
By rob roberts

Published on Apr 2, 2016



This is a fictional tale of a boy made to be a whore. If it is illegal to read where you live, please stop now. Comments? Please write to

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Obediently, rob

Life really sucks! At least for me it does. Oh yeah, I'm Frankie, oldest son who lives with his one year younger brother and dad. Dad drives an over the over the road truck so he's gone most of the time. My mom died a few years ago when I was 14. Cancer I think. My younger brother is Danny. We are complete opposites. He is into every sport imaginable and I am a dork, book worm and game player. We look a lot different too. I am tall, skinny, with big feet, no real body definition, longish black hair and work now that I graduated, a a kind of 7- 11 type place in rural Florida. My brother , the jock, has a body I'd give anything for. Great pecs, slim waist, popular short brown hair. The only area where I beet him is in my rather long but thin dick. I measure about 9.5 inches where he is about 8. He makes fun of me for that. He laughs and says I'll never get to use it either where his is in use either fucking every girl. He wants or sometimes just jacking off all the time. I jack too but only in privacy. I assume I'm gay as that's what all his buddies say about me. True, I love looking at their hot bodies even when they wrestle with me, not my choice or just hang out.

As dad is gone most of the time, I am supposed to be in charge. Ha ha. My brother is really the dominant one who does as he pleases when he pleases. He makes messes that I have to clean up. Mostly, I do it willingly now as it sometimes keeps him out of my hair. Dad clearly favors him too. He gets pretty much anything dad can afford and doesn't work. He takes my money sometimes too as he knows all my hiding places. I know some of his too and when he isn't around, enjoy looking at his porn magazines. I especially like the ones showing guys who are young, hung and gorgeous. Mostly they are fucking girls but I can dream they are fucking me! A guy can dream can't he?

I don't really have any friends to speak of. I hang with a few guys sometimes but not often. They are gamers too. One guy got pretty friendly with me but when we get together, it is mostly for me to suck him off. He found me jacking one day in school and things went from there. I don't mind it much but he never does me.

So, that is my lonely life. I kind of enjoy working at the store though. It is a real dum actually, not even air conditioned! Ours at home doesn't work either so when I'm alone, I often go as close to naked as I can always fearing that my brother will find me and beat me up. We share a room so I don't even get to enjoy my body at night as he is there. I do enjoy watching him sleep though as he sleeps naked. Damn he is hot to look at!

Anyway, the store I work at is owned by an Arab family. The owner and his wife manage the place and they have a younger son, about my age I guess who is gorgeous too. Dark with a bit of hair on his body. I secretly wish I could suck his dick as I can tell by what he wears, that he is hung. My body is hairy too. I don't find my hair that attractive though. I have dark hair on my legs, which goes up to my dense hairy crotch and into my hairy crack. I got loads of hair in my pits but little on my chest. I have a little patch between my nipples which are as flat as a young boy. I basically am the store clerk and stock boy. Amad, the dad, works most days and his son, the gorgeous one, works nights mostly I like working with the son, Jamal, best as it sure is nice seeing his well defined pecs under his tee shirt. When he wears shorts, his legs are beautiful and muscular. I've seen him shirtless in the back room when he changes sometimes and I always get a raging boner. Tough to hide too as I usually don't wear underwear. Most of mine is too small and as I'm 18, dad feels I should buy my own stuff. Big laugh, with my little salary, I don't have much to spare.

So, when he works, I sometimes "borrow" one of my brothers jocks, love the smell of his dirty jocks, and wear that. If none are available, I just stuff my junk in my jeans and go commando. I really don't care.

So, that's me. My story is about some of the things that have happened recently.

Working one night with Jamal, my brother and his friends came in and wanted beer. Yeah, right. I wasn't going to sell them any so I refused. They harassed me some causing Jamal to come out to see what was going on. Jamal knows my brother and they have hung out a few times. They didn't hang out too much though because of the age difference, but they are real friendly to one another. Jamal called me over and said I should sell the beer. I looked at him but did it . As I rung up the sale, Jamal stood right behind me, a little too close I thought, but what can I say? Danny paid for the two six packs of beer and he and his friend both high fived Jamal and thanked him and left. I turned around and Jamal was still there.

"You know, Frankie, sometimes you got to do what you got to do. I like your brother and think you ought to treat him right."

I nodded and said nothing. When I turned around, Jamal was right behind me. He knew me from high school and knew I was basically a wimp unlike him who excelled in sports like my brother. " I think you got to do something now for me." I looked at him with a questioning look. "You could pay for it. Can't have the store lose money, you know."

I began to say I had no money and wasn't going to buy my brother beer but before I could speak, he had his hands on my ass. I jumped a little, and looked red in the face. He ran his fingers up and down my ass. Damn it felt so good and made me horny as fuck.

" If you don't have the money, maybe we can work out an agreement somehow. I stood stiff as a board. His hands came around and felt my boner. "I think you might need something too", he said as his fingers took hold of the button on my jeans and opened it and then slid my zipper down. His hands went inside and grabbed my cock. Oh fuck, I thought, what was he going to do next. I didn't move maybe because I wanted and liked his hands on my cock. Nobody else ever did that. He slipped his hand onto my hairy ass. "Oh, nice. " was all he said. I stood stiff as a board not know hwat came next. He took my hand and put it on his crotch. He was as hard as me.

"Haven't had any and I know you're a fag so you know where my dick is going., right?"

I nodded and felt his dense pubes and his rock hard dick. I wanted it for so long but? wow"

I didn't even argue that he called me a fag he slid my pants down exposing my butt as he looked down and rubbed my bare butt with his finger as it edged to my crack and then up and down it. I moaned . Oh shit. He knew I wanted him

" think my dick in your pussy boy hole might be enough to pay for some beer. Aren't I right?"

II kind of nodded and felt his damp manhood push up against me. He knew what he was doing all right. I moaned again as his finger went and circled the hair surround my butt hole. He pushed in just a little. "Quite a hairy pussy I feel here."

He gently made me lean forward and put his big dick head to my hole. I had never seen it but it was a lot thicker than mine. He was going to rape me!

He put his hand over my mouth preventing me from making a sound. I didn't try, I was scared as nothing other than a few of my fingers ever went there. I hoped I wasn't too dirty in there. Oh fuck!

I tried to scream out as his big dick entered me and just pushed until I felt his pubes on my ass. Damn, it hurt so bad. He didn't seem to care and just slwly and then faster, began to fuck me. After the initial pain making me think I was going to die, it began to feel good. I felt him tense up and knew he was about to unload in me. He did. It was so hot, two three five six, shots of his man cum entered me.

It was so good that no one came into the store. His hot breath on my neck as he gave me a sort of kiss and licked my neck. He pulled out and looked at his dick. "You need to clean better bitch, he said as he pushed me down and stuck his dick in my mouth. It tasted awful. I could taste his cum, still leaking, my ass not washed today, some of my hair from my ass crack, my own sweaty hole and a bit of shit. He just made me suck him as he held my head tightly to his crotch. I ate everything his dick had too offer. I began to pull off and he continued to hold my head as I tasted a few drops and then a stream of his piss in my mouth. I didn't know what to do so I swallowed it all. He smiled down at me and said he knew I wanted it. "Your such a fag and I know you've sucked cock before. Get used to it but never say a thing to my folks or I'll mess you up."

I shook my head. My face was a wet mess of cum and piss and who knows what else. I slumped to the floor still with my pants around my knees . I lay there as he smiled down at my messy face and said I looked good that way. I was humiliated and yet aroused. My long cock was dripping. He made me get on my knees and jerk off right in front of him. I was so embarrassed but it felt so good and I came like I hadn't ever done before. 'If you treat me right, you fucking infidel, I will make you my pussy whenever I need it bad, like tonight. Now clean up and clean up your face. You're a mess."

I just nodded like a fool and went to the lavatory and cleaned up best I could. AS I stood to go, he wiped some of his cum off my leg and ass and stuck his finger in my mouth to suck it clean. Leave the rest. I want you to drip like a whore and remember my big cock."

He turned and pulled up his pants and went back in the little office.

The cum continued to drip out of me the rest of the evening as I waited on a few customers. Before I went home, he told me I was not to wear underwear again. He also made me work barefoot the rest of the night I don't know why, but I think it made him feel superior to me.

I worked until closing. He made me take off my ragged converse tennis shoes. "Your feet stink and need some air. Leave 'em off!"

I did as he requested feeling a bit weird with me in bare feet but I guess no one noticed.

At closing, I was gong to put my shoes on for my walk back home, about a mile or so but Jamal said he'd drive me, at least part way. I grabbed for my shoes but he shook his head no. "Infidels like you should learn to suffer a bit. No shoes."

I was shocked to put it mildly but like the wimp I was, didn't argue and went out and got in his truck. I still had a wet bottom where his cum was still leaking out of me. I walked very gingerly as my hole hurt so bad. I wanted to ask why he raped me but just couldn't bring myself to do it. He made me unzip my pants so my hairy crotch and of course, my cock hung out. He laughed and said I looked good that way.

We reached over and played with my cock and I just let him. He was so superior to me and actually I didn't want him mad at me so that he might fire me. It was my only job and I was a bit afraid.

About and 1/8 of a mile from my shabby house, he told me to get out and walk the rest of the way. I was going to ask about my shoes, my only pair other than some flip flops, but bit my tongue and didn't say a word. I just nodded and mumbled a thanks to him for the ride. I got out and walked to the house. I went inside and went to the bathroom where I pulled my pants down and looked as best I could at my hole.

It was stretched and sore looking and I noticed as I wiped the remaining cum off my butt, I saw a little blood. Damn, was I going to bleeed to death. Too stupid to realize anything, I shit out as much as I could and saw more blood mixed with a small turnd and lots of mess and a little blood. Naked, I gingerly made my way to the bedroom I shared with my brother and lay down . I couldn't sleep thinking about what had happened.

I was glad my brother wasn't home. He was still out drinking with his pal, beer paid for with my ass!

I laid there and had lots of thoughts. I was worried yet found myself strangely excited about what had happened. I had dreamed of getting fucked so many times. I thought about his big manly cock, the huge head and the taste of his piss in my mouth. I had brushed my teeth but whether just the thought of it or in reality, I could taste his cum and piss. Weird.

I guess I fell asleep. I awakened the next day around 8. My brother was sleeping sprawled out on his bed near mine, naked as the day he was born. His bubble butt just made me want to go and touch it but I didn't. I got up, went to piss and examined my hole. I had to move my hair around to see it. The hole still looked sore and when I touched it, it hurt some by aroused me. What the hell was the matter with me. I just had been raped and yet felt somehow proud of myself. Shit.

A bout and hour later, my brother came out to the kitchen and told me to make him breakfast. I was pissed as always at the command but like always, I complied. He ate his eggs and toast while I tried to clean up a bit. He actually, with his usual smirk, said it was cool that I sold him beer last night. "I might be by for more. You working tonight?" I nodded yes and wondered if he did would I be paying for it with my ass and mouth again.

He went of after getting dressed. I could see his big cock swinging in his basketball shorts as he put on his shoes. I was wearing a beater shirt and some old ragged shorts. I was still barefoot.

"You look cool, bro. You trying to look sexy or something?"

I looked at him and gave him the finger which made him laugh. "I know, nothing will ever make you sexy. I got a game to play with some buds. You better be here when I get back. I want to go out and check out your car." I had an old beat up Chevy that wasn't running. In addition to be a huge jock, he was good at cars too. I wasn't. He had said when I asked him a week ago, if he would see why it wasn't running. "That's a pay back for the beer."

With that he left. I surfed the web looking at gay porn, jerked off thinking about hot guys I only wish would have sex with me even if it was only to suck them off, and read some. About three hours later, I heard Danny's truck and saw he was back. He was alone thank goodness which meant I wouldn't get the taunts he usually gave me when his friends were around.

He yelled for me to come outside and went to my car. I was glad at lest he was keeping his promise. I went out wearing what I had on plus flip flops as I had no other shoes. He immediately stripped off his shirt and was looking under the hood. "Fag boy, get in and try to start it." I knew he was talking to me. I did as he said . After a few tries, he said it was a dead battery. After looking it over, he concluded that it was worn out and went into our shed and came back with another battery. After a few minutes, he had it connected and to my shock, the car started. It made a lot of noise but at least it ran.

I thanked him for fixing the car. "You can shove the thanks, and get me more beer tonight. Maybe something more. I ran into Jamal today ." I had no idea what talking to Jamal meant.

Danny grabbed me around the neck and said maybe there was more I could do to repay him. In the head lock, he "escorted' me to the house. I could smell his pits and admired him. Damn he had a hot body. I made me hard just smelling him

"Like I said, I ran into Jamal today. He tells me he got you to do some gay stuff for him. I turned beet red. "Yeah, he says what I knew all along, that you're quite a cocksucker."

I wanted to deny it but my secret was out now if it wasn't before. I had hoped that nobody would know. Too good to be true.

"You can maybe suck me too. Want to see if you're any good. I've been in what you might say, is a dry patch. No willing pussy to use. I knew he had fucked a lot of girls or at least said he did.

He dragged me, maybe me not to unwilling, to the old couch and tossed me on it. My flip flops went flying off. I knew I was getting hard too. He just yanked down his basketball shorts and said suck it boy!

I tried not to hard, but tried a little, to resist by his smelly cock and balls were soon at my face. I tried to twist and turn away but he was so much stronger than I. He loved to wrestle and he was good at it and he had me pinned down in seconds. He kicked off his shoes. He was a bit sweaty and had some body smell. I knew he hadn't showered this morning. And before I knew it, his cock was in my face . "Yeah, I knew it was true, you suck cock and who knows what else my big faggy brother. Do it!"

I tried to resist but knew it was futile. Maybe I should do it. I did always like seeing him naked. It wasn't a question though and he squeezed my nose making me open my mouth and in the head of his cock went.

Damn, it tasted so good to me. It was a bit pissy smelling and tasting. My brother was never too clean about his hygiene. He just kept pushing and as I had sucked a few cocks before, it wasn't too much for me to take it in. I could smell his pubes and the scent of his balls. I just let him have his way with me. He turned a bit and saw my boner. "Yeah, I knew it. You love this shit. I think Jamal wasn't shitting me. You do like cock! Bet you'd do anything . J boy tells me he is going to use you whenever the pussy around here dries up . Hell, a holes a hole so I guess I could do it too. I mean, I'm a man but if a guy like him gets his nut in your mouth, I guess I can too."

Damn, Jamal told him. I just hoped he didn't tell him he fucked me. I was out of my thinking as Danny grabbed my cock and balls and twisted them making me hurt bad. I almost screamed but his cock in my mouth was too much and couldn't get a sound other than some gurgling noise out. He obviously hadn't come or jerked off as he quickly shot his load in my mouth. "Swallow it bitch. Maybe it will make you a man. Yeah, you got real man's cum in you. "

I choked and sputtered but I liked his taste. Fuck! I didn't want him to know that. I kind of pretended not to like it but he held my nose until I swallowed.

He slowly got up, still naked. "Damn, you got a good mouth for this shit. Now, drop them clothes. I want to see what you look like hard." He commanded. I slowly got up and tried to protest. I was embarrassed at my skinny body but Danny just grabbed me hard until I began to undress. Now naked as he was, he laughed at me. "Look at that weakling body! You look like a fucking little boy. " he flexed and said "yeah, take that in boy. Now you're in the presence of a man. Look at this chest, those muscles, those legs. Hell, you're just a hairy stick. Got to hand it to you, you got some man hair and all but it looks silly" H began to examine my body. I hoped he would look at my hole as he slapped my cock around. He grabbed me around the waist and bent me over . Fuck, you got more hair on your ass than most women have on their pussies. Wait a minute, did you get fucked too? Yeah you did, your hole looks all stretched and puffy. Did Jamal fuck you too?"

I looked away but he grabbed my face and I had to look at him. I had tears in my eyes. "Yeah, he did fuck you. Shit, you're a boy whore!"

He then made me tell him that Jamal had fucked me. I began to cry. I didn't want anyone to know that.

"Don't know if I'd fuck you, but hey, like I said, a holes a hole. You take it up the ass! Wait 'til I tell Carlos. He'll think that is fucking cool. My brother the man whore. Wait til I tell dad!"

I begged him not to tell my dad.. He hated fags and I think he always knew I was one. I actually got down on my knees and begged Danny not to tell.

"It will cost you boy. Don't know yet but I got you now. You're nothing but a cocksucking boy whore!"

I knew he was right but cried when I realized what happened to me and that I like it.

He put his shorts back on but when I reached for my clothes, still sobbing, e told me no. I think you should stay this way. Yeah, you can be naked and I can laugh at your body and make you do anything I want. I got to call Jamal and tell him I used your fucking dirty mouth too."

I begged him like a little kid not to tell. He said he would think about it but told me that this new information was going to change things around our place. "Yeah, I got some good shit on you and now you're my boy too"

I eventually stopped crying and stop red faced and embarrassed. He looked me over. "Your not much to look at but hell, your mouth works good and maybe your boy pussy, yeah that's what it is now, boy, well, hell, I got you where I want you. You'll be my boy now just like you are for Jamal. Maybe I'll have to fuck you later and see what Jamal is talking about."

I knew I was done for. Danny made me stay naked and make him lunch. He slapped my cock around laughing as he did it. "You like that don't 'ya boy?' Yeah, I think we found your real calling. Not good for much else.

I had to admit that I liked sex a lot. I had to show him all my computer stuff too or he said he would tell everyone. I stood naked and humiliated as my brother maDe me expose my butt to him whenever he said to.

He even made me go outside and wash his truck for him as he grabbed a beer and watched me sweat. When I was done, he told me to smell his pits. I had to stand naked and smell his pits. Yeah, he noticed that while I tried not to, all my will didn't work and I got hard. He smelled sweaty and wet as I licked one and then the other pit for him.

Next: Chapter 2

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