Free-Baller in the airport

By Logan Prejean

Published on Jan 26, 2023



A bit about the story... One of the best things I have found about becoming an author is making friends with readers and especially with fellow authors. One of those friendships began early in my writing "career" and that was with "trappedinthecl0set". I read his work and was hooked and he agreed to help me with editing. It was during a series of late night joint editing sessions we became good friends. Well this story came from those late night, frisky conversations. Basically what if in some alternate universe we met, at an airport... this is the story that came from that. I won't give anything away with this, but this is honestly a story of what if he and I met up and life was a bit different for both of us, but at the core we were the same people. I hope you, and he, will enjoy this story. Much love to you, my dear sweet friend.

This story is ours, so don't be a dick. I would really appreciate if you take a minute to let us know what you think of this story, it took several months to come together and I think it is some of my best work so far. Let me know.

Follow me on Twitter @LoganPrejean or you can send me an email I respond to all DMs, Tweets, comments and emails and love to hear what you think.

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As if this fucking week couldn't get any worse. I had been forced into taking a meeting by a client that I knew was going to be nothing but a waste of time, causing me to have to take two flights just to get to Salt Lake City and now, sitting here in the airport at Wasatch Brewing in terminal B waiting for the airline app to update so I can find out where and when my flight was finally going to board. It seems the aircraft that was meant for us was rerouted, and we were delayed and now stuck.

I typically like for my Fridays to be spent at home, catching up on work so I can slide into the weekend and really kick back and relax. I wanted to get home to New Orleans where I would try my best to pick up the pieces to my life that have been left in shambles. My wife and I finally called it quits after 10 years of not the greatest marriage. We were, at best, friends, and never good or really settled in to being husband and wife. There was never any spark but both of us felt pressure from family and friends to tie the knot finally. At the time, we were both in our early 30s and still single. We knew better, we fucking knew better. We loved each other, we were just never "in love."

So now I was single, I kept the house as she took a job out of state. I was headed home to a big house and my 1-year-old Great Dane, Mufassa. When I traveled, my assistant stayed at the house. Ethan was great and he was incredibly good at what he does, frankly, he was more put together than I was at this stage in my life, and fuck he was only 20.

I order my second beer, this time opting for "Island Hop" which they say is a fruity IPA and I break down and order a sandwich as well, as it seems I am not going to make it out of here in the next hour at least. Airlines run smoothly when they can keep things in motion, when one of their aircrafts is pulled from service, well that sends cascading repercussions and I fear we are not the highest priority right now.

Given the delay, the Brewery started filling up, and they sat me at a table for two and I had my back against the wall which allowed me to participate in one of my favorite pastimes; people watching. Capturing way too much of my attention was this really loud blond who is reading her husband, I assume, the riot act as if he caused the jet to have mechanical issues and get re-routed. I have never been more excited to see her storm out of the bar and her whipped husband follow her with his tail between his legs. "Happy weekend", you two! I said under my breath.

At this point, the two bar stools that they were sitting at open up and in comes this young guy, no more than 24 I would guess. He caught my eye because, well, he had a noticeable cock swinging inside his sheer gray basketball shorts. You know how when you catch something out of the corner of your eye and your brain says, "Hey, something is up, check it out!" Yah, that is exactly what happened here. My brain said, there is something swinging there where normally you wouldn't see anything swinging. As he turned around to get ready to hop onto the bar stool, wow I thought, this dude couldn't be wearing any underwear! A smooth, bubble butt with no underwear line at all and no sign of any sort of boxers or even a liner in the shorts.

"Wow, bold move their young padawan" I think to myself. Wow, to be young and carefree again. Seemingly no cares in the world, at least not enough to bother with underwear! And in such a conservative city and state! Bravo.

My next beer comes out, and it's a bit sweeter than I care for, but it is nice, and frankly, anything with alcohol in it will do the trick right now. My phone buzzes and informs me that the new departure time is going to be in just under 2 hours and that we will be at gate B1 which is right here, so literally no rush for me. But bad news, I have a seat change. As I pull up the app on my phone, I see that we are on a different type of jet, and there is a smaller first class on this flight to Chicago, and I guess since I was upgraded, that didn't stick. Well at least I will get out this afternoon, and I have every chance to get a flight from Chicago to New Orleans yet today. Home in my own bed tonight, the plan is back on.

I text Ethan to let him know the plans, he quickly responds with an "OK Boss" and shoots me a picture of Mufassa. I can't wait. I play with the app a bit more and rebook myself on the flight out of O'Hare at 7 pm to New Orleans; even if we are running late, I will be fine. Ethan can pick me up at MSY just after ten and my weekend is back on track.

After playing with his phone, `free-baller' (I mean the name may be vulgar but seems appropriate) turns his bar stool a bit so he can watch a baseball game on the TV. Again, my eyes are drawn to his crotch because I can see his dick, clear as day. It's as if he was sitting there without anything on at all. Dang, I don't think I was ever this bold. This time though, with his attention on the TV, I can check him out a bit. He seems younger than I thought, deep piercing dark eyes, almost looking like they are black. He has a devilish smile which you can tell he has been through some stuff in his life, and is wearing an older, maybe vintage Atlanta Braves t-shirt. As he reaches for a napkin on the bar, exposes his stomach a bit showing he has a bit of hair on his stomach. This has me checking him out more and as I do he catches me watching him. I quickly refocus my gaze to my phone fumbling to scroll through my twitter feed in hopes he doesn't think I am some sort of pervert.

After what I feel is an acceptable amount of time, I look back up again and `freeballer' is staring at me and just a grin on his face. Wow, are we flirting? Surely not, I mean what could this hot guy be thinking about a 42-year-old, sitting in jeans and a polo shirt, likely with 20 COVID pounds left to shake. Clearly that is not it. I give him the straight guy "what's up" nod and go back to my phone just as my food arrives.

I suppose I should give myself more credit. Being in a sexless marriage for the past decade has kinda sucked the soul right out of me and just now I am trying to get my groove back. At 5'11 and 190#'s I certainly had some toning I needed to do but I am quite sure if you look up "dad bod" you would see a photo of me. Im rocking a 34" waist, sure it needs to get back to 32" but fuck it. I've got good hair, nice teeth, and near perfect skin. Deep blue eyes that when needed used to be able to get me anything I wanted... and should it ever get to sex, I have a nice 7-7.5" cut thick tool to work with. Fuck right, I am the entire package damn it!

I suppose that brings up the next question. I was married to a woman for 10 years, aren't you straight? Well that has not always been clear to me, frankly. During my college days I fully accepted being bi. I tended to enjoy having sex with guys more, that is for sure, but I always saw myself in relationship with a woman. Perhaps though that was programming, or just because the guys I tend to meet, well they were not really relationship material. But that was all in my distant past and frankly right now I don't know what I was looking for, or what the hell I was doing.

The food was fine, but typical to airport food it was nothing like you could get in New Orleans at nearly any small mom and pop shop on the corner of nearly any street. We are certainly spoiled. This weekend I had hoped to make my way to Cochon's or possibly Dragos as I have been traveling nearly solid for the last two weeks and I needed a taste of home. I texted with a few of my friends, a gay couple Sam and Pete and asked them if we were still on for Dinner Saturday. They were good guys and they really leaned in to supporting me and what I was going through.

Apparently, someone scored in the baseball game that was on the TV because folks cheered and a few jeered. I have never been one for any of the sportsball, except of course the Saints because that is required for residence in the City that Care Forgot, birthplace of Jazz, the Big Easy. As the crowd cheered I locked eyes again with `freeballer' and damn I was drawn to this guy. I guess it could be his perfect ass or his cock that is clearly wanting to be seen in those shorts.

I saw as `free baller' stands up after he pays his bill and then he heads out. Best part is I get to see that fine ass again. He has two perfect cheeks that seem to have their own gravitational pull to them. They move in perfect motion and just beg for someone's hands to be cupping them, massaging them, clapping them. Damn, I am quite sure even though I just ate, I could make a meal out of that ass.

"OK, focus Logan, can't be throwing wood in an airport!" I say to myself and I hail the waiter for my ticket.

I had enabled the alerts to come to my phone and the jet we would be boarding shortly just arrived at the gate and so before long we should be boarding and on my way home. After paying, I head over to the gate as I am ready to go.

Never before have I been happier that I only brought this small carryon and my briefcase, this way I won't have to gate check any bags and when we arrive in Chicago I can just make it directly to the bar for another drink before catching my connection to New Orleans.

Well there he is again, freeballer is apparently on my flight to Chicago. As he leans up against one of the pillars holding up the roof and scrolls his phone it provides me yet another opportunity to check out the VPL (that's Visible Penis Line, just in case. I may be old, but I try to keep up). I just can't believe that he wore shorts this thin with no underwear. Did he do this on purpose, or was it just a happy accident? I am not noticing the head print coming through so holy shit, maybe he is uncut. Fuck, I have always wanted to play with an in-tact guy. Shit, I can NOT bone up in these jeans as everyone here will be able to see it. First pair of tight jeans I have possessed in quite some time and while I know I look good in them, shit my bulge is already substantial in these. Soft, I am not much to scream about, but I have huge nuts and so they make for an ample package no matter what underwear I am wearing. Newly single Logan now wears sexy underwear that lifts up your cock and balls and thrusts them forward.

I got an alert that my seat has changed again, this time they moved me up into premium economy right behind the smaller first class section and I got my aisle seat back. Sitting in a window seat is too claustrophobic for me, so this is much better. I am surprised they didn't find me a seat in first class, I have been carrying a United Visa black card for nearly 10 years. I am assuming the ones that got the seats were all paying full freight on their tickets.

Soon we are boarding and when they call for the elite statuses to board, I hold back. I don't need the overhead space for my small bags and I would rather not play back and forth with someone needing to get into the window seat. It will already be cramped enough, I'd rather not add the slow dancing of seat shuffling to the agenda. Scrolling my phone I see Freballer get into the boarding line and head down the jetway and I decide to follow, a few more glances at his fine ass won't hurt anyone and may add to my nearly depleted spank bank.

I make it onto the jet bridge and get to watch him some more, which is so much fun. Damn he has a great ass. I would love to use those cheeks as pillows or better yet, peel them open and slide 7 1/2 inches deep inside him.

I lose sight of him as he makes his way onto the jet thinking I have lost him to the belly of the plane, make my way onto the jet and move my way back until I get to my seat and boom, he is sitting in my row, window seat. Holy shit. Having a small space above my seat I throw my small overnight back up top and slide my small briefcase in as well and close the overhead bin having used every single inch of space. I go to sit down in the seat and I notice that he hasn't lowered the armrest between the seats and he is busy on the phone talking with someone as he watches out the window at the ground crew loading up the luggage.

I slide into my seat and buckle up, scrolling through my phone one last time. Shooting Ethan a quick text:

Me: "Boarded the replacement jet, should be airborne shortly. Off to Chicago!" Ethan: "Sounds good boss, let me know if you need anything. You have wifi on this flight right?" Me: "Stickers say we will, so fingers crossed." Ethan: "K"

I flick over to the airline app and I see that we have been updated and should be landing 10 minutes earlier than we were supposed to so they are making up for some of the lost time. Plenty of time to make the shuffle through O'Hare. The best news is the arrival gate is very close to my departure gate and there is a bar in between the two.

He hangs up his phone and starts to stow his phone and looks over and sees me.

"Oh, hi! I didn't realize... I am sorry if I was too loud on the phone." His voice is softer, but still manly, generally showing he was sorry, you could hear that in the tone. Wow, a nice guy, you don't see many of those lately.

"Not a problem at all. We all have been juggling today, just glad we are getting out and that I should get home tonight." I say, being a bit more talkative than normal on these flights.

"Cool, umm... you live in Chicago?" he says, clearly wanting the conversation to continue or out of nerves I really can't tell.

"Oh no, I have to connect. I live in New Orleans. Are you headed home or going on an adventure?"

"Ah, an adventure, really. Meeting up with some friends, going camping and going to see some games." He says, clearly lighting up a bit. I ask some probing questions about his friends, what they plan on doing and what sorts of sports he likes. Both of us relax a bit in our chatting as the flight crew goes into their presentation and their cabin checks.

The seats are rather small and while we are talking with each other, our knees and legs keep touching each other. When I first noticed this I jerked away really quickly, clearly the long-engrained programming in me to not physically touch another man like that. But the seats are so damn small, this is bound to happen and so when he didn't pull back this next time, I didn't either and so our legs to knees were touching, and I am sitting here wishing that I would have worn shorts. Our arms were touching as well, since neither of us had pulled down the armrest between us our arms were sorta free floating and landing in our laps. His skin was warm and he had a light dusting of darker hair on his legs and on his arm which I found extremely sexy.

As we kept talking, several times he reached down to re-arrange his junk in his sorts, fuck it was hot to see him do that, and apparently, I had no qualms just watching and focusing on him doing it too.

Finally, I couldn't help myself and I said "Hey, I really like those shorts! They must be super comfortable!"

He smiled really big and said, "They really are, they are super soft, here feel this" and he took my hand and placed it on his cloth covered thigh and moved it back and forth a bit bringing my hand up shockingly close to his junk.

"Wow... they are... wow... they are super soft, I will have to get me a pair, though I don't know if I would be brave enough to wear them out in public, well done you!"

"I like how freeing they are, I also like the looks I get when I don't wear any underwear beneath them." He says with a quick wink at me. Well, if I had any doubts that this guy was flirting with me, I think those have all evaporated... now is my turn to blush.

Airborn, we keep talking about nothing really, and everything. I shared with him what I do for work, he shared with me what he likes to do in his freetime and that he was working on becoming more serious about life and career as he shared he was 22 years old and not completely sure where the future was taking him. I in turn shared with him that I too was on a bit of a discovery mission as I had just divorced a woman and now trying to find myself after I tried to live my life to make everyone but me happy.

He leaned over at that point and offered his hand, "My name is Scott by the way," he said and his hands were so very soft, warm and shot a bold of electricity through me.

"I'm Logan," I say, "It is really a pleasure to meet you Scott! Turns out I guess I am old enough to be your father! Yikes!" I say to him ultimately confessing that I had just turned 42 a few months earlier in May.

"Well, Logan, if it is any consolation I spend almost all my time with slightly older people, like you. I find kids in their 20s to be so boring and aggravatingly predictable." Well I certainly understand where he is coming from there, but wow, for 22 this guy was rather impressive.

"From the cockpit, this is your captain speaking. Folks I am not going to sugar coat this for you but we are having some mechanical problems and while I am nearly sure it is just some malfunctioning gauges here in the instrument panel, I don't want to risk it and so we will be making an emergency landing in Lincoln Nebraska and it looks like we may be staying the night there due to this. I am sorry, but my main goal here is getting everyone safely to their destinations and to do that, I wanna have these checked out before we continue our way. If you need to use the restroom, please do so now as we will be making our initial descent into Lincoln in about 10 minutes." The number of sighs and "oh no!" and other remarks was a lot.

Having been through this 100 times before I immediately text Ethan -

Me: Find me the nicest hotel room possible in Lincoln Nebraska for the night, Me: appears we are re-routing due to mechanical issues. Ethan: On it boss Ethan: Wow, not much available, working Me: Grab anything then Ethan: Boss, best I could find, ONLY I could find is booked Ethan: Embassy Suites, downtown, should be fine Ethan: Appears their is some sort of sports game or something Ethan: You are booked and pre-paid Me: Better than nothing, thanks E

"Well this sucks," Scott says.

"Yeah, it really does!" I say as I set down my phone, at least knowing I will be able to take a hot shower tonight, maybe have a nice meal and get a decent bit of sleep.

"Looks like we will be sleeping in their airport tonight, fuck!" Scott says.

"I just asked my assistant since he is on the ground to find me a hotel room, so I am super glad we found one. We still have WiFi if you wanna search for one, though Ethan did tell me that there was some sort of sports thing happening in Lincoln and so there were no rooms available."

"Good idea, but damn I won't want to blow my money on a hotel room here when I am supposed to be using this money on my vacation."

"Airline will reimburse you for it, I am fairly certain and they may be trying to find rooms for all of us, I just didn't want to put it to chance."

As one of the flight attendants came back past us I stopped him and asked if he knew anything about accommodations. "I heard that all the hotels are booked and that they are trying to charter a bus to send us to Omaha, which could be an hour-long bus ride. But they will find us something, I am sure."

I shared this news with Scott who was not too happy about it and he seemed rather upset and a bit scared, actually. This just pulled on my heart strings.

"Look Scott, I have a hotel room and if you wanna just crash with me and be spared the drama of bus rides and skanky hotels, then you can, if you want. I realize you don't know me at all, but the offer is out there. My plan is to go to this hotel, take a hot shower, and then find a nice restaurant to have dinner at. It would be nice to have some company, so let me know."

"Wow, Logan. That is super nice of you, but damn you don't even know me and you are being so nice to me. Shit, nobody has ever been this nice to me before. Let me think about this and keep looking, but you have a solid MAYBE" from me." He says to me with a slight smile and then a pat on my thigh. What was I getting myself into?

We hear the pings go off signaling final descent, and the flight crew makes their landing announcements. The captain comes back on and states that they have found hotel rooms for everyone and that it was going to require a bus ride to Omaha, but we would be leaving out of Lincoln at noon tomorrow. So the plan is hatched, I was half tempted to go the bus route with Scott if that is what he chose, but an hour each way on a charter bus, no thanks.

We are in our final approach and Scott leans into me "Logan, I think I will take you up on this kind offer of yours. That is if it is still open."

"Of course it is, Scott. No worries. It will be nice to have a friend to talk with tonight."

We land and make our way down to ground transportation, thankfully we both only had our carry on stuff. Grab a cab and we are on our way to the hotel within 10 minutes of landing. Damn, I love small airports for this reason, well ok, ONLY that reason. We were assured that the airline would be in touch with us and that we would be updated on our app of the new flights the next day as well as with Text Messages. I also texted Ethan to find out if there was anything earlier to get me out of there... I amended that looking over at Scott, telling Ethan just to look at the morning flights as I was too tired to deal with it tonight.

We arrive at the Embassy Suites rather quickly and my Hilton App tells me we can skip check in and head right to our room, so I do that. Clicked accept, confirmed credit card and we headed to the elevators. We head up to floor 6 and follow the signs to our room. I use my phone and the door pops open.

We have an OK room, they are not really known for their opulence at this brand, but the room, while technically a suite, it isn't very big and the bed is a queen-sized bed. We are on a weird corner of the building so the room was smaller than most. Guess that is why this was the last room available. The issue is though, there isn't even a couch so it would appear that we are both sleeping in the queen size bed. We both appear to come to that conclusion together.

"Look, this is kinda cramped I am more than willing to figure a way to join up with the airline folks and stay at the other hotel in Omaha... or... you know." Scott says to me with a really sad face seemingly questioning all the decisions that led us to this point.

"Don't be silly, we are fine and hell we were shoved closer together on that flight than we will be in this bed. I am perfectly fine so long as you are. Now, what should we do for dinner? It's only 6pm and all we have had is that bar food, whatcha think?" I say to him encouraging him and trying to put him to ease.

"I'm kinda exhausted and wouldn't mind just crashing here and perhaps ordering something in? What do you think?" he says with that adorable smile and those deep, dark eyes that look as if they are diving deep into my soul.

"That sounds great, so long as we can get some beers in here too. Besides, I would really like to take a hot shower to rinse off all this travel from me too." I say.

"I'll join you!" Scott says enthusiastically and then immediately realizes what he said and starts back peddling "I mean, not that I will join you in the shower, but that I will, you know I will wait until you are done and... or you know, I could go first..." This guy is adorable.

Laughing I respond with "I know what you meant, no worries at all, you can go first if you like, Scott."

Desperate to escape the awkwardness of the situation, Scott jumps at the idea of hitting the shower first, and he takes his bag and heads into the bathroom. I grab my bag to dig through to see if I have any clean clothes, and I do not. One thing I have gotten fairly good at is packing and to minimize additional bags and weight, I only pack exactly what I need, so I guess I am going to at least have to wash my underwear in the sink. Not really even thinking, I strip down and use the kitchenette sink, I take off my tight jeans and peal off my underwear and begin to wash them out in the sink. There is some Dawn dish soap, so I figure what the hell, so I soak them in the sudsy bath making a note that I have to make sure I fully rinse them out before hanging them to dry overnight.

I then hear the door open to the bathroom and a shock of panic shoots through me, "Fuck, I am standing here completely naked!" I scream to myself as Scott walks out of the steam filled bathroom in only his tight white towel wrapped around his waist. Jesus, this guy was hot and FUCK I am standing here naked and I am going to throw wood here any minute if I don't quickly make my way to the shower!

"Oh, hey... hope that felt good... I realized I didn't... well I don't have... I don't have any clean underwear for tomorrow so I decided to wash what I was wearing, they are soaking here in the sink if you want to throw any of your stuff in." Now my turn to stammer and be embarrassed.

Scott just smiled at me and clearly gave me a full up and down look, seemingly approving of this 42-year-old "dad bod," which I have to say made me feel VERY GOOD. That extra confidence boost shot down to my dick at lot faster than I expected and as I made my way around the kitchenette to right in front of him I was fully boned.

"Oh, I am sorry about..." I say but was interrupted by Scott grabbing a solid hold of my rock-hard seven plus thick inches.

"Don't EVER apologize about this, ok?" Scott says as he drops to his knees right in front of me engulfing all of me, perfectly as he reaches up and takes solid hold of my large balls and caresses them in his hand. Time stops as he goes to work on me, taking his time to thoroughly inspect my hard and dripping cock while intermittently looking up at me and making eye contact. He takes hold of the base and slides almost all of me into his throat and doesn't even gag. After several trips into his throat he looks back up at me as he catches his breath.

"Scott, you are so very good at that." As he picks up speed and suction. Holy shit, he is so good. I reach down and steady his head as he bobs up and down on me. It has been too damn long since I have had this sort of attention to my cock. Shit, it has been years since I have had any attention to my cock that wasn't provided by me.

This is the single best blowjob I have ever had in my life, not since my first blowjob years ago did I threaten to cum, but this guy may just be the first to get me to nut from a blowjob. Not wanting this to end too soon, I pull Scott up from his knees and I push him back onto the bed as he bounces a bit as he lands with this beautiful, dirty "come fuck me smile" on his face that could melt even the Pope, I am sure.

This is the first time I have been able to take him his entire body, he has a sexy covering of hair on his stomach, chest and legs that is so damn hot. His pubes are under control, but not manscaped to make you question if he was of age or not. His rock-hard cock sitting there smiling at me and holy fuck, I was right. He is uncut! Fuck I need to get my lips on that.

"Scott, I have been having filthy thoughts about you since I first caught that beautiful ass jumping up on the bar stool in that airport bar. I want to warn you that it has been a long time for me, so I may cum too early but know this, I am good for several loads."

"Logan, get your fine ass and that amazing cock down here and stop talking about cumming and let's get to it!" Scott says as he reaches up and pulls me down onto the bed with him. I flip around so we can 69 each other because I gotta have a taste of that amazing cock of his.

I have always been so jealous of guys left intact. Damn I wish I would know what that feels like. I've always heard that you lose sensitivity when you are cut combined with your bare head rubbing up against your underwear or cloths causes you to lose some feeling. I have no way of knowing, but fuck I can't wait for his dick.

I move up close to him and before I can even grab his cock, mine is deep inside his throat again. Fuck yah. I take hold of his rock-hard cock and I slowly skin back his cock, it slides nicely back and forth. No wonder uncut guys don't need lube, fuck the lucky bastards. I lean in and get my first taste of Scott and it is heaven. He tastes so good. A combination of musk, freshly showered and a trace of pre-cum that I can't wait to get more. There is NO better taste in the world than pre-cum, none.

I start taking big plunges on his cock taking him down to his root and making sure my tongue covers ever single inch of this perfect cock. As I do this not really even thinking about it, I reach my hands around to that perfect ass of his. Damn, I love guys asses. The perfect combination of muscle, power and roundness and softness to grab onto. Fuck, his ass doesn't disappoint in the least. Damn pulling his ass in time with my manipulations to his cock is allowing my fingers to move into this hot and still moist crack from his hot shower. Rubbing my fingers up and down the crack of his ass, feeling the light hairs on his ass making clear that this is a man's ass.

And then it finally happens, I make contact with his perfect asshole. Wet, smooth and tight, my fingertip makes contact with it and I start rubbing it gently. Wow, I certainly hope that I get to take his ass for a ride because this thing is perfect. I pull my finger back to my mouth and get it nice and wet and return it to his fine hole. This time when I make contact I circle the hole a bit, applying gentle pressure all the while my cock is getting the full treatment but I am focused on his ass. Holy crap he is deep throating me, all of me this time. Nobody has taken my full cock down their throat before.

I push my finger slowly inside of him and he lets out a moan that vibrates my cock deep down into my nuts. This is all so fucking hot, damn I have been missing out. His ass is so warm inside, damn this kid was turning me on so much. Wow, I am getting way too close, I need to shake this up a bit, so I flip over and push Scott onto his back and I come up between his legs and lay down on top of him and lean in and begin kissing him as our cocks make contact with each other.

I devour him, sucking his tongue into my mouth while I push our pelvises together and in time with each other, he is just writhing below me and I am on for the ride.

"Scott, you feel so fucking good, damn! You have no idea the power you hold over me right now, but you are damn near perfect." And he was, he is! We were not ripped, but we were just comfortable, sexy. We were men that wanted this. Men that were not judging ourselves or worried about what the other one was thinking, we knew it. We knew each of us were turned on and that we knew our job was to make the other feel amazing. We took those jobs seriously.

I start nibbling on his bottom lip and then move over to his neck until I realize that I may be giving him a hickey, so I pull back on my suction power, but fuck, this guy tastes so fucking good I want to lick him everywhere. He seems to wimper when I stop, and pulls me back onto his neck and so I am back on his neck that tastes so good, and I am definitely leaving a mark on his slightly tanned skin. I am marking that he is mine, at least for tonight and he is willingly submitting to me.

I make my way down to his right nipple and give it some licks and some suction, sadly my nipples are not connected to my cock and it seems as if his are not either, so I keep up my exploration getting down to his stomach and below finally making my way to his cock again. I give it a good sucking while I lift him up so he can push into my mouth pulling him up into my lap a bit, still gyrating like we have both been hit by some sort of electricity. He is precumming like mad now and I get to lick it all up. I have never tasted anything better than his pre-cum. Its like a mixture of honey and lightly salted caramel. I would be a happy man if I could have this every day for the rest of my life. Wait, could I?

Then I go down to one of the hottest areas of a man, where their balls make contact with their legs, that perfect intersection always good for a nice perfect mixture of salt and musk. I bath his nuts taking each one gently into my mouth and giving it the attention they deserve, not forgetting for a minute the reason why I labor is to get more pre-cum right from the source as I bounce back up to take the fresh drips right from the head of his cock.

Feeling bold and missing his ass, I lift him up a bit so his ass is right at my face, and there I see it. The most perfect hole I think I have ever seen. Beautiful, tight and seemingly winking at me and I immediately take to it, diving in with my tongue and my entire mouth. Perfect scent of a man and I penetrate him as deep as my tongue will go as I feel his ass start to relax just a little as I continue my assault.

In between deep dives on this perfect hole and as I hear him moaning my name, I have to share how great his ass is "Scott, your ass is perfection..." and " damn you taste so good" and " good thing I didn't know you tasted this good at the airport cause we wouldn't have made it on the jet!" He couldn't get out anything but "Logan" and some solid moans which excite the hell out of me.

I lower him down a bit back into my lap and my cock makes contact with his hole.

"Fuck, I don't have any condoms. Do you?" I say to him as he is still fully into all the sensations we are giving each other.

"What? Oh, fuck... no I don't have any with me... never imagined I would meet a perfect guy like you."

"Well shit, I would so love to be inside you right now, but I think we should be safe." I say to him, clearly feeling disappointed. I lean down and continue to make out with him as my leaking cock is rubbing up against his hole as we continue to gyrate with each other. Our tongues continue to battle with one another. I feel him continue to gyrate beneath me. Damn he feels so damn good, I haven't felt this good, not felt this desired in a really long time. And I haven't wanted someone more than I want him, in every possible way, right now. I keep feeling the head of my cock touching his ass and I know he feels it too.

He keeps moving and pushing up on me, almost as if he wants me to enter him. Could he want this? I mean, I know I am safe as I haven't been with anyone in years. Fuck he feels so good, as I run my hands all over his body, fuck he is so damn hot! Fuck, why is he teasing me like this if he doesn't want me to enter him? Fuck I want inside that perfect ass, should I? Could I?

"Logan, I want you, do it!" was all he needed to say and I moved up a little and the head of my cock, dripping near constantly the most perfect lube possible, slides inside his perfect ass. I hold just the head of my cock in the entrance, of what I am convinced is the most perfect place on earth as I look into his eyes with concern.

"Scott, are you sure? I know I am safe, but I want you to be sure."

"I'm safe too, Logan, and I have never wanted anything more than I want your cock right at this moment, give it to me!" Scott says with the most adorable smile that nearly betrays the animalistic desires that are taking over both of us. I lean down and kiss him and by doing so allowing another inch to slide into him.

Kissing his soft and supple lips as I whisper "You feel so damn good, I don't know how long I can last in this perfect ass of yours." He just smiles and wraps his legs behind me and pulls me further into him sinking more than half of me into his furnace of an ass. The warmth, the tightness, the velvety smooth passage that seems to hug every inch of me is almost too much as I keep sliding into him. Until finally he has my entire cock. As I bottom out in him he grunts a little, knowing that I have fully filled his ass and I just hold, balls deep inside this man I only just met a few hours ago.

He holds me tightly and I am scared to death to move because this entire time I have been on a hair trigger, scared any movement will push me over the edge and I will be firing deep into him. Without a condom. Fuck, he is massaging my dick with his ass muscles, damn this guy is so fucking good. His ass is magic. This guy has exceptional skills that are taking control of my body. Damn, I don't want to leave this ass, ever!

"Fuck, you feel so good I am not going to last long, but given the chance, I would love to keep fucking you, you are just too fucking good and it has been way too long for me." I say to him apologetically and disappointed in myself, but wanting him to know how amazing this is.

"You have me and my ass for the next 11 hours, stud, use me as you see fit and I will try to keep up." Scott says to me as he pulls me back down for another passionate kiss and in doing so I feel I have reached the point of no return and I start fucking him hard while kissing him so passionately that we nearly set the room on fire. Before I realize it, know it, or can even get permission I am cumming deep into Scott and this load is huge. I have always shot big, voluminous and powerful loads but this one was huge. In addition to my toes curling it is clear that Scott realizes that I just unloaded inside of him and he attacks me with animalistic strength.

"Fuck, I can feel you... you're... shooting inside me... fuck yah give me your load Logan... fuck that feels... fuck you feel... so hot" Scott can barely make sense as he is clearly and thoroughly enjoying this and fuck I push all the way inside him and collapse on top of him which causes him to start shooting all over my chest and his chest. A beautiful load that feels so warm.

Collapsed on top of him with my still spasming cock locked deep inside my new friend, I can feel the heat of him and my huge load caressing my cock as he just holds it tight. "Scott, you are magic. This as amazing and I'm sorry but there is no way I am done with your body. Not just yet. I hope you are ready for more. Just give me a minute to hold it here."

He just hugs me and says "I'm not letting go of you, Logan." He looks so adorable. He has his glasses on, the strong accountant type glasses. Ones that frame his beautiful eyes just perfectly while making sure you know you are dealing with a man of substance, a man who knows what he is doing.

"Scott, I feel like I have to tell you this..." and I take my time telling him this because I want him to know the seriousness of this matter. "... and I know this can be hard to hear, hell even hard to think about. But... You have to know this... I am a responsible man and I own up to my responsibilities..."

He interrupts me. "Logan, you are starting to scare me, what is it?"

I somberly continue, "Scott, as I was saying. I take my responsibilities seriously and you have to know this... I want you to know this." "If you are pregnant," and I start to smile, "I will support any decision you make. If you want to raise our child I will help you support him or her... what do you think about Sebastian if a boy or Rebecca if a Girl?"

He starts laughing while blushing at the same time. His laughter is felt as he shakes the bed but more importantly he is rapid fire squeezing my cock in his perfect ass that is keeping me rock hard and deep inside him.

"So even if you are not preggers, we have another 10 and a half hours to knock you up!" I say to him, whispering in his ear as we are cemented together and both coming down from amazing orgasms that we both needed.

He reaches up to my face with both of his hands and he holds my scruffy cheeks in his hands, smiling and just looking into my eyes.

"Whatcha thinking about, sexy? I see there is a lot going on behind those Clark Kent glasses!" I say to him in a loving way.

"I just don't want to forget this exact moment, Logan. Frankly, I had amost given up. Given up at least on finding any redeeming qualities in men. Ive been through a lot and well, I had decided I was just going to work on me for now. I was completely changing my life around. And then I meet you. I feel you. Your warmth, your caring. It wasn't missed by me how genuinely concerned you were about me, a man you didn't even know, when my comfort and safety was in question for tonight. You are just about the sweetest man I think I have ever met, Logan. Thanks for that."

Here we are... post intercourse - well, my cock is still intercoursing in his ass, actually. And we are having this moving conversation. I share with him how fucked up I have been of late but that I finally see a path forward now and that he has renewed my faith in finding some sort of happiness. He pulls me down into a hug and in doing so raises his legs a bit further and I sink at least an inch or two deeper into him and we start kissing again. This causes his load that was pooled nicly on his chest and stomach to remind us of it's presence and it gives me an idea.

I pull back from him and start by scooping up as much of his ample load and take that and I lube up my own cock and slide back inside him, fucking him with a slurry of his and my own cum! By the way he is reacting he seems to like it and it is so damn hot watching my cock slide in and out of his perfect ass. This time I am going to take my time and really enjoy him and make sure he enjoys himself.

I lean down on top of him and I whisper in his ear, "Scott this is just too fucking good, you tell me if this is too much but until I feel you tap out, I am going to continue to pound your perfect ass. That is until my cock demands a break. You want that, you want me to keep pounding my raw cock into your hot ass?"

"Fuck yah, oh fuck me with that thick cock, shit this is amazing. I have never been fucked like this!" Scott says nearly gasping for breath until he says "Oh wait, I have always had a fantasy and can you help me with it?"

"Since you are basically my fantasy, the least I can do is help yours come true!" I say to him as I don't miss a stroke, keeping up a nice steady pace of in and out of him.

"Would you take a video of your cock sliding in and out of me? It's just for me, and you don't have to show our faces, but I want to remember this big cock in my tight ass!"

"Fuck yeah, I will; that is HOT AF!" I say, looking around, "where is your phone?" He points over to the dresser. So as the gentleman I am, I slowly pull out of him and hop over to the dresser grabbing his phone and bringing it to him. He hops up and opens the camera and hits record and he tosses it to me. He flips around and assumes the doggy position presenting his fine as fuck ass to me for the fucking.

"Scott, you are so fucking hot, check this out, that is my load up in your hole!" I say as I reach down and show the camera a drip of cum that is leaking out of his fine ass. His ass is still perfectly tight, though a bit red from the ride it just got. "Fuck, I wanna be back inside you, you want my dick in you?"

"Fuck yah, Logan! Mount me! Pound my ass!" he moans as I pull the camera back and take a close up of my leaking cock, stroking it a few times milking a stream of pre-cum out of me as I rub the head on his hole, teasing him. I slip inside him, just the tip, and then pull back.. Shit, we line up perfectly, height-wise, and like a good boy, he is arching his back perfectly, ready for me to slide into him.

"Fuck Scott, I just wanna slide right into you, balls deep in one push. Can you handle that, stud? Will you be a good boy and take my full cock? I know you can handle it, I think you want me to just slam into you." His ass just keeps pushing up against me and then pulling back a bit, driving me wild and then a soft... "Do it, Logan... fuck me, I need you back in me," he moans. I line up perfectly, I spit down onto my cock and I push forward sinking into Scott's perfect, heavenly ass. The camera catching all of this as I take three shallow pumps into his cummy hole.

"Fuck yes!" Scott moans as I bottom out into him. My nuts crash into his and I pause, deep inside my new lover. I drop the camera beside us, still recording in hopes I will capture some good stuff we can watch after. I rub his back, and reach around and grab his pecks solidly into my hands as I start to pound him.

"Fuck, you are such a good boy, Scott. That is right, back up on my cock!" I say, I almost don't recognize my voice, who is this man who has taken control, taken this ass, taken this man? Fuck, this is near sensory overload, but fuck it is the hottest thing I have ever experienced.

I begin pounding this ass hard, fucking him with all I have, literally clapping his cheeks as I fuck him harder than I have ever fucked anyone in my life. FUCK, this was exhilarating.

"You want this dick? You like this don't you? This ass is mine isn't it?" Fuck, he is squeezing my cock so tight on my in stroke giving me more pleasure than I ever thought possible. He must have a gallon of my pre-cum in him with the amount I know I am dripping not to mention that huge load I painted his guts with just 20 minutes ago.

I push him forward and follow him down laying all my weight on his back, sinking him into the mattress and running my arms under his shoulders and pushing his arms up over his head. I grab onto his hands and interlace my fingers with his and he squeezes my hands tight. With this position, I have so much leverage to just pound his ass so hard.

"Fuck Scott... I love your ass... where the fuck have you been all my life?" I whisper into his right ear. "Fuck, you wanted this... from the moment you caught me... in the Salt Lake City Airport bar!" I try to catch my breath, but this is just too good and I have to keep pounding his ass.

"You little shit, you didn't have to play hard to get!" I say, realizing that he knew he wanted this before I did. "Fuck, you could have just asked me!" I say this and he squeezes my hands and my dick so tight. This is going to push me over the edge, I just blasted his ass with what must have been a quart of cum not a half hour ago, but I can't keep hammering his ass like this and not bust again. This time though...

"You are going to get another load, boy! Your ass is just too tight, too good. I'm not going to waste this load, Im going to shoot deep inside you again. Do you think you deserve my load? You want me to breed you again? You think you have been good enough to get my second load? Fuck, dude... I am gonna shoot so much, so deep inside you, fuck... you are gonna certainly going to be pregnant! Fuck, Scott... here... I... cum."

I press my hips directly into his and I grab hold of him like never before, I am one with this boy. He is mine, I possess him right now and this is simply everything. Nothing else matters. I keep hold of his hands and I pull them up under his chest and I hug him as tight as possible. `Logan, don't say anything stupid!' the amount of emotions flooding through me, I feel more connected to this kid who I have known for less than 12 hours than anyone in the last 12 years. I start coming down from my orgasm, start to catch my breath and I feel Scott pull on my arms and hug me back. He is so warm. So warm.

I hear a faint sound, someone calling Scott's name... muffled like far away but clearly someone is calling Scott's name. "Do you hear that? Sounds like someone calling your name?" I pull back from him a little bit, and I start to roll off of him and the sounds voice gets louder as I move. "Scott, I think it's coming from your phone!" I say as my cock regretfully pulls from his ass with a belch of cum that drips down over his taint and into his balls. I roll off him and over to his right side and I feel something cold on my hip, cold and hard and vibrating.

Ahh, shit it's his phone. I pull up his phone, not having all my senses back just yet and there is a man on his screen, looks like a facetime call. "Who are you? Where is Scott?" the man says as I pull the phone back and tell Scott that it appears there is someone facetime him. I pull the phone back and clearly my naked body is full frame on this call with my hard cock still dripping. A rather hot guy on the other end, fuck, is this Scott's lover? Husband? Father?

"Scott, someone is facetimeing you!" and I start to hand him the phone.

"Fuck no, fuck no! NOOO!" Scott starts crying and I hit "END" I don't know what is going on but he is clearly shaken. I lean down and attempt to hug him and he grabs hold of me so tightly and starts to sob. I hold him as tight as I can laying on top of him.

"Scott, you are OK. Scott, it's going to be OK. I'm here, I am not leaving you!" I say to him, rocking him, trying to give him a totally safe space. I just hold him, clearly, there is something going on here more than just being caught having sex.

"Don't let go of me Logan, please... just don't let go!"

I hope you enjoyed this story, it was so exciting and hot to write. Who knows what happens next in this alternate reality but I hope this Logan and Scott can find love and safety. If you liked this story please do me a favor and shoot me an email at or follow me on twitter @LoganPrejean - be sure to slide into my DMs, but be gentle. Huge thanks to my friends and fellow authors who helped with editing this! You are the best!

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