Force of One

By Dash Jarrod

Published on Sep 25, 2002


Disclaimer: This story is totally fictional. If the character resembles anyone from your life, that is just coincidence. Any celebrity involved in this story may or may not be homosexual. If you are under 18 please don't read.

After I said this, I turned around and ran. I decided that I didn't want to see his reaction. I was too new to this school to be ridiculed beyond belief. I know this was probably the stupidest thing I could have done at this point, but I wasn't thinking clearly. I don't know what I was thinking when I said that.

I don't know where I thought I was going, I just started running in the opposite direction of Andrew. I just ran until I couldn't run anymore. I don't know why, but when I stopped running, I stared to cry. I think I may have just been overwhelmed but I don't know. I couldn't help but cry. I just came out to someone I have a huge crush on, plus that person is someone I just met. Those factors don't make a good combination. I was mentally kicking myself for coming out at the start of a friendship, but I didn't want to hold anything back from him. I didn't think that would be fair.

After I settled down, I was just sitting there trying to avoid every living soul on campus. I knew that if he reacted badly, he would spread the news that I was gay to every living soul there. This was the reason I was hiding. I just wanted to disappear. Unfortunately for me, I was still enrolled there for school. I planned on going through with this, but I didn't want to face anyone at the moment.

All of a sudden I felt someone come up behind me. I turned and prepared to run, but then I remembered that I didn't know where I was or where I would run. When I turned around, I realized it was Andrew. This was either a very good thing, or a very bad thing.

It was then that Andrew said, "Listen, I don't care that you are gay. Its fine with me."

I audibly sighed at hearing this.

I then said, "Boy am I glad to hear that, it makes me feel so much better knowing that I don't have to avoid you and that you won't beat me up knowing that." He then stated, "Even if it wasn't ok with me, I would probably still be friends with you anyway."

I then said, "This doesn't surprise me."

I then asked, "Why are you being so nice to me, you don't even know me?"

I just had to ask that, it would have driven me crazy not knowing why he was so nice to me.

Andrew replied, "I can't help but be nice to people, even people I don't know. I am way too nice to people for my own good. I give everyone the benefit of the doubt. The only time I don't like people is when they prove that they aren't good people, but even then I tend not to hate them, I just don't talk to them."

It was then that I realized we had a few things in common. So I stated, "I don't know if I should say this or not but I am going to anyway. I have noticed while talking with you that we have a few things in common. We both give people the benefit of the doubt until they prove us wrong. We both are telepathic and are way too nice for our own good."

After I said this, I started to cower just the slightest bit because I didn't know how he would react to a statement like that.

He laughed at my statement and then said, "Yeah, I guess we do have a few things in common. That should just make us better friends. I do hope that we can become really good friends, that is of course if you still want to be my friend."

I was shocked to say the least. He still wanted to be my friend. I then stated, "Of course I still want to be your friend, I wasn't sure about whether you would want to be mine after the statement I made earlier, but I am glad that you are ok with all of this. I just had to tell you what I was feeling; I didn't think it would be fair to you if I were dishonest at all in our friendship. I figured I might as well get it out in the open now, instead of waiting until we were really great friends. If I waited and you reacted badly then I would have lost a friend, but if I told you now then I didn't lose all that much."

He then replied, "You would have lost a prospective friend if I reacted badly."

I then realized that this was true. I risked not quite as much by telling him now but I did risk some. Boy was I ever glad he didn't care. When we finally finished talking and headed back to the school, with directional help from Andrew, it was time for bed. When we got to my room, we just stood there for a minute staring into each other's eyes before we turned and headed our separate directions. As he was walking away, I couldn't help but look him up and down while he walked away. Boy did he have a nice body.

As I was falling asleep, I couldn't help but think about him. He was all that was on my mind. While sleeping I imagined myself kissing him on his red pouty lips. While we were kissing, I got to look directly into those beautiful eyes. I don't think there is a single thing about him that isn't awesome. As I get to know him more, my crush on him is growing exponentially. Before I knew it, it was morning and I had to get up. I seriously was considering skipping my class so I could continue to dream about Andrew but then I remembered that he was in my class and I would get to see him in person. Seeing the object of your affection in person is always preferable to imagining him in your mind.

My classes were easier today because I didn't have to worry about keeping my secret from everybody. My only new friend knew and he was all right with it. This took a great weight off my back and so I was able to concentrate more on my studies, although having Andrew a few feet away was still a big distraction. Although I tried not to stare too much, I didn't succeed. Every once in a while I would catch him looking over in my direction. I didn't really let myself think too much about this, but I knew I was hoping that he was feeling something towards me and wasn't telling me.

My morning was pretty uneventful, except for every once in a while I caught Andrew looking at me. My afternoon was spent once again with Jean. This time she taught me how to move things without having to close my eyes.

She started out by saying, "Imagine shooting an invisible force out of your mind to move the object that you want to."

I tried and sort of got it but I needed to work on it a few times till I had it down.

Once I had it down I asked, "How long did it take you to learn everything you are going to teach me?"

She answered, "I was a pretty quick study, although I knew how to use some of my power before I came here. Although I don't think I was quite as quick on the pickup as you are, but you would have to ask the professor. By the way, he is planning on coming down to see how we are getting along. You can show him how much you can do with what you learned."

I then asked, "Do you really think I am prepared enough to show the professor what I can do?" She answered, "I am confident in your abilities, and as you use them more you will become more confident in them as well."

I then stated, "Thanks."

It was then that the door to the room we were in opened and in came Professor X. As soon as he entered the room I knew he was asking me to show him what I could do with my telekinetic abilities so far. He asked this without actually speaking of course. He did this so that I would get used to speaking with my telepathic abilities as well as using my voice.

I then stated, "I don't know how to do that yet, I haven't learned anything about my telepathic abilities yet."

He then replied, "You may not have learned anything about them from Jean or anyone else but you do know how to speak with them. You came here knowing how to do this."

His statement made me gasp. Did I really know how to speak with my telepathic abilities before I came here or was it just a fluke that I knew how to use them to some extent? I didn't know but I didn't want to ask that question either. It was then that I decided to show the professor what I could do with my telekinetic abilities. The first thing I did was lift the table that was in front of me followed by the table at the end of the room. I then lifted a few things at once. Mind you it was nothing too heavy because I didn't know if I could lift things very heavy. After I had done this, I heard a voice in my head telling me that I had done a good job showing the professor what I could do after only two days of instruction. I just slightly nodded in Jean's direction to show a response. I wasn't as worried about her reaction to what I showed the professor, as I was his. He didn't respond for a little while then headed out into the hallway, followed by Jean. This made me a little apprehensive. It didn't take them long out in the hall, and then Professor X came in and said that I had done very well and that that would be all for the day. I think I was beaming after his remark about my little demonstration.

After I left, I went outside to sit alone and think about the professor's comment. I was really curious about how I knew how to speak with my telepathic abilities without actually being taught how to. The only thing I could come up with was my comics, once again. I don't know why but my comics seem to be coming up a lot. I don't know if this is a good thing or a bad thing.

After I had thought about that for long enough, I decided to try to use my telepathic abilities to talk to Andrew. I hope he isn't weirded out by my contacting him this way. The only thing I could think of on how to do this was to think about who I wanted to talk to and project my thoughts to him. So, I thought a hello out to him although I don't know if he received it. The only thing that confirmed that he received it was the fact that I got a hello back from out of nowhere. We started talking that way and continued for a while until he had to go do something else. I guess the professor was right about me knowing how to talk with my telepathic abilities. I think I am going to have to talk to the professor about that the next time I see him. I am curious as to how he knew I knew how to use them. I also think I should bring up the dream I was having night after night, it should be interesting to see how he interprets that. I also wonder if that is how he and magneto found me, I guess I will just have to find that out for myself. We shall see what that conversation reveals.

Well, that's it for another chapter. Please, please, please tell me what you think. I haven't gotten a single response to this story yet, but would love to hear what you have to say. You can contact me at Thanks for reading.

Next: Chapter 4

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