Forever and Always

By Curlybrok

Published on Oct 10, 2000


Forever & Always Curlybrok

This is a story about N Sync, specifically JC Chasez & Justin Timberlake. This story is completely fiction, I do not know if any member of N Sync is gay or not, but we can all have our fantasies. If you are underage or this is illegal in your area please leave now. If you are offended by homosexual sex or such stories disturb you please do not read further.

If you have comments, questions, and suggestions or just want to drop a line, email me at

Forever & Always Chapter 7 Curlybrok

JC was asleep his head laying on Justin's smooth chest, Justin had one arm draped over JC, his other arm laid by his side, his eyes were closed and his breathing was slowly and steady; he was asleep. It had been a long night; Justin and JC had gone for a walk. During the walked Josh had told Justin everything, about the argument and why he had left. The two young men discussed what they wanted to do, after an hour of walking Josh asked Justin if he would moving into an apartment with him, Justin agreed immediately. After a long night, both men returned home and fell asleep in each other's arms.

Morning came quickly for the sleeping lovers. The sun crept its way slowly into Joshua Scott Chasez's bedroom, its rays dance their way yup his bed, and began to gentle warm the faces of the beds inhabitants. Josh groaned as he feel the stinking light of the rays on his closed eyes, he pulled the covers over his head and tried to go back to sleep. Jason knocked on the door before entering the room. "Josh, Justin wake up we have to catch a flight back to Orlando." Jason said, as he entered the room. "We're sleeping go away." Justin said with a groan. "Don't make me get nasty now." Jason said. "Go away." JC said as he grabbed a pillow and throw it at Jason, hitting Jason square in the face. "That's it you two are in for it now." Jason said and left the room. Josh and Justin curled back up together, with the covers over their heads and went back to sleep.

Jason returned moments later with a large glass. He pulled back the covers and dumped the ice-cold glass of water over both JC and Justin's crotches. "HOLY FUCK!" JC screamed out. Jason was out the door in seconds, he closed it behind him holding the door closed. "I'm going to kill you when I get my hands on you, you little bastard." JC yelled. "Joshua, watch your mouth." Karen said as she walked by the JC's room. "Sorry mom." JC said. "Now hurry up you two." Jason said, before heading downstairs with Karen for coffee.

Jason and Karen sat in the kitchen having coffee when Josh and Justin came down stairs. "I'm going to get even with you." JC said. "Promises, promises. I'll believe it when I see it." Jason said. "When is the flight?" Justin asked. "Its in an hour." Jason said. "Have you confirmed three seats?" JC asked. "Yes and Lance is going to pick us up at the airport." Jason said. "We should probably get going then." Justin said. "Yeah, we should we don't want to miss the plane." JC said. After saying goodbye to Karen, the Justin, Josh, and Jason all head to the airport for their flight back to Orlando.

Justin, Josh and Jason, were all at Jason's apartment. Jason had agreed to let them stay there till they had found an apartment of their own. "Hey Justin." Jason said as he walked in with 4 boxes of pizza. "Hi, Jay." Justin said. "The guys will be over soon for the movie." Jason said. "Cool, JC is in the shower." Justin said. "And you not there with him?" Jason said. "He won't let me." Justin pouted. "Aww... Too bad." Jason said. "Shut up." Justin said.

Jason laughed, "So what movie did you get?" Justin asked. "Final Destination." Jason said. "Great a scary movie, you must love scaring the hell out of me." Justin said. "Nah, just like to see you jump." Jason said. JC walked into the kitchen in only a towel, still wet from the shower, Jason had to look twice to make sure his eyes weren't deceiving him. JC press his body up against Justin's as he stole a chip from the bowl in from of Justin. Jason shook his head and pulled a couple cups out of the cupboard, and looked for plastic plates. "Hey baby." JC said as he kissed Justin's cheek. "Your all wet." Justin said. "I just got out of the shower." JC said. Justin turned and he and JC began a passionate kiss. Jason coughed, getting the attention of Justin and JC. "Not on my kitchen counter." Jason said. Both Justin and JC blushed, "Sorry." Justin said. Jason laughed and walked into the living room and got the movie ready, "You two better hurry up, and Lance and the guys will be here soon." Jason said. Justin and JC were lip locked again. "I said not on the counter." Jason said from the living room. Justin and JC pulled back from the kiss, "I should go get dressed." JC said. "If you have to." Justin said. "Yeah I don't think the guys want to see me in a towel." JC said. "Your probably right." Justin said. JC walked to his and Justin's bedroom and got dressed.

Justin, JC, Lance, Joey, Chris and Jason had all gotten together to watch a movie at Jason's apartment. Justin and JC sat on one of the couches; Justin had his body press tightly against JC, with a blanket around him, that he used during the scary parts. Lance and Jason shared the second couch and Joey and Chris sat on the floor. "Is it done yet?" Justin asked his face buried in JC's chest. "Its over." Jason said. "Good Justin said turning back to see the movie. Jason and Lance laughed, Chris got up and went to the bathroom. Jason sat sideways on the couch-facing Lance; Lance faced the same way facing Jason. Jason shifted slightly causing his feet to touch Lance's feet. Lance lifted his eye from the TV and stared into each other's eyes. A small smile appeared on Lance and Jason's faces as they looked at each other, communicating with their eyes.

Chris returned from the bathroom and sat down on the floor again, and watched the movie. Lance and Jason still stared at each other, lost in the other's gaze. Justin looked over to Lance and Jason and notice the two lost in each other's eyes. Justin smiled and whispered to JC. "Josh, look." Justin said very softly. JC looked down at Justin then were Justin was looking, JC smiled, "Isn't that cute?" JC said. Justin nodded. Justin got an evil grin upon his face and grabbed a pillow on the couch. Lance was shocked to feel a pillow hit him in the nose. Justin and JC sat on the couch laughing. "You little bastard, wait till I get my hands on you." Lance said. "Hey, leave my boyfriend alone." JC said. Lance stuck his tongue out at JC, "Don't stick that thing out at me unless you intend to use it." JC said. Lance gave JC a look that could kill then returned to watching the movie.

"Anyone want popcorn?" Jason asked as he stood. "Yeah, that'd be great." Justin said. Jason nodded, "Anyone else?" Jason asked. Joey and Chris each raised their hands. JC or Lance, "Yeah, I'll have some." Lance said. JC nodded, "I'll give you a hand." Lance said. "More like a hand job." Justin whispered to JC. JC started to laugh. "What's so funny?" Lance asked. "Nothing." JC said trying to recover. Jason shook his head and walked into the kitchen followed by Lance. "The bowls are in the cabinet over the dishwasher." Jason said as he took out four bags of microwave popcorn. Lance nodded and got the bowls out of the cabinet. Jason pop the first bag of popcorn into the microwave and hit the popcorn button, a second later the microwave started.

Lance brought over the bowls and waited for the popcorn to finish popping. Jason grabbed some popcorn salt while waiting for the popcorn to finish. The microwave beeped signaling the popcorn was ready. Lance open the microwave pulled out the bag of popcorn and put the second bag in. He opened the bag of popcorn and poured it into the first bowl. Jason handed Lance the popcorn salt, Lance took the container their fingers lingering for a moment, and their eyes met becoming lost in the other's gaze. The microwave beeped a second time startling both Jason and Lance bringing them out of their lingering gaze. "I'll bring these too bowls to the guys." Lance said. Jason nodded; he closed his eyes, 'Damn why do I keep having these feelings for Lance?' Jason thought. He shrugged off his feelings and finished up with the popcorn.

Jason and Lance again sat on the couch facing each other while watching the movie, eating from the single bowl of popcorn that sat at their feet. Justin was feeding JC popcorn, his face turned to watch as JC accepted each popped cornel into his mouth. Justin was totally ignoring the movie. Meanwhile, JC's fingers on his right hand were locked with those of Justin's left hand. Justin turned back towards the movie, at the moment in which the bus came by hitting one of the girls, causing Justin to jump and the popcorn in the bowl on his lap to fly all over him and JC. Chris and Joey start laughing at Justin. "Justin the object of popcorn is to eat it not throw it all over the place." Lance said. "Blow me." Justin said. "Nah, I'll pass on that one and let JC blow you." Lance said. "Not on that couch you don't! I just had that one cleaned." Jason said.

"We'll there goes the idea of a free sex show." Chris said. "Chris that disgusting." Joey said. "Why?" Justin asked. "Because I don't care to see my friends having sex in front of me." Joey said plainly. "Well, there goes my plans for the night." Justin said. Jason turned and looked at Justin with a surprised look on his face. "I was joking." Justin said. Jason slowly turned and started to watch the moving again. Jason reached into the bowl, grabbing a couple piece of popcorn. Lance did the same, their hand again touched, lingering for a second till Jason looked up into Lance's eyes. Jason quickly pulled away catching Justin attention. "I've got to go to the bathroom." Jason said and quickly left the room.

Justin looked at Lance then the direction Jason went off in. "I'll be right back." Justin said as he pecked JC on the lips. JC nodded and Justin took off in the direction Jason went. Justin came to the bathroom door, he noticed it was closed he knocked. "Jason are you in there?" Justin asked. "Yeah I'll be out in a minute." Jason said. "Is everything alright?" Justin asked. "Yeah, everything is fine." Jason said. His hands were on the counter, and as he tried to clear his thoughts. Justin tried the handle noticing it was unlocked; he opened the door saying, "Jason, I'm coming in." Justin said.

Jason turned to see Justin walk into the bathroom. Justin could tell something was bothering Jason, he knew his brother well enough to know when something was up. "Ok, what's brothering you." Justin asked. "Nothing I'm just tired that's all." Jason said. "Bullshit. I know when something is up, does it have anything to do with Lance." Justin said coming right out and not beating around the bush. 'Was it that obvious?' Jason thought. "It does, doesn't it?" Justin said. "I don't know what your talking about Justin." Jason said, trying to leave the room. Justin grabbed Jason arm and stopped him. "You like him don't you." Justin asked. "I don't know, no." Jason said trying to recover from his mistake too late he said it. "I knew it, you like him." Justin said. Jason sighed, "I don't know I just get these feelings when I'm around him and when I look into his eyes." Jason said.

"Aww. Isn't that sweet my brother has a crush." Justin said. "If you can't be serious about it Justin, let just go back and watch the movie." Jason said walking towards the door. "No, wait. I'm sorry, I'll be serious about this." Justin said he was trying to avoid going back to that movie. Jason sighed and stopped. "So how long have you had these feelings?" Justin asked. "I'm not sure a while I guess." Jason said. "Do you think he feels the same why?" Justin asked. "I don't know, I don't even know how I feel, this could all be just because I'm exhausted." Jason said. "Jason, are you sure your not having feelings for Lance?" Justin asked. "I think I am." Jason said, finally giving in to that little voice in his mind. Justin smiled, "Well, maybe you should find out if he has feelings for you." Justin said. "Yeah, but not right now." Jason said. Justin nodded, "Can we get back to the movie now." Jason asked. "No." Justin said. "Why?" Jason asked. "Because its scary." Justin said. Jason shook his head and headed for the door. "Come on curly." Jason said.

"Well, that was a cool movie don't you think so, Justin?" Chris asked. Justin's face was hiding under the blanket and buried in JC's chest again. "I don't think he liked the movie." Lance said. "I'd have to say your right on that Lance." Jason said. "Oh, Justin it's the credit rolling so you can stop hiding under the blanket now." Joey said. Justin peaked his head out from under the blanket and looked at everyone staring at him. "Why!" Justin asked. "Nothing." Lance said. "Well, I'm heading out guys I'll see you tomorrow." Joey said. "Ready to go Chris?" Joey asked. "Yeah lets go." Chris said. "See you guys later." Chris said and head out after Joey. "I'm tired can we go to bed Josh." Justin said. JC nodded and he and Justin left, leaving only Jason and Lance in the living room.

"I'm going to get going, I'll see you tomorrow." Lance said. "Ok, see you tomorrow Lance." Jason said. Lance nodded, and left. Jason walked to his room, closed the door, and laid on this bed face down. He tried to control his emotions but they over took his tired exhausted body, and soon he had cried himself to sleep.

"Josh?" Justin said. "Yeah, Just." JC said. "I love you." Justin said. "I love you too, Justin." JC said. JC laid down in the bed, he wrapped Justin tightly in his arms. Justin smiled as he laid his head on JC's chest. "I feel safe in your arms." Justin said. JC smiled. "I'd never let anyone hurt you." JC said. "I know." Justin said. JC kissed the top of Justin's head. "Josh, when do you think we'll be ready?" Justin asked. "Ready for what?" JC asked. "For you know, to go all the way." Justin said shyly. "We have all our lives Justin to have sex. I'm in no hurry, and don't want to do something we aren't ready for, and if we never do have sex, we'd still have each other and that's all that matters." JC said. "Josh, do you want to have sex with me?" Justin asked. JC thought for a moment. "Just, I love you and in time I'd love to show you how much I love you by giving myself to you completely. So, yes I'd want to have sex with you, when we are ready for it." JC said.

"I'd like that too." Justin said. JC smiled. "We should get some sleep Just, we have a long day tomorrow." JC said. Justin yawn, "Goodnight Josh." Justin said. "Goodnight Just." JC said. They drifted to sleep in a short time feeling the warmth of their love surround them. The moon shined into their room, illuminating the small dark corners as they slept through the night.

Forever & Always Chapter 8 Curlybrok

JC and Justin spent the morning looking at apartments, by late afternoon they were back to Jason's apartment tired and exhausted with no luck finding an apartment. JC sprawled out on the couch and closed his eyes. "Any luck?" Jason asked as he walked in from his office. "No, we looked at 10 apartments and no one of them was anything close to what we wanted." Justin said. "Well, I found out from my landlord today that he has an opening coming up in a couple of days in this building, its nice apartment, its a couple apartments away from here." Jason said. "How many rooms?" Justin asked. "Two more then this one." Jason said. "That might be an option." JC said. I just want to get some sleep." JC said. "Josh, what about getting a house." Justin said. "I hadn't thought of that." JC said.

"We can look at houses tomorrow, I just want to sleep now." JC said. "I want a hot shower first." Justin said. "That sounds good too." JC said. "It'd be even better if someone who loved me would join me." Justin said. "Is that an invitation?" JC asked. "You're always invited to shower with me." Justin said with a grin. "Well you don't have to ask me twice." JC said. Justin grinned happily and ran to the bathroom followed by JC.

Jason sat in his office working on plans for the next tour, his phone rang and he picked it up. "Hello." Jason said. "Hello." The female voice said. "Mom." Jason said with no emotion. "Yes, Jason it's your mother." Lynn said. "What do you want?" Jason asked coldly. "Is Justin there?" Lynn asked. "He's in the shower." Jason said. "Well, can you give him a message for me?" Lynn asked. "Why, so you can hurt him again?" Jason said coldly. "No, so that I can apologize." Lynn said. "Like all the other apologizes you've ever given." Jason said. "No, I mean it, I want to tell him how sorry I am." Lynn said. "Leave him alone, you've done enough damage." Jason said. "You have no right to keep me from talking to him." Lynn said. "I have every right to protect him from something that will hurt him. You're not the one who had to comfort him when he learnt the one man he love had left him because his mother didn't approve of their relationship. You're not the one who had to flight 3 hours with him telling him that everything would be fine. And you're not the one who had to try and fix the pain, but you are the one who caused it, by being close minded, and selfish." Jason said. "I'm sorry." Lynn said. "I'll tell him you called, but do not call back unless he calls you first." Jason said. Lynn took a deep breath, "Fine." Lynn said. With that Jason hung up the phone.

Lance stood at the doorway to Jason's office, "I knocked but no one answered." Lance said. Jason looked up startled, "Sorry Lance, I was on the phone." Jason said. "I know." Lance said. "Are you ever going to let her talk to him?" Lance asked. "I'll tell him she called and if he wants to talk to her fine, I won't stand in the way, but I won't see him her again." Jason said. Lance nodded, "I'm sorry Lance, but I have a hard time to believe that she is truly sorry, she always says she is sorry as long as it suits her." Jason said. "Look Jason, I know what she has done to you in the past, and I know that she hurt you tremendously, but people change." Lance said. "This has nothing to do with that." Jason said. "Bull shit, it has everything to do with that. She hurt you, and now you're getting even by not letting her talking to Justin." Lance said. "Oh, I don't do I? No, I think I know exactly what I'm talking about. She apologizes to Justin less then two days later, yet she never apologized to you, did she?" Lance asked.

Jason sat in his chair looking at Lance standing in the doorway. "She never gave a damn about me." Jason said. "I don't want to talk about that Lance." Jason said. "When, when will you want to talk about it?" Lance asked. "Not now, not tomorrow, not ever." Jason said, pushing passing Lance and walking into the kitchen. Lance took a deep breath. He and Jason had, had this fight hundreds of times and every time nothing ever got resolved. Lance said it wasn't worth the trouble. Lance sighed, and walked into the living room and sat down.

Justin and JC came into the Living room after their shower. "Hey Lance what's up?" Justin asked. "Umm... nothing." Lance said. "I'll be back babe, I'm going to get something to drink." Justin said before leaning down and kissing JC on the forehead. JC smiled and Justin went to the kitchen. Whence Justin was out of earshot, JC spoke. "Did you two fight again?" JC asked he had become accustom to the arguments between Jason and Lance. Lance nodded, "I don't want to talk about." Lance said. "And, he says the same damn thing, didn't he?" JC said and paused before continuing. "Look Lance, there is nothing you can do to change what happened, he is hurt deep inside and he is trying to hide it, we all know that. He has to want to get help and talk about it. You can't force him to talk about it if he doesn't want too, and fighting about it isn't helping." JC said. "Yeah, but Lynn called to talk to Justin. He wouldn't let her." Lance said. "Then that is an issue he needs to talk to Justin about." JC said. "Don't you care?" Lance asked. "It's not my place to say or do anything about it." JC said.

Lance sighed. "Look Lance, this is a something that Lynn, Jason and Justin will have to work out. And that can't happen till Lynn and Jason work out their issues." JC said. "I thought they had at one time." Lance said. JC shook his head, "It was all an act for Justin's sake." JC said. "They decide that it would be best when around Justin to act as if nothing was wrong." JC said. Lance nodded, understanding the logic behind the act. "Do you think they will ever work out those issues?" Lance asked. "I don't know." JC said. "What are you guys talking about?" Justin asked as he stood at the entrance to the living room, Jason stood a few feet behind him. "Justin, I think we need to talk." Jason said. Justin turned and looked at Jason. "Lets go for a walk." Jason said.

"They've been gone for nearly two hours." Lance said. "Give them time Lance, This isn't the way Jason wanted to tell Justin about this whole thing." JC said. "I know but still." Lance said. "All we can do is wait Lance." JC said. Lance nodded, he still wanted to know what was happening.

Justin walked into the apartment nearly three hours later. "Hey babe." JC said. "Hey Josh." Justin said. "Where is Jason?" Lance asked. "He's picking up his mail." Justin said. "How did the talk go?" JC asked. "It went well, but I was surprised by the things my mother did." Justin said. "So what are you going to do?" Lance asked. "I'm going to talk to her, and see if I can set things straight." Justin said. "Are you and Jason all set?" JC asked. "Yes Josh, we're fine. I understand where he is coming from and I still think that he and mom need to deal with some issues, but those issues shouldn't interfere with the relationship we have as brothers." Justin said.

Jason walked in while sorting his mail. "JC I want you to come with me, I'm going to my mother's." Justin said. Lance, Jason and JC all looked at Justin with shock. "Umm... Okay." JC said. "We'll be back in about an hour." Justin said. Jason and Lance nodded and Justin and JC left.

Justin knocked on the door to his mother's house. After a few minutes Lynn Harliss opened the door. She was surprised to see her youngest son standing on the other side of the door. "Hi Justin." Lynn said. "Mom, we need to talk." Justin said plainly. Lynn knew this wasn't a social visit; it was time to deal with the issues at hand. Lynn nodded and led the way to her office. JC closed the door to the house then to Lynn's office before taking a seat next to Justin. Lynn folded her arms on her desk and looked at her youngest son. "What do you want to talk about Justin?" Lynn asked. "Two things, but first you have to agree not to say a word until I am done talking." Justin said. "But..." "No buts, not a word." Justin said interrupting his mother. Lynn nodded and waited for Justin to begin.

Justin stood, he slowly walked away from his mother's desk, he stopped to look at a picture on the wall facing the desk, it was a picture with Lynn sitting in a chair, on her right stood Jason next to him was Justin and on Lynn's left was Josh. Everyone in the picture had a smile, it was a picture taken a few years ago, Lynn had insisted on the picture. Justin then turned walked to the back of JC's chair. He placed his hands on JC's shoulders then looked into his mother's eyes.

"This past week you did something that I thought would never happen, something that no only hurt me, but hurt someone who I have place on a pedestal, someone who have looked up too, someone who have confided in, someone who have loved with all my heart for many years. You hurt the one person that means so much to me right now, because he has been there for me whenever I need him." Justin said he paused, he had too or he would have started to cry. Justin looked down at JC, although he could not see JC's face, he was sure JC was fight back his own tears.

"You hurt Josh, the man who I have a romantic, and strong relationship with. You hurt him so much, that he couldn't bear to see me in pain, that he felt his only option was to leave, not only me, but also his entire life he fought so hard for. He left N Sync, he left his fans, he left his career, and he left his heart." Justin said. JC had tried very hard to suppress his tears, but they slowly start to tickle down his face.

"I was so mad that Josh had left, I was heart broken, I didn't know why. I thought I had done something wrong, I thought I had ruined everything with my best friend." Justin said he again paused this time to let the words sink in. "Had I not have such wonderful friends, and a wonderful brother who cared enough to fly me and himself to find Josh, who drove me to his home, so that I could be with him and tell him no matter what happened, no matter what did, I was sorry and I loved him. But most importantly I wanted him to come back." Justin said.

"That night I learned two things, one that no matter how great the distance or how difficult the road of life maybe love will always be there in the end. The second is that my mother had betrayed a my trust and had hurt me and the man I love." Justin said. "Of all people, I thought you would understand how I feel for Josh, and why I so much want to be with him." Justin said. "I guess I was wrong." Justin said. Justin could her JC sniffling now; he rubbed JC's shoulders trying to comfort him.

"Today I learned that this was not the first time, you had done this to someone I loved and who I look up too. A few years ago, about the same time that that picture you have on the wall was taken, you did the same thing to Jason." Justin said. Justin released JC's shoulders and walked back over to the picture, he looked up at it. "I remember the day this was taken, there was a lot of tension between you and Jason, you barely spoke." Justin said. He turned and took his seat next to JC, this time he looked at JC's face, he was stained with tears, JC's eyes had began to swell and become red. Justin took JC's right hand held it tight and turned and looked at his mother.

"Because the lives your sons had chosen for themselves was not the one you had chosen for them you took it upon yourself to make absolutely sure that, they would have little or no choice but to follow the lives you wanted them too. You've pretty much succeeded with Jason, he's took afraid now to follow his feelings that he once had for a friend, feelings that could have resulted in him being with someone he could have learned and grown into love with. Yet he failed with me because he intervened and would not let you hurt yet another son of yours." Justin said.

"So, today I'm here to offer you to options." Justin said. He paused looked at Lynn squarely in the eyes. Justin leaned forward. "The first option is simple, you can accept both your sons for who they are, and be apart of their lives. The second option is just as simple, if you can not accept your sons, then you sons will have nothing to do with you ever again." Justin said. JC looked at Justin with shocked. Lynn looked into her son's eyes and could tell he was not joking this was for real.

"Those are you only options." Justin said. "Which will you chose?" Justin asked. He sat back in his chair; he had said what he had come to say. Now the ball was in Lynn's court, she had to make a decision accept her sons or lose them forever. "Until today I had all the time in the world, now I have a decision to make. If I don't accept my sons, I lose them." Lynn said. She stood and walked over to the picture on the wall. "I had insisted so much on this picture, it was suppose to be a reminder to me of my sons, when they were away. I never meant to them, but I did." Lynn said she had tears in her eyes now. "I'm sorry to both of you, and to Jason. I can't lose my sons, I consider you my son as well Josh and I can't lose my sons. I hope you can forgive me. I can't lose any of you." Lynn said tears were now falling down her face, she meant every word she said. Deep down inside she knew that she had to accept her sons or lose them forever.

Justin and JC were now standing, they were facing Lynn, as she turned to them. "I'm sorry." Lynn said she held her arms open, hoping that they would accept her apology. Justin and Josh both looked at each other then at Lynn, slowly Josh let go of Justin's hand he walked over to Lynn, He opened his arms and took Lynn into his embrace, "I'm truly sorry Joshua." Lynn said Justin slowly walked over to his mother; Lynn took Justin into the hug with Josh, and said, "I'm sorry Justin."

To be continued...

Well, that is it for now. Ok I've gotten most of your responses, and it'll be a little while before Justin and Josh have their first time. They're going to be looking for a house in the next segment. Things to look forward to are: Will Jason be able to forgive Lynn for the years of pain, what about these odd feelings he's having for Lance? What about the feeling he told Justin earlier of Tyler? What will Justin's father have to say about his son being gay?

Ok time for another poll, well two polls in one to be exact. Here are the questions. Both Joey and Chris are straight for sure in this story (whether or not they are in real life is not for me to decide.) But for the story they are straight so, who would you like to see Joey and Chris going out with, you can pick any of the following celebrity: Britney Spears, any of the girls from Innosense, Christina Aguerila, or another celebrity you think would make a good match for Joey or Chris, or you can vote for fictional character, if you pick the fictional character please try and come up with a name or two you'd like me to use. If the fictional Character wins then I'll pick a name for the character form those you send me.

When you send me you vote please tell me whom you want with whom. That it, and you'll find out the results in the next installment. Also, this is strictly an N Sync story I won't be bring the Backstreet Boys or any other Boy Band into this story. If you want to read a BSB and N Sync story you can check out Justin's Dream.

Comments, Questions Suggestions, Hellos, anything what so ever (except straight porn) can be sent to I love e-mail and it gets me to write the updates more often. :)

Next: Chapter 7

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