Freddy Bags His Daddy

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on May 31, 2022


John slipped into one of the seats in the last row of the courtroom. He tried to be as quiet as possible: freddy was arguing a case in front of judges for the first time. He smiled as he remembered that morning.

"JOHN! DO NOT COME TO THE COURT. I'M NERVOUS ENOUGH." Indeed, freddy was: if he called John by his name instead of "Sir" or "Daddy," he was totally freaked out. John understood the nerves: he remembered back to his first time. He shuddered, then got up, and went over to where freddy was sitting. His strong fingers worked freddy's tense shoulders. "Don't worry babe. You're gonna do fine, and you're not gonna have to worry about impressing me. I'm already impressed." freddy closed his eyes and leaned into the massage. "That feels so good Sir. But seriously, you promise not to show up. I'm already close to throwing up and...." "Not to worry. I swear. You'll never see me."

Well, John kept his promise. freddy never saw him. He walked in after the opening, when freddy would be paying close attention to the judge. As freddy gave his argument, John mused. "He can be SO butch when he has to be. " He was listening to how freddy controlled his voice, going from deep and low to higher, and how he very calmly answered every question that the judge asked. "And he's SO FUCKING HOT. ALWAYS." John felt the stirrings in his crotch. He planned to take freddy out to celebrate the event, and then to screw him hard. It was a Friday, and the weekend was before them. He had a bunch of plans and maybe, just maybe, THIS would be the weekend he proposed.

He snuck out of the courtroom just before things were over. He stood off to the side so that freddy didn't see him, and freddy didn't. Instead, he felt John's fingers on the outside of his neck, gently massaging one of freddy's "spots." "YOU CAME. I KNEW YOU WOULD." John couldn't help himself. "Well, I always come when I know you're gonna be trying to be butch." freddy looked around. He still had that fear of showing affection in public, but he whispered to John. "I wanna kiss you right here." "I wanna do a lot more than kiss you right here," was John's reply. freddy smiled. He had learned to banter a little bit with John. "You know, Daddy, for an old man, you've got quite a sex drive." John laughed. "You have no idea. But you'll find out. Let's get out of here."

"So... need to go back to the office for anything, studmuffin?" John was trying very hard not to embarrass freddy by putting his hand on freddy's ass as they walked. "No Sir. Nothing pending. I'm on top of things." freddy knew he was feeding John a line and he waited for the expected answer. "Well, that's good because you're not gonna be on top of anything this weekend. " fred cracked a big smile, and now HE felt a rise in his crotch. He hadn't wanted to deny John sex while he was preparing for the case he had just argued, but for the first time since they had started "dating," John had backed off, and had asked freddy to tell HIM when he was in the mood. freddy knew that was going to change. He couldn't wait. "By the way, I haven't told you the most important thing, freddy. You look SO DAMN SEXY dressed like that. I wanted to just tear through the court, throw you on the floor and fuck you right in front of the judge." fred laughed. "It would've been a relief." "Well, it's over now. Time for a relaxing weekend. Let's go get a drink before dinner." They were able to walk from the courthouse through the "gay neighborhood," and that's where John took freddy's hand and held it. freddy squeezed back. However nervous he was around the general public, he was proud to be John's boy when they were here. He saw the looks John got from guys (freddy got his share too), and he knew that more than one of them was jealous, but.... all those secret fantasies when he was upstate and married: they were coming true. For a quick second he thought "do I dare wish for another marriage?" Their walk took them past a popular leather bar. John noticed that freddy had turned his head, looking at it with interest. "Not this afternoon freddy." He laughed. "We're hardly dressed for it and... well, it's too early. Did you wanna go?" freddy had never been to a leather bar before and John was waiting for the day he asked. He saw freddy's face color the way he did when he was embarrassed. "I... I don't know Sir. I'm intrigued but.... scared." John began to chuckle. "Tell ya what superstar. I'll check in with you tomorrow. I thought we'd go out anyway, and if it's here, it'll be here." freddy got more intrigued. "You said though, we're not dressed for it, Sir. I don't have any, well, leather." "Oh yeah, you do stud. You just don't know about it. I got a whole bunch of it for you for when we finally went. And me.... well, you'll see." The thought of John in leather was making freddy drip a little.

After they stopped for beer, John and freddy headed off to the restaurant. As they sat down, freddy started loosening his tie to take it off. "NO. Leave it on, handsome. Loosened. Like that. You can drop the jacket but... FUCK you're so goddamn handsome as the exhausted executive." freddy felt John's hand on the table, running up and down his thigh. Eventually, the hand found freddy's crotch, uncaged because of the trial. They both knew: freddy would be in "lock up" mode soon, but for now, John was getting to freddy by simply running his finger over his crotch. freddy spread his legs some more, and then John stopped. "Hold the thought, stud. I wanna see you have the most magnificent orgasm ever tonight. I'm gonna have one too." "Let's eat fast, Daddy," freddy smiled at John and gave him a wink.

John and freddy didn't speak much on the way back to the apartment: they both knew that they were going to go at it, and they did. As soon as they were in the elevator, John grabbed freddy and shoved his tongue down his throat as he began feeling up the younger man's body. As the elevator stopped, he whispered, gruffly "GET FUCKING NAKED AND GET ON THAT BED." freddy could only whisper "yes sir," and hurried to do what John had told him. He had to be a little careful because his cock was so stiff, and so far out in front of him, he worried about the zipper.

"I SAID GET ON THE BED, BOY." freddy felt John's naked body behind him as John took him down on the bed, pinning his wrists to the side. The look on John's face was aslmost like a wild animal. "You don't want what I got for ya, freddy?" "I DO Sir. I do. I'm just so...." "FUCKING SEXY that's what you are. GIMME THAT NECK." "YES" freddy thought to himself. That scruff. That rough, almost painful scruff that John used from time to time to "soften him up." Moans came out of freddy as John began to rub the facial hair back and forth before he whispered into freddy's ear: "fucktoi." "YES SIR YES...." freddy's hips began to pulse up. He pushed against John's grip but John kept him pinned down. He smiled. "You wanna fight me, stud? You wanna fight Daddy John? NOT HAPPENING. GET THOSE FEET ON MY SHOULDERS." "OH GOD YES SIR. YES. I NEED IT. BADLY." freddy's legs went up and he saw that John's cock was fully engorged. "I'm just gonna put the tip in." It was a joke between them. "Define tip," freddy gasped before John shoved his whole thick cock in all at once. "HOLY FUCKING MOTHER OF GOD YOU'RE SO BIG." "Heh heh. Think you're feeling me now, stud? Well...." John tightened his glutes and got his cock to go in even further. "OH MY GOD I WON'T BE ABLE TO SIT FOR THE WEEKEND." "Good. You'll just be on your back. Or your belly. Fine with me." John began sliding back and forth. His fingers grabbed freddy's nipples as he plunged, pulling out slowly and then ramming back in, hard and deep. freddy begged for more. He tried to slide down so that he could get even more of John's cock. He tightened his own glutes so that he could hold John in him for more time. At some point during their sex, freddy shot. He couldn't help himself. HE hadn't had any sex getting ready for court, and he was as horny as John was. But he had cum before John. He knew the cage was going back on him, and now... there's probably be some punishment. "My little stud forgot his place. That's ok. I'm gonna fill ya with my babies, YOU FUCKING HOT MOTHER FUCKER. " Sometimes, freddy counted the number of pulses when John came in him. He lost count for this one. It was at least 12, and at the end of it , John's sweat was streaming , all over freddy's face. Freddy tried to catch some in his mouth. He felt John collapse on top of him. "OH MY GOD FREDDY YOU GOTTA DRESS LIKE THAT MORE OFTEN." He hugged his lover tightly. freddy whispered. "Maybe we just gotta have sex less often." John responded by tickling freddy's ribs. "Yeah, let's go with that. Let's go with that you horny mink." He covered freddy's face with kisses and then hugged him. They said nothing and then John realized: freddy had fallen asleep. He pushed himself up and looked at the man he loved so much. freddy was almost smiling. "Sweet boy. Do I deserve you?" John whispered. "I'm enjoying corrupting you, but.... " He stroked some hair out of freddy's eyes. He let him sleep for a few minutes before he kissed him awake. "Hey sleeping beauty. I'm waking you up so that we can go to sleep." freddy smiled. "That was the best sex EVER Sir. " "It's gonna get even better freddy. Wait and see." He pulled freddy so that his head was lying on John's chest as they fell asleep.

When freddy woke up the next morning, John wasn't in bed. He could smell coffee and what he thought was sizzling butter. His mouth began to water: John was a good cook, and he made weekend breakfast frequently. The main reason freddy's mouth was watering, though, was because John cooked in the nude or, when he was working with something like hot fat, nothing but an apron. His apron opened at the back and his muscular ass showed. "Good morning, Sir" freddy came up behind John, who was about to pour eggs into a pan. He put his arms around John's middle, and his naked body pressed against John's back. John felt freddy's penis at his ass crack. He put down the bowl, and turned around. He was smiling.

"You trying to flip me, young man?" He had freddy's wrists in his strong hands, and smiled as he squirmed. "Uh, it might be fun Sir. I don't know if I could do as good a job at topping as you do, but....." John smiled more. "Maybe we have to find you a bottom boy to play with. A celebration of your court appearance."

He kissed freddy's forehead. "Do you want to go to that leather bar tonight? " "I think so, Sir. " "I think I'd like to take you too. We'll talk about it today but for now.." He let freddy go and turned back to the eggs. "I'm gonna finish making you and I a proper breakfast. YOU are going to go and separate the laundry and then.. you're gonna get your cage and bring it out here. So if you've got anything you've got to, ahem 'disperse,' best get to it now."

"Yes sir." freddy did NOT like the cage, but this was not negotiable with John. Still, if it meant he got to go to the leather bar - something he had wanted to do for a LONG time, he'd not complain. Two hours later, breakfast was done, and freddy was washing dishes, with his cock securely locked. John usually unlocked him once, maybe twice a week. "It's gonna probably be ten days freddy. Two reasons. First, you need to be punished for cumming first last night and second.... " John hesitated a minute. "You wanting to go to that bar tonight is a big step in our relationship, kiddo. Things are gonna change around here. I think you're gonna like it." freddy didn't understand what John meant, but it sounded exciting.

They took care of regular Saturday chores, and made a gym visit. They usually napped on Saturday, and John told freddy they'd nap later than usual because "leather time isn't regular time, stud. If we go as if we were going out to dinner, you'll be disappointed. We'll leave about ten. Gives us plenty of time." "Sir... what am I going to wear? I don't have..." "I told you, freddy. Trust me. Just come in to bed. And before you do.... See that? It needs tending to". John had been imagining freddy dressed for leather, and he was stiff. "Yes sir. Right away." freddy got to his knees and wrapped his soft lips around John's cock. He knew how John liked his blow jobs, and he made sure his head was close enough for John to take a handful of hair and force freddy to deep throat him. "Nice and slow today, freddy. Nice and slow.." freddy had a mischievous streak and he risked further punishment by doing all the things he knew brought John off. Soon, that "nice and slow" blowjob became fast and hot. John didn't protest: his cock was in freddy's mouth after all. When he was done, freddy looked up like a cat who had just gotten caught breaking something. John began to laugh. "I think, Mr. freddy, that you're gonna have to sleep with my flaccid cock against your ass. " "Won't be flaccid for long, Sir." "You're a confident little fucker today." "Maybe a confident little fuckee Sir. You made clear I'm not fucking anyone." "Let's see what happens tonight. Let's see...."

John set the alarm for 9:15. He had no trouble waking up: it was like going back to his "old days," when he was just a bit older than freddy was now. freddy, however, was reluctant to wake up. It took some solid foot tickling to get him completely "roused." "Was that necessary, Sir?" freddy, still half asleep, used a tone he'd NEVER use with John, and John just laughed it off. "C'mon, let's get moving. Gotta at least wash your face while I get your stuff." "My stuff, Sir?" "Heh heh. freddy boy, I have been waiting for this day for a long, LONG time. " He kissed freddy on the lips and gave him a playful whack. "C'mon. Into the bathroom. CLEAN UP." "Yes DAD" freddy was still pushing it. He knew John liked being called "Daddy," but not Dad. He skulked off to the bathroom and when he came back into the bedroom, John had brought in a set of black leather work boots, a black leather vest, a jock strap, and the old, tight jeans that drove him crazy when freddy wore them. freddy looked at the stuff. "Sir, there's no shirt." "Nope, no shirt freddy boy. Tonight is a night for as little clothing as possible. It's warm enough too, so let's see how you look." freddy gulped. This was REALLY going to happen. He was having second thoughts, but he wasn't going to back down now. John was standing there, watching his bottom get ready. When freddy was done, John looked him over. From behind, he pulled freddy into him and held him tight "If I didn't know you were a great fuck, I'd assume it the way you look now, peaches. Grrrrrrrrrrr." He ran his teeth over freddy's ear. Then he walked to the front. He ran a finger through freddy's chest hair. "You know, I've said it before, and I'll say it now: you really should be smooth. I'm wondering: should I shave you before tonight?" Now, the one fight John and freddy had had as a couple was early one, when John wanted to keep freddy shaved. John had given in that time, but now... "C'MON SIR. I know, I know. Bottoms and subs are smooth but.. ALL of them?" John sighed. "freddy boy, if you're gonna be my sub, you know better than to give me trouble about this. If I say you get shaved, you get shaved, right?" freddy was silent for a couple of minutes, sighed and answered "yes sir." "Well, as far as tonight goes, no shaving: it won't look right but... it's in your future. As are two other things. First..., your band."

John pulled out a black leather band. He squeezed freddy's right bicep, and tightened it. "That lets everyone know you're the passive partner, and this...." he pulled out a lock pendant and put it over freddy's head. "This lets people know you're not on the market. You're spoken for. " freddy looked at the pendant. "Sir, this is BEAUTIFUL. And it's.... you didn't get this for me did you?" freddy would swear for the rest of his life that it was the one time he saw John tear up. "Nope. Someone got it for me. Long ago. Now... it's yours. " He was silent for a minute. "You look very hot. Now, let Daddy get dressed. " As John left, freddy began thinking: had John been a sub in the past ? What history did he have? He knew that John had scrapbooks, but he never dared look at them, and John never brought them out. "Well... am I fearsome or what?" "Holy fuck, " was what freddy muttered under his breath. That big hairy chest he fell asleep on every night was exposed, as John had on only a leather vest, and a black cap. He was also wearing chaps, and a band like freddy's - only his was on his left arm. freddy saw a pair of handcuffs looped into one of John's belt loops. "Sir, are those for.... show?" John laughed. "We'll see. Now let's go. " As they left and got a car, John gave freddy advice. "Guys will approach you, even with the pendant. All you have to do is say you need your DOM's permission, if I'm not around." "Why would you not be around, Sir?" freddy was panicking. "Just getting beer or something. Don't worry. I'll be as close to you as a momma bear is to her cub." He laughed. "Sort of an apt analogy I think." They got into the car. Off they went.

John repressed a smile when he saw freddy's face as they went into the bar. It was Friday, and it was more crowded than John remembered it being the last time he was there. He gripped freddy by his left arm. "You gonna be ok? Can you handle it? We'll leave if you can't." "No Sir, it's.... I don't know what to say." "Ha ha. Good answer. Let's go get beers. " John touched the handcuffs at his belt. He wanted a beer in freddy now because, very soon, he wouldn't be able to use his hands. "So just look around. We'll take a walk too. Lots of things to see." They didn't go into the back room, but John explained what it was to freddy, who's eyes got big . "You're a kid at the circus, stud," John put his hand on freddy's ass. "Sort of. What's.... Sir, what's going on over there." "AH. The sling. And fisting. Lots of people find it very, VERY hot." John saw freddy's face. He was trying to look at it, because he was fascinated. "Are you one of them Sir?" "Not me. Not my thing. " He leaned down and whispered into freddy's ear "only things I'm gonna put in your ass are my cock and my tongue." He paused and he saw freddy gulp. "You finish your beer?" "Yes sir." "Good. Because now.... we're gonna meet some people, but first.... " freddy saw John unhook the cuffs. "Behind your back." It was the first time he had ever used cuffs on freddy and John thought he saw a smile flit across freddy's face, and a sigh when he heard the clink of the cuffs being locked. There were other guys who were cuffed the way freddy was: most of them were on the small side, like freddy, and they all had the right arm band on. "They're subs, freddy boy. Just like you. Out with their Masters. Some of them'll switch off tonight, others won't, some'll go into that sling, a whole bunch will go into the backroom....." Just then, freddy saw a boy go by, cuffed and with clamps on his nipples. His Master was leading him by the chain holding the clamps. "You'll get there stud, you will. Little by little." freddy found the thought of John leading him like that EXTREMELY exciting. "HEY. BIG JOHN. Haven't seen you in a while" A tall, gray haired man came over. "TED. Good to see you." John and Ted embraced and then John introduced freddy. "Ted, meet my lover, freddy. We've been sorta lying low to avoid jackals like you." Ted laughed. "Well, yeah, it's a good thing you did." He couldn't shake freddy's hand, so he flicked his nip. "Come on by alone if you like freddy. I'm sure we could have some fun." He took the lock of freddy's pendant in his hand. He looked at John. John just smiled. "I know, I know. Will the circle be unbroken?" "Indeed. Charlie is smiling." He turned to freddy. "Be good to him young man. He's a good guy. " "Yes sir." freddy understood he was talking to another DOM, and responded appropriately. John was impressed. "You're learning kiddo." "I try Sir. I like this place. " "Do you? You like the feel of leather?" "Yes sir" "And being cuffed?" "I didn't think I would Sir , but I do." John looked at him for a long time then he said: "Kiss me boy. Right here. In front of everyone. Let them know what we got." As they frenched, John ran his hands up and down freddy's ass, then he ran his hands over his nipples "Let's get home. I think I can't wait." "Yes sir. I'm ready." John called a cab and just as they were getting in he started to unlock the cuffs. "Please Sir. Can you leave them on ?" John smiled. "Damn right I can. Get in." In the cab, he pulled freddy close to him and whispered: "I'm gonna FUCK you while you wear those cuffs. You're gonna learn to LOVE being restrained even more than you do." Then he began probing freddy's ear with his tongue. "OH FUCK YES SIR." (John didn't tell him about his plans to shave freddy the next day).

Back in the apartment, John whacked freddy's ass. "On the bed, on your belly. It'll be easier on your arms. "Oh SHIT yes sir." freddy did what he was told, and waited . He felt John reach underneath him and unhook the button on his jeans. Then he pulled them down, and the jock. He untied freddy's boots, got them off, and pulled off the clothing. He spread freddy's legs without any opposition. freddy heard John spit, and felt the glob on his hole, before John took it. "DAMN. You're so hard SIR. " He wiggled his hands a little, as John pushed in . "Just the tip Sir. Please just the tip." He felt John's hand cover his mouth. "SHUT UP MANBITCH," and John shoved his way in. The cock freddy loved so much took over. freddy closed his eyes and thought about the bar. He thought about the wall where he saw someone shackled like a prisoner in a movie, and wished he were chained up by John. And what was that discussion of the pendant? That guy Tom? There was a story. He felt a smack on his ass. "PAY ATTENTION BOY. TIGHTEN THOSE GLUTES." "Yes sir. OH GOD Yes sir." When he did, he felt John shoot deep into him. "That feels so good Sir. So good. " "It does freddy. For me too. " He whispered into freddy's ear. "I can't let you sleep in handcuffs. You'll be uncomfortable. You can wear the pendant if you like." "Please Sir, yes. Thank you Sir. " freddy fell asleep on John's chest almost immediately. John was up a little longer. He played with the curls on freddy's hair, and stroked his back He ran his finger down the chain of the collar and thought about the time - when was it? Fifteen, twenty years ago, when he knelt in front of Charlie and took the pendant and became Charlie's boy. They called him johnny cakes then. He whispered "I hope I'm half the man you were, Charlie," before he drifted off to sleep himself.

Next: Chapter 7

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