Force of One

By Dash Jarrod

Published on Feb 21, 2003


Disclaimer: This story is totally fictional. If any of the characters resemble anyone from your life, that is just coincidence. Any celebrity involved in this story may or may not be homosexual. If you are under 18 please don't read.

Thanks to anyone that has responded to me about my story. I have been enjoying writing it; I just hope that you enjoy reading it as much. Thanks to Alex and Dustin for letting me make them into characters.

Character list so far: Matthew-Powers: telepathy, telekinesis, pyrokinesis, control over magnetism, control over the weather, and a healing factor

Age: 19

Body type: semi-muscular yet skinny

Features: 6'1", blonde hair, blue eyes, and 140#

Codename: Prodigy Andrew-Power: telepathy

Age: 18

Body type: muscular but skinny

Features: greenish eyes, black hair, 5'11", and 140# Bobby-Power: ability to produce ice

Age: 19

Body type: muscular

Features: 5'10", 140#, blonde hair, and blue eyes

Codename: Iceman Aaron-Power: unlimited teleportational range, absorption and redirection of energy, some telepathy (mind-speak and reading minds)

Age: 17

Body type: slim but muscular

Features: light brown hair, green eyes, 5'11", and 135#

Codename: Backlash Jake-Power: limited acceleration of mental and physical processes, increased agility, speed, and strength

Age: 18

Body type: slim but muscular

Features: dirty blonde hair, dark blue eyes, 6', and 140#

Codename: Timebender

That night, another dream came to me. I am not sure what this one means. It was rather vague and confusing. It seemed like I was going to have to make a choice about something. I don't know why, but I have a feeling that that something has to do with Bobby. I have a feeling that I will have to choose between Bobby and something else. Although, I have no clue what that something else is yet. I don't know if my dreams always mean something, or if they are just my fears visualized.

I hope that this dream is just one of my fears visualized because I don't know if I could choose between Bobby and something else. If I had to choose between having my powers and having Bobby as my boyfriend, I would have to choose Bobby. That would be a no-contest situation. But if it turns out that another person likes me and I had to choose between him and Bobby, I would most likely choose Bobby. Although, I don't know for sure about that right now. I am just hoping that I never have to choose between my boyfriend and something else. I am pretty sure that the something else would lose no hands down though.

But, once I got over the dream, my morning went well actually. During class, I was still able to concentrate unusually well. I hope that this trend will continue until the end of the school year. Thanks to this fact, my classes once again flew by like nothing at all.

Now, I had agreed to meet Bobby outside of my last class. When I exited, he was standing there waiting for me. When I saw him, I couldn't' help but smile. I don't think I will ever be able to frown in his presence. Whenever I see him, my soul just soars. I believe, that even if I am having a bad day, seeing him will make me smile. When I saw him, I don't know why but I just ran over to him and gave him a huge hug. I didn't really care if other people saw or not, it was just something that I had to do. It felt so good to do it too.

Since I didn't have my usual training session, I had a little bit of time before I had to do something. During this time, Bobby and I talked about just about everything. I wanted to find out everything I could about him. The more I found out about him, the more he grew in my eyes. There was not a single thing that I found out that would ever make me rethink my decision to go out with him. Of course, during this time, he was also finding out things about me. I just hope that he doesn't change his mind about going out with me.

We discussed what it was like to grow up knowing you are different from everyone else. This interested me because I had just recently found out actually how different I am. Bobby told me that before he came here he had to hide the fact that he was a mutant as well as the fact that he was gay. According to him, hiding those facts made his life miserable. Lucky for him, his parents weren't the type of people who hate their children because they are mutants.

Because of this fact, when his parents noticed how miserable he was, they searched for a school specifically for mutants. It was during this search that representatives of this fine school approached them. The rest is as they say, history.

We also discussed what attracted us to the other person. Besides the obvious physical attraction, we were both attracted to the other's personality. He was probably the kindest, most forthright person I had met.

It was rather refreshing to meet someone that honest right off the bat. Because of his honesty, I could not help but be honest with him.

Last but most obvious topic, we discussed who all we thought were cute. This led to my admission of who my first crush was on campus. He also mentioned whom he would have gone out with if he couldn't have gone out with me. Finding out who this was really flattered me because the person was gorgeous.

When it came time for my appointment with Dr. McCoy, Bobby walked me down to one of the rooms I have become extremely familiar with. Once we reached the room, he leaned over and gave me a very sweet goodbye kiss. This kiss was gladly accepted by me of course. When the kiss finally ended, after what seemed like forever, I entered the lab. As soon as I was inside the room, I was asked to have a seat. Dr. McCoy started some very extensive tests to determine why exactly my hands started to glow. While these tests were being conducted, he asked me what exactly led up to my hands glowing.

This question was another that wasn't easily explained so I just told him. I said, "You must understand something before I can fully explain what happened that afternoon. The thing you must understand is the fact that I am gay. Now that that is out of the way, I can begin to explain what happened. I had just gotten out of one of my training sessions early because I had done all that was needed of me for that session quickly. On my way outside, I happened to pass the person who I had a crush on at that time. What I saw when I passed him was that he was kissing another guy. This made me mad because I so wanted to be this other guy. The scene made me so mad that I started to run away. I deal with a lot of my problems by running from them. While I was running away, my hands felt really warm. When I looked down at them, they were glowing red. Not just slightly red, but like the color of hot metal red. When I saw this, I started to fly because I had a thought that if I touched anything, it would either explode or catch on fire. Although, I have a feeling that stuff would most likely have exploded rather than caught on fire."

Dr. McCoy then asked, "May I ask who your crush is or would you rather I not know, and was seeing this crush kiss another guy the only thing that was upsetting to you that day?"

"I had found out earlier that day that I was getting a change in teachers for my lessons. Instead of having Jean, I was going to have the professor. This didn't really make a difference to me either way. I was a little upset that I wasn't going to be having Jean for my teacher but glad that the person to replace her was the professor. So my feelings there sort of canceled each other out. But when I saw Bobby kissing that other guy, it brought back memories of my first crush here. I had a huge crush on someone else at the beginning of the year, but it turned out that he didn't like me that way at all. I was thinking that it was just my luck with guys. My first crush doesn't like me that way, and my second one is kissing another guy. The combination of these two things made me really mad. I don't think I have ever had that mad a look on my face before that and I don't want to have it on my face again. Just so you know, the Bobby I am talking about is Bobby Drake. Does that answer your questions?"

At hearing this, he let me go because all of his inquiries were done. Also, the tests were completed. When I exited the room, I sat down. Once I had seated myself, I contacted Bobby like I said I would. The reason he didn't stick around is because I didn't know how long the tests were going to take. But we agreed that when I was done, I would contact him and then we could figure out where to go from there.

The place I told him to meet me was the place he first got me to admit out loud that I was attracted to him. I have gone back to that particular spot more than once since that afternoon. It's a very peaceful and secluded spot. Good for thinking, relaxing, or just hanging out with that special someone. Although, only Bobby and I know the true significance about that spot. I hope to keep it that way. Plus, I don't know if anyone actually knows about this out place except us two.

Before I headed out, I went back to my room and got a blanket. Since I didn't bother to figure out where Bobby was when I contacted him, I had to really push the speed of my flight. The reason I had to do this was because I wanted to get there before he did.

As it turns out, he came from farther away than I did. I say this because he was coming to the spot as I was landing. This isn't necessarily a bad thing because as soon as I had set down on the ground, I went over to him and gave him a huge kiss. Since we started to go out, I seem to be getting more and more bold in my actions. This isn't a bad thing necessarily because I was always a very shy, quiet guy until you got to know me.

Although, the reason I might be getting ore bold is because I have finally accepted my new life. I believe this is also a contributing factor because with my powers I am able to be bold and back it up. Of course, my being bold would never mean I am being mean. It just means I am being more outspoken. I am also going more for what I want. This doesn't mean that I am totally ignoring other people's feelings or needs, quite the contrary in fact. It means that I am focusing on my own as well. I used to only really worry about what other people thought. Although, if some person thought something bad about me or didn't like me for some reason, I didn't let it bother me.

Anyway, the kiss lasted for quite a while. In fact, it lasted until we were both out of breath and needed to break the kiss to breathe. During the kiss, I couldn't help but feel up and down his nice back. I will not lie to you; my hands strayed down to his perfect ass once or twice. I just couldn't help but do that. Although, I wasn't the only one to feel up my partner. I could feel Bobby doing the exact same thing I was.

After that make-out session broke up, we sat down on the blanket I had brought out with me. Once we were seated, we snuggled up to one another and just relaxed. This was one of those occasions where you know its ok to have silence. As a matter of fact, it's a good sign that you don't need to talk to your significant other all the time. Sometimes it's just as nice to just sit there and enjoy the company of the other person.

It gladdened my heart to realize we were comfortable enough around each other to not have to talk all the time. The smile on my face when we snuggled up to each other broadened at this realization. We stayed like that for quite a while, basking in the presence of the other. I don't know about him, but having him there with me was one of the best feelings I have ever had.

With conversations popping up here and there, we stayed there until sunset.

I don't know why, but having him there with me made that particular sunset the most beautiful I had ever seen. Since I started going out with Bobby, I have been looking at everything with a new light. I have been appreciating everything, including the little things, more. I believe this is making me a better person.

As soon as the sunset was over, I flew us both back to the mansion. I did this by telekinetically lifting Bobby into the air and then bringing him along as I flew to the school. When we got there, we headed down to the dining room because it was about time for dinner. Just as we were about to enter the dining hall, the bell rang that signaled it was time for dinner. When we heard this, we braced for impact. We did this because we knew that the rest of the school was rushing down here to eat. Since we knew that the rest of the school was on their way, we got in line. As soon as we had gotten our food, the doors to the dining room opened and in rushed the school.

Since Bobby and I were openly going out, we had gotten used to eating alone or with a select few people at our table. Tonight was somewhat different. Andrew came and sat with us. This first thing he did when he sat down was to apologize. He said, "I am sorry for not being there for you. I told you that your being gay didn't bother me, well that wasn't the whole truth. It didn't bother me until you actually started to go out with another guy. I didn't think it would bother me as much as it did. I really didn't mean to act like everyone else that stopped talking to you, especially since I knew long before you started going out with Bobby."

"I am also sorry to you Bobby. Since I claimed to be a friend of Matt's, I should have tried to get to know you better for him. I really didn't intend to follow everyone else's lead, but it just came so naturally. It came naturally because I am so used to do what was popular, that I just did it no matter if it was right or wrong. I am will to try again if you two are will to forgive me." Bobby and I just looked at each other trying to process what was just said. It took a moment or two before either one of us responded. We both said, "Of course we are willing to forgive you. What type of friends would we be if we didn't?"

As soon as all of that was off of Andrew's chest, he visibly relaxed. With him relaxed, it was just like the beginning of the school year again. Though, of course, I had Bobby there as well. It's strange; Bobby and Andrew hit it off right away. They actually had a lot in common, but neither made the effort to get to know the other before. I am glad that my two very best friends are getting along so well.

We sat there discussing random topics until after dinner was over. Once we were done with our discussions, Andrew politely excused himself. Since he was leaving, Bobby and I left as well. We decided to go back to my room to just hang out until it was time for bed. As it turns out, Bobby ended up falling asleep before it was time for bed. There was no way I was going to wake him up because he looked so adorable and peaceful lying there in my bed sleeping. I just sat there looking at him for a while.

Since there is only one bed in my room, I had to share it with him. As soon as I lay down and pulled the cover over us, Bobby rolled over and put his arm around me. It just felt right to have his arm draped around me while I was sleeping. Throughout the night, we ended up snuggling closer to each other.

When I woke up the next morning, I looked down and saw that he had his head resting on my chest. This brought a huge smile onto my face. I just lay there for quite a while looking at him sleeping peacefully. While I was just looking at him, he slowly started to wake up. Once he was fully awake, he looked up at me with an equally huge smile on his face. Once he got his bearings, he said, "Good morning. Thank you for letting me spend the night here." I replied with, "If I could have it my way, I would have you sleep here all the time. Just think, we finally slept together. And by this I mean in the same bed. Although, it felt nice to sleep with your arms around me. That is one feeling I will not soon forget. I was not about to wake you up because it seemed like you really needed the sleep. Plus, you looked way too cute and peaceful sleeping."

With my last statement made, he blushed. He looked so darn cute when he did that. After he got over my last statement, he just nodded his head and started to get up. This was something I was not going to allow just yet. When he was about to get out of bed, I pulled him back down to me. Once he was back on the bed next to me, I decided to give him a long good-morning kiss. We both reveled in that for a wile and then decided to get up.

Once up, my morning was just like the rest. Except of course for the fact that I missed my first class. I will have to get the notes for that lecture tomorrow from someone. It was after my classes that worried me. Today I was supposed to find out why my hands glowed the way they did. For some reason this was really worrying me.

When I got to my afternoon lesson with Professor X., Dr. McCoy was there waiting for me. As soon as I entered the room, I was asked to sit down. Once I had seated myself, Dr. McCoy stated, "The reason we have asked you to sit is because this explanation of your power is going to take a while. In fact, we have already excused you from band for today."

"Great, this does nothing to appease my worrying about this meeting."

"Matt, you have nothing to worry about. It's just that the explanation of this power is a bit awkward. The reason for this is because your pyrokinesis is different from others we have seen. The tests show that with time, you will be able to blow things up as well as being able to set them on fire. Pyrokinesis usually develops so that a person is able to do one or the other, not both like you."

"So, this is a bad thing that I will be able to do both?"

"No, it just means that you are going to have to work extra hard to control it."

"Oh, I see. More hard work. Although, I am getting used to all of this hard work that comes with my 'special' powers."

"I am glad to hear that you are conducive with hard work. Because it seems that each time one of your powers develops, hard work is needed to master it. As for this power, it is 'special' as you up it in another way as well.

To charge this power, you absorb the heat from the sun and then use it to charge things or light them on fire. The good thing about that fact is that you store that energy until you use it. The more you are out in the sun or are bombarded by heat, the more energy you collect and store. Another good thing is your uncanny ability to naturally control your abilities. This helps you out because then you can actually touch other humans, especially that special someone."

At hearing this, the professor gave me a strange look. When giving me this look, he didn't blink at all. Since he wasn't blinking, I started to panic.

To resolve this situation, I decided to tell him my most personal secret. Although, this secret wasn't very secretive anymore.

So I said, "Professor, there are things you should know about me. The first of which is that I am gay. And I am very certain of this fact. The second is that I have found myself the perfect guy here on campus. His name is Bobby Drake. He feels the same way about me so we are officially going out. We are quite happy together."

"My boy, I thank you for finally confiding in me with your secret. Although, when we first met I knew you were gay because I searched through your mind. It's standard procedure so we can check out any potential student. I look for any personal facts that may cause unrest with the other students. In your case, I found out that you were gay. That is one of the things we do not discriminate against. While looking around your mind, I also found out that you don't care if you are accepted or not. You go by the saying 'If they don't like me, it's their loss.'"

I had kind of figured that he knew I was gay, but I had no way of knowing for certain. I am just glad that he accepts me for whom I am and whom I want to go out with. This took a huge weight off of my shoulders.

The professor continued with, "I am glad to hear that you have found a boyfriend in Mr. Drake. I am also glad to hear that you two are happy together. Next week I will be starting you training in the danger-room. I will have you training with Bobby, whose codename is Iceman; Jake, whose codename is Timebender; and Aaron, whose codename is Backlash. You will quickly learn their strengths and weaknesses. The more you learn to trust each other, the sooner you will become a cohesive fighting team. I know you are already friends with everyone and that you are well on your way to becoming a tight knit group. This will help you out because you will be quicker to trust friends than some other people.

In order that you can keep your identity a secret, you have to choose a codename for yourself. Usually, the codename has something to do with your power, but since you have so many that doesn't help. Maybe you should think about the fact that you have so many and that they are so varied. Another thing that might help you is that you seem to be a natural at learning all of them. You will be called by your codename in the danger-room and on actual missions when you go on them. That is just something you might want to think of for yourself before the end of our meeting. Now, since tomorrow is Valentines Day, there is no class or personal lessons. We let our students do pretty much what they desire for the day. Is there anything special you would like to do?"

Wow, that is a lot of information I have to figure out. Not only do I have to come up with a codename for myself, but I also have to learn the others codenames as well. I also have to figure out if I want to do anything special tomorrow. The first of the two things I have to think about should take me a while to figure out so it's good and fits me.

"Professor, I have two questions for you. The first is, how long till the end of the meeting so I know how long I have to think? And, when would I have to be back if I went home for the weekend?"

"The latest you should answer is right before dinner. You would have to be back here Sunday evening." I thought about my codename first since it was the more pressing matter of the two. I considered all of my varied powers and tried to come up with a name to go along with that. That thought process wasn't very successful. I thought of "Jack" for jack-of-all-trades, but it wasn't very creative and it didn't fit. Then I considered the fact that I learn how to control my powers fairly fast, sometimes its intuitive. The first name that popped into my head this time was "Prodigy". This one fits and its creative because a prodigy is a person whom is a quick learner at whatever he does.

When I thought about what I wanted to do tomorrow, all I could think of was to go home. The more I though about it, I wanted to take Bobby with me and introduce him to my parents.

After half an hour to an hour of thinking I said, "I want my codename to be 'Prodigy'. The thing I want to do for tomorrow is to go home for the weekend. I would also like your permission to take Bobby with me, if he agrees to go."

"Prodigy, interesting choice. I would have to agree, that is a good choice for your codename. It fits. As to your wanting to go home, I think that is a good idea. Your parents would probably love to see you and have you home for the weekend. I give you my permission to take Mr. Drake with you, if he agrees. If and when he does agree, will you let me know via telepathy? Thank you, and that will be all for now."

As soon as I left the room, the professor started talking to Dr. McCoy. He started off by saying, "That young man is quite remarkable. Even with all of that power, he is still down to earth. He acts more grown-up than his nineteen nearly twenty years. His birthday is a week from tomorrow; I say we let him know what celebrities are with us as a present. I think he deserves to be shown that we trust him because he has waited patiently without question. I just have to see if the rest of the staff agrees with me."

"I, myself, agree with you. Every time he comes down for more tests because of one of his powers, he never complains. I also almost never see him without a smile on his face. I would probably have to say he is one of the most grown-up students we have here. I am sure that Jean would agree with us about telling him who the celebrities are."

They continued talking about this for quite some time. As it turns out, they talked about it until dinnertime. It was then that they asked if everyone thought I was ready to learn who the celebrities are.

The consensus was to inform me of who the celebrities are on my birthday. Everyone at the staff table was happy with that decision and said so.

Meanwhile, across the room a whole other type of conversation was going on.

This one involved Bobby and I. I was asking, "Since there is no class tomorrow, I was wondering if you would like to come home with me. I want you to meet my parents."

"Matt, I would love to go to your home with you and meet your parents. That is the sweetest thing you could do for me at the moment. I am proud that you actually want me to meet your mom and dad."

At hearing this, I sent Professor Xavier the news. Little did either of them know what I else I was planning on doing this weekend. I will need Bobby there in order to actually do this task. I just hope it goes well.

After dinner, Bobby and I went to our respective rooms to pack for tomorrow's trip to Pennsylvania. I did tell Bobby to bring warm clothing along because it is just as cold there as it is here in New York. Now that I thin about it, that advice probably fell on deaf ears because of his natural affinity with ice. Oh well, it's too late now.

As soon as we were done packing, we went straight to bed. We did this because I want to surprise my parents. They are going to be so happy to see me because they haven't seen me for months. Plus, they will get o meet my best friend and boyfriend. I hope they like him.

The next morning, we got up like we would for school. Except this time we gathered our things and started on our way. Scott was kind enough to give us a ride to the train station. During the train ride, we snuggled close together, not caring who saw us. From this position, we talked and slept.

Since the train ride was so long, it took us a couple of hours to reach our destination. Once we got to this end of the train ride, we ended up taking a taxi to my house. Once we arrived at my house, I decided to ring the doorbell instead of just using my key. I did this because then my parents would be even more surprised. I was right in thinking they would be surprised. They were not expecting m to come home anytime soon.

The first thing I did after my mom let me out of her hug was to introduce her to Bobby. She seemed very happy to meet him. She even asked what his power was. I believe they will get along marvelously.

After the introductions were made, I took Bobby up to my room. The reason I did this was because I have two twin beds in my room. As soon as he entered my room, he got a very big smile on his face. This was because my walls were covered in posters of comic book characters. When I thought about this, I laughed because I have basically become a comic character.

When we were settled in, I went and got out my bible. I did this because I wanted to read him two quotes about love from it. The first of which was Song of Songs chapter 9 verses 6-7. It says, "Place me like a seal over your heart, or like a seal on your arm. For love is as strong as death, and its jealousy is as enduring as the grave. Love flashes like fire, the brightest kind of flame. Many waters cannot quench love, neither can rivers drown it. If a man tried to buy love with everything he owned, his offer would be utterly despised." The second was 1 Corinthians chapter 13 verse 13. It says, "There are three things that endure - faith, hope, and love - the greatest of these is love." Reading these to him, especially the last one, reminded me of a quote from the movie "Moulin Rouge". The quote that I then said to him was "The greatest thing you will ever learn, is just to love and be loved in return."

By reading and quoting these things, I had hoped Bobby would understand how much I truly cared for him. I had, in fact, given him my heart. When I was done quoting about love, he came over to me and gave me the most soul-filled kiss I have ever received.

After that kiss, I told him of my plan to finally come out to my parents. I also told him that I would need him there for support. At hearing this, he came over and gave me a very supportive hug. The also said that he would be there for me always.

At hearing this, I said, "I know we have only known each other a short time and have been going out even less, but I feel like I have known you my whole life. I know this might seem a bit quick, but I would like to devote my heart solely to you for the rest of my life."

He responded with, "I am very touched by your words. I feel the same way myself. Even if this is quick, it seems like the right thing to do. I will also devote my heart to you and you alone."

After this conversation, we went downstairs for dinner and then sat down and discussed what school was like. I mentioned how my training was going and what all I was learning. Bobby mentioned what all he is able to do with his power so far. I think it's amazing to hear what all he is able to do with his ice power. My parents were amazed at what we are able to do. It's definitely a good thing my parents are ok with mutants; otherwise I wouldn't want to come home.

When we were done talking and just relaxing, I became very tired. As the tiredness came upon me, I decided to head up to bed. It was at this time that Bobby also decided to head up. Once we were upstairs, he asked me when I was planning on coming out to them. I said I was going to do it tomorrow.

After these comments, we got undressed and got into bed.

The next morning was like most Saturday mornings growing up. We slept in for as long as we wanted. Breakfast was whatever we wanted to fix ourselves if w were up in time. We were up in time, but instead of going downstairs right away, I joined him in his bed and we snuggled for a while. Right before we would have fallen asleep again, we got up and made our way downstairs.

After eating a quick something, I sent Bobby a quick telepathic message saying I was going to do it now. Once he nodded, I gathered everyone into the family room and had them sit down. When everyone was seated and comfortable, I began. I started off by saying, "Mom, Dad, there is something I need to tell you. I need you to know something about me. The thing I need you to know is that I am gay. This is not something I chose, it's just the way I am. You should also know that Bobby is my boyfriend and that I love him dearly."

When I was done speaking, I looked over at my parents expectantly. For a while there was no sign of recognition on their faces, but then both of their faces relaxed. Once their faces did this, they looked over at me and smiled. From this, I knew everything was going to be all right. As a matter of fact, they said that hey had known for a while and that they had accepted it a while ago. At hearing this, I went over and gave the two of them a big hug. As I was hugging them, I motioned for Bobby to join us.

After our big family hug, everything else that weekend went normally. That night though, Bobby and I slept in the same bed once again. The weekend was over way too quickly but thankfully everything turned out all right. I was so not ready to go back on Sunday and from the look of things, neither was Bobby. He found himself a second home at my house and I was glad to see this.

Monday, classes started right back up where they left off. I also started up where I left off. My concentration was till there. Everything was back to normal in my life, so I was happy.

That afternoon, Professor Xavier stopped my training with telepathy in order to start to prepare me for the danger-room. This he said was going to take a while. For some reason, I believe him. To prepare me, he started off by saying, "The first thing I am going to tell you is what exactly the danger-room is. It's a totally mechanized room that we use for training. What we do is we pull up a program and run it. Each program is different. They vary in who you fight to the difficulty of the program."

"You will be part of an experimental group. We have been waiting for a fourth person for this team for a while. We didn't think we had the right person until you came along. We needed a telepath, but this telepath needed to be able to do more things than Aaron is able to. You fit that profile and you have extra powers at your disposal, which makes you the perfect candidate. The only thing I have told the other three members is that they are finally going to get heir fourth member. I do not want you to tell them it's you just yet. I want to test you out in the danger-room by yourself tomorrow, then Wednesday and Thursday you will train with your team. Feel free to ask anyone you know about what it is like to be in there."

This whole explanation took a while because during it he called up video of some of the programs. Watching these videos was interesting. They showed what I might go through when it's my turn.

As was agreed upon, I met Bobby at the entrance to the library. From there we walked hand in hand to our normal table in the back. Once we seated ourselves, we started to discuss the past weekend. He stated, "I just love your family. They accepted me as if I was always part of it. The next break from school, I want to take you to my house this time."

"I kind of figured that they would love you. If they saw what I see, there is no way that they would not love and accept you. If they didn't accept you, they wouldn't be accepting part of my soul. For after all, I have given you a major part of my heart. Enough of that for now. I want you to tell me what it's like in the danger-room if you don't mind. I need to know this because I have my first training session in there tomorrow."

"Of course I will tell you what it's like. I will also give you some hints. The key to surviving in there is to be totally relaxed. If you tense up, you are more likely to make mistakes and get hurt. He will most likely set the program on easy since you have never been in there before. As for what it's like in there, it's actually kind of exciting. Depending on which program you are running, you will either fight sentinels or one of our many enemies. Just beware; you will bruise because the powers of the people you are fighting will be sort of real. Of course, they won't be real powers, but they will hurt you just as much."

"Thanks for the heads up and for the advice. I will try to remember them for my session tomorrow afternoon. How long do you think he will have me run through programs?"

"He will probably have you in there all afternoon until dinner. He has the group I train with train for hours. Although, we are training so we can be a fighting team so we can one day go on missions. But right now, we are still incomplete. We have to wait for Professor X. to appoint us a fourth member. Hopefully we will get that member soon because we are starting to get antsy. Although, he says that we will meet this person Wednesday."

"Who are the other two members of your team? Do I know them?"

"Of course you know them. They are Jake and Aaron. Although, of course, we don't go by our real names in the danger-room. I go by the name Iceman, Jake goes by the name Timebender, and Aaron goes by the name Backlash. Have you come up with a codename for yourself yet?"

"I came up with a codename last Thursday when I was first told I would be training in the danger-room. The name I came up with is 'Prodigy'."

"Cool name."

After our conversation about the danger-room was over, we went to the dining room for dinner. During that conversation though, when he mentioned his team, I was so tempted to tell him that I was their fourth member but I said I wouldn't.

The rest of the day and then next morning were pretty uneventful. I was too worried about what the danger-room was going to be like to really concentrate on anything. I don't know hwy, but when I can't concentrate, the teachers seem to avoid me. I am not complaining though.

When it came time for my training, I followed Professor X.'s directions to get to the room. As I entered the room, I remembered Bobby's advice. I then willed myself to calm down. Then I got a telepathic message saying that I should relax and the program will begin shortly. Bobby's presumption was correct. He started me off on an easy level. I was glad for this later on.

The first program was basically a standard powers training session. Or at least that's what it seemed like at first. It started out as just random bars and balls flying towards me. I had to either redirect the path of the projectile or crush it with my telekinesis. As time wore on, more and more projectiles were fired at me. Of course, all of these projectiles were fired at once. This really started to push the limit of my power. I could deflect most of them, but there was that odd object that had a weird path. Without really thinking about it, I closed my eyes and started to really concentrate on what I was doing. I don't know why, but I was better able to control my power this way. As well as the fact that this way I could sense things sooner than I could with my eyes.

As I was doing this, Professor Xavier sent Jean a message. This message said to get down here now because there was something she had to see.

When she entered the control room, she was told to look out the window at me. What she saw amazed her. She saw me standing in the middle of the room calmly crushing and deflecting about fifty moving projectiles that were coming at me. This isn't what amazed her though. What amazed her was that I was doing this with my eyes shut. It's not that she can't do this herself, but she was amazed I could do this already.

When she was done staring at me doing my thing, she told the professor to move on to the next level. As soon as he got her permission, he pushed a button and the next level commenced.

Since I was in the zone with my telekinesis, I sensed that more guns were added. The only thing I didn't realize was they were in fact real guns with real bullets and some with lasers. When I went to deflect or crush the new projectiles, it was harder to do. This was because they were smaller or not fully solid. As I realized this, it started to worry me. Then I thought of an idea. As all of the projectiles were about to hit me, I quickly flew up into the air. Since I did this, the objects collide with each other. This also gave me a jump-start on the next round.

Since I didn't actually have any formal training with my pyrokinesis, I didn't think it would come into play. But at the moment, it was the only thing I could think of that could help me deal with the new guns. The only thing I could think of that would actuate this power was to mentally visualize my hands glowing red and staying that way. When I got up to the first gun, my hands were once again hot-metal red. Instinctively, I reached out and touched the gun and then moved on to the next closest one. When I touched the gun, the color of my hands transferred to the gun. After a few seconds, the gun exploded. I had officially figured out one aspect of my pyrokinesis. This helped out immensely.

As soon as I had destroyed all of the guns, either by pyrokinetically charging them or blocking them with my telekinesis so that they blew themselves up, the program ended.

When it did end, it had been hours I had been exercising my powers. As soon as I had caught my breath, Professor X. and Jean came into the room with me. Professor Xavier spoke first saying, "That was quite a show you put on. It was a good thing you figured out part of your pyrokinesis. Speaking of which, how did you figure it out without any proper teaching?"

"I just visualized my hands glowing like they did before. Except, this time I thought about them staying that way. As to how I could charge the guns, that was just instinctive."

Jean then asked, "How did you know that you would be able to defend yourself with your eyes closed like they were? Also, why did you close your eyes in the first place?"

"I closed my eyes in the first place because of those few projectiles with the odd paths. I was able to deflect just about all of the objects, except for those few. Those few I had to crush. I remembered when you were first instructing me in how to use my power; you had me close my eyes and visualized the objects in the room. As I did that more often, I realized I was able to see things moving around. The reason I knew I would be able to defend myself with my eyes closed is because of my last statement. Since I could visualize all of the projectiles before I could actually see them, I knew it would be advantageous."

After my explanations were over, I was excused to go to dinner. As soon as I left, they started talking. They discussed the fact that I was becoming a very powerful mutant. Even though they both knew I was capable of being a very powerful mutant, neither of them expected me to be this powerful this soon. Although, the fact that I was quickly living up to my potential didn't scare either one of them. The reasons for this was because I didn't flaunt my power or let it go to my head. I was still the same person they first met.

During dinner, I was not my normal attentive self. The reason for this is the fact that I had never used my powers for that long of a time period and it had drained me. I was not really expecting this but it didn't really surprise me.

As soon as dinner was over, I went straight to my room. I did this because I needed some well-deserved sleep. I hadn't been that tired mentally in quite some time.

The next morning when I woke up, I was totally refreshed. I don't know if this was due to my healing factor or to the sleep I just got. Either way I was thankful. I definitely think that being refreshed is a good thing considering I have class and then a training session with my new team in the danger-room.

After my normal morning classes, I headed down to the danger-room once again. I was kind of apprehensive about what Bobby, Jake, and Aaron will think of me being their fourth member. I know they are really looking forward to having a complete team.

I decided to push my apprehension to the back of my mind and just walk in. When I did walk in, I felt all eyes turn towards me right away. Professor X. then said that I was now going to be part of their group. As realization came to them, that I with all of my varied powers was going to be on their team, smiles crept onto their faces.

With that over with, we began a program much like the one I ran yesterday. Except, of course, that the difficulty was a bit higher. I think we started off at the level I finished at. When the program actually began, I sent a though to Backlash (Aaron) about how we should handle this, and he quickly agreed. With his consent, I then told Timebender (Jake) that he should slow down time around himself and go crush the guns. I also told Iceman (Bobby) that he should freeze the guns so that when they fired, they would shatter. I told both of them that I would be protecting all of us by deflecting or crushing the projectiles. Backlash already knew that I wanted him to absorb the lasers and redirect the energy at the guns that fired them. With everyone doing what was planned, the program was quickly over.

When everything had settled down, the professor came in to discuss the session with us. He asked, "Who came up with the plan that was so effective? Then will that person, once named, explain what exactly the plan was?"

Bobby then proudly said, "Matt came up with the plan. It's a good thing he knows what each of our powers are."

As was requested of me, I then explained the idea that popped into my head.

It's a good thing I was in scouts because then I learned to use what resources I had available to me. For some reason, I think I might be looked to to lead the group. I don't know if I am the right person for that position, but if the group agrees, then I will do it.

Since that was all that was planned for us, we were let out early. We decided we should hang out and discuss what exactly happened in there. It was asked of me as to how I knew each of their powers so well. I just said that I had a really good memory and remembered what each of them told me about their respective powers. I think he reason my memory has improved is because my telepathy developed. I happened to notice when we were talking that I wasn't exactly as tired as I was the day before. I didn't really do any less than I did yesterday but I am getting used to really using my powers.

After quite a long discussion about that afternoon, we all headed down to the dining room for an early supper. After the exercise we just received, we were really hungry.

I believe that the danger-room has made our group closer. Working that close together for a common good will make any group closer. I think that's why the X-Men are such a successful group.

The following day, the program was much more difficult. The premise was that we were out at a café eating when a sentinel swooped down and started attacking. At first, we did not do anything, but when the sentinel pointed us out and said, "Halt mutants." we attacked. Now I had no clue what a machine could do to us at first, but thanks to a message from Aaron, I quickly learned. I also learned that they would still fight even if you cut off a limb or two. The only real way to kill them is to chop off their head and then destroy it.

Fortunately for us, when we were pointed out, the crowd dissipated. As soon as we started moving, it lifted its hand and started firing a huge laser at us. Since we couldn't really stand still and fight, we had to keep moving. I first sent a message to Timebender seeing if he thought he could possibly push it over. When he shook his head, I had to rethink my strategy. I could either have Iceman freeze its legs and then have Timebender smash through them or I could possibly telekinetically trip it. I decided on the first when I got a collective question about what we should do. When I gave the order, Iceman ran and froze both of its legs, but since it took a while, we had to distract it until he was done. Once the legs were frozen, Timebender sped himself up and quickly smashed through both of them. With the sentinel distracted by losing its legs, I had Iceman freeze one of the hands while I crushed the other. When the sentinel tried to shoot at us, his hands blew apart. The next order was to take care of the head. I telepathically asked if they minded if I charged the head so that it would explode. When I received that they didn't mind, I ran over with my hands glowing and charged it until it matched my hands in color. With that done, I had Backlash teleport us a few miles away so that we wouldn't be hurt by the explosion.

Once the head exploded, the program ended. At that point, in came the professor. He once again congratulated us on a job well done. He also said that he was monitoring our mental conversations this time. He said, "I agree with making Matthew the leader. He seems to be the natural leader anyway. His ideas were methodical and made quick work of the sentinel. Now, since not all of you are telepathic, we will be issuing headsets to the four of you."

He also sent me via telepathy, "Good job. I will be giving you a mini version of cerebro in a headband. You must always wear that headband when you are away from the school. By the way, when you were running the program, you reminded me a lot of Scott."

His last comment made me blush. Of course everyone noticed this. I then had to explain why I was blushing. Then everyone started to laugh at me, but they agreed with the statement that made me blush.

Since this program and session took longer than yesterday's, we were actually a little bit late for dinner. After we had eaten, we retreated back to my room to celebrate the completing of the team and two successful danger-room training sessions. We stayed up very late discussing whatever came up.

When I woke up the next morning, I was very happy. The reason for this was because the fact that it was my birthday. I had officially passed the teenage years. I was once again not without a smile on my face throughout all of my classes.

When I entered the room for my training, I was surprised to see all of the faculty there waiting for me. As I got fully into the room, they started clapping for me. I received a happy birthday from both Professor X. and Jean via telepathy. Once I had found myself a seat, the professor came over to me and handed me a box. When I opened the box, I found a very cool looking headband. I then figured out that this was the mini cerebro device he was talking about. It was then that he said, "That is only part of what you are receiving today. The other part is who all of the celebrities are. They are Hayden Christensen, Avril Lavigne, Nick Carter, Ryan Merriman, and Forbes March. As to what their powers are, I will let them tell you when you meet them."

I just sat there shocked for a moment or two. I then responded with, "I thank you for trusting me with this secret. I sear I will not tell anyone outside of the school."

With that, we started to discuss what I thought of going to school here. We also talked about what we all thought of being a mutant.

That night at dinner, Bobby leaned over and gave me a quick kiss. I was somewhat surprised by this because it was in the middle of the dining room. When he broke the kiss, he wished me a happy birthday. He said that he found out about my birthday from my mother. Why doesn't this surprise me? The rest of dinner progressed normally. Now, after dinner, we headed back to my room. When I opened the door, Jake and Aaron were waiting inside. Once I was inside, all three of them wished me a very happy birthday. When I was settled in, Bobby came over and gave me a box. The tag on it said it was from all three of them. This made me smile. What was inside surprised me. It was a watch, but this watch looked expensive.

I thanked them all for this generous gift. Then I couldn't help but ask how they got it since Bobby just found out last weekend when my birthday was. That and I didn't understand why it was from everyone.

Aaron then explained, "Bobby got permission to go and get the watch for you. He went and bought it Monday afternoon. He was originally just going to look Monday and then go back Tuesday to buy something but he spotted the watch and just had to get it. The reason it is from everyone is because we all wanted to thank you for becoming the leader of our team."

All of this really touched me. I know this is one birthday I will never forget. I have the perfect boyfriend and some of the best friends a guy could ask for.

Well, that is it for another chapter. I am sorry this one took so long, but I wanted to put so much into it. I hope you enjoy it. I would appreciate some feedback from you, so please send me some emails. The email address is Thanks.

Next: Chapter 11

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