Frat Basement

By RimPig (RimPigFL, Bobby Michaels) (Of Blessed Memory)

Published on Dec 28, 2002


DISCLAIMER: Ok, I got a lot of fuckin' e-mails over this story asking - and in some cases, begging - me to continue it, which I had not intended to do. But never let it be said that RimPig, in his never ending quest to bring pleasure to males, can ever say no to the idea of getting a guy off! That's just not me! And the lucky guys who have had my mouth around their cock, my tongue up their butt or their cock up my very hot hole, can tell you I will do ANYTHING to please a male.

So, here's a fourth installment. I hope you enjoy it. It's not going to be all raunch this time. Just mostly. There is going to be some romance because, if you haven't figured it out yet, I am one Raunchy/Romantic little Pig!

Oh, and if you're not allowed to read this story because of laws where you live - fuckin' MOVE!

And, by the way, this story is for Wesley. Just because.


by RimPig (c) 2002

The rest of the week went pretty much the same way. I loved my "morning showers" and all the sucking and fucking I was doing. I got to eat some really great jock ass everyday and I was almost constantly 'high' on the reek of ripe Jock sweat and man-smells. True to his word, Mike was a constant source for me of manpiss and ripe, raunchy ass-smells and tastes. Alex was fucking me and Mike both on a daily basis and I don't think he'd ever been happier in his life. I began to suspect that there was more to his relationship with Mike but neither of them ever opened up about it.

But more than anything, my greatest joy was being with Brian. Waking up in his arms, usually with his hard cock nosing it's way up my eager butt. He was also giving up his tight jock hole for me to fuck on a daily basis. After that 'training session' I didn't see Randy and Jake again that week but I knew they were spending a lot of time up in Randy's room. I evidently had trained Jake well enough to keep Randy very satisfied and I was happy in that thought.

Friday night there was an 'away' wrestling meet and, true to his word, Brian not only let me go - I got to ride on the team bus with the team! I thought at first there might be some razzing from the other guys about me being there, but then I realized that nobody wanted to mess with Brian - especially not before a meet! He sat there silently brooding almost the whole way to the other college. I knew what was happening. He was working himself up to face his opponents for the night. I could see his fists clenching and unclenching just as the muscles in his jaw were.

I knew enough not to say anything to him. I let him alone in his own world. I figured he wasn't really aware that I was there until about an hour into the two hour trip. That's when he reached over and took my hand in his. He held it gently and I looked into his eyes. I could see the eyes of a competitor, almost feral in nature, but I also saw so much love for me that I almost had tears in my eyes of happiness. I had fallen hard for the big lug! "I'm gonna bury these guys for you." he said quietly, almost in his infamous growl.

"I know you are, partner." I said quietly and I saw his eyes widen at my use of the term.

He just stared at me silently for what seemed like hours but was probably only a few moments. I could see that he was deep in thought. He had something on his mind and he was having difficulty finding how to say it. I waited patiently for him.

"You know I'm no fuckin' good with words." he began.

'No, shit!' I thought to myself but stayed silent, giving him a slight smile and waiting for him to go on.

"There's something that I want to say and I know you want to hear, but it's so fuckin' hard for me. I ain't never said it before to anybody. I hate to admit this, but I guess I'm scared! Shit! I ain't afraid of nothin' and nobody - except this." he swore.

"That's because it makes you vulnerable." I said. "You could get hurt. I understand that."

"Yeah. But I'm already that way where you're concerned. And you know it, too, don't you?" he asked.

"Yes. I figured it out pretty quick. Remember, I'm pretty smart for a freshman." I smiled.

"Yeah! That's what makes this so fuckin' scary! I keep thinkin' what would you, with all your brains want with a boneheaded jock like me?" he said.

I'd never seen Brian like this. He was actually unsure of himself. I guess I really did scare the shit out of him! I didn't like seeing him like this.

"Brian, look, you don't have to say it. I understand." I said.

"No! I do have to. I want to. I've got to, for once in my fuckin' life!" he said, raising his voice so that I was afraid some of his team mates sitting around us would hear.

"Calm down, Brian. You don't want everyone else hearing this do you?" I said quietly.

"I don't fuckin' give a damn! It's you that I want to hear it. I don't care who else does!" he said. "Ahh! Fuck it! Nick...I love you!" he finally exploded.

It was like time suddenly froze. I cannot imagine that half the guys on the fuckin' bus didn't hear that! I could feel them all sitting there, their ears glued to what was going on between me and Brian. I was sure all hell would break loose at this, but instead there was this really profound silence, like everyone was holding their breath, waiting to see what was going to happen next!

I looked at him with all the love I felt for him and spoke quietly to him.

"Brian, I want you to know that I don't give a damn about how smart you are, how big your cock is or anything like that. I have tremendous respect for your dedication and determination. But more than that, I have tremendous respect for your integrity. You don't lie. You say what you mean and you mean what you say and I know I can take anything you tell me to the bank. And though it's tough for you to say the words, I've never felt so loved by someone in my life. I never expected this to happen, but I'm so happy it did. Brian, I love you. I love you more than any man I've ever known. And I've never said those words to someone in my life, either." I said to him.

He sat there looking at me, searching my face for some clue as to whether I really meant what I was saying. He must have decided I was because suddenly a huge smile split his face and he leaned forward and, reaching up with his hand and pulling my face to his, he kissed me deeply.

"So are we ok? I really want this to last between us. Do you feel the same way?" there was some fear in his voice.

How hard this must have been for him. I could see how much he loved me by having the courage to ask this.

"Yes, Brian. We're ok. I want us to last, too." I said, leaning forward and kissing him gently on the lips.

He grinned again and I could see all the fear leave him and the old Brian, the cock-sure Brian, reappeared before my eyes.

"I'm gonna kill those motherfuckers tonight!" he growled.

"No you're not!" I said. "You can pound them into the fuckin' mat - but don't you go doin something that lands you in jail! I want to sleep in your bed and those prison cots are just too small!" I joked with him.

"Ok, but they all get fuckin' smashed!" he crowed.

"No shit! They might just as well concede the match. They'll end up hurting a lot less!" I grinned.

I don't know what the rest of the team thought at this point, but they studiously avoided looking our way or saying anything to either of us. All except for Jack. When we got off the bus, he walked over to the two of us and shook our hands and told us how happy he was for us.

"Now, you better treat him right, Brian." Jack said, indicating me. "He's a great guy and you don't really deserve somebody this great. But for some reason he loves your ugly ass so you'd better make sure that you be good to him because you're never gonna find somebody this great again in your miserable life!"

Jack was grinning the whole time and so was Brian. It appears that they took great pleasure in needling each other.

"Yeah? You're just fuckin' jealous because he wanted me! I treat him better than anybody - you just ask him!" Brian laughed.

"Brian is the best thing that's ever happened in my life. There is nobody I would rather belong to then him." I said simply.

Brian beamed and Jack laughed.

"Well, you see something in this motherfucker that I can't see! But, I guess they're right when they say 'love is blind'." Jack roared.

"Trust me, I'm not blind, Jack." I said. "I can see when somebody loves me."

I beamed back at Brian.

"Yep! You two have got it! You're fuckin' nuts over each other! I only hope I can find someone as nuts about me." he said to me.

"I hope that for you, as well, Jack. I think you deserve it." I said honestly.

"Thanks, kiddo. That means a lot coming from you." Jack said to me and then turned to Brian. "You've got a real treasure here. I just hope you fuckin' know it, Dog!"

This was the first time that I'd ever heard anyone use Brian's frat nickname. Evidently only a few dared. Jack was one of them.

"I do. Trust me - I do!" Brian said.

True to his word, Brian wrestled three times in the match that night and he smashed his opponents into the mat. He was a real 'animal' that night on the mats. I think he really did scare the hell out of his opponents! After all, Brian usually wrestled with a look of grim determination on his face - his 'game face', but that night, he just couldn't wipe the shit-eating grin from his face the whole night. His performance seemed to spur the team on because it was a complete rout! The other team didn't just lose - our team 'wiped the field house' with them!

There was much loud celebrating on the bus back to the college. Almost every member of the team came back to the back of the bus where we were sitting to congratulate Brian. Most of them shook hands with me and a few even whispered "Congratulations". It was obvious that Brian was greatly respected by his team-mates and whatever he did, whoever or however he chose to love, was cool with them. Even the Coach came back to talk to Brian.

"Well, son, you seemed to have some special inspiration tonight!" the Coach said, looking right at me as he said it.

"Sure did, Coach!" Brian answered.

"Keep it up, son. Whatever it is, it sure seems to be working." the Coach said and then went back to his seat.

"I guess he knows?" I asked Brian quietly.

"How do you think you got to ride on the team bus?" Brian grinned.

"Oh! How much did you tell him?" I asked.

"Only that you were the Frat Mascot and my 'room-mate'." Brian said.

"Why did you tell him I was the Mascot?" I asked, wondering if the Coach would even know what that meant.

"He's an alumni of the frat." Brian told me.

Well...that answered that question! The coach would definitely know what the duties of the Mascot were if he had been a member of the frat!

"So what did he say when you told him?" I asked.

"He said that from the looks of you, he wished he was still living in the frat house!" Brian laughed.

"You're kidding!" I yelped.

"Nope! I think Coach would like to get into that pretty little ass of yours!" Brian chuckled.

" you think I should let him?" I asked.

"Hey, babe! What you do as Mascot is up to you. I told you that. Now, he's alumni. He doesn't have the right to demand servicing from you since he's not active and living in the frat house but, according to the rules, you can offer to service him if you want to. That's all I'm gonna say on that score." Brian smiled.

"Ok." I said, but I was lost in thought.

Coach Bradford was not old by any means. He was in his early 30's and, quite frankly, was a hunk! He was over 6 feet tall and had dark auburn hair and green eyes. He was hairy all over and very muscular. He worked out with his team and there wasn't an ounce of fat on him. He had a beautiful ass and I could tell from the times I'd seen him in workout gear that he had quite a large piece of male equipment between his legs. I figured that if he wanted a piece of my ass, I was more than willing to give it to him, especially if it got me a smell and taste of his! And the opportunity for that came much sooner than I expected.

After his victories, Brian seemed like he wanted to fuck me all night long. I wasn't about to complain. I don't know where he got the energy, but he came up my butt three times that night. I went to sleep with his cock in my butt and his creamy cum leaking out of my hole, there was so much of it! I awoke before the alarm clock to the feel of Brian's re-awakened cock plowing my hole yet again! He came in me quickly and I would have loved to have gotten off, but I knew I was due for my morning 'shower' in a few minutes. I kissed Brian and traipsed off to the bathroom and got in the big tub.

Saturday mornings were not my really 'busy' day. Because they had been out the night before, most of the guys slept in. True to form, however, Mike, Jack and Alex all showed up and even little Jake and Randy came to take their morning piss on me and to both get their cocks sucked. After laying in a nice pool of their piss, I left the bathtub and went down the hall to shower. I got back to the room to find Brian asleep again. After all of the effort he put out in the wrestling meet the night before as well as the four times he fucked me afterwards, including this morning, this didn't surprise me at all. What did surprise me was that I was horny!

I decided to take a walk over to the gym and work out for a while, rather than finding someone to play with. I figured I might need the energy to deal with whatever tonight would bring. Brian still hadn't told me what goes on from midnight until 2:00 a.m. down in the little room where I first was 'initiated'. I would have to ask him when he woke up.

I got to the gym and was down in the locker room changing when who walked by but Coach Bradford. He was just in the condition that I love to find a man - hot and sweaty! His t-shirt and tiny gym shorts were soaked though with sweat and he had a towel hung around his neck. He'd evidently just been working out. And like so many jocks I knew, myself included, his cock was definitely not soft after working out. I guess it's getting all that testosterone rushing around your blood stream that does it, but a really hard workout makes me hornier than hell! I suddenly was hoping that Coach Bradford was in that condition now, because I would sure like to show him what this year's mascot could do!

I think the coach had exactly the same idea. He stopped when he saw me and I could see his eyes rake from my feet up the entire length of my body. I definitely felt like he was stripping me naked with his eyes. And then his hand snaked down and kind of rubbed and adjusted his hardening meat in his gym shorts. I smiled a lascivious smile at him and he walked over close to me. I could smell the sweat and man-musk of him and my cock was instantly boned. I took a very deep breath of his scent - very obviously doing it so that he would notice and then emitted a small groan at the scent of him. The scent of a Man! A fully grown male animal!

"So you're the new Delta Alpha Psi Mascot, Cisco?" he asked quietly.

"I sure am Coach! I understand you're alumni of the frat?" I asked.

"Yeah. I'm alumni. Sure wish I was active, looking at you! I could sure use a 'mascot' sometimes. Ya' know?" he said.

"Well, the frat rules say that the Mascot only HAS to service 'actives' but can, at his discretion, service any alumni that he wishes." I said, looking deep into his green eyes.

"Are you offering, Cisco?" he voice got very low and urgent. "Because I'm hornier than fuck, man. But I don't like messin' with students."

"First of all, I'm not your student. I'm not on any team you coach or in any class you teach. Secondly, we're fraternity brothers. And third - fuck, yes! I'm offering! Your fuckin' manstink is turning me on so bad that I'm ready to hit my knees right here and suck down all the cum, piss and stink you can give me!" I moaned quietly.

"You better mean what you're saying because I'm not a guy to mess with - especially where my fuckin' cock is concerned." he growled at me.

He sounded just like Brian! Wonder if that's where Brian got it from?

Rather than giving him a verbal answer, I leaned over and pushed my face into the fragrant, sweaty groin of his gym shorts and began licking and biting at his obviously hard dick. He put his hand on the back of my head and pushed my face harder against his cock, all the time moaning low.

"Ahh! Fuck, yeah! Suck up all that jock stink! You love chewin' on my fuckin' bone, don't ya', cocksucker!" Coach and I both moaned as I continued to nibble at his hard cock.

"Fuck! Come on with me!" Coach ordered as he let go of my head and began to walk away.

I followed him out of the locker room to the back where the coaching offices were. There was nobody around, seeing as how it was Saturday. He entered a small room with two massage tables in it and locked the door behind us.

"There! Nobody will fuckin' bother us in here." he said.

The room was filled with delightful fragrances of jocks: sweat, Ben-Gay, and a smell like coconut oil which was the scent of the oil used for massages. I had been in this room a couple of times being worked on by one of the football team managers when I'd had muscles pulls. Coach started to strip out of his workout clothes.

"Stop!" I cried.

He looked at me with his t-shirt half-way off.

"I want to do that." I said quietly.

He gave me a horny grin and dropped his arms.

"Have at it!" he said. "But you get naked first."

I quickly divested myself of all my clothes, my hard cock sticking out in front of me as I approached him. He stood there leering at me as I reached out to lift his wet t-shirt from his body. I was entranced by the heavy amount of hair on his pecs and down his abs. It was way more than a 'treasure trail'. The dark copper hairs glistened with his sweat and I wanted to run my hands through it. But first, I wanted him naked.

I pulled the sweat-soaked t-shirt from his body and brought the wet garment to my nose. Looking at him over the wet material, I took a long deep whiff of his sweaty scent. He grinned at me as I huffed his stink and I groaned at the scent while my hard cock dripped cock-snot onto the floor. I walked over to him and pushed his arms up. He knew what I wanted and locked them behind his head. I buried my face in his fragrant pits, snorting and licking up all the man-sweat there. The power of his scent was incredible and I ate his pits for a long time while he moaned at my attention to his body. When I finished, both of his pits were still wet, but now with my saliva.

I moved quickly down his body, rubbing my face in his wet body hair until I smelled like his sweat and man-scent. Reaching my knees, I grabbed hold of his sweaty gym shorts and pulled them down until they were laying around his ankles. There, before me, was Coach's swollen jock- pouch. It was obvious from the dark grey color of the once white strap that Coach had seldom if ever washed this jock-strap. I had to be filled with years of sweat, cock-snot, piss and maybe even a few loads of cum shot here and there. The raunchy stink of it assaulted my nose before I could even bury my face in it, almost causing my eyes to water from the funk.

I leaned forward and pushed my nose into the stinking strap pouch. It was full to bursting with Coach's obviously hard cock and big balls. The strap could barely contain Coach's hardon, the head of which was threatening to push through the top of the wide, elastic waistband. I began to snort the raw stench of his strap and to draw the rank mesh into my mouth to taste all of the raunchy body fluids which were trapped there. I could taste the saltiness of sweat and the starchiness of pre-cum and cum and the tang of my personal favorite - piss.

"Yeah, fucker! Suck my fuckin' raunchy strap! I wore that to wrestle in college and I ain't never washed it. Suck all my fuckin's sweat and spoonge out of it! Get down in the gutter, bitch. Taste a real man's funk!" Coach moaned as I sucked at his rank pouch.

I gradually couldn't stand being separated from his real raunch and pulled the strap down to join his gym shorts around his ankles. He stepped out of them and spread his legs, thrusting his groin at my face, offering me his full raunchy maleness. I moaned and looked up into his eyes from my position kneeling on the floor in front of him. His eyes burned into mine, filled with lust and horniness! This was a male who was going to use me until he was done and there was nothing I could do about it. Not that I wanted to!

"Coach, please! Let me smell your ass!" I begged.

"You want my fuckin's ass, pig?" he laughed.

"God! Yes! Coach! Lemme smell your stinkin' butt!" I begged again.

Coach grinned and turned around, leaning over the massage table and planting his furry legs wide. His beautiful, hairy butt was right before my eyes. Coach looked over his shoulder at me kneeling behind him.

"Yeah, pig! Eat my fuckin' jock ass! Push your fuckin' face in my butt and suck down all that fuckin' jock stink!" he growled.

I obeyed quickly, pushing my face into his hairy butt-crack as I spread his cheeks with my hands. Fuck! His butt was ripe! The smell of sweat, musk, and ass juice hit my nose like a hit of poppers and my cock belched out more cock-snot to add to the growing puddle beneath me. His butt smell was even stronger and riper than Brian's! The smell of a real man's ass! I sucked down all the stink that I could before I couldn't take any more! I had to eat it! My tongue snaked out and I began licking up and down his butt-crack, filling my mouth with all his raunchiness. I was in 'Pig Heaven'! I could kneel there with my face pushed into his butt, eating all his raunch for the rest of my life!

Finally, my lips wrapped around his stinking ass ring and I began licking in earnest, trying to get his hole to open up to me. I wanted to taste up inside his ass! I wanted to lick inside Coach's hole! I wanted to put my tongue deep into his ass and lick out all the jock raunch that I could find there. Finally, slowly, his hole blossomed open for me and I slid my tongue all the way up inside him! We both moaned as I began to lick the smooth tunnel and to taste all the dark, tangy essence of this incredible male!

"Ahh! Fuck, yeah! Get your fuckin' tongue up my hole! Eat out my stinkin' hole, you little pig! Fuckin' suck on my nasty butt, bitch! I want you to smell like my fuckin' nasty hole!" Coach moaned as I pigged out on his tasty and smelly butt.

Finally, Coach couldn't take anymore of my ass-eating. He stood up and turned around, presenting me with his half-hard cock.

"You thirsty, pig?" he asked, horniness written all over his face.

"Fuck, yeah! Make me your urinal, Coach!" I begged.

"That's just what I fuckin' had in mind, pig!" he growled and shoved his cock in my open mouth.

I locked my lips around the head of his cock and teased his foreskin with my tongue. Almost immediately, his first blast of piss roared into my mouth and I knew I'd better start swallowing because I had a feeling that this was going to be no ordinary piss! And I was right! His piss shot out of his cock like a fuckin' fire hose. Had I not been ready and swallowing already, he would have drowned me in the golden flow!

"Yeah, bitch. Drink my fuckin's piss! Suck down my fuckin' rank manjuice you fuckin' cocksucker! That's all you're good for is suckin' the piss and cum out of a man! That's what you love, isn't it bitch?! You love suckin' down piss and cum, dontcha?!" he growled.

I looked up at him and nodded my head as he continued to fill me with his massive piss load. Coach must have been doing some heavy drinking to have a bladder this full! I swallowed down all his golden piss, never missing a drop. He rubbed his hands through my hair as I continued to drink from him, moaning softly at this most intimate connection between us.

As his piss load came to an end, his cock began to harden in my mouth. I began to push his foreskin back with my lips because I had smelled smegma when I took his cock in my mouth and I wanted it! I loved licking out a man's hood and scarfing down all the cock cheese I could find there. Certainly Brian never had to clean his hood out now. He just brought it to me every morning. It was part of my real "Jock" breakfast - Brian's piss, cock-cheese and cum!

And I wasn't disappointed by Coach. He had a nice build-up of smegma for me! I figured he hadn't cleaned out his hood in at least 2-3 days. In fact, from the intensity of his aromas, I'd say he hadn't showered in that amount of time. I licked out his hood and ate all of his pungent cheese. He knew what I was doing as I moaned around his cock as I ate.

"Yeah, pig! Eat that fuckin' dick-cheese! Taste what a real man tastes like! You like that cock- stink, don't you?" he grinned down at me.

I nodded my head, never removing his tasty cock from my mouth. When the smegma was all gone, I leaned forward and allowed his nine inches to slowly slide down my throat. With all the practice I was getting sucking Jock cock every morning, deep-throating was becoming second nature to me. I loved the feel of Coach's thick rod spreading the muscles of my throat and leaking cock-snot down it to lubricate my face-hole for him to fuck. And fuck he did!

I love to be face-fucked. The view of a man's groin, his cock, his pubic hair his thighs, ramming in and out of my mouth was enough most times to bring me to the point of orgasm even without touching myself - especially if that cock was long and thick enough to really ream out my throat. And Coach's cock was all of that - and more! I was in a quandary - did I want him to shoot his load down my throat or up my butt? It was Coach who made the decision by pulling his cock out of my mouth.

"Get up off your knees, bitch, and bend over the fuckin' table! I wanna fuck that hole of yours!" he ordered.

I quickly complied, bending over the massage table and spreading my legs to give him access to my hole.

"Reach back and spread your fuckin' cheeks! I wanna see that boy-pussy of yours!" he growled.

I reached back and grabbed my butt-cheeks with my hand, spreading them as far as I could, giving him a clear view of my winking pink hole.

"Fuck! What a pretty ass! Goddamn, boy! That is the prettiest ass I've seen in a long time! I'm gonna fuck that boy-pussy for you so good, you aren't gonna be able to stand up or sit down for a fuckin' week!" Coach murmured, almost to himself.

A bolt of fear went through me that he was going to start fucking me with no lube and no preparation. I didn't think I could take that cock of his without it. But before my fears could actually be translated into saying something, I suddenly felt his nose running up and down my ass- crack. I looked over my shoulder and saw Coach on his knees, worshiping at my ass.

"Mmm. That's some mighty fine smelling boy-butt you got there, bitch. I love the stink of a jock- boy's butt! So much that I gotta taste it!" Coach growled.

And putting actions to words, I felt his rough tongue take a swipe though my butt-crack and could hear him moaning deep in his throat at the raunchy taste of my butt. I knew if he started licking my hole, he was going to be treated to three loads of Jock cum, as well from the fucking's I got this morning in the bathroom. I was sure that Coach was going to appreciate the fine, aged taste of Jock cum straight from inside my hot ass! As his tongue worked into my hole, I knew that I was right.

"Fuck! Your fuckin' pussy's full of cum, boy! You are a fuckin' slut aren't you! How many loads are there up this pussy of yours?" he growled.

"Three, Coach! All from this morning!" I said.

"Fuck! What a fuckin' tasty surprise!" he said and began actively sucking on my hole and draining as many of the loads as he could out of my ass.

After finishing up all of the cum he could get from my ass, Coach walked over to a table and grabbed a bottle of the massage oil. This he proceeded to work into my hole with his fingers until he had three fingers working in and out of my ass. I was moaning like a cheap slut from his constant brushing of my butt-nut with his fingers, afraid I was going to cum without him ever getting his cock inside me! But Coach was too expert at fucking 'boy-pussy' to let that happen. He pulled his fingers from my hole and I could feel the blunt end of his cock push up against the opening to my body.

"You ready, slut? You ready for this man-cock up your boy-pussy?" Coach growled.

"Fuck, yeah, Coach! Shove that fucker up my hole! Fuck me with that fuckin' cock of yours!" I begged.

He took me at my word and then next thing I knew, he slammed his entire cock up my butt in one, gut wrenching thrust!

"FUCK!!!" I screamed as the shock of his thick cock ramming up my boy-hole hit me!

"Deal with it, bitch! You can handle it!" he growled into my ear as my ass throbbed around his huge cock.

He rapidly pulled back until only the head was resting inside my ass and then slammed right back in, quicker and harder than before - if that was possible! I moaned at the invasion of my body. I ached way up inside from his cock! It hurt - but it was a good hurt! I knew that he was right. I would get used to it. I could handle it. But it wasn't easy!

He kept slamming his cock as hard and deep as he could while he grunted above me. I could feel his sweat dropping onto my back, soaking me. I could smell the stink of him and of our butt-fuck. His hips were like jackhammers driving in and out of me faster and faster. Suddenly, I was cumming! Screaming out as he continued to pummel my hole.

"FFFUUUCCCKKK!!!!" I screamed as my cum shot out on the floor.

But he didn't stop. He didn't even slow down. He kept right on pounding his cock in and out of my butt! I wondered how long he could do this but, evidently he could do this for a very long time because before I knew it, I was hard again and rapidly reaching another orgasm! I couldn't believe it! Nobody - not even Alex's monster cock - had ever been able to get me off twice in this short of time with only their cock! I was loving every minute of this fuck now. This was animal. This was feral. This was the most intensely masculine fuck I'd ever had in my life! I was rapidly beginning to believe that Coach was not a man at all! No! He was a Fucking God!!!

I could feel the tingle in my balls. I was going to cum again. I couldn't stop it, I couldn't hold back. I fuckin's didn't want to! And Coach knew it too!

"Yeah, Bitch! Get off on my cock again! Cum for me, little boy! Just my cock up your fuckin' pussy! That's all it fuckin' takes, pig! Your fuckin' boy-pussy just needs my cock poundin' it and you get off! Fuckin's slut!" he growled at me.

"Fuck me! Please! Fuck me! Don't ever stop!" I begged.

"Yeah, bitch! Beg for my cock! Beg me to fuck you're pussy!" his voice was cruel with fuck-lust.

"Please! Fuck my ass! Fuck my pussy! Make me cum!"

If he wanted me to beg, I could beg!

He slammed even harder and faster into me and that's all it took. My cum started shooting out of my cock even harder than the first time!

"Yeah! Fuck, yeah! I'm cummin'! I'm GGGOOONNNAAA CCCCUUUUMMM!!!"

"YEAH, CUM FOR ME BITCH! CUM FOR YOUR MAN! CUM ON MY COCK!" Coach screamed and I could feel his cock pulsing as he shot load after load of his cum up my well used butt.

He collapsed on my back and had me pinned to the massage table. His cock, still hard, was all the way up my ass and he didn't seem the least bit interested in taking it out. I lay there feeling the heat of his body, the wetness of his sweat and smelling all the raunch that we shared. His body was now really ripe and I loved the smell that was surrounding me. I was taking deep whiffs of it and I heard him chuckle behind me.

"You really are a sniff-pig, aren't you, boy?" he laughed.

"Fuck, yeah! I love the smell of mansex! And you're just about the most powerfully raunchy man I've ever met!" I swore to him.

"Yeah, well, I love it, too. You're scent is nice and ripe, too." he said and I felt him lean down and run his nose across my neck and could feel his breath against me.

"Mmm. You do smell good boy! I wish you didn't belong to Brian. I'd like to keep a boy like you for myself." Coach said.

"But I..." I started.

"I know." he stopped me. "You love him. I hope that bonehead jock knows how lucky he is!"

"More than that, Coach. I know how lucky I am." I said quietly.

"If you can still say that with my cock up your fuckin' butt, you really must love him." Coach said seriously.

"I do, Coach. I do." I told him.

"So how's he gonna feel about me fuckin' you?" Coach asked.

"He's gonna be proud that I could please you. He knows I sleep in his bed only and always will. That doesn't mean he owns me or I own him. Fun is one thing. Love is another." I said.

"You got that right, boy!" he said and I could hear the grin in his face. "And this little pussy of yours makes a great urinal!"

With this, I could feel my bowels expanding and the heat of his piss flowing into me.

"Yeah! Brian says the same thing!" I chuckled.

Coach finished pissing in my ass and then quickly yanked his cock out hard. The piss and cum started to pour out of my ass but before much could get out, I felt Coach's mouth at my butt- hole, sucking out all his cum and piss. He fed at my butt until there was nothing else for him to suck out and then he stood up and I felt a hard slap against one of my ass cheeks!

"Oww!" I screamed.

Coach laughed.

"Good butt, Cisco! I love to have it again sometime." he said.

"You just name the time and place, Coach, and it's yours!" I smiled back at him.


I hope you all enjoyed this little diversion! And yes, eventually there will be a Frat Basement 5 - as long as none of you bug me about when!

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Next: Chapter 5

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