Force of One

By Dash Jarrod

Published on Aug 7, 2003


Disclaimer: The characters of the X-men belong to Marvel comics. I do not know the sexual preferences of any of the characters herein except for those I made up. This story is complete fiction; any resemblance to real life is sheer coincidence. I do not know any celebrity that may be included in this story may or may not be gay. I also do not personally know any of the celebrities. If you are under 18, please don't read any further.

I thank my friends Dustin and Alex for allowing me to make them into characters. Also thanks to all of you who have written me about my story. I have enjoyed writing it; I just hope that you have enjoyed reading it as much.

I am sorry it took so long for this chapter to come out. I had to wait for inspiration to come to me. I hope you enjoy it.

One day, the professor called both teams down to his office. He did this by contacting both leaders and then having them get their teams together and to his office by the designated time. When everyone was there. He began to explain that he had a mission for all of us.

He said that there was this really powerful mutant holding out on an island in the Pacific. This specific mutants power is exactly like Storm's, except that he is even more powerful than she is. He is so powerful that he can even change the direction of the waves around his island with a bit of concentration. His power makes this island the perfect hideout for him because he can affect all of the water and weather around it.

Because the guy is such a threat to the entire world, Professor X. wants us to take the guy out. Now by take him out, he means we should stop him and capture him. We are then supposed to transport him back to the mansion.

At this point, I was a bit curious as to why my team was called down with the other. I grew to be so curious that I couldn't keep my mouth shut anymore. I had to ask, "Professor, why was my team called down as well because it seems like the original team should be able to handle it."

He answered, "This mission will probably require both teams to overcome him. Oh, and just so everyone knows, you will be picking up some people in California to help out."

"Oh, ok."

Now he diagrammed what exactly we were going to do. We are to fly out to California and pick up our guests. But when we do, there is going to be a change in who pilots the jet. The reason we are doing this is because one of our guests is a teleporter. He will be able to fly the plane back to the mainland and then teleport out to help. Once we switch pilots, we are to fly out to within a mile of the island. We were to do this so that we could possibly sneak up on the island. The original, more experienced group will be dropped off at the front of the island while my team attacks from the back.

As soon as the plan was laid out for everyone, all but Scott and I were excused. When we were alone with Professor Xavier, he told us who the guests were going to be. They are going to be the celebrities who are also mutants. He went on to tell us that he thought the celebrities should join my team for this mission because we have less people.

This suited both of us just fine. Scott didn't mind because that means he didn't have to worry about more people. I didn't mind because then I would hang out with a few celebrities and see how well they control their respective powers. Not to mention the fact that I will learn what their powers are.

When we were dismissed this time, I stuck around so that I could talk with the professor alone. As soon as Scott left the room, I started talking with Professor X. telepathically.

I said, "This is probably just first mission nerves working here, but I am worried about how my team will fare."

"I am sure your team will fare just fine. Your team is very talented, plus the people joining you for the mission are also extremely talented."

"Why won't you just tell me what their powers are?"

"It's not for me to tell. The only reason you know who they are is because they said I could tell you."

"I guess I should thank them when I finally meet them."

"That would be very nice of you Matthew."

After our conversation, I didn't feel nearly as worried about the mission. I also now understood why he never told me what the power of each celebrity is. I respect him even more for being respectful of their privacy. If I were a celebrity, I would value my privacy very highly.

Since we still had a couple of days before the mission was to take place, life sort of returned to normal. The next day I awoke early and left a note for Bobby so that he knew where I was and wouldn't worry about me. That morning, I decided to work out with the power I would most likely be using the most during the mission. So, I went down to the danger room and had it start one of the workout programs for telekinetics. I, of course, had it start out at a higher level because I needed the practice and the harder I work out with it, the easier it will be for me to control my power to the fullest.

As the levels got progressively higher and higher, I was having more trouble blocking, crushing, and deflecting the projectiles and lasers. At one point, I had to just put myself into a protective bubble of telekinetic energy. As I was floating in the middle of the room getting bombarded by everything that was being fired at me, I got a telepathic message form Jean. She asked I wanted her to shut down the program. Of course, I didn't want her to do any such thing. In fact, I asked her to stick around until I did something about my situation. Since I had been floating there getting hit by everything, although my bubble was withstanding all of the shots, it started to get old. When this happened, I slowly started to expand my protective shell. I did this until it was right up to all of the guns. Since the projectiles and lasers had no place to go, the guns they were being fired from exploded.

As soon as all of the guns were taken out, I told the computer to quit the program. When I did this, Jean floated down from the control booth to talk with me. Since we both figured we should also work on our telepathy, we spoke using it.

"Matt, that was really impressive. Not only how you handled the situation you were in, but also the level you were at. Good job."

"Thanks. I figured you would like how I handled that. But, honestly, I have no clue what level I was at. All I know is that it was the furthest I have ever gotten."

"You were at level forty. That is quite impressive because there are only fifty levels. That and how new you are to your power."

"I had no clue about either of those facts. I am quite proud of myself."

"You should be. Now it's my turn to run through some programs. If you want to run through some with me later, come back down here right after lunch."

"I would love that, so I will see you then. Enjoy your workout."

With that, I walked out of the danger room. After a workout like that, the only thing on my mind was a shower. Because of the extent of my workout, I decided to take my time walking back to my room to get ready for that shower.

When I got to the room, it was empty. Bobby had already gotten up and left for the morning. It was then that I decided to quickly shower and then contact Bobby telepathically.

After my workout in the danger room, the hot water gently flowing over my body felt really good. Any idea I had for a quick shower left my head as soon as the water hit me. I just totally relaxed and let ever thought leave my mind.

As soon as I finally got out of the shower, I started searching for Bobby. It took me only a couple of seconds till I located him. When I located him, I started searching for the other two members of my team. And as I suspected, they were the other two minds I sensed with Bobby. Since I knew where everyone of them was, I decided to contact all of them at once. The reason I did this was because I wanted to have a meeting to discuss what everyone thought about the upcoming mission.

They all quickly agreed that a meeting was a good idea considering this will be our first real mission. As soon as everyone agreed, we had to find out when everyone wanted to meet. The consensus was to just have it right now since everyone was free anyway. With that decided, I told them to give me a few moments to get properly dressed.

When the meeting got underway, everyone said how surprised they were to all hear my voice inside their heads. They know they all heard the exact same thing at the same time because they discussed it on their way here. Everyone, except Aaron, was surprised at how easily I was able to contact all three of them at the same time.

As soon as they finished expressing their awe, I asked, "What do you guys think about our upcoming mission?"

Jake answered, "I am a bit surprised that we were asked to help out on it. I mean, I know that when the main team needs help that we will be there to provide it, but I didn't think it was going to happen so soon."

The other two nodded their heads in agreement with his statement.

"I think the reason we are being involved so soon is because of how we handled the sentinels the other day"

Bobby then spoke up. He said, "This might just be me, but I am sort of scared to be going on such a major mission."

To this I had to respond with, "I am pretty sure that all of us are scared to be going on this mission. The only thing I can say that might be of some help for that, is that fear is a natural reaction to this sort of thing. Also, that it will pass a little with each new mission we go on."

My statements seemed to make everyone a little bit calmer. Also, they each thanked me for hat bit of insight. With that over with, we spent the rest of the morning just lounging about the room.

Right before I headed to lunch, I changed into some sweatpants. I did this so that I would be ready to head right down to the danger room to run some programs with Jean right after lunch is over. That should prove to be interesting. I say this because the only other people I have run programs with have been my teammates.

During lunch, I explained what I did that morning and how I got out of the situation I was in. I also told them that I had asked Jean to stick around to see how I handled my predicament. I finally told them that she had asked if I would want to run through some programs with her.

That last statement brought a look of shock to their faces. Although, the shock didn't last very long. The shock was replaced with understanding.

Aaron then said, "I can understand why she asked you to join her for some programs, what with how you handled your situation. The only reason we were all visibly shocked is because a teacher hardly ever asks a student to run through some exercises with them unless it is to teach them something."

"You never know, this could just be a learning experience for me. But there is also the possibility that we will be working as equals."

With that, lunch was over and it was time for me to head down to the danger room. But, before I left, I had to give Bobby a good-bye kiss. After that, I was on my way. While on the way down there, I was thinking of what exactly she said about the programs. By the time I had gotten down there, I had decided that this wasn't going to be a learning session.

When I got down to the danger room, I just went right in. As it turned out, Jean had gotten down there early and already had the program set up. She set up the program I was running that morning, except that she had it set for level thirty-five instead of where I started it.

Once I got ready, and Jean was ready, she had the computer start the program. We started out away from each other, just each doing our own thing. Then I had a thought.

"Jean, why don't we go back to back so that we both have less to worry about."

I had to say that telepathically because it was pretty loud in there.

"That's a really good idea because then all we have to worry about is what is in our field of vision."

With that, we backed up until our backs were touching. This proved to be very effective. But, eventually, we ended up lifting ourselves up into the air for a better vantage point. Actually only one of us lifted up both of us. And that person was I, no that it was a problem to do that.

It took us maybe fifteen minutes to finish all of the levels that we had to do for that program. Jean had this all planned out because as soon as we had beaten the top level, another program started. This program I had never seen before. We were in this giant maze. Of course, I couldn't see her but I felt her. It was at this point that she contacted me saying, "The purpose of this exercise is to take the other person out before you are taken out."

"Are there any restrictions for this one?"

"Yes, I would like you to only use your telepathy.

The reason for this is, so you can get used to using it in combat situations."


As soon as we were dong talking, the computer told us to go. I don't know how well I will fare but I will give it my best shot.

The first thing I did was to send out a very strong telepathic wave of fear. I should have made it strong enough to make it through her mental barriers. Her reaction to it should prove to be interesting. As soon as I released it, I felt for how close she was to me and then started off toward her. Considering the fact that we were in a maze, it took me a while to get even remotely close to her. By the time I was close to her, I could tell that my first attack had worn off because she was up and moving toward me. I didn't realize how close I actually was to her because when I turned the next corner, she was there. Now it was own to a battle of the minds. She's more experienced but I am more powerful. She got the first attack in but my barrier held fast. Then it was my turn. I put just enough power behind my spike to make it through her barrier and it worked. When I fired it, she let out a little yelp of pain but was ootherwise ok. And this ended that exercise.

When the room was back to normal, she said, "Great job. That exercise is usually only used for more experienced people, but after this mornings show of power and control, I thought you were ready. I am just wondering but what was that thing you sent off at the beginning of the match?"

"That was a strong telepathic wave of fear. I am glad I am able to control what direction I send that in because I don't think this room keeps telepathy in."

"You are right in thinking that this room doesn't keep in telepathy. If you couldn't have controlled the direction, it probably would have affected anyone else on this floor."

"The thing is that when you only want to affect one person, it isn't hard to send it right to that person's mind. But, if you are trying to affect more than one person, you can't just send it in one direction unless they are all in one spot. Do you know what I mean?"

"Yeah, I think I do know what you mean. One question before we change the subject, how did you do that?"

"I thought of the scariest possible image I could and amplified it with my telepathy. I also coupled it with a subtle telepathic message saying hat the person I was attacking was going to be scared."

"Interesting. Do you mind if I use that?"

"I don't mind at all. Although, I don't think I am the first telepath to do something like that."

"Actually, I think you are. But I will check with the professor to double check. To change the subject, your mental barriers have gotten quite a bit stronger since I stopped teaching you."

"Yeah, they have. Do you remember my one training session down here when I was trying to figure out if I had control over all of my powers?"

"Sure, what about it?"

"Well, I asked the professor to block my telekinesis for that exercise, but he couldn't get through my barriers. Although, I suspect that if he could have put sufficient power behind it, he could have gotten through."

"That is surprising. I would have to agree with you on the last thing. Although, I think if he asked you to lower your barriers that the only way to get in would have probably hurt you."

"Well, then I am glad he asked me to lower them."

The conversation continued along those lines until it was time for dinner. Of course, at dinner everyone wanted to know what we did all afternoon. I felt obligated to tell them too.

The next day, everyone who was to go on the mission was to rest up and reserve all the energy they possibly can. We were told to do this so then everyone would be ready to leave bright and early the next morning for the west coast. I spent all day with Bobby soaking up the sunlight and heat.

I noticed that the day before a mission, everyone is much more somber than usual. I think the reason for this is because everyone is preparing themselves mentally for the battle. I, of course, was doing the exact same thing.

I also noticed that all of the team members were extremely well fed the day before as well. This is to give everyone a lot of energy for the mission. It's not that we aren't given proper food to eat everyday; it's just that we got special food that day.

That night, everyone I know that was going the next day went to bed early. We all did this so that we wouldn't be tired and do something to jeopardize everyone of our teammates. After the good nights sleep I got, I was as ready for the mission as I would get.

We all met down in the hangar. We took the only plane that fit all of us, the Blackbird. It is such a cool plane.

Since the trip to California was a couple of hours long, I decided to do some meditation. It's weird when I do meditation now because of my powers. When I sat down and got started, a stream of telepathic energy started flowing in a triangle between my two hands and my forehead. I also started to float a couple of inches off the ground. I didn't realize this until I opened my eyes, but I had drawn a little crowd. After I had opened my eyes, I floated back down to the floor and then stood up and retook my seat. The rest of the trip to California was uneventful.

Once we landed and our guests boarded the plan, my teammates and I got very quiet. None of us have met the celebrities who just boarded. The original team started talking with them as if they were old friends, which they probably are.

When we were in the air again, Scott came over and introduced the celebrities one by one. All of them were extremely nice and down to earth. After a couple of minutes, we were also talking as if we were old friends.

Of course, I couldn't go too long without saying, "Thanks for letting me know who you guys were so early in my training at the school."

They all said, "You are quite welcome for that."

"Now, I have to ask, what are all of your powers?"

Nick Carter said, "I am a shape shifter, which means I can make my molecules form into anything I want."

Avril Lavigne stated, "I am what is known as a siren. I can emit a very loud scream when I need to."

Forbes March said, "I am able to turn myself intangible as well as being able to put a very hard shell around my body for a short period of time."

Hayden Christensen stated, "I have one of your powers. I am a telekinetic.

And as you can guess, Ryan Merriman, who is piloting at the moment, is the teleporter you heard about the other day."

We continued talking until it was time for us to get dropped off. Ryan is a very talented pilot, he got down to within ten feet of the water for us to jump or do whatever we were going to do to get down. Hayden and I lowered everyone except Nick.

Once we were down, the plane quickly disappeared. Because of the range of the communicators, I was bale to get everyone, including Ryan, to check in. Now, all we had to do was wait for Ryan to get back. When he did, we slowly started to make our way towards the island.

Since I was in contact with Jean, I know that the other team had started advancing toward the island as soon as everyone was in the water. At this point, I was hoping that the guy we were after was busy with the other team. But, unfortunately, I was wrong.

As soon as we got within sight of the island, we were met with a gigantic wave coming towards us. When it got close to us, Hayden and I put up a huge wall of telekinetic energy. A couple of seconds later and the wave was right on top of our protective wall. With it there, I had to make a decision. I decided that Hayden and Ryan were to get everyone to the other side of the wave. As they did this, I expanded my portion of the wall to cover Hayden's. Unfortunately, as the last people got over the wave, it came crashing down over the tope of my wall. As it did this, I took the full weight of the water on myself. As I went unconscious, my wall disintegrated in front of everyone's eyes.

Well, that is it for another chapter. I would appreciate some feedback from you this time, so please send me some emails. The more emails I get, the sooner the next chapter will be written and posted. You can send criticism or praise, either is acceptable to me. My email address is Also, my screen name for AIM is spdyeagl. If you want to give me feedback that way, I am all for that. Thanks.

Next: Chapter 15

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