Fountain of Dreams

By Henry Brooks (Hankster1430) - Laureate Author

Published on Aug 13, 2012



Fountain of Dreams Prologue

Saturday night! The joint was jumping. The gay bar was generally frequented by men in their twenties and thirties. The Far Side was a noisy place where disco music was blaring non stop, so it was rare to see anyone older than forty in the place.

Three friends in their late twenties were crowded together around the bar. They tried to talk to each other but it was so noisy that they finally surrendered to being silent, and just listened to the ear-blasting music. Finally one of them screeched.

"Where's Danny?" Alex yelled to Davie.

"I don't know," Davie screamed back.

"He called me this afternoon," Steve joined in, trying to be heard. "He said that he'd be here tonight and he had a big surprise."

After that they gave up trying to be heard for a little while more. It wasn't long before Danny came in with a big grin on his face. "Come with me," he said. "I need to talk to you, and it's too noisy here."

The foursome left and wended there way to a straight bar a street away. The atmosphere was intimate, dark, and quiet. They found a table in a corner, and sat down.

"What's the big news Danny?" Steve asked.

Danny's grin returned to his face. "You know the wishing fountain in Roosevelt Square in the center of town? Everybody says that if you throw in a coin, and make a wish, it'll come true."

"Bull crap," Alex said adamantly.

"It worked for me first time I did it," Danny insisted. "I guess you gotta believe in it for it to work. I threw in a quarter three days ago, and I asked to win the lottery."

"Fuck, you didn't," Davie said.

"Well, I didn't win the big one, but I had five numbers and I won $5700.00. That's serious bucks, folks."

They all started to whoop and holler, disturbing the quiet demeanor of the bar. They found themselves being stared at, and Danny said, "Let's go back to The Far Side where we can make noise. Besides I feel like dancing."


Early the following Monday morning, before the busy streets began to fill, and before the dawn of the day, Alex stood at the fountain. A sign fastened to the brick wall, surrounding the fountain, informed the public that all proceeds from the fountain were donated to various charities. He reached into his pocket and took out all his coins; a dime, two nickels and three quarters. He threw them into the fountain, closed his eyes, and made a wish. Watching him from a distance was a young college student.

The young man had started to approach the fountain to feed it and make a wish, but when he saw Alex, he drew back into the still dark morning. He didn't want to disturb a man making a sacred wish. But Alex saw him.

When Alex was done, he did something crazy. He crossed himself, without a clue as to why he should do so. Members of his religion did not cross themselves. Besides, he hadn't been inside a church since high school. Instead of leaving, he too disappeared into the shadows. He wanted to see what the young man would do.

As would be expected, the young man did exactly what Alex had done. When he was finished, and he started to back off from the fountain, Alex scared the daylights out of him, by approaching him and asking, "Do you think we'll get our wishes?"

As soon as he recovered from being startled, the student started to laugh. "I sure hope so," he said. "Just last night one of the guys in my dorm was telling us all about getting his wish. He has been coming here every day after school for a month, and wishing the same wish. It actually came true for him."

"Oh, and what was his wish?"

The student laughed again. "Well it seems that he was a virgin, and he wished that he would meet a lovely girl, and that they would fall in love, and she would want to make love to him as much as he wanted to make love to her. It came true for him. He met a girl right after his first coin toss, and last night they consummated their love."

"I hope you wished for something more unattainable," Alex cautioned. "That sounds like a coincidence to me."


"You live in a dorm?" Alex asked. "Are you a student?"

The young man nodded. "Yes. I'm a senior."

Alex stuck out his hand, "My name's Alex," he said.

"Jason," the student responded, shaking Alex's hand.

"Hey, it's way too early for me to go to work, or for you to go to a class. Would you have breakfast with me? It's my treat."

"Thank you Alex. I'd like that a lot. Actually I have no classes today. I work part time over at The Emporium. I don't have to be at work until 2 PM."


Alex took Jason to a coffee shop which was located around the corner from his office. He usually skipped breakfast, but he had lunch there almost every day. They both ordered the breakfast special; two eggs (any style), potatoes, choice of bread and coffee: $3.79.

"It's great you have a part time job," Alex commented. "Jobs are tough to get these days, especially part time jobs. By the way, what's your major?"

"I'm majoring in accounting, and for your information, if I didn't have the job, I couldn't make it. I'm paying my own way through."

"That's tough. Are your parents dead?"

"No, they are very much alive. It's just that they have disowned me."

"That's pretty cruel. It happened to me also, so I know how it feels. Why were you disowned?"

Jason didn't answer the question. Instead he said incredulously, "You were disowned too. What a coincidence. Why were you disowned?"

"I asked first," Alex sounded a little uncomfortable.

"I told them that I was gay. That might not sound like a big deal to you in this day and age, but my father is a Baptist minister."

Alex was silent and Jason was sure that he was going to ask him to get out, but finally Alex got his senses back. "You're kidding me. Aren't you?"

"No, it's the truth. Don't you believe me?"

"Frankly, it's hard for me to believe anything right now. It may be a coincidence that we met making a wish in the same fountain, and it may be a coincidence that we were both disowned, but it's unbelievable that we both got disowned for the same reason. By the way, my father is a Methodist minister."

Jason was speechless. Eventually he said, "Wow!"

"Maybe meeting each other wasn't such a coincidence. Maybe it was a miracle," Alex reflected.

"What do you mean?"

"Now that I know you're gay, I can tell you this. When I first laid eyes on you, I thought that you were so fucking hot."

"Thanks, Alex. You're pretty hot yourself."

"Are you ready for another miracle?" Alex asked with a smile on his face.

"Can I stand it?"

"I sure hope so, Jason. I'm a CPA. I just struck out on my own a few months ago, and I could sure use some part time help around the office, especially while I'm at clients. I have an answering service, but I'm sure my clients would appreciate a sexy male voice answering their questions, instead of waiting for me to get around to it. I guess you can figure out that the majority of my clients are gay."

"Wow!! I'd sure rather be interning with you than selling socks at The Emporium," Jason said looking really excited.

"What are they paying you at the store?"

"Minimum wage."

Alex laughed. "I'll pay you fifty percent more."

"I could hug you," Jason said, "but we are in a public place, a coffee shop, and all these people are having breakfast. I wouldn't want to gross them out."

"Well, Jason, if we went up to my office, we'd be the only two people there, and you could hug me without anyone seeing you do it."

"What a great idea."

"By the way Jase, what did you wish for?"

"When it comes true, I'll tell you. I don't want to put a hex on it."


That evening, on the way home from work, Davie went a little out of his way, and he found himself standing at the fountain. He reached into his pocket and retrieved two quarters. He tossed them into the fountain and made a wish. Then he stood silently in front of the fountain and said a few silent prayers. Just as had happened with Alex, a man started to approach the fountain with similar intent, but when he saw Davie, he turned and walked quickly away.

Davie took a bus home. When he entered his lonely apartment, he was struck by a deep feeling of loneliness and solitude. Sure he had lots of friends, and he partied a lot, but for all that, he went home to a lonely apartment. When he got together with his friends, he usually met them at some watering hole or at a movie house. There didn't seem to be any socializing in anyone's home, at least not for him.

Every evening when he wasn't going out, which was most of the time, he would make himself a frozen TV dinner. While he ate, he would do the crossword puzzle from that morning's newspaper, which he never had time to read in the morning. Then he would strip naked and sit in his easy chair and watch TV. He wasn't a big fan of TV, and more often than not, he would insert a porno disk into his DVD player. He would begin to stroke his cock as he got aroused, and finally he would bring himself to a very unsatisfying orgasm.

He would then clean himself up and go to bed, dreaming all the while that he would meet his Prince Charming on the very next day.


Steve approached the fountain, and saw Davie throw some coins in. He was shocked and very embarrassed. He didn't want his friend to see him succumbing to voodoo, even if his friend was doing the same thing. He quickly retreated and waited for Davie to leave. When Davie was out of sight, he went back to the fountain, and rashly threw in every piece of change he had, which came to $1.10 in nickels, dimes, and quarters.

When he was ready to make his wish, he looked around. There wasn't a soul around. He made his wish in a whisper, but it was certainly audible.

"Please God," he whispered, "Give me the strength to tell Davie how much I love him, and how much I want to be with him. I know he just wants to party all the time, and not settle down, at least for now, but I must tell him how I feel. If I don't, I'll go crazy. He may want to stop being my friend, but I'm willing to risk it. Dear God, I am so lonely. I can't stand going back to my apartment any more. It's forbidding and empty, and I hate the solitude."

Steve started to cry, and he ran all the way to his bus stop. When he got there, his bus was just approaching. He never knew why he did what he did next. He let the bus go by, just as he heard some inner voice whisper in his ear, "God helps those who help themselves."

The next bus to come along took a different route. It was the bus Davie would take to go home. In fact, Davie had taken the previous one. After he got seated on the bus, Steve took out his phone and called Davie.

Davie was surprised to get the call. He rarely got a call at home. If his friends wanted to make some arrangements to meet somewhere, it was usually done during their working hours. They hardly ever called each other just to chat. He glanced at the caller ID and answered the phone.

Steve," he said. "What's up?"

"Hi kiddo," Steve said brightly, hiding his depression. "I was wondering. Did you start dinner yet?"

"No. I just got in. I haven't even taken off my shoes yet."

Steve steeled himself. "I can pick you up in a few minutes. Would you like to go out to dinner with me? I feel like talking. What I don't feel like is spending another lonely evening alone." He couldn't believe he had said that. Steve expected Davie to laugh at him. He did not expect the answer he got.

"Steve," Davie said. "That's the nicest question anybody has ever asked me, and the greatest invitation. I don't want to be alone tonight either. I'll be ready when you get here."

Alex and Jason

Alex put a key into his office door, and he and Jason entered. Alex locked the door behind him. He led Jason through a small reception area. There were two doors in the room. One was on the left side, and the other was behind the receptionist's desk. The door on the left was open, but the other door was closed. Jason looked into the open room. One side was lined with file cabinets, and the other side was lined with office supplies. Between the two sides, on the far wall, there was some office equipment, which appeared to be a copy machine and a fax machine. There was no window in the room. Jason thought that maybe it was just meant to be a storeroom.

Alex opened the door behind the receptionist's desk. "This is my office," he said. Jason looked around. The office was sparsely furnished. Alex's degrees and his CPA certificate hung on the wall behind his desk. There was a large window on the left side, and underneath the window was a sofa. Two comfortable chairs faced the desk. Along the right wall there was a computer station.

"You can hug me now," Alex advised Jason.

Jason removed his knap sack, and wrapped his arms around Alex, but Alex had other ideas. He grabbed Jason's cock and started kneading lightly. At the same time, his lips found Jason's, and Jason's hand found Alex's package.

"How am I doing as a boss so far?" Alex asked.

"Pretty damned good. I've never made love to a boss before."

The two men began to strip. When they were fully naked they stared at each other, sizing themselves up, as is the habit of all men. They were both tight skinned and muscular. Alex was a 5'10" blue eyed blond. He had a straight nose and a square chin. His cock was cut and about four and a half inches flaccid, but now it was hard and nearly seven inches, Jason was 5'9", brown hair, blue eyes, pug nose, a few freckles, and as cute as a button. His cock was about the same size as Alex's, but he was uncut.

Jason fell on the sofa and lay on his back. Alex fell on top of him and they continued to kiss and fondle. Alex began to crawl up Jason's body until he was able to present his cock to Jason's mouth. Jason did not hesitate to take as much of Alex's cock into his mouth as he could, but he didn't neglect Alex's balls and inner thighs. His wandering tongue made Alex whimper and purr. Alex came gushing into Jason's mouth and Jason swallowed it all.

"I'm sorry," Alex said. "I didn't mean to cum so fast. It's been too long."

"No need to apologize," Jason laughed. "I came before you did.

Alex got up and got some tissues. First he used a finger to capture some of Jason's spunk, and the two men lapped it up greedily. Then he wiped Jason clean with tissues. They got dressed and sat on the sofa holding hands.

"You made me very happy," Alex said. "Do you think that this might be more than a one night stand?"


"Do you think you might want to move out of your dorm and into my apartment?"

"I'm graduating in a couple of months, so that's no problem. You'll have to take the rent out of my wages."

"Deal! Now are you going to tell me what you wished for?" Alex asked."

"Actually I asked for two things. First I asked for someone to love me, and then as an afterthought I wished to be offered a job in accounting, so I could stop struggling when school is over. Now you know, so tell me what you wished for."

"I wished for my ideal guy to sweep me off my feet. I turned around, and there he was. There you were."

Davie and Steve

Steve bounded into Davie's apartment. He was excited and he had a big grin on his face. He wanted desperately to wrap Davie up in his arms, but he restrained himself.

"I am so glad you came over tonight," Davie said. "I'm in the mood for company, and a quiet dinner for two."

"I couldn't agree more. I came directly from work and don't have my car. Is there a nice place nearby?"

"My car is in the garage below the building. We can use it if you have a specific place in mind. Otherwise there's a great little eclectic neighborhood restaurant just around the corner."

"That sounds fine," Steve said. "It's not the food I crave. It's your company." Steve said your company' instead of the company.' It was a little bold, but he hoped that Davie would get the subtle difference.

The more time that Steve was alone with Davie in the restaurant, the bolder he got. While they were waiting for the entrée, he even dared ask. "How come we never made it together?" He didn't know what kind of reaction that would get from Davie, but he was desperate.

"I dunno. Maybe it's because we've been just good buddies for so long."

Both of them had placed their folded hands on top of the table. Steve put his hand on Davie's. It was now or never. "Davie," he said, "I care for you a lot. In fact, I love you. I've wanted to tell you that for such a long time."

Davie just stared at Steve. He couldn't believe what he had just heard. He didn't know what to say or how to respond, so he just stared at Steve in silence.

Finally, he said a single word. "Fuck."

Steve was devastated, but nothing more was said because their entrées were served at that moment.

When the waiter left, Steve said, "Maybe I should leave now."

"If you dare leave this table, I'll track you down, lasso you, and drag you back to my apartment."

"What? What are you saying?"

"I'm saying that I feel the same way. I've been too chicken to say anything to you. Whenever I'm with a guy, I can't get into him because no guy ever measures up to you. Steve baby, I went to the wishing fountain tonight and I wished for you."

It was Steve's turn to remain silent. Finally he uttered, "Fuck. I wished for you."

They were too happy and excited to eat. They left most of their meal, paid, and left. They ran all the way home. No two people undressed quicker. When they were naked, things got a little awkward as they went through the checking out process. They could have passed for brothers. They both had light brown hair, dark brown eyes, Roman noses, square chins, muscular bodies, and cut cocks. They were both erect and measured about six and a half inches. They both stood about 5" 10" tall.

Finally, they fell into each other's arms and they grabbed the other's cock. They made love all through the night, and they both called in sick to work the next day. They were together every night for the rest of the week.


On Saturday, the three friends met at The Far Side. Alex brought Jason along, and introduced him as his first associate in his growing practice. He didn't mention their growing relationship.

Davie and Steve announced that they were moving in together.

Nobody mentioned the fountain in Roosevelt Square until Danny came running in, and announced that he had four numbers in that week's lottery. He had been visiting the fountain almost every day. Then they each related their amazing stories.

Danny proposed a toast, and they all drank to the fountain and to their good fortune. Nobody chalked up what happened to them as mere coincidence. They all gave credit to the wishing fountain.

"You just gotta believe in the fountain of dreams, and the dream will happen," Danny said after concluding their toast.

"Amen," said the other friends.

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