Fountain Of Lust

By moc.loa@egdEiZ

Published on Feb 10, 2000



Even the whoosh whoosh of the helicopter blades could not drown out the pompous assed scientists whining, nasally voice. I tried ignore him by looking out the window at the seemingly endless blue Pacific, but one wave looked much like another, and I could not ignore the professor as he began personally berating me for tripping while loading one of his crates onto the helicopter. None of the three of us who had been drafted wanted to be there, with the asshole scientist or without, but we had all gotten failing grades last semester, and this was our chance to make it up.

I rolled my eyes as the old man turned and started chewing out the pilot, he really wasn't happy unless everyone around him was miserable. I didn't know the other two guys with me for the trip, we had only just met today. Brad looked like a Brad, a jock, all American, you know the deal. Dirty blonde hair, big hard body, blue eyes. The other guy, Tony, was an escapee from a movie of the week about the mob, all stereotypes in full swing, tanned skin, dark hair, not as much of a hard body as Brad but hot just the same. So far, all I knew about them, was that they didn't like each other.

Soon the island came into sight, an emerald embedded in the sapphire sea, a lush tropical paradise, rich with plant and small animal life. Only recently discovered from orbit, the professor was going to do botanical field research here, and as part of the agreement that had been made for funding was that we were to set up a radio transmitter relay on top the prominence at the north end of the island.

We set down on a beach with brilliantly white sand, Brad, Tony, and I unloading and the professor directing. As soon as the last crate was off loaded the pilot stuck his head out the door, "I have to get going, there's a storm on the way. You guys should set up camp before it gets here."

"How long do we have?" The professor asked.

"About an hour." And with that, the pilot slammed the hatch shut, and in moments was taking off and winging back off in the direction from which we had come.

"All right, you heard the man! Let's lug all of this into those trees over there, that'll make a good site, for now." Of course, when he was talking about lugging, he was talking about us.

We dragged all of the crates into the shelter of the trees, and after rummaging through them came up with two tents. As we began setting them up, the professor wandered off into the forest, mumbling out loud about the plant life.

Brad snorted, "I suppose we three have to share one tent while he gets one all to himself."

Tony groaned, "This sucks."

"There's no one around but us four." I said with an evil grin, "Who is there to stop us from making him sleep on the ground and we take both tents."

Brad laughed, "Yeah, and spend the rest of our lives in college, he'd flunk us for sure."

"I dunno, this place seems all right, better then begging my parents for more money to finish school."

"I heard that." Tony said.

By the time the professor returned, the tents had been set up, as well as a space cleared for a fire and lined with boulders. The first drops of rain were beginning to fall, and the wind was picking up. Off in the distance a rumble could be heard, still far off and still faint, but loud, and constant. As we had suspected, the old geezer claimed one whole tent for himself, after grabbing some books and equipment out of the rates, he sealed himself up inside it, plainly settled in to wait out the storm.

The three of us eyed each other, and then the tent, doubtfully, suddenly the tent seemed smaller then it had appeared before. Upon seeing the one tent, I figured I could sleep on the ground under the stars, but not during this storm. A sharp whip crack of thunder, and a burst of wind decided us, we all scrambled to collect some of our belongings and off into the tent. Right off, we knew our night would be full of misery. I of course got the bad luck of being in the middle, and there was barely enough room for the three of us to lie on our backs, and still our shoulders touched and they were pressed against the walls of the tent, straining the fabric.

Everyone had a short fuse all through the afternoon, none of us could sleep, it was still early enough in the day that we weren't tired, whenever anyone tried to move into a better position for comfort, it disrupted the other two, and we all had to rearrange ourselves and usually got into an argument besides. But we read, and thank god for Italians, Tony brought cards and dice and Brad had a Walkman.

The dim light of the storm faded, and night came, and the storm showed no sign of relenting. Eventually, lacking anything better to do in the dark, and having run out of things to talk about, one by one we slowly drifted off into sleep. It was hard to sleep, I woke up several times, the first time to discover myself firmly wedged between Tony and Brad, I felt uncomfortable, I had a woody and it poked into Brads ass, and Tony had a woody, a big one from the feel of it, jammed up against my ass. Eventually I was able to fall asleep again, but I woke up at least half a dozen more times, still in the same position.

The professor woke us early, harassing us until we were up out of the tent, and after shoving a list of chores into Brads hand, he wandered off into the trees laden with sample cases and various tools. I went over to the far end of the camp by the trees, hauled out my cock, and let a furious stream of piss spout off into the undergrowth. Brad and Tony were soon next to me, doing the same, and I couldn't help looking. Tony was still very stiff, and his piss came slowly, and Brads fat cock hung totally limp as he pissed.

We didn't bother changing our clothes, today's work would be dirty, and we started doing the things on the list. Setting up lamp poles, the little portable generator, the little propane stove, and we erected a four poled canopy over the few folding chairs and table. We worked well together, so by shortly after noon, we were checking off the last item on the list. Still, the professor had not returned, and had not left us any other instructions.

"I don't know about you guys, but I'm down for a swim." Tony told us, and began trotting down to the beach. A split second later, Brad and I followed.

None of us had brought bathing suits, and no one complained for the lack, but after watching Tony and Brad slip out of their clothes, seeing their muscles rippling in the sun and their cock and balls bouncing around, I had to take a few deep breaths and take conscious control of my pecker.

The warm saltwater was soothing on our aching muscles, and we did more lounging then horseplay. I was amazed at how warm the water was, the waters of my native Long Island Sound never got this warm, as far north as they were. I wasn't the only one with a stiff cock, for the most part the water blurred below the waist, but I made it a special point to notice.

After a while, we got out, and ran nude back to the camp, cocks bouncing and loose balls swinging all the way. After we climbed into some fresh clothing, we decided to go out and look for the professor, and see if he was all right. We grabbed some of the gear meant for moving through the jungle, high boots, gloves, machetes to hack a trail through the wall of growth. There were no large animals on the island, but there were numerous birds and lizards, as well as rodents and insect life. We traveled in the general direction that we had seen the professor follow, but we found neither him nor sign of his passing.

Before long, the jungle thinned out, and we found ourselves at the bottom of a rocky slope, only here and there did clumps of grass or a small twisted tree dare to eke out a living.

"He wouldn't have gone up there, would he?" Brad asked me.

I shrugged, and Tony pointed upward, "Look, it looks like a cave up there."

I kept looking where Tony pointed, but I couldn't see the cave, and neither could Brad. I looked up at the sky, we still had plenty of daylight left, "Lets go check it out then."

It was a relatively easy climb up the slope, despite its steepness, and the tendency of handholds to suddenly dissolve as you climbed. Up another slope, I saw it, a small hole in the rock face, leading into darkness. With a told-you-so expression on his face, Tony led the way up to the cave.

Up close, we could see that the edges of the cave mouth had been carved with strange pictures, that Tony said looked like hieroglyphics or something similar. Down a narrow, dark corridor we went, and came out into a chamber as brightly lit as day, thanks to the hole in the roof of the cave. In the center of the cave lay the weirdest thing I'd ever seen. I giant stone penis, pointing up to the sky, with a small trickle of water leaking from its tip, and being caught in a small catch basin at its base.

The professor was collapsed and unconscious by the catch basin. We ran over to him and turned him over, and Tony pulled some smelling salts out of his pack. The professor sputtered and coughed as he came to, and I couldn't help blushing upon noticing his boner jutting out the front of his pants.

"Professor, what happened?"

He pushed our hands away, and met all attempts at help with a snarl, "It must have been the heat and the exertion from the climb, I'm fine now."

"Is this water safe to drink?" Tony asked him, "I'm parched."

"Ah, yes, I tested it, it seems fine, and I drank from it a short while before my collapse. We can haul water from here instead of using the purifiers, maybe."

Tony was kneeling next to the catch basin, and gasped as he took a drink, "Must be cold water."

I knelt, and took a drink from the water, and gasped too, suddenly I was horny as hell, and a wave lust spread outward through my body, originating from my balls and then ending up back there. I took a moment before I stood up again, but still my boner did not go down much. Brad had the same reaction as Tony and I, and I noticed he too was hard when he stood. I eyed the fountain thoughtfully.

"I'm starving." The professor told us as he gathered up his things, "Who's cooking tonight."

Brad sighed and raised his hand. The walk back was uneventful, except the whole way I had an uncontrollable hard on, I practically ran on ahead so no one would see it. Dinner was a simple one of cheeseburgers done on the propane stove, and we all ate ravenously, starving from our days exertions.

Soon nightfall came again, clear and brightly lit by the almost full moon. The professor settled in to start entering notes into his portable, Tony and Brad went down to the beach to wash the dishes, so I went into the tent and lay down, grateful for the momentary solitude. My thoughts kept turning to sexual things, and the piece of wood between my legs ached dully, and throbbed relentlessly. I ran my hand up and down my cock, it seemed thicker, and longer then its usual eight inches. It was a dark purple color, and veins stood out from the hardness of it. I smacked it against my hands experimentally, and almost came from the sensation. I was so sensitive!

I shoved my stiff cock back into my shirts when I heard footsteps approaching, and was pulling my shirt over my head in preparation for bed when Tony and Brad stuck their heads into the ten flap, and came inside. They also started removing clothing in anticipation of the rainless nights heat, and though it all took place in the dark, I had been in the tent and my eyes were more adjusted then theirs were. Brad stripped down to nothing but his boxers, and he had to keep poking his boner back into them. Tony, the one with no shame, stripped totally naked, and slept on top of his bean bag. Already asleep, he spread his legs our in his sleep, and his knee was almost jabbing into my balls, and as I lay there on my side, I kept catching myself hungrily eyeing Tony's thick piece.

Hearing both Brad and Tony's breathing even out into that of deep sleep, I reached out in the dark, carefully at first, just in case he was awake, my fingers brushing across his hairy thighs, searching for the heavy ball sack. I found it, heavy and sweaty as I hefted it in my hands, his balls rolled around in their loose sack, in his sleep, Tony sighed. I moved my hands off of his balls and up the rigid length of his shaft. My heart was racing, my mouth dry, he was the biggest man I'd ever seen, I stroked his cock up and down, enjoying the velvety hot skin, the broad, blunt cockhead, and every throbbing inch of meat in between.

Slowly I shifted, until I could lean over him in the dark. My face was directly above his crotch, the musky man scent wafting up to my nostrils and driving me insane. Slowly, carefully, listening for any sign of him waking up, I stretched my lips around his firm cock head, and, listening all of the time, I moved my lips up and down his shaft, figuring that if he didn't wake up after all that tugging, he would not wake up for this. Tony must have been really horny, because after only a moment, a frustratingly short one, his man fluid was fountaining into my mouth, thick, strong, and hot where some droplets of it splashed on my cheek.

I laid back down, and just as I did, Brad rolled over in his sleep, his bare legs pinning mine down, his chest so close to mine I could feel some of the fine hairs tickling my nipples, and the thick band of iron sticking out the hole in his boxers was resting on my bare thigh. I wanted to do the same for him that I did for Tony, but I wouldn't be able to get into the right position without waking him up. It was very hard falling asleep.

When I woke in the predawn light the next morning, Brad was in the same position, if not snuggled up closer, and in his sleep he muttered to someone, and moaned. In his sleep, he began thrusting, gently, if insistently, against my thigh, and before long he was ejaculating all over me. He woke in the middle of his orgasm, and with one horrified look at me, he got up and ran out of the tent, sperm still spurting from the tip of his wiener.

Tony still wasn't awake, so I got up and followed after Brad. Even though the sun was just beginning to peek over the horizon, the professor was already gone, a note from him on the table. I heard footsteps running off toward the beach, and I followed after. It was already humid and hot, and I was glad that I had not put any more clothing on when I left, although my feet ached for some shoes walking over pebbles and sharp rocks. Brad was down by the water, kneeling next to it, his arm swinging back and forth, as if he were beating eggs. I stopped dead in shock when I realized he was jerking off.

He must of heard me, he turned to look at me. His face was all red and sweaty, his whole body shone with his exertion. He looked half crazed, "Something weird is happening to me man, I've been so horny since yesterday, I didn't know what I was doing man, I was sleeping, really!"

"I know man, its cool." I got a little closer, his tortured erection looked no closer to going down.

"I jerked off yesterday, and if anything it made me hornier." He was red-faced with shame.

I didn't mention how hard my dick had been, too, nor did I mention how hard it was right then, I'm sure he noticed, "Look dude, I'll, uh, leave you alone now, I just wanted you to know everything was cool, and ask you not to tell anyone."

"Yeah right, like I'd ever tell anyone!"

I left him, and before I even turned to walk away, he was stroking again. I went back to the camp, and read the professors note, which was an even bigger list of chores then yesterday. I stuck my head inside the tent to wake Tony up just as he was tugging a pair of jogging shorts over his huge wang. Not even bothering with a shirt, he climbed out of the tent, and I went in and pulled some shorts on over my underwear before joining him at the grill.

"Where's Brad? He's supposed to be doing the cooking." Tony asked me.

"He's down at the beach washing up, I think." I told him.

"Do you feel funny today?" He asked me.


"Ever since yesterday, I've had this funny feeling in my head, almost like smoking reefer, and I've been hard almost all the time." His face blushed beet red as he told me the last, "I was thinking, maybe if you guys were feeling it too, that we might have caught something or been bitten by something."

"I've been hard too," I told him, "But I don't know about feeling high."

We didn't have much to talk about after that, and Brad hadn't returned, so Tony told me he was going to go read in the tent. After about five minutes, I heard a groan, and doubted he was reading text books. Soon Brad returned, and started cooking breakfast, his bone still sticking out the front of his boxers, and a miserable attitude besides. I was starting to feel a little lightheaded, and my dick was throbbing insistently in my shorts.

Brad called Tony out from the tent, and we sat there and ate breakfast in silence, nobody in a good mood, and even sitting down was uncomfortable because of our hard on's. I finished eating first, and went into the tent. As I lay myself down, my hand ran across a sticky puddle on my blanket. That turned me on even more then I already was, finding a puddle of Tony's sperm.

Listening for the sounds of approach, I scooped up some of the sperm and massaged it all over my cock, covering every inch of my shaft with it. I squeezed my balls, pulling on them with one hand, and stroked for all I was worth with the other hand. I started sweating heavily almost immediately, and that added to the slippery sensation in my body. I thought of waking to find Brad thrusting against me, and seeing him at the beach. It wasn't long before I felt the familiar pressure, and my cocks was fountaining into the air.

Brad popped his head into the tent flap, and saw me laying there with my hand still holding my oozing cock, and his faced blushed bright red and he gasped, "Oh my god!"

He pulled back out of the tent before I could even think to cover myself. I slid into my shorts, my cock still mostly hard, and went out of the tent.

Brad was no where in sight when I came out, "Where'd Brad go?"

"He ran down towards the beach." Tony told me.

I walked down to the beach, and saw him far down at the beginning of the cliffs, walking, but he must have started out running to get that far, so I jogged toward him, quickly losing my breath, the sand shifting under my feet and making my legs ache. His back was turned to me, and he didn't here me coming until the last minute.

"What's wrong man, don't get so embarrassed."

"It's not that." He had a sick look to his face, and his voice was unsteady, "You promise you won't be pissed?"

"Yeah, sure." I told him.

"I got turned on when I saw you like that. I almost came in my pants. I've never even thought about a guy before, I swear, it was weird."

My mouth went dry, and suddenly my cock was a stiff, throbbing lump in my pants, and my balls ached like I'd just been kicked in the crotch. Not knowing what to say to that, but knowing how I wanted to respond, I just reached out, and grabbed his dick.

He gasped, and bucked his hips forward involuntarily, pressing his thick bone against my hand. He opened his mouth to say something, maybe a protest, or an encouragement, but I never found out. I yanked him by the arm, pressing him roughly against my body, I clamped my mouth over his in a long, soppy kiss, every line of his body burning against mine. I felt his body stop resisting, his muscles untensed, and he wrapped his thick arms around me. He returned the kiss ferociously, jabbing his tongue into my mouth, and reaching down to squeeze my ass cheeks in his hand, first one, then the other.

He broke his mouth free, and looked around. I did too, and no one was in sight, only the long stretch of blinding beach, and the deep blue green ocean stretching off into forever. He pulled me to the ground, a crazed look in his eyes, and began tearing off my clothes. I jammed my hand down the waist band of his shorts, took a firm hold on his hefty wanger, and squeezed him hard. He groaned, but his callused hands never ceased their wandering all over my skin, exploring between my legs, cupping my balls, and squeezing my pecs.

I tore at his shirt, revealing a wide expanse of his torso, which looked to be carved from granite, I slapped his tits, so hard the sounds came out as cracks, and I pulled on his cock like I wanted to root it up.

"I want you to suck me." He moaned.

I rolled him over on his back, and tugged his shorts down to his knees, and his huge hard on sprang out to greet me. I grabbed it by the base, leaned over, and swirled my tongue around the thick, blunt cock head, lapping up the small jewel of liquid in the bargain. I widened my jaw further and his head disappeared into my mouth, and a few inches of his swollen red shaft. I sucked on his tip like he was a vanilla milk shake and my straw was clogged, and all he could do was keep yelling, "Oh my god! Oh my god!"

I couldn't get enough of him, even with my head bobbing up and down on his cock, I jiggled his balls in my hand, probed between his fuzzy cheeks with a cautious thumb, tortured his nipples between my thumb and forefinger. He was all broken up, babbling when not yelling, and writhing under my attentions.


His hips heaved, his dick wedged down my throat as hot sperm jetted out of his organ. I gulped it hungrily, not disappointed with the portions either, I could not even get it all and some drooled down my chin.

His cock plopped out of my mouth, only about half hard now, and both of us were panting. I stuck my finger in his asshole again, his muscles could take me now. He realized what I intended, and his eyes bulged, "No dud, hell no, not that!"

"Yeah, that!" I growled.

I climbed on top of him, pinning his body beneath mine, I clamped my mouth over his again to shut him up, and roughly spread his legs apart with my knees. I spit in my hand, and lubed up my log, and then his hole for good measure. I prodded and pulled the opening of his ass until he quivered, then tapped my cock head up against it. He moaned against me again, and most of his resistance was gone by now as I parted him, and slid in.

He tried to cry out, but his mouth was caught in mine, and I stifled it with a kiss. I could feel his heart pounding through our touching chests, and it seemed I could feel it pulse through every limb, his skin was like satin, and I lost myself in squeezing him tight as I thrust as far as I could into his depths.

Then it all became too much, his sweaty skin sliding against mine, the way his asshole clasped the length of my cock. his hands pulling my ass cheeks, and I came into him, pushing deep one last time to unload inside him, filling him to overflowing and it drizzled down his ass and soaked into the sand.

To be continued.........

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