Force of One

By Dash Jarrod

Published on Apr 13, 2003


Disclaimer: This story is totally fictional. If any of the characters resemble anyone from your life, that is just coincidence. Any celebrity involved in this story may or may not be homosexual. If you are under 18 please don't read.

Thanks to anyone that has responded to me about my story. I have been enjoying writing it; I just hope that you enjoy reading it as much. Thanks to Alex and Dustin for letting me make them into characters.

That weekend, nothing exciting happened. All I did was hang out with Bobby and the rest of the team. Since it was the weekend, there was no training. That is, of course, you wanted to. And there was no way I was going to spend the weekend after my birthday training.

Now, Monday started something strange. I was started on double-training sessions. The reason this was done was because the professor wants me to learn how to use my mini cerebro. In my first session, I will still be learning how to use my telepathy. But during the second one, I will start to learn how to use cerebro. Of course, interspersed in there are sessions in the danger-room. These sessions would be alone and with the rest of the team.

On Tuesday, my schedule was sort of back to normal. The reason I say this is because yesterday it was explained to me what exactly my new double-training sessions would entail. I can completely understand the necessity of the extra teaching.

Anyway, during the first session on Tuesday, I was finally given the chance to control someone's mind. Of course, the person who I was going to be controlling was Bobby. After reviewing what the steps were to control a mind, I started to try. At first it went slowly because I didn't fully remember what the professor did when I tagged along. Also, I didn't want to hurt my boyfriend by doing something wrong. Since Professor X. was monitoring what I was doing, he sent me a supportive message because he sensed that I was a little bit wary. With renewed conviction, I started to slowly but surely overlay my mind and thoughts onto his. Considering this was my first time trying, I knew it would take me a while to totally take control.

After about fifteen minutes, I finally had taken complete control of his mind. The first thing I had Bobby do was form his second skin. It was kind of strange because I just barely thought that and he did it. Another weird thing was that I could tell that I could still use my powers. Since I knew this, I telekinetically hurled a ball at him. I wanted to see what he is able to do, so I had him defend himself. He did this by constructing a slide out of ice so that the ball flew harmlessly up into the air. When it was in the air, I brought it down and put it back where I got it from. I then decided to try and speak to see if he would speak at the same time as me. As it turned out, he did. The thing I did next was just have him do some basic moments.

Once I was done doing what I had planned on, I went to back out but wasn't entirely sure how to do it. Once again, the professor sent me as message saying that I could do it. When I received that message, I sat there reviewing what I had seen Professor X. do. After I was finished reviewing, I slowly started to release his neurons and synapses from under my control. It didn't take as long to take my mind away as it did to overlay it onto his. As I finished releasing his mind from my control, I blinked to end my telepathic link.

With that over with, Bobby was excused. After he left, the professor asked, "Would you mind if I looked at your memories of the last hour?"

"I don't see why you can't. Although, since you were monitoring what I was doing, you should know what I thought about it."

"That is true, I have a basic idea of what you thought of the experience. But, I want a more detailed account. That account can only be found inside of your memories."

Right after his last comment, he started to look around my memories. It only took a couple of minutes before he blinked to end his telepathic link. What he found there must have pleased him because he was smiling.

With that, I was allowed to go to band and then to dinner. After dinner though, I was expected to meet him at his office. Of course, I was supposed to have my new headband with me. Training with cerebro should prove to be interesting.

The first thing Professor X. said, once I had seated myself, was, "Now, you must understand that your version of cerebro isn't nearly as powerful as the original. But, you will be able to pick up mutant signatures within a couple mile radius of you. How cerebro works is that it amplifies your telepathy so that you are able to pick up mutant signatures."

"So I will be able to see their auras."

"That is one way to put it."

He started me off training with the original cerebro because it's bigger and easier to control. The reason for this is because I don't have to focus through such a small device to start off with.

Now, I am sure that if I concentrated hard enough on any one person in the building, I could figure out where they were. But using cerebro, I didn't have to concentrate nearly as hard.

The first person I concentrated on was, of course, Bobby. Since it was after dinner, he was hanging out somewhere. That location was what I wanted to find out. Once I found his mind, it took almost no effort to read it and find out where he was.

Using cerebro was fun for me because it made using my telepathy so much easier. Normally, I would have had to work a lot harder to find a person and then figure out where they were, but with cerebro, the work was almost eliminated. Although, using it brought some questions to mind that I will have to ask.

After I was done playing around and figuring out the basics of using it, I asked, "I have some questions for you. The first of which is, does this just allow me to see mutant signatures or does it enhance the other things I can do with my telepathy?"

"Matt, it of course allows you to see mutant signatures. As to the other stuff, it all depends on what you mean."

"I mean, will it enhance the range over which I can mind-speak? Will it make it easier for me to control someone's mind? Does it make it easier to read other people's minds?"

"Using cerebro will make it easier to do many things with you telepathy. You most likely won't have any difficulty controlling someone's mind, unless they are telepaths themselves. Controlling someone's mind will become like second nature to you when you use it often enough. Although, that is the same with most of your powers. Then you won't have as much trouble with breaking through their mental barriers. As for reading someone's mind, you shouldn't have any problems at all with that while using cerebro. Although, you don't seem to have any problems with reading peoples minds as it is and the distance you can read someone's mind from will increase as your power develops more. Now, if you were using the original, your range for mind-speak would be majorly increased. But, since you will be using your mini cerebro most of the time, the distance for your mind-speak will only slightly increase. And the other stuff you mentioned, you shouldn't have as much of a problem."

Hearing this made me happy. Although, I can gather from what he said that I would be using the original cerebro sometimes. I just wonder when I will be using it and what for. I don't know if I should ask him about that now or later.

While thinking all of this, the training period ended. I guess I will just have to ask him about that tomorrow. Since training was over, I was allowed to do whatever I wanted until it was time for bed.

Once out of the room, I telepathically contacted Bobby since I knew exactly where he was. I asked him, "Would you like to do something until it's time for bed or do you want me to come down there to hang out with you guys?"

His response was, "Why don't we compromise. You come down here for a bit and then we can hang out alone until bed."

"Sounds like a plan to me. See you in a few."

With that, I started to fly down to where they were. It took me a couple of minutes, but I think the wait was well worth it. As it turns out, they were in the room that was adjacent to the danger-room. This room I had never really paid any attention to, I just passed through it to get inside the danger-room.

When I got there, I noticed that it was full of uniforms. There were also lockers all around the room with different people's names on them. I glanced all around the room and noticed that there was a locker for each one of us. There was also a place for four more uniforms.

The reason they needed me down there was because we were all supposed to be measured for our uniforms. With that, in came Ororo Munroe, whose codename is Storm. I have a feeling that I will be training with her at some point in time. Anyway, as soon as she got herself organized, which didn't take long, she started measuring the four of us. She started with the tallest of us and moved her way down the line.

The measuring took about ten minutes for each of us. After we were all done getting our measurements taken, we were excused. But before we left, she said that the uniforms would be ready in about a week. After hearing this, we all left to hang out somewhere else for a little while.

With about a half an hour left before bed, Bobby and I headed back to my room. Once we got there, we just sat on my bed and cuddled. After a little bit of time passed, I couldn't help but lean down and give my boyfriend a very big and passionate kiss. During this kiss, we couldn't help but feel each other up. It was just the natural thing to do. While feeling him up, I put my hands under his shirt so that I could feel his muscular chest without having his shirt in the way. I wanted to feel his bare skin. Considering his power, his skin was warm under my touch. Since holding his shirt up was such a pain, I broke the kiss long enough to take off his shirt. While the kiss was broken, he also took off my shirt. As soon as the shirts were off, the kiss started back up and so did the feeling.

As time wore on, I wanted to see his entire body naked. I have a feeling he wanted the same thing. When I broke the kiss this time, I reached down and started to unbutton his jeans. While doing this, I couldn't help but feel the bulge that was trapped underneath the cloth. The bulge was quite sizable. Once I had him step out of his jeans, I just stared at his perfectly shaped muscular body. Although, the fact that he was standing there in nothing except a pair of light blue briefs and his socks didn't hurt either. One of the few things I stared at most was his legs. They were perfectly shaped, very muscular and had a nice coating of blonde hair on them. That's in contrast to his chest, which happens to be completely hairless. I am not complaining about his chest being hairless though. After I quit staring at him, I gave him the chance to finish undressing me. Since he had the chance, he gladly took it. And he took his good old time in taking off my jeans. I think he was savoring doing it. Once he had me down to my own pair of black briefs, it was his turn to stare. He obviously like what he saw.

With that stage of the undressing done, we lay back down on my bed and continued making out. Since we were that scantily clad, I could not help but massage his cloth- covered crotch. Although, he was doing the same thing to me at that moment.

After a while, I just couldn't take it anymore. I had to remove his last vestiges of clothing. With his briefs off, his very nice manhood was standing up straight and proud. Wile it was like that, it was just too tempting. I just had to start stroking it up and down. As I was doing this, bobby closed his eyes in pleasure. After a few minutes of stroking him off, he started leaking precum. When I saw this, I couldn't help but lean down and like it off. Once I tasted it, I couldn't stop. Since I was down there, I took as much of his dick in my mouth as I could and started sucking him off. As soon as he felt my mouth surround his penis, he let out an audible moan. Hearing this really made me happy because it was I who was giving him such pleasure.

With me sucking him off, it didn't take him long to climax. When he started cumming, I pulled back from how far I had him in my mouth, which was about half way, and let it pool in my mouth. As soon as my mouth was full, I had to swallow for fear of drowning and also because I didn't want to waste a single drop of his sweet nectar.

When he was done cumming, which seemed to take forever, I went up and snuggled against his chest. Once he recovered from his orgasm, he leaned down and gave me a very passionate kiss. He also said, "I thank you very much for that act of love. I was not expecting you to go beyond jacking me off. But I am not complaining because I have never felt anything that pleasurable before. So, once again, I thank you. If you want me to respond in kind, I will."

"I do not wan t you to do anything you are not ready to do. It's not to say that I wouldn't enjoy it if you did do it, but if this is too soon for you, I don't want to rush you."

As soon as I said this, he got this almost evil looking smile on his face. With that smile on his face, he leaned forward and gave me a kiss. After he broke the kiss, he started to slowly sink to his knees. Once down there, he started to give me the same treatment I had given him. Except, of course, that he didn't start by jacking me off but had instead started right in on sucking my dick.

Seeing him down there sucking me off put me so close to the edge. But, of course, I wanted to make this last as long as possible. Making it last wasn't working very well. Within a few minutes of his starting to suck me off, I blew my load. As I had not cum in a while, I had a fairly large load stored up. So, I came for a little while, which he wasn't probably expecting.

After he swallowed my load, which I didn't know if he was going to do or not, he stood up and gave me another kiss. This kiss lasted a while because we were basically thanking each other through the kiss. When we broke the kiss, I asked him to spend the night with me. To this he readily agreed. With that settled, we both lay down on my bed and snuggled into each other. After a bit of snuggling, we fell asleep in each other's arms.

When I awoke the next morning, Bobby was already up and getting dressed. Right before we exited my room, we gave each other our first kiss of the day. Since we didn't have any classes with each other, we went our separate ways. Of course, before we did this, we agreed to meet up for lunch. Classes that morning were unusually boring. They just seemed to drag on forever. When they finally drew to an end, I practically ran down to the lunchroom to see Bobby. I had something I wanted to ask him.

After we had gotten our food and settled in at our table, I decided to ask the question. I then asked, "Bobby, if I can arrange it, would you like to move into my room with me?"

He pondered my question for a moment before responding. I am glad that he actually had to think about whether or not it would be the right move to move in with me. When he looked up after thinking about it, his eyes were sparkling. He then said, "I would love to move into your room with you. Although, this doesn't meant that we will go further than we did last night right away. And we will most likely not be doing that all the time either." His statement made me smile. The reason I smiled would be because I felt the same way about the whole situation. What we did last night was special and thus should only be done on special occasions. And as to going further than we did, I am not nearly ready to do that.

"Do you think I should ask for a second bed or do you think that will not matter?"

"I think it would probably be a good idea to ask for a second bed. I say this because then everyone won't think that we are having sex and sleeping in the same bed."

"Good thinking."

The rest of lunch went normally and all too soon it was over. Since today was basically a question and answer day, Bobby and I went our separate ways again. With that, I went to my normal practice room.

When I got there, the professor was already waiting for me. We were supposed to shoot questions back and forth about just about everything involving my training. But, of course, at the end of the session, I had to ask my one very important question.

He began with, "Do you like training with your powers?"

"Of course I like training with my powers. It's everything I thought it would be."

"I am glad to hear it. I, myself, always enjoy training to get better with my power. Which of your powers do you like using the most?"

"I don't know if I like any of my powers more than the others. But, my pyrokinesis is probably the most thrilling to use. Although, I also enjoy using my telepathy."

"I suspected as much. You seem like the type of person who would enjoy using every single one of their powers. Since you don't favor one of your powers of the rest, no one single power will be the most dominant."

"I am glad to hear this. I don't want to rely on one of my powers more than the others because I am best with it. I want to be able to use all of my powers equally. Speaking of powers, do you think I can use my control over the weather and magnetism yet? Or do you think that hey have yet to fully manifest?"

"I am not he right person to field those questions honestly. All I can do is make speculations."

"I think that your speculations would probably be more accurate than just about everyone else's."

"Thanks for the vote of confidence Matt. I suspect that you could probably use both of those powers. I suspect that they are like your pyrokinesis in the fact that you haven't been taught how to do anything with them, but you could work your way through them."

We got into more detail concerning my powers. It took us over an hour to discuss all the topics that came up. I am very glad that we had this session, it was very enlightening. Now, before the session was over, I had to ask a question that was very important to me.

I asked, "Professor Xavier, I am wondering if it would be possible for Bobby to move into my room with me? Of course, if it is allowed, I also ask that another bed be added to my room for him."

"I don't know if that would be the best thing to do. Just think of all of the implications that would be placed upon the both of you and then on the school for letting it happen. Have both of you thoroughly thought this through?"

"I know I would like nothing better than to live with Bobby. He has also agreed with the idea. We both agreed that even if we get the ok to live together, it does not mean that we will be having sex. Neither one of is ready for that step yet. There are other things on our minds that take precedence."

"It seems like the two of you have thought this through as adults. You are still impressing me, young Matthew, as to how grown-up you are. It looks like you make a decision only after considering every possible outcome first."

After he made that statement, he got very quiet. It took me a few seconds to realize that he was doing something telepathically. Since I could not feel him moving around in my mind, I knew that he must have been talking with at least one other person. As it turns out, he was communicating with the whole staff. He called a meeting for during dinner to discuss my request. I would get my answer in my training session after dinner if they could reach a decision by then. If they don't, I am going to be contacted by the professor via telepathy.

Once that was over, I was dismissed to go to dinner and Professor X. went to his meeting with the staff. At dinner, I explained to Bobby what was going on. I explained because, one he asked where all the teachers were and two, he had the right to know what was going on with my request.

As dinner was about to draw to a close, I received a message saying that I was still having practice. With that, I quickly few down to my room to get my mini-cerebro. Once I had it, I flew as quickly as I could to the professor's office. When I entered, I noticed that he had a very serious look on his face. This did not make me feel very well at all.

When he saw my face go from expectant to sad, he looked up at me and his eyes were sparkling. Seeing this made me feel a lot better. Since we had a habit of using only our telepathy while training with cerebro, he told me that everything was set for Bobby to move into my room with me tomorrow. For tonight though, he would have to spend it in his own room with his old roommate. He continued with the fact that this arrangement would only last as long as no one complained about us living in the same room. But as soon as a single person complains, Bobby would be moving back in with his old roommate.

This was very acceptable to me and I told him so. I don't think that Bobby will have any problems with the arrangement, but I will find out when I tell him after practice.

As soon as we were done discussing my new living arrangements, we got started with my last training session with cerebro. Using the original or my mini version does not take long to learn. Once you learn how to use it, you are good to go. You will only get better at using it with practice.

We spent the next hour doing exercises to make sure that I had it down. When the professor thought that I knew how to use it well enough, he asked if I had any questions. Seeing as I didn't have any, I was let out early.

Upon exiting the room, I started to contact Bobby to inform him of the news. Without even trying, I was in contact with him. I don't know if this is because I was subconsciously using my mini-cerebro or that I was so used to contacting him that it was becoming like second nature. Either way, I had established my connection within mere seconds. Anyway, I told him of the arrangement that the professor had laid. I also told him that I had said that that arrangement was fine with me, but that I would find out your reaction after my lesson was over.

When he heard the arrangement, Bobby said that he had expected something like this. It seemed like the only way that would work, or at least the only way it would work to him. He also said that he fully agrees to the terms set before us and can't wait until he moves in with me tomorrow. As he said these last words, I could almost see him smile. At that point in time, I also contacted Professor X. and told him that Bobby also agreed to the aforementioned agreement. He responded with the fact that all of Bobby's stuff would be moved into my room during morning classes. He also said that if we wanted to, we could rearrange the room so that it was more to our liking.

Now, that was an interesting prospect. I would enjoy rearranging the room. That is something I enjoyed. I enjoy drawing houses and floor plans and thus I enjoy doing the furniture arrangements to go with them. I will tell Bobby about us being able to move the furniture around after he moves in because I don't know how they will set it up.

Since Bobby wasn't going to be living with his roommate anymore, he thought it would be nice to hang out with him for the rest of the evening. I thought that was awfully nice of him. Although, Bobby was extremely nice to everyone he knows. That's one of the things I love about him.

Well, that is it for another chapter. I am sorry this one took so long, but I wanted to put so much into it. I hope you enjoy it. I would appreciate some feedback from you, so please send me some emails. The email address is Thanks.

Next: Chapter 12: Charater List

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