Force of One

By Dash Jarrod

Published on Mar 3, 2004


Disclaimer: The characters of the X-men belong to Marvel comics. I do not know the sexual preferences of any of the characters herein except for those I made up. This story is complete fiction; any resemblance to real life is sheer coincidence. I do not know any celebrity that may be included in this story may or may not be gay. I also do not personally know any of the celebrities. If you are under 18, please don't read any further.

I thank my friends Dustin and Alex for allowing me to make them into characters. Also thanks to all of you who have written me about my story. I have enjoyed writing it; I just hope that you have enjoyed reading it as much.

After a little while of just sitting there in complete silence, I laid down to gather my thoughts. I was doing this when Bobby came home for the evening. Seeing as he thought I was already asleep, he went over to his own bed so as not to disturb me. I couldn't help but smile slightly at that very nice thought.

The first thing I did the next morning, after not sleeping at all, was head down to the library. I did this because I wanted to do some research. What I was going to research was techniques on how to control both mind and body.

Now, the techniques I was looking up had to do with one's self and not others.

All of my research led me to the continent of Asia. Specifically, it led me to the countries of China and Japan. Each thing I found had to do with martial arts in their purest form. In order to learn pure martial arts, I will have to go over to Asia. Before I left for the day, I put mental tags on the books I was looking at. Now, if a telepath other than myself comes in here, he or she will also be drawn right to those books.

As it turned out, I spent most of the day in the library doing my research.

When I exited, I realized it was time for dinner. Once I reached the dining hall, Bobby was already seated and eating. After I saw this, I sent him a telepathic message saying, "Hey babe, I will be with you in a moment."

On my way up to get my food, I could tell all of the teachers were looking at me. They were trying to get a feel for how I was doing. Now, I am very good at hiding how I am doing, but I don't know how well I would hold up against two of the most powerful minds in the world. However, since I am at least on par with them in terms of power of the mind, I put up one of the strongest mental barriers I could to keep them out of my head. The news I received last night is something I must deal with by myself. The only person I will probably tell the news to is Bobby. That is, of course, until I take my little trip abroad. Once I am gone, he is free to tell the team and anyone else he thinks should know.

When I had seated myself at our table, I began talking as if nothing was wrong. While I was talking, I could feel Bobby staring me in the face. At that point, I cold tell he knew something was wrong. I then sent him a message saying, "I have something I need to tell you, but I want to do it when we are alone."

With that said, the rest of dinner was like all the others. It was after dinner that I was dreading. How do you tell the man you love that your powers might kill you without killing them? This is what I was planning on pulling off.

Anyway, when we got back to our room, I had Bobby take a seat. I knew that if he remained standing, he would collapse after hearing all I have to tell him. Once he was seated and comfortable, as the situation would allow, I began.

"Bobby, I'm afraid that I have some really bad news."

"No, you're breaking up with me, aren't' you?"

"I would never do that. I love you way too much to even think about breaking your heart. No, this bad news is much more personal to me."

"What could it be?"

"Well, you are aware of how my pyrokinesis has changed. If it continues to change, my body might not be able to deal with it. My body may just burn itself out. Either that or I may not be able to control it after one of its evolutions."

"So, what you're saying is that you are going to die because of one of your gifts, your pyrokinesis."

"Yeah, that's what I'm saying is a possibility."

"How long did they say you have before this happens?"

"There is no way to tell how long I have. But, there is also no way to tell if it will happen at all. For all Dr. McCoy knows, my body will continue to adapt to my new level of power."

"If they don't even know if it will happen or not, why did they even tell you about the possibility of it?"

"They told me because they thought that I should know all they do."

"Oh, I understand that. Then, why did you tell me?"

"I told you because I don't want to keep any secrets from you. Also, you would have realized something was wrong sooner or later. This way, if I withdraw into myself, you know why."

"I thank you for your consideration Matt. I'm glad you aren't going to keep any secrets from me no matter the size of them. I promise I won't keep any secrets from you either."

With that over with, we just cuddled until we both fell asleep. Even with what all was on m mind, I had a very peaceful night's sleep. I think the reason for this is because I was in Bobby's arms.

The next morning, I woke up early once again. After I extricated myself from Bobby's arms, I wrote him a note telling him I was going to be in the library for most of the day again. With that, I headed for the library to do some more research.

Some of the texts I was reviewing gave me a general explanation of how to control both mind and body. But, I knew I had to be taught the specifics of this fine art. For this I had to head to Japan and try to beg my way into a martial arts dojo. Unfortunately, going to Asia meant leaving the school for a time. And if I was going to pull that off, I was going to have to not tell anyone. This meant not telling Bobby until I was already on my way already.

Since I was in the library already, I used the school computers to do a little more research. The research I did this time was about how much it will cost me to get a ticket and other arrangements. Also, I wrote out my schedule for next week so I knew when it would be easiest for me to sneak out.

Once I figured out when I would sneak out, I wrote out my new schedule for that day. On Wednesday, I would get up early like I have been, and then I would just walk out the front door. Before I go out the door, I would do a search for active minds and hopefully Professor X. and Jean won't be among them. After my search, I would head out to the cab that should be waiting for me right outside of the campus. I will then go in to an open bakery for breakfast before my flight. In order to pull this off, I will have to order my ticket the day before and have it ready for me at the desk. I will also have to call the cab company and get them to send a car by early in the morning.

All of this planning and research took me up until lunch. I will have to pretend that I didn't find anything of use. Of course, before I left for the dining room, I took away the mental tags I had placed on the books yesterday. I did this because I don't want anyone to know what I am up to.

Lunch was uneventful. I was sort of glad for that to be back to normal. Now, after lunch, I did one of my favorite activities here at the school. I went down to the danger room to work out using my powers. I figured I might as well get as much time in there before I go because I don't plan on using my powers unless I have to. I will probably have to pull my powers tight into me so that they will be harder to detect.

Anyway, during my time in the danger room, I ran through as many programs as I could. I went through the telekinetic training program with the guns, the maze program against the computer and the clock, among others. Each program I ran, I did better at. I either got farther than I had previously or was faster than before. This excited me because I either got more advanced with using my powers without realizing it or the fact that I put all my emotion behind my powers that they were slightly more powerful this time. Either way, I was happy for the first time in two days without being with Bobby.

After that very satisfying workout, I took a shower and went to dinner. At dinner, I was back to my normal self again. The only people that really noticed were Bobby, Jean, and Professor Xavier. All three of them relaxed knowing I was on the way back to being myself.

During the meal, I telepathically called a team workout for Monday right after lunch. Everyone nodded their heads and Aaron replied using his own telepathy. With that set, the rest of the meal was normal.

That night, Bobby and I sat on my bed making out for a while before we went to sleep. I don't know why but making out with him made me extremely horny.

So much so that I pushed him down on his back. Once he was in that position, I took off his shirt and started kissing down his very nice chest.

Of course, I took some time on each of his nipples. When I was at the tope of his pants, I started pulling on the button clasp at the top of the zipper with my teeth. I eventually got it open and then proceeded to pull the zipper down as well. After I had taken care of what was keeping the pants up, I pull them off of his perfect legs. As it turned out, today was a light-blue briefs day. When I saw this, I started licking and sucking at the front of his briefs. Once they were thoroughly soaked, I pulled them off of him and started on his cock. I took time to lick up and down it before I took it in my mouth. When it was in my mouth, I started to gently suck. This action brought a low moan out of him. Hearing this made me smile, but of course, I had to smile mentally. It didn't take very long for him to come to the brink of climax and then over it. When I felt the first volley of cum hit the back of my throat, I readily swallowed and then gladly ate the rest of it as well.

Once he was done, he quickly turned me over to do the same to me. I love it when he becomes so aggressive. It really turns me on. Since I was so turned on, it didn't take me long at all to climax into my love's mouth. He also readily swallowed my cum. After that, we both turned on our sides and fell asleep.

Over the weekend, everything went normally. I don't think anyone suspected that I was going to flee from the school the middle of the upcoming week. I wasn't in the mood for someone to try and talk me out of what I was planning. Not that it would have worked necessarily anyway.

After the weekend went by uneventfully and quickly, the week of my departure was finally here. I was kind of apprehensive about what I was planning on doing. There was no turning back now, if I was going to try and handle this on my own. If the martial arts doesn't help like think it will, I will have to have a talk with Professor Xavier about what I did and why. I will also have to ask him if I will be allowed back in the school.

I hope for my sake that I will come back with better control over everything in my life. Well, everything that I need more control over anyway. I want better control over what is happening with my pyrokinesis. Now, I know that the changes that have and are happening are beyond my control, but I want to be able to control the power these changes are giving me so that I will be able to be there for Bobby and anyone else that will need me.

Monday morning, I went through the normal schedule. I went to all of my classes. While in these classes, I looked around at all of the people I would be leaving more vulnerable because I won't be there. But then again, if I don't get full control over my mind and body, I may not be here at all in a while. Who is to say?

During lunch, my team and I discussed what programs we wanted to run through. We did this because I made sure that we had the entire afternoon in the danger room. The only thing I suggested was that we go through some programs with one of the team members out of it because that way we will know if we are going to be able to survive if something happens to one of us. I'm sure that my team is strong enough to survive with only three of us still active.

As soon as lunch was over, we made our way down to the danger room. Of course, we talked all the way down so we didn't get there too quickly. Once there we just had the computer set it up on a very basic program so we could warm up.

I figured that since I was the team leader and the most likely to be targeted that I should be the first to sit one out. Since I wasn't going to be involved in the first program, I went up to the control room and had the computer start the café scenario. While I was up there, I took the time to do some meditation. During my meditation, the normal stream of psychic energy formed between my forehead and both of my hands and I started to float a couple of inches above the floor. Also during it, I thought of something. What I thought of was, if during my martial arts training I have to do meditation, it would give away my being a mutant. Oh well, there is nothing I can do about it now. I have found that doing meditation actually helps when I have to use my powers in a battle or training session. Anyway, after a little while I could no longer sense my team doing anything below me. So with that and all of the power I had gathered I went down to do my three bouts with the program.

Each time we went through the café program with only three members, it was slightly different. Although, that was to be expected. Of course we were able to complete the program with ease all four times we were down a member.

Once we were done seeing if we would survive without one of our members, I went up to the control room to reset the same program except at a higher level. At this level, there were more sentinels and more advanced weapons on them. This proved not as difficult as I had hoped. I was hoping it would take us longer than it did. As a matter of fact we went through all of the programs faster than normal. I wonder if it is because we are such a good team or that each one of us has had our powers increase and develop more. I guess it doesn't really matter why we went through them so fast.

We ended up with time to spare. Of course, I couldn't let the team do whatever they wanted for the rest of the afternoon because we had the danger room until right before dinner. I eventually asked for suggestions of something to do until dinner. Jake suggested sparring. Seeing as everyone agreed to it, I had the computer set up a sparring ring.

Of course, Jake wanted to take on everyone at once. But, I would have nothing of the sort. My team ended up suggesting that I be the first person to spar Jake. I think they thought I was the only one that would be able to hold their own against his specific mutation. I just hope they are right. Not that it would really matter if they were wrong because of part of my mutation and because Jake would never willingly hurt me.

Once I was in the ring, I went on automatic defense mode. I was in that mode until I got a feel for his strength and fighting style. When I had a feel for those things, I went on the offensive every once in a while. In the end, I lasted longer than anyone expected me to, including Jake especially. Everyone else did fair but not exceptional. We sparred for the rest of the time we had in the danger room.

During dinner, our training with one less person was brought up. Both Jake and Aaron thought it was a good idea. Only Bobby had an idea as to why I was doing it. Although, he only had a partial idea because if he knew about my plan, he and the faculty would try to talk me out of it.

Also at this time, I contacted Professor X. about an idea I had. The idea was to go into town the following morning and have breakfast at a little have if there was an all night one downtown. Of course, the only way that would work is if we went very early in the morning, like the time I had been getting up. Professor X. thought it was a good idea for me to get off of the school grounds for a little while so he agree. He requested that we stop by his office before we leave though. He also said that I could take one of the cars that the school has. Of course, he reminded me to wear my mini-cerebro so that if we encounter trouble, I can contact him.

Once Bobby and I got back to our room, I told him of my plans for the following morning. He readily agreed to go with me. I think he did this because he wanted to get off the school grounds just as much as I did, that and he wanted to be with me. I was so glad that he agreed, that I couldn't help but smile and kiss him.

With that, we both went to bed because we had an early morning coming up. After getting more sleep than I'm used to anymore, we went to the professor's office. As soon as we said we were off, Professor X told us to be careful and to have fun. He also told us to be back in time for our first classes.

With that, we went to the garage and took out one of the cars they had parked there. As soon as we were off the grounds, we sped into town. The reason I did this is because I wanted to spend as much time in town or on the edge of town, whichever the case may be. I say this because I want the diner or café to be somewhat close to the airport but not close enough to make Bobby suspicious.

The diner we ended up at was a good half hour away by car, so I think I'm safe. I also did this to give me ample time to get to the airport the next day. I wanted to take my time in getting to the airport and enjoy the city on the way there because it will be the last time I see it for a while.

Anyway, after the meal was over and so was our conversation, we reluctantly headed back to school. Once back, the morning was exactly like all the rest. The afternoon, however, was different. I say this because of the fact that I had to pack and call the cab company and book my ticket. Luckily, Bobby had a training session during the time I needed to do these things in. Actually I got done with my packing and my call to the cab company and airline quicker than I thought I would so I left a not for Bobby telling him to meet me at our spot when he was done training. The reason I haven't had a training session recently is because I have had too much to deal with without having to learn something new.

After about an hour of being outside by myself, Bobby joined me. We just sat there enjoying each other's company. We sat there up until it was time for dinner.

That night Bobby, Jake, Aaron, and I watched many movies. My DVD collection has gotten considerably larger since coming to school here. I am definitely not complaining though. We ended up staying up until like two or three in the morning.

I woke up quite early on Wednesday morning. Part of the reason for this is because I was very nervous about what I was doing. Another is because I had one of the most fitful nights of sleep I have ever had. My heart was in conflict with what my head was planning to do. In my heart, I knew that the school was my home now. Even the home I grew up in was no longer my home. I say this because I couldn't move back in there with my fiancé and expect my parents to provide for both of us. Although, my parent's house will always be considered my home in my mind because I will always be welcome there even if I am not allowed anywhere else.

Anyway, on that fateful morning, I got myself all ready and was on my way out of my room when I thought I should leave a letter for Bobby. As I though of this, I searched out front of the school to see if my taxi was here yet. Seeing as it wasn't I started to write. I wrote:

"Dearest Bobby, When you wake up and read this, I will already be on my way to Japan. The reason I am going there is because during my research in the library, I found that martial arts in their purest form could teach me control over both mind and body. I have a feeling that if I am in control of both my mind and my body and make them one, I will better be able to control my pyrokinesis. I am writing this to you because you deserve to know what I am doing and why. Do not worry too much about me (I cannot ask you not to worry because I know you will anyway) because I am well aware of what I am doing. I will be in constant contact with you, either by email or my telepathy. Most likely you should expect email to come often because I don't think I will be able to reach you through my telepathy. Always trust that I love you with all my heart and that I will be coming back t you. Either soon if it doesn't work or later after I have learned as much as they think I can.



After the letter was written and placed on his nightstand, I started on my way. Once I got the front door, I did a mental search of the entire school to see who all was awake, if anyone. I was so relieved to find that there were very few minds active at this time in the morning. I was especially glad that Professor X. and Jean weren't awake yet. This made it easy for me to sneak out the front door and off of the school property.

Once outside the gates that are the entrance to the grounds, I opened my mind to the entire school. After I had a opened my mind up, I sent out a message saying, "Goodbye everyone, I will miss you all. I will definitely be back though."

As soon as I was on my way toward the city, I went into my mind. I did this because I wanted to pull my powers into myself so that it would be more difficult to tell that I am a mutant. Of course, anyone or anything that is able to detect the 'x' gene will be able to tell that I am a mutant. I hope to not have to worry about that in Japan though.

The ride into the city seemed a lot shorter than it usually did. I don't know if it was because there was no traffic or that I was so into myself that I couldn't tell. But, in what seemed like no time at all, I was dropped off in front of the same restaurant that Bobby and I ate at the day before.

Since I had a few hours to waste, I went in and ordered myself a big breakfast. After I finished eating, which took less than an hour; I walked over to the airport, which was actually a fair distance away by foot. The walk took me up until like fifteen minutes before my flight was to leave.

The reason it took me so long was because I ran into some trouble on the way. In one of the alleys I passed, some kid was being attacked. Now, I couldn't let this continue. When I saw an opportunity, I gave the assailant a mild psychic spike. Not enough to knock him out, but enough to get his attention. When I saw him wince in pain, he took his attention away from the kid, whose name I later found out to be Xang Wa, and looked to see where the pain could have come from. When he finally saw me at the end of the alley, I just smirked at him. My doing that just made him even madder at me. So, then he just started to run at me. All this time, I was telepathically telling the kid to run away from here, but he was frozen still. He was frozen in a stance that was staring right at me.

All the time the guy was attacking me; I kept him at bay telekinetically. Finally, I just got so angry that both my hands covered in flames at just the simplest of a thought. Once the would be attacker saw this, he started to back up in preparation for running away. Of course, I wouldn't allow him to escape, so I telepathically froze him. He was in that same condition right until we walked him through the front door of the police station.

It turned out that the police were looking for this guy for beating up numerous other kids. They game be and Xang equal shares of the reward money that the one family was offering. Once we had the money, we were on our way again.

As it turns out, Xang was also heading to the airport. On the way to the airport, we talked about what happened in the alley. He asked what I did to the man because I didn't move any. Surprisingly, he didn't see my hand light on fire all he saw was my eyes go completely blue, which I didn't know they did when I used my powers. I then told him that I was a mutant and that I had used some of my powers on him and that he couldn't tell anyone I was a mutant. What an even bigger coincidence was the fact that he was returning to Japan on the same flight I was going on. It also turned out that he had to repay the kindness I had shown him. I then mentioned that I was going over to Japan to learn martial arts in their purest form. Xang then informed me that I was in luck because his grandfather teaches martial arts that date back to the seventeen hundreds and that he would get him to teach them to me.

We ended up sitting next to each other on the plane and we continued talking about his grandfather's martial arts. We did this because I needed to know if he would teach me how to control both my mind and my body. Xang assured me that he would teach me how to make them one.

Well, that is it for another chapter. I would appreciate some feedback from you this time, so please send me some emails. The more emails I get, the sooner the next chapter will be written and posted. You can send criticism or praise, either is acceptable to me. My email address is Also, my screen name for AIM is spdyeagl. If you want to give me feedback that way, I am all for that. Thanks.

Next: Chapter 18

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