Foscali' Gay/High School

By moc.liamykcul@xelykcul

Published on Mar 23, 2010



Foscali by Lucky Lex

This story is a work of fiction. Any resemblances to any person, place or written works are purely coincidental. It may contain consensual sex between young men. Do not read if you find that objectionable or if it is illegal for you to view this content for whatever reason.

The characters in this story may practise unprotected sex. Please be aware that this is VERY dangerous in today's world and should not be indulged in unless you are in a monogamous relationship and trust your partner implicitly.

Please do not post, copy or use this story in any manner without my permission.

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Fossey and I are coming up to our tenth anniversary together, so I thought I'd put down on paper how we got started:

He clearly wasn't cut out for gardening. He didn't know one end of a spade from the other and could hardly lift a shovelful of earth even if he could get the damned thing into the soil in the first place. He wasn't exactly dressed for the job either, especially the shorts. White shiny soccer shorts at least one size too small were more than suitable for the hot day, and afforded an extremely arousing view from behind every time he bent over. Every so often he would straighten up and lean over backwards, groaning at the pain he clearly felt, but they weren't ideal for gardening.

Giovanni Foscali (Or Old Foscali' as he is always known) had been the family's gardener for as long as I could remember, but since I'm only fifteen that's not too long, but Dad says that he remembers him from when he was a kid. Old Foscali used to bring his son (Young Foscali') to help him when I was a toddler, but for the first time today he had brought his grandson (Little Foscali) who was about the same age as me, and it was the grandson who was the subject of my observations.

Beniamino (Ben) Foscali was, in fact, six weeks younger than me. He was clearly Italian with the typical short stature and chunky build, though you certainly couldn't call him fat. Dark brown hair and from a brief glimpse I thought his eyes were hazel. He had a beautiful bubble butt and light brown fuzz on his arms and legs. Although his name was the Italian equivalent of the English Benjamin', it also meant son of the right hand' and right now my own right hand was pretty busy taking care of `Little Josh' under cover of the newspaper that was lying open in my lap.

I'm Josh Moretti by the way. I'm fifteen years old and the son of a pretty wealthy confectionery manufacturer. I'm pretty average for my age, average height, average build, black hair, brown eyes, always thinking about sex and always hard. Oh yes, and I'm gay. Well, I'm ninety per cent certain that I'm gay. My family, like the Foscalis, are Italian and proud of it, and we live in a large house in the English countryside in the shire county of Devon. I attend the local boys' grammar school but it is now the middle of July and I have just started a seven week long summer break. For once, the English summer is as it should be, and it is sweltering in the low eighties. Ben goes to the local secondary school, so I don't know him that well. In fact we've only met once before about five years ago, and then it was only to say a shy `hello'.

Young Foscali and his wife had gone over to Italy for a family funeral and were staying on for a couple of weeks to make a holiday out of it. I think there were family connections to the Mafia too, which is why they didn't take Ben with them. I think they considered he was too young to get mixed up in that sort of thing, so Ben was staying with his grandfather while they were away.

"Do you fancy a cold drink, Ben?" I called over to him.

"Thanks Mr Josh that would be great." He replied.

"You don't have to call me `Mr' Ben," I said, "We're both kids, we're both Italian and we're both equal."

"I don't think Grandpa would like that, Mr Josh." He said.

"Well, grandpa is around the other side of the house." I said. "Come here, Ben."

Ben dug his spade in the ground and walked towards me. Because of his tight shorts I could see that he was pretty generously proportioned down below, and wondered whether he was dressed commando-style because it seemed to be swinging pretty freely. My eyes were glued to his package, just as they had been glued to his butt when he had been working. "Yes Mr Josh?" he asked.

"Ben, I'll fucking throttle you if you keep calling me `Mr.", I said.

Ben grinned. "Okay Josh, but I can't call you that while Gramps is around."

"Fair enough." I said, "But I'd really like to be your friend and not your grandpa's boss's son."

"I don't think that would work, Mr Josh ... ... sorry, Josh ... ... you know how traditional Italian families can be."

"Tell me about it!" I said just as a gust of wind blew the newspaper from my lap and revealed my barely concealed erection for Ben to see. Now it was his time to stare. I blushed scarlet and tried in vain to hide it.

"It happens to you too, huh?" Ben asked, grinning again. "I get hard all the time, and in these shorts it is soooo embarrassing."

"Yea, they are kind of ... ... revealing." I said.

"Yea. Mum and Dad wouldn't let me bring any decent clothes when I said I'd try working with Grandpa, and he doesn't do washing all that often, so I've run out of clean underpants. What makes matters even worse is that I don't like wearing dirty ones." It soon became clear that talking about my state of arousal was having the same effect on Ben, and within thirty seconds we were both in the same boat, and, let me tell you, Ben's shorts left n-o-t-h-i-n-g to the imagination.

"Wow Ben, you're a pretty big guy down there." I said, unable to resist commenting.

Ben grinned shyly. "Yea. I may have a typical short-arse Italian build, but Little Ben is not so little."

"So I see," I said, automatically reaching out to give him a gentle rub."

Ben jumped backwards out of reach. "What do you think you're doing, Mr Josh?" he said, all sign of familiarity and friendliness disappearing.

"Ummm, sorry Ben." I said. "I just thought ... ... ..."

"Well, you thought wrong." Ben said, returning to his work just as his grandfather appeared around the side of the house.

"Have you been shirking Young Beniamino?"

"No Gramps. Josh was just asking me something."

"Don't call me Gramps'," his grandfather shouted, "and it's Mr Josh' to you. Show your betters some respect."

"No, it's okay Mr Foscali," I said, "I'd like Ben to be my friend. I told him to call me `Josh', and I don't think I'm any better than he is anyway."

"That's as maybe, but he must be respectful to you, Mr Josh." The old man replied as he disappeared back around to the front of the house.

I stood up and walked over to where Ben was working, my erection now well and truly deflated. "I'm sorry Ben," I said, "I didn't mean to get you into trouble."

"It's okay." Ben replied.

"And the other thing ... ... I'm sorry if I overstepped the mark."

"No, I probably overreacted." Ben replied. "It brought back a memory that was pretty painful. That's all. Maybe some other time."

As Ben said this, I heard the unmistakable rumble of Mum's Mercedes tyres on the gravel on the drive.

I half expected Mum to come through the house and into the garden, but she didn't, so I assumed she'd gone straight into her office in the house. Mum is an interior designer and she runs her business from home. A little while later I heard a siren in the distance which slowly got louder and louder until I heard the noise of more tyres on the gravel. Slightly panicked I made my way through the house and out of the front door. There on the grass by the side of the drive sat Mum with Old Foscali, his head resting in her lap. Even from a distance I could see that he didn't look too good. I ran over to them calling, "What's wrong Mum?"

"I think Mr Foscali's had a heart attack." She said as the paramedics ran over from where they had parked the ambulance. "I found him lying on the grass when I pulled in and rang the ambulance straightaway. I helped Mum to her feet as the paramedics took over.

"I'd better let Ben know what's happened." I said.

"I'll come with you." Mum said. "If Foscali has to stay in hospital Ben can stay with us until his parents are back from Italy."

As we went into the back garden Ben looked up from his work. "Is everything alright?" He asked. "Was that a police car arriving?"

"No Ben, It was an ambulance. I'm afraid your gramps has been taken ill. It looks like a heart attack."

Ben threw his spade to the ground and did something I'd never seen him do before. He ran straight through the house and out of the front door. Ben had always been very careful to walk around the house and not through it, these being his grandfather's instructions.

I ran after him and when I had caught up with him he'd already reached his grandfather and was kissing the old man on the forehead, then he began talking to the paramedics. After a few minutes he turned to me and said, "I'm sorry Josh, but I want to go in the ambulance with him."

"Of course you must," I said. "Mum and I will follow in the car as soon as we've let Dad know what's happening."

When I went back into the house Mum was already on the phone to Dad, who was away in London on business but was due home that evening. Dad reiterated that Ben should stay with us for as long as he needed to, and when Mum had finished talking to him she grabbed the car keys and we drove to the hospital. When we arrived we were directed to the Intensive Care Waiting Room where we found Ben. I could see that he had been crying and as I sat next to him he put his head on my shoulder and said through renewed tears, "Oh, Mr Josh, I don't know what I'd do if anything happened to gramps."

"I'll see if I can find out what's happening, Ben." Mum said, leaving the room.

"Sorry Josh," Ben started to say.

"Shhh." I replied, putting my arm around his shoulders and pulling him to me. "I'm sure everything `s going to be okay."

"Do you think so?" Ben asked

"I hope so." I replied and turned my head to give him a gentle kiss on the temple. Ben moved away a little so he could look at me. He looked apprehensive for a moment, but then he smiled and leaned his head back on my shoulder. "Mum and Dad both say that you can stay with us for as long as you need to." I told him.

"I think I'd like that." Ben replied, grinning that sexy grin again.

A few minutes later Mum returned smiling broadly. "Good News, Ben. Your grandfather has had a heart attack, but it was only a mild one and he's going to be fine after a couple of weeks rest."

"Will they let me see him now?" Ben asked her.

"Sure," Mum told him. As he stood up she put her arm around his shoulder and told me that they'd be back soon.

A few seconds later a man came into the waiting room. "Are you Mr Foscali's grandson?" he asked.

"No," I replied. "My Mum's just taken him to see his grandfather. I'm Josh Moretti."

"I see." The man replied. "Are you Ben's friend?"

"Ummm, yeah." I replied, not knowing whether `friend' actually described what I was just yet. "Mum and Dad have said that Ben can stay with us because his parents are in Italy at the moment."

"Then I think you're the person I need to talk to." The man said. "I'm Doctor Waring, and I've been asked to talk to whoever is going to be looking after Ben because he may not cope very well his grandfather's heart attack, especially as his parents are away, so somebody needs to keep an eye on him. I wouldn't normally tell anybody this, especially a kid, but somebody needs to know about Ben."

"What about Ben?" I asked. "Is he ill?"

"Not exactly ill." The doctor said. He sat on down and patted the seat next to him indicating that I should join him. "About a year ago Ben was in this very hospital suffering from depression. Something had happened to him – I can't tell you what – and Ben tried to take his own life. It wasn't really a serious attempt, but it was a cry for help. I just want you to be aware that the same thing might happen again if Ben gets depressed over his grandfather's heart attack. He may blame himself for it and ... ... well, I'm not saying the same thing would happen, but the possibility is there that he might do something stupid. I'm going to prescribe some antidepressants for him, but they're only to be used if he goes into a blue funk, and I don't want to give them to Ben in case he decides to take them all at once, which could be equally disastrous."

This was a lot for me to take in all at once, but I could see the doctor's worries were justified. "I think you'd better give the prescription to my Mum," I said, "and then we can put them away somewhere safe so that we both know where they are in an emergency."

"I think it would be best if you don't tell Ben that you know about this," Doctor Waring said. "In one way I've breached patient confidentiality, but on the other hand I'd rather have Ben safe and sound than full of angst ... ... or even dead." He said with a very serious expression on his face.

"Okay, Doctor," I said, "But I'll have to tell my Mum."

"That's your decision," Doctor Waring replied, "just as long as you don't tell Ben that you know about it. The embarrassment of having somebody know about him might make things worse."

"But what triggered all of this, Doctor?" I asked

"I'm sorry Josh, I really would be breaching confidentiality if I told you that, and I could lose my job, and I'm sure you wouldn't want that." Doctor Waring said with a goofy smile and raised eyebrows.

"Of course not," I replied. "Maybe Ben will tell me sometime."

"W-e-l-l ... ... "he'll really have to trust you first." He replied just as Mum and Ben re-entered the room.

"How is he?" I asked, looking at Ben's sad face.

"I don't know Mr Josh." Ben said. "I'm pretty worried about him, but they won't let me stay here with him."

"I'm sure he's going to be fine," Mum said brightly. "He's already bossing Ben around and telling him what needs to be done in the garden. Maybe you and he could work together while Mr Foscali's unable to carry on."

"You bet!" I said. "Don't worry, Ben." I said. "He's in the best place and they can keep an eye on him 24/7."

Ben looked a little brighter, but also looked a little worried as I gave him a hug, but when he saw Mum smiling at us he relaxed a little. Doctor Waring had disappeared for a few moments, but came in again with a slip of paper that he handed to Mum. "Your son can fill you in on this Mrs Moretti. I've already discussed it with him. Ben, you can come and see your grandpa tomorrow afternoon. He should be out of intensive care by then, but if there's any change in the meantime I gather you're staying with the Morettis. I promise that I'll telephone you there.

"Thank you, Doctor," Ben said.

"Come on then, Ben." My Mum said. "Let's get off home. She put her arm around his shoulder, winked at me as I linked his arm on the other side, and we left the hospital. I was surprised to find that it was dark when we got outside. I suppose we must have been there longer than I'd thought. When we got to the car Ben's eyes opened wide. "Gosh," he said, "I've never been in a Mercedes before." I suppose he hadn't spotted it at the house in all the rush of getting his grandfather into the ambulance.

I opened the back door so that he could climb in and I slid in next to him. "Don't want to ride in the front then Josh?" Mum asked.

"No, I'll keep Ben company in the back." I said, smiling at him. Ben smiled back and settled in to enjoy the ride, but I could see that he was still fretting about his grandfather as a tear escaped his eye. He raised his hand to wipe it away and then placed it next to him on the seat between us. Purely as a gesture of friendship and comfort I placed my hand on top of his. He snatched his hand away immediately and his head snapped round to look at me, then his face softened, he smiled at me and he took my hand in his and entwined our fingers.

"Sorry," he said, "bad memory." Then he sat back, basking in the comfort of the Mercedes.

When we got home Mum said that she'd get one of the spare rooms ready for Ben so I suggested the room next to mine which has a communicating door and a shared en-suite bathroom. "That way, if Ben has a bad night I'll hear him if he calls out or has a bad dream." I said.

"A great idea, Josh." Mum said. "I'm sure he'd rather you tended to him than Dad or me. Why don't you take him up and show him the room, and I'll make the bed up when I've put the kettle on." She said. "Once the room is ready you boys should have your shower and then you and eat in your pyjamas."

I took Ben up to his room and showed him the communicating door and the bathroom too. "I think we're about the same size, Ben." I said. "You can wear some of my clothes for the time being, and maybe we'll go over to either your place or your grandpa's and collect some of your stuff."

I took him into my room and he asked if he could check his Email on my computer as he hadn't been able to access the Internet at his grandpa's. "Sure," I said, booting it up. "Go ahead." I heard Mum in the next room so I went and helped her to make up the bed, and while we worked I told her about what the doctor had said about Ben's history, and she said that she would drive down to the late night pharmacy and get the prescription filled after supper.

"You like Ben, don't you, Josh?" She asked, smiling.

"I do," I said, blushing furiously. Mum tousled my hair and said, "Well, you'd better get back to him then."

I went back to my bedroom through the bathroom, so I entered behind where Ben sat at the computer. I froze as I saw naked bodies on my computer screen, and while I couldn't see properly, I was pretty sure they were naked MALE bodies. I took a step forward to try to see better but unfortunately I'd forgotten about that creaky floorboard, thus warning Ben that I was there and he cleared the screen immediately.

"Do you wear pyjamas in bed or would you prefer T-shirt and shorts?" I asked him, pretending I hadn't seen the screen.

"Oh, nothi ... umm ... I don't ... er ..."

"Me neither." I said and grinned at him.

"But I thought your Mum said we'd eat in our pyjamas." Ben said.

"Yea, but I lose them once I get into bed." I said with a grin. Things seemed to be getting better and better. All I needed was for him to have a bad dream and I'd be in there like a flash to comfort him ... ... flesh to flesh. Little Josh began getting hard just at the thought of it, but even if that wasn't on the cards, I still wanted us to be good friends, and as Doctor Waring had pointed out, Ben needed a friend right now.

"You have your shower first, Ben," I said, "then you can put these on." I handed him a pair of bright red silk pyjamas and a bath towel.

"Wow. These must have cost a fortune!" Ben said.

"I suppose so," I replied, "Mum usually buys the best, and I love the feel of silk against my skin. I always have silk underwear."

Ben went into the bathroom and I was delighted to see that he'd left the door to my bedroom open, as I had a full length mirror strategically positioned so that I could see the reflection from the shower without being seen to be spying.

I got my own stuff together ready to grab a shower after Ben and then took a peep in my mirror. I couldn't have picked a better time as Ben was bent double washing his feet, his bubble butt towards me and almost winking at me. Little Josh was hard in moments, and got even harder when Ben turned around and I could see his love equipment in full glorious detail. He looked to be at half mast and he really had an impressive set of tackle. His cock was surely larger than average, and a LOT bigger than me, and he had a superb pair of low-hanging balls. The wetness of the shower had fashioned his pubes into a perfect inverted triangle. As I watched, Ben soaped up his cock and balls and began to give them his full attention. He grabbed his balls with one hand, which made me wince because my own balls were (and still are) particularly sensitive, then he grabbed his cock with the other hand and slowly began to masturbate. As his cock got even harder, so my eyes opened wider and Little Josh got so hard that it hurt. He continued to massage his balls as he stroked his cock, and after a couple of minutes his legs began to shake. It was only now that I realised I had taken Little Josh in hand and I was nearing the point of no return myself. Ben began making little animal noises, echoing my own pre-orgasm cries. As I shot by first rope of cum over the bedroom floor, so Ben unloaded himself against the shower wall. My legs turned to jelly and I slipped to my knees as the full impact of my climax hit me. Ben must have coped better, as I heard the shower being turned off and I prayed silently that he would go into his own bedroom because if he'd come into mine there was no way that I would recover in time to get myself covered up and the evidence removed from the bedroom floor.

When I was sure that the coast was clear, I slipped into the bathroom and grabbed a damp cleaning cloth and wiped up my cum, something I was well-practised in, then rinsed the cloth and put it back under the sink. I grabbed a towel for myself and turned on the shower. Ben hadn't closed the door to his bedroom and as I wasn't ashamed of my body, I left it open for him to come in if he wanted to; or at least give him the opportunity to spy on me as I had on him. As I'd cum so recently I wasn't worried about being caught with a hard-on, but when I looked in front of me I saw the remains of Ben's love juice still on the shower wall. Little Josh reacted immediately and before I knew it I was hard again. I reached out and ran my fingers through his juice and rubbed it between my fingers. It was pretty thick, and when I lifted it to my nose there was no discernible smell. I looked to make sure that Ben wasn't spying on me and then put it on my tongue. It wasn't quite a salty as mine, but otherwise it tasted pretty much the same.

I quickly performed my ablutions and turned off the shower. As I stepped out of the bath I grabbed the towel and as I did so Ben put his head around the door. "God, I'm sorry Josh," he said when he realised that I was naked, and disappeared again.

"Hey, don't worry about it, Ben," I said following him into his room, "It's bound to happen if you're staying here. I continued to dry myself in his room giving him full viewing rights to my naked body. He looked at me then looked away quickly, but then his curiosity got the better of him and he nervously looked at me again. I grinned at him and said, "don't tell me ... bad memories?" He nodded, but eventually relaxed and took a good look at me.

"You have a great body, Josh." He said.

"You're pretty fit yourself." I said. "I caught sight of you in the shower, and you have nothing to be ashamed of."

Ben coloured bright red. "You saw me in the ... ... did you see ... ..."

I nodded. "Yup, a pretty impressive display." I said with a smile.

Much to my surprise tears sprang to Ben's eyes and he began sobbing. I went to him and put my arms around him to comfort him, but when I felt the touch of his silk pyjamas against my cock, so I began to get horny again. Rather than make things worse I grabbed the towel and wrapped it around me and then took Ben's shoulders. "Look at me, Ben." I said.

Ben raised his head and I looked into his big, sorrowful, timid eyes. "Ben, I want you to know that while you are staying here nothing is going to happen to you that you don't want to happen. Whatever bad memories are being triggered, those things will not happen here, I promise you." Ben took a deep breath, relaxed and melted into my arms.

"I'm sorry, Josh. It's just that I ... well ... I got close to somebody once before and ... and ... well, it wasn't a pleasant experience."

"Maybe one day you'll share it with me." I suggested.

"NO!!" he almost shouted, then relaxed again and said, "well ... maybe ... one day."

"Supper's ready, boys," my Mum shouted from downstairs.

I grabbed a tissue and wiped Ben's tears away and he smiled at me. I quickly donned a pair of green pyjamas and then he grabbed my hand, entwined our fingers and we went downstairs to eat. As we came to the kitchen door Ben made as if to unhitch his hand from mine, but I held on tight to him. "Hey ... your mum!" He whispered. I released his hand and put my arm around his shoulder instead.

"It wouldn't have mattered, Ben," I said. "Mum's cool about that sort of thing." Ben looked at me quizzically but made no further comment.

We sat at the kitchen table, Mum and I facing one another and Ben sitting sideways on between us. As we ate I began swinging my bare feet and inadvertently kicked against Ben's foot. He smiled at me and rubbed back; not something that would seem particularly sexy, but Little Josh thought otherwise, and reacted accordingly, poking out of the slit in my pyjamas. When Mum got up to take our empty plates to the sink I tried to tuck it back in and Ben looked over to see what I was doing. When he saw Little Josh standing proud he giggled and rubbed his foot against mine again. In the end I just gave up and let Little Josh do his own thing.

Mum served up bowls of ice cream and then went to her office to catch up on what she should have done during the afternoon, telling us that we could watch television or play games upstairs, but not to get to bed too late. She checked with Ben that he was okay and Ben replied that he was fine, and that if he had problems during the night he would call me. She kissed me on the forehead as she bade me goodnight, then did the same to Ben, who grinned happily.

When we got upstairs we found that there was a James Bond film on TV so we stayed in my room to watch it. As the best place to see the TV from was my bed I climbed under the duvet and patted the bed beside me inviting Ben to join me. There's not a lot of room for two in a single bed, but we managed. After watching the film for a little while I noticed Ben's hand moving under the bedclothes, but didn't say anything in case I upset him.

"Josh;" Ben said after a few minutes, "what made you get hard at dinner time?"

"Ummmm ... I don't know." I replied, not wanting to admit that it was playing footsie with him.

"Was it because we were playing footsie?" He pressed.

"I don't know." I repeated, hoping that he wouldn't press it.

I think we were both a little nervous to take things any further, but knew that I for one wanted to.

A short time later Ben began to yawn, and said that he thought he ought to go to bed. When he got out from under the duvet there seemed to be a distinct bulge in his pyjamas, but as he was well-endowed anyway, I didn't press it. I held out my hand for a high five and we wished each other goodnight.

It was only after I turned off the TV and slipped my pyjamas off that I realised that although Little Josh was clamouring for attention, I was pretty bushed. So I turned out the light and went to sleep pretty much straight away.

Around two in the morning I was aware of a noise coming from Ben's room, and when I dragged myself into full consciousness I realised that he must be having a bad dream. I looked around for my pyjamas, but couldn't see them immediately, so rather than let Ben carry on I padded naked into his bedroom and sat beside him on the bed. I shook his shoulder gently and he flinched, but I whispered that it was only me which made him relax, but he just wouldn't wake up, so I slid into his bed and spooned up behind him, putting my arm over him and whispering platitudes in his ear. It was only after a few seconds that I realised that Ben was naked too, and what had originated as a gesture of friendship and comfort soon became a sexual adventure for Little Josh, so I moved a few inches away from him, but he snuggled his butt back against me and slowly quietened down, then he took the hand that was resting on is chest, lifted it to his lips and kissed it. "Thank you for being here Josh," he said.

"Hey," I whispered. "What are friends for?"

My erection slowly abated as we both slowly drifted off to sleep again, but when I woke as dawn broke, I found that we had both turned over in our sleep and Ben was now spooning behind me. Not only that, but his big, rock hard cock was nestling in my butt crack and his right thumb was slowly caressing my right nipple. Little Josh was in his usual morning state, demanding attention but I also knew that very soon I would have to pee. I snugged back into Ben to let him know that I was awake and he quickly drew his hand away, but I managed to retrieve it and put it back where it had been previously, then I held my breath as I took hold of it again and slowly moved it southwards until his fingers touched Little Josh, who was leaking precum profusely. I heard him draw in a sharp breath and wondered whether I had gone too far, but then I felt his fingers close gently around the little guy and squeeze him softly.

"Ben, are you okay with this?" I asked a little nervously.

There was a moment's silence when I nearly had a heart attack until he replied, "Yea, more than okay, Josh."

"Well, I'm sorry to break the moment, Ben, but if I don't pee soon you're going to have a very wet hand."

Ben giggled, grasped my cock even tighter and said, "Do me a favour please, Ben. Would you call me `Fossey'?"

"Fossey?" I asked.

"Yea, my best friend calls me Fossey and it's kind of special and private."

"Fossey it is then." I said, "But now I've got to go."

I slipped out of Fossey's bed and made a dash for the bathroom. Of course, being as hard as I was, I had more than a little difficulty getting aimed into the toilet, but as the stream began to flow Fossey appeared beside me and almost had to bend over double to get his monster pointed downwards, thus opening his butt to let go a tremendous fart. Immediately we were both in fits of laughter and we both ended up spilling our pee on to the floor. Once again the cloth I had used to wipe up my cum the previous night was put to good use, and when we got back into Fossey's bed I grabbed him and hugged him to me, our cocks grinding together.

"This may be a silly question Josh," he began, "or it mat be totally out of order, but ... well ... are you gay, Josh?"

"Ummm, not a silly question, Fossey, and certainly not out of order."

"Well, what's the answer?" he almost pleaded.

Damn,' I thought, crunch time.'

"Does this answer you?" I countered as I pulled him to me and kissed him. At first I felt a little resistance and almost pulled back, but then I felt him relax and when his lips parted and his tongue battled mine for entry I knew that we were definitely going to be more than just friends.

"Ho-lee shit!!" Fossey said when he'd got his breath back.

I laughed and pulled him even closer as I whispered in his ear, "I was ninety per cent certain I was gay, but I think I've just swung the other ten per cent."

"I've known I was gay for a couple of years." Fossey said.

"Have you had boyfriends before?" I asked.

"Is that what we are? Boyfriends?" Fossey replied.

"I hope so," I said. "Well, have you?"

"Not exactly," Fossey said as his expression changed to one of pain and a tear rolled down his cheek. "I don't want to talk about it."

"Okay, okay," I said as I kissed the tear away. "I didn't want to upset you, I just wondered."

Fossey shook his head. "Not right now ... ... but I'll tell you about it soon ... ... maybe when I'm not so worried about gramps."

We drifted off to sleep, still in one another's arms until around nine o'clock when I felt my Dad shaking me gently.

"Time to wake up, son." I heard my Dad say.

I almost leapt out of bed. "Hi Dad. Fos ... Ben had a bad dream so I came in to comfort him." I explained, hoping that Dad wouldn't ask why we were glued together like lovers.

"It's okay, son. No need to explain. Mum and I heard him, but when I got to his bedroom door I heard you talking to him, so I just went back to bed. Listen, Mum's going to be out until mid-afternoon. When she gets back she'll take you both to the hospital. I've left a pot of coffee brewing and there's plenty of food as usual. Martha will be here in about an hour to clean the house and I've also left a note asking her to get you boys some lunch. If Ben's feeling up to it maybe you'd like to do a little work in the garden, but don't worry if he's feeling bad."

"Okay, thanks Dad," I said. He bent and kissed me on the forehead. I know I'm a little old for that, but it's nice to feel loved, and he doesn't do it often."

As Dad left the room, Fossey opened his eyes and whispered worriedly, "Has he gone?"

I pulled him to me saying, "Yea, but don't worry about it."

"But he saw us like this. He must have thought it was ... well ... strange."

"Fossey, my parents and I had the sex talk on my fourteenth birthday. I won't go into details, but I'd already confided in our housekeeper that I thought I was gay and she'd advised me to tell Mum and Dad. They weren't exactly pleased, and said that it might just be a phase I was going through. But when I pressed them, they just said that I am what I am, and that whatever I turned out to be they would always love and support me."

"But what if they think that I've made you gay?" Fossey asked.

"They won't think that." I assured him.

"Why not?" He asked

"Well, after our talk, Mum did some research about homosexuality and everything pointed to the fact that your sexuality is not something you choose, but rather something you are born with."

"I wish my parents had done the same research." Fossey whispered.

"Have they given you a tough time?"

He looked at me with sad eyes. "I can't talk about it." He said, simply.

"Okay, let's drop it. Now, last one to the kitchen makes the breakfast," I said, and I ran naked towards the door. "But you're not dressed." Fossey called.

"So what?" I replied.

When I reached the kitchen I grabbed a couple of mugs and was pouring the coffee when a naked Fossey gingerly looked around the door before entering. "What's the matter?" I asked.

"I wanted to make sure Mildred wasn't here." He said.

"Mildred? Oh, you mean Martha." I replied, "You don't have to worry about Martha. She's been a fixture in the house since before I was born. There's nothing she hasn't seen. She used to change my nappy when I was a baby, and she was giving me baths up until I was about ten years old."

"Yea, but you've ... well ... matured a bit since then."

"Hmmm ... I suppose I have." I said, but Martha won't be here until ten o'clock," I said. "Anyway, it would probably give her a thrill to find two naked boys in the kitchen."

"Yea, but I'd be as embarrassed as hell." Fossey stated.

"Well, if we just have cereal for now, then we'll get dressed and if I ask Martha nicely I'm sure she'll make us bacon sandwiches a little later"

"Deal." Fossey said, reaching for the Weetabix."

We sat side by side at the kitchen table, our bodies touching and our cocks hard. Despite Fossey's worries he seemed to be pretty happy and he was swinging his legs as we ate. The telephone's shrill ring tone interrupted our food and when I answered it Mum told me that she had forgotten to tell me that she had put Fossey's tablets that the doctor had prescribed in one of the kitchen cupboards. I assured her that I'd get him to take one if he showed any signs of anxiety and then I hung up. I went to the cupboard in question and grabbed the pills.

"What are they?" he asked.

"Doctor Waring wants you to take one of these it you get upset about your grandfather."

"Did he tell you I've had problems before?" Fossey asked.

"Well, yes and no." I replied.

"What do you mean?" he asked.

"Well, he couldn't tell me too much because of what he called `patient confidentiality', but he did tell me that you'd had problems before. Do you want to tell me about it?"

"I can't, not yet." Fossey replied, looking sad and nervous. "But i think I'll be able to tell you some time soon. At the moment I'll just say that it's to do with me being gay and something that happened a while back."

"I kind of guessed that." I said, "And I'm here to listen when you're ready."

"Helooo, it's only me," I suddenly heard from the entrance hall.

"Shit. Martha's here." I said, rushing for the door with Fossey right behind me.

We were half way upstairs when I heard a guffaw, followed by, "Well, now I've seen it all, two moons in the sky!"

"Oh, bollocks!" I heard Fossey say, but all I could do was laugh.

"I told you before, don't worry about Martha, she's as good as gold." I said. "Now, let's sort our what we're going to wear." We went into my bedroom and when I opened my dressing room door Fossey gave a gasp.

"Bloody hell, Josh, is all of this yours?" He asked.

"Yea, all mine." I said. "What do you want to wear then Fossey?"

"A pair of jeans and a T-shirt would be just fine." He replied.

"Levi 501s OK?" I asked, "and this red Lacoste T-shirt will suit you. You looked good in those red pyjamas. Mind you, you look better out of them." I giggled.

"Get off!" Fossey said as he took the clothes.

"Do you like boxers or briefs?" I asked, opening a drawer full of both.

"Well, briefs are best for me as I'm pretty big down there."

"Yea, but I can feel you up better if you wear boxers," I said, which earned me a punch on the arm delivered along with Fossey's killer grin.

"Okay, boxers it is then." He said. I passed him a pair of pale blue silk boxers and a pair of similarly coloured socks. "Have you worn these boxers?" He asked.

"Yea, but don't worry, they've been washed since then." I told him.

"Pity," he said with a smirk.

"Shoe size?" I asked.

"About a four, or 37 continental." He replied.

"I'm a three and a half," I said, "but I've only worn these once because they're a bit big on me. They should fit you just fine" I handed him a pair of white Nikes with a gold flash down the side.

"Bloody hell, these must have cost a fortune." Fossey said. "I couldn't wear these."

"Of course you can." I said. "Get them on and I'll take you down and introduce you to Martha.

"You're joking!" he said. "I'm keeping as far away from her as possible."

"No Martha, no bacon sandwich." I said. Fossey looked glum. "No Martha, no lunch." I added.

"Okay, okay, but It'll be hard." He said.

I made a grab for his crotch saying, "I'll make it hard alright." Fossey squealed and, laughing, ran off downstairs. I chased after him and found him in the hall, caught like a deer in the headlights as Martha came out of the utility room with the vacuum cleaner.

"Aha," she said. "And who is this, I pray. I have to get to the bottom of this. I couldn't bare not to find out."

Oh, leave him alone Martha," I said. "It was my fault." Martha took my face in her hands.

"Ah, here's the other one. Now I've seen your cheeks at both ends." She said, chuckling.

"Martha, this is Ben Foscali. He's staying here with us at the moment."

"Hello Ben, you must be Old Foscali's grandson," Martha greeted him. Ben nodded. "I didn't see the lazy old bugger as I came in. I suppose I'd better take a cup of tea out to him before he starts trudging his dirty boots all over the kitchen.

Ben teared up hearing his grandfather talked about like this. "Martha, Old Foscali had a heart attack yesterday. He's in hospital at the moment."

Martha immediately grabbed Ben to her rather ample bosom. "Oh, I'm so sorry, Ben. I didn't mean the things I said about him. It's just that he and I have this love-hate relationship going and we always run one another down, but we don't really mean it. Is he going to be okay?"

"Ben emerged from Martha's bosom, gasping for breath. "They say that he'll be alright, but we're going to see him this afternoon." Ben said.

"Well, I'm leaving here after lunch. If you tell me which hospital he's in I'll call in and see him."

"He's in St Phillips, Martha, but we don't know what ward he'll be in because he was in the ICU when we say him yesterday." I told her.

"Don't you worry, I'll find him and I'll give him hell for putting you through this worry, Ben."

"No, please don't upset him, Martha," Ben pleaded, "I want him to get well soon."

"So do I, Ben, but if I'm nice to him the old fool will think he's dying!" Martha chuckled again as she released Fossey, only to pull him back and whisper something in his ear which made him blush beet red.

"Martha, do you think you could make us some bacon sandwiches?"

"Oh, I suppose you need something to cheer you up, of course I will." With that Martha bustled off to the kitchen, so I asked Fossey what she'd whispered to him.

"She said that my butt is cuter than yours." He giggled, blushing again.

"You know what?" I replied, "I think she's right". I patted the butt in question and then I put my arm around his shoulders and led him into the kitchen where the smell of bacon was beginning to waft around. I went to the fridge and poured us glasses of milk and sat next to Fossey at the table while we waited for our sandwiches.

"So how long have you two been friends then?" Martha asked.

"Umm ... about twenty four hours." I said.

"Ah, that long. No wonder you're running around naked together." Martha said, raising her eyebrows.

"Sorry, Martha, you weren't supposed to see that." I said.

"Hey, I was young once myself," she replied. "You don't have the monopoly on goofing around." She added as she put a bacon sandwich in front of each of us. "Just be careful that people don't get the wrong idea ... or maybe it's the right idea."

With that enigmatic comment Martha left the room and I heard the sound of the vacuum cleaner starting up.

"What do you suppose Martha mean by that?" Fossey asked.

"Well, she sort of knows that I like other boys." I told him. "It was because of Martha that I got myself on track. When I first thought I was gay I didn't handle it very well, and I just couldn't face my parents with it. Martha caught me crying in my room one day and I just blurted it out to her. She was great about it and she took me to see one of her sons; she's got three, and one of them is gay. I talked everything over with him and he convinced me that I should tell Mum and Dad. He was pretty sure that they'd be okay with it, but he told me that I could go and stay with him or his Mum if I had any problems. So when we had `the talk' I told them then about my gay feelings"

"Wow, Josh, so you think that she might suspect that we ... well ..."

"Well, she's right, isn't she?" I asked.

Fossey thought for a moment and then said, "Is this going to be just a once only thing, or are we going to ... maybe ... umm ..."

"I'd like it to be more than just a one-off." I told him.

Fossey smiled. "Me too," he said, but there's a few things you ought to know about me first." He said. "then you might not be so keen. You see ... well, ... I'm what you might call `soiled goods'" A tear escaped Fossey's eye as he took my hand. "Can we go to your room and then I can tell you in private?"

"Of course," I told him, "but I cant see that anything you say will make me feel any differently."

When we got to my bedroom we kicked off our shoes and sat on my bed. I put my arm around Fossey's shoulders and he rested his head against my chest.

"A while back, when I first thought I might be gay, I was a bit stupid and had a fling with a boy in my class. It was nothing serious and we only ever jacked one another off, and then graduated to sucking dicks. After a few weeks he told me that his sixteen year-old brother would like to get together with us. Being pretty naive about things, I agreed. It was great for the first couple of times, but I got to their house one evening and my friend wasn't home. His brother was there and he took me up to his bedroom." Fossey stopped and took a few deep breaths. I took his hand and started rubbing the back of it with mine. "He raped me, Josh, he fucking-well raped me!"

Fossey stoped to compose himself and I kissed the top of his head. Tears were streaming down his cheeks and I tried to kiss those away too.

"When he'd finished he told me to go. He told me that he'd finished with me and never wanted to see me again. As I went downstairs to leave, my friend arrived home. He asked me why I was crying so I told him what had happened. He laughed at me, Josh. He laughed at me and he told me that I had asked for it. That I should have enjoyed it." Fossey paused again, "I was dumbfounded, Josh. Sure, I knew that gay guys did that sort of thing, and for the right guy at the right time I would probably have been willing to go all the way, but I was thirteen, Josh. I was still a little kid."

Fossey began to cry uncontrollably at this point, so I laid him down on my bed, covered him up and told him I'd be back in a minute. I ran downstairs and grabbed the pills that the doc had prescribed and took them upstairs with a glass of water. When I got back to my room I made Fossey sit up and gave him a tablet and the water to swallow it with. Then I put my arms around him and began trying to pacify him.

"Fossey, this doesn't make an iota of difference to me. You couldn't help what happened. The guy was sixteen for God's sake, what chance did you have against him. There's no way you are soiled goods. What happened then was then. It was a dreadful experience, and I don't blame you for being upset about it, but I promise you that sort of thing would never happen between us."

"I know all that, Josh," Fossey said, "but I haven't finished yet. Josh, I really let it get to me. I felt worthless, especially when my friend decided he wanted nothing more to do with me. In the end I felt so bad that I ... well, ... I tried to commit suicide."

Fossey looked up at me to see what my reaction was. I looked down at him with as much of a caring expression as I could muster. "I know." I said. "Doctor Waring told me."

"He told you? Then you knew all about this?" Fossey asked incredulously.

"No, Fossey, the doc just told me about your suicide attempt. I asked him what had led up to it but he told me that was confidential and the only way I'd find out about it was if you told me."

"Well now you know." Fossey said, "I've never really told anybody about it before, and I've never been able to let anybody touch me since then ... until now." He looked at me pleadingly. "I suppose you don't want anything to do with me after hearing that." He tried to pull away from me.

I held on to him tightly and said, "Why would I not want you, Fossey?" I asked. "It makes no difference to me. Well, maybe it does make a difference. It makes me want to look after you even more. Fossey, I think there could be quite a thing between us. I've messed around with a few kids, but I've never felt quite like this about anybody before." I said. Fossey looked up at me with those beautiful eyes and I just bent down and kissed him lightly on the lips.

"You're saying that you're still okay with us being ... well ... together?" Fossey asked.

"What do I have to do to convince you, Fossey?" I asked, smiling at him. He finally relaxed totally and reached up to kiss me long and strong on the lips. After a few seconds I opened my eyes to see Martha looking through the crack in the door. When she saw that I had spotted her she smiled, winked and gave me the `thumbs-up' sign then disappeared.

Well, that's how my life with Fossey began, and that was almost ten years ago. Old Foscali recovered fully from his heart attack, but finally agreed to give up gardening. Fossey and I have made a pretty good job of keeping the garden in trim since then. Mum and Dad have retired and moved to Jersey and Fossey and I live alone in the old house now and together we run the confectionery business, which has gone from strength to strength. Martha still comes and cleans for us, although she's getting a little past it now, but I'd never have the heart to retire her.

It took a long time for me to convince Fossey totally that I didn't look upon him as second rate, but eventually he accepted it. Our relationship started pretty slowly and I never expected him to open himself totally to me, but as I'm almost totally a bottom, that didn't worry me in the least, but on my sixteenth birthday he gritted his teeth and let me have my wicked way with him. I was still telling him that he didn't need to do it, but he was determined, and if I'd turned him down I don't think he would have forgiven me. Our love-making was slow and passionate, a little painful at first for him, both physically and emotionally; but once he'd overcome his initial fear and apprehension, Fossey enjoyed himself as much as I did.

So that's how things stand now. We can't get married, as same-sex weddings aren't legal in the UK, but we have a civil ceremony arranged for next month on our tenth anniversary of meeting. Mum and Dad are flying in from Jersey and although they took some convincing, Fossey's family have finally agreed to be there. His parents have never really been happy about our relationship and their son's sexuality, but they can see how happy and confident he is so they've decided to bite the bullet and accept us as a couple. Old Foscali has always been fine with us, and he's like the grandfather that I never had.

And Fossey? Well, Fossey is the man that I love with all my heart. That love has grown from our initial fumblings to what it is now. He's my whole life and I just couldn't conceive of it ever being any other way, and just to prove it to him once and for all, when we have our civil ceremony I'm going to become Josh Foscali.

The End

If you'd like to contact me and let me know what you think of the story, please feel free to do so on

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