Franks Wager

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Sep 3, 2023


So, while frank and Vinnie never talked about the regular visits frank was making to Paul, Vinnie and Paul DID. Vinnie very much liked being kept in the loop. Paul enjoyed the pleasure of breaking in a "newbie" even more, and becoming his "third Daddy," as he called it (Vinnie never used the term. He hated it). Vinnie and frank continued to have their Wednesdays and Saturdays together. Vinnie had to be especially assiduous about NOT using what Paul told him (for example, Paul had learned that frank knew how to do that trick that wrestlers and body builders did: he could flex a single pec, followed by the second one. According to Paul, he did it especially well when the riding crop came down on his nipples).

Paul knew that he and frank were not going to be a couple: they were not really suited for each other, and Paul didn't want it either: Paul was younger than Vinnie, but he was still too old for frank, and too busy. Also, Paul didn't want a relationship, and both he and Vinnie thought that frank needed someone constant. Paul got out more often than Vinnie did, and he took frank out to bars and clubs with him, introducing him to people as they went. Some of them hit it off with frank, for a short time at least, and while frank never could be called a "slut", he didn't lack for company in bed.

Things changed after he met Geoff when he was out with Paul. Geoff was a big guy: just about an inch taller than frank and, while not having a "built" body like frank did, he was solid: think lumberack. He also had a full beard of dark red hair, that complimented his full head of curly hair the same color. He was from Scotland, and spoke with a brogue. The accent caught frank's attention. So did the stare. The first night they met at the club Paul took him to, Geoff took one look at frank, and just fixed him like a rabbit in front of a wolf. frank tried to respond to the stare, but he couldn't: especially after Geoff took frank's nipples between his rough thumbs and forefingers, squeezed and said: "you better plan on cancelling your plans tonight, handsome, because you're spending the night with me. " He smiled after that, and ran his big, thick tongue around his lips. "We clear on that, stud?" he asked frank. Geoff's grip was a little tight and frank was wincing. He was wincing, but his cock was growing. "Very clear Sir. I'm here with Paul" "Not anymore frankie," Paul said, smiled, and walked off. The fuck Geoff threw into frank that night was one that frank would never forget. It was... as he said to Vinnie the next day "FUCKING AWESOME."

It wasn't one of their regular days, but frank was so excited about Geoff he needed to call Vinnie. "GOD SIR. I didn't think.. I didn't think I'd be into beards, or hair, or... or anything like this guy but... GEEZ, I hope he calls me again." "Well, frankie boy, if you're that into him, why can't you call him?" "I didn't think I could Sir. After all..." "After all, smafter all. You know the kind of language to use. Be submissive. Apologize for bothering him. Tell him some of the things you know how to do that you didn't do last night. REEL HIM IN FRANKIE.

You got a big fish, one you like the taste of. Finish the deal." "Yes sir. Thank you Sir."

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Vinnie didn't hear anything more about Geoff, so he thought it was just a passing phase. Then, one Monday, he got a call from frank "frankie, is everything ok?" "Yes sir. Everything is, I just.... uh.... I'm really into this Geoff guy, and I'd like you to meet him, get your approval.... I know we don't see each other on Tuesdays, usually, but... maybe you could come over and the three of us could hang out." Vinnie's evil mind started working. "If it's ok with your man, I'll come over. Tell me when." "Thank you Sir. It is. I already asked him. Maybe 6:30 tomorrow?" Vinnie agreed and thought "Hmmm. 6:30 is a little early. I wonder what this Geoff guy has in mind.

Vinnie got to the "dorm" just before 6:30. He knocked on frank's door, and when it opened: he saw the mountain that was Geoff for the first time. He had on a flannel shirt that was opened, and his chest was covered with dark red hair. Vinnie could see frank tied up in a chair over Geoff's shoulder. He had a cloth gag tied around his mouth. Geoff smiled "Hello. You must be Mr. Squillo" "Vinnie please. You're Geoff?" "The one and only." he laughed. "I've heard tons about you Vinnie. Thank you for getting frank ready for me. Come on in." Vinnie smiled when he saw frank tied in the chair: it was the first time he saw him tied there by someone other than himself. He was shirtless, and he had on nothing but a pair of white athletic tights, like you'd see on a superhero's costume. "Hmmm. He's gonna need a shave soon, isn't he Geoff?" Geoff smiled. "Great minds think alike." He looked at frank and raised his voice. "WHY THE FUCK AREN'T THOSE NIPPLES POINTED OUT BOY?" "mmmmmmmmmmph." A small sound came out of frank as he pointed his chest forward. "Care to tease em before I show you what we taught him to do, Vinnie?" "I wouldn't say no." Vinnie walked over, smiling. "Look at my boy. How's it going frankie?" He took each nipple and began slowly twisting them. frank began to moan, both from what Vinnie was doing, and what he knew was coming. When Vinnie was done, Geoff came forward. He had a riding crop in his hand. frank started shaking his head no. The crop came down on frank's crotch, which had been tied in an intricate pattern so that his balls and cock were pushed forward. "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH" he responded, as Geoff took the crop to frank's right pec. "FLEX IT BOTTOM. FLEX IT FOR THE TWO MEN IN THIS ROOM." Vinnie watched, delighted, as frank did the trick. It was cheesy, but it was hot. "He needs clamps, Geoff" Vinnie said. frank's eyes got wide. He didn't know that Vinnie could be THAT evil. "Maybe later. I have something else in mind..." He smacked frank's left pec, and frank started flexing that one. "ALTERNATE THEM, CUNT, WHILE I CHAT WITH VINNIE. DO NOT STOP." As frank did what he was told, Geoff dropped his voice.

"I really need to thank you for bringing this boy along. He's fucking voracious. But I think I got him under control. When he asked if he could invite you over, I began thinking: should frank get spit roasted?" Vinnie smiled. "It's a thought that crossed my mind" Geoff smiled. "I think since you plowed the field first, you should take his ass. I'll take his mouth." "Negative Sir," Vinnie smiled. "I'll get my chance tomorrow. It's still Wednesdays with Vinnie. I could use a good bj anyway." "Yeah, I wanted to talk to you about that Vinnie. Not the Wednesdays. They're yours. No ifs ands or buts. But I wonder: would you be willing to trade Saturdays for Sundays? I work on Sunday nights and, so... that sweet ass ain't tended to." "Heh heh. Finish off the week with his old bud Vinnie? Sounds good to me." "FRANKIE, KNOW WHAT? You're gonna get DOUBLE COCK BEFORE DINNER STUD. " "MMMMMMMMMPH." frank could feel his cock getting harder and harder. He laughed to himself because it meant Vinnie would need extra Viagra the next day, but.... Geoff easily manhandled frank onto the bed, his head down at the foot, level with Vinnie's cock. Geoff kept frank's hands tied behind him, and he pulled the tights down, smacking frank's ass to make him spread his legs. "OOOOOOOOOOH. I love the sound of a body builder ass taking a smack." "How about the sound of one of those asses getting FUCKED. Let me slide in so that he doesn't bite you by accident." "Courteous," Vinnie thought to himself. "I like the way this Geoff operates. " He grabbed the front of frank's hair, and pulled his head up. "Gonna suck your first stud, frankie?" "Yes sir." "And you're gonna take Scot cock up your ass?" "OH YES SIR." Vinnie saw frank wince as Geoff started the fuck. Geoff was short and thick: the opposite of Vinnie's long and thin. "Me thinks I'm in Vinnie. Have at him." "SUCK IT FRANKIE." "GGNGGNGGNGNGNGGNGGNGNG" frank's mouth closed around Vinnie's cock. Vinnie had said, some months ago, that whatever else happened, he would ALWAYS have a claim on frank. As he took the two cocks, luxuriating in the feel, frank knew that Vinnie was right. Whatever happened with Geoff, part of him would always belong to Vinnie. Geoff came first. Apparently he had been hard for frank for about two hours before Vinnie came over. Then Vinnie let loose with a stream of jizz, down frank's throat. He laughed. "This boy can eat. Maybe we'll save some money at dinner." Geoff laughed. "I can put away a good meal too, but no one I know takes cock the way this bitch does. " He untied frank's wrists. "Get cleaned up and dressed boy. We'll be heading out. Vinnie was impressed when frank got cleaned up. SOMEONE was teaching him about clothes. He had on a dark red V neck sweater that showed off his body, and black pants. On the way to the restaurant, he walked alongside of Geoff, with his hands behind his back, as Geoff kept a hand on frank's left bicep. When Vinnie left them, frank looked at Geoff and Geoff shook his head yes. He nearly crushed Vinnie in an embrace. "Thank you Sir. Thank you for... for everything." Vinnie laughed. "frankie boy, there's more coming . Don't forget. I'm over tomorrow. You better have something left. " Geoff laughed. "He's the fucking everrready bottom."

"So, you like this guy Geoff, huh frankie?" Vinnie asked him as they were sitting down for food. Vinnie had already fucked frank mightily: two tablets worth. frank was excited to see Vinnie, and he had dressed in an outfit that he knew Vinnie really liked: a simple white broadcloth shirt, two buttons opened, sleeves folded back, and the tight jeans Vinnie loved. It did the trick. When frank opened the door, he said simply "Please come in Sir," and when Vinnie did, frank put his hands behind his back. Vinnie saw that he had put the handcuffs out for him to use, but he ignored them. Instead, he stepped behind Vinnie and ran his chin over frank's ear. "OH YES SIR. OH YES. " Geoff had too much of a beard to allow him to do the kind of stimulation of frank's ears that frank loved. Vinnie's little beard did the trick. And while he did rub frank's ears, his hands slipped down and took frank's nipples through the cloth. He whispered. "You're still my BITCH frankie, you know that?" Through his moans, frank answered. "Yes sir. Always. As long as you'll have me." He felt Vinnie's cock pushing up against his ass. "That could be a while. You know that frankie, don't ya?" "Yes sir." "Even if you two... tie the knot." He pushed his tongue into frank's ear "I'm gonna keep tying the knot on you wherever I want." "Yes sir . Absolutely." "GET ON THE BED. Get those jeans off. Watching Geoff take that ass... I thought about it all night." "Yes sir. Yes sir. Please. Please be gentle." "Ha ha ha. No chance, BITCH. " Vinnie shoved frank's legs up. frank was so much more used to the feel of Vinnie's cock, that it would have been difficult for a fuck from Vinnie to hurt. Vinnie couldn't see frank smiling as he began sliding back and forth. IT FELT SO GOOD, AND IT FELT SO DIFFERENT. frank didn't have to fake the moans as Vinnie took him the way he had so many times already. The gush of Vinnie's jizz into his ass reminded him: he would, always, belong to Vinnie in some way.

Now, they were talking about Geoff. When Vinnie asked frank if he liked him, frank blushed, and smiled. "Would it be wrong, Sir, to say I think he may be the one?" "NAH! Never wrong to say what you think. Does he feel that way about you frankie?" "I think so, Sir. He wants me to meet his sister. Her name is Glenna." "Nice name. She a red head like him?" frank smiled. "She's more a ginger than he is, Sir. I guess he's somewhere between red and brown." "Yeah, and his bush is the same color. " frank blushed. Whatever other language Vinnie used, "bush" always made him blush. He knew he wasn't going to change the way Vinnie spoke, so he said nothing. Instead, he reached out to take Vinnie's hand. "You have no idea how important you've been to me, Sir." "AW STOP frankie. Don't get mushy on me. At least not outside. " Vinnie winked. "Stay mushy and soft INSIDE, so you feel good, but stop that stuff. You did this all. " He paused. "Or at least most of it." He squeezed frank's hand back. They were both silent for a few minutes. Then frank looked up. "You sign up for a gym yet, Sir?" Vinnie gave him a look. "You wanna wear the BIG buttplug tonight? "

Normally , Vinnie fell asleep right after they got into spoon position. Not tonight. Tonight, frank felt one of Vinnie's hands encircle his balls, and then the other one close on his left nipple. "WAS HE HORNY AGAIN?" frank thought. Then he heard Vinnie whispering. "You still belong to me, you know that frankie?" He squeezed and pinched at the same time. "YES SIR. OH YES. I'm always yours. ALWAYS. " "You're gonna keep your Wednesdays for me, right?" "Yes sir. And my Sundays." "You gonna let Geoff and I take you together if we want?" "It's up to you two Sir. I obey what you men say." frank could feel Vinnie's cock hardening. He thought "He IS gonna take me again, " but then, he heard Vinnie snoring. And as usual, Vinnie was out of the apartment on Thursday morning before frank woke up.

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So, there we are folks. A trupple? Well, sort of but not really. Turns out that, at least to the present, Geoff HAS been the one. frank stopped hitting the bars, unless Geoff or Vinnie wanted to go. Wednesdays have remained Vinnie's day, and on Sundays, there's usually some kind of outing before they return and have more sex. Sometimes, if Geoff gets a day off from Sunday work, they'll share frank: on Sundays, since it's Vinnie's day, HE gets frank's ass, and Geoff gets his mouth. And sometimes, Geoff will give Vinnie a call, and see if he'd like a weekday threesome. Most times, Vinnie comes over, but not always.

See, Vinnie was taking a subway one day, and he saw this curly haired kid, who looked like he was out of one of the paintings Vinnie had studied in college. Jessie had just graduated, and was beginning graduate school. He's a long distance runner, and came out in college. Vinnie describes his ass as "sort of like diving into a big scooter pie, it's so sweet.

And that's where we're leaving our boys, readers. May we ALL have the appetite and drive that Vinnie has at plus 75. Be well, all, and keep reading. Don't forget to leave a few bucks for Nifty.

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