
By rob roberts

Published on Apr 5, 2016


After sucking off Danny and then being required to stay naked, I went to my room. For some reason, I was still horny. Did I like what Danny and Jamal had done to me? I wasn't sure. I liked being naked actually and had to admit to myself what they did was what stuff I had wanted to do for a long time.

I sat staring a my blank computer. Danny was still around and I heard him come in and go out but not leaving. I wondered what he would make me do next? As I sat there, I heard another car drive up. I looked out my window. I didn't want anyone to catch me sitting around naked although the idea was kind of kinky and made me get hard again. I decided I had better wait to jack off and tried to will my cock back to normal. Didn't work too well.

Suddenly, I heard Danny and Jamal talking. What the hell was Jamal doing here? He never came over. My brother must have invited him. I heard them talking and laughing. Were they discussing me? I didn't have to wait too long and Danny barged into the room. I never had any privacy. It was like I just existed at my house and Danny ruled the roost.

"Hey, faggot, we got company. Get out here." I didn't want to go but before I could protest, Danny grabbed my arm and pulled me out in the living room. There sat Jamal looking sexy as hell. He wore a tight tank top, some flip flops and some old shorts.

Hey, boy, I hear you took care of your brother. By the way, I like the look, well kinda. Anyway. There I stood almost cowering as my brother held my arm. I didn't know what to say to either of them. I just stood there, totally exposed, looking like some dufus which I guess I am.

Jamal got up and came over to me. Danny let go of me and both were smiling. I hear you took care of your brother this morning. Yeah, ran into him this morning and let him in on our little secret. I know you haven't got any secrets from him." I kind of shook my head and look from one to the other.

Jamal and Danny talked about me like I wasn't there. Jamal said " he's got quite a mouth on him don't he? I fucked him too and thought maybe he'd like to try that sweet pussy of yours. Nice and tight. Almost better than some bitch, but I guess we can call you that now, huh?"

"Bend over boy.' Remarked Danny. "Let me see what it looks like. Damn, I had no idea you were so hungry for cock. I know your perv on the internet shit but never thought you'd let your boss do you."

I wanted to scream that I was raped and never consented to anything but kept my stupid mouth closed.

I bent slightly and then more with Danny forcing me over. "Fuck that thing is hairy as a pussy! Did you like Jamal's big meat in you? I think I might want to try it too. I mean, I'm no fag but hell, a holes a hole. Maybe when I'm not getting enough, it would be nice to use your holes. Other than Jamal, nobody else sure is!"

I felt like a whore. I wanted sex with a guy but nobody offered and what I got sure wasn't sweet loving.

Danny fingered my hole which made me wince a little. "Well, I'll tell you Jamal, I thnk he likes it. Look at that hardon. He sure ain't resisting."

"Might be a little tender. I didn't use much except spit to open him up. But he was soon pretty willing. Did I tell you I made him suck me clean and pissed in his mouth?"

"No shit!"

""Yeah he wasn't real clean back there and I sure didn't want no shit on my dick when I went home. Nice job, though. I think we maybe got to train him more or should I call him a her?"

"Don't much matter to me. He's or she, is damn useless anyway. Not much of a bro to me but a willing hole, now that's another story!"

Jamal said as he came up to me, " I think we might both use its pussy again. Maybe we can share it. Yeah, it, not sure I want to call it a girl but it certainly no guy either."

Jamal batted my hard cock around which hurt some and tugged on my balls that hurt even more. I tried to move away but both guys held me and I couldn't do anything. Danny led me over to the couch. "I'd like to try it out but maybe we should use some lube to prime up the little fag. Just something in that hole. Don't want to hurt my cock."

"Not a bad idea. My dick was almost sore from his loving service last night."

"I think it always wanted my cock. I caught it a few times watching me when I jerked off and think it had a hard on. Wish I knew it was so willing, I'd have tapped it myself."

Jamal led me over to the couch using my cock as a kind of handle. I was pushed down and Danny kicked my legs apart. He went to his room and brought back some lube which he applied to my hole. As he was moving a few fingers around, he asked Jamal if he ever fisted anyone. Jamal admitted he had fisted a girl he knew, his cousin actually and made her commit to silence with his family. Feels real good to get a hand up her pussy. She's pretty much wrecked now and doubt her daddy will find a taker to marry her. Too used. She'll probably get tossed out on the street when they realize it but in our culture, women don't get any say about much of anything. If she talks, I'll deny it and you know who everyone will believe. Some poor other dude will get the blame. "

Oh, fuck, now they wanted to fist me too? Shit. That would hurt like crazy and maybe even do some damage to me.

Danny withdrew his fingers from my hole. The lube actually helped to sooth me though. I had applied some stuff I found in the medicine cabinet earlier and my hole felt better. Jamal yanked my legs up while my brother dropped his shorts leaving him naked. His cock looked huge! Not a big as Jamal's however so I figured I could maybe take him. What choice did I have? Nobody was asking me. I was going to be raped by my brother now. Not very manly on my part but that was the least of my worries

Danny fucked me hard, not entering me slowly. Jamal put his masculine hand over my mouth to prevent any real sound from coming out. I felt him go ina and out of me . It hurt a lot at first but soon I was kind of almost enjoying it. I had dreamed about sex with my brother but not this way but then for me, beggars can't be choosers.

I felt him cum in me and his hot seed filling my hole. Jamal cheered when he saw some run out and drip on to my balls.

"Hey Danny. Got an idea. I have been fucking sissy white boys for a bit. Fucked a few other Muslim boys too. You know publicly, man on man sex is forbidden by I hear they do it all the time back in the homeland. Just never gets talked about. Gay is illegal there but it sure as hell happens. My dad and uncle have said it happens there and happens here a lot too. I was thinking I might just buy it from you. Oh, you could have it anytime you need it but I would like to make a little side cash off it and ' ys know, have a total pussy boy for myself whenever I need one. I would of course make him work at the store as before, but keep his pay and share him with you and if you want, some other cash payers. Lots of straight boys who never admit it but they get super horny and in spite of the conquests they talk about, they really ain't getting any pussy. So, a hot hole always available is nice and could be very profitable for both of us. What do you think?"

"Hell man, I don't know. It is my brother but damn making money off him would be great. He ain't got no future anyway. I know he wants to go to college but it ain't gonna happen. No money. Let me think about it."

"Yeha, I get get it. But I want to decorate him some. I think it could take quite a few dicks per day. Probably make him smile too. He's obviously a submissive type. But then, I don't care what he is, just a couple of holes that need filling. I figure, we might stretch its hold a lot and make it a real whore. If you agree, I'll front the costs of fixing him up to show well what it is. I'll even keep it at my apartment. "Ya know I got myself a place in the rat trap motel my dad bought and rents out rooms in..

Danny thought a moment. I was to shocked to speak or protest. I just lay there like some used meat.

"Fuck, yeah. My dad won't miss him. Hardly speaks to it when he's home and he's gone most of the time. I'll just tell him that Frankie moved out or some shit like that. Yeah, let's do this!"

With that, Jamal grabbed me and said he'd take me to his place. I had never been there but knew where it was. It was kind of a dump.

"Ya want his stuff?" Danny asked like he was planning a trip for me or something.

"No need, bro. I'll decide what it wears when it wears anything. For now, I'll take it as it is and do a few modifications to let it know it's true future. Call me when you or your buds need a hole to fill. Big brother will be ready for you. He he. Later today, you can stop by the store and I'll show you his new look."

I stood there in a panic not knowing what was going to happen. I guess I was still a little in my own world having just been fucked by two hot guys. I had always wanted this to happen but now, I'm not so sure.

Jamal led me out to his truck. I was still leaking his and Danny's cum. I was naked . Damn they didn't even give me shoes and the gravel hurt my big boney feet. I kind of walked like someone on burning coals. I looked back to Danny and he was just stroking his cock, naked as I was but standing in the doorway.

Jamal told me to get in his truck. He put down a paper bag for me to sit on. "don't want no whre drippings on my seats", he remarked.

I sat as low as I could not wanting anyone to see my naked body. Jamal patted my leg. "Gees, this will be hot" he said. "My own infidel whore boy, hairy as fuck and ready to make me some real cash."

We drove away, I had tears in my eyes afraid and yet my cock was hard. Go figure. Did I want all this?

We arrived at the old motel his dad owned and now rented as cheap apartments to who knows what kind of people. Jamal had one of the units, I suspect where the manager used to live, on the lower floor. He was in fact the landlord, a position his dad had given him. I doubted the place had one cent of improvements put into it. It was just a way to make cash before it was eventually torn down.

I looked around as he got out. I saw a few people around. Some black guys, a few trashy women who looked like whores and a white guy drinking out of something hidden in a bag.

He made me get out naked and walk to his door. I felt so stupid and embarrassed. Anyone who saw me knew what Jamal's plan for me was. He made me leave the bag on the seat. I was hoping to take it for partial cover but no such deal.

I almost ran to his door. He smiled and escorted me in. I stood there looking around. The place was old and out of date. There was a small bedroom with an unmade bed, a small kitchenette and a messy living room.

"Now, lets get this party started!" he exclaimed. I was standing there cowering some.

"let's see what we got here. He ran his hands over my skinny body. He looked at my big boney feet. I had a few hairs on my toes and I think they like the other hair on me was standing on end out of fear. He looked behind me and inspected my hairy ass and trench. "Love the hair around your hole. I guess some will wear off but it already is starting to look like a pussy." He ran his hands over my hairy crotch and then lifted my arms to expose my hairy pits. "Nice little smell in there. The guys I know will pay to use this, " he said touching my sore hole making me wince. "Oh, don't worry. Soon this will be craving real men's cocks . It will be so stretched that it will always hang open, ready for anything, cocks, fists, probably two cocks at a time it will get so stretched. You'll need a diaper or something stuck in there to keep it from leaking!" You'll love it."

" I think we will take you to the piercing guy and do a few adjustments to this, "he s said grabbing my cock. " Maybe a tattoo but for now, just some pretty whore jewelry." I shuddered. I had seen it all on line but never wanted any really. Well, maybe I did but I wanted to choose it.

I didn't say a word. I was full of fear, yet I was some how excited. I could tell as my dick was still hard, or at least somewhat hard.

"Let me show you what you'll wear, when you wear anything. Of course, around here, you'll be naked most of the time. No need to buy you anything. Here, you can wear some of my brother's stuff. Should fit fine. He tossed a pair of very used jeans and a tank top. Put those on."

I took the clothes and put on the too tight jeans. I could hardly breathe and my cock hung down my leg . Every part of it somewhat visible through the worn fabric. The tank top was too small too and didn't quite come to my belly button. The hair of my treasure trail showed.

I finally spoke up and said this stuff was too tight. He laughed and unbuttoned the top button on the jeans smiling at me. "Yeah, that looks good! When I want you to pull them down, it will take less effort!" I realized that there was a hole in the seat of the pants. He stuck a finger in the hole and it brushed my wet pussy, as he called it.

He grabbed himself a Gatorade to drink, not offering any to me, before he said we had to go. I had no idea where but he let me wear the old clothes and we left ending up at the tattoo/piercing store that was next to his family store.

Obviously, he knew the guy who ran it pretty well and told him he had brought me in for some work I wanted. The guy was either Indian or of some Arab background. The guy smiled at me and asked what I wanted. "He told me to choose for him. See, he wants to be a male prostitute and I told him I''d help him. I looked at Jamal with surprise. I had never said such a thing. Jamal walked around the store and selected some body jewelry. I just stood there not knowing what to say.

The guy took me back in his work area and told me to strip naked. I was really embarrassed but complied. Laying on the table, it was hard to see what Jamal had selected. I found out soon as he laid a large ring on my stomach, a small ring with a chain on it and what looked like a large ring that was heavy.

"Let's start with these. " The guy grabbed my cock and surveyed it like he was going to buy something. "Nice choices was all he said. You want some pain killer on him? It hurt a bit"

"Naw" Jamal said. "He can take it!"

With that, the man fitted the heavy ring around the top of my ball sack and locked it in place handing Jamal the tiny wrench that secured it. It was tight but ddin't feel too bad. He then put my feet in stirrups like you see in a doctor office and wiped the area on my perineum. Faster than I could believe, he poked a stinging needle in and before I knew it, I had a ring between my balls and my hole.

"His hole looks a little sore" He laughed when he said it.

Jamal replied that it was used a few times.

"Kind of hairy too. You want it shaved clean?

Jamal replied that he didn't. He said he liked the look and if I was going with Arab men, they liked a little hair.

"Now for the hard part. You may want to hold him down. I will secure the legs in the stirrups but I don't want him kicking me or nothing."

Jamal nodded and the man ran alcohol over my rather big dick head. "This should look good on him. He a bottom?"

"Totally." Jamal replied.

I almost screamed my head off as he pierced the head on my now flaccid dick and put the ring through it. I was crying and screaming before Jamal stuck a rubber cock in my mouth to quiet me.

"Looks good on him. Hope he likes it."

Jamal told the man he could used me if he wanted. "Maybe you can give me a break on the price and he won't mind." Jamal said.

After examing his work, he shook his head yes and dropped his pants. He wasn't wearing underwear and rubbed his cock. I think it was half hard already. With my legs in the stirrups, I couldn't move but my hole was exposed. "Wow, a hairy hole, too!" With a single push, he shoved his way all the way in and began to fuck me. I was glad for once that I had cum in my hole as it hurt less. As a matter of fact, it hardly hurt after Danny and Jamal had opened me up some. He fucked me for about ten minutes or so before he unloaded his man juice in me as I lay sobbing not knowing if it was pain in my dick or from being fucked by a stranger.

When he was done raping me, he pulled up his pants and said he liked my pussy fur rubbing his cock. I didn't reply.

He told Jamal to help me up saying I might be a little weak. I was definitely weak after a fucking and having a hole put through my cock head. As I stood, I was real wobbly and almost fell,, glad that they held me up. The weight of the large device around my balls suddenly tugged and pulled them down. I felt sick to my stomach and my dick hurt liked hell.

The guy showed Jamal how to treat the wounds which stall had a little blood on it. He suggested I not close my pants and let my dick hang free. "He'll be ok in a day or so. Damn, look at his already low hangers swing with that thing on them!' Jamal chuckled at my pain and how I looked. Not bothering with my shirt, I was helped out barefoot and shirtless. I never went out that way anytime before but I was too weak to protest. I just wanted to lie down.

We went back to Jamal's place. He carried a bag with him. I had no idea of the contents but after laying me on the couch, he showed me. He had a large tail looking thing with a huge ball shaped end to it. He also had a leather collar that he snapped on my neck and something he called a sound. "Yeah, got these toys for you my puppy. This ball is going up your furry hole. It will help to stretch you out to take almost anything up your cunt. The sound is to stretch you pee hole. I will be wide open too and make quite a spray when you piss or shoot your cum. That is when I let you cum." He smiled broadly. His gleaming white teeth on his handsome face made me want him yet I was so tired , I could hardly move.

He let me lay on the couch while he showered and got dressed. I was amazed that he wore no underwear and slipped on a tight pair of jeans, a button up shirt he left open about half way revealing his chest hair, and slipped on some nice sexy looking loafer type shoes on his bare feet.

Up boy, we got to get you dressed for work tonight. The last thing I wanted was to work in the store but he pulled on a different button up pair of jeans and the same tight tank top. He left my cock hang out. "When it's just you and me in the store, I'll leave you hang out. We'll just close you up when customers come in."

I just nodded and he put his arm around me like we were old friends and led me to his car.

The night in the store was interesting.

Next: Chapter 3

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