Freeing David

By J Wray

Published on Jan 25, 2003


This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to real people, real places or real circumstances is purely coincidental.

The story contains both male/male sex and power and surrender (S/M) scenes. If you object to such content or are not of a legal age for your jurisdiction to read them, please exit now.

Many thanks to my proofreaders/editors w1nner and Dirk M for their sharp eyes and useful suggestions.

The copyright is retained by the author. Do not distribute without written permission.

Freeing David 11

We eventually moved back to the cabin. Paul headed to his pile of clothes, but Russ spoke up. "I think we should all stay naked until we have to leave tomorrow. It's warm, there aren't many insects out, and we'll feel more open with each other." David, DJ and I agreed. Paul hesitated.

"I'm not used to being naked. It just doesn't feel . ummmm . safe, I guess."

"If you're going to be part of this family, you need to get used to it." David advised him. Reluctantly Paul agreed and Russ and David took all the clothes into the cabin so we wouldn't find animal nests in them in the morning.

David and Russ wanted the bed, and I suspected sleeping was not the first thing on their minds. There were enough blankets and sleeping pads in the pickup for the rest of us. The two dads went inside and Paul and DJ and I used flashlights to find thick patches of grass and claimed our spaces. DJ put two pads together and laid out blankets for himself and me, pretty much ignoring Paul. When all was arranged we slid under the top blanket and cuddled.

"That was really hot. I loved getting fucked and watching my dads jack off at the same time."

"You smell like cum, Boy. I hope a curious skunk doesn't come by."

He giggled and pressed his butt more firmly against my crotch. "I like the smell."

"Do you feel like part of their family now?"

"Definitely. But even before we did the ritual they seemed like my real family. It's almost like I knew all along that I had another family out there and I should have been with them instead of where I was." Paul was getting an earful if he could hear this. We were silent for a while, and I expected DJ to start drifting toward sleep, but he didn't. He was quiet but still wide awake. I could feel anger pulsing through him.

Finally, a whisper, "Michael?"


"Can we take our blankets and go back to the tree?"

"Sure." We got up quietly, bunched the blankets, found a flashlight and headed back into the woods. When we got to the clearing DJ, dropped his blanket, turned and hugged me tightly. "What's going on, DJ?"

"I don't want him horning in on my family. I know Dad is glad to see him, but he didn't like me when I was a kid. He'd hardly look at me. He wouldn't touch me except when he spanked me. I thought something was wrong with me for a long time. Now he wants to be around all the time. He even wanted to be 'welcomed' to my family when I was. Why is he so interested all at once?" DJ clung to me still more tightly. "What if he gets mad and wants to send Dad away again? I know that sounds silly, but . I just don't get it. I finally got what I wanted, now he wants some of it, too."

I hugged DJ tightly. I could feel waves of anger going through him. I could sympathize with him about not wanting to share David's time with Paul, and Paul's apology and pledge to do better hadn't convinced DJ of any fundamental change. Paul's time with Rafe had changed him a lot, but I wasn't sure it would stick either. DJ had wanted to change things even before I met him. The situation wasn't that clear with Paul.

"Maybe you should tell him what you just told me."

DJ was aghast. "I couldn't do that. What if Dad got mad at me? What .." He took a deep breath and calmed down a little. "I don't want to keep Dad away from his brother. He was glad to see him, too. I saw their hug this morning. It made me jealous. Paul never hugged me that way, ever."

"DJ, ninety percent of the world's problems would be resolved if people were honest and discussed things calmly." I thought that if DJ told Paul what he'd told me, Paul would be willing to open up more to DJ, too.

"But what if Dad got mad at me? I don't think I could stand that at this point."

"Your dad is a psychologist by training, DJ. He'll understand what you're saying and try to help you through it."

"Maybe." He wasn't sure.

"May I go get Paul and talk you guys through some discussion of these things? Paul has some stuff he needs to tell you, too."

"Like what? He though I was a cute kid but he didn't want to give me a big head?" I could feel DJ's tears on my chest.

"He never showed you what he was feeling, DJ. He never talked about it to anyone until he told me today. He's not as bad as you think. Confused and misled, but not bad."

DJ leaned back a little and I could feel him looking up at my face. He blew out a breath. "OK. Bring him out here if he even wants to talk to me. I'll try to calm down enough to .." He let that ride. "I'm going to sit by the tree for a while. I'll come join you when . when it feels right, I guess."

"Ask the tree what you need." I suggested. We hugged again and headed our separate directions. DJ gave me the flashlight, saying he could find the tree in the dark. Moonlight would have been useful.

When I got back to Paul he was sitting on his pad with the blanket around his shoulders. "I wondered where you guys went. Should I just go home?"

"No, I want you to come talk to DJ. You two need to know more about each other before he's going to understand you at all." I didn't mention how angry DJ was.

"I already told him I was sorry for the way we treated him."

"I'm not talking about apologizing. You need to go deeper. He doesn't think you like him. He needs to know there were other things going on with you, and he needs to get some of what he's feeling off his chest. This will be difficult for both of you, but unless you guys do this you'll never understand each other, let alone like each other. Do this for David's sake if nothing else."

"DJ probably wants me to just disappear from his life, doesn't he?"

"Do you blame him?"

"No. We were awful."

"But he doesn't know why, Paul. He needs to understand some of that, too. He needs to see a human side to you."

"You'll be there?"


"OK, let's go." He got up and put on shoes and grabbed his flashlight and blanket. I went by my car and got my toy bag so we would at least have candles and matches.


When we got to the clearing I found the blankets DJ and I had brought and spread one of them on the ground then set up and lit a candle. "DJ will join us in a while. He's over by the tree at the moment."

"He has always liked that tree. I don't know why."

There was still some wood left from the collection they had made earlier, so I decided to light a small fire.

"Let's just sit quietly and listen to everything we can hear for a while, OK?"

He looked at me, perplexed. "OK." We sat in silence listening to the night sounds - crickets, tree frogs, small animals in the brush, birds making an occasional chirp in their sleep, owls in the distance, breezes in the trees.

Eventually DJ joined us, sitting on a corner of the blanket as far from Paul as he could get. "Hello, Paul."

"Hello, David."

DJ frowned and looked at him. "Why did you call me 'David'? You never would before."

"I want to do what you want for a change instead of what Mildred wants." DJ just stared. There was silence for a minute or more. "I should have done that a long time ago." It was barely more than a whisper.

DJ stood up and walked to the center of the blanket. "Come here." The tone of command was there again. Paul got to his feet and slowly approached him. When he was within an arm's length he stopped. They stared at each other for a minute, then DJ stepped forward and rather roughly groped Paul's balls. To my surprise, Paul didn't flinch, didn't back up, and didn't try to protect himself. "You seem to have good sized balls under all that hair." He grabbed and pulled down firmly enough to make Paul grunt. "They don't seem to come unplugged. Why didn't you have the balls to stand up to her before now?"

Paul wasn't quite the wimp we'd thought. He grabbed DJ's balls and pulled down. DJ gasped. "You have a set of your own, kid, why did you agree to come home and help with the motel this summer?"

They stood, looking into each other's eyes, each holding the other's balls for many seconds. Then DJ let out a soft snort; the corners of Paul's mouth turned up slightly. DJ laughed and soon they were both chuckling. "She is persuasive, isn't she?" DJ said.

"Since this morning, I'm thinking 'manipulative bitch' would be more accurate." Paul growled. They both laughed again.

"You know, I think she believed all that crap." DJ said, shaking his head.

"Oh, probably. But she twisted it to get what she wanted."

"You know, this is the first time you've touched me in years. I think the last spanking was at least ten years ago." DJ observed. They were still holding each other's balls, gently rolling them around. I was amazed by the transformation in both of them.

"I . I . I was afraid to touch you, David."

DJ looked puzzled. "Afraid?"

Paul told DJ what he'd told me that afternoon. DJ got tears in his eyes when Paul described how lovingly his dad took care of him as a baby. Then when Paul described getting an erection when he did the same thing, DJ looked perplexed. "I was . I was . I was always afraid I'd hurt you, that I would do something awful to you. I would rather have died than hurt you. You were David's son, I couldn't stand the thought of hurting you that way."

"Did you want to have sex with me?"

"No, but.." he couldn't finish.

DJ took Paul's cock in his free hand and massaged it a little. "You were afraid of where this guy might lead you?"

"Yeah. You know homosexuals are all supposed to be child molesters. I didn't know what to make of it. Anyway, Mildred thought your dad was real strange. She didn't think men should take care of babies; she didn't quite trust any man. That sort of let me off the hook, and after a while it was just the way we did things - I didn't think about it any more."

"But what about the spankings? You'd touch me then."

"No more than I had to. That was one time I did stand up to her. You probably don't even remember it, you were so young when it happened. You had done something she was really angry about and she started to spank you. I thought it was far harder than you deserved and for once I spoke up and stood my ground. I told her that spanking was a man's job, and if you were to be spanked I was going to be the one to do it."

"I don't remember that." DJ thought for a minute. "I didn't think I deserved most of the spankings I got."

"You didn't. There were two I thought you deserved. Once you nearly set your bed on fire playing with matches. The other time was when you ran away. It was really dangerous for fourteen year-olds to be out on their own, even then. I'm sorry we didn't make things better for you after the sheriff brought you back, though."

"You both always ignored what I wanted. It was like my ideas didn't count, even when I got older. I should have known I wasn't your son." His bitterness came through loud and clear.

Paul used his free hand to cup DJ's fingers more tightly around his balls. "I didn't use these nearly as much as I should have."

"She trained me from the time I was a baby. What's your excuse?" The corners of DJ's mouth twitched, but the question was serious, too.

"If I made her mad she wouldn't have sex until we made up, and sometimes that went on for days. And .." Paul closed his eyes and stopped. He looked like he wanted to say more but couldn't quite do it. Finally, in a whisper, "and I thought if I had sex with her enough maybe I'd stop . looking at men."

DJ stared at him in amazement. "You are attracted to men? This thing with Rafe wasn't just because you and Mildred .." DJ didn't finish.

Paul looked at the ground. "I have always wanted men. It really scared me. I hoped if I got married that would take care of it. Then when our parents disowned David after they met his new roommate and figured out they were . 'Sodomites' was the way they put it, I was even more determined to change. They would never talk about him after that, and

tehey were adamantly against us calling you 'David.'" He shivered. "What I've done today scares the shit out of me, but it's what I've always wanted."

"Paul, look at me." Paul looked up into DJ's eyes again. "There's absolutely nothing wrong with being gay, Paul. It's just the way some of us are made. We can love just as much and just as strongly as straight people."

"I guess." It was a whisper. He took a deep breath. "I feel awful about the way we treated you, David." There was silence. "I know the past is past and we can't change it, and I've apologized and I still feel awful about it, especially after this morning. I want you to do something, David."

DJ looked suspicious. "What?"

"I want you to return all those spanks we know you didn't deserve."


"How many times do you think I spanked you? Ten? Fifteen?"

"Maybe twelve or so."

"And I always gave you ten swats."

"Yeah, you always told me what you were going to do. When I ran away it was fifteen."

"Let's assume it was twelve times and I claim you deserved two of those. So that's ten you didn't, and I gave you ten swats each time, so bend me over you knee and give me a hundred firm swats on my bare butt. Would you do that for me, David?"

"I . I . I don't know." DJ glanced at me, looking for moral support. I nodded slightly.

"David, I know it doesn't fix anything, not really, but I would feel like . like I'd made a small atonement, I guess."

"So, how do we do this? There aren't any chairs out here." He looked at me again like he assumed I had done something like this before. I had, of course.

I took over for a few moments. "Paul, get down on your hands and knees." He did. "DJ, if you're going to use your right hand, come kneel by his left side." I pointed at the place I had in mind, and DJ got in position. "Remember the spanking I gave you the other night?"

"Down at the river? Sure!" He smiled.

"Just do what I did. I think Paul wants this to really hurt, though, so put more muscle in it."

Paul nodded. "Yes, I want to remember this tomorrow and maybe the next day."

I stood where DJ could see me and we looked into each other's eyes. He had one hand on Paul's back, the other on his butt. As DJ and I held our connection I could see little changes in DJ's posture and expression. His sense of being in charge was growing. Finally he looked down at Paul's ass and started rubbing his hand around on it. Suddenly he was ready and swatted firmly; Paul stiffened and then relaxed a little. DJ alternated sides and ended when the count was ten. I could tell from his expression that he was surprised at how much it stung his hand. That would keep him from getting carried away by his anger.

He alternated rubbing and spanking and when the count got to fifty, he asked, "You doing OK?"

"Yes. It stings, but I think I could take them harder." I mimed to DJ raking his fingernails over the red skin. He grinned and did it. Paul lurched forward.

"Hmmm. Looks like your butt is a little sensitive, Paul, and we're only half way. I think I like this." He added another ten, using a little more force now. Paul was flinching once in a while. After another ten, Paul was hurting.

"Could you give me something to hang onto, Michael?" I went and sat in front of him and put my hands on his shoulders.

"Look at me, Paul." He craned his head back to look into my eyes. "These next thirty are going to hurt more and more. That's what you wanted, right?" He nodded. I scooted forward so he could rest his head on my crossed legs and wrap his arms around my knees. On his own he took my cock in his mouth. I looked at DJ. "Harder." I mouthed. His eyebrows lifted slightly, but he increased the intensity. I could tell it was getting to Paul. During the next break DJ pulled Paul's ass cheeks apart and blew down his crack.

"Did your asshole get used this morning, Paul?" Paul just buried his head a little deeper in my lap and squeezed my knees. DJ swatted his butt hard enough to make him jump. "Answer me, Boy. Did your asshole get used this morning?"

"Yes." Paul whispered after he let my cock out of his mouth.

"Did you like it? Did you like taking it up the ass?" Again Paul wanted to hide. Again he got a hard swat. "Answer me, Boy. Did you like taking it up the ass?"

"Yes." I could feel Paul's tears dropping on my ankles.

"Was your ass a virgin, Paul? Did Rafe take your cherry this morning?" DJ wetted a finger and rubbed in Paul's crack. He just groaned. That got him another hard swat; he hadn't learned he had to answer the questions yet. "Answer me, Boy. Did you give Rafe your cherry this morning?"

"Yes." The tears were falling faster.

"Did you like that, Boy? Did you like having a hard mancock up your asshole?" He swatted him again just to remind him to talk.

"It hurt at first, but I wanted it. I wanted it!" He was getting louder the more he talked.

"You begged for it, right? You wanted more, right?" Another swat.

"Yes! I begged for it! I wanted more! I wanted it harder!" He was getting louder. DJ wetted his finger again, pulled a cheek to one side and thrust the finger in as far as he could reach. Paul yelled in surprise.

"Did you shoot your load, Paul? Did you shoot your load while your manpussy was getting reamed?" DJ was really laying it on. I didn't know he knew all these words.

"Yes!" Paul yelled.

DJ reached under Paul's stomach and stroked a little bit. "Even remembering it has you hard, Boy. You really liked having a hard dick buried in your asshole, didn't you?"


"I'm going to finish your spanking now, Boy. It's going to be hard and fast and hot, just the way Rafe fucked your manpussy. It's going to hurt like hell, Boy, and you're going to find it really, really hot. I want you to cum when I reach one hundred, Boy. Not before, not after! Got that, Boy? We've got twenty to go. Cum on twenty!"

"Yes, Sir! Make it hurt! Burn my ass, Sir! Make me cum!" Paul was yelling.

DJ started spanking really hard and stroking and counting at the same time. Paul gripped my knees hard, sobbing and crying and moaning. At ten Paul started moaning louder. "Oh. God. Oh. God! Ohh!" At twelve DJ started calling the beat.

"DON'T . CUM . DON'T . CUM . DON'T . CUM ."

"Ohhh! Ohhhh! Ohhhh! Ohhhh! Ohhh! Nooo!"

Hard swat! "CUM!"


Hard swat! "NOW!"

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!" Paul screamed and started bucking against me, sobbing, mumbling stuff I couldn't understand, squeezing my knees so hard it hurt. DJ kept stroking slowly, eliciting occasional louder moans. Finally Paul was quiet.

My cock was rigid. "Are you hard, DJ?"

"So hard it hurts!"

"I think you should cum on Paul's butt. Claim him in your family like your dads did you."

"Yeah!" DJ jumped to his feet and positioned himself behind Paul and started stroking. "I'm going to shoot my hot cum on your sorry ass and then smear it all around, Boy. I'm going to smear it in your crack. I'm going to smear it on your manpussy. I'm going to stick my finger up your asshole and smear it around. Anybody sniffin' your ass is going to know who marked you!" Paul groaned and took my cock in his mouth and frantically started bobbing up and down on it. He was getting turned on again.

I looked up and DJ was looking at me. Lust was glowing on his face. "Cum with me, Michael! Shoot your load down his throat when I splatter his ass." I grinned and nodded. Despite his inexperience, Paul was getting me closer and closer. DJ started a chant. "Cum with me. Cum with me. Cum with me." he was breathing harder. "Cum with me! Cum with me! Cum with me!" His hand was moving faster. Paul had picked up on his excitement and was moving faster on me. "CUM WITH ME. CUM WITH ME." We were almost there. "CUM! . WITH! . Meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!" DJ was over the edge, and seeing his first shot hit Paul in the back of the head sent me over, too.

My first shot went deep in Paul's throat. The next few coated his tongue. When he caught his breath, DJ dropped to his knees and started rubbing his cum all around Paul's back, over his butt and down his crack. Paul was quiet, nursing my cock gently. DJ made sure he had a finger covered, then he pulled a cheek to the side and thrust it into Paul's asshole. Paul lurched and grunted, and let my cock out of his mouth.

DJ moved his finger around a little then pulled it out. "You're a marked man, Paul. You'll never be the same." He stretched out on the blanket beside Paul. "Come lay on top of me, Boy, let me hold you." Paul looked confused first, then amazed. He gingerly stretched out on DJ and laid his head on his shoulder. DJ put his arms around him and held him. I could see tears running down Paul's cheek and wondered what expanse of emotions were behind them. Or maybe it was just pure joy at finally doing something he wanted to do.

I caught a movement out of the corner of my eye and looked over to the path. David and Russ were standing there, grinning. I wondered how long they'd been there. I tilted my head, inviting them over. They approached quietly and just sat on the blanket and watched Paul and DJ. Paul didn't move, but he finally moaned and whispered, "Wow! I didn't know.."

"Want me to go get the pads and bring them back here?" I whispered to DJ. He smiled and nodded slightly, being careful not to disturb Paul.

When I got to the cabin Rafe was leaning on one of the cars, naked. "Hi, guy!" I loved all the guys I worked with, but Rafe and I went way, way back. We exchanged a big hug.

"Is it a private party, or can I come join you?"

"Join us, by all means. Here, carry these." I handed him three sleeping pads and I grabbed the other blanket and another pad from the truck. This was going to solve who was going to cuddle with whom in a few minutes. I quickly filled Rafe in on what had happened since he'd seen Paul earlier in the day.

"Quite a day. It doesn't sound like the Paul I met a week ago."

"His head must be spinning. I think he's going to want someone to sleep with, and I have a feeling DJ will want to come back to my blanket as soon as I get it spread out."

"I'd be glad to take care of Paul. I haven't slept with him yet." We walked into the clearing and all four guys were sitting up on the blanket. I introduced Rafe to the ones he didn't know. Paul looked surprised and pleased.

I arranged a couple of pads and a blanket nearby and before I even headed over to join the group DJ was beside me. "Is this ours?"

"It can be. Ready to lie down?"

"I may be asleep before I get that far." We assumed our usual sleeping position, him spooned in front of me. True to his word, I think he was asleep before we were completely arranged.

David and Russ had watched us with amusement. "Tired puppy, I think, dad." Russ said to David.

"Yeah, we didn't get much sleep last night. This old dog is a little weary, too. Is it still OK if we use the cabin, Paul?"

Paul was so engrossed in spooning with Rafe that he didn't realize he'd been asked a question. Rafe looked over Paul's head and mouthed, "Go" They disappeared down the path. In what little light was left from the dying embers Rafe and I looked at each other over our respective men. He pointedly looked at the gold chain DJ was wearing, looked back to my eyes, winked and smiled. Knowing Rafe, I thought it was very likely that Paul would have a hard cock up his ass for most of the night. Rafe and I settled in for some meditation time.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Comments are greatly appreciated. They are part of what keeps all the writers here writing. If you like it, tell me. If you don't and can provide some constructive comments about why, I want to hear that, too. The story is mostly written, so suggestions for story lines are not likely to show up in this piece, though they might be included in a later one.

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Next: Chapter 12

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