Forced Reenactment

By Dudley Jarvis-North

Published on Nov 12, 2019


Hi, fellow Nifty readers and writers. Thanks for reading my stories. I'm a retired journalist living in Boston and Fort Lauderdale. I've enjoyed many of the tales on here. Lots of hot, entertaining writing.

We have to do more than read these sexy gems. We need to donate to the site as it relies on us to stay alive and vibrant.

Other stories I've posted are (in Encounters)The Bass Player,The Pact (both Sept. 13,'17), James (Jan. 26, '18), "At the Underwear Rack (2 parts, April 23 `19). In Urination there are Drink It (2 parts, Sept. 24, '18) and Lesson at Rock River (Nov. 6, '18); In Adult Youth -- Aaron's Basement (Jan. 12, '18); In Authoritarian -- Taken in the Woods (May 28, '18); In Camping, -- the 4-part Camping with Josh (Sept. 24, '18) and in High School -- "William the Great" (3 parts, Jan, 16, '19).

Be glad to hear from you if any of these stories excites you.

By Dudley Jarvis-North

It is a dark October night in Boston and I am walking home from St. Paul's Church after a Christian Doctrine class. I'm not at all religious but my mother is. I'm attending because she put the heat on, and I am tired of fighting with her. She had my back growing up, so one hour a week of Catholic gobbledygook isn't going to kill me. Maybe I will meet another 17-year-old kid and wind up having sex with him. That isn't likely to happen -- this is the `60s -- but something else does.

Just as I'm turning the corner onto my street, I am surrounded front and back by Dennis and Joey -- two of the neighborhood semi-toughs. That means they look tough and talk tough, but it's mostly for show.

They stop me in my tracks. Dennis, who is crowding me from behind, whispers sarcastically in my ear. "Hey, dog, what are you doing out so late -- causing trouble?"

Late? It's 9 o'clock.

I have no choice but to play along. "I was at a class," I mumble.

Joey is in front of me blocking me from moving. "A class? A CLASS? At night? Aren't you the little nerd?"

Joey went to the same high school as I and knows I am an honor roll student. "You think you're hot shit, don't ya, smarter than everybody else, studying your brains out," he taunts.

"I don't think that," I answer with my head down, wondering what I did to deserve this harassment.

Dennis changes the subject, "Remember that club we had in my basement a few years ago?"

Of course I remember. Dennis and I used to smoke cigarettes he stole out of his mother's purse and drink beer pilfered from his dad's supply.

I also remember that one night after we had had too much beer, I had sucked his cock on a dare from him. Dennis dropped me as a friend shortly thereafter -- wouldn't speak to me, just erased me from his life.

It was a painful experience, and it was obvious that his macho self couldn't handle what happened.

Joey is suddenly curious. "What was this club you guys had in the basement?" And suddenly I'm worried about where this will lead.

"We just smoked cigarettes and drank beer," I say, hoping to minimize the damage.

Dennis looks up and says, "Pete's not telling you the dirty part. Let's take him down to my basement and smoke a joint. Might loosen his tongue."

Now, I'm sweating as I wonder how to get out of this sticky situation.

"Guys, thanks much, but I got homework and it's getting late. I gotta get home."

"I don't think that's gonna happen" Dennis says as he winks at Joey. The two of them push me toward the alley that leads to the basement.

"You can do your homework later," Dennis says. "Or not at all," Joey adds, as we are outside the door.

Dennis flips on a light switch but it's still fairly dark below.

"You remember where the clubhouse is, Pete. Lead the way."

I head to the back of the basement where a small area is fenced in by pine boards that reach about 6 feet high. The fence that surrounds the clubhouse is bright yellow because Dennis and I painted it one summer. There is an opening about 3 feet wide. They push me inside.

My eyes refocus as Dennis lights candles that sit on top of 50-gallon barrels that are now empty but smell of oil. I see a raggedy sofa and an upholstered chair we rescued from the trash and a small table, upon which we played cards. The dirt floor is covered by a piece of carpeting, also taken from the trash.

"Have a seat," Dennis commands in a voice that has become increasingly bossy.

He sits close to me and Joey takes the chair.

Dennis pulls what looks like a thin cigarette out of his pocket and flicks his lighter.

"Have you ever smoked weed?"

"Weed?" I ask innocently. "Grass, marijuana, you know," he snaps impatiently. "You are such a dork. No wonder I don't hang out with you anymore."

"You hung out with him?" Joey asks incredulously. "Hard to believe."

"He has his uses," Dennis says. "Let's get stoned."

Dennis takes a couple of hits, hands the joint to Joey, who does the same. "Your turn, geek," as he hands me the joint.

I'm not sure I want to get high with these two, but I have little choice. Both are much bigger than my 5-6, 135 pounds. Dennis is 18, two years older, 5-11, a wiry 165 pounds. He has dark blond hair, sparkling blue eyes, luminous pale skin, a few freckles. A handsome Irish face and a lithe and lanky body. He has that Irish pugnaciousness as well. I have watched him win fistfights with guys at the playground. Of course, I have a crush on him.

Joey is 20 and has some meat on his bones. He's Italian, handsome, olive skin, dark hair and brown eyes. He is 6-1, about 190 pounds with black hair covering his arms and creeping out of the top of his white T-shirt. His body is solid and his ass fills out his jeans beautifully. They are both wearing Levi's and black leather jackets and boots. Joey was a senior at my high school when I was a freshman. He was always in trouble and in the head master's office. I imagine he has too much testosterone.

After two hits, I am feeling the bearable strangeness of weed. Lightheaded and anxious, I wonder what they have in store for me. They are clearly stoned.

Dennis's voice has morphed into something deeper, more commanding, and he has a sarcastic grin on his face. He looks a bit scary on grass.

"Why don't you tell Joey what you did to me here in the basement?"

My stomach drops as the moment I feared has arrived.

My head lowers and I decide I better say as little as possible. "We smoked cigarettes, Dennis."

"Yes, we did.... What else?"

"We played cards and drank beer, I think -- I don't remember it all that well."

"What else? Tell Joey what else. He's dying to know."

Joey has this shit-eating grin that confirms that he already knows what we did and that this is an exercise in humiliation.

Joey moves off his chair grabs me by the back of my jacket. "What else, Pete? I want to hear about it."

I'm mortified, but I decide to come clean and hopefully they'll let me go home.

"I touched Dennis," I sheepishly admit. "I was drunk and got carried away."

"Go on," Dennis scowls. Tell Joey the rest."

"Like I said, I was drunk and I touched him through his jeans."

"Touched him? Touched what?" Joey's voice has gotten louder. "Spit it out."

"I touched his penis. I was just curious what it felt like. He dared me to. He was always daring me to do stuff like that." I flash to Dennis saying "eat me raw" but me too afraid to take him up on it.

Hmmm, you were just curious? You acted on a dare? Hmmm," Joey presses me. So you touched it through his jeans? Was his dick hard?"

I don't remember."

"You don't remember -- Joey seems to get off on repeating my every word -- I think you did more than that. Maybe we can jog your memory."

Joey pulls me out of my seat and pushes me to the floor. "On your knees," dickwad. We are going to do a little reenactment."

Dennis stands up and moves his crotch inches from my face."

"Pete, show Joey what you did that night to your old buddy here," and he lets out a cackle.

I have a knot in my stomach, both from shame and incredible excitement about the prospect of sucking Dennis's dick again. I have jerked off many times to the memory of that incident.

I reach out and touch his crotch. I can feel his tube snaking down his pant leg. It is hard. It is also much bigger than I remember.

"Is that familiar to you now," Joey brays.

"Yes," I say.

"Unbuckle his belt," Joey says. "You need to show me everything you did."

I'm realizing how much Dennis turns me on and how much I missed hanging out with him. The truth is, I'd do anything Dennis wants. I only wish Joey weren't there. I reach up and unbuckle Dennis's belt.

"Now, unbutton his Levi's,' Joey orders.

I get the top one undone and move downward till the other buttons have been threaded through the loops.

"Pull his jeans down," Joey commands as he pushes his body against the back of my head.

I pull his jeans down.

I look up and Dennis has a smug look on his face and his hands are behind his head in a classic top-guy pose. "God, he's beautiful," I think to myself.

"I dare you to suck my dick," Dennis orders.

His white briefs are staring me in the face -- Fruit of the Looms, tightly encasing his goods. I am stoned and the guys have pushed me beyond the point of no return. I no longer care what they think of me and don't need further instruction. I just want to taste Dennis's dick. I start licking it through the cotton fabric.

My body temperature has gone up several degrees as I use saliva to get his briefs wet. I can smell a hint of piss and cum, but I'm not sure if those smells are real or I'm just high and imaging them. His briefs are bright white, not grayish, and hug his body splendidly. The fly is bulging promisingly toward my lips.

Suddenly, Joey reaches over and at Dennis's undies. His dark blond pubic hair pops into view above the elastic band of his briefs that still cover his dick. He has a big bush.

"Put your nose in his pubes," Joey says. "I want to see how much you love it."

I have lost all fear and shame. All I can think of is worshipping the dick I have envisioned in my masturbation fantasies. I want to wrap my lips around it. But it's not exactly the dick I sucked off three years ago. It's much bigger.

I sniff and lick Dennis's pubic hair like a mad dog. As I lift his T-shirt and see his fine treasure trail climb up his belly, I lick that, too. His skin is pinkish-white and his hair is soft. He had so much less the last time I saw it. I take in his scent. Why do Irish boys smell so good, I think to myself. Dennis's bush smells clean and dirty at the same time. I can smell a little of the soap he uses, but his crotch sweat has overwhelmed that. I want more of the latter.

I don't wait for Joey. I grab the sides of Dennis's shorts and pull them down to his knees. Out pops the pink splendid cock of my dreams. The 4 inches it used to be is now closer to 7; the shaft is thicker, the mushroom cap bigger. The circumcised head is perfectly shaped, irresistible. It smells fragrant. His legs are strong and a light dusting of blond hair runs all the way up his thighs.

As Joey pushes the back of my head closer, I open my mouth as wide as I can and take it in.

"He's really doing it, " says Joey. "I thought you were pulling my leg, Dennis. I thought he was playing along until he had a chance to escape when we weren't paying attention."

"I told you he was a cocksucker -- aren't you a cocksucker, Pete?"

I continue sucking until Dennis does what I don't want -- he pulls his dick out of my mouth. "Say it, Pete, as he holds his dick inches from my lips. "Tell us what you are or I'll put it back in my shorts."

I don't want that to happen.

"I'm a cocksucker, Dennis."

"Louder. Joey didn't hear you."

"I'm a cocksucker," I repeat, turning my head and looking directly at Joey.

And whose cock do you want to suck the most?"

"Yours, Dennis."

"And why is that?"

I realize I have to play this silly game to get it back in my mouth.

"Because it tastes so fucking good."

He grabs the back of my head and pulls me onto his dick. "Attaboy. Show Joey what a great dick eater you are."

I do exactly that, slurping on the head, licking down the shaft, returning to the head and using my tongue in a polishing motion. Dennis is making loud cooing sounds.

"That feels amazing, Pete. Keep doing that."

I cover my teeth with my lips and move downward hoping to get it all in my mouth. I have sucked off other guys -- mostly in the back row at the local movie house. So I think I can handle Dennis's 7-incher as I really want to please him. As I get every inch into my mouth Dennis speaks: "Damn, if I knew how good you sucked dick, I wouldn't have ditched you. Your mouth is better than a pussy."

"Your loss," I snap, and Dennis gives me a light slap across the face.

"Shut up and suck my cock."

I work my mouth into a rhythm, up and down his shaft, take it deep, then I just suck the head with as much suction as I can. Dennis bends his legs slightly to give me easier access.

Joey has been quiet since I started servicing Dennis, but I can feel something hard pushing against the back of my head and his hand rubbing his tool though his jeans. He seems mesmerized by the show we're putting on.

I can feel Dennis's precum dribbling into my mouth. It tastes sweet with a touch of starch and dick ooze. He's so masculine. I am obsessed with giving him my best blowjob and I'm also wondering if any of his girlfriends go down on him. Even if they do, they'd be no match for me.

I lick around the crown again, as Dennis gasps, and take it to the root. I can feel his dick pulsate in my throat and I'm proud that I'm not gagging. Suddenly Dennis, who has been letting me do all the work, grabs my ears and begins to fuck my mouth.

"Take my big dick, you little cocksucker. Let's see how good you are when I get rough with you."

Dennis is tightly holding the sides of my head and begins to plow my mouth with more fury. He pulls his dick almost all the way out and all the way in till the mushroom bangs against my tonsils."

"Flatten your tongue, Pete. I'm going to sandpaper it. If you keep doing that, I'll give your mouth a nice surprise."

These words electrify me as I suck harder eager for his seed. And they push him over the edge. He begins to spasm in my mouth.

"Oh, fuck," he moans, as I count seven shots filling my mouth. I'm happy that he has pulled out a couple of inches so that his cum doesn't go directly down my throat. I want to fully enjoy the taste.

My mouth is bulging with his cum, and I'm determined not to let a drop escape. It tastes so warm and strong. I think to myself. "I can't believe I have Dennis's load in my mouth. It's a dream come true. Should I swallow it or let it stay in my mouth so I can taste it forever."

The decision is made for me. "Swallow it," Dennis orders as he has been watching me intently. "I want my jizz in your belly." I let it slide down my throat.

"Open your mouth so I can see. Good boy. You deserve my big load after all the work you did."

Joey moves from his perch behind me and faces me. I am still on my knees and his jeans are showing a promising bulge. He is unbuckling his belt.

"My turn," he says eagerly.

(To be continued)

Next: Chapter 2

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