"As I see it there are two, but might only be one if you happen to like to get on your knees, Palmer?"

Smiling back at Steve as they walk through the Cayman main house, Palmer plays along, "Now, 'there' is one problem we don't have to deal with. I've got very sturdy knees!"

"And the other?" Steve says, a big grin on his face.

"I came here on business. I don't have a place to stay?"

Steve tells, "My roommate never sleeps in. He is always out sleeping with 'somebody' else. You can have his bed."

Being rather forward, Palmer says, "Oh, there is not room in your bed?"

Before they exit the house, Steve pulls Palmer to the side for a lip-lock, forcing Palmer's 'dress' up to the towel around his waist. They hold the pose until somebody opens the front door, right next to where they are making out.

"Hey, Steve," Kyp says, "find a new fuck-buddy for tonight?"

Kyp and his friends hurried inside, leaving Palmer in doubt.

"Is that what you have in mind for me?" Not that Palmer minded at all, but for himself, he always thought of a continuing sex-life, not one of hit and miss.

"Hey, tonight and see where it goes?" Steve says, leaving it open-ended.

Immediately captured by Steve's looks and the way he spoke, not to mention the loving hug, in Cayman's office, it had slipped his mind of what he really was looking for in life when it came to a gay relationship. Sure, there were the occasional blowjobs on the side, but when Steve was hugging him, he was sure there was more in store. But with things rocky at the moment he says, "I suppose." So, as he and Steve left the main house he was going on the same string of thoughts, seeing where things would go after this day was up.


"Is that okay?" Alex asks with concern.

As Kyle lays in bed, Alex penetrating him a fraction of an inch at a time, he says, "You asked me the same thing ten times already Alex. You're forcing your cock into my ass... not my arm!"

With a sweet smile, Alex says, "I know, but I don't want to do anything wrong."

"Then why don't you push your whole self into me Alex?"

Seeing he wasn't being a winner here, Alex smiles, but then draws a serious look on his face, one of almost biting his lip as he slowly punctures Kyle's ass ring.

"Oh-h-h-h! Oh! Oh, fuckin' yeah!" Kyle asserts as Alex really begins to open him up. "Almost as good as the first time!"

And as Alex plugs Kyle's ass, his big tube filling up the hollow chamber, he says, "Better!"

Before long he's totally extended, his hard shaft covered to the base and slowly he moves in, pulls out a little and in again. "Am I doing okay?"

Resigned to the fact Alex cares too much 'not' to ask, Kyle says, "You're doing fine Alex." It did hurt his arm some, going with the feeling, developing their usual rhythm pattern, Kyle's butt giving back short pulses each time Alex's cock tried getting in deeper, but he chocked it up to it's the way things are!


Whistling a tune, Michael responded with, "Oops!" when someone on the set kindly put their finger to their lips and shushed him. Instead of a grumpy look, he got a smile returned, which told it was okay.

'One minute!' was sent in his direction, a finger held up in place of a 'one' digit. Then, hearing the director yell 'cut', he turns to Michael and says, "Guests aren't normally allowed during shooting, but if anybody asks, tell them I said you were invited!"

"I would," Michael played along, "but I don't know 'who' invited me!"

Cute was the way Michael said it and the guy couldn't help but be infected by the accompanying smile, saying, "I'm Peter Bryer-Lane."

"I'm," and to match the hypen, "Michael. Michael-Coelho."

"Nice to meet you," the blond then offers a handshake.

"Same here," Michael replies, then asks, "are you working on a shoot with Phillip Johnston?"

"No. Phillip is after this shoot. He's out back relaxing. So, I take it you are a guest here?" His eyes are up and down Michael real quick.

Michael already figured out Peter knew he was a guest, because he already mentioned it, but also thought Peter acted nervous, so let it slide, saying, "Yeah, I'm with my friends who know Cayman personally."

"Cool!" Peter replies. "Me too... well not me personally, but my dad knows Cayman, so he got me this job working with the crew."

"What do you do?" Michael inquires.

"I sit here with this script of sorts and when one of the models on stage makes a wrong move, I nudge the director and tell him."

"Wouldn't the director know?"

"He should, but he's more interested in how everything comes together, so he doesn't necessarily know how the scene is supposed to go... for instance, when Faison and Davide greet each other on stage..."

"Which one is Faison?" Michael asks, seeing five on the abbreviated stage, a platform of sorts.

"The French dude with the long hair?"

"I see him," Michael says, his eyes still on Faison whom is standing there, his hand keeping his bottomless waist active.

"He was supposed say, 'I like what you're wearing', to Davide, but there's a problem with that."

"What's the problem?" Michael asks.

"Davide is supposed to have this neckchain around his neck."

"He doesn't have anything around his neck."

"Precisely and because of it, the scene cannot unfold, whereas Faison finds the chain is similar to that of a dog collar, which makes Faison push Davide to his knees," Peter reads from the script, "places his hand behind Davide's head, forcing Davide's lips..." he hesitates.

Michael fills in the blanks, "To his cock?"

"Yeah," Peter smiles and shakes his head up and down, "that's about the gist of it."

But with the scene taking up where it left off, Peter excuses himself.

Michael gets in one last question, "Where is it Phillip would be?"

"Oh," he places a hand to Michael's shoulder and turns him towards the door, "you go out of the front door of the main house and circle to the right, around the building. He would probably be out by the pool."

"Thanks and nice to meet you." Looking back one last time, he snagged Peter tearing himself away from his work and they smiled at each other.

'Right', Michael thought, he was wondering, once he got outdoors, if he was supposed to turn right, outside the door or facing the door, go to the right? Looking at the building, he tossed back and forth the question, as if watching a tennis match. He choose to go to his left, which would have been 'right', after leaving the main house. He wondered if this was the correct response, going and going and going before he finally came to the end of the main house, turning right. He came to a wooden fence, so followed the sandy sidewalk next to it. Hearing some laughter, then periods of silence, more laughing, he tried looking through the thin gaps in the fence. Somewhere along the expansive privacy fence there was a round hole, where a knot must've been. An eye view, he uncovered where the gay laughter was coming from. A long inhale made known his reason for exclaiming, "Phillip?" Immediately Michael turned about, plastering his back to the fence. Did he

just see what he thought he saw? He looked again. 'Yup', he confirmed his visionary thoughts. He gulped, thinking, 'It all seemed so real', meaning Philip's thoughts, desires and actions, all rolled up into one neat package, an hour or so ago, stating they had something more going for themselves than two ships passing in the night. Michael thought for sure something along the lines of his former relationship with Scotty was... then it hit him to do something about it. Stomping his feet in the sand and with a ton of gumption, he marched along the fence, swinging open the gate to the pool. He confronts the trio, "Phillip, what the hell's going on here?"

Phillip's chest lay on one guy's back, cock buried deep to the hilt. He could not readily respond on account of a thick one lodged in his throat. "Mmhm-hm-m-m..." he tried speaking with his mouth full. Then dislodging the upper part of the threeway sex affair with a slurp he contests, "Michael, I can explain."

Wise to all this, Michael says with sarcasm, "You better and don't tell me this is some scene you're rehearsing for a movie!" He stood there, waiting and watching.

"Uh sure... I can like..." Phillip moaned, pulling out of the dude's ass in front of him, most likely with the reaction of hating to do it.

The one he was uncoupling cock-to-ass complains, "Oh-h-h-h, fuck Phillip!"

"Sorry George," Phillip apologized. "Later.." forgetting, Phillip slipped, not using choice words, "I mean. 'Not' later, George."

But Michael had his mind already made up and when George walks past them, he mentions to Michael, scanning him, "Sorry dude."

"Don't be," Michael sternly met with reaction, adding, "And don't worry, 'George', I'm sure Phillip will be picking up from where he left off!"

Tell-tale heart, Phillip sensed something terribly at a disarray, not even approaching Michael, but standing there. He said to the guy who's cock was in his mouth, "Um, Omer, you mind?"

Getting it, Omer departs in a hurry, a hand grabbing at a towel, holding it up to his wet pubes. He hastily messages Michael, "Um, if you're not getting it on anymore with him, we can get it on?"

"Thanks, but no thanks," Michael replies, his eyes staring back at Phillip in accusation.

Putting on a false smile, Phillip tries smoothing things over, opening his arms as he walks towards him, saying, "It was really nothing Michael. This doesn't by all means change anything for us."

He didn't get far, Michael intercepting him with both hands against Phillip's shoulders. After the big splash, Michael informs him, "Oh no. This changes 'everything' Phillip!" He storms out of the pool area, leaving Phillip drenched. Along the fence from where his pathway led him to the pool, he walked the high, wooden fence.

"Oh Michael! There you are! I was looking for you!" After a cheerful greeting, Peter asks, "What's wrong?"

"Wrong?" Michael says in anger. "Nothing's wrong. It's just that nothing's right! I hate this place. I'm getting out of here and going back to the city!"

"Did you find Phillip?"

"I found him alright, with his cock stuck in George's ass and Omer's cock down his throat and I thought... I thought," he finally surrenders to looking at Peter in the face, instead of looking for answers in the sand, "I thought we had something serious going."

"I can see you're... hurt," Peter says, taking the chance of running his hands up and down Michael's arms, slowly finding the confidence to take him in his arms. When Michael backs up a little, he says, "Oh, I'm so sorry. I guess this wasn't the right thing to do."

Seeing Peter was just trying to help, Michael gripes, "I'm a real jerk. I let go something good for... for a spur of the moment feeling."

"If you want to talk about it I've got a few minutes. I was looking for you because I wanted to tell you I'm sorry if you felt like I was coming on to you back, in there?"

"No. I didn't think that," Michael said. "Though maybe it would have been better if I did." He walks forwards. "I feel really messed up."

"I did too after you left, because I started to get some real guilty thoughts."


A little smile tweaked at the corner of his lips, Peter sweetly bestows upon Michael, "I don't know what it is about this place, but it sort of seems like it clouds the mind. Know what I mean?"

Michael truthfully answers, "Nope."

Furthering his explanation, Peter says, "The aura about this place, the 'Stud Muffin Party', y'know? Stud muffins walking all around, like a for sale sign on each one of their chests, a guy wanting to purchase each and every one? Almost like, if you can't buy one, at least you know you can sample? Am I making any sense?"

"Sort of," Michael did feel some recognition, according to what he's experienced, based on the blowjob he gave in the woods, whereas Vince caught the other guy with his speedo down, then Phillip at the tennis courts, him blindsightedly casting off Scotty for a 'stud muffin', then letting his imagination slightly go off bounds when running into Palmer, lastly meeting Peter, whom he now confronted with his sadness, of what he's loved and lost.

"If I was any kind of a man, I should have not flirted with you in there. I already have a boyfriend waiting for me back home. It's like I've said about this place, it makes one forget don't you think?"

It really hit home for Michael, his mind taking one quick flashback, the cock in the woods, the tennis courts, brunch with Palmer, then meeting face-to-face with Peter, then and now. He complained, his eyes filling up, "I really fucked up big time. I had a guy I really liked... no," Michael realizes it, "I really loved Scotty. Man am I a fuckin' idiot!"

And now, not able to control himself, he let loose with the emotions, holding on to Peter like for dear life.

"I know," Peter hugged Michael back with true feeling, wanting to accept his grief. Maybe he had a boyfriend back home, but for now he really sensed empathy for the guy.


"Any good?" Alex said, kneeling there, his cock slowly unreeling from being stuck in Kyle's ass.

Kyle shook his head back and forth, watching Alex being pathetic between his upright knees.

"No good? Talk to me!"

"It was all good Alex, except you right now?"

"What about me right now?"

"Nothing, except usually you're all out of breath after shooting your load up my guts and then you're so winded and out of energy you're keeling over on top of me like a ton of bricks!"

"Oh," Alex said and being 'more pathetic', he made sure he was clear of the tunnel work, moved Kyle's knees apart and as Kyle relaxes his legs, Alex carefully levitates his chest till his hands-supported bod is an inch from Kyle's chest. "Almost there... you okay?"

With his good arm, Kyle places it around Alex's back and for the last two inches, makes a 'thud', Alex finally in his resting place above his lover. "There. That wasn't so bad, was it?" He questions Alex.

"I dunno. Was it?"

"Alex, would you get over it?"

"Over what?"

"I'm not like a tea cup in a china shop you know?"

"I know," Alex says, finally relaxing like sometimes after he regains his breath control, both palms in a mound, piled up on Kyle's chest, his chin on top and carrying on conversation. "Not like me, huh?"

"Huh?" Kyle asks, not knowing what Alex means.

"The 'bull'," Alex jerks his torso forwards, "in the china shop?"

Smiling, Kyle replies, "Corny, but you can smash yourself into me anytime Alex!"

"Me, corny?"

Then they left their corny conversation behind, the two doing a little post-sex lip-locking!


From a distance Michael Coelho was being stalked. From behind a tree, two eyes watched as he stopped hugging a guy, the guy exiting the grounds, into the main house. With Michael all by himself, walking towards the main complex, which housed the tennis courts, Michael walked, his shoulders all droopy, like he lost his best friend.


Jumping out from the bushes, Michael exclaims, "Scotty! What are you doing in the bushes?"

"Actually," he confesses, "waiting to get you all alone?"

With his heart yearning for more than standing there, staring at his former lover, Michael replies, "What would your chef-friend, or lover, or whatever he is to you, say about that?"

"We're not friends or lovers or whatever anymore. How about you? I hear you're hooked up with one of the models?"

They were pussyfooting around, trying to dig up info on each other, with pretentions of wanting things to roll back into their own ball court.

Playing into each others hands, Michael sighs, "Nothing's happening with any guy from here. I guess I should have been satisfied with what I had and liked it. Like Peter says, this place kind of makes you forget about what was important before you get here. Know what I mean?"

"Yeah. Exactly." Scotty reconciles as he reaches out to Michael, "I couldn't have explained it any better. Um, do you think maybe we could pretend this was just a bad dream and make what we had real again?"

Scotty was still in his chef's uniform, nix the tall hat. Michael, as a show of affection for his once-lover, wove his hands in between the pants and white polo shirt, digging the tail out of the back of Scotty's pants.

As Scotty kissed, his hands felt hot on Michael's back, showing the flame hadn't died, their lips passionately kissing like fire to dry wood.

They were interrupted, Palmer yelling out, "Hey Michael! Wait up!"

In a derogatory manner, Scotty says, "Oh, it's him!"

Cheerfully, Michael says, "That's Palmer. He's my friend. Why? What do you know about him?"

As Palmer got closer, his bright, cheery attitude slacked off, recognizing Scotty.

Before either he nor Scotty could say anything, Michael was introducing them, "Palmer, this is..." he quickly changed thinking 'friend' to 'lover', "my boyfriend, Scotty Broyles."

"Boyfriend?" Palmer questions Michael as he goes to shake Scotty's hand. "But I thought..."

In a way Scotty was going to put some blame on Palmer, the reason he immediately broke off his sweet relationship with the head chef at the Karlyle estate, but then mellowed out, really almost thankful for what ensused back at the kitchen.

Wise to them, Michael says, "You two know something that I don't know. Who's going to fill me in?" He looked towards Scotty.

"How about over a drink?" Palmer asks. Strangely, even though he thought Scotty should be mad at him, he sensed he wasn't in hot water with Michael's 'boyfriend'. As they walked towards one of the open bars dotting the landscape, he was still a little confused, thinking Scotty had something going on with the head chef, then to find out the sweet relationship he had with Michael. 'Michael', Palmer thought as the three approached the abbreviated bar. 'Too bad he's taken!'

As they stood there, the three toting chilled mugs of beer, Michael again presses for information, "So who's doing the talking here?"

They both started in at once, Scotty taking the helm, "Well I was there when Steve brought Palmer in and introduced us, but then I had to go to the jon, so excused myself, so maybe Palmer better tell the rest."

It took two beers, but the story didn't take very long at all. It must've been the hot sun, the three giving up on their alcoholic drinking binge at two, Palmer telling it real quick, how Steve admitted to Palmer liking to suck cock, the food locker, Palmer humped over the pallet, taking Steve's cock down his throat, the chef's cock all primed and ready for insertion, only to have Scotty show up!

"I'm real sorry man, but I didn't even know he was behind me. Well I knew, but I didn't think for the purpose of porking my ass." And dramatically, "I assure you man, nobody's gonna take my fat ass until it's the right man, if you know what I mean?"

It sort of shamed Scotty and Michael, Scotty's flashback of casting his feelings for Michael aside, at the same location, the food locker, shoving himself deep inside his 'new lover', then taking it for granted, through promises of fame, this was a budding relationship in the making. As for Michael, again the cock-in-the-woods, the tennis courts, all that has happened since he's set foot on this forsaken landscape, passed before him. As if osmosis, the two confront each other with hugging and words of 'sorry'.

"Cool!" Palmer says, rubbing his hands together, a toothy smile exclaiming his rejoicing, "I guess this means I'm off the hook!"

He thinks, when he hears his name called, "Palmer Stroop?"

Michael recognizing him right off, as if Palmer hadn't met him already, he says, "Hey Tom!" Michael greets him as if they've been friends for centuries.

"Hi Michael," Tom Space says with a smile, quickly moving his attention on to Palmer, "Cayman would like to see you in the main house, like pronto, if you are able to?"

Leave it to Michael, him guessing, "Is Cayman going to make Palmer a super model?"

Looking on, Scotty ever doubted 'why' he in the first place ever gave up his claim to Michael, the cute way in the 'asking', something he missed for the past two days. It all helped to reignite the love deep inside.

As for Palmer, Tom Space says, "For now Cayman has a kink in his neck to be worked on. Other than that, I think I can find some things to occupy Palmer's time!"

"Really?" Palmer replies with a smile.

During the ordeal with Kostas, in Cayman's office, Palmer had checked out Tom, but at the time Tom was all business, something he took seriously, being not only Cayman's right hand man, but taking up the slack of his left hand as well. A permanent dweller at the Karlyle Estate, when there was a lull in goings on, things could get kind of lonely. It was in Tom's interest to, "Oh right. I think I can find quite a few things to keep you busy!"

As Palmer and Tom walk away, Michael says, "Not exactly what I would picture as a match made in heaven."

"Yeah," Scotty seemed to agree, the two watching Palmer's over six foot height dwindle with the distance, Tom even more, about a foot and some inches shorter.

Happy to hear it, Scotty informs Michael, "Well, no more kitchen duty for me."

It was a hint, for them to get on with their lives, Scotty's arm forming around the back of Michael's waist.

"That's great, but for around this place, you're wearing way too many clothes!" He begins helping Scotty out of his shirt. He says of the hairy chest, a hand planing through the dark, thick follicles, "Oh how I really miss this!"

"I know," Scotty assumes. "I haven't seen any models with hair on their bods."

Michael goes for Scotty's casual belt, "Except for a few happy trails!"

"Speaking of which," Scotty puts a stop to the unthreading of the belt through the buckle, "I don't have anything but briefs on underneath?"

"So?" Michael rationalizes, "The rule is to have something covering your loins. Doesn't say what it has to be!"

"True," Scotty said, releasing Michael's hand. "Feels so nice, you doing me like you used to!"

Michael smiled, putting more emphasis on the stripping of Scotty's pants, hands making skin contact at the waistline. "Too bad we're not in privacy!"

"I know," Scotty replies. Envisioning it, "I miss that too!"

Both smile at each other, Michael's speedo filling up, just thinking about his tongue all over Scotty's bod, especially under the briefs.

But they took the rest of the stripping to the sidelines, Scotty sitting on a bench, Michael helping him out of his sneakers and socks, rather than being on display, on the main mall walkway. Still, he got some looks by passersby.

"Nice briefs, man!"

"Thanks," Scotty replied.

The two checked out the grouping of four models, one looking back at them, wiggling his eyebrows. He stopped, saying to the other three, "See you guys later."

Approaching Michael and Scotty, they got a selective view of the shiny blue speedo, very well packed.

"You guys busy?"

They both knew this to be a pickup line. Very enticing to say the least, both with no problem going with the flow. But from the experience of the past two days, at least Scotty knew the score, of having sex with anyone outside of their dual relationship didn't add up to anything but future anxiety. Being the alpha half, Scotty tells him, "Thanks. Nice of you to offer," and even though Scotty didn't talk like this, "but we're playing it cool."

Seeing he wasn't getting anywhere, the fashion-dude says, "That's cool with me. Not many guys around here have the values you two got. Hey, good luck!" Coming, they stare at his crotch. Leaving, they had a birds-eye view of his buns, all tucked away in the stretchy speedo.

Michael says, "He's still flirting with us?"

"I know," Scotty says, knowing just what Michael knew about the intended shuffling of the ass cheeks, back and forth... back and forth... back and forth with each dainty step!


Back at the small replicated quarters of the main mansion, Kyle found it no problem finding his way to the shower, after Alex had reported there to get the sweat off his bod.

Shocked, as the slimy, white substance, from the bar of soap in his hand ran down his hairy bod, Alex says, "What are you doing up and out of bed?"

Standing there with the shower door open, Kyle replies, "Oh you look so sexy half-covered in soap, Alex!"

"Stop avoiding the issue. Didn't I tell you to stay put until after I was done with my shower?"

Kyle addresses his nineteen year old lover with a smile, "Oh, you're going to make such a great father!"

"And 'you'... I can see where you're going to be just like one of the kids!"

Alex wasn't angry, as he helped Kyle over the threshhold of the tub and into the spacious shower stall.

Seeing the change in attitude, Kyle knew his lover wasn't mad at him.

The whole atmosphere of the Cayman Karlyle Estate and in particular that of the Stud Muffin Party, dictated a feel of a fairytale land, whereas if you never got up early in the morning, morning could very well extend into the afternoon hours, so showering just before twelve noon, which they hadn't realized the morning had morphed into, the two took their time. Alex, assuming the role of 'nurse', nursed Kyle in making sure he was properly soaped up.

"I can't wait getting back to babying you, Alex!"

"Whatsamatter? You don't like my slippery hands down the front of you?" Alex replies, his chest to Kyle's back.

"The lower part isn't bad!" With his good arm, the one easily maneuverable behind his back, he set about lining up Alex's softness to his ass.

Slapping his hand out of the way, Alex scolds, "Stop that! You might get your other arm bent out of shape!"

"Get real Alex. It's not going to happen."

"Yeah, well you and I both know what these past few weeks have been with you laid up?"

"Yeah," Kyle responds. Then, thinking deeply back to the day it happened, he replies, "It's strange."

"What's strange?" Alex inquires as his soapy palms repeatedly play over Kyle's stomach and pecs in circular motion.

He tried looking up, behind him, to direct his attention to Alex's face, but the water caught him smack dab in the middle. Keeping his attention down, drawn to the massaging action in front, Kyle replies, "You would do anything for your brothers and sisters, wouldn't you Alex?"

"Sure would!"

"I just thought it strange how mean and cruel Knapp was to us and then I did a thing like stand up for him and nearly get the shit kicked outta me for doing it. I wonder what got into me?"

Bowing his chin to Kyle's shoulder, in an act of affection because Alex's lips now came in cuddling distance of his ear, the water parting at the junction of their heads, he says, "Nothing suddenly came over you. You have the love inside you. Sure, both of us were kind of pissed at what Knapp was doing to us, but I think you came to see it wasn't really Knapp doing it to us, but the pressure somebody else... those evil dudes, were putting on Knapp."

"I suppose," Kyle renders.

Closer, Alex's hands stopped their gyrations, arms now clenching at Kyle's wet bod, in a snuggly manner. "What can I say, other than when I met you I just became the luckiest guy in the world!"

It was all leading up to a tender moment, the fragileness soon to be shattered.

"Hey guys?" Came the loud, boisterous voice and a loud knock at the door, which sent the door careening into the wall, making the entrance thrice as pronounced.

In the shower, turning to each other, Kyle and Alex both react, "Ron?"

Right away, Alex says as he loosens his sweet grip, calls from inside the watery tomb, "I'm not interested in punching you in the abs Ron!"

An understatement, Ron cracks the shower door open and asks, "You guys decent?"

"What do you think?" Kyle asks back.

"Oops! Sorry!" But Ron doesn't make the effort to seal the 'crack' up! "I got the word through the chain of command, from the big man himself, that I'm in charge of making sure Kyle gets around okay tonight."

Alex is just smiling. Like so many guys, his blunder doesn't go with an ounce of shame, Ron's eyes scanning the two teens openly.

"Um, you guys okay? Need any help?"

Kyle was just as shocked as Ron when Alex replies, "Uh sure. We definitely could use some?"

"Really? Cool!" Only then does Ron close the shower door so he can strip out of his civvies.

"Alex?" Kyle questions his lover, his whole bod half-turning to face him.

"I'm just trying to do what you said..." and he quotes Kyle, "be nice?"

"Okay. What do you need help with?"

"Oh!" Kyle replies, looking down at Ron's awesomeness, nestled away in dark, curly masses of hair. Now he's not at all questioning Alex's reasoning.

"What do you need help with?" Ron directs to Alex, yet his eyes teeter between Alex and Kyle's blond pubes-turned-darker by the water, wetness.

Holding out the bar of soap, his arm extended between Kyle's rib cage and arm, he passes it on to Ron, saying, "I couldn't reach Kyle's weenie, if you don't mind?"

Said in a cutesy manner, Ron had no problem falling for it, snatching the soap out of Alex's hand. At least Ron was cordial in asking, "As long as it's okay with him?" meaning Kyle.

"Uh, sure Ron. Fine." Looking to Alex, Alex smiled at him. Feeling this all a charade, put as Kyle had put to Alex hours ago, when Ron asked Alex to gutpunch him, Kyle says, "but I don't know what I'm going to do if I should happen to get hard, Ron?"

Serious-minded, Ron replies, "You leave that to me!"

Literally the two sweetly 'tortured' Kyle. The tub, big enough for four, the showerhead wide enough to spray over 'Times Square', after Ron began soaping him up, Alex plays out a fake yawn, "Oh man... I'm getting sleepy."

Kyle sarcastically says, "Don't even think it Alex!" He meant Alex taking off for a short nap in bed!

Looking around, not that he didn't know the spaciousness of the enclosure, "Plenty of room in here to chill out!"

He sat down on his ass.

Hearing a splash of sorts, plus hands leaving his bod, Alex's that is, not Ron's, which tenderly probed his cock and balls, causing the inevitable, Kyle says, "What tha?"

"Hey Ron?"

"Yeah Alex?"

"Let up a minute?"

Kyle could swear he heard a whimper out of Ron.


Meanwhile, fluttering his fingertips, Alex says to Kyle, "C'mere baby. Come have a seat by 'daddy'!"

"Oh, isn't that sweet," Ron says, Alex beckoning Kyle towards him as he sat on the sidelines. It didn't go unnoticed, the place where Alex wanted Kyle to sit! He didn't let it go unknown, Ron saying, "I wish it was 'me' taking a seat on 'the throne'... hee, hee..."

Kyle went along with it from another angle, pouting, "Oh then who would there be to take care of me?"

Picture the two on the floor of the large, rectangular shower, the water cascading all around the trio, planing off their bods without a care to the world if they were making a sand dune out of Hook Pond, Ron standing there, hands on hips as he's watching Kyle get situated, a tongue in the side of his mouth, wanting more than shower water touching it. "Um, where do you want me?"

Reverting to the fairytale world, one in which they've fallen into and probably would not be drawn into again, if not for awhile at least, maybe not, if they decided at all to attend, if invited, to next year's Stud Muffin Party, Alex takes the initiative to respond, "Where do you 'want' to be Ron?"

All giddy inside, Kyle plays along, "If I could," he makes a fake grunt, moving his arm, "I wouldn't mind doing a 6-9 with you Ron..."

Dramatically, Ron replies, "Oh! That... would be so-o cool!"

"But I can't, so would you terribly mind helping me out?"

Keeping with the dramatics, Ron, as his legs double and he goes to his knees, "It would my pleasur... I mean no! I don't mind helping you out at all!" And not only does he fall to his knees, but slapping his chest right down on the tub floor he sigh, "Oops!" when his foot encounters the stall door.

Playing Ron up, Alex states, "Powerful legs you've got there Ron. I hope you're lips are even more so!"

"Yeah," Kyle makes it up as he goes along, "I think it's gonna take a lot of stroking to keep me firmed."

"Yeah," Alex goads him on, "it's been awhile since Kyle's cock has had proper attention."

"Oh man!" Ron says, licking his lips.

"Oh-h-h!" Kyle enunciates when Ron lowers his head, his mouth opening.

A hand to Kyle's balls, he draws the already half-hard shaft into his mouth.

Kyle jokes, "It's hotter than the water!"

It's then Alex thinks of it, "Which I think we've wasted enough already!"

Even though Kyle was getting pleasured from the crotch, when Alex pushed himself up from the floor, standing to reach the controls, cut it to a trickle and sway the showerhead away from the action, he moans, "Oh-h-h-h, Alex!"

"What?" Alex asks, looking down at Kyle, but taking in the picture of Ron, flat out on his stomach, going to town on Kyle's cock. "Oh that's so hot!" And going back to Kyle's principles of 'being nice', makes sure Ron can hear it, "You are such a fuckin' good cocksucker, Ron. Daymn! You're gonna make me so-o hard!"

"Alex?" Kyle says.

Ron pays them no mind.


"You're hard already?"

"Oh!" Alex jovially says, holding up his tube in the palm of his hand. "I am, aren't I?"

"So, what're ya gonna do about it?"

A hand on his hip, Alex sarcastically replies, "It's for damn sure I'm not gonna pork 'his' ass!"

"Somebody mention my name?" Ron says.

Kyle and Alex, wise to Ron listening in, Kyle says to him, "You're supposed to be doing me and not listening in on our private conversation, Ron?"

"Oh," he hesitates, his hand going to mouth, explaining briefly, "a piece of hair... um, if you want to," he directs to Alex, "you can?"

Alex replies, to Ron, "I think we covered that in the weight room?"

Reconciling, Ron says, "I guess I should be happy you fed me my protein drink of the day!" He laughs it off, Kyle and Alex faking a loud applause of laughter.

"Yeah, um well Ron, Alex wants to do me," Kyle sums it up.

Concerned about the space, Kyle and all, Alex says, "Well I can't for sure do it here!"

"Cool! You're gonna do me again?" Kyle says with excitement.

"Again?" Ron asks, probing for some horny, erotic details.

"Be nice," Kyle says to Alex, from the expression on his lover's face, looked as if he was about to respond in a derogatory manner, like 'ain't any of your fucking business'!

He was right, but Alex softened up, saying, "Uh yeah. Wasn't much." Then glancing at Kyle, lay it on thick, "why Kyle had me so horned up, my nine and a half inches was like stretching the limits and I needed to quick get it stuffed in someplace and 'poor Kyle', after being deprived of having my meat shoved in and out of his ass for like two months," fully exaggerated for dramatic purposes, "I felt so, so bad for him."

Ron still looked for more!

"So! What choice did I have?"

"None," Ron replies. "So, you...."


Dead silence filled the shower stall for seconds, Kyle saying, "Somebody want to give me a hand?"

"Where we going?" Ron asks as Alex and he help Kyle up.

It was the quickest Kyle moved, the two so carefully helping him up. Kyle was in heaven, feeling two hard shafts on each side of his bod as the two led him out of the shower.

Too, Ron felt the pangs of sweet skin-touching, being the one to pat Kyle down with a towel, as Alex braced him up in his arms.

"I can't believe this is making me so horny!" Alex concedes to vocally keeping the threeway going, when it could very well cause an opposite reaction, relaxing loins to the point of causing the three to soften out.

"We're all hard!" Ron says in excitement.

Kyle says, with a cackle, "Are you trying to keep me hard with that towel, Ron?"

"No," he says in all seriousness, "I swear it! I'm not!"

Alex replies from over Kyle's shoulder, "He's joking!"

"Oh, but I'd much rather be keeping you hard the old-fashioned way!" Ron licks his lips to prove a point!

"We better get to it before I lose it!" Alex says.

Again, Kyle was babied as Alex and Ron delivered him into the bedroom. Lying there on his back, Alex says, as he kneels before Kyle's port, "You two work out the sucking. I'm all ready to dive in!" he rubs both hands back and forth in a cunning manner before taking up with his erection and pointing it in a certain direction.

"Hey!" Kyle makes discovery, "We can 6-9 now Ron!"

Surveying the situation, Ron suddenly loses his flair for sucking, all connection with the couple, almost in confession, "Nah. I shouldn't intrude."

"Not intrude?" Alex replies.

His hand was playing with himself, yet Ron felt kind of strange now about all this, saying, "It's funny."

"What's funny?" Kyle asks, not thinking as he uses the 'wrong' arm to pick his head up to look, wincing and using the 'good arm'.

"You two. Hey, thanks for the turn on, but I'll just go out and find somebody else to... you know."

There was no convincing Ron at this time. He had his mind made up and as for Alex and Kyle they knew their part in the charade was over. The fanciful farce was calming down.

His hand on the door, Ron gave it a turn.

Alex backed off the bed, walked over to him, saying, "You're a good sport Ron." And then as a last, joking gesture, "Can I fuck you?" Alex holds his cock.

"Really?" Ron asks, knowing it was said in jest. "Thanks just the same, but I'll pass." And before he leaves, "I'll wait till I find a sweet guy like your partner!"

In the doorway, open to the outside world, Alex asks, "Um, don't you want your pants, Ron?"

"Me? A world class athlete? Don't you think I can outrun 'the police'?" meaning the estate security.

"I bet you can!" Alex says, standing in the frame of the door, giving Ron his last glimpse of his stiff meat, all neslted in the stable of his black straw.

Slowly Alex closed the door.

Kyle lay on his side, his good hand propping up his head and replied to Alex's look, "Sweet man."

Climbing back into the sack, Alex replies, "Yeah. Almost as sweet as the one I got!"

As Alex slipped in next to him, Kyle falling over on his back, covers sweeping up over them, the two forget about the hastiness of fucking and play their hands over each other, the scene taking a turn towards sweet kissing.


Copyright 2010 T. Chase McPhee

`For Sale By Owner: CK's Stud Muffin Party' may not be sold, nor made part of any collection, without prior consent from the author.

The more you stretch, the more you can fit in... 'spread' happiness! TCMcP.....

Next: Chapter 102: Cks Stud Muffin Party 13

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