Forever Charmed

By Jonny Halliwell

Published on Jan 23, 2007


"Forever Charmed" uses characters from the Aaron Spelling TV show, "Charmed". Spelling Enterprises; all rights reserved. I do not own most of these characters. I, however, do own some, but the main Halliwells belong to Aaron Spelling.

If you're under 18, you really shouldn't be here reading this, so please hit the back button now. All responses and comments can be sent to

"Forever Charmed"

Chapter 5: "Family (Un) Ties"

"Damn! Maybe it only works with floating balls of energy?"

I, of course, was hanging out in Halliwell manor. It had pretty much returned to normal after the big blowout. I came by every day after school, but hadn't stayed over yet. Some of it due to not wanting to rush back into the swing of things; but even more of it was because I didn't want to risk jumping in bed with Chris. And damn, was it difficult. I swear the boy got sexier day by day. And today was no different. At that moment, we were both in the basement, practicing my powers.

"No, Pete. That's not how it works. Trust me on this." He was wearing a black sleeveless T-shirt and jogging pants. Damn. He wasn't helping with my concentration.

Chris and the family had been trying to get me to master my powers a bit more. I had done much better at orbing, other than the occasional odd landing. Usually, I got it pretty good. I had even started to orb from my house, to the Halliwell's and back again. The freezing thing was going so-so. Well, other than when I accidentally froze Papa Leo's feet. He didn't seem too pissed... although Mama Piper had a bit of a laugh at the incident. I didn't ask why.

"Try again, baby. You'll get it. Just relax and concentrate."

I looked at him and smiled. "And what do I get if I finally get it after the millionth try?"

"Well... let's see"; he pondered as he walked behind me. "How about..."

He licked my ear.

"Chris!" I turned around and grabbed his waist. He looked at me and giggled. Damn. Cutest boyfriend ever. Well, first boyfriend, but definitely the cutest.

"You're not helping."

"I know"; he responded. "But isn't it fun anyway?"

I laughed and kissed him quickly, then turned back around. On a small table, Chris had set up a line of pencils. I was supposed to aim them directly at a bulls-eye on the wall: a badly drawn picture of a demon. After a while, I was able to get them directly in where the heart was supposed to be. After I had that down, we decided to try to get them to float in front of me. Chris would throw them at me, but all I could do was fling them all over the place.

He walked back to the table and then stopped. "Wait. Let's try something different."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, when the demon attacked you, what were you thinking? How were you feeling?"

"Well, I was thinking that you were gone and I felt... I don't know. Anger; fear; sadness? All of the above."

Chris looked down for a minute. "Well, I'm here... and once again..."

"If you thank me one more time, I swear I'm gonna put one of these pencils in your ass."

He giggled. "Not the kind of wood I'm into, but to each his own."

It was my turn to giggle at that one.

"Alright, alright. Let's think of it as this. Imagine that it's that day again. The demon has you cornered. I want you to imagine this pencil as an energy ball."

"I'm not sure I can do that. I mean, it is just a pencil, after all."

Chris smiled. "I can change that somewhat." He looked at the pencil and suddenly; it was covered with orbs.


"OK, so when I throw this at you, I want you to drag those emotions to the surface. This energy ball is coming right for you and if it hits you, you won't be able to get to me. OK?"

I closed my eyes and remembered that day. Every emotion hit me at once, but anger took over the others. I opened my eyes. "Send it my way."

Chris hurled the glowing pencil at me. Just as it got to my chest, I put my hand up and screamed "No!" The pencil stopped in mid-air and floated in front of my hand.

"Wow, I'm doing it!"

"Concentrate, Pete. Don't lose track of those emotions."

I immediately went back into the zone and the pencil wavered a bit, but still continued to float.

"OK"; Chris said. "Now, try to make it expand. Concentrate your energy into the pencil."

I stared as hard as I could. Slowly, but surely, the pencil increased in thickness. After about a minute, it grew into the size of a carrot.

"Very good, baby!" he said. "Now... hurl it into the bulls-eye."

I pulled my hand back slowly and the pencil followed. I pushed forth with all of my might... and it landed in the wall right above the picture.

"Shit"; I said. "I'm sorry, Chris."

He walked up to me and put his hands around my waist. "Don't be sorry. That was very good considering you're still new at this. I'm proud of you."

I got a little closer to his face. "Really? So, what do I get as a reward?"

"Well"; he said. "How about this?"

We started to kiss very softly at first, then harder. Damn, he was a good kisser. It got pretty hot and heavy. I moved my hands from his waist and put them under his shirt, feeling his soft skin and the light hairline from his torso down. He moved his hands into the back of my basketball shorts, feeling my ass through my underwear. Of course, my dick started to get as hard as a rock, as did his. I pushed myself closer and started to grind myself against it. He did the same to me and started to moan. Damn, even his moans were sexy.

We heard a door open and close upstairs. I pulled my lips away, but Chris kept trying to kiss me.

"Baby"; I said.

"Hmmm..." he responded as he started to kiss my neck.

"Someone's here. We really should stop right now."

Chris groaned and gave me a quick tap kiss before we finally separated. "Whoever that is, I officially hate them." I gave him a smile.

The basement door opened and there stood Wyatt.

"Oh. Someone's home."

"Hey, Wyatt"; said Chris.

I gave him a wave and said the same.

"What are you guys up to?" he asked as he walked down the stairs.

"Just trying to get my skills going a little better"; I responded.

"So I see. You guys must be going at it hard. You're all sweaty and everything."

"Yeah"; I thought. "Definitely hard and going at it."

Chris snickered back a laugh and I had to look away before I joined him.

"Um, did I miss something, bro?" Wyatt pondered.

"Nah. Just something Pete did earlier. Nothing big."

"OK..." Wyatt said. "So, where is everyone?"

"Um, M.P. and Mom are at the restaurant. Papa Leo is at Magic School"; I responded.

"M.P.?" Chris asked.

"Mama Piper"; Wyatt and I said at the same time.

Chris smiled. "Both dorkuses, I swear."

Wyatt gave Chris the finger and smiled. "Wait. Here's a question. Why aren't you at Magic School, Pete? I mean, you are just starting."

"Actually, Mom and Dad figured it would be easier for all of us to help Pete with his skills ourselves, since he's part of our line and all. Also, the familiarity aspect of having the family around might help him help as well." Chris said as he grabbed a bottle of water from the banister.

"Plus"; I added, "it would interfere with my regular schooling. And I still want to be able to be me. I don't want this part of my life to interrupt the regular part of my life, you know? I want to be able to go to school, hang with friends and just have time to still be me."

"Completely understandable, bro." Wyatt added.

Chris and I smiled.

"Well, don't let me keep you. I'll see you guys later. Have fun and don't hurt each other too much."

Chris and I looked at each other and smiled. "We won't!" we both said in unison. Luckily, Wyatt didn't see our goofy looks. He was back on his way upstairs.

"Alright, Chris" I said. "What's next?"

"Well, actually. We've probably done a lot for the day. I mean, we're all sweaty and everything."

"Yeah. I noticed."

He walked up to me and said, "I'm gonna take a shower. And I really hate bathing alone. Wanna join me?"

I licked my lips and smirked. "You know what? That's really tempting, but I've got some homework to do. And besides," I said as I looked downwards. Oh, yeah, he was definitely still hard. "Wyatt is home and I'm not sure if we would be doing much washing."

Chris stepped back a bit and pouted. "Are you absolutely sure? Is that your final answer?"

He took off his shirt and I swear my dick nearly burst out my shorts. "Yeah. I'm sure."

"Oh, well. Your loss." He stepped towards me again and gave me a light kiss. A light kiss that soon turned a bit more heavy. I pushed him back.

"Yeah, I definitely need to go now."

He giggled and gave me a quick tap kiss before heading up the stairs.

"Wait a sec," I called out to him. "Who have you bathed with before?"

He looked back at me with a dorky smile. "Just my rubber ducky."

I couldn't help but laugh.

"Will you come by later, babe?"

"Of course. See you a little later, sexy."

He winked at me and continued on his way up. When he reached the door, he threw back, "And stop looking at my ass."

I gave him a one-fingered salute.

"I saw that!"

I laughed as I orbed home.

The news broke out in the Underworld that the Charmed line had been reinstated as well as that 2 demons had already been vanquished.

"Goddamn them!" said the demon Pascal as he paced back and forth in his lair. His followers looked at him with fear as they knew of his quick temper and "kill before asking questions" demeanor.

"They're just children; three young boys. And one of them doesn't even know of his full powers and yet, they've managed to kill 2 of you already!"

A blonde haired demon named Drage stepped forward. "Sir, if I may..."

"No, you may not"; said Pascal as he waved the demon away.

"Now, to the rest of you, I say this. It should not be difficult to take out 3 children, especially the youngest, Peter. If we do this carefully and correctly, we will come to power. And our Lord and master shall be able to rise to his full power. Now, where is Correas?"

The demon named Correas stepped up.

"Good. Now, you have the skills to render a witch to be paralyzed for a period of time. Long enough to kill, do you not?"

"I do, my liege. I can help to eliminate the new Charmed Ones."

"Do not fail me, Correas. Or, I will be eliminating you."

"I will not, my liege. You have my word." Correas bowed and then shimmered away.

"To the rest of you, go away. Now."

The other demons either shimmered or walked away. Except for one, who hid in the shadows until the others left.

"That wasn't funny"; said the demon in the corner.

"I'm sorry. I have to make my presence known."

Drage walked towards Pascal. "And to do that, you just have to dismiss any notion I may have. Fuck you."

Pascal grabbed Drage's arm. "Listen. First off, you know what the Master said. No one can know just how close we are. It can be seen as a weakness and know how quickly others can jump in and try to harm us."

Drage looked away. "Yes, I know."

Pascal touched his lover's chin and pulled it back towards him. "I hate that it has to be this way, too. But if it means that I don't lose you, then I will do whatever it takes. You know what you are to me."

Drage smiled. "And you to me, as well."

"I know, my love. So, we will do whatever it takes. We act one way in the eyes of the others and when we are alone..."

Pascal ended his words as he pressed his lips to his lover.

"OK, fine. And before, you said, "First off". What was the second part?"

Pascal smirked. "You know damn well you're the one who gets fucked."

Drage licked his lips and smiled.

At Piper's restaurant, Amanda and Piper were cleaning up after the end of the day.

"What a day"; said Amanda as she slumped against the counter where Piper was cleaning glasses.

Piper smiled. "Yeah, but we did really well tonight. Who knew frat boys could eat so much?"

"Eat? With all of the beer we served them, I thought the food would come right back up."

"Ew, Mandy! Thanks for the visual"; Piper responded as she flung a towel at Amanda.

"OK, OK. Sorry. Well, as long as this day was, the past couple of weeks was even longer."

Piper cleaned up the last glass and walked around the counter. "I know. But it was worth it. I mean, other than the demon attacks, I'm glad he finally knows. I'm glad he knows we're really family."

"I know, Pipe. So am I. I just can't help feeling kind of bad that we kept it from him for so long."

"It's OK, Mandy. He understands why. I'm just glad that he understands."

Amanda smiled and hugged Piper tightly. "So am I, Pipe. So am I."

"So", Piper said as she pulled away from the embrace. "What do we call ourselves now? Sisters? Other mothers?"

"Well, I prefer the term, "dead witches", myself." said a voice from in front of them.

They turned around and there stood the demon, Correas.

"But, who am I to say?"

"Well'; Piper responded. "You won't be anyone to do anything in a minute." She put her hands up to freeze him, but Piper was too slow for him.

Correas threw his hand up and released a needle from his hand. It flew directly towards Piper...and Amanda pushed her out of the way. The needle hit Amanda in her arm.

"Damn it"; Amanda said as she rose her arm up to look at the injury.

"Is that all you," Amanda said.

Piper looked towards Amanda. She wasn't moving. She stood in place like a statue, her arm still in front of her.

"Son of a bitch. What did you do to her?"

"I meant to do it to you, witch. Oh, well. I got one anyway." Correas then created a fireball from his hand. "And a dead witch is a dead witch." Before he could strike, Piper threw her arms towards Correas, intending to blow him up. However, it seemed to only faze him a bit. He stumbled back a bit. Piper continued to try, but it didn't seem to do much.

"Oh, well. Can't win them all. Besides, I'm not after you anyway. See you soon, though"; he said before he shimmered away.

"Mandy? Are you OK?" Piper said, fully of worry.

Slowly, Mandy started to move again. "Yeah. What did he do to me?"

"I don't know"; Piper responded. "But at least it was only temporary. It only took effect while he was here."

"Yeah"; Amanda responded. Suddenly, her face took on one of worry as well. "I'm not after you anyway." Oh, God, Pipe."

Piper simply said, "We have to get to the manor. Now."

Later that night, I was back at the Halliwell's. I decided that I didn't want to be home alone, so I brought my homework over to do with Chris. Which of course, turned into many make-out sessions. Homework had never been more fun.

Chris and I were sitting on the couch finally working on English. We kept stealing glances at each other and giggling.

"Come on, Chris. This is a really important assignment."

"Let's see. Trying to relate Shakespeare's work to present times versus making out with my really cute boyfriend who keeps looking at my ass. Tough call"; Chris responded as he eased his way over to me once more. I pushed him away.

"Think of it this way. If we don't pass this assignment, we'll be just like "Romeo and Juliet": two dead teens, because our parents will kill us."

"OK, OK"; Chris conceded. "But"; he added, "being upset that my boyfriend isn't kissing me when I want to be kissed is sure to put a damper on my work."

I laughed a bit and looked at Chris who was pouting; trembling his bottom lip a bit.

"See? That's fucked up. You know what that face does to me."

"I know"; Chris said as he smiled a second. Then, he went right back to the pout.

I threw down my pencil in defeat. "Damn you and your cuteness. Bring those lips over here."

"Yay, I win!" Chris said as he hopped towards me. We started to kiss once again and of course, it got a bit heavy. We fell back on to the couch, with Chris lying on top of me. He reached his hand under my shirt and started to caress my stomach. I did the same to his back. I took off his sweater and we stopped for a second. There he was, shirtless once again. God, his body was so fucking hot. I went to kiss him again and he stopped me.


"Share, share; that's fair"; he said as he reached for my shirt.

"Dorkus"; I replied as I allowed him to take off my shirt. He smiled and jumped back towards me again. We started to kiss once more. Feeling his skin on top of mine, my 8-incher started to snake it's way down my thigh. I felt his cock start to grow and started to wonder just how big it was. Chris started to grind against me as we continued to kiss.

That's when we heard the glass shatter.

We immediately stopped kissing and sat up and looked to where the noise had came from. In the doorway stood Wyatt. The look on his face was beyond shock.

"Wyatt"; I said. "We can explain."

Wyatt still said nothing, nor did he move.

"Bro"; Chris said.

Still nothing.

"Say something. Please"; I said.

Wyatt turned around and walked up the stairs, not saying a word. After a second, we heard his bedroom door slam shut.

"Fuck"; I said as I grabbed my shirt from the floor. "We shouldn't have done this."

" I'm sorry. I'm so sorry"; Chris responded as he grabbed his shirt and put it back on.

"Chris, calm down, sweetie. I'm not upset or mad at you. We both decided to get a little too into it. I didn't stop myself either."

After I put my shirt back on, I looked towards the stairs. "You know we need to go up there, right?" I said.

Chris pouted again. "Do we really have to?"

I smiled a bit. "First off, pouting is what got us into this, so stop that right now."

Chris stopped pouting and nodded. "Sorry. Yes, I know we have to."

"Alright, let's get this over with, I guess."

Walking up the stairs to Wyatt's room had me even more worried then when I first came back to the Halliwell's. Chris must've either read my mind or sensed my fear because he said, "It's OK, babe." I looked back at him and smiled. Then, after what seemed like hours, although it was only seconds, we finally reached Wyatt's bedroom door. On the front of it, he had a sign that said, "Hazardous Area: Keep Out!"

I whispered, "If there never was a tell-tale sign of woe".

Chris kicked me lightly and I smiled. I knocked on the door. I didn't hear a response, so I opened the door and walked in. Wyatt was lying in bed with the lights off and his headphones on.

I turned on the light. Wyatt still wouldn't look at either of us. Yeah, this was going to be easy.

I walked to him and lifted his headphones. "Look, bro, we need to talk."

He didn't say anything, but didn't put his headphones back on. I pulled up a chair from behind a desk and sat on it, facing the bed. Chris walked in behind me and stood behind where I was sitting.

"Look, Wyatt. What you saw downstairs"; I started.

He cut me off. "I know what I saw."

"Yeah. Stupid beginning. Look, what happened down there...? I don't even know how to explain this."

"Let me try"; Wyatt said a bit angrily as he sat up. "You and Chris were making out, half-naked; sprawled out on the couch. You know, it doesn't matter if you're both gay. The point is you're brothers!"

"Half-brothers"; Chris corrected.

"And that's supposed to fucking make it right? It doesn't matter; full-fledged or not. The same blood is running through your veins. It's disgusting!"

"Wyatt, look"; I said. "Chris and I had feelings for each other before we even knew we were related."

"Chris knew you were related for TWO FUCKING YEARS. And you're telling me you see nothing wrong with this?"

"Wyatt"; Chris said. "Pete did see something wrong with it. He tried to stay from me, but when you care about somebody, that's just something you can't control. Emotions are a funny thing."

"Exactly"; I said. "I know this is very weird, Wyatt, but I need you to understand..."

"We need you to understand"; Chris added.

"We need you to understand that we're trying to get past the fact that we're half-brothers and realize the fact that there was something there before this all came up."

Wyatt stood up. "The only thing I understand is that my two brothers are in some kind of twisted relationship where it's OK for them to be grinding against each other and making out in plain sight of everyone. I don't care how you try to rationalize this in your minds. I will not and do not accept this and I'm ending this right now. I'm going to tell both of our mothers' right now." He walked to the door and grabbed his coat and walked out of his room.

Chris and I followed him down the stairs.

"Wyatt; wait up, please"; Chris said as we followed him into the corridor. It was at that moment that Mama Piper and Mom walked through the door.

"Hey, guys. Wyatt, where are you going?"; Mama P asked.

"I was just coming to see both of you. There's something we need to talk about."

Chris and I looked at each other; both filled with worry.

"Actually, Wyatt, whatever it is, it needs to wait for now. There's something going on that takes precedence."

"Mom, this is important"; Wyatt responded.

"What's going on?"; I asked hoping to throw it off-topic for the time being.

"There was a demon that attacked us in the restaurant"; Mom said. "It said something about attacking the wrong person. Which, we automatically thought..."

"Means us"; I said.

Chris walked to me and patted my back. "Don't worry about it. We'll take care of this."

Wyatt said under his breath; "By how? Making out in front of it?"

"What"; Mama Piper said.

"Nothing, Mom"; Wyatt responded.

"OK... Baby, go upstairs and bring the book down."

"I got it, Mom." Chris responded. "Book of Shadows"; he said and held out his arms. The Book glowed into his hands.

"It's true"; M.P. said. "Kids are getting more and more lazy."

"So"; Chris said as he led everyone into the living room. "What does this demon do?"

"He shoots something out of his arms that paralyzes a person when it hits them"; Mom said.

"One of you were paralyzed? Are you OK"; I asked.

"Yes, baby"; Mom said. "I was the one hit and obviously I'm fine."

Wyatt grabbed the book from Chris kind of forcefully. Chris made a slight face, but didn't respond.

"The thing is"; Mama P continued, "It only lasts while the demon is there. Once he leaves, the paralysis wears off. But, in that time, he can really hurt someone."

"Or kill them"; Chris added.

Mama P nodded, but didn't say a word.

"Found him"; Wyatt said as he looked through the book. "His name is Correas. Has the power to temporarily paralyze his victims. Upper-level demon. Standard "Power of Three" spell needed."

"Well, that explains why Pipe's power didn't work on him"; said Mom. "Still wish he wasn't after our kids."

"It's OK, Mandy"; said Mama Piper. "We'll get him."

"And how do we do that?"; I asked.

Chris smiled. "Scrying."

"And what exactly is `scrying'?" I asked as we entered the attic.

Everyone followed behind me, with Wyatt at the end. "Basically, it's like a demon tracking system"; Mama Piper responded as she went into a corner and pulled out a map and a crystal attached to a gold-like chain.

"Basically"; Chris added, "Using that charm Mom has, we're able to locate a demon anywhere and take him out."

"Sounds pretty weird"; I said.

"Yeah. But, not as weird as turning someone into a block of ice or moving things with your mind."

I giggled a bit at that one. "Shutting up now."

"OK"; Mom said as she walked to where Mama Piper was. "Where is this Cornea?"

"Correas"; I corrected.

"Whatever"; Mom responded.

"I'm looking for him now"; Mama Piper said as she swung the charm around the map for a few seconds. Suddenly, as if pulled down by force, the charm stopped swinging and landed somewhere on the map.

"Oh, no"; Mama Piper said.

"What's wrong"; I asked as I walked towards them. "Where is he?"

"Right here"; came a voice from in front of us. There stood the demon known as Correas.

"This was too easy. You led me right to the new Charmed ones. I guess the old Charmed ones are losing it at their old age"; he said with a wicked grin.

"Or maybe, you're just dumb enough to come to a home with a whole bunch of witches that could kick your ass into the next millennium"; I said.

"Wow. And spunky ones, as well."; Correas said. "This should be fun." He lifted his arm and black needles shot out from his fingers.

Wyatt ran towards me to push me out of the way. "No"; he screamed as he pushed me to the floor. I sat up and examined myself quickly. No needles anywhere. I looked at Wyatt and there were the three needles in his shoulder blade.

"What?"; he asked. "What's..."

He broke off in mid-sentence; eyes directly looking at me. He was paralyzed.

"Little dead witches coming up"; Correas said as he pulled an energy ball from the midst.

I stood up and faced Correas before he could launch it, preparing to send it flying back towards him.

Correas sent the energy ball flying towards me and right before I could do anything, it froze in mid-air. I looked around and saw that Mama Piper had froze it... as well as Correas.

I moved around the energy ball and just stood there, a bit amazed.

Chris walked to me quickly. "Snap out of it, dude. You know what you have to do."

I snapped out of my self-imposed trance. "I know."

I stared at the energy ball and concentrated all of my energy towards it. Slowly, the ball grew and grew to the size of a bowling ball. I slowly pulled my hand back and sent it flying towards Correas.

It slammed into him and sent him flying into a wall. The shelf on the wall came crashing down with him.

"Oops. Sorry, M.P."

"It's fine, baby. We'll deal with that later. Get to the book and read the spell together with Chris to get rid of him. Hopefully, the two of you can do it alone."

Chris and I ran to the book just as Correas stood up again. He lifted up his hand and three more needles emitted from it, ready to strike.

Chris and I read the spell out loud.

"This demon with a violent sting Send back the pain it tries to bring Take him out now of this fight And send him spiraling into the night"

Correas started to smoke and shake violently and screamed "No!", before he exploded.

"I never get tired of seeing that happen"; Chris said.

"Yeah. I'm starting to get that feeling as well"; I responded with a smile.

I suddenly remembered about Wyatt and walked to where he was. "Hey, bro. You OK?"

He seemed a little shaken. "Yeah, I'm good"; he responded. He moved his arm all around. "Never thought I'd be grateful to just be able to move my arm around."

I looked and Wyatt and smiled. "Why did you jump in front of me? You know, I probably could've handled it."

He looked down a second and kind of shrugged. "I don't really know. I guess it was instinct. I guess, no matter what, I'm gonna always be there to protect you."

Chris walked towards us. "What about me?"

"You, I'm not so sure"; Wyatt replied with a smirk.

The three of us laughed and all hugged each other.

"Um... is there something we missed? You said there was something you wanted to tell me, Wyatt"; asked Mama Piper.

"Yeah"; asked Mom. "Is everything alright between you three?"

While still hugging us, Wyatt responded as he looked at both Chris and I.

"I don't know. Is everything OK with us guys?"

Chris and I looked at each other and smiled.

"Yeah"; I responded. "Everything's fine."

"And that makes three"; said Drage.

"I know how to count; thank you", responded Pascal as he angrily tossed energy balls at the wall. "Damn; even children are able to take us out. DAMN IT!"

Drage walked behind his lover. "Calm down, calm down. That's not going to solve anything."

"I know that", said Pascal as he tossed another ball at the stone wall. "But, it sure does make me feel better."

Drage put his arms around Pascal's waist in an effort to calm him down. "Look; the Charmed line has always been powerful. It makes sense that their children would be just as powerful as them; if not more."

Pascal walked away from Drage. "You're not helping to make me feel better."

Drage walked to Pascal. "The point is... me and you together are stronger. With me on the sidelines, we can lead our side to victory. The Charmed Ones can send whomever or whatever they want to in any attempt to defeat us. But they will fail and we will succeed. You will lead us to prominence and the Charmed Ones will wither and die at our feet."

Pascal walked to his lover. This time, it was his turn to place his arms around someone. "And how can you be so sure of this?"

Drage looked him square in the eyes. "Because I believe in us. This is our time." Drage moved his lips to Pascal's and kissed him intimately and intensely.

Pascal moved away from the kiss and smirked at Drage. "You know what time is it now, don't you?"

Drage looked at Pascal with a sensual smile. "After you, lover."

Later that night, after we had both changed into our pajamas, Chris and I knocked on Wyatt's door.

"Come in"; Wyatt replied.

We both entered Wyatt's room and closed the door behind us. Once again, Wyatt was in bed. But this time, the light was on and Wyatt greeted us with a smile. "Hey, you two. What's up?"

"Much better reaction"; I thought. Chris poked me in the side and smiled.

"We wanted to talk to you again"; Chris said. "Mind if we do?"

"No, not as all"; Wyatt responded as he sat up. "Have a seat." Chris opted for the bed while I grabbed the chair and moved it next to the bed. I reached for Chris' hand and he offered it with a smile. Wyatt looked a bit awkward at the show of affection.

"Oh, sorry"; I responded as I let go of Chris' hand. "Kind of a habit I picked up."

"No, no... it's OK"; Wyatt responded. "It just takes some getting used to. Please don't stop on my account."

I looked at Chris again and he offered his hand. I grabbed it and smiled.

"So"; I started. "I really don't know what to say to you, Wyatt. I know this bothers you somewhat, but I really am at a lost for words."

"For someone at a lost for words"; Chris stated, "you sure are talking quite a bit."

Wyatt laughed a bit and I kicked Chris lightly. "Dorkus."

Chris shot back, "Dorkus maximus."

"OK, I have some stuff to say, so quit it for the time being"; Wyatt said.

Chris and I both shut up and looked at Wyatt.

"While I was paralyzed by the demon, I guess it gave me some time to think. Well, it's all I could do since I couldn't do anything else."

Chris snickered a bit and Wyatt gave him a look. "Sorry, bro. Continue."

"OK. This whole thing freaks me out a bit; not because you're gay. I don't care as long as you're both happy; but because there is some blood between us. We're related. We're all half-brothers. It's incest."

Chris and I looked down a bit, feeling as if Wyatt would never understand.

"But, this family seems to base itself on odd relationships. Like Mom with Dad; Aunt Phoebe with Uncle Coop; hell, even Aunt Paige and Uncle Henry. That's just weird."

"They saw past what they were and looked in their hearts for the answer"; I responded. "It's the same thing Chris and I were doing."

"Exactly"; Chris said. "We cared for each other before we knew we were brothers. I've had feelings for Pete since I was 15."

I looked at Chris. "Really?"

"Yeah, baby"; Chris responded. "I'll tell you all about it one day."

We looked back at Wyatt and he was smiling. "Wow. That's actually really sweet. But, what I was trying to say was this: if they can see past the trials and tribulations of being together, who am I to judge if you two care about each other so much? It's obvious how much love is between you two and I am not one to even try to stop that. If this is what you both want, then I am all for it. I just want you both to be happy. I love you guys very much. You're my brothers and I refuse to stand in the way of your happiness."

Of course, I had tears in my eyes. But, to my surprise, so did Chris and Wyatt. I definitely was leaving my mark on them both.

"So"; Wyatt asked, "are we good?"

Chris and I looked at each other and smiled a bit before jumping on Wyatt and hugging him at the same time.

"OK, OK, OK! We're good!"; Wyatt said between giggles.

Chris and I eventually got up and hugged each other as well. "Hi, boyfriend"; Chris said sweetly.

"Hey there, yourself"; I responded.

"You know, I'm good with this. But, eventually, you're both going to have to tell everyone else."; Wyatt added.

"We know"; Chris responded. "Well, Aunt Paige kind of already realizes there's something between us and she should be the easiest one to take it."

"She does?" I asked.

"Yeah. I'll tell you about that right after I tell you about liking you since 15."

"OK, babe. I'm holding you to that."

"So"; Wyatt asked. "What are you two going to do now? Or do I not wanna know."

Chris gave me a sexy look and I poked him in the ribs.

"No"; I responded. "Chris is going to his room and I'm going to mine."

Chris gave an exaggerated pout. "What did I tell you about pouting?"

Chris stuck out his bottom lip even more. I giggled a bit and gave him a light kiss.

"Wow"; Wyatt said.

"Oh"; I responded as I realized what I had just done. "Sorry about that."

"No"; Wyatt said. "It's not that. It's just that... I wish I could have what you two have. It seems really special."

"Well, bro"; Chris said, "I like to think it is. But, don't worry. The right girl will come along and treat you the way that Pete treats me."

I had to smile at that.

"Yeah..."; Wyatt said. "The right girl. Or..."

"Or what?"; Chris asked. "She will come along. Just give it time."

"No, it's not that"; Wyatt responded. "There's something you two don't know about me."

"What"; I asked. "That you still tear up at "Bambi"? Of course we know that."

Wyatt tossed a pillow at me and Chris laughed. "No, seriously. There's something I should tell you guys."

Chris sat back down on the bed and I sat next to him. "What's going on, bro? What don't we know?"

Wyatt looked downwards for a second, then looked at us. "You two aren't the only ones who are... you know. Into guys."

"What?"; Chris said shockingly. "What are you saying?"

"What I'm saying"; Wyatt responded, "is that... I'm sort of... I'm bisexual."


First off, to everyone who has commented on "Forever Charmed" so far... A BIG THANK YOU! It means a lot that you're all enjoying the story so much. Keep on reading and PLEASE, keep on with the comments!

I know a lot of you are all waiting for these two guys to finally have sex! LOL Well, if that's the case, I suggest you wait until the next chapter... you won't be disappointed. I honestly believe that a good story doesn't have to involve sex all of the time. I hope you all agree.

Next: Chapter 6

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