Forever and Always

By Peanut Shields

Published on Jul 14, 2009


Forever and Always part 5 end of chapter 1

School went by as usual except for not getting to talk to Nate, huh the most i see him is when he is being dragged around like a dog on a leash. i miss him he hardly goes to practice too. All week this week i have been verbally abused by all of kelly's guy friends.

"hey look it's faggot boy, hey faggot boy do you suck my cock"

"yeah faggot boy, ha ha we should fuck him"

they started to surround me when Nate jumped in and pushed the others away

"what the fuck is wrong with you guys, why are you doing this to him"

"You told us too we all got a text from you saying that we'll have to make fun of Ryan today or you'll tell your dad to kick us off the team"

"What i don't even have my phone"

i knew right then and there it was kelly, she used this as a warning, if she could trick 4 guys into picking on me what else is she capable of.

"Look Ry we are sorry we had know idea we just don't want to get kicked off the football team"

"It's ok" i said shakily i squeezed through them and walked up to Nate "We need to talk" we walked in the empty classroom "Ry i had no idea i swear"

"swearing is bad Nate. But thats not why i brought you in here"

"Don't break up with me please"

" you watch too much tv, anyway we need to find a way to stop kelly"

"Oh, umm can we throw her off a bridge."

"No joking Nate, did you see what she did to your friend, she is going to end up hurting one of us"

"I'm sorry i got you into this mess, if i never used kelly we wouldn't have this problem"

"Hey why don't you use kelly again"

"No that would mean cheating on you"

"Ew i mean why don't you use her as in we could benefit from her"

"i still don't get it"

"Huh you look so funny when your puzzled, you could pretend you like her again then when she gets bored of you she will dump you."

"I get it"

"That way she can't hurt any of us"

"Ok, i got to go she'll be waiting"

He kissed me and ran off. The next four days was hell, seeing Nate flirt with her made me sick but he had too. We secretly got together during lunch in one of the empty rooms during the week, "Ahh i'm sick of her can she just dump me and get it over with" "I know why don't you get a little clingy" "Good idea"

a few more days passed and Nate stuck to kelly like glue.

"You know what Nate this isn't working out i need to be alone sometime today"

"But i love you"

"No just go away"

"I'll go where ever you go"

"Nate stop let go of me"

"But we are going out your my girlfriend"

"Not anymore you are so annoying"

Nate turned towards me and smiled it's finally over, (or so we thought)

I got a text from Nate telling me to meet him by the pizza parlor tonight. i got ready and left,only to find out that i forgot my phone.. I ran back in quickly grabbed it and then it vibrated. "Ryan guess what i got a new phone meet me at the field" , (he just texted me earlier to meet him at the pizza parlor why would he tell me to go down to the stadium and why didn't he text me with his new phone.) I made my way to the stadium, when my phone vibrated again "where are you i've been waiting at least 20 minutes, you live a few blocks away" this time it was from his old phone. (Whats going on) I texted him back saying what he said from both messages. "Run Ry run thats Kelly's number"

"Well well well look who finally showed up."

"What do you want Kelly"

"My boyfriend"

"Too bad he doesn't like you"

"I overheard you and Nate talking the one day, after i broke up with him, word on the street is that you planned it"

"So what if i did"

"I warned you"

she snapped her fingers and 2 big guys came out from behind the bleachers and grabbed me

"Let go"

"I know you love Nate thats why you try to protect him, but with you protecting himwho'll protect you"


We all turned in shock there Nate stood with a baseball bat in his hands.

"I'll give you three seconds to put Ryan down," "One" no one moved "two" "they quickly released there grip on me and Nate grabbed me by the hand and pushed me behind him

"So kelly do you still want those Bruises"

"I'll tell my dad" she stuttered

"No you won't!" a voice echoed

There stood a shadowed figure it was hard to see his face since it was so dark. "Who's there" i cried out

He stepped into the moonlight, Dave stood there with a grin on his face.

"Dave is that you?"

"It's been a long time Kelly"

"Yes it has what are you doing here"

"Protecting the people i love,even if they don't share the same love."

"But Dave how did you know?" i asked him sorta surprised and hurt all at once

"You left you phone on the night you got back from the amusement park, sorry about the ride thing, i called and you answered but you didn't say anything i figured you were still mad when i over heard kelly"

"How did you know i was here?"

"I asked Kelly a few hours ago"

"Hold up how do you know kelly Dave?"

"Thats easy Nate, we dated once till we found out we were cousins"

"Oh i see"

"So Dave what are you going to do to your poor cousin"

"Shut up Kelly remember my dad's a lawyer you try to file anything against Nate or Ryan we'll back them up 100% then i'll help them sue you for ever penny you have, so you might as well call it quits"

She stormed to her car and left, only to be stopped by her dad because she was speeding "Dave i don't know what to say"

"I do, I'm sorry for ditching you and Nate before, can we still be friends"

"Yes but i need to talk to you alone"

Nate walked away cause he knew that he didn't want to get in between us

"Dave when you first started to go out with me as friends i wanted it to be more that that. When we were at Cedar Point i felt more attracted to you then ever, but then you said your girlfriend called and that shattered my heart into little pieces. When Nate was around us then i didn't want to be separated from you. When i asked you to ride that one ride with me i was going to tell you about my feelings but you shut me down and Nate brought me back up"

"so if what your saying is true if i went on that ride with you i probably would be your boyfriend instead of Nate"

I was balling my eyes out "Yes"

"I'm sorry i had no idea, but don't cry we might hook up in the future" he winked at me "and till the we could be friends right?"

"Alright, Alright, Alright"

"you know your cute when you do that"

"when am i never cute"

we laughed and Nate figured that we worked through our differences and are now friends again. We headed towards Dave car and headed to the pizza parlor

"What do you guys want on your pizza."

"Nothing red meat" "Anything with meat" me and Nate said at the same time

"Nate you know i won't eat red meat"

"Come on i'm starving"

"Dave what do you want"

Pepperoni and pickles"


"Ry don't knock it till ya try it"

"I'll pass"

"How bout we get a large pizza that is half of what everybody wants"

"Ok as long as there is no mushrooms or onions"

"Why Ry?"

"Yeah Ry, i love onions and mushrooms"

"Cause i'm allergic to both."

"The i guess you won't be giving head any time soon"

Nate started laughing "Whats that mean Dave."

Now they were both laughing and i felt left out.

"So what happens when you eat mushrooms?"

"My throat closes up"

The both were laughing hysterically

"Thats not funny, the last time i had one i almost died"

"We're sorry ry"

"Yeah sorry"

"What happens when you eat onions"

"are you going to make fun of me again Dave?"

"No, i said i was sorry"

"I swell up like a blimp"

"I'd pay money to see that"

"Shut up Nate, you guys are assholes"

They looked at me again and saw the hurt look on my face. "we're sorry Ry" "yeah Ry we're sorry" i looked out the window and thought to myself what if i was like that, what if i was a jerk to people, what if i was the cool kid who everyone looked up to.

The silence was broken when Nate asked " Ry are you ok" i didn't answer for a few minutes, then they both looked at me with concern. "I'm fine i just don't want to say anything" "Why?" "Because everything i say to you two, you guys have a joke for and i'm sick of being made fun of. I get it enough from your friends in school Nate" "Ry could we please not fight" "I'm not the one who started it" "Ok you two thats enough we're friends aren't we? lets just let this slide and go have some fun" "O k" "Alright, alright,alright"

"and what would you young gentlemen like to drink?" "we all want a mountain dew" 'no we don't Nate." "fine dave what do you want?" "doctor pepper" "and i want a shirley temple" "what the fuck is that" " thats for me to know and you to find out Nate" "hey hey mr hostile boyfriend" " do i have to split you to up geeze you can tell you guys are a couple."

instead of ordering one whole pizza we decided to eat in and get our own pizza. I ordered white pizza with garlic and extra cheese, Nate got a pizza covered in meat (yuck), and Dave ordered pepperoni pickles and green peppers. we quickly ate our pizza and headed home. huh i forgot we had school tomorrow, great how boring. " So dave how did you and Kelly find out you were cousins?" i asked "well we were seeing each other back in 9th grade. She took me home the one day and we kissed. Shortly after we stated touching each other when her dad walked in on us. he explained the situation, sorta and ever since then our families have been closer, then when i heard that Nate was going out with her i decided to pay close attention to him, which brought me closer to you to today"

'how awkward" "wait you were spying on me?" "yeah but only to protect Kelly, until today i mean. now i see her for who she is"

he dropped us off we said our goodbyes and i went to bed still thinking what if i was the cool kid.

Next: Chapter 6: Forever and Always II 1

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