Freddy Bags His Daddy

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Mar 24, 2022


Fred sat at the bar, sipping a beer, waiting for John. It wasn't that John was late, fred was early. Always. It was part of the training he got when he was working in John's group. That was also where he learned that when John asked "do you want to?" or "how would you like to?" it meant HE wanted to do whatever he was asking about, and you were doing it with him. So, when John had called him that afternoon and asked if he felt like getting a drink before dinner, it wasn't so much a question as a decision. "Yes Sir. That would be fun." fred had answered, thinking "Please don't let it be that gay place. PLEASE." It WAS the gay place. John referred to fred as a "gay guy recovering from mandatory heterosexuality," which fred didn't really understand, but he understood enough of it to think maybe that's why he still wasn't used to being in gay bars. He especially didn't like it when he got to them before John did: guys hit on him and, whatever anyone else said, John was his man. Period. It was flattering, but uncomfortable, especially since the bar was close enough to the business district that there were more than a few gay attorneys who stopped in before heading home: out gay lawyers, and lawyers on the down low. "Hey, I know you. You're John's guy aren't you?" One tall, dark haired, smooth guy in an expensive suit was talking to him. "Yes, I'm seeing John." fred was never one for words, and he finished with that. The guy smiled. "Well, you're a lucky one. In a lot of ways. " The guy looked up. "By the way, I'm Marshall, and your man just walked in." fred swiveled in his seat and he saw John. "DAMN" he thought. "He ALWAYS does it to me." fred was hard. It wasn't a day that John caged him (he only did that occasionally now, and when fred went on business trips), and fred's dick stiffened, the way it always did when he saw John. "God you look good ursino." John came over and kissed fred, and then did something else fred really didn't like: his tongue snaked down fred's throat. No one noticed. It was that kind of place, but fred wasn't really affectionate in public: he saved that for home. John had called fred "a madman freak in bed" to one of his friends. In public though... not with John and not with his ex girlfriend Kelly. It turned out to be one of the reasons they didn't last. (But we'll get to that). "Ursino" was one of John's less lascivious nicknames for fred. It meant "bear cub," or as John sometimes called him, "cubby." fred was still very, VERY hairy - the hairiest guy John had ever slept with - but he was slight: slighter than an "otter," and he certainly wasn't a "bear cub" in the true sense of the word. John just loved teasing him, the way he loved what he was doing now: rubbing fred's earlobe. He sat down next to fred, and moved his hand to fred's thigh. "How'd your day go cutie? By the way, you look incredibly handsome. Damn well past fuckable." John smiled, because he knew fred would be wondering if anyone had heard. John had left for the office before fred had gotten out of bed that morning, and he hadn't seen him dress: white shirt with broad blue stripes, tailored blue slacks, a blazer. John had had a deposition and was still in his suit, his tie just lightly loosened. "And I wanna be underneath him RIGHT NOW" fred thought. He smiled, and thanked John. "You bought these for me, Sir. I'm glad you like them." John signaled to the bartender and asked for whatever fred was drinking. "Let's finish up and get to dinner. It's been a long day. What do they say : netflix and chill?" fred smiled. One of his favorite things was cuddling up next to John before they went to bed. "Sir, tonight, could we...." fred didn't finish. John could read his expressions. "Yes, we'll use the cuffs. And yes, like I said, you're well past fuckable and before we get to sleep, you'll be well past fucked."

Ok, now we're going to do a time shift, back to the first chapter. fred accepted the job, and two months later, he began working at John's firm. There had been a reception for all the new attorneys, and the partners, associates, anyone who wanted to come had joined the fete. fred had looked around nervously, wondering where John was. He smiled when he came in. He felt John's hand on his shoulder, and his other hand shaking fred's. "Welcome home, Fred. As soon as this breaks up, we'll go meet the team. I..... THINK today is the official orientation lunch, but I get you tomorrow, then the group gets you the next day and... well, we'll figure it out from there. With fred, John's group had five attorneys: his senior associates Cheryl and Leon, and then Andrew, who had joined the year before and now Fred. There were three secretaries: Pauline, who was off limits to anyone but John, and then Sharon and Martha, who worked for the four others. The office set up was almost like a "U" shape, with John's office at the base, Cheryl and Leon closest to him, and Andrew and Fred at the tips of the "U". The secretaries formed a triangle within the "U" with Pauline right outside John's office, and the others flanking her. This is where Fred would work for the next five years, gradually moving from the outer office until he was in the office right next to John. At first, Fred was doing only menial tasks, but John assigned him a five page memo to write. One afternoon, when Fred was in the middle of another project, he heard a knock on his door. It was John. "Hey stud. I reviewed the memo. Pretty good for a first draft. Take a look at it. If anything isn't clear, let me know. " John walked off and Fred looked at the memo. He pulled out the lamb and put it at the point on his desk where Cheryl had told him they all put the animals. When Cheryl walked by, she laughed. "Welcome to the gang, Fred. This means you're buying the drinks after work." They celebrated Cheryl's promotion when it happened, they sent off Andrew and Leon when they left: Andrew and his wife were having their sixth child and needed bigger space, and Leon wanted to join a corporation's law department. Cheryl was still on the same floor as John and Fred, but in a different section. Newbies: Bruce, Thorsten and James joined the group, and soon, Fred found himself the "new Cheryl." He also started learning to tease John about things, getting right to the edge of flirting. Cheryl was right. John loved it. One time, the law firm decided John needed new furniture, and he had a set period of time to go and pick a new sofa for his office. Fred came in smiling. "When you decide to pick out the sofa, can I go with you? Maybe you can get a sofa bed so I have a place to nap when I work late?" John was wearing magnifiers and he looked up. He didn't miss a beat. "Think about that Fred. Do you REALLY wanna be out in public picking a sofa bed with me? You can't even say the word 'kumquat' without blushing." Ah, the fun. And without his knowing it, John was developing a crush on this young man. He didn't know himself, and he didn't know that Fred was feeling the same way. Pauline knew "You and that Fred... when you gonna announce the engagement?" John didn't blush often. He did then. "PAULINE! PLEASE. You know about pooping where you eat. And Fred has a girlfriend. A serious one. " "MMM HMMMM. MMMM HMMMMM. " was all she said. "Don't you have work to do?"

John and fred went to eat after they had met at the bar. The restaurant was one that had special meaning to the two of them: years before, when fred had just started at John's law firm, John had taken the group there for their monthly lunch. Both of them could recall the lunch precisely. John had been "pontificating" (his own word) about differences between straight men and gay men. He was harping on vocabulary: "There are words - normal, everyday words - that every woman and every gay man can say without problem. A straight man?" He tsked tsked. "You'll never get them to say it." That was just before the server brought over the dessert menu: one of the desserts was cheesecake with kumquat compote. John grinned when he saw the word: that was one of them. "I'll have the cheesecake" fred spoke to the waiter, who knew John as a regular. "Nope, Aaron, not until he gives you the FULL name of the dish." Cheryl caught on. She lowered her voice. "Repeat after me, fred: kumquat kumquat kumquat kumquat." fred turned to Aaron. "I'll have the chocolate mousse cake." It was the WORST thing he could do. EVERYONE at the table began to laugh and Aaron was fighting it too. John looked at Aaron. "Bring the boy his cheesecake." He looked at fred. "You deserve it. But next time, you'll say it, or y'all get no puddin' mistah." Now, as they sat at right angles to each other, John held fred's hand under the table. However fred felt about being kissed in public, or John "queening" it as he called it, when he felt John's big, warm hand on his, he felt, well, safe and secure. The only thing better was when John held him when as they slept. "Hey look freddy. They've got..." John squeezed fred's hand. "I know. I know. Duck breast with kumquat sauce. I think I'll have it." "You sure, sweetie? It's VERY gay...." John realized that fred was smiling and his eyes were twinkling. When THAT happened, as he put it to Pauline, "I'm a dead man." "Well, you should know," fred smiled, and squeezed back. "OH, sweetums. What I'm gonna do to you tonight... I hope you have a stand up desk for work tomorrow." They both threw wood at that. As they ate, fred thought back through all that time... all that time. When was the first time he realized he had a crush on John? Was it that summer? Yeah, it probably was. fred realized at some point that summer that John treated him better than any man did, and notwithstanding the joke at the restaurant, and the hard work (there were a LOT Of sacrificed lambs on fred's work), John took VERY good care of his people. The lunches, the theater tickets. There was one occasion when he and fred had gone on a business trip together. At check in, the attendant told John "You know, you're a frequent flyer so we're gonna bump you up." fred remembered what happened next. "So you have a free seat in first class?" "Yes sir, we do." He looked at fred. "Every flown first class before?" "Never." He looked at the gate attendant. "Can we treat my bud here as if he were me?" "JOHN. NO. NO." "Don't argue with your boss, young man." "But... but..." "GO AHEAD. We've been in each other's laps for the whole damn trip. A 3 hour trip with nuts and free drinks'll do you good." As he sat in first class , fred was thinking about the image of sitting in John's lap. He didn't join the mile high club that day, but if there were a club for folks who jerked off in the airline bathroom, he was now a member.

Back at home, John tossed off his jacket, and his tie. He put his hands on fred's shoulders. "You want the cuffs, or the necktie?" He squeezed fred's shoulders. "You're the boss Sir. You once told me not to argue with you." "On the bed. We'll use the cuffs." "Yes sir." John had leather cuffs appended to the bed. fred could lock one himself, but he knew how much John liked to lock them both, himself. John followed fred in, and gently but firmly took each of his wrists and secured them. Then he stripped. fred saw John's cock standing in front of him. Hard, red, dripping. He wanted it now but... that's not how John operated. He began opening fred's shirt. "OH BOY. How many TOPS can say their bottom is as hairy as you are, sexy? " He climbed on top of fred, and pushed fred's chin up with his head, so he could kiss his Adam's apple, and then kiss both sides of it. His end of day scruff was sharp and fred moaned. "FUCK!" he whispered. He whispered it again as John moved down, and first licked each nipple before he chewed each one. fred didn't know how sensitive his nipples were until that first night with John: it wasn't his first night with a man, but... John's kissing noises got louder as he moved down fred's midsection. He licked at fred's navel, and then stopped, staring at him. "GOD, you are SUCH A FUCKING PRIZE, FRED." He kissed fred's lips, gently. He did it some more. "BASTARD!" fred thought to himself. John knew that when he kissed fred like that, fred couldn't help it: he offered his mouth to John's tongue... and John didn't take it! Instead, he licked fred's lips, and ran his hands all over his body, as he found fred's belt buckle and loosened it. "Whatcha want, sexy boy?" "Your cock, Sir. Please. Please pound my ass with your big, beautiful cock." "Heh heh. You like that don't you?" "No Sir. I LOVE IT. I want it. PLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEASE. I have so much time to make up." "You do. If I fucked you three times a day, you couldn't. But we should try." fred felt John's cock begin to penetrate him. "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK" John always gave a good fuck, but sometimes - like tonight - it felt... special. fred knew his lover well enough to know that either John had something on his mind, or he had resolved something very, VERY complex. He didn't know what it was, but he'd listen. For now, though.. he just tried to sink into the feeling of that big cock plowing him. He pulled at the cuffs. He ALWAYS forgot when he was cuffed down, and tried to wrap himself around John. The sound of the cuffs moving seemed to motivate John, and he pushed harder. "GOD IT HURTS SO GOOD SIR." When he fucked, it was the only time John didn't seem to care about how fred was feeling (that wasn't true, but he knew fred liked the slight frisson of pain). "Who's my lover?" John whispered as he watched fred writhe. "I am Sir. I am. I'm the lucky one." "We waited too long stud." "We did Sir." "No more waiting" "No Sir. None.. OH SHIT. You're... you're breeding me.... AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" John was. He had begun to shoot into fred's hole and fred, try as he might, couldn't stop. He shot as well. Now, John dug his tongue into fred's mouth. THAT felt good now too. "Know how long I've been waiting to do that?" John smiled. fred's eyes were sparkling again. "Since last night? That's when you fucked me last." John laughed. "Well, at least since this morning. I wanted to wait around and fuck you before work, but..." "Don't take your job so seriously, lawyer stud." John looked at him. "LOOK. WHO'S. TALKING." He buried his fingers into fred's ribs. He knew fred HATED being tickled almost as much as he hated kale, and that's why he was doing it. "STAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAP. STAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAP. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHA. OK OK. GO AHEAD. WORK ALL DAY AND ALL NIGHT. I'LL FIND ANOTHER BOYFRIEND." John smiled. "Hmmm. Well, then... maybe... maybe you gotta wear this tomorrow." He pulled out the cage. "I WAS TEASING. I WAS TEASING SIR. PLEASE NOT TOMORROW, I... I..." "You what?" "I may wanna jerk off thinking about tonight. I've been thinking about a lotta things, Sir, and this... OHHHHHHHHHHH. " He paused. "I made the right choice running after you on that street." John bent down and kissed fred. "And I made the right choice waiting. Pleasure delayed, but.... " He yawned. "Let's get some sleep, studmuffin."

When they got into bed, and John had his arms wrapped around fred, fred cuddled in closer. This felt so good. He was falling off to sleep, so he didn't know if he had heard it correctly, but he could've sworn he heard John whisper "I'm gonna marry you, handsome," before he began to snore.

Next: Chapter 3

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