Fort Leonard Wood

By Brian Johnson

Published on Sep 4, 2018


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Fort Leonard Wood Chapter 2 Headquarters.

Jeff and I had not planned on taking leave after clerk school so we were able to report to our new job on Saturday morning. The O.D. (Officer of the Day) was surprised to see us show up and at first did not know what to do with us. He called 1sr Sergeant Donaldson and was told where to put us. We got to our new barracks. We unpacked and headed to the mess hall for breakfast. The mess sergeant did not want to feed us until we showed him our orders.

Being the mess hall for the post headquarters with the possibility of the Commanding General to walk in at anytime: it was a little up scale compared to the others on the post. There were tablecloths and instead of the metal trays; we ate off or real plates, cups and glasses. But the food was still Army chow.

After we ate we decided to go to the PX and pick up some things that we needed to replace. Jeff then filled his car with gas and I contributed some money for that. We drove by the post pool and decided to spend the morning there. Once back at the barracks, we changed into our suits; grabbed a towel and headed to the pool. The pool was crowded, because it was Saturday; so there were families with children. We did manage to get wet, but spent most of the morning sitting poolside.

We happened to see a familiar face come in to the pool; our DI friend, Chuck Watson. We gave a shout and he came over and we caught up on what had happened. We decided that the pool was too crowded and he suggested that we go to his cadre room and have a drink. We thought that would be a good idea even though all we had on were our swimsuits.

He had a typical cadre room; about 15 by 10 feet with a bed, closet, dresser and a overstuffed chair. He also had a small refrigerator. Before he handed us the beers that he took out of it, he asked, "Aren't you going to get comfortable and remove those suits?" Of course we complied, as did he. "Now this is the way to relax with a cold beer in your hand" he said. We talked for about an hour and a half, just about as long as it took to drink two beers. Jeff and I dressed and headed back to our barracks where we showered and dressed and headed to the mess hall for lunch.

We spent the after noon in the barracks getting to know some of our roommates. We found out that as Pfcs, we were the lowest rank personal in the barracks. But we were told that if we did our job and stayed out of trouble, promotions came quick..

Sunday was spent at the EM club watching sports on TV and just hanging out with other soldiers. We went back to our barracks early so we could get ready for Monday morning. We checked to see what the uniform would be when we fellout, and was told fatigues. We made sure that everything was pressed and polished and went to bed.

Well all went well on Monday morning. We reported in and Jeff was assigned to Supply and was turned over to MSG. Schmidt. I became the newest member of 1st Sergeant Donaldson's office staff. Corporal Judy Benson showed me where I would work and briefly explained my duties. She said anyone graduating from clerk school with the glowing reports that had been circulated around the office, had better know his job forwards and backwards. I did, so I began working right away.

The next six weeks went rather fast and smooth. We caused no problems and we got along with everyone. Both Jeff and I did our work correctly and on time. From comments that we heard, I guessed that it had been awhile since things had gone so smoothly.

We even had time to spend a couple of weekends at our favorite motel with Chuck Watson. Needless to say that we spent a fair amount of time in his room, nude and drinking.

It was on Thursday afternoon of our 7th week, that we thought that we were in trouble. Up until that day, the only thing the 1st Sergeant had said to me was: "Good morning," and "Good job Martin." Jeff said that MSG. Schmidt had basically said the same things to him. So when I got a call on the intercom from the 1st Sergeant and was told to report to his office, I was a little concerned. As I was heading to his office, I looked up and saw Jeff heading in the same direction; he had gotten the same call.

We went into his office and he said to close the door; which we did. He then told us to take a chair. He continued saying, "Martin, Morris, the reports that I have gotten about your work have been good. I want you to know that I have recommended to the Colonel that both of you be promoted to Corporal as soon as you have sufficient time. Also from time to time, I invite a few members of the staff to my home for dinner. I would like both of you to join us this Saturday at one o'clock: will you b able to come?" Jeff said that he would but could not be there that early as MSG Schmidt had scheduled an inventory that morning and he was not sure when it would be finished. "Well come when you can, said 1st Sergeant." When we were out of the office, I told Jeff that I could help on the inventory, as I could not get to the party without Jeff. He said he would tell the sergeant.

Both of us showed up, in uniform at 7:00 am. There were seven of us and the counting went fast. We actually finished at 1:20. We headed to our barracks, showered and dressed and headed to the 1st sergeant's home. He had given Jeff a map, he was living off post on the out skirts of Waynesville. We got there about 2:20 and knocked on the door, but there was no answer. Jeff knocked a second time, but still no answer. I rang the doorbell and I heard someone talking. The door opened and it was the 1st sergeant. "Hi, it is time you two got here, come on in and follow me." We went into the kitchen when he asked, "You drink beer, don't you?" Jeff said, "Yes we do, 1st sergeant." To which the `1st sergeant replied, "There are no ranks here, Jeff. I am Pete. Everyone is outside." We followed him outside to a really nice covered patio and a pool. He put 4 bottles of beer on a table and said, "Come on join us in the pool." Jeff said, "We did not know and did not bring swimsuits," "And what makes you think that we wear swimsuits/" That is when I noticed he had taken off a bathrobe and was stark naked. Jeff and I looked at each other and began to undress. We grabbed our beers and followed Pete into the pool.

"Let me introduce everyone, this is Jim, Greg, and John. Everyone, this is Jeff and Dave. " So these are your two new hot shot clerks we have been hearing about, said Jim?" "Yes Jim they are, and for your information they are doing a bang up job and I have put them in for promotion." "I think that I already know them, or at least of them, said Jim." "Do you two spend some s at a motel in Rolla, Jim asked?" I said that we have done that. "Well then you know one of my DI's by the name of Watson and one of Greg's sergeants by the name of Johnson." "We do know both, said Jeff.' `Well we know all about you two, said Greg" "They like to swim, and drink beer in the nude, he added. Jim said "Pete, I guess that they will just fit in our little group just fine."

The rest of the afternoon was spent answering questions about us. Why are we in the Army, why didn't we go to Canada, do we like being here and many other questions.

Jim then suggested that it might be time for some poker. Pete then said, "Don't worry, we don't play for money. Gambling in the Army is not a good idea, we just play for, shall we say sport." The six of us then got out of the pool and sat around one of the tables. John handed out some chips and said here is $250.00 dollars, the whites are $1, the reds are $5 and the blues are $10. And we play dealer's choice.

Occasionally Pete would leave the game to check on the food. We played for about 90 minutes, and at the end, I was left with 2 white chips and Jeff had one white and one red. "It looks like it was a good thing that we only play for the skill of the game because if we were playing for money they would be out more that 2 months income, said Jim." "And if we had played strip porker, they would be naked. Oh they already are, but so are we," added Greg. "Well, Jim," I said, "If we had been playing for money, the outcome would have been different because I would have played differently you would be sitting here naked and out a month's income. "Well David, do you want to try playing for money," asked Jim? "Anytime you want to, I replied," "Lets us talk about it over dinner, said Jim"

During dinner it was decided that the four of us would play poker on the following Saturday at our friendly motel in Rolla.

Well dinner was ready so Pete said bring your beer and lets go inside to the dinning room. Greg asked what were we having and Pete said, Irish Stew, salad and biscuits and for later, John brought a apple pie. John added that the only thing Irish about the stew was the Irish Whiskey that had been added to it. The food was good, Pete was a good cook. After dinner, we helped clear the table and moved to the living room. Pete said that Greg ad brought a movie. "It was given to me by a friend, but I haven't seen it. He said it was good." Now Jeff and I were some how guided to the sofa with Greg on Jeff's right side and Jim on my left. Pete and John sat together to the right of the projector.

I was an interesting movie; back then it was called a `stag film.' Today it would be called porn. There were 4 couples and it was some kind of a party. There was food, lots of drinking and dancing. Eventually the couples starting making out, soon clothing came off and soon there was a lot of sexual activity going on. Now the women were good looking and the men were all in good shape. There was a lot of intercourse going on and the couples changed partners during the film. I can say that at the end of the film, there were 6 hard cocks in the audience. The film was rewound. Greg asked if Pete needed some help cleaning up and he said no, and added that John was spending the night and the two of them could handle the cleanup. Then the 4 of us got dressed and we left.

In the car, Jeff said, "That is the first time I spent an evening with naked army officers." "Well based on some of the things that I heard, I think we just may spend some more naked nights with them." Once in the barracks, we showered and went to bed.

Next: Chapter 4

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