Freeing David

By J Wray

Published on Feb 6, 2003


This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to real people, real places or real circumstances is purely coincidental.

The story contains both male/male sex and power and surrender (S/M) scenes. If you object to such content or are not of a legal age for your jurisdiction to read them, please exit now.

Many thanks to my proofreaders/editors w1nner and Dirk M for their sharp

eyes and useful suggestions.

The copyright is retained by the author. Do not distribute without written permission.

Freeing David 12

At first light DJ got up and pissed. When he came back he snuggled up behind me and put his arm around my chest. "Did you piss on them?"

He giggled. "Thought about it." After pulling the blanket over us he settled in for another hour or so of sleep. Rafe and Paul were in front of us facing our direction. When the sunlight was touching the treetops Rafe started playing. He gently blew hot air on the back of Paul's neck; he nibbled on his ear and then started licking it, all while very lightly rubbing one of his tits. It worked. Paul was barely coming awake and had a raging hard-on. Rafe started gently thrusting with his hips, and I wondered if Paul had any idea when the visitor had arrived in his ass.

I could tell DJ was waking up a little, so I tapped his hand. He raised his head to see what I wanted and saw what was going on. "Neat." he whispered in my ear. Soon it was turning him on, too; his cock was trying to find room to straighten out between us. I used some saliva to lube my hole and more to wet his cock, then held it in the right position and shoved back against it. About half of it went in on the first try, a little more than I expected. We both grunted. After several gentle thrusts he was all the way in.

"Oh, wow!" DJ started rocking but the position didn't work well for him.

Rafe had noticed what we were doing and was grinning at us. He slowed his thrusts to let us catch up. "Let's rearrange so we're facing each other," I suggested to DJ. He pulled out and sat up; I pulled my legs up, rolled onto my back and put my legs down on his shoulders. He got in position and reentered me.

"Mmmmmm!" He leaned forward so we could kiss. It was hot. He was limber enough to do that and keep thrusting in my ass. I heard Rafe and Paul moving around and suspected they were getting into the same position. It wasn't long before DJ's eyes were getting a little glazed, though he was still looking into my eyes most of the time with occasional glances at Rafe to keep in synch. "I'm getting close," he muttered. He straightened up and started stroking my cock in synch with his thrusting.

"Watch Rafe. Synchronize if it isn't too hard." I knew would be fun, but it wouldn't be any big deal if it didn't happen that way.

Then Paul started getting vocal, providing the cadence. "Oh. Yeah. Oh. Yeah. Oh. Yeah. Fuck. Me! Fuck. Me! Harder! Harder! Oh. Yeah! Oh. Yeah! Ooohhh! Oooohh! Oooohhh! Ooohh! Nooo! Oooohh. Nooooooo! Oooooooooohhhh! Aaaaaaaaaa!"

DJ yelled with Paul and slammed into me in a final thrust. Rafe and I were only moments behind. DJ collapsed on top of me. I put my arms around him and he floated for a while and even drifted off for a brief nap.

He woke up again when he got soft and my gut plopped his cock out. He looked at me, still a little bleary-eyed. "That's almost as much fun as getting fucked." We kissed again, and he slid off to the side so he could see Rafe and Paul. "I think they're asleep again. I could use another nap, too."

"OK. Turn over." He spooned into me again, and I moved my body around to rub my cum on his back.

"Ummmm. I'll smell real good for the trip."

"You'll have to use drive ups and be careful where you stop to piss." He laughed.

"Dad will probably make me take a shower." It was almost a whine, but it ended with a laugh. He soon drifted off to sleep again.


Eventually we were all up and each of us made a brief trip to the shower. David insisted on washing DJ's and Paul's backs for them. He didn't think a quick rinse in cold water was going to be enough to get rid of all the cum. This time six of us went to the little restaurant for breakfast. A few people recognized Paul and probably wondered who the rest of us were. He did nothing to enlighten them.

On the way back to the cabin David and DJ rode with me, Russ and Paul with Rafe. "Is that sheriff still over in Middleburg?" David asked.

"The last I heard he was."

"The whole thing makes me so mad. I want to.." David didn't finish the thought.

"Some of my friends are doing a little investigating." I told him. "I may have some suggestions in a week or so."

"Legal ones?"

"They may stretch the limits a little, but it'll be consensual on his part."

"Good!" He was quiet for a minute.

"Son, I noticed it looked like your stuff at the cabin was pretty well packed. You want to come back to Clearville with us?"

"More than anything!" There was a catch in DJ's voice. I glanced over at him, and tears started running down his cheek.

"Could you stop for a minute, Michael? I think the young'n needs to be back here with me." DJ nodded. I found a place to pull off in less than half a mile and DJ got in the back with David. David leaned into the corner and pulled DJ against his chest. "Tell me about the tears, Pup."

DJ grabbed David's arm and wrapped it around himself. "Having a family I really love and who love me is something I've wanted for so long it seems like forever, but I was afraid to ask if I could come with you. I didn't think I could handle it if you said 'No.' " I heard a little grunt and glanced in the rearview mirror. David was hugging DJ so hard he looked like he was in pain.

"OK, Son, we've got to work on some things here. After everything that's happened the last thirty-six hours you must know how much I love you, how much I missed you, and how happy I was to find out you are still alive."

"Yes, but.."

"But the invitation wasn't explicit?"


"Our family has one very important rule, Son. You can always ask for what you need. Always. If it isn't workable for some reason, we talk about it. If it needs to be put off a little while, we talk about that. We never put each other down for asking, and we always try to be responsive."

"So, if I want a hug, I can ask for it?" DJ sounded a little incredulous.

"Or if you need to be tucked into bed or need to talk or need to be spanked, just ask." I could hear the smile in David's voice and DJ laughed.

"I like it, but this is going to take getting used to. It isn't the sort of thing . well, Paul and Mildred weren't very good at communicating, and I've learned from them."

"Paul may be closer than you think. Mildred has problems we'll never understand." In the rearview mirror I watched David ruffle DJ's hair and DJ nestle more firmly against his dad.

"I think you're going to find having a brother an interesting experience, DJ. Steve's only fourteen, but in lots of ways he's more mature than a lot of eighteen or twenty year olds. At the same time he's still an early teenager in many ways, too. He's more accepting of being touched than most teenagers, so after he gets used to your being around, don't be surprised if he plops down beside you on the sofa and just wants some body contact. Other times he may be standoffish. It goes with his age.

"In some ways he may seem more mature than you are, but you're smart enough to identify your emotions, and we want you to talk about them. Don't be surprised if you find yourself being jealous of him at times. We have family councils fairly often, and that's one time we talk about these things. If something isn't working for you, tell us. If it's working well, tell us. That sounds easy, but it isn't. It's also hard when someone tells you something about yourself that you don't want to hear." DJ was taking all this in, not commenting.

"Are you going back to the University this fall?" David finally asked.

DJ mulled that question for a while. "I was going to, but I don't know if I want to be that far away from you so soon."

David laughed. "Quite frankly, Son, I'm not sure I want you going that far away just yet, either." He thought for a minute. "We have enough space so you can live with us, but you may find that it's just too painful to be that close."

That surprised DJ. "Why? It sounds like what I've wanted for years."

"For a while you and I are both going to be very nervous about losing each other again. I'll have a tendency to be overly protective and want to know where you are all the time. You've been on your own enough you may get tired of that. On the other hand, you'll have a tendency to get nervous when I leave or when I don't get back when you expect me. We may find it works better if you have your own place not far away. Also, I'm going to have to be careful to give Steve the attention he deserves, and that may make you feel like I'm ignoring you, and I don't want that."

"Are these the kind of things you talk about in your family councils?"

"It can be. We try hard to be open. We'll coach you, but it may feel like we're prying at times."

"Yeah, I can imagine."

"We can always tie you up and flog you until you yell out the truth."

"That may not be the right threat." I told them. They both laughed.

"I guess not, he's already getting hard." David said.

"Am not!" DJ said in his best teenager voice.

"Behave boys, or I'll have to stop the car and spank both of you."

"Now we're both getting hard." DJ laughed. It was great hearing him learn to tease, too.

When we got back to the cabin David announced DJ's desire to go back with them, and we all helped load his stuff in the pickup and his car. In less than half an hour, that was done. "One of us should head back soon, so we can get Steve out of the Johnson's hair." Russ observed.

"Why don't you head on back, lover? I want to talk to Paul a little more, then DJ and I will follow you in his car. I don't think we'll be more than an hour behind you. If we are I'll call."

"Sounds good." They kissed and Russ headed out.

David took charge. "OK, guys, family council time." DJ looked apprehensive, Paul was perplexed. David looked at Rafe and me. "Want to join us?"

"I think we'll go sit under the tree." I told him. "Yell when you're done." Rafe and I dropped our clothes at the beginning of the path and headed back to the tree. When we got to the clearing Rafe turned and gave me such a hot come-hither look I had to laugh, but I was ready, too. We found a patch of soft grass and sank to the ground and hugged fiercely. We stretched out facing each other, enjoying the contact of our physical bodies.

In our other realm, though, it was quite different. Humans can't do everything simultaneously like we can, but I'll try to describe how it would feel to a human body anyway.

At the start we sat and looked at each other, eventually drifting closer. For a while we just touched, then slowly merged. We were separate but one. Rafe started running his fingers very lightly up and down my back. "Where do you want to go?"

"How about near that little spiral galaxy we found a few years back, the one with all the red and violet clouds in the middle? There was a lot of sexual energy there."

He smiled and nodded. "Good idea," and we were there.

He started caressing my arms, my legs, my stomach and chest, my tits, my asshole, and finally my cock and balls. It was like a hundred birds were flying around me and lightly touching me with their wingtips as they dipped and circled. I was licking him, sometimes with broad, soft dog-like tongues, sometimes with raspy cat tongues. I started with his hands and feet, then added his tits, then stomach and back, and finally got around to his really sensitive areas - his armpits and the space between his balls and his asshole. Our merged being was lit from within by flashes of red and yellow and orange, rolling and growing.

I looked into his eyes and saw his wild lust and deep love mirroring my own. We stretched and teased each other; we were in no hurry. At one point I'm sure he had a thousand clothespins on my body. They started at my tits and spiraled all around my torso and down my legs, then back up to my balls and cock, ending with a single one on the tip of my cock. He jerked them all off at the same time, and we both yelled as the pain converged toward our center and bounced back out again. Later I slowly and lovingly inserted hypodermic needles in his body, ending with at least a hundred in his cock and scrotum, then I played them all with a violet wand. We screamed and yelled and twisted; his body ejected the needles one by one as the wand energized them. There were no more flashes - we were a dark pulsing red, huge, and still expanding.

I flogged him as he tumbled around me paddling me with wild abandon. We rolled together and while we kissed deeply, I started rimming his asshole. He started licking and sucking my balls and tickling my asshole with his fingers and flogging my back. I grabbed his arms and legs and stretched them out like he was on a growing St Andrew's cross. He held my cock and started flicking his tongue into my piss hole. It was warm and smooth and going deeper and deeper, so deep I knew the tip was flicking back and forth in the middle of my prostate. My tongue was reaching in his ass for his prostate as his fingers found mine. I started licking the head of his cock and biting his tits while pulling his balls down. We were shining like gold, now huge beyond imagining.

We were working slowly toward our orgasmic explosions. He thrust his cock deeply into both my ass and my mouth and started sucking my cock. I slid my cock in his asshole, and kept sliding and sliding, massaging his prostate all the way while I sucked his cock down my throat. He pinched my tits and pulled on my balls; I sucked his balls and pierced his tits with more needles. We started fucking each other's mouths and butts faster and faster, deeper and deeper. Our butts were on fire, feeling stretched and filled. We were hitting each other's prostates on every stroke. We were both humming around the cock in our mouths.

We became a single, galaxy-sized white-hot, pulsing cock, as hard as diamonds, and then exploded. The searing white flash was followed by swirls of blue and violet surrounding clouds of green and gold and red. Jets of white-hot matter spewed through the clouds into space and bolts of lightening leaped across unfathomable distances from cloud to cloud and swirl to swirl. Thunder swelled from the center and filled the space like a pipe organ in a huge cathedral. Choirs sang. Beethoven and Mahler would have wept. Gradually all became quiet and we were cradled in a dragon's wings floating above our creation, totally ourselves, totally connected, totally at peace with the universe. We were complete. It was good.

We were still lying immersed in the love in each other's eyes when we heard David calling us. We kissed and got up and headed back to the cabin. Apparently we didn't get our glows completely disguised even in the bright sunlight. All three men looked at us a little strangely, and then DJ got a knowing sparkle in his eyes, "Did you two have a good dream?" he asked.

Rafe glanced at me knowingly and smiled. Now he was sure where the gold chain came from. "Yep." he answered, but we didn't elaborate.


The men had worked on some ideas. David and DJ were heading to Illinois shortly. Paul had asked about finding a job near them and had pretty much decided that not only did he not love Mildred any more, if he ever had, he couldn't even trust her. He was going to give his father-in-law two weeks notice and probably stay at the cabin in the interim. He wasn't sure she'd even let him back in the house.

They were all set. DJ came over and hugged me hard. "You will stay in touch, won't you? I worry about you disappearing from my life like Dad did."

I hugged him tightly. "I will not disappear, Boy. You're much too neat a man to walk away from." We kissed deeply, then looked into each other's eyes for a while.

"Thanks for freeing me, Michael, and thanks for being here for me last night. I don't know how I would have done it without you." We kissed again and he turned and got in the car.

David looked at me. "Thanks, Michael. We'll never know how much we owe you." I smiled and winked. "You'll call about something with the sheriff, right?" he asked.

I nodded. "Probably during the week." DJ started the car and they headed out, slowing and waving as they went around the curve that would take them out of our sight.

Rafe was standing behind Paul with his arms around his chest. "I'm glad you're a better man than DJ thought, Paul." I told him.

"Not that it helped him much. Maybe he and I can recover something if we live close enough to each other for a while."

"Are your parents still around here?"

"Yeah, in a nursing home the next town over."

"Would they want to see David and DJ?"

"Mildred always goes with me when we visit, so the subject has never come up. Maybe I'll go by myself today and ask." He looked thoughtful. "Do you think they would consider it?"

"Yeah, I think they would. Why don't you try to set that up for their next trip over here. Russ will be along, too."

"They met Russ once and that's what started the whole mess with them." The corner of his mouth twitched. "Maybe they'll like him better this time."

"I'll be in touch to find out. Now, I'm going to leave you two alone. Rafe, I'll be in touch about the sheriff." I put on my clothes, hopped in my car and left them walking hand in hand toward the cliff to the river. When I got to the road Mildred was shouting and screaming and honking the car horn at the bull. He just flapped his ears and kept chewing his cud. When she spotted me she calmed down a little.

"Can you get this beast out of my way?" She yelled across the distance. The bull got up and moved to the side so I could drive past then turned and laid down again before she could move her car.

"I don't think you've earned his trust yet, Mildred. Until you do that, you might as well go home."

" Paul down there?" she was very angry. "He didn't come home last night."

"He's down there." I started to drive away. "Oh, by the way, don't make the bull angry. He's turned over larger cars than yours when people got on his nerves."

Her eyes grew big. "Oh." I drove away, leaving her to simmer by herself. I wondered if she'd wait for Paul or go home. Either way, I didn't envy him.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

There will be a bit of a delay before Chapter 13 is posted - my partner and I are going on vacation. It shouldn't be more than two weeks, though.

Comments are greatly appreciated. They are part of what keeps all the writers here writing. If you like it, tell me. If you don't and can provide some constructive comments about why, I want to hear that, too. The story is mostly written, so suggestions for story lines are not likely to show up in this piece, though they might be included in a later one.

Comments can be sent to.

Next: Chapter 13

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