Force of One

By Dash Jarrod

Published on Oct 26, 2002


Disclaimer: This story is totally fictional. If the character resembles anyone from your life, that is just coincidence. Any celebrity involved in this story may or may not be homosexual. If you are under 18 please don't read.

Thanks to anyone that has responded to me about my story. I have been enjoying writing it; I just hope that you enjoy reading it as much. Thanks to Alex and Dustin for letting me make them into characters.

Character list so far: Matthew-Powers: telepathy, telekinesis, pyrokinesis, control over magnetism, control over the weather, and a healing factor

Age: 19

Body type: semi-muscular yet skinny

Features: 6'1", blonde hair, blue eyes, and 140# Andrew-Power: telepathy

Age: 18

Body type: muscular but skinny

Features: greenish eyes, black hair, 5'11", and 140# Bobby-Power: ability to produce ice

Age: 19

Body type: muscular

Features: 5'10", 140#, blonde hair, and blue eyes Aaron-Power: unlimited teleportational range, absorption and redirection of energy, some telepathy (mind-speak and reading minds)

Age: 17

Body type: slim but muscular

Features: light brown hair, green eyes, 5'11", and 135# Jake-Power: limited acceleration of mental and physical processes, increased agility, speed, and strength

Age: 18

Body type: slim but muscular

Features: dirty blonde hair, dark blue eyes, 6', and 140#

While flying out of the building, I passed a room that had music coming from it. I don't know why but I reached telepathically and scanned the room. When I did this, I found out that there were a bunch of students in the room and one teacher. I reached out to the teacher's mind and started to read it. I found out that the teacher was Jean's Scott. When I found out that it wasn't a recording and was actually being taught by a teacher, I floated back down to the floor and knocked on the door. I didn't have to wait very long before one of the students opened the door and asked me to come in.

When I entered the room, I turned to the teacher and said, "I am sorry for interrupting your class but I heard the music from the hall and was wondering if this was the band class."

To this he said, "Yes this is the band class, my name is Scott and I am the teacher of this class, or at least I try to teach it."

I responded with, "I am sure you do just fine, it sounded good from the hall. I was wondering, might I join your class?"

After I said this, I telepathically told him that I was aware of who he was and his relationship to Jean but not to worry because I have her for lessons at the moment.

He nodded when he heard that and then said, "I don't see why you can't join in. What instrument do you play?"

I then stated, "I play the saxophone, I can play alto or tenor. The only problem is that if you want me to play the tenor, you will have to provide the instrument because I don't own one."

He then commented, "I am glad to have another saxophonist, we only have a couple of those. I want you to play the alto because we don't have any instruments to give you. Do you have your instrument with you at school or do you have to get it from home?"

I then answered, "I have to get my saxophone from home because I didn't really get a chance to pack anything except for some clothing. This will give me a chance to go home and see my parents again. I haven't seen them since I started here. I have so much to tell them."

He then said, "Don't tell them too much. I don't think it would be a good idea for them to know too much about what goes on here."

We continued chatting about the class and what they were playing until dinner. I can see why Jean likes him so much. He is very cute. She has good taste and I will tell her that tomorrow.

On my way to dinner, I couldn't decide whom to sit with. There was Bobby who I would like to get to know more, and then there was Andrew who I know more than anyone at this school. Too bad I can't sit with them both. Maybe

I should get them to sit together, because then I could sit with my two friends without choosing between them. When I walked into the dining room, I saw both of them look at me to see if I was heading in their direction. Andrew had his normal friends around him, whereas Bobby was sitting alone. That made my decision for me. I started heading over to Bobby, and as I was doing this I received a message from Andrew.

He asked, "Why aren't you sitting with me?"

I replied, "Bobby is sitting alone, I figure I should give him some company during dinner. If you want to sit with me, you could always come over and join us. Although, that would mean you would have to leave your friends at that table. I am sorry if that sounded mean because I didn't mean it to come across that way."

He then asked, "Are you asking me to choose between you and the rest of my friends?"

I then stated, "I am not asking you to do that at all, I know all of your friends are important to you. All I was saying is that I think I need to keep him some company for today. Is that all right with you? Is it also all right if I ask him to sit with us tomorrow?"

He responded with, "I think it's very nice of you to keep Bobby company. I don't see why you can't bring him to sit over here tomorrow. I will talk to you later then."

The rest of dinner went without any argument between Andrew and I. In fact, everything seemed to go back to normal.

When dinner was over, I telepathically called out to Andrew. I asked, "Do you mind meeting me outside of the cafeteria?"

He responded with, "I don't see why I can't."

When we met up after dinner, I began the conversation with an apology. I said, "I am sorry for seeming like such an ass. I didn't mean to make you feel like I was dissing you by sitting with someone else. Although I was a little bit surprised by how you reacted when I didn't sit with you again. It's almost as if you like me. Hehehehe."

He then said, "I am sorry for reacting so badly when you didn't sit with me. I thought we were closer friends than that, so I couldn't understand why you didn't sit with me. I didn't mean to sound so angry with you, I was just disappointed that you weren't sitting with me again."

After we both apologized for our behavior earlier, we went our separate ways. As I was slowly walking back to my room to turn in for the night, I couldn't help but think of our conversation. He had completely avoided the last sentence of my apology. He didn't deny or acknowledge my statement. I wonder what that means.

That night, I dreamt of Andrew again. I dreamt that he finally admitted that he liked me. Then we made out for a little while; it was kind of awkward because neither of us had made out with another guy before. I especially liked it because his stubble tickled and it felt nice. Right as we were about to make out again, my alarm went off and I trudged out of bed and to breakfast.

At breakfast, I went up to Bobby and asked, "Would you like to join me at a different table?"

He responded with, "That all depends on who all is at that table."

I couldn't help but ask, "Why does it matter who is at the table, do some people not like you for some reason?"

He responded with, "I have never been that well liked, but the reason some people don't like me is because I am different. By this I don't mean my mutancy, considering the rest of the school is full of mutants. I mean I am different because I am gay."

After he said this, he just sort of sat back and waited for a reaction from me. He just sat there staring at my face trying to decide if I would react well or if I would ridicule him for his sexual orientation.

After I processed the information I telepathically told him, "I am also gay, although very few people know this about me. You are only the second student to find this out about me. Also one of the teachers knows as well as the professor."

To this he responded with in a whisper, "I am honored to be one of the few people that know about you. To be honest, I think you are cute. I noticed how cute you were when we first met in the hall. I just figured you should know that."

With that said, we headed for the table and went through breakfast like nothing had happened. I am just glad that the table I was sitting didn't have anyone at it that didn't like gay people. If people like that were at the table, I wouldn't be able to sit there anymore.

After breakfast, we all headed to our respective classes. Class this morning was really boring, I don't know why but I found myself zoning out for no apparent reason. I wasn't called on once again, so I didn't have to explain why I wasn't paying attention. I don't know if I would have been able to come up with a good excuse right on the spot. If you give me a little while to come up with something, I can do it but I don't usually come up with a good excuse right on the spot.

When classes were finally over, I flew down to the room where I had lessons. When I walked into the room I was shocked to see Andrew sitting there along with Jean. I had totally forgotten abouut the fact that she would be bringing in another student for me to read the mind of. When she said that she was going to do that, I didn't even think of Andrew as a possibility. This kind of made me nervous. I was wondering if he was going to be reading my mind when I got done with his. If he was going to do this, I don't know if I could handle what his reaction would be when he found out that liked him a lot, more than I should probably.

I didn't have long to think about such things because when Jean noticed I was in the room, she started explaining what I would be doing today. She said, "You will be trying to read his mind so I can judge just how well you have learned how to read minds. I have asked Andrew to help me out by letting you read his mind. I am once again, not going to tell you what you want to look for, but let you just go searching for information relevant to you."

I then asked, "Will he be having any barriers up that I will have to try and get through, or will he have his barriers down like you did yesterday?"

She answered, "He will have his barriers down for you because you don't know how to get through them yet. That is what you are going to learn tomorrow and possibly today depending on how well you read his mind."

I just stood there trying to figure out what I was going to search for. There was the obvious thing to search for but that thing I couldn't announce out loud if I found what I was looking for. I guess I will just have to look for the basic stuff.

After I stood there thinking of what I wanted to search for, I really started to concentrate on Andrew. I just started to focus my power on Andrew's mind. With that I started searching for the points I had decided to look for.

I started to look for what age he found out about his power, this task took only a couple of minutes. The next thing I looked for was when he started to go to school here and learn about his power. I spent less time here looking for this bit of information because it was in the same general area of his brain. The last thing I looked for was whether or not he liked me like I like him. I knew this wasn't going to be anywhere near where I was looking now so

I started to search again. It took me a little while to find the area where he had memories of me. When I found it, I started actively sorting out what was relevant to me and what wasn't. Once I had done this, it only took me a few seconds to find my relevant information. Once I found all the information I wanted, I blinked to end it. When I looked at my watch, it only took me ten minutes to find everything, including the thing I wasn't going to be saying out loud.

I then stated, "You found out about your power at age 13. You started going here the following year and have learning about your power ever since.

That's all the information I looked for, so that's all I have to report."

Jean then asked, "Is this true Andrew? Are there any discrepancies in Matthew's statements?"

Andrew answered, "All of what Matthew said is true. I am just surprised at the short amount of time it took him to find it."

Jean then stated, "He searched my mind yesterday, and he surprised me as well. It only took him like ten minutes to find the information he was looking for. He is a very talented telepath and telekinetic."

When I heard both of them talking about me, I started to blush. Like I said before, I don't take compliments very well because I don't get that many.

All of a sudden they stopped talking out loud but were still looking at each other. I figured they switched to speaking telepathically so that I couldn't over hear what they were talking about. Although since I knew that they were talking telepathically, I just grew more and more curious about what they were talking about that was so secretive. Without saying another word out loud, Andrew left the room. What surprised me was the fact that he didn't even say goodbye to me.

As soon as Andrew left the room, Jean telepathically said, "Well, you did good at that part of today's training, but right now I am going to start to teach you how to build barriers around your mind so that your mind isn't easy to read. What you want to do is picture telepathic energy materializing around your mind and any specific spots in your mind that you don't want people to know. Do you understand what I mean?"

I responded with, "I might have an idea, but I must try it out to see if it works. As soon as I have tried out my idea, I will let you know so you can try and read my mind and tell me if it worked."

With that I started to focus on my own mind. Once I had a picture of it, I pictured a kind of shell surround it. Once the shell was sufficiently thick, I started to put one up around the fact that I was gay. I also put one up around whom all I had crushes on. Once both of those were in place I blinked and then looked up at Jean. I then stated, "Ok, I think I have put sufficient barriers up, but I would like you to check them out."

She replied with, "No problem."

She then started to focus on me. She stopped blinking so that she could start to read my mind. She stared at me for a few minutes before she said, "Your barriers are just fine, they are strong enough that I can't read your mind, but not strong enough to totally keep me out. By this I mean I can still telepathically talk to you. Okay, that is enough for today; tomorrow you will learn how to read minds that have barriers up. Now off you go to band, you won't be expected to play anything but you will be introduced to each of the section leaders. Enjoy."

When I got outside of the room, I started to fly once again. I flew to where I found the band room yesterday.

Once I got there, I walked in and took a seat. I was there a little bit early, so I was just taking in my surroundings. I was just sitting there looking around when the rest of the class started to fill in. As it turns out, I had chosen the correct section to find a seat in. When Scott got there, he had the section leaders introduce themselves.

The first one to do so was the trumpet section leader. He started out by saying, "Hi, my name is Aaron and as is obvious I play the trumpet."

The next one to introduce himself was the percussion section leader. He stated, "Hi, my name is Jake and I am in charge of the percussion people."

Following those two were the clarinet, the flute, the saxophone, the trombone, the tuba, and the baritone section leaders. I am not going to mention what they say because it was all the same sort of thing except with different names.

With that over, I sat next to the saxophone section leader to read his music while they played. The music should be fun to play. Too bad that neither Bobby nor Andrew play instruments, that would have given us more to talk about. Oh well.

Well, that's it for another chapter. Please, please, please tell me what you think. I would love to hear what you have to say. You can contact me at Thanks for reading.

Next: Chapter 7

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