Forever Charmed

By Jonny Halliwell

Published on Feb 24, 2007


"Forever Charmed" uses characters from the Aaron Spelling TV show, "Charmed". Spelling Enterprises; all rights reserved. I do not own most of these characters. I, however, do own some, but the main Halliwells belong to Aaron Spelling.

If you're under 18, you really shouldn't be here reading this, so please hit the back button now. All responses and comments can be sent to

"Forever Charmed"

Chapter 8: Desperation; Part 1

"You guys did what?" Chris asked while laughing hysterically; falling back on his bed.

"I didn't mean to, baby. It just sort of... happened. I was upset and... why are you laughing?"

I had made the decision to tell Chris the truth about the kiss that Wyatt and I shared. I didn't want to hide things from him, especially when it didn't mean anything. I thought he would get upset... or even worse, call things off between him and I.

Which brought me to my current surprising state of mind to have him laughing like it was the funniest thing in the world.

"Because"; he said as he wiped tears from his eyes. "It's just funny. I can't believe you went for it and actually kissed him."

I sat on the bed next to him. "So, you're really not angry?"

He smiled and took my hand in his. "Not in the least. I understand you were upset with what happened between not-Alex and I. You weren't in your right state of mind. I'd rather it would've been someone else that wasn't my brother, but I get it. And of course, as long as he wasn't better than me."

"Well"; I said as I looked away, jokingly. He punched me in the arm.

"Ouch. Just kidding, baby"; I said with a smile as I gave him a light kiss.

"So"; he said with lust in his eyes. "Tell me how it was." I fell back on the bed and groaned as I covered my eyes.

"Really hot."

Chris started to giggle again. "I'm sure it was. Is it weird how this is turning me on?"

I got up and sat on top of him. "Ew! You're getting hot over your brother!" I said as I playfully hit him over and over again; poking and swatting.

"Yeah, well, look who's talking. You're dating and fucking your brother and you have the hots for the other one!" he responded back with laughter.

We continued to play fight for a while longer. I hadn't felt so relaxed in a while. Eventually, he rolled me around and got on top of me.

"This seems oddly familiar"; I said as he pulled my hands over my head.

"So it does"; Chris said with a smirk. He lowered himself down to me and gave me a light kiss. He then looked at me and smiled.

"Love you"; I said to him.

"I know"; he said back to me. "I love you, too." He laid his head on my chest and held me tightly. I craved moments like this.

"What are you thinking about?" I asked him after he was quiet for a minute.

He looked up at me and said, "You." That put the biggest smile on my face. In our moment of just enjoying each other, there was a knock on the door.

"Come in, Wyatt"; we said in unison, then laughed at each other for being so dorky.

Wyatt walked in and looked at us on the bed. "Hey you lovebirds."

We both got up from the bed, but held each other's hand. "Hey bro"; Chris said. "What's going on?"

"Nothing"; he said as he closed the door behind him and leaned on the wall. "So, did Chris tell you everything?"

"Yes, he did"; Chris responded. He then looked at me and said, "And I respect and forgive him for telling me the truth". He gave me a kiss. I smiled at him once more after our lips parted.

"But"; Wyatt continued, "do you forgive me?"

Chris got up from the bed and walked up to Wyatt. "Give me one good reason I should."

"Well"; Wyatt started, "because I didn't mean for it to happen. It just kind of did. We were both in fucked up places. Pete was upset and I was lonely and..."

Chris put a finger over Wyatt's lips. "Calm down, bro. I was just kidding. Of course, I forgive you."

Wyatt smiled a bit. "Really?"

Chris grabbed Wyatt and hugged him tightly. "Definitely. We're good."

Wyatt sighed a bit and smiled as he reciprocated Chris' hug. I smiled as well.

"OK"; Chris said as he let go of Wyatt. "We still need to talk."

Wyatt walked over to the chair at Chris' desk. "I knew it wasn't going to be this easy."

Chris walked back to the bed and sat down next to me. "No. Not that easy, but nothing to worry about, either. We need to talk about this a bit."

Wyatt and I looked at each other and nodded. Chris took a breath and started.

"I don't know if you noticed what's been going on lately, Wyatt, but... Pete has kind of a crush on you."

I gave Chris a serious face, but he held his hand up.

"Let me finish, baby."

I stopped my thought and let him continue.

"And Wyatt, not to freak you out... but something's been going on with me lately. Something where... I've kind of been into you as well."

"Yeah"; Wyatt commented. "I kind of noticed something. Especially after that day in the bathroom. And to be honest... I've kind of... you know... been excited when it comes to you two lately."

"Yeah"; Chris continued. "Now, I could be weirded out by this whole thing, but I have to be somewhat realistic. I'm dating my brother as it is, so it's not like it's something that bothers me too much, I guess."

"Babe"; I said. "Where are you going with this?"

"Where I'm going with this"; Chris responded, "is somewhere that... well, it's kind of freaky, but it might relieve any problems with this whole attraction thing with the three of us and possibly help us move on."

Wyatt stood up and paced a bit. "Chris, are you saying what I think you're trying to say?"

"I think so"; Chris responded. "Are you into it?"

Wyatt stopped pacing and thought for a moment before he said, "The scary thing is... I think so."

No one was saying anything, so I tried to read Chris' mind. What I found in there shocked the shit out of me.

"No fucking way"; I said. "Are you serious, babe?"

"I am"; Chris said as he looked down for a bit, then back up at the both of us.

"I think we should have a threesome."

Talk about leaving me at a loss for words.

"I have grown tired of your constant attempts at eliminating the new Charmed line and getting nothing but hordes of dead demons in return!"" said a cloaked figure in black to Pascal and Drage.

The three demons were in the Underworld discussing their disadvantages.

"My lord"; Pascal said as he stepped forward. "We are trying as hard as we can to eliminate them."

"He is right"; Drage said as he stepped forward to his lover and his leader. "It seems as if they are one step ahead of us."

The cloaked figure grew angry and screamed, "Well, get one step ahead of them!" He then threw two fireballs simultaneously at Pascal and Drage, sending them hurling against the rock wall.

"My patience wears thin. I want the Charmed line defeated. And if you don't do so... let's just say that your relationship will end. Because you will both be dead." The cloaked figure then shimmered away.

As Drage got up, he walked to his lover to help him to stand. Pascal stood up on his own and took his lover's hand.

"What will we do"; Drage asked. "We've sent some of our best demons after them already."

"Then, we will try once more"; Pascal answered. "And if this doesn't work... I guess we'll move into Phase 2 a bit sooner than planned. Are you ready, my love?"

Drage faced his lover and held his gaze. "Whenever you need me." Their lips met and the kiss frenzied as they, too, shimmered away.

"Why isn't Phoebe here again?"; Piper asked her sister.

"Something about work or whatever. You know how she tends to get engrossed in it from time to time"; Paige responded as she bit into her salad. "Well, at least there's one good thing about being a stay at home mom. You get some unexpected time off."

"Same thing could be said for owning a restaurant. You work when you want to"; Piper added.

Paige tried to respond, but she just nodded as she chewed.

"Good, huh"; Piper asked.

Paige smiled as she swallowed her food. "Of course, you know it's good, Mrs. Restaurant Owner."

Piper smiled a bit at that. "Well, at least that part of the world hasn't changed."; she quipped as she turned around as she got something for Paige to drink. "Pepsi?"

"Yeah, sure"; Paige said. "What did you mean by that little remark?"

"Oh", Piper said as she walked to the soda fountain. "Nothing. Don't worry about it."

"I knew something was up"; Paige said as she dropped her fork on the plate.

"What? Why do you say that?"

"Well, let's see"; Paige started. "You give me free food. You're moving around way too much, trying to keep yourself occupied. And you invited all of us here. Speaking of which, where is Amanda?"

"Right here"; Amanda said as she walked into the restaurant. "Sorry for being so late. I kind of overslept."

"It's all good"; Paige said as Amanda sat down next to her. "Piper was just getting ready to tell me some news."

"I knew it. Let me guess. Free food; way too servant-like? "

"I am not servant like!"; Piper replied. "Amanda, you hungry?"

"Oh, this is big"; Amanda responded.

Piper finally relaxed a bit and sat down. "OK. I am a bit on edge. More nervous, actually. I don't know how to act about this. I'm mean, I'm cool with it and all, but..."

"Piper!"; Paige and Amanda said in unison.

"OK"; Piper said as she took a deep breath. "So, last night, there was this demon attack."

Amanda immediately got worried. "Oh, God. Are the boys OK? Is Pete OK?"

Piper touched Amanda's hand. "The boys are fine. That's not what this is about."

Amanda breathed a sigh of relief. "Good. So, what's going on, then?"

"Well"; Piper said. "The demon said something before Pete and Chris vanquished him with this new power that I'm still in shock about."

"New power?"; Paige asked.

"Yeah, but I'll talk more about that later after Leo gets in contact with the Elders. The thing is... the demon said that the boys...we're gay."

"What?"; Paige and Amanda asked amazed.

"Yeah"; Piper said as she sipped some water. "Of course, I didn't believe it. You know how demons are."

"Um... usually, aren't demons just threatening? Why say something like that"; Paige asked nervously.

"I don't know"; Piper responded, not noticing Paige's reaction. "Anyway, after the demon was vanquished, I had to ask the boys about it. I mean, why would a demon out someone?"

"Weird"; Amanda said. "But, you really can't believe anything a demon says."

"That's true"; Piper said. "But, in this case... the demon wasn't lying."

Amanda looked shocked. "So... are you telling me all three boys are..."

"Well, not really"; Piper said. Paige breathed a sigh of relief and giggled a bit.

"Something on your mind, Paige"; Piper asked.

"No, nothing. Um, if this is going where I think it is...and I'm sure it is... I kind of already know."

"I think I know, too"; Amanda said.

"You both already knew about him being..."; Piper started.

"Yeah"; Amanda said. "I kind of figured it out. It doesn't bother me. I still love him, of course."

"Exactly"; Paige added. "He told me some time ago. Of course, I'm cool with it. He's my nephew and I love him unconditionally."

"Wow"; Piper said as she relaxed a bit. "Well, I'm glad you two are OK with it."

"Of course we would be"; Paige said as she lifted her glass. "Why wouldn't we be OK with Chris' sexuality?"

"Chris?!"; Piper and Amanda said.

"I thought we were talking about Pete"; Amanda said.

"Pete's gay?"; Paige asked.

"And I thought we were talking about Wyatt"; Piper continued.

"Wyatt?!"; Paige and Amanda said together.

"What the hell? They're ALL gay?"; Piper said shockingly.

"Oops"; Paige said as she drank her soda quickly.

"Oops, indeed"; Amanda said.

Piper just stood there stunned.

"So, how exactly would we do this?"; I asked Chris as we sat outside on the school bleachers for lunch. For the middle of December, it was oddly warm.

"Well, you take the sandwich and chew it like this"; Chris replied as he took a bite of his meal. I slapped him on his arm as he laughed.

"You know what I mean, babe."

He nodded as he continued eating. "I do"; he replied. "Why are you springing this on me now, love? This probably isn't going to happen anytime soon."

"But, in the same light, it could happen tomorrow, you know."

"You would like that, wouldn't you? You sucking off Wyatt while I'm sliding in and out of your ass; just like... a sandwich"; he said as he lifted up what was left of his lunch.

I kind of moaned a bit. "No comment."

"And question answered"; he replied with a smile.

"But, seriously. Why did you suggest that in the first place?"

He took a sip of my soda. "I don't know..."; he replied a bit seriously. "I guess I just kind of noticed all of the sexual tension between the three of us. At first... it freaked me out, you know? Not like with you and I, but because Wyatt and I are full-on brothers, as to where you and I are only half-brothers. But, because of you and I and everything we've been through, I'm a bit more confident that maybe this will help us ease any tension between the three of us...and possibly bring us closer. Does that sound weird?"

I took my soda back from him and said, " the weirdest sort of way, it makes a lot of sense."

"Good"; he replied as he took my soda again.

"But...there's a "but""; I said.

"Of course there is."

"But... what happens if emotions get in the mix? I mean, I know I love you and you love me. But, what if feelings grow somewhere that no one knew they had?"

"Good question"; Wyatt replied. "Better answer. Leave me for Wyatt and I'll kick his ass."

I had to laugh at that one and slapped Chris on the arm again. "That would never happen. There's only one Halliwell I'm in love with."

Chris smiled at that and then, looked around to see that no one was looking. When he realized the coast was clear, he gave me a quick kiss.

I gave him a smile as he backed away and repositioned himself in his seat. "But, seriously, Pete... we would just have to talk this out with Wyatt. Make sure that he knows this is just sex and this is a one-time thing. We can't ever do this again."

"Good rule"; I replied as I finally finished my sandwich. "Want the rest of my soda, baby?"

"Thanks"; he said as he took it from my hands. He swallowed a huge gulp and threw the can away. "Now... how much time do we have left on our lunch break?"

I looked at my watch. "About 20 minutes. Why?"

Chris gave me a sexy grin and licked his lips a bit.

"Oh"; I replied with a bigger smile.

Make-out session!

"Where the hell are they?" Wyatt wondered as he walked around the courtyard, looking for Pete and Chris during lunch. He always ate with them. Plus, on top of that, he still had the idea of the threesome flying around in his mind.

Would he be freaked out after it happened? Or even worse; would Pete and Chris be freaked out? Or... would they like it way too much? He didn't know when his opinion changed about his brothers.

"Damn, why did I have to kiss Pete? And why did I start fantasizing about the both of them?"

Wyatt usually thought about celebrities or hotties in the gym room while he tugged his 9-inch dick. Sometimes, at the same time. But, as of late, he'd been thinking more and more about Pete and Chris sucking each other off; their sweaty bodies rubbing against each other as they fucked. Their moans as they slammed into one another.

Him joining in and eating Chris' ass as Pete sucked them both off.

His cock started to stir in his jeans.

"Gotta stop this; right now"; he thought as he turned his I-Pod volume up...

...and walked right into someone else. His lunch fell on the floor; as did he.

"Whoa"; the other person said. "In a hurry?"

Wyatt glanced up and saw a hand try to help him to stand back up. As Wyatt reached for it, he saw the guy the hand was connected to.

He stood about 6 feet tall; about Wyatt's height. Spiky black hair and light gray eyes. He seemed to have a nice build through his tight sweater. And his smile was too adorable. He had a light scar over an eyebrow...

And Wyatt definitely thought he was hot.

"Yeah"; he said as he stood up. "Sorry about that."

"It's OK, dude. It happens. Just be more careful next time"; the stranger said with a smile.

"Oh, yeah"; Wyatt thought. "Definitely sexy."

"Are you new here"; Wyatt asked. "I don't think I've ever seen you before."

"Definitely know I haven't"; Wyatt thought secretly. "I would've probably ravaged you if I had."

"Actually, yeah"; the guy said. "I just transferred here. I'm Caleb. Caleb Austin"; he said as he offered his hand once more; for Wyatt to shake.

Wyatt took it. "Nice to meet you, Caleb. Wyatt Halliwell."

Caleb shook his hand. "Interesting name, Wyatt. Nice to meet you."

"I like your name, too. There aren't many "Caleb's" in the world."

As they shook hands, Wyatt felt something inside of him. Something warm, but not a bad feeling; he didn't think. Caleb was smiling again. "Oh, yeah. I need to let go of his hand now."

After the handshake ended, which Wyatt secretly didn't want to, Caleb looked at Wyatt up and down.

"Is he checking me out?"; Wyatt thought. "Nah. Just imagining things."

"So, Wyatt... where were you off to in such a hurry?"; Caleb asked him.

"Actually, I was looking for my two... I mean, my brother and my best friend. We always eat lunch together." Chris, Pete and Wyatt had decided not to tell anyone that they were all related, just in case one day, Pete and Chris decided that they would come out as a couple. Not everyone would accept their kind of relationship as the three of them did.

"Any luck?"; Caleb asked.

"None whatsoever, which is weird considering we ALWAYS eat together."

"Well, their loss"; Caleb said with a smile. "Why don't you have your lunch with me?"

"Is he hitting on me"; Wyatt thought as Caleb looked at him. "Nah... just friendly...and new."

"Um... sure. I guess so"; Wyatt responded. "I'll just see them later."

"Cool"; Caleb said with a big smile.

"God, he is GOREGEOUS"; Wyatt thought as he walked off with Caleb.

"And maybe, if you can, you can... show me around town"; Caleb said with a wink. "Show me the ropes and everything."

"I can definitely show you a lot more than that"; Wyatt said out loud.

"What was that supposed to mean"; Caleb asked him.

"Nothing. Sorry. Just...never mind. Let's go"; Wyatt said as they walked off.

"That was supposed to be a SILENT comment!"; Wyatt thought embarrassingly.

"OK, why couldn't you just wait until I was done with work"; Phoebe asked Paige. "You know, I have deadlines and all."

"Look sis"; Piper responded as Phoebe paced the room. "There's a lot going on with the boys. This is a family matter. We come first; remember?"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah"; Phoebe said back to her. "Thank God I have leverage there."

"You're the highest rated columnist at the paper"; Amanda said as she grabbed her water from the table. "I doubt you'll get in any kind of trouble."

"OK. I give up"; Phoebe said as she finally sat down. "I'm here...and worried. What's going on?"

"I don't know yet"; Piper responded. "Leo said that the Elders had some kind of big news about why their powers are maturing and connecting so quickly. I'm just as worried as you are."

"It never ends; does it?" Paige asked.

"Well, I guess not"; Piper said as she took a sip of her water. "I was hoping it wouldn't be too hard on the kids so early."

"Not including being so confusing on us"; Amanda said.

"Confusing?"; Phoebe said. "About what. Demons attack; we vanquish. What's so confusing about that?"

"Um... that's not what she's talking about"; Paige responded. "There's kind of... something else going on. It's not as big... but it's just as odd. Well, not really. I kind of don't care..."

"Hold on"; Piper said to Paige. "We haven't even told her yet."

"Told me what yet?"; Phoebe asked. "Are the boys OK?"

"Of course" Piper responded.

"Then, what's wrong"; Phoebe asked.

"Well..." Piper started. "Last night, I kind of found something out about Wyatt. And then, today at lunch, which you missed..."

"And again, sorry about that"; Phoebe answered.

"It's OK"; Piper continued. "Anyway, today at lunch, we kind of all realized something about Chris and Pete as well."

"OK..." Phoebe said. "Found out what?"

Piper then explained all about the demon and everything that happened following the attack by Beyince.

"...and then, that's when Wyatt told me that... he was bisexual."

"Yeah? So?"; Phoebe said. "You didn't get mad at him for coming out, did you?"

"No, of course not. It's his life and I support him in any way that he chooses to live it. He's my son, first. Everything else is... well, everything else."

"OK, good"; Phoebe said. "But I don't get how Chris and Pete come into this."

"Well"; Paige said. "That's where me and Amanda come in."

"When Piper told us that one of the boys had come out; we were fine with that"; Amanda continued.

"Except, we were a bit confused"; Paige added.

"Confused by what?"; Phoebe questioned.

"We kind of all thought that Piper was talking about someone else"; Amanda said. "I kind of thought she was referring to Pete."

"And I thought she was talking about Chris"; Paige continued.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa"; Phoebe said as she waved her arm. "Slow it down a second. Are you telling me that all of the boys... like other boys?"

Piper, Phoebe and Amanda said nothing in response.

"Do you have any proof to this?"; Phoebe asked.

"Well, Chris told me personally that he was gay"; Paige said.

"And Pete told me a couple of years ago"; Piper added.

"You've got to be shitting me"; Phoebe said with a nervous giggle. "All of the boys are gay? All of them?"

"Not a straight one in the bunch, it seems"; Paige responded.

"Wow. Talk about being connected in more ways than one"; Piper said.

"So... what are you going to do?"; Phoebe asked to Piper.

"Well... I'm pretty sure there is nothing I can do. They are who they are; regardless if I like it or not. I mean, I'm happy for them. It's just that..."

"What"; Amanda asked.

"I guess the demon was right. I'll never have any grandchildren."

All of them laughed at that remark.

"Just kidding"; Piper continued. "I'm well aware that gay men can have kids as well."

"Good"; Piper said. "There's always a silver lining."

"So? Are you going to tell them that you know?"; Phoebe asked.

"No, I wouldn't do that. If they aren't ready to tell everyone else, then I'm not going to."

Amanda, Paige and Phoebe all nodded.

"Wyatt told me on his own, as did Pete. You guys are definitely not supposed to know this. So, not a word to them or anyone else, including Leo."

"You got it"; Phoebe said. Paige zipped her lips and Amanda nodded.

"Now, that that's out of the way"; Piper said, "where is Leo and the Elder?"

Immediately after she said that, two shimmering lights entered the room. When they cleared, there stood Leo and an Elder.

"Perfect timing"; Piper said with a smile.

"So, he was cute, huh?"; I said to Wyatt as we drove home at the end of the day.

"Definitely"; Wyatt said with a huge grin. "More like... smoking fucking hot!"

"Is know?"; Chris asked.

"Yeah, he is"; Wyatt responded. "His name is Caleb Austin."

"Caleb?"; Chris and I said at the same time.

"Yep. Even his name is original and sexy."

Chris and I laughed.

"Someone's in LOOOVE"; Chris responded.

"Not even"; Wyatt responded. "He's just a really nice guy, you know? Someone to get to know."

"And possibly suck"; Chris added.

"And maybe even..."; I continued.

"Finish that sentence and I will never talk to you again"; Wyatt said.

"OK, OK"; I said to Wyatt. "So, I guess this means the threesome thing is off?"

"I think so"; Chris responded. "Since Wyatt has a new BOYFRIEND and all!"

"First off"; Wyatt started, "he is NOT my boyfriend. Even though... we are kind of going out on a date next week."

"Mmm-hmm!"; I said.

"Shush"; Wyatt continued. "Secondly, I didn't even know that the threesome was a "go". When did you two decide this?"

"Well, we kind of talked about everything on how it's going to go"; Chris answered. "The rules and whatnot and what can and can't happen. Pete seemed cool with it. Was I right?"

"Yeah"; I said. "I'm cool with it."

"Mmm-hmm"; Chris said jokingly. I slapped him on the arm.

"Anyway, we'll talk those rules over with you a little later...and then, I guess we just let things take course."

"So, we're really going to do this?"; Wyatt asked. "We're going to all... have sex with one another?"

"Yeah"; Chris responded. "I mean, if you're up for it."

"Definitely"; Wyatt responded. "Pete?"

"Yeah, I'm definitely up for it. In fact, I'm kind of UP for it right now"; I joked.

"Oh, my GOD"; Wyatt said with a laugh.

"You know"; Chris continued, "I can help you with that."

"I'm sure you could"; I responded as we started to make out in the back seat.

"OK, OK, enough of that"; "Wyatt said as he threw a book at us from the front seat. "First, no doing things in the car that make me want to jump back there and join you."

"Wyatt!"; Chris said shockingly.

"Well, you're the one who agreed to the threesome. I think I'm allowed to joke about it!"

"OK"; Chris responded as he still held me close. "Point taken. And second?"

"We're home"; he said as he pointed at the house.

"Oops"; I responded as I moved away from Chris.

We all left the car and walked into the manor. As we entered, there in the living room was the entire family, including my Mom, Papa Leo...and some woman in a weird robe.

"Hey, kids"; Mama Piper said. "Um... come in and sit down. There's a lot going on."

"Hey everyone"; I responded. They all nodded and responded. "Um... I'm sorry. You are?"

"This is Layla. She's an Elder."; Papa Leo said.

" Elder." I walked towards Layla and stopped. "Am I supposed to bow or kneel or call you some kind of exalted name?"

Layla smiled back at me and extended her hand. "A handshake is fine. And you can call me Layla."

I shook her hand somewhat embarrassed. "Sorry. I'm a bit nervous."

"It's OK, Peter. I can understand why."

I sat down on the couch next to Wyatt and Peter and they started to giggle a bit.

"Shut up"; I said to them.

"OK, enough of the jokes"; my mom said. "There's some stuff going on and Layla is here to explain it all."

We all quieted down and looked towards Layla.

"Actually"; Layla started, "I don't know much. We're still looking for things ourselves, but we can answer some of the questions you have."

"OK"; Mama Piper said. "I'll start. Why are the boys powers growing so quickly?"

Layla sighed a bit and started. "Because there's a new power brewing in the Underworld. There is a new Source and he's attempting to take out the Charmed line."

"The Source? As in the Source of All Evil?"; I asked.

"I thought we took him out years ago?"; Paige added.

"You did vanquish him"; Layla responded. "However, a demon was able to gain enough power to become the Source once again. And as of late, he has made it his duty to defeat the Charmed ones... by going after the newest line."

"Which is us"; Chris said. Layla nodded in response.

"That explains all of the demon attacks lately"; Phoebe said.

"He's not as strong as Sources before him"; Layla continued, "but, regardless of that fact, he is still dangerous and still very much a threat."

"So, are you saying that the reasons our powers are growing"; I said, "are because... we have to vanquish him?"

"Yes"; Layla said. "Because the original Charmed ones alone cannot defeat him, we have imbued you, Chris and Wyatt with more power to do so. With the three of you, it is possible to defeat the Source."

Chris grabbed my hand behind our backs. Luckily, no one could see what we were doing since we were sitting so close.

"It's OK, baby"; Chris said telepathically. "We can do this. Don't be afraid. I'm here, OK?"

"OK"; I said back to him. "As long as you're with me."

"Of course"; he said back through his mind.

"So, what do we do?"; my mom asked.

"We go down there and fight them; that's what we do"; Wyatt said as he stood up.

"No way"; Mama Piper said, standing up. "You are not going down to the Underworld alone. It's way too dangerous."

"Mama"; I said. "Wyatt is right. We can stay here and let the Source's strength grow and eventually kill us, or we can go down there and take him out now while he's still pretty weak. With all of us together, we can do this."

"He's right"; Phoebe said as she stood up to face Piper. "If we do this now, we have a chance at stopping a war before it begins. It's the only way."

"Actually"; Papa Leo said, "I'm more on Piper's side. It may be way too soon to send the boys against something of this magnitude so quickly. It might be safer to wait."

"Papa Leo, Mama Piper"; I said as I stood up as well. "Please, don't get me wrong. I understand that you are trying to protect us from being hurt... or possibly worse. And also, I'm pretty freaked out by all of this, too."

"Baby"; Mama Piper started.

"Let me finish, Mama."

She nodded.

"But, we've been training for a very long while. This is what we're supposed to do. You may have not intentionally been setting us up for this, but this, in the end, is exactly what we're supposed to be training for. And with all of us, we have more than a fighting chance. I'm ready to do what needs to be done... for all of us. So please, let us do this. Let's take care of this now."

My mom walked up to me. "Are you sure, baby? This isn't going to be easy, even if the Source is kind of weak."

"I'm sure, Mom"; I responded. "Especially if you're all in my corner. Are you?"

Everyone was silent for a moment and looked at each other.

Chris and Wyatt stood up first. "You know we're with you"; Wyatt said.

"Definitely"; said Chris. "Forever charmed."

After a while, Mama Piper hugged me tightly and said, "OK, baby. I'm with you."

My mom followed and said, "OK, baby. If this is what you want to do; I'm in your corner."

Piper and Phoebe followed. "As with Piper goes, so goes our nation"; Phoebe said.

"Huh"; Mama Piper asked.

"It means they're with us"; I said.

"Good"; she responded.

We all looked Papa Leo and Layla.

"Well... I guess that's that"; Layla said as she stepped towards Papa Leo. "They came to their own decision in the matter."

"Yes, they did"; Papa Leo responded. "And I may not be too happy with it, but I've always believed in my family. If this is the way they want it, this is the way it's going to be."

"So, now what"; I asked Layla. "What happens now?"

"That depends on you and your family, Peter. You've come to this decision. You have to find your own way to follow through on your decision. Leo and I need to get back to the rest of the Elders to figure out some more things, but I am leaving everything in capable hands, it seems. I guess this helps me remember why the Charmed Ones are so strong."

Everyone smiled at that and I said, "More than strong. We're family."

Layla smiled back and walked to me and took my hands in hers. "And they are good people as well."

I smiled at her and hugged her. She seemed a bit nervous at first, but then giggled a bit and hugged back.

"OK"; Papa Leo said. "We should go now, Layla."

"That we should"; she said as she walked back to Papa Leo. "If you need him or me for any reason, please call for us. We'll have him back as soon as you call."

"I'm going to hold you to that"; Mama Piper responded.

"And it's something you can be assured on"; Layla responded. "Goodbye, Halliwells." She took Papa Leo's hand and they both orbed away.

"OK"; Mama Piper said. "What happens now?"

"We do what we always do"; I responded. "We train."

"It's all set, my love. Phase 2 is currently engaged"; Drage said as he walked towards his lover.

"Great"; Pascal responded with a sly smile. "The Charmed Ones won't know what hit them."

"Not at all"; Drage replied. "It was so much easier than I expected. He fell right for it. So alone and needing someone to rely on."

Pascal grabbed his lover by his arm and pulled him closer. "Who knew all it took was a small ritual?"

They began to kiss deeply. It was then that the Source appeared.

"Pascal and Drage" he bellowed angrily; "what did I say about showing affection when others were around?"

Pascal pushed Drage away. "I'm sorry, sir. We weren't aware there were any others in our presence." Drage looked away, slightly upset and pained by Pascal's actions.

"Drage, what seems to be the problem?"; The Source asked.

Drage changed the look on his face immediately. "Nothing, my liege. All is well"; he responded.

"Good"; The Source continued. "Now, you will stop making out like lust-filled children and prepare for a new onslaught that has been brought to my attention. It seems as if the Charmed Ones are bringing the fight to us."

"Interesting turn of events, it seems"; Drage responded.

"Interesting, indeed"; Pascal added. "No worries, sir. We will definitely be prepared for them."

"That's what I like to hear"; The Source said. "Do not fail me." He, then, shimmered away.

Pascal laughed. "He has no idea what's coming, does he?"

Drage moved towards his lover again. "None whatsoever. Phase 2 is definitely in high gear and working."

Pascal ran his hands through his lover's hair. "You know, I like this look for you."

"Do you?'; Drage asked. "It looks rather bland to me, actually. But, if you like it, maybe I'll keep it for a while."

"Good"; Pascal said. "This is going to be an amazing time. Finally, victory will be ours and ours alone."

Drage looked down a bit and frowned.

"What is it, my love"; Pascal asked.

Drage cleared his face quickly. "Nothing, my love. I can't wait for it all to go down."

"Well"; Pascal said as he lifted his lover's face, "let's think of something to do while we're waiting..."

Drage smiled at that. "I can think of a couple of things."

"I'm sure you can."

They kissed once more, before they too, shimmered away to find something to do to help pass the time.


Next: Chapter 10

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