Forever Charmed

By Jonny Halliwell

Published on Feb 9, 2007


"Forever Charmed" uses characters from the Aaron Spelling TV show, "Charmed". Spelling Enterprises; all rights reserved. I do not own most of these characters. I, however, do own some, but the main Halliwells belong to Aaron Spelling.

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"Forever Charmed": Interlude I


I sat in class, still thinking about the previous night's events. The feeling of tasting Chris' cock in my mouth. The way I moaned as he sucked me off. Feeling him slide in and out of my ass. I felt my cock begin to twinge in my jeans and tried to push the memory away before it started to cause strain in my denims. Damn, that was difficult.

I looked at my Geography assignment and tried to concentrate on it, but all I could picture was Chris' face. How it looked when he was over me. How it felt to kiss him and have him near me. I didn't know what was going on. Definitely "love stoned" for sure. I knew Chris was in Math class at the current moment and probably was as bored and reminiscent as I was. No time like the present then now to see if I could bother him.

"Hey sexy"; I thought. "What are you up to?"

After a few seconds, I saw something glow in my desk. I looked inside and saw a piece of paper. I pulled it out and on it was a letter from Chris.

"Nothing much, actually. Bored, horny, missing you."

Chris and I had started this form of communication about a couple of weeks before. I would send a message to him telepathically and he would respond by orbing me a letter. Usually, if no one was around, I would just orb him back a response or speak to him through thoughts.

"I miss you, too"; I wrote back. "I still feel you, babe. This is a little weird."

I was about to send the letter back when suddenly, I heard someone giggle. The odd thing was that it wasn't anyone around me. I looked around and all of the other students were doing their assignments, except for a guy in the back of the class, sleeping.

"Chris, do me a favor"; I sent out through my mind. "Think something. Anything."

It was a bit fuzzy in my mind, but I could make out, "Think... what.... Baby?"

"Chris...I think I can hear you. You just laughed a bit ago, didn't you?"

"Yeah. Bobby Simmons just tripped on his way to hand in an assignment. You could hear that?"

"Yeah! And I can hear you now, obviously! What the hell is going on? Is this a new power or something?"

"It might be"; Chris responded. "Can you hear anyone else's thoughts around you?"

"Hold on a second; let me try."

I looked at Terry Jacks, the school's quarterback, sitting behind me. He was so hot, but very monosyllabic when it came to expressing his feelings. He sat there, reading over his work. As hard as I could, I tried to put all of my energies towards him. He looked my way and I smiled a bit. He gave me an odd smirk and looked back at his book.

"Nope. Guess it's just you. What is this all about?"

"I don't know, babe, but it's still kind of cool. Meet me in the bathroom. I really want to see you."

I licked my lips and smiled. "Be there in a few."

I raised my hand and asked to be excused to the restroom. I went to the teacher's desk, grabbed the pass and left to the third-floor boys' room.

After I entered the bathroom and realized there was no one there; I called out, "Chris, are you here?"

"Yeah; middle stall."

I walked to the middle stall and opened the door. Chris pulled me inside and shut the door.

"Hey, baby."

Chris responded with a kiss. A very sensual one at that.

"Damn, thank you!"; I responded to that.

"Sorry about that. I've been wanting to do that all morning"; Chris replied.

"Well, I'm not complaining. I've wanted the same thing."

"I know"; he said as he tapped his temple. "Remember?"

I nodded and smiled.

"And I guess you know the feeling now. When did this whole "reading my thoughts" happen?"

"I'm not sure, actually. Hell, I still don't even know if it's real or I'm just bugging out."

Chris looked directly at me and thought, "Well, can you hear me right now?"

I looked back at him and said through thoughts, "Yeah; much clearer. This is so cool, even though I can only hear you right now."

"Well, who knows. Maybe your powers may grow. We'll see in time, I guess."

"I guess so"; I said out loud. "This is wicked cool, though."

"Definitely"; Chris responded. "We're even more connected now."

I moved closer to where Chris stood and put my arms around him. "Let's see how connected we can get."

He smiled and kissed me. At first, it was a bit soft, but he eventually slid his tongue into my mouth and I reciprocated. I had him pressed against the wall of the stall. We started to really get into it and then, I stopped him.

"Always trying to stop before we get anywhere, huh?" he asked.

"Well, we are in a public bathroom in our school. Someone may actually have to use the restroom, you know!"

Chris smirked and said, "Really?"

He walked out of the stall and looked at the door, "So no one will come in here and suspect/block this bathroom from all the rest."

I heard a couple of loud clicks and saw a light surround the bathroom door. Chris walked to it and twisted the knob, clearly locked.

"Um, isn't this that whole personal gain thing that Mama warned us about?"

"Fuck it"; he said as he walked back into the stall. "You're sexy and we're both horny. It's for both of us anyway... so it's not really that personal."

"I like your way of thinking"; I said as I continued to kiss him. We back up into the wall of the stall and I pressed my entire body against Chris'. I lifted my hand under his shirt and felt his soft skin on his torso. He did the same to my back as I started to moan while we continued to kiss. Suddenly, it felt like my cock was rock hard, as was his. I needed more of him. I moved my hands down to his jeans and unbuckled them. I yanked the zipper down and his jeans fell right off; exposing his 7 ¾ inch dick; just as hard as mine was; leaking pre-cum.

I backed away from his lips and smirked. "Going commando, huh?"

"Well, I prefer the term "easy access""; he responded.

I got on my knees and licked at the tip of his cock; tasting his sweet juice as it crossed my tongue. He moaned loudly and the sound caused my cock to leak. I took him into my mouth completely.

"Holy fuck"; Chris whimpered slightly.

"You taste so fucking good, baby"; I thought as I started to move my head a bit faster. Chris eased his hands to the back of my head and ran them through my hair. It felt so good to feel his dick run over my tongue back and forth and back again. I started to move faster and suck harder; wanting nothing more than to have Chris' cum run down my throat. My pre-cum kept flowing through my dick as well and I decided to pull it out of my jeans before I had a big wet stain on the front of my jeans. That would've been fun to explain in the middle of the day while at school. I jerked in the same speed as I sucked Chris off; his moans and whispers getting more constant and louder. I knew I would have my prize soon enough.

"Oh, Pete. I'm going to cum. I'm going to..."; Chris said loudly. My cock started to twinge and I felt my orgasm come for me as well. I glanced up at Chris as he leaned his head back against the stall. Soon enough; he started to become covered in orbs. I didn't know how to stop him from doing that; I only hoped that he wouldn't orb somewhere else. I noticed that I as well soon became covered in orbs. I didn't care; what I was doing was feeling too damn good.

I felt Chris spurt his first shot of cum into my mouth and that instantly started my jets as well. I kept sucking Chris and jerking myself faster as my dick released its juice all over my hand and all over the bathroom floor. Chris' dick spurted even more cum, each jet as powerful as the one before it. After about 5 or 6 of them; his orgasm subsided, as had mine. I swallowed every drop of his tangy juice and enjoyed every drop of it. Nothing had ever tasted better.

He looked down at me, no longer covered in orbs and smiled. "Damn, baby."

I eased my mouth of his softening cock and smiled back. "Damn yourself. Look at the mess you made me make."

I stood back up and he grabbed my hand and licked some of it. "Most delicious mess ever, if I say so."

I moved forward and kissed him passionately; our leftover cum in each other's mouths passing back and forth. It was so erotic, I'm surprised neither one of us came instantly once again. After about a minute of that, I eased back and smiled at him.

"Love you, baby"; he said.

"I love you more"; I responded. "How long do you think we've been gone for?"

"Who gives a fuck?"; Chris said. "This was much better than any Math lesson."

"Well"; I said, "one horny boy, plus one boyfriend of said horny boy equals loads of fun."

"I think I like your math much better"; he responded as he gave me a quick kiss.

"We should really clean ourselves up"; I said as I looked at my hand and his lips, still a bit smeared of my jizz.

We walked to the sink and started to clean ourselves. I grabbed some tissue from the stall and started to wipe the excess cum from my dick, as did Chris. We were done after a few minutes and started to leave when Chris tapped my shoulder.

"Yeah, baby"; I asked.

"What about that"; he said as he pointed behind us. I looked back towards the stall and still saw a pool of cum that came from my dick.

I laughed and said, "Fuck it. Let someone else clean it up. I'm not the only horny boy in this school. They'll think someone was whacking themselves."

"Well, they won't be too wrong"; Chris said back to me. I smiled and grabbed his arm to pull him closer towards me. I kissed him once again. We started to really get into it, when suddenly we heard the door unlock. We stopped dead in our tracks.

"What the fuck..."; Chris started.

The door opened and Wyatt walked in and closed the door behind him. He had his book bag in front of him and looked a bit upset; but strangely not at the same time.

"What did you two do?'; Wyatt asked as the door locked itself once again.

"What makes you think we did anything"; Chris asked. "We could've just been in the bathroom at the same time."

"Well, let's see"; Wyatt started. "First off; Pete, your hair is muffled and your face is flushed; as is Chris'."

"Doesn't mean anything"; I said. "It is a bit warm today."

"Uh-huh"; Wyatt said. "Then, explain this."

Wyatt moved his bag from in front of him. On the front of his jeans was a big wet spot. And it ran right down his leg.

Chris and I leaned into each other and laughed hysterically. We actually had to hold each other from falling. We regained our composure and looked at Wyatt.

"Couldn't make it to the bathroom in time?"; Chris countered.

"Fuck outta here, bro. This isn't piss and you know it. I'm sitting in the middle of class reading my book and the next thing you know, I start to feel good. Like REALLY good. My dick gets hard and I almost started panting. Like my cock had a mind of it's own. A few minutes later, I start to shoot. Without touching it or someone else touching it. Care to explain that?"

Chris and I looked at each other and then back at Wyatt. "Nope. No idea."; we responded in unison, and then started to giggle again.

Wyatt still looked mad, but we could tell it was being forced. "This isn't funny, you guys. It was kind of embarrassing. Luckily, if we're feeling sick in History class, we can run right out and go to the bathroom rather than ask to. I grabbed my bag and ran right out of there."

"Sorry, bro"; I said, finally breaking the charade. "We kind of were a bit happy about something and we couldn't help ourselves."

"We got to learn how to control ourselves better"; Chris added.

"I'm glad I always bring an extra pair or jeans with me"; Wyatt said as he walked past us. He opened his bag and pulled out a pair and placed them on the windowsill. He then took off the "ruined" pair. As he slid them down, he still had a bit of an erection and his cock was peeking out of his boxers. Chris started to laugh, but then stopped suddenly. I had never started laughing and we both became transfixed on the sight before us. For some reason, Wyatt was really turning us on is his state of arousal. Chris snapped out of his first as Wyatt glanced back at us.

"Is something else wrong?"; Wyatt responded with a smirk.

" at all."; Chris said. He poked me in my side and that snapped me out of my trance. "Baby"; he said, "we should go."

I finally realized what we had both been doing. "Oh. Sorry, Wyatt. We'll see you later."

"Well, wait for me to change first. I don't want anyone walking in while I'm changing and the spell you have on the door is still holding. I only was able to open it long enough for me to walk in." He pulled down his boxers and walked to the sink. His cock looked really good and Chris and I had to turn ourselves around before we said or did anything.

"Baby"; Chris thought out loud. "Can you still hear my thoughts?"

"Yeah, much clearer now"; I responded back silently.

"Um... why are we staring at my brother?"

"I don't know, but we need to stop."

"Definitely"; Chris said back to me.

We heard the water run and Wyatt giggle a bit as he cleaned himself. A few seconds later, he was cleaned and dressed. "OK, ready to go."; he said.

He walked back to us and said, "So, Chris, I know this was your doing. How do you undo it?"

Chris smiled and said, "Door unlock/No magic block".

I started to say, "No fucking way" and got to the "no fuck" part of the sentence when I heard the door unlock and the invisible shield reappear for a second and disappear completely.

"You were saying something?"; Chris asked.

"Nope"; I responded. "Just that we should go back to class."

Chris kissed me really quickly and said, "After you, babe."

"That was so hot"; I heard in my head. I realized I recognized the voice as Wyatt's, but didn't say anything. I opened the door and went back to class, a lot more satisfied, but way more confused than ever.


Next: Chapter 8

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