Four Days in Greece

By moc.oohay@wodahs_dna_htaed_fo

Published on May 3, 2008



If it is illegal for you to read this story, do not read it. This story is purely fictional, involving oral and anal sex of two guys. If this is not your cup of tea, do not read further. Otherwise, enjoy!

I had been living with my dad in the US during my high school and college years, and I spent my summers with my mom in Greece. One particular summer, when I was 18 and in sophomore year in college (I had done a few test outs and independent studies, and otherwise held a full schedule to jump ahead like this), still remains in memory as the best one. It was about mid-July, and very hot. My mom came up with a proposition for me to cool off a bit. She lived in Athens, and that place got really hot and really crowded in the summer. Her parents lived in a house right next to the sea, on the western-most of the three "fingers" of the Greek peninsula.

Apparently, the two wanted to come up and visit their daughter, for a change of pace and scenery, but were way too paranoid about leaving their house. So, mom proposed that I go down there and housesit for a week, so they could come visit her. She persuaded them that I was very responsible (I had to be, to get such a jump in my schooling), and all was set. Now, the one thing that was bothering me was the rules my grandparents set forth. I was not allowed to go further than the beach, which was a mere sixty feet from their house, and the few shops in pretty much the same radius. If I left the house, I was to lock up all doors and close and lock all windows, and even lock the gate. That would last forever, considering that the thing was a two-story mansion with a large front and back yard. Lastly, there was one quasi-relief-- I was allowed to bring friends over, but that was limited to one person at a time. That did not bother me much-- I did not know a lot of people down there, seeing as how I visited my grandparents only during the past two years.

I packed up and left Athens by bus, and after a very sticky, hot, and sweaty ride, I was greeted by my grandparents in front of their house. They were packed and ready to grab the very bus I came over with. We said our hellos, we said our goodbyes, and they were off. I, on the other hand, stood, as each year before that, in front of the house and gazing at its splendor. They were very rich people, and they did not save any money on their residence. It was white marble, with huge windows all over the walls. There was a set of glass doors in the back left end, which could all open easily to let a cool breeze in. The front of the door was shadowed by a large porch, perhaps twenty feet in length, ending with magnificent pillars and covered by the upstairs portion of the house. Right above the area in front of the front door, there was a balcony, and I knew that there was another one like on the opposite side. The front lawn was filled with green grass, perfectly cut, and there were two rows of flowers leading up to the porch. The middle of the lawn was adorned with a really old olive tree that had its thick branches twining in such a way as to provide a very comfortable flat space in the middle, like a large mattress. I was never certain whether the tree just grew like that, or if my grandparents had somehow manipulated it into that shape.

The back lawn had more of the grass, plus a small concrete area surrounding a pool that took up the middle, with its surface covering about three quarters of the expansive lawn. It was filled and ready for use.

I knew my way around the house by now, and placed my luggage into one of the four large bedrooms, each with its own private bathroom (mostly white marble and silver), king size bed, and dresser. I headed to the bathroom to wash off the day's sweat, and stripped my clothes and discarded them to the side, looking at myself appraisingly in the vanity mirror. I never liked the way I looked, though I didn't do much to change it, seeing how my girlfriend Beth loved it. I was not a pushover, but it wasn't all that hard to convince me into doing or not doing things either. I had been fencing, swimming, and on the boys gymnastics team throughout my education, so what I saw in the mirror was the lithe, narrow-hipped, very well-defined, yet almost distinctly girlish physique of someone who had not much strength, but packed enormous amounts of speed and flexibility. I brushed the strand of my growing bangs out of my eyes, and stared into the radiant green globes below. My eyes were the one feature on me I liked. My hair was yet more proof that people could easily influence me-- Beth had insisted that I would look even cuter with long hair, so I decided to let it grow. Right now, it was at the infuriating length where stuff just kept getting in front of my eyes or right into my ears. Every morning was an agony-filled battle against a messy mop of raven black that kept waving and curling every which way it wanted. I was never one to brag, but my dick wasn't all too bad either, or at least so I thought, with six and a half inches when erect. Beth didn't have any complaints.

I showered, and after the hour spent under the cold water (I always preferred ice cold water over hot, even in the winter), went back into the bedroom, and chose a pair of blue swimming trunks that fell loosely down to my knees. I grabbed a towel and headed for the pool, not feeling like locking every single damn door in the house before visiting the beach. That was another thing, I frequently had the urge to obey rules, even when I wouldn't get caught breaking them.

I swam around for about half an hour, and then got out and onto one of the chairs, gazing off at the beach, watching people pass by. I loved the position I had by the pool, because it was at the perfect distance from the beach to very nicely see the bodies of the passing people. I had been gay for three years, and prided myself for being able to keep those emotions bottled up and very well hidden. I had no problem having sex with Beth, but it just didn't make me orgasm nearly as fantastically as when I jacked off thinking of some of the guys from the swimming team. Still, I kept it under control for three years, and intended to keep on doing that until I could distance myself from my parents-- my dad was an extreme case of a homophobe, and my mom considered gays the bane of humanity.

I watched the cute guys going in and out of the water, and most were well-built, nice eye-candy, and I felt myself slowly get an erection. Acting on impulse, I stood up and went to find the keys to the house, wanting to get a closer look at the beach. I had found them on the kitchen table, and then headed towards the pool, intending to lock the back gate first and take the longer route through town, hopefully losing the hard-on in the process. As I came out of the house, I went to grab my towel, which I'd left on the chair. My hand closed around it, and I saw a shadow cover it.


I looked up and was struck then and there. I had always been proud of being able to hold myself back from any lust, but this time the unthinkable happened. My knees felt very weak and I actually faltered, grabbing the table quickly and holding myself up before I actually fell and made a fool of myself. In front of me was the most beautiful boy I had ever seen. He had black hair, like mine, but his fell only to just above his ears, and the ends curled up lightly. His eyes were also black, and big, obsidian circles I could drown in. He had a straight nose and full lips, and his face looked as if it had been chiseled to perfection.

My gaze slowly floated down to the strong neck and magnificently defined chest, and further down along the toned arms with huge guns for biceps, and the perfect six-pack, with the faintest hint of black hairs starting at his belly button and trickling down to disappear into the red shorts, which snuggly stuck to his narrow hips and muscular legs, showing me an outline of his member, a thing I could not see but could only imagine the beauty of. His legs were strong, muscular, and they were very long. The shorts came down to about half-way along his powerful thighs, and the rest was left for me to indulge in, with beautiful calfs and without the usual carrot-form guys seemed to get.

I looked back up quickly upon realizing my horribly obvious expression and tried to smile.

"H-hey..." I ventured, stammering, as if his beauty were tangible and washing over me in waves.

He smiled and I felt weak all over again as those pearly white, perfect teeth flashed in the sun. He was tanned, obviously having spent a lot of his time on the beach, and his entire body was perfectly smooth, save for the trickle of hair towards his crotch and ample hair in his underarms.

"Are you all right?" he spoke in perfect English, although there was an accent to his words which I could not trace.

"Er...yeah...yeah...sorry..." I stammered again, looking intently down onto the ground, trying to figure out what to say. Then it flashed on me that this guy was leaning on the fence, somewhat distant from the beach.

"Um...what are here?"

He smiled again and I almost fell again.

"Just thought I would come by and say hi. I saw you watching the people on the beach. I always put my towel up there," he said, pointing to a very close hilltop, which was not only in the perfect spot to also watch people on the beach, but to watch people in this back yard as well.

"Oh," I said stupidly, staring at the ground, refusing to look up into those obsidian orbs, knowing they would hypnotize me.

"Yeah. So, my name's James," he said, and I finally realized that there was a bit of British in that accent, but also somewhat sharper, as if he were from the northern parts or something.

"Oh, I'm, er," for a moment I couldn't remember my name, and I panicked, but the memory came back, "Alexander."

He extended a hand, and I timidly grabbed it, shaking it only lightly, almost passing out at the firm grasp he had on it.

"Alex, then," he stated in a matter-of-fact tone, and then let go of my hand.

"So, Alex, are you gonna invite me in?"

I stared stupidly at the gate, and then quickly scuttled to open it.

"Oh, yeah, sorry, I kind of forgot..."

He entered, and I moved to the side. He walked over to the beds, and I could not help but gaze at that beautiful ass, with muscular, bubble cheeks. My mind went crazy with lust, and I needed all the willpower I could muster to hold back from tackling him.

He propped himself down on the bed and spread his legs lightly, so they were hanging over the edge of the bed. He looked over at me before I could avert my gaze from his abs, and smiled.

"Come now, let's not make this a one-sided conversation."

"Oh, er, sorry," I said, coming closer and sitting gingerly on a bed right next to his.

"Um...why did you come here? It's kind of odd..."

"Oh, well, I told you, I saw you watching people."

"So?" I still didn't get it.

"No, I saw you watching people," this time he emphasized it and the truth dawned on me. He saw me watching guys and getting a hard on. I was so embarrassed that I actually felt my cheeks turn red as I looked down to the ground.

Before I could do anything, I saw his feet parallel to mine, and his hand came into view, grabbing my chin. He raised it and forced me to look at those eyes. From frantic thoughts about concealing that I was obviously gay, my mind went to a happy stupor.

"Hey, it's okay, I like doing that too."

"" What the hell!

"Yeah. Actually, I was watching you," again, he emphasized, and again I felt week, but hard as my head tried going down to the ground, he held it firmly in its position.


"Yeah, you. I really like the way you look, Alex."


"Yeah. So, are you really gay? Or were you watching the chicks?"

"I was watching the girls. I, er, I have a girlfriend. Beth," I said, repeating the name for emphasis and nodding my head fervently. He laughed, and his deep, resonating voice seemed to clash with my body and fill my very bones with a tingling feeling.

"You're amazing, you know that? You get so damn confused when you look at me, and you still deny the fact that you're gay. It's obvious, come on, admit it."

I was stuck. What could I do? There was no hiding it, so I said, "Yeah...I'"

"There, was that so bad? I'm going to guess that you are a closet case, probably 'cause of your parents? It figures, really, form your reaction. You guard it like a snake hides its legs," he laughed again, and as I tingled all over, I realized that not only was this guy absolutely gorgeous, but he also had an intellect to follow.

"So...have you ever had sex with a guy?" he asked, and I blushed.


"Yeah, so?"

"Er...nothing." It really seemed to be unimportant as I gazed at those eyes.


"So what?"

"Have you?"


He smiled and let my head go.

"Do you want to?"

I was stunned.


"Do you want to have a sexual relationship with a guy?" he repeated patiently.

God, did I ever! I didn't exclaim this, however, and instead just nodded timidly. As soon as I did, however, I was flying off the bed, pulled by his strong arms as they grasped my shoulders. I landed on him, and our faces were almost connected.

"How about we call this a trial, hm? Just for a few days, nothing special," he said and kissed me, and my eyes opened up in a deer-in-the-headlights kind of way. As soon as I started savoring those wonderful lips with the slight touch of salt on them from the sea, I felt something strange and realized it was his tongue plowing through my through-shock-open mouth, caressing my own.

I was in seventh heaven, and immediately sprang a boner, but was paralyzed to do much else. He stopped the kiss and distanced me a bit, smiling.

"You're a very good kisser, Alex."

"Oh, er, thanks."

"Now, let's take care of that boner you've got," he said and pushed me down, so that I was sitting on the same bed as he, and opposite him, our feet to the sides. He grabbed the waistband of my shorts, and pulled it down to reveal my raging hard cock. He grabbed it and began slowly running his hands over it. He had sunscreen on, so it served as a good lubricant. I had never had a guy touch my dick before, and this felt divine. It wasn't long before I was gasping and moaning and bending my body any way he wanted, but he did little other than keep on stroking.

Soon after, I almost screamed as I blew the biggest load I'd ever had, my body jerking in divine orgasm. The sperm flew everywhere, got on his hand, and all over my belly. I gasped and slumped down, only to get a direct look with the outline of his own erection, a beast confined by those shorts. I reached up to jerk him off, but he held my hand.

"Heh, not yet, Alex," he said and smiled, bending down and kissing me fiercely again. He raised his cum covered hand and licked it lightly with his tongue, taking the semen into his mouth and swallowing it. He smiled and pushed me lightly off, getting up.

"James..." I started but he waved his head.

"I gotta go, Alex, but I'll see you tomorrow," he smiled and left, leaving me sitting there in shock, amazement, and exasperation.

I could barely fall asleep that night, and I had jerked off three times to wonderful orgasms.

When I woke up, it was already noon, and I was afraid I had missed him, so I ran down in my plain boxer shorts, which were a plain gray. As I came to the pool, I saw no one around, and was extremely disappointed.

I went back up and showered, slipped into a pair of swimming shorts, this time a bit shorter and dark green in color, and went down to the pool, lying down in one of the beds and closing my eyes, hoping that I didn't anger him. I couldn't stop thinking of him, so I soon sprang another boner.

It seemed that I had dozed off for a while, and when I came to, I decided to get rid of the aching erection. I moved my hand to my shorts, but it was slapped away. Surprised, I opened my eyes, and there he was, right in front of me, kneeling by my side.

"I thought you'd forgotten me," he said with a smile, and I stammered out an explanation of sleeping in.

"Why did you stay up late?"

"Well, um..."


Somehow, I could not lie to him.

"I was thinking of you...jacking off..."

"Ah," he seemed to know all about it, or so his smile implied.

"Ready for round two?" he asked, and I started getting up, but he held me in my current position.

"Just relax, and don't do anything, Alex. Today I'll show you one more pleasure," he said, and his hands moved up slowly to grasp my shoulders as his lips closed on mine and he explored the cavern of my mouth for a few seconds. He moved down, and left my lips open and craving for more. He began licking down my neckline, and then circled his tongue around each of my nipples, making them stand up harder than I had ever thought possible. He flicked each one with his tongue for a while, and then moved down, circling my abs and belly button. His hands moved down to remove my shorts, and I found myself lifting my body to ease it up for him without even thinking about it.

My dick was yet again exposed, and he moved with his tongue further down, playing with the tangle of pubic hair I had, and then licking my balls, sucking on each one for a while. Finally, he moved to my dick, licking up the shaft and flicking a few times the very tip, taking off the drops of precum that had formed there. His hands moved from my sides (where they remained after discarding the shorts), and up along my hips. He grabbed my nipples each between an index finger and thumb, and started squeezing as his lips closed around my bulging dickhead.

I was in heaven and let out a throaty moan, and he moved down and down and down along my shaft, managing to put all of it in his mouth, his nose letting out hot breaths onto my pubes as his fingers twisted and pinched my ever-hardening nipples. As my dickhead slammed into the back of his throat, I thought it couldn't get any better, but I was wrong. I have no idea what is it that he did, but all of a sudden my cock was being massaged deep in the back of his throat, and I was moaning and thrashing all over, trying to relieve the pure erotic pleasure. Finally, I couldn't take it any more as he started bobbing up and down, and I blew my load, shooting all of it into his throat. He did not remove, but just squeezed my nipples tighter and buried my dick into the back of his throat, and kept it there until I was done.

Even after that, he moved up only suck up all the cum left from me, and he nursed my dick in his mouth all the way until I was so spent that I went placid.

He pulled off, smacked his lips and swallowed, and smiled at me.

"You're very tasty," he said, and I just stared at him in amazement, speechless.

"James...that was...awesome..." I gasped between breaths, and he nodded.

"I know, I thought you'd like it. Well," he suddenly said, standing up and showing yet again his erection through the outline of those tight shorts which were now starting to make me go wild with anticipation. I wanted to see it, and reached up, but he slapped my hand away again.

"I'll see you tomorrow," he said, and before I could say anything he walked off, leaving me both loving him and hating him. I loved him for what he did to me with his mouth, but I hated him for taking away from me the pleasure of seeing his dick.

That whole day, I could do nothing but imagine that cock and try to figure out how it looked, what it would feel like, what was it that hid beneath those horrid red shorts. That night, I fell asleep quickly, and dreamt of James, still finding it hard to believe it was all true.

I woke up early in the morning, and headed down, this time just wrapping a towel around my naked body. Shorts were obviously obsolete.

I sat on the bed we apparently were going to use every time, and he came promptly, smiling at me with that divine mouth.

"Hey, there, handsome."

"Hey yourself," now I was more free around him, possibly because there was no cryptic conversation between us any more.

He smiled and nodded.

"Today's your lucky day."

"How so?"

"I want you to jack me off."

My heart leapt at the thought of finally seeing that dick. I reached for his ever-present shorts, but he held my hand.

"First you have to get me hard, though. I'll tell you when that happens," he said in response to my frustrated groan. I couldn't believe that he was going to torture me like this.

I was intent on seeing that cock, however, so I immediately embraced him and started kissing him, shoving my tongue down his mouth and wrestling with his own tongue as it tied to go down mine. Meanwhile my hands were caressing his sides, but I could not feel his dick even start to harden. I moved away from his mouth and started nibbling on his ear as my hands reached back and grabbed his ass cheeks through the shorts, one in each hand. I started kneading them, squeezing and squeezing and enjoying the feel of those two perfect muscles, and I could finally feel the dick start to harden.

I went on in my game for a while longer, and it seemed that it would be an eternity before that monster got completely hard, as it just kept growing. Finally, he stopped me and whispered the magic word.


I grabbed the waistband of his shorts, and he held my hands for a moment.


I obeyed despite the urge to get it over with, and slowly started peeling them down, inch by inch, watching the monstrous cock behind them reveal itself. When they were finally off, I was staring at a beast of maybe eight or nine inches, straight as an arrow and thick, with an even bigger head.

I swallowed hard, as if I were required to do more than just hold it.

"Like it?"

I nodded and reached up with my hand.

He stopped me again.

"How much?"


"How much do you like it?"

That was an odd question.

"What do you mean?"

He stood like that, his dick accusingly pointing at me. I knew what he meant. And I knew what I wanted.

"If you're going to do it, you gotta put all of it in your mouth.

"What!? No way!?"

"Alex," he smiled knowingly, "you're a bottom."

I never thought of this, but I knew I wasn't one.

"No, I'm not!"

"You so are."


"Fine, let's do a test. I'll jack you off, and you jack me off afterwards. If you get hard from just touching my dick, you'll admit you're a bottom and you'll suck my cock."

I started waving my head no, but I couldn't disagree with that gorgeous face as it looked down at me, surrounded by a halo from the sun.

"All right, fine," I said, certain of my being a top.

He knelt down and jacked me off quickly, but it was no less of an experience than the first time. I came quickly, splattering cum all over the concrete, and then he stood back up, saying it was my turn.

I grabbed hold of the dick, amazed at how little my hand seemed compared to it. I started running my hand up and down, but as soon as I did, I started getting a boner. I leaned a bit closer to hide it, and went on, but it was futile-- I was already completely hard again.

He moved my head out of the way and laughed. He fell silent then, and waited. I knew what I needed to do.


"Then get to it."

I did. I licked his head timidly, and then put my moist lips around it. I started bobbing up and down on it, and started getting the thing into my mouth. I went down halfway, and my mouth felt full. He was stroking my hair lovingly. I moved down lower, and at about three quarters, it hit my throat and I gagged and started pulling back, but his hand became firm and he held me about halfway.

"You gotta get that last quarter, buddy...that was the deal."

I wanted to tell him that I wanted to, that I would like to have all of it in my mouth, but just couldn't, but he wouldn't allow me to move off the dick to say it. I started down again, and again hit the gag wall, and started turning back.

"One more time buddy, and then I'll just have to make you."

I was frightened, but excited at the same time. I grabbed his hips and moved him around, and that was signal enough for him to let go of my head. I told him to sit down on the bed, and he did, leaning back. I returned to his cock, and he placed his hand back on my head.

I started moving down, and tried to ignore the gag reflex. Somewhat successful, I moved further down, but then it seemed that I was just stuck. It was harder to breathe, but I knew there was more to go down on. I just couldn't move myself down or up from that position, I was stuck.

Suddenly, a huge pressure on the back of my head made me go down, and in an instant I was impaled on the whole monster, my nose tickled by his pubes. I started gasping for air with my mouth, but he kept me impaled there.

"Out your nose, Alex, breathe out your nose. Don't worry, you'll get used to it soon. If you don't finish it now, you'll have to start all over."

I was frightened not only of having to start the whole ordeal from scratch, but I also wanted him to know that I could please him just as well as he could please me.

I started trying to breathe on my nose, and soon established a quick rhythm of short gasps. My breathing leveled, and I found myself somewhat comfortable there. Meanwhile, my own dick was raging beneath me, hard as a rock. For a while, we remained like that and he started moaning.

Finally, I realized what it was he was doing to me that felt so good. My tongue started lapping at the base of the huge member, and I started swallowing, making my throat clench and relax around his head, making me have a strong gag reflex, but also pleasing him, from the sound of the moans that exponentially increased.

He gasped and moaned, and held my head firm, and then let go and yelled that he was going to cum.

I moved up a little and felt the first few jets hit the back of my throat. I kept my mouth there, however, and soon it was filled with cum, and he kept on going, proving that the huge ball sac under that monster could provide copious amounts of juice.

By the time he was placid, my mouth was so filled with his cum that I had to swallow two gulps before I could move off without spilling. I kept slowly suckling the salty substance off the dick, and James kept on moaning until I was off, mouth still filled with his tasty juice.

He looked at me shocked, and laughed.

"Wow, Alex...that was...mind-blowing...I didn't...expect...that..." he said, and I was happy with the compliment, creeping up to lie on top of him.

"Glad I could help..." I said lightly, only afterwards realizing that I had cum myself, without so much as touching my dick.

He smiled and nodded, and then got up, pulling his shorts up.

"I have to leave the day after tomorrow. I'll see you tomorrow, and then we can say our goodbyes."

I felt robbed when he said this, but at the same time it seemed right. I guess no man should be allowed that amount of pleasure for an extended period of time.

I lay there, exhausted, for most of the day, getting a tan, and then finally went up to take a shower and eat something, starved from the exertions of the day. I went to sleep and remained comatose all the way through the morning.

When I woke up, it was three in the afternoon, and I panicked upon seeing my watch, but only to stop dead in my tracks. As I turned around to get out of bed, I saw the unmistakable tight shorts and a bulge in them that I knew all too well.

"Alex, you left the doors open," he scolded me, but I didn't mind.

"I just thought I'd let myself in and wake you up. But then I saw you asleep, and just couldn't. I've been watching you for a good twenty minutes. You're so pretty."

I blushed and started to get up, but he shoved me back down, pulled the sheets off, and straddled me, sitting on my stomach. I looked at him in surprise, but he placed a finger on my mouth.

"Today's the final experiment, hm?" he said, and then he peeled his shorts of, as well as mine, and played with my nipples for a while, until I was hard. He felt slippery, and I realized he was completely covered in thick layers of lube.

He grabbed the base of my shaft and moved his ass towards it, placing my head at the edge of his hole. I tried to say something, but he waved his head and I shut up, gasping with pleasure as he sat on my dick, burying it inside his ass. He moaned with pleasure in tune with me, and then started moving up and down rhythmically. He kept on doing so for a while, until I thought I was going to burst, but then he pulled off just as abruptly, and I heard myself whine a little.

"Relax, I'm gonna make you cum without any bit of stimulation," he said and took the lube bottle, which he had placed next to my bed, and applied the substance on his finger.

He moved my legs apart and, ignoring my protests, inserted a long index finger into my asshole.

I gasped and grunted in pain as the thing invaded my completely virgin hole, and I started telling him to stop, to pull out, but my body was powerless to move away. He smiled.

"Trust me, you've gotta get three fingers up there before you can take me."

I was paralyzed with fear. One finger hurt so much and he was going to shove that monster of his into me!?

He kept telling me to relax, and that it will all be all right, and I somehow started believing him, trusting that he would never hurt me.

He moved out of my ass and then moved a second finger in, and again pain came in, and he kept on working my ass like that until I was comfortable with three fingers inside. It started feeling good, and I knew my dick was harder than ever, including the past few days.

Then, he pulled out and placed a huge amount of lube on his dick and into my ass crack. He placed the head against my sphincter, and I wasn't too afraid, thinking it couldn't be much worse than three fingers.

He pushed slowly in, and at first there was lots of resistance to his head, and then it plopped in and I screamed in agony. It felt like he was tearing my insides apart, and it was way worse than three fingers. I would never get used to something like that.

He moaned in ecstasy, and all I got from him was something among the lines of, "'re way tighter than I thought..."

He moved in further, and I kept screaming, begging him to stop, but he wouldn't listen, telling me I'd get used to it. I didn't believe him, but he kept on moving in, and then stopped halfway and moved out.

Then he moved back in, and I started crying from the pain, embarrassed that he would see my tears. He smiled and pressed a finger on my lips.

"'s getting better already, isn't it?"

And, oddly enough, it really was. There was quite a bit of pleasure masked behind the pain. I started trying to relax and he kept on pushing in, and eventually it seemed that I had gotten used to it. Now, it was nothing more than a weird feeling in my intestine, and pure, unadulterated ecstasy. I looked at him with lustful eyes and whispered the word "more."

This seemed to drive him crazy with lust, and he drove the whole thing into me, impaling me on it and making me scream again in pain. He moved out quickly, and then back in, and kept doing so for about an inch's total length, and then suddenly pulled all the way out. Without his dick inside me, I felt strangely empty, and somehow disappointed.

"James..." I gasped and he smiled.

"I knew you were a bottom the moment I saw you."

"James..." I tried again.

"What is it, Alex?"

"Please...fuck me..." I said, incredulous to my own words.

He said with a smile, "With pleasure."

He shoved all the way in and I moaned, this time in lust and pleasure, and he pulled almost all the way out, and then back all the way in. He started to develop a steady pace, and then quickened it. All the while, he huge dickhead was plowing through my large intestine and hitting my prostate, making me thrash around and throw my hips every which way, throwing my head back and forth, eyes closed, moaning in the unbelievable waves of pleasure that haunted me.

He kept on going on and on and on and on, and I kept on thrashing around, wanting more, wanting harder, and he fulfilled my wishes, up to the point where he grabbed my hips, raised them and shoved his dick deep into me, coming, splashing sperm all over my intestines, coating them in it, and causing me to blow about a dozen of my own jets, even hitting my face with some of it, the hardest, best, most extatic orgasm I had had in my entire life.

He pulled out with a sloppy sound, and bent over and kissed me, taking some of my sperm into his mouth. He brushed a strand of sweaty hair from my forehead, and gazed into my eyes.

"I loved the time we had together," he told me in a whisper as I was panting and still calming down from the experience, sweaty all over and spent to the extreme.

He stood up, wobbled a little, picked up his shorts and made a face. He had picked some of my cum onto his belly. I pulled him in and licked it off, and he thanked me, kissed me again, and put his shorts on, walking downstairs and out of the house.

I lay there still for about two more hours, recovering energy and feeling his warm cum ooze out of me slowly. Finally, I got up, gathered the sheets into a pile, and went to take a shower. After two full hours of cold water splashing on me, I got dressed and placed the sheets into a bag, taking them to a dumpster. It was already lit (someone in the neighborhood constantly lit the trash up), so I just dumped the bag with the sheets in, walking back to the house.

On my way back, I spotted James walking up to a house in the hills, and I knew where it was by heart. The rest of my week there, he didn't come, and the house had been closed down, and so I just swam around, head remarkably clear.

When my grandparents came back, the house was in perfect order, and I went back to Athens for another three weeks before going back to college.

The next five summers, there was no sign of James, although I would visit my grandparents at varying times.

Finally, I had decided to take a hiatus from work during my 24th year of life and spent the entire summer house sitting for my grandparents, as they wanted to travel around a while and visit their old friends. In mid-August, James showed up, at my back gate. He was as beautiful as ever, still perfectly chiseled, and I hadn't changed much myself.

I invited him in, and for a change, we sat together and talked a bit over a cup of coffee. I found out that he was from Scotland, and that we were the same age, and a myriad of other details. He got the same amount of information from me. He asked me of my past relationships, and I told him that at the end of that special summer, I broke up with Beth, and moved out of the house. Shortly thereafter I found a boyfriend, and broke up with him after a few months. This cycle kept on going like this for a while, and I could never be satisfied by anyone. I told him that nothing and no one could stand up to his perfection.

He smiled in that hypnotizing way of his and said that after me, he could not enjoy anyone else quite the same. That night, I fucked him, and came, and he came with me, without stimulation. We have been together ever since, and I've moved in with him in his parents' old home in Scotland, as they were dead.

Well, that's it! I hope you enjoyed the story, and I would appreciate any comments, thanks!

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