Fraternity Couch

By TJ King

Published on Oct 16, 2011



This is a gay erotic story involving two adults. This chapter includes forced bondage and raunch. If you are underage, do not read this!

I awoke feeling a little dizzy and confused. I opened my eyes and only saw darkness. I am lying on my back. I tried to move my head but quickly discovered that I was somehow restrained. Fearing for my life at this point, I tried to scream out for help only to realize that I was somehow gagged. What had I gotten myself into last night? How did I end up here? As I sat there in the dark with nothing else to do, I tried to think about where I was.

The frat party.

I remembered now that I got invited to a party at the Theta Chi house by one of my classmates, Brandon. The two of us were in English class together and were assigned to work together on some of the class assignments. Brandon and I are opposites for the most part. I am somewhat of a smaller guy, and more of a bookworm. I am about 5'7", slim build, with very youngish looking features. I don't get many looks from other people on campus, but I'm definitely not ugly by any means. Brandon, on the other hand, probably gets checked out everywhere he goes. He was definitely the All-American jock type – built like a brick, and I was worried when we got assigned to work together that he would be about as smart as one too.

At first I figured that he would just be another dumb jock who would make me do more than my share of the work to make sure that we pass, but Brandon was actually quite a good student. From looking at Brandon, it's pretty clear that he didn't just spend his time hitting the books. He was about 6'2" with brown hair – he always wore a hat to class so I didn't see much of his hair except for what peeked out underneath the rim of his angled hat. He was definitely well-muscled; I could tell immediately that he hit the gym regularly. He had wide, broad shoulders and really thick biceps and forearms. Definitely not the kind of guy I would want to get into a fight with.

The rest of his body was just as great. He usually wore tight fitting polo shirts or t-shirts to class, and his pants showed off his muscular lower body. When he wore his tight khaki shorts to class, I found it hard not to stare at his perfectly sculpted ass and his thick muscular legs. I spent a lot of time eyeing him in class, but he was too focused on our professor to even notice. One day we were sitting next to each other with our desks pushed together while we were working on an editing assignment. He was writing something when suddenly his pencil flew off his desk and onto the floor in front of him. Rather than getting up to pick it up, he leaned forward over his desk and reached for it. I not-so-discretely took a look at his ass and was able to get a quick peek at his underwear and the top of his asscrack. He was wearing white 2(x)ist boxer briefs and I could see just a little bit of peach fuzz on the top of his crack. As he sat back down, he looked over at me and gave me a little grin. Shit, did he catch me looking at his ass? He started talking some more about editing our papers and didn't mention anything about it, so I hoped that I was in the clear.

I've known for a while that I am into men, but I've never been with a guy, let alone one like Brandon. My mind wandered for the rest of the class period and I was still worried that he caught me checking him out. Thinking about his incredible ass and that cute smirk he gave me when he sat back down made it impossible for me to concentrate. I was trying hard not to get a boner, but it wasn't working. I ended up spending the rest of the class only half listening to Brandon and focusing on to hide my raging hard-on from him. The last thing I'd want would be for him to see me getting hard in class.

Our professor finally dismissed us and I was packing up my books when Brandon started talking to me.

"Hey man, we are having a party up at the Theta Chi house tonight. You wanna come?"

I was shocked, since until this point he hadn't said a word to me about anything that didn't have to do with our class work. After getting over my initial shock, I replied.

"Well, I do have a lot of homework I need to get done and I'm not really much of a partier." I didn't want to come off as though I was disinterested in hanging out with him, so I added, "maybe we could hang out another time?"

"How about you just put aside the books and come tonight? We're gonna have lots of beer and there will be lots of people there. I can introduce you to some of my buds in the frat and you can chill. I'll make sure that you have a good time man." He looked me right in the eyes and flashed his beautiful smile. Fuck, I can't resist this hunk of a man!

"Alright Brandon, I guess I can do my homework tomorrow," I said. I was hoping that he didn't detect the tone of excitement in my voice. Sure, I really did have a lot of homework to do, but I wanted to spend some time with this hot guy! It was a Friday anyway, so I knew I could actually get it done the next day.

"Good, be at the Theta Chi house at 9:00 p.m. tonight. See ya there!" Brandon said as he walked away.

I really had no idea what was in store for me at the party, but I knew that I wanted to spend more time with Brandon. This was my third year at the university, but I hadn't been invited to any parties or anything. I pretty much just kept to myself in my dorm room, did my homework, surfer the internet, and played my Xbox. I figure that kept me out of trouble and all my good grades would help me land a job once I graduated.

I spent the afternoon and early evening getting ready. Knowing that I was going to be spending a lot of time with Brandon made me want to look my best. I showered, shaved, did my hair, and put on my "coolest" clothes. I usually just wear baggy t-shirts and jeans, but I decided to wear a polo shirt and khaki pants so that I wouldn't look totally out of place (assuming that the other fraternity brothers dressed like Brandon). I double checked myself in the mirror before I left

9:00 rolled around and I was knocking on the door. There weren't any cars outside, but I figured that was because I showed up right at 9 and other people would show up casually late. I figured this way if the party turned out to be awkward, I could just sneak out and not up too late. Brandon answered the door and my jaw dropped – there he stood wearing a wife beater and black Adidas gym shorts. His wife beater was clearly soaked with sweat and his hat was soaked with sweat as well. This is not what I expected.

"Hey bro, come on in!" Brandon said cheerfully.

I was slightly confused as to why Brandon would be dressed so causally for a party. "Am I early? I thought you said to be here at 9?"

"Oh no man, the party doesn't start until 11, I wanted you to get here early so you'd have time to meet the guys," he said. He stepped aside and allowed me to enter the house. As I walked past him, I caught a strong whiff of his body odor. From the smell and from the look of him, it was obvious that Brandon had just finished working out and hadn't yet showered. Maybe I need to ask him about his workout routine because clearly it was working wonders for him. He looked more chiseled and even hotter than he did when I checked him out in class.

Brandon took me on a quick tour of the house, showing me the kitchen, game room, and the dining room. It was surprisingly clean; I always had this idea that frat houses would be dirty and full of clutter, but this one looked just like any other house.

He had me follow him up the stairs so he could show me the bathroom and his bedroom. As we went up the stairs, I stayed a few paces behind him and just stared at his ass in his gym shorts. The material was clinging to his ass and riding up in his crack, probably due to all of the sweat from his recent workout. I was in such a blissful state just starting at his ass, but it was interrupted when he suddenly stopped a few stairs in front of me and ripped a loud, powerful fart. He turned around to look at me and started laughing. "Sorry man, I've been loading up on the protein lately so I can't control em. I'll try to keep em under wraps tonight."

When we continued going up the stairs, I walked directly into the nasty cloud of gas that Brandon had just released. How can someone release something this foul? It smelled like a mixture of sulfur and eggs. I coughed a little at the unexpected smell covered my nose as I walked, which Brandon noticed. This just made him laugh harder. "That's pretty fucking bad, huh? Hopefully the protein shake I just had after my workout won't make `em worse."

We got upstairs and he showed me the bathroom and then we walked down the hall to his bedroom. We passed a bunch of closed doors, which I assume were the rooms for all of his fraternity brothers. They must have been inside getting dressed and ready for the party. Brandon's bedroom looked like a typical "manly man's" room – a big queen-size bed, a couple of posters, a hamper full of gym clothes, a flat-screen TV, and a huge tower full of DVDs. He commented on how messy his room can be, but it really was pretty clean. He showed me the pull-up bar that he had mounted over his closet door and proceeded to do a couple of reps to show me how it worked. Watching his arms flex and work to pull him up made it impossible for me to keep my dick under control. I could feel myself getting hard inside my pants and tried to subtly put my hands in my pockets to make it not as obvious. Once he got down from the bar, he flexed his arms and grinned at me. "You don't get guns like this without hard work!" I'm pretty sure that I leaked a little precum just watching him flex in front of me, but I didn't have the guts to look down at my crotch and see. I hope it didn't leak through because he would totally know it happened because of his little muscle show. Luckily he walked past me and out of the room after flexing and told me to follow him. Whew, he must not have noticed.

As we went back downstairs, I wandered into his cloud of fart gas again. The nasty stench was lingering, waiting for me right in the middle of the stairs. I figured that it would be gone by then, so I unexpectedly took a breath right as I walked into it and it choked me a little. I tried to hold my breath until I could escape and get some fresh air at the bottom of the stairs. Once we got back downstairs, we walked to the living room.

Once we got into the living room, Brandon directed me over to the couch and turned on the TV. "I've gotta jump in the shower before the guests arrive, but you can hang out here and watch some TV. I'll go get you a beer." He turned the channel to a football game and then left me in the living room. I'm not a big football fan, but I didn't want to offend him so I left it on. I was half watching the game when Brandon came back in, handed me a beer, and left the room to go upstairs and shower. I took a few gulps of the beer, and suddenly everything started to spin around in the room. The last thing I remember was lying down on the couch and trying to figure out why I was getting dizzy. Did I forget to eat? No, I ate some pizza right before I left the dorm. What's... going... on...? Things started to go grey and everything felt like it was moving in slow motion...

That's the last thing I can remember.

So wait, where am I now? Why is everything black? I tried to focus and listen for some sounds, but I couldn't hear anything I recognized. I tried to move my arms and my body but I quickly found out that I was completely immobilized. I tried shouting through my gag again, and although it was extremely muted, I hoped that someone would hear me. Suddenly, there was a bright light. My eyes couldn't focus or open for a minute but when they did, I looked up to see Brandon looking down at me with that grin on his face.

"Well look who's finally awake. Enjoy your nap, faggot?" he asked.

I was terrified at this point. He knew I was gay. Did he catch me checking him out in class? What was he going to do to me? I knew that coming to this party would be a bad idea. Hopefully someone else would come downstairs and help me. I tried to shout through my gag and give him a pleading look to let me go, but he just ignored it.

"I had a feeling that you and I would have some fun. I caught you checking me out a few times in class and I knew that you were into me. Once I saw your little dick drooling over my muscles upstairs, I knew that I could have you if I wanted. I didn't want you fighting me or resisting anything that I want to do though. All it took was one little pill in your beer just to make sure I could get you right where I want you."

Shit, he had caught me checking him out. He knew my secret. Why did I even come to this party? I should have just stayed home. This guy could have set me up and wants to kill me for all I know. I struggled and tried my best to escape, but I was secured too well.

"Don't even bother trying to get out, your gay ass isn't going anywhere til I say so. Lucky for you, I made up this little party to get you over here. My frat brothers are actually out on a camping trip for the whole weekend, so it's just gonna be you and me til Sunday. And don't worry, I'm not gonna hurt you... too much. Hang on, I wanna let you see what you look like and have you admire my work." Brandon left for a minute and returned with a mirror, which he pointed down toward my face. "Like what you see, fag?"

I was in shock with what I saw in the mirror. I saw my face and the duck tape that was wrapped around my head and covering my mouth. As he angled the mirror, I saw that my face was the only part of me that was visible. I was surrounded by one of the seats from the couch! It almost looked as though Brandon had cut out a circle that was exactly the same size as my head and then put me inside. My head was situated so that my forehead was toward the front of the couch and my chin was facing the back. I was somewhat confused though, since my body must be going out the back of the couch and there is a solid wall behind it. Almost as though he was reading my mind, Brandon said, "Wondering how I got you in there? Well, turns out that there is a hole in the wall behind this couch from where an old fireplace used to be. Nobody ever sealed it up, so the brothers just decided to put our couch in front of it. I picked up this old couch from the Delta Sigma Phi house, cut a hole in the back and in the cushion, and then put it in the living room in place of our regular couch before you got here. So right now, the lower part of your body is tied up tight and your scrawny little body fit perfectly inside the hole for the old fireplace, and the upper half of your body is in the back of the couch. Works perfectly for me though, because now it just looks like you look like you're part of the couch."

Wait, what? Why would he want me as part of the couch? I was completely confused as to why he would secure me up this way. The only place he can access is my face.

Brandon leaned in close to me. "Alright fag, time for the fun to begin. Now I caught you checking out my ass a lot in class, which is why I wanted you to be a part of my couch. I get off on dominating a guy and always wanted to use a little queer like you for my own pleasure, so now I get to. I'm gonna drink some beer, eat some food, and watch the rest of the football game while I sit on your face."

With that, Brandon turned around and slowly started to squat over my face. I realized that he was still wearing the same gym shorts that he had on when I arrived. As his ass got closer to my face, I began to smell a strong, musky odor emanating from his crack. Brandon then said, "Oops, guess I forgot to shower after I brought you that beer, my bad." He laughed as he pulled his cheeks apart inside his gym shorts and sat down full weight on my face, completely engulfing me in his muscular ass.

The smell down there was awful, so I tried to hold my breath as long as I could. I heard Brandon turn on the TV with the remote and the football game came on. As I was lying there trying to figure out my situation, I realized that with my mouth duck taped shut, I had to breathe in through my nose. Fuck, how am I going to do this? I went for about a minute, then I had to breathe in through my nose. His ass smelled bad when he was squatting over me, but it was a hundred times worse with his hole spread across my nose. As I took my breath in, the stench was overwhelming and I started to cough a bit. Brandon apparently liked this and started to laugh. "Smell good down there? I know I work up a good stink when I work out. Come to think of it, when did I last shower? Hmm, guess it was Wednesday morning before class, so that'd be... two full days of sweat down there? Lucky you!"

I tried to hold my breath in as long as I could, but every time I tried to recover air, I was forced to take a big sniff in from his rank asshole. Even through his gym shorts, the smell was almost unbearable. I figured out that it was much easier for me if I just took normal breaths since then they wouldn't be quite as big. With every inhale, I was forced to smell his nasty ass. I eventually started to get slightly used to the stench and was able to breathe without gagging for about five minutes. Ugh, how could this get any worse?

I shouldn't have asked that... just then, I felt Brandon bear down a little bit. I could feel his asshole pulsing through the fabric of his shorts and suddenly I felt a warm gust of air blow across my nose. Holy shit, he just farted on my nose! I held my breath after this, remembering how bad the fart was that he ripped on the stairs. Brandon started laughing hysterically and told me to inhale. "Aaah, a nice SBD for ya. C'mon fag, breathe that in! I brewed that one up fresh for you. Take a big sniff for me."

I kept holding my breath, afraid of what would happen if I inhaled. Brandon was not happy with this. "You stupid cocksucker, I said breathe! If you don't fucking start doing what I tell you to, I'm gonna beat your fucking face in and make you wish you'd never been alive! Now take a big breath."

Knowing very well that Brandon could easily hurt me if he wanted to and knowing that I was tied up and at his mercy, I decided it would be best to do what he said. I took in a breath and I was instantly assaulted with the most disgusting odor I had ever encountered. I thought the fart on the stairs was bad, but that smelled like roses compared to this one at ground zero. A mixture of cabbage and boiled eggs would be the best way to describe it, although that might be giving it justice. My eyes started to water and my nostrils burned as I inhaled this nasty gas. I struggled to move my head to escape from the stinky confines of his ass, but with no luck.

"Ah yeah, that's it. You like that? There will be plenty more where that comes from." With that, Brandon ripped another silent airy fart right across my nose. He let out a manly sigh of relief, spread his cheeks apart again, and settled down on my face. "Yeah, this is gonna be a fun night for you."

As I sat there struggling to breathe in the stink, I could faintly hear the football game going on in the background. I was hoping with all my might that he would get bored with this and let me go once the game is over. Surely he couldn't enjoy doing this all weekend. I stayed there for probably another hour or so without any farts and any "conversation" from Brandon. He was clearly into the game and kept talking to the TV, but he wasn't directing any words toward me. I started to get comfortable and used the odor of his ass. After a while, it didn't smell so bad to me anymore (of course that could have just been in comparison to his rank farts). I started to think about how hot Brandon actually is – his muscles, his smile, his clothes. I actually felt myself starting to get hard picturing Brandon and how this situation must look to an outsider. To anyone else, it would look like he was just sitting on the couch in his gym clothes enjoying the game when in actuality he has his nasty, sweaty hole plastered the nose of some poor guy who he took control of and secured. I was quickly removed from this thought bubble when I felt Brandon tense up and release a long, wet fart right up my nose. "Aaaah, yeah, that felt good. Man that was a wet sounding one! Hope I didn't shit myself or anything. Oh well, guess I won't have to smell it up here!"

I couldn't tell for sure if he did shit himself, but man, it sure smelled like it. Unlike his previous farts, this one just smelled like pure sewage. I couldn't help but gag when I took a breath in, and clearly he thought that was funny. He started to laugh and I felt him bouncing up and down slightly on my face. Between the pressure of him moving from laughing and the horrible shitty smell that was lingering from his fart, I thought I was going to pass out. Luckily, he slid back off my face and looked down into my eyes.

"Alright fag, enough with that for now. I wanna see what you are really made of. Now I'm running into a small problem here. The football game is on and I really don't wanna get up to miss any of it. But I've been drinking all this beer and I've really gotta piss. Any ideas how we can take care of this?"

Oh God. How am I going to get out of here?

(to be continued)

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Next: Chapter 2

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