
By Ryan Erickson

Published on May 18, 2007


Disclaimer: I own absolutely nothing regarding One Tree Hill, Supernatural or anything to do with the shows or the actors...much to my dismay. I only own the seasons on DVD. One Tree Hill and its characters are owned and copyrighted by Tollin/Robbins Productions and Warner Bros. Television. Kripke and company own Supernatural.

Sequel to Playing for Keeps. Immediately following the events of PFK, Lucas and Nathan end up joining Dean and Sam's crusade to hunt the supernatural. But what happens when something unexpected falls upon the boys. MM Slash, Lathan, Wincest, & Mpreg.

Chapter 1

Lucas was well aware that they weren't welcomed by the older Winchester so he followed the black Impala pushing aside his need for food, sleep and even a bathroom break. It was nearly daylight before they turned in to a motel. Nathan was asleep finally, his head resting against the window.

"Wait here," Dean barked at Sam before walking up to Lucas's side of the car and tapping on the window.

Lucas rolled down the window and Dean leaned in, briefly looking over at Nathan before focusing back on him.

"He okay?" Dean asked indifferently, nodding towards Nathan.

Lucas shook his head. "I guess," he mumbled.

"Got any money?"

Lucas fumbled through his pockets and offered everything up to Dean unquestioningly. Dean smirked and took the cash and headed over to the registration office. Once he was inside, Sam moved by the car and stooped down to talk to Lucas.

"He doesn't want us here," Lucas spoke quietly.

"Don't pay him any attention. Deep down he's a teddy bear," Sam smiled. "How's he doing?" He asked, indicating Nathan in the same manner Dean had just seconds ago.

"He finally went to sleep," Lucas answered. "He kept repeating that our father was dead over and over again."

"Don't worry. We'll get him to bed soon. How are you?"

"Numb I guess. How did you know about the...the..."

"Werewolf? It's sort of what Dean and I do."

"Hunt werewolves?"

Sam chuckled. "Werewolves, vampires, ghosts, all that good stuff. You know, anything supernatural."

Lucas's eyes went wide.

"Don't worry. You're safe now."

"Sammy," Dean shouted, leaning over the top of the Impala.

"Gotta go. Just follow us and stick close to me," he winked.

Dean climbed in the car and pulled around to where their room was. Lucas followed close behind.

"How long are you going to keep this up?" Sam asked, before Dean could exit the car.

"Keep what up?" Dean snapped.

"Being a total dick to those two. Christ Dean, they just lost their father."

"And from what Lucas told us it wasn't that great a loss." Dean got out of the car before Sam could lay into him any further.

Lucas climbed out of the car looking to Sam for direction. Sam just shrugged.

"I got one room with two double beds. I assume nobody minds sharing with their brother."

Lucas flushed and hung his head down. Sam wanted to smack Dean for being a jerk but he was used to his brother being wound tight after a hunt. Normally Sam would have been helping Dean unwind. He wondered if that is what had his brother so uptight.

Dean opened the door to the room. The motel was a little pricier than he and Sam were used to but he decided to stop there because it was clear Nathan needed a goodnights sleep, something nearly impossible to get on the worn mattresses of sleazier establishments.

Sam helped Lucas get Nathan inside while Dean made a few trips bringing first he and Sam's bags in before going back out for Lucas and Nathan's things.

"I'm going to have a look around," Dean announced. "Get them settled."

"Dean!" Sam's brother was gone before he had a chance to question him. He heard the car pull out of the lot.

"Sorry," Lucas offered shyly.

"Don't worry about it. He gets like this sometimes. Let's get Nathan cleaned up and into bed.

Nathan sat at the small table near the door silently. "C'mon Nate," Lucas said taking one arm while Sam gently guided him by the other injured one. "Let's get you ready for bed."

By the time Dean returned, the sun had been up for a few hours. He had several McDonalds' bags with him and Sam who had slept sitting up in the chair next to the door smiled. 'Teddy bear', he thought.

"Didn't you get any sleep?" Dean asked, placing the bags on the table. "You weren't here, how could I?"

Dean dragged the chair opposite Sam closer and took Sam's hands in his own. "I needed to think."

Sam nodded.

"What are we doing Sam? We can't take them with us. It's not safe," he spoke in hushed tones.

Sam leaned forward, spreading his long legs until one of Dean's legs was between his own. "We could train them." Sam said hopefully.

Dean shook his head until he felt Sam's hand against his cheek. "Dean, it's not like dad doesn't have people helping him. Nathan's athletic and Lucas isn't in bad shape either," he said glancing over to the sleeping brothers curled up against each other.

"Can we make that decision later?" Dean slid his chair back and began to sort through the items in the bag. "Why don't you wake them and see if they're hungry. After breakfast, you get some sleep understood?"

Dean disappeared into the bathroom not waiting for an answer. He didn't need to. He'd given Sam an order and Sam had long since given up disobeying Dean's orders.

Next: Chapter 2

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