Frat Basement

By RimPig (RimPigFL, Bobby Michaels) (Of Blessed Memory)

Published on Dec 28, 2002


DISCLAIMER: Ok, I got a lot of fuckin' e-mails over this story asking - and in some cases, begging - me to continue it, which I had not intended to do. But never let it be said that RimPig, in his never ending quest to bring pleasure to males, can ever say no to the idea of getting a guy off! That's just not me! And the lucky guys who have had my mouth around their cock, my tongue up their butt or their cock up my very hot hole, can tell you I will do ANYTHING to please a male.

So, here's a third installment. I hope you enjoy it. It's not going to be all raunch this time. Just mostly. There is going to be some romance because, if you haven't figured it out yet, I am one Raunchy/Romantic little Pig!

Oh, and if you're not allowed to read this story because of laws where you live - fuckin' MOVE!

And, by the way, this story is for Wesley. Just because.


by RimPig (c) 2002

I didn't make it to class that day after all. Brian and I ended up making love all morning and then heading over to the student cafeteria to gobble down some lunch before moving my stuff out of the dorm and into his - or should I say 'our' - room at the frat house. It wouldn't have taken me all that much time to move into Brian's room, except for the fact that Brian and I just couldn't seem to keep our hands - or noses - off each other. We spent the afternoon teasing each other. Bringing each other to a point of sexual frenzy and then backing off. It was exquisite torture and we really enjoyed doing it to each other.

The other thing that Brian did was give me my 'uniform'. While we were putting my stuff away, he reached into his closet and brought out a box and handed it to me. I opened it up and it had three jock straps in it. But three jocks like I'd never seen before. They were the tiny 'swimmer' jocks which had a waistband the width of the leg bands. They were also in color! The pouch was a royal blue and the waistband and leg bands were gold. Those, I knew were the frat colors.

"What the fuck are these?" I asked him.

"They're your uniform. As mascot. Your supposed to wear it when you're in the house. You can wear it under your clothes if you want to, but you don't have to." he said.

"Oh. Ok. I guess...Do I have to wash them and keep them 'nice'?" I asked.

"You do and I'll kick your butt out of bed!" he growled. "I want those full of piss, cum and sweat and stinkin' like a jock should as soon as possible!"

"That's more like it! Then I'll put one on now." I said, slipping out of my clothes and putting on the jock. It fit me like a glove.

"Did you order these yourself?" I asked.

"Yeah. I used the jock of yours that I had as a size guide." he told me.

"It's cool looking! I like it." I said.

"Fuck! You do look hot in it." he growled, grabbing me an starting to nibble on my shoulder again.

"Mmm!" I moaned. "You think that I look hot in almost anything!"

"That's because you do!" he murmured. "But you look best in nothing!"

I pulled away from his arms and slipped across the room to continue unpacking. This 'sexual tension' thing was fun! I decided that I would keep Brian panting for as long as possible before letting him have me again.

Brian had wrestling practice that afternoon and I really wanted to go since I didn't have football practice but he almost outright ordered me not to.

"Why not?! Are you ashamed of me or something?!" I practically screamed at him.

He got a stricken look on his face and grabbed me into his very muscular and hairy arms.

"Oh, babe! Fuck, no!! I'm not ashamed of you! Fuck! I'm so fuckin' proud of you I want to tell everybody on campus that you're my partner!" he said, his voice full of hurt.

He called me "babe"! Never had he used a term of endearment before and that sound of hurt in his voice showed how vulnerable he was! Well! At least I was breaking through that 'macho' wall somewhat!

"Then why can't I come to your wrestling practice?!" I said.

"Ok, look there's two reasons. Number one is that Linda is going to be there. And before you go off gettin' all pissed at me, I'm going to tell her today that it's over and to get lost. I don't want you there for that. I can't figure that you'd want to be anyway." he said.

"No! You're right about that. You deal with your bitch by yourself." I huffed, taking my arms from around him and crossing them in front of me.

"But the real reason is more important. If you were there, I would spend that whole fuckin' practice concentrating on you! I wouldn't get a fuckin' thing accomplished and Coach would probably kick my butt! I can take you being there at meets only because it's like I'm 'performin' for you! Like, I take this guy and fuckin' grind him into the mat for you! For your pleasure. Does that make any sense?" he asked.

It hit me that he was standing there like a little boy, explaining himself. I was so beautiful. Just like I figured, whether he could say the word or not, Brian loved me. I was very important to his life and - Fuck! - but he was becoming damned important in mine. I put my arms around him again.

"It makes a lot of sense. I understand. I won't ask again." I said as I gently kissed a licked at his neck.

"Now you go fuckin' doin' that and you know what's goin' to happen to your ass!" he growled.

"It's going to get nailed to the fuckin' mattress by your cock?" I giggled.

"Fuckin' A right it is!" he laughed.

And then he picked me up into his arms and threw me on the bed. He pounced on top of me and did exactly that. Nailed my fuckin' ass to the mattress with his cock. Thanks to my butt, Brian was late to practice for the first time in his entire college career and had to run 25 laps for it! I felt rather proud of myself for that one!

Of course, that left me with a late afternoon/early evening free for myself. Or so I thought! I'd forgotten that I was the 'Mascot'. That was until I heard a knock at the door to our room. I opened the door and there stood one of the senior members of the frat - Randy Branson with a freshman pledge who I knew was on the swim team - Jake Carlson.

Randy was a running back and was a magnificent hunk of "beef"! 6' tall with dark wavy hair and deep brown 'bedroom' eyes. Randy had a body made by the Devil himself - cause it just reeked pure sin! Beautifully muscular and covered with a light dusting of hair on his chest and a treasure trail that led to a very tightly packed crotch. Especially dressed as he was in only a tight pair of gym shorts.

Jake, on the other hand was about as tall as I was and slender. Dark hair but blue eyes behind long dark lashes. His body was also beautiful but hairless and he had more the typical swimmer's build but with very defined muscles and a beautiful six-pack which was all visible as he was dressed exactly like Randy. I figured that Randy must be Jake's pledge master and I was right.

"You must be Nick. I heard about you becoming Mascot." Randy said, sticking out his hand to me.

I shook hands with him. He didn't break any bones in my hand, but I figured that was pure luck.

"Say hello, asshole!" Randy growled at Jake.

"Hi, Nick." Jake mumbled, his embarrassment evident.

"So what's up, guys?" I asked - as if I didn't know.

Well, I didn't. This was not the usual request for me. It seems that Jake had tried to give Randy a blowjob the night before and was evidently pretty awful at it. Randy brought him to me to see if I could teach him to be a decent cocksucker!

"The first thing I want to know is whether or not this blowjob was voluntary or forced." I said, my voice very serious, looking at Randy.

"I didn't force the little fuck! He came on to me! Said how I really turned him on and he wanted to do me! Swear to God! Look, I can get lots of guys - and girls - to swing on my meat if I want it! I don't need to go forcin' some little freshman asshole to do it!" Randy assured me.

"Ok, I just wanted to know, because if it was forced, there's no real way I can help him." I said.

"Why the fuck not?" Randy asked.

"Randy, do you know what makes me a good cocksucker?" I asked him.

"Cause you've had lots of practice?" he offered.

"No! Because I love sucking cock! You gotta WANT to do it to be any good at it! If Jake doesn't want to do it, if he doesn't really love doing it, he's never gonna be any good at it, no matter how much I try and teach him!" I told him.

"Oh! Yeah. That fuckin' makes sense. Ok. Well, he wants to!" Randy said.

"Do you really?" I asked Jake.

"Yeah, I do." he said, looking down and avoiding my eyes.

"Look at me and say that." I said quietly to him.

He hesitantly raised his head and I looked deep into his blue eyes.

"Yes, I do." he repeated and I could see that he really meant it.

"Just Randy's?" I asked.

" guy's ever turned me on the way that he does." Jake said.

"Ok. I'll work with you. But you gotta do everything I tell you, ok?" I asked.

"Yeah! Ok!" Jake's eyes lit up.

Well, he really DID want to become a better cocksucker - at least when it came to sucking Randy.

"Ok, then, I'll just leave him here with you." Randy said.

"The fuck you will! Get you butt in this room! I can't teach him how to suck your cock unless you're involved." I told him.

"Why do I have to be here! I'm not gonna suck no dick!" he insisted.

"And how am I supposed to fuckin' know how you like gettin' your dick sucked?!"

Males can be so fuckin' thick!

"Oh. You mean there's different ways?" Randy asked, really confused.

Oh, fuck! Another dumb Jock!

"Yes, Randy, there are all kinds of ways! Just like there's all kinds of guys and all kinds of cocks!" I said, the exasperation showing in my voice.

"Well I didn't know! I only got one cock and I ain't interested in any others." he insisted.

"So why don't you take off those gym shorts and let's see yours." I said.

Randy quickly pushed down the little gym shorts and kicked them off his feet. He stood there gloriously naked. I could now see this cock that he was so proud of and I didn't blame him one bit. Jake had picked quite a specimen for his first attempt. Randy's cock was about five inches soft and I could tell it was going to harden to about eight to nine inches and very thick. Randy was also uncut, so I would have to give Jake some lessons in dealing with foreskin.

"Ok, Randy, I'm gonna take your cock in my mouth and I'm gonna try several techniques on you. You tell me which you like best." I said.

I brought his cock to my lips and skinned back the foreskin with my hand. We could get around to playing with that later. However, as soon as I pushed back his foreskin, the pungent, raunchy smell of male smegma filled the air. Randy's cock was loaded with premium Jock head-cheese! My favorite snack!

"Sorry. I was gonna take a shower." Randy apologized.

"Sorry? What about! I love smegma! It's my favorite snack!" I purred.

"Well, there's plenty there for ya'" Randy said.

"If you come to me this year for service, you bring this thing loaded just the way it is now!" I said, looking up into his eyes.

This must have really turned him on because the smoldering look of lust I got from his deep brown eyes was like a laser piecing through me! I kept eye contact with him while my tongue whipped out and began licking up all the smegma from around his cock-head. I moaned at the pungent, raunchy flavor of it and his nostrils flared in heat.

After I cleaned up all the ripeness from his cock I slowly took it into my mouth. I began slowly and gently sucking on it while using my tongue to lick all over the head and shaft. Randy moaned at this.

"That's one way." I said, pulling off his cock and staring him in the eyes. "Now, this is another."

And with that, I again took his cock into my mouth - this time sucking harder on it and moving my head rapidly up and down it. Again, he moaned.

"Now for this next one, I need your help. I'm not going to move. I want you to fuck my face with your cock." I said to him and he gave me a leering grin.

I opened my mouth and took his cock back in. He started pumping almost immediately, driving his cock farther and farther into me until he was fucking me down my throat with his big cock. It was my turn to moan at the feeling of having my throat fucked and getting to smell the ripe odor of his groin as his pubic hair crashed into my nose on each in-stroke. After a few minutes of this, I pulled off his cock.

"Now, which one did you like best?" I asked him.

I could see from his face that this was a real dilemma for him. He obviously enjoyed all three.

"I liked them all." he said.

"Ok, I can understand that. But I don't think I can teach Jake to deep throat you like you just did to me in an afternoon. Why don't we teach him number one?" I asked.

"Yeah! That's cool! I liked number one!" he beamed.

"Ok, for this next part, Randy, I want you to go lay down on the bed. It will be easier on all of us that way."

Randy went over and lay down on the bed on his back, his hard cock rising over his abs.

"No, on your side. I'll show you why in a minute." I told him.

Randy assumed the position I directed.

"Ok, Jake, get naked and lay down on the bed on your side with your face in Randy's crotch. I figure you'll like that position." I grinned at him.

Jake smiled shyly at me as he slipped off his gym shorts. His cock was about seven inches and cut. He was very hard from watching me work on Randy's cock and there was a glistening drop of pre-cum on his piss-slit. I leaned over, stuck out my tongue and licked it off. Mmm. Sweet boy cock-honey! I loved it! Jake moaned at the touch of my tongue.

"Ok, get on the bed like I told you." I said softly.

Jake got on the bed with his face almost in Randy's crotch. They formed two sides of a triangle, though they didn't realize it at that moment. I slipped off my 'uniform' jock and got on the bed with my face in Jake's crotch and, just coincidentally, my crotch almost in Randy's face.

"Now Jake, I'm going to do to your cock what I want you to do to Randy's cock. Let me work on you for a couple of minutes before you go trying to suck Randy. Feel what I'm doing to you. If you have any questions about it, just ask me and I'll explain it. Ok?" I asked.

"Ok." he said.

This was sexually about the 'weirdest' thing I'd ever done - teaching one guy to blow another one! But, what the hell! My job was to serve! I lowered my head and slowly took Jake's cock into my mouth and began to slowly suck on it while moving my tongue over the head and licking up and down the sides of it. Jake started moaning almost immediately. I was willing to bet any amount of money that this boy had never had a blow job in his entire life. Probably only dreamed of giving them. Now he was going to learn why guys love them so much!

After a couple of minutes, I pulled off Jake's cock and looked up at his face.

"How's that? Think you can copy that on Randy's cock? Got any questions?" he asked.

"Fuck! That felt really good! You are so good at that!" he exclaimed.

"How do you think I got to be Mascot?" I laughed. "Ready to try it yourself?"

"Fuck, yeah!" he said.

"Ok, just two things. First - use your fingers to gently hold down his foreskin so that the head of his cock is uncovered while you're sucking it. That will give him a lot more feeling. Second - cover your teeth! Some guys like to be gently nibbled but nobody likes having their cock skin scraped with a guy's teeth! It really hurts! We'll get into the more advanced stuff like 'nibbling' another time. Let's just get a good, solid blowjob down for now. Ok?" I told him.

"Fuck!" he breathed and lowered his head and took Randy's cock into his mouth.

I figured a little assistance would be helpful so I took Jake's cock back in my mouth. I was really getting off on his cock and the smell of his crotch. He was getting off on my eating his dick and sucking on Randy's. There was a lot of moaning going on in that bed! Then I felt something warm and wet surrounding my cock! Randy! So he wasn't interested in learning to suck cock, huh?! He sure was sucking the shit outa mine! And he sure didn't need any 'lessons' in how to do it, either! This boy had sucked cock before - and often! His mouth was one of the hottest that had ever wrapped itself around my eight fat inches!

It didn't take long and all of us were shooting loads down each other's throats. Randy went first, unloading into Jake's mouth. This set Jake off and I was treated to a nice, sweet load from his boy-cock and that set me off. I thought that Randy might pull off me when I came, but no! He swallowed my entire load like a real cock-hound!

We relaxed for a couple of minutes and then I sat up on the bed.

"Ok, guys. Why don't you two go back to Randy's room and you can 'practice' some more." I said, grinning at the two of them.

They both gave me sheepish grins and then got up off the bed and pulled on their gym shorts once again.

"Uhh...thanks Nick." Randy said.

"Think nothing of it! It's part of my job and I enjoyed it." I said, looking him straight in the eye and letting him know that most of that enjoyment was him eating my cock!

Randy blushed.

"And, of course, nothing that happened here today goes any farther. That's part of the Mascot's Code!" I announced.

I had no fucking idea if there was a Mascot's Code or not, but I figured there ought to be and confidentiality should be the first thing on it! And besides, I knew Randy was one of those guys who wasn't ready to admit he liked sucking on another dude's cock as much as he liked having his cock sucked. I knew I'd done the right thing when Randy gave me this big grin.

I figured that would be it for the afternoon, but I was wrong. Randy and Jake hadn't been gone more than 5 minutes when there was another knock on the door. I pulled on my "uniform" and went and opened it. There stood Mike Caldwell, football quarterback and jock god in all his golden and evidently sweaty beauty. He really reeked of mansweat! I could smell him the minute I opened the door! What a nice aroma this man had!

"Hey! Mike! Come on in!" I said, walking over and sitting on the bed.

"Hey, Nick! I see Brian gave you your uniform! You look great in it!" he said, running his eyes up and down my body like a hungry wolf eyeing prey.

"Yeah, and it fits perfectly. So, what's up?" I asked.

"Well, I just got done working out and I know it's not morning, but I really need to take a piss. I was just wondering..." he broke off as I slipped to my knees.

Of course I was interested! I loved drinking piss from this Jock!

"I'll drink all you've got! Do I get to eat your raunchy butt again and suck on your cock, too?" I asked, grinning up at him.

"Fuck! You can have anything you want! You're about the most eager mascot we've ever had!" he laughed.

"Even more eager than you?" I smiled a knowing smile at him.

"Oh, you know about that, huh?" he asked.

"Yep. Brian told me. I've got one question for you though. Were you the other guy who was able to take Alex's cock all the way?" I asked quietly.

"Yeah. I was. How did you figure that?" he asked.

"Well, when I ate your ass, I knew you got fucked because your hole opened so easily to my tongue. I really love when an ass does that! Lets me eat way up inside a guy! And then Brian told me you'd been mascot your freshman year - I just kind of put two and two together." I told him.

"Yeah, I got hooked on that fuckin' horse dick of his. He still fucks me with it. He told me you took the whole thing this morning. I'm in awe! It took me months to finally do it!" he said.

"Well, I was prepared. You'd already fucked me and so had Brian." I said.

"How are things going with Brian?" Mike asked.

"How do you mean?" I asked, wondering what he knew.

" know, living with him..." he sputtered off.

"You mean sleeping with him? And being his 'partner'?" I asked knowingly.

"Oh, he's told you about that already! He's certainly moves fast!" Mike grinned.

"No, I kind of forced it out of him. I said yes. Don't tell him this, but I'm really falling in love with him." I told Mike.

"So why not tell him?" he asked.

"Because it would scare the shit out of him!" I grinned.

"Yeah, you're probably right! It would!" he laughed along with me. "Is he gonna have any problems with you being Mascot?"

"No. We talked about that. As long as I know that I'm his, he's ok with it." I said.

"Good! I wouldn't want to deal with an angry, jealous Brian!" he said.

"Neither would I! You'll never guess what he's doing right about now." I said.


"Telling Linda to get lost." I smirked.

"Woah! He's that serious about you, huh?" he asked.

"You might say that. If you promise never to breathe a word to him, I'll let you in on a little secret." I said conspiratorially.


"Brian paid one of my friends $50 to steal one of my jocks for him." I said.

"Fuck, he IS serious!" Mike smiled.

"Yeah! I only had to pay $20 for someone to steal one of his for me." I said quietly.

"You what?! Fuck! I think you two were made for each other! And I never thought there was anybody made for Brian! You know what his frat nickname is, don't you?" Mike asked.

"No, I don't. What is it?" I asked.

"Dog! Well, HornDog actually." he laughed.

"Well, he is that, but then again, I can't name anybody in this frat who isn't! Including you!" I smiled.

"You fuckin' got that right. Hey! I really gotta piss here!" Mike said.

"No problem, buddy!" I said and dipped my head down and captured the head of his cock in my mouth.

It took no time at all and Mike's hot piss was pouring down my throat as I knelt there, moaning around his cock as I drank down every drop of his hot manjuice. Mike ran his hands through my hair and stroked my head while I drank his piss. He did have a lot of it! When the flow finally stopped, I forced my tongue under the hood of his cock and started licking out all of the funky, ripe head-cheese that I could find. It's odor was strong and the taste was pungent - just the way I love it! Mike moaned as I licked it all out of his hood.

"Can I smell your ass now?" I asked, dropping his cock and looking up at him.

"Fuck! Nick, you can smell and eat my fuckin' ass anytime you want!" he grinned. "Let me get comfortable so you can take your time."

Mike sat down on the edge of the bed and grabbed his legs behind the knees, he rolled back pulling his legs with him and I was treated to the view of his entire ass trench as he lay back on the bed. I sat on the floor and scooted forward. I found that I could slip my legs under the bed and it brought my mouth right to the lips of his butt. I could then play with my hard cock while I smelled and licked his hot, sweaty, ripe butt.

The heavy reek of his raunchy butt went up my nose and I moaned as I ran my nose up and down his ripe crack. His ass scent wasn't as strong as Brian's but it was heavy, dark and masculine and I loved it! I breathed deep and moaned at the scent of his butt! I wanted to keep on smelling his butt forever but my mouth was all but drooling to start licking and tasting the beautiful ass that I was snorting.

I stuck out my tongue and began to drag it through his butt-trench, gathering up the tastes of sweat, assjuice and that special 'Mike' taste. I was moaning into his butt as I tasted all the tangy essence of him and he was moaning at the feel of my tongue dragging through his crack. I finally got down to business and began licking and sucking at his hole. It flowered open for me and I was soon shoving my tongue deep inside his ass and tasting his slick, smooth tunnel. The taste was stronger there and as I rooted further into his ass, our moans became louder.

Just as I was thinking about coming up for air and sucking his cock, there was a knock at the door. Wondering who it could be, I got up off the floor and went to answer it. Standing there, a rather sheepish expression on his face and his hardon really tenting out a tiny pair of gym shorts, was Alex.

"I wondered if I could fuck you this morning?" he asked bluntly.

"Well, you're in luck, big boy! You've got your choice!" I said and opened the door wider to let him in.

He immediately saw Mike laying back on the bed, his legs in the air and his hole exposed.

"Oh, fuck!" was all that Alex could say as he walked to the bed, got down on his knees and started licking Mike's hole.

"Oh, fuck!" Mike echoed. "Yeah, suck my butt! Get me ready for that butt-rammer of yours!"

I stood there playing with my own very hard cock and watching Alex rim Mike. It was a very hot scene to see these two rutting Jocks going at it. Alex obviously loved eating butt - at least Mike's butt - and seemed to be very good at it, if the moans coming out of Mike were any indication. I was wondering where I fit into this three-way when Mike motioned me over to him.

"Sit on my face! I wanna suck your butt! I love to suck butt while mine's getting eaten!" he moaned.

"No problem!" I said, climbing aboard his face.

And did Mike eat ass! He was licking and slurping in my ass-crack like he was a starving man who hadn't eaten in days. I could feel him sucking out the loads that were still up there from him, Alex and Brian. I wiggled my butt on his tongue and sighed in satisfaction at the feelings that were being caused in my butthole. I don't know about Mike, but I wanted to get fucked! I guess we were going to fight over that monster cock of Alex's.

But that didn't happen. Instead, Mike suggested that we both get fucked by Alex. We both knelt on the side of the bed, sticking out asses out for easy access while Alex lubed both of us. Then he started feeding his big cock up Mike's butt. Mike moaned and I was surprised as Alex's cock slid right up his butt - all the way to Alex's pubic hair - in one stroke! Damn! Alex must have been fucking Mike a lot for him to be that used to that monster!

While he was fucking Mike, Alex had 3 fingers shoved up my shitter, kind of like a 'place marker'. After fucking Mike for a few minutes, Alex pulled out and started feeding his horse-cock up my butt. I was moaning like shit. I'd only taken this thing once and it was huge! I told Mike to reach over into the nightstand and get me the bottle of poppers. He did so and two big hits up each nostril and I was flying and my butt relaxed enough that Alex could shove that telephone pole he called a cock all the way up my shit-chute in one slide. God! It was hard going in, but once it was in - did it feel GOOD!!!

Alex fucked me for a few minutes and then pulled out and shoved his cock immediately back into Mike. And on it went, every few minutes, Alex would switch holes. A few times he kind of rested in between. He didn't want to cum too quickly and I kept wondering which hole he was going to finally cum in. But Alex was a master fucker and it didn't seem like he was going to cum anytime soon. I think Mike and I both could have gotten off and he still wouldn't have cum.

Alex was shoving his horsecock up my butt when I heard the room door open. Since the person didn't knock, I figured it had to be Brian. He took one look at the scene and was out of his clothes in two seconds flat! He walked up behind Mike and just shoved his cock in Mike's gaping hole. Now Brian isn't near as long as Alex, but he's actually thicker! So Mike was enjoying Brian's cock from the moment it shoved into his bowels. From Brian's grunts and Mike's moans I could tell the Brian and Alex were synchronized in their fuck motions and were pounding Mike and my butt's in unison.

It didn't take long then. Mike and I were screaming and shooting out our hot, white loads all over the bed and our screams caused Mike and Alex to dump there loads in our holes. Then all four of us collapsed on the bed. I was afraid at first that the bed might collapse from the weight of four Jocks on it. We were all breathing heavily after our 'workout'. I looked over at Brian, who was lying on top of Mike and grinned at him. He grinned back, so I knew he really was alright with me getting it on with other guys.

Alex finally went soft in my ass a slowly pulled his cock from my hole. We all laughed when it made a lot "pop" as it came out. Mike and Alex left and Brian and I were laying on the bed together, Brian's arm around me and my head on his sweaty chest.

"God! You smell so good I could eat you up!" I growled at him.

"So what's stopping ya'?" he asked.

"I gotta get some strength back first! I've never had so much sex in one day in my life! Not that I'm complaining, mind you, I just didn't think that this job would be so strenuous!" I said.

"You'll get used to it, believe me. And some of this will die down. It's just that you're new and everybody wants to try out the new mascot. Wait 'til fuckin' Saturday night! It's gonna take you all day Sunday to recover from it!" he laughed.

"Oh, shit! I don't know if I can take it!" I exclaimed.

"Sure ya' can! You're gonna love it! Trust me!" he said.

I looked up into his eyes.

"If I can't trust my partner, who can I trust?" I asked quietly.

I don't think that Brian was expecting this because I saw his eyes open wide and he was completely speechless. I was absolutely going to have to work on this boy's ability to talk about his feelings. I mean other than being horny!

But even if Brian couldn't talk, he was very eloquent in his response. He rolled over, taking me in his arms and kissed me deeply and for a very long time. No, he couldn't say it, but I have never felt such love from an man in my whole life. It was almost overwhelming! Maybe I should re-think getting him to talk about it. I might not be able to take that, too!

"By the way." he said, pulling back from my mouth. "Ya' got nothin' to worry about with Linda. She's out of the picture. I dumped her."

"I hope you weren't mean to her. After all, it's not her fault that she's the way she is." I said.

"You mean female?" he laughed.

"No! That wasn't exactly what I had in mind...but, yes, I guess that is one thing." I said.

"I promise I wasn't mean to her. I just told her that there was no chance of anything long-term between us and I knew that she was lookin' for that. I told her she should find some nice guy who wanted to settle down, get married and have some kids - and that wasn't me. She understood. There was no screamin' and yellin' or anything like that. Actually, she kissed me on the cheek when she left." he told me.

"Well...see! You can be a nice guy when you put your mind to it!" I grinned.

"I thought I was awful nice to you." he said quietly - almost like I'd hurt him.

"Brian, it's different with us. We're guys. We understand each other. And yes, you have been awful nice to me. And I think I have been with you, haven't I?" I asked.

"Yeah. And a fuck of a lot of fun, too!" he grinned.

"So we've got no problem here, do we?" I asked.

"Naw! We got no problem, just..." he started to say.

"I know! Just so long as I sleep in your bed!" I finished for him.

And we cracked up laughing.


I hope you all enjoyed this little diversion! And yes, eventually there will be a Frat Basement 3 - as long as none of you bug me about when!

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