Forever and Always

By Peanut Shields

Published on Jul 30, 2009


Authors Note: I've extended this chapter to get a few things out of the way and for those of you who wrote to me this should clear most of the confusion (sorry about that :p)

Dave: "Nate you look terrible get something to eat and freshen up" "No i don't want to leave him" "When he wakes up he won't like what he sees" "Really?" "yes Nate and besides you really need a shower" "Ok i'll be back in ten minutes" "don't worry if anything comes up i'll tell you" He smiled a half smile and walked out "Ry theres so much i want to tell you, I'm so sorry, for everything. I don't know what got over me but i want you to know that i still love you and I won't hurt you anymore." "Excuse me young man may i have a word with you?" "ok" i walked away from his beside and over to the doctor. "Doc do you know when he is going to wake up?" "No it's not certain but he appears to be responding to a few things" "like what" "well this morning we gave him a shot of pain reliever because of the roffies, well he started to move but not a lot i just thought i'd make sure you knew" "ok" "there is one more thing" "what" "he has a lot of bruises around his neck and body, does his boyfriend beat him" "No! it was......" "his parents" "no it was well me" "You do know he can file charges" "yes i do it was an accident" "well these marks don't look it" "can you promise me something" "what" Don't tell his boyfriend" "why shouldn't I" "because i will" "ok but if you don't i will" he left the room. How am i going to tell Nate, Ry i wish you were awake "Na...Nat....Nate..... help me" " Ry oh my god Ry come on wake up" "No....stop...dave.....please....i thought ......nate.....don'" Those wordshit me he was having a nightmare and i was the monster "Dave...i no....stop" those were the last words he said.

Nate: i got out of the shower and walked back towards Ry's room. "excuse me sir can you help me?" "But i...ok" "i walked towards the old lady in the wheel chair. "what do you need" "can you take me to see my husband" "do you know what room he is in" "umm i think it's 247b" "oh ok" that was right next to Ry's room. I walked her in by her husband and he started to cry "Oh Jo you didn't have to come see me" "but i love you Louis" "i love you too" the two sat and talked to each other for a short while "Jo listen to me i don't have long to live and if i die i want you to watch over our kids and grand kids" "i will" "Thats my girl" cough cough I started to tear up, their bond together is eternal, i hope Ry is ok. I left the two alone nd went into Ry's room "Dave why are you crying" "Ry was speaking to me" "Really?" "Yes"sniff "What did he say?" "your name" I started crying, but they weren't tears of sorrow they were tears of happiness. "did he say anything else" "No not really (i didn't want to tell him the truth, no matter how much it hurts me or him)

Ry: I had that nightmare again was it telling me something, why can't i wake up from it i hear voices but i can't see anyone. "help, Nate, Dave Someone Anyone please.

Dave: I looked at nate, his eyes were glued on Ry. "Dave can you keep a secret" "yeah sure" "Since you are Ry's best friend you can't even tell this to him" "ok" "well i think his parents abuse him" "how can you think that" "all of his bruises" "Nate theres something i got to tell" "D..Da.. David' "Ry's speaking come on Ry" "Nate hear me out we need to talk" "Ok whats the problem" "me" "what do you mean" i started to cry" "Nate i'm the problem it was me all this time" "i don't understand" "NOOOO!" a scream came from the room next to us. "I'm sorry ma'am but he's dead, call it" "Oh my god her husband died" "What" "Na..Nate...Nathan Snedden" We both turned our heads to the hospital bed "He's awake get the Doctor" "Nate...what happened." "You don't remember do you" "no" "ok i need you two to step out of the room why i examine him" "ok" we walked out to let the doctor do his job. "Dave what did you mean earlier?" "Huh i'm so sorry" "For what" "i've been trying to brake you too up" "why and how" "Why i was jealous but could you blame me. I'm the one who gave Ry those bruises" "What, i i i don't believe you" "Yes i did and i rapped him and abused him every chance i got" "No stop your lying your his best friend your not capable of doing" "Yes i was the reason Ry came home late that one night was because i was going to fuck him" "But why your his best friend" "I wanted him so bad that i did everything i could to get at him." "Why didn't he tell me" "I threatened him" "Your not serious" "Nate please stop" "but i thought you loved him" "i do or did i don't know anymore i'm so confused" "You two could come in and see him now" "Ry are you ok" "yes i think" "how much fo you remember" "up to three days ago" "so you don't remember our fight?" "vaguely" "well Ry what do you remember?" "I remember our break up" "oh" "i'm going to leave" "Why dave?" i didn't answer him. "Dave wait" "No Ry i can no longer hurt you I'm done chasing after you" "Wait, Nate do something." "He told me everything Ry, it's up to him not us" "Dave please don't go." "I have to" "no you don't" "And what makes you think that." "Your my best friend, i'm never going to find anyone like you again" "Ry cut the shit I hurt you big time, in fact i'm the one who put you in this hospital. I gave you and Nate Roffies. I gave him them the day he passed out and you just a few hours ago in your drink" "Why" "cause i wanted to fuck you Ry, I loved you and you choose him over me" "But dave i told you" "I don't care what you said i should be your boy friend not him" "For the record right now i don't have a boyfriend remember you broke us up, and where do you have the balls to call me out on this. I'm sick of taking your shit, I'm sick of being the pushover. All springbreak i thought of what would make you and Nate happy, and every time i tried i would end up getting hurt." "who said we wanted you to make us happy" he didn't say anything "i thought so" "Screw you Dave" "shut the fuck up" "make me" i walked towards him but i saw Nate get out of his seat "I fucking hate you two" "then why did you come with us" "to fuck you" "Hmm as i recall you said you loved me and oh by the way just because i couldn't open my eyes doesn't mean i couldn't hear anything, you told me you loved me and then kissed me on the cheek" "what ever" "No Dave it's not whatever there is something bothering you and you don't want to tell us." "Shut the fuck up" "No not till you tell me whats wrong" "My fucking dad left me ok are you happy i told you" "Dave i" "Shut up" i threw a punch at him but Nate held me back "Dave you need help" "No i don't" "yes you do" "No i don't"

Ry: He started to cry and he got on his knees, i wobbled over too him (i'm still shaky because of the medicine and all) I hugged him "Theres more isn't there" "I'm not, it's just, I've been abusing drugs" "Dave why would you" "I loved you and you turned me down and my dad left me, I've been failing school left and right, sniff i don't know whats up and whats down anymore" "Dave we need to check you into rehab" Nate smirked "Shut up Nate i still need to have a word with you" "i don't want to go" But they will help you" "No you can't make me" "Dave you better go or i'll file charges against you" "please i don't want to leave your the only one who makes me feel good" "Dave you have to I'm sorry but when we get back home your going" he didn't say anything" Ouch my side keeps hurting ahh it's burning. I walked over and grabbed Nate's arm, we walked out he kissed me "Ry your still a little cold do you" "Nate you know why we're out here" "Ry i'm so sorry i didn't mean to break up with you i didn't know Dave did it" "it wasn't Dave at least thats not the same dave i knew" "well i love you and i want to be here for you i've even kept your promise, when dave told me i waited and didn't beat him up or anything i swear" "Nate because of you and Dave i almost died" "I'm sorry honestly i am" "So am i" "are you breaking up with me?" "no you broke up with me and i might not remember every thing but the look on your face i do" "Ry i don't want to end things" "Neither do i" "then why can't we get back together?" "I don't know you tell me" "Ry stop playing games" "why? this is how i feel everyday with you" Nate started to cry "Ry i don't know how many times i have to tell you i'm sorry but" "Nate don't tell me show me" "how" "thats for you to find out" "But Ry" "Nate if you love me then you'll prove it if not then i guess i'll be forced to move on" "Ryan you know i'll do anything for you, whatever you want i'll get" "no nate thats called being a slave and your better the­n that." He wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed me on the lips "What should we do then" "I don't know" "Ry stop are you fucking crazy" "excuse me." "No Nate risked his life for you, in fact he saved your life too" "Dave do you know whose fault it was that i almost died" "Yes it's mine" "Dave..." "No save it if you two aren't together then it's my fault, this is all my fault" "David Cippirano this is not just your fault" "yes it is Nate" "No dave it's all my fault" "how" "yeah Ry how" "well if i was completely honest with you Nate then Dave wouldn't have got to me, and Dave i didn't do anything to stop you." "We all are at blame" "Dave's right Ry" "Maybe it's best that we spend the rest of spring break away from each other."

Next: Chapter 12: Forever and Always II 7

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