Fractured Families

By moc.loa@1kwahymmoT

Published on Jul 29, 2012




By Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM


Jeff waited until dessert and then rapped on the table. "Family meeting!" he announced.

It didn't go over so well. Eve and Jane were talking together with Celia trying to join in, not very successfully, Michael was talking excitedly to (well, at) my son Daniel who was just arrived from college, and Daniel was doing an impromptu musical number on his plate and glass. The cacophony of the American family multiplied by two. Then subtract two women who had left their families, one to devote herself to her career and the other to devote herself to a man who detested children but adored her. A woman has to think of her own happiness, too, after all. I won't tell you which was which, my ex-wife or Jeff's, but it was a point of bonding between two men who had barely met prior to my family moving in with his house with his own.

"That means shut up!" I called out louder. That won us silence.

"So what's the big prob, Dad?" Eve asked her father.

"Family meeting?" my daughter Jane rolled her eyes dramatically. "That is so 80's!"

"Chill." Eve advised. "Dad holds a lot of these, but the good news is, they only take a couple minutes. Not all evening."

Our two half-families, the victims of divorce followed by the recession which had left both me and Jeff unemployed long enough to lose our house and Jeff to nearly do so, both of us finding new jobs at a lower salary. Our fourteen-year-old daughters, Eve and Jane, it was their lifelong friendship that had come to the rescue, they'd suggested us moving in together into Jeff's house, a four-bedroom place with plenty of room for six people.

"We just want to talk about how we're going to rearrange the bedrooms." Jeff mentioned. "In case you haven't noticed, a new member of the family has arrived."

"You mean you're my new brother?" Michael's face lit up. He adored Daniel. Of course, Daniel's an easy guy to idolize. Big, good-looking (takes after my side of the family, I think to myself proudly) with a relaxed and easygoing attitude and winning smile he turned on everyone indiscriminately. It wasn't faked, Daniel really did like people. And a sound mind on top of that, he was going to be someone important some day. He turned that grin on Michael.

"Something like that." Daniel agreed.

"Cool!" Michael beamed.

"So we got seven people but only four bedrooms." Jeff went on. "We already have Eve and Jane bunking together, and Michael in my room with me. Celia and Will have their own rooms, and that worked so far." Two large bedrooms (fifteen by fifteen) and two dinky ones, I should mention, was a part of the problem, the small one I had was only nine feet by twelve feet. Plenty big enough for one person, but two would be a crowd. "Now we need to add Daniel, and the question is how to shuffle."

"Whoever we put with who is going to have to like each other as much as Eve and Jane like each other."

"That leaves Celia as the one staying alone." Jane said, unkindly but not untruthfully. Celia is my daughter and I love her, but at four years old, she's at the bratty stage. She'd come out of it sooner or later, I hoped, my other daughter Jane was a solid, likeable, popular teenager at fourteen and my son Daniel was even more so as I've already said, a college sophomore. So Celia would grow out of it, but she was the odd girl out here.

"Okay, Eve and Jane stay together and Celia stays in her smaller one." Jeff agreed. We just have the four of us guys to divide up."

"I want to room with Daniel!" Michael chipped in quickly.

"But you're rooming with me!" Jeff was startled by this, he was leading up, I knew, to moving Jane and Eve into my smaller one, to give me and Daniel the larger one. Our daughters practically shared one brain as it was, they'd do better than Daniel and me in the smaller room, Daniel had his guitar and keyboard and needed room to practice his music. He looked over at me, I shrugged.

"Don't look at me." I said. "I only use my bedroom to sleep in. A bed and a dresser and I'm good wherever you put me."

"You can put Daniel and me in the small room." Michael said. "We can share my bed!"

Daniel just laughed. "Sure. But will my equipment fit in there, too?"


"No way." I countered Michael's enthusiasm. "Daniel's got to have use of one of the larger bedrooms, unless we want him setting up in the living room."

"Which we don't." Jeff added.

"How about the garage?" Daniel offered.

"It only holds the two cars." Jeff pointed out. "City ordinance doesn't let residents park on the street."

"But I want you to be in my room!" Michael wailed.

Daniel considered this. "Well, Mr. O'Neill, you don't do anything but sleep in your bedroom either, right?"

"That's what adults do." Jeff agreed. "No studying, no music practice, just sleep. It's why we buy houses, to have room to do stuff."

"So, why don't you and Dad take the small room and give me and Michael the big one?" Daniel said. "It's only for the summer, I'll be gone by the end of August."

I blinked at that, and so did Jeff. "What about the beds?" I said. "The room only holds a single bed, two beds in there would cram the thing wall-to-wall."

"But your room already has the double-bed you and Mom used." Daniel pointed out. "There's room enough for Jeff and you in there, isn't there?"

I looked over at Jeff and he looked at me. Share a bed with him?

Jeff looked uncomfortable, too, but he swallowed and said, "It would only be for the summer, I guess."

"Yeah." I said. "Well...I can live with it if you can."

"You two can have a snoring contest." Eve chipped in. "I'm betting my Dad snores louder than your Dad."

"No way. My Dad is a lot louder."

I looked at Jeff. "Whatever happened to My Dad can beat up your Dad?'"

We all laughed and it was settled just like that. I went upstairs and started moving my stuff over, so Jeff could put his clothes in next to mine. There was plenty of room after all, men just don't fill up closets the way women do."

Daniel and Jeff were busier, Jeff moving his stuff into my room and Daniel putting his things (all still in boxes in my car) into the big bedroom. A lot of stuff, I don't see how his dorm room at school had held it all!

After this was all done and I'd helped Jeff settle his stuff in, it was well past bedtime. Saturday night or not, I was worn out by the trip to Daniel's college to pick him up and bringing him back (that was how I'd spent my Saturday) and I was well exhausted.

Jeff saw me as I was sitting on the bed taking off my shoes. "Going to bed now?"

"Yeah, I figured I'd beat the rush." I smiled up at him. "I prefer the side next to the wall anyhow." It was my old place on the bed. I'd tried sleeping on the middle, but it had been something of a losing battle. A fair-sized dimple just my size kept sliding me back into the old, accustomed place.

"Fine with me." Jeff came on in. "Might as well turn in myself." I was sitting on the middle of the bed's edge; he took the foot of the bed. I got my boots and socks off and stood up to remove my belt. I stripped it off and then saw Jeff was pulling off his sweatpants without standing up. That left me looking at bare buttocks on the bedcovers.

"You...went commando today?" I said carefully.

"Yeah." Jeff said, chuckling. "Wasn't expecting to have an audience for the unveiling, though. Michael's usually sound asleep well before I get in bed. And he's downstairs when I get up."

"Oh." I said, and took off my pants and shirt. It was when I was reaching for my t-shirt (I still had on my briefs, and I always wore them while sleeping) that I realized. "You sleep bare?"

"Yeah." Jeff said, then paused. "Uh, I can wear some briefs to bed if you're uncomfortable with that."

"No, it's okay." I said. Though it wasn't, it made me feel weird. Sleeping with a guy was bad enough, but a naked guy.... But I'd said it was fine, and Jeff was taking me up on it. I had to dodge to let him around me to let him into bed....

"You wanted the side next to the wall." Jeff reminded me.

I was trying not to look down at his cock. I kept my eyes on his face. "Uh, if you're going to sleep naked, maybe you'd better get in first." I said. "In case I need to get up in the night, I'd have to crawl over you."

"But if I get up, I'll have to crawl over you." Jeff pointed out.


He grinned at my discomfiture. "I'll be sure to get out from under the covers before I get out of bed. You'll have covers over you."

"Oh." I said. "Well, in that case, let me take the inside then."

"All right." Jeff got into the bed next to the edge. "You ready for bed?"

"Just want to brush my teeth." I said.

"I'll turn out the light after you get in."

Jeff was still lying there when I came back out, arms behind his head, covers down to mid-waist. "Waiting for you." he said.

"That'd work if you were a beautiful naked girl." I said. "Or if I were."

"I'd settle for a not-so-beautiful one right now." Jeff commiserated.

I laughed. "Right now, I'd settle for one with a pulse." I said. "The trouble with divorce is you lose what little sex you were getting. And with the kids and bills to take care of, well, what's left over?"

"The old dependable hand."

"Yeah. There is that." Jeff said. "Climb on in."

As I put my knee on the bed, Jeff continued. "There is one alternative to the hand, you know."

He finished that sentence just as I was straddle of him. "What do you mean?"

"I mean we're sharing this house, this room and this bed." Jeff went on. "All the result of having to compromise our lives to keep our families as intact as we can."

"Yeah." I agreed. I was still straddling him. I guess I knew just where this was going all along. But I made him spell it all out. Presenting misunderstanding, keeping my options open.

"Our families don't leave us with either money or time to find someone to fill in the gap left by our wives' leaving us."


"We're so busy being good fathers with what we have left, it leaves us with nothing for ourselves."

My own voice was so low, I barely recognized it as coming from me. "Nothing but each other, is that what you're saying?"

"Yeah." His own voice was just as low. "We don't have time, we don't have money, we don't have our wives...."

"But we have each other." And I lowered my face down to Jeff's and he raised up to meet me en route. God, it had been so long, over a year, since I'd last kissed anyone like this! You can't count the dry pecks your children give you in the same class, it's affection not...not passion.

I groaned into his lips and lowered my body onto his, his arms came around me and enclosed me and he kissed me as he rolled me over onto my side of the bed, and now he was on top, the covers having come around with him as he rolled, forming an "S" shape from under me to over me/under him and then back over him. Christ, I felt all tangled up in more ways than one.

"God, God, what are we doing?" I gasped when he let go of me and began to kiss his way down my neck.

"Making the best of a bad situation." Jeff said with an air of desperation hinting in his voice. "All we got is each other. Why not take what we have and let it be enough?"

"Will it be enough?"

"It will if we let it be."

"Then let it be." I said as I caught the covers that barely covered him now, and pushed them to the wall, leaving him bare on top of me. "Let it be enough."

"Grahr!" Jeff growled and he grabbed the covers like an enemy, to throttle it into submission, peeling them down from my body as he wormed himself off of them, and and soon they were only underneath my own body, the rest of them a mangled snake-shaped mass in the middle of the bed, but that was okay, we were only using my half of it right now. And now my briefs were the only obstacle between our bodies. With my cock tenting them out, they weren't much of an obstacle, Jeff's hands were able to strip them off with my cooperation and now he was kneeling over me, our cocks practically kissing each other at right angles, his body a beautiful arc of male majesty over me, my own more massive form reclining like a lion at rest. Jeff wasn't small and I wasn't huge, but our bodies were formed differently, him sleek like a leopard, me broader and more bulky, like a gorilla.

Both looking right in their own separate ways.

But it was why I let Jeff be the one who stayed above me, to sidle down and grip my manhood firmly in his hand, and guide it to his lips, to enclose and envelope and immerse my cock in warm, liquid softness. Oh, how I'd missed that particular feeling. I'd even tried in the bathtub to duplicate it with a washrag, and it just wasn't the same, never the same! When Jeff reached bottom, gripped and pulled upwards with his lips, his tongue playing over the shaft, I damned near creamed from that lone sensation. Instead, I shuddered and moaned, long and slow and heart-felt.

"Oh, Jesus, that feels good!"

Jeff's lips moved up and down and everything about it was practically orgasmic. I was writhing under his attentions and would have stayed like that if he hadn't started moving. From between my legs to one side, to a right-angle where he was sucking me sideways, and then beyond. Dense old Daddy William wasn't putting things together very well, was he, if we were both going to make the best of things, then Jeff deserved more here than the privilege of bobbing on my prick.

So I scooted down to make it easier on him and when my own legs were off the bed down to my calves, he was able to park his manhood over my head, the meat dangling down and available.

I'd never done this, never even thought of doing it, and yet here I was, a man's cock in my face and me expected to suck on it. Well, I knew what I liked and what I wanted, it was just a matter of turning that from being the one who got it done to him to the one who dealt it out. I could do that...couldn't I?

My lips tentatively took the man-sausage and I ended up nilly-willy with the glans and a few inches of it inside my mouth. Have to work up saliva, I knew that, keep my teeth clear (a bad scrape in my earliest sexual escapades had driven that point home, painfully!), and move that cockskin up and down as fast as I could manage it.

My movements weren't graceful but I did well enough, Jeff was grunting as he continued to nurse my dong. I thought this would be the entirety of it and was settling myself down to consider whether I wanted to come in his mouth or warn him so he could pull off. And if I either come without warning or let him take me, was I going to return the favor when Jeff hit his climax?

But Jeff stopped sucking me and said, "Okay, enough. I think you're ready now."

"About ready, yeah." I agreed, panting.

"I mean, ready to get it in me."

"In you?" I thought I was in him his mouth, I mean. But that meant.... "You want me to fuck you?"

"Well, I thought that was what we were agreeing to." Jeff said. "I mean, doing what we can with what we got...."

"You want to fuck me?" I interrupted him with my gasp. Well, shriek.

"I thought...well, it's okay. I caught you by surprise. Think about it for next time, okay?"


I figured Jeff would move back to sucking me, but instead, he got to a semi-kneeling position (knees and one set of knuckles on the bed) and moved to position himself over me. "You done this before?"

"Not since before I got married." Jeff said. "I'm going to need to take this slow, but I think I got you slicked up enough."

"We'll have to buy some lube." I said as I felt his anus kiss my glans with moistness and hairiness at the same time. Jeff would have to shave his ass, too, I decided. But then, my own ass would take more than a a razor, I'm awful damned hairy. When I described myself as a gorilla, I wasn't just talking my bulk!

Jeff did wince as he squirmed on my cock, and when the glans finally popped inside, he had to pause and rest a while. But then he pushed again and after that, things went faster. I felt more and more of my shaft being covered by that heat and as he progressed, my own inhibitions and reluctance evaporated along with the heat. By the time Jeff was fullyimpaled upon my cock, I was ready to do anything he wanted me to do. Suck his cock, be fucked by him, lick his asshole, you name it, just name it, God, yes, anything, anything!

But Jeff was sitting on my lap and my course was clear. I began to hunch up at him and Jeff began to move to match my thrusts, and soon we fell into a rhythm that matched so very, very much with what I'd had with my ex-wife, with the other women I'd had, it was the very same, damn it, the same! Shit, I wasn't settling for anything here, this was everything!

And I moaned and my climax, so long denied, rampaged through my body so fast, so fast, I couldn't hold back, I couldn't!

"Oh, oh, God, Jeff, I'm coming, man, I'm sorry, I'm coming!" I guttered out.

"Yeah, come on, shoot it, shoot it in me, shit, yeah!" Jeff grunted. He was pounding his prick as he moved up and down, the cockhead was a raging red color, flogged into an inferno as he rampaged above me.

And I moaned, jerked, exploded up into Jeff's ass, and he gasped when he felt me shooting up into him and he blasted a hot load all over my stomach and chest, hot long jets of ropy jizz that arced up to almost my nipples and forming a fan-shaped of lines on my stomach and abdomen, with a puddle in my navel, and this while I creamed into him on and on, and felt the hot squibs dribbled back out to coat my testicles and soaking me further.

And Jeff moaned, leaned over, his ecstasy ebbing along with mine, and he rested himself on me, and he didn't weigh a thing, or rather, he felt right there, like he belonged there, and something that belongs is never a burden.

I'm not sure how long we lay like that, but after a time, Jeff raised up and sleepily shifted over to his side of the bed, turning out the light, and in the darkness, his warm body snuggled up to mine and it felt very much like being married and in that feeling, I slept better than I had in a long, long time.

The next afternoon, the kids were up to something, I could tell it. But I didn't get to be privy to it (neither did Jeff) until that afternoon. And Jeff and I got summoned to Michael's and Daniel's room, where he'd set up his gear.

"Okay, Dad, Mr. Proctor," Eve said, "you know how there's a talent show going to be held at the Methodist church next week, right?"

Mystified, I nodded and so did Jeff. "Well, Michael's entering the contest and we're all going to help."

"You are?"

"Sure." Jane added. "That's what families do, right?"

"Yeah." I agreed. "That's what families do."

Jeff moved in closer to me. "So let's see what you got." I said.

Michael was center stage, the three girls to his right and Daniel playing his keyboard to the left. And they launched into it, Michael belting out the song, the girls singing backup and Daniel's keyboard supplying all the music of an entire orchestra.

"What you want!

Baby I got!

What you need!

You know I got it!

All I'm asking for

Is a little respect!"

I couldn't hear an ounce of singing talent in any of them, only Daniel's playing redeemed it in any way. That and the showing of family togetherness, which made it precious to me beyond price. Jeff's arm went around my waist, and I did the same for him and we listened to our children singing in harmony (well, semi-harmony) all the way through.

Sometimes, families get fractured and the pieces thrown apart. But sometimes, too, some of those pieces match up with other pieces and they meld into something new and whole all over again.

Sometimes, the new is even better!


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E-mail the Author at Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM


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