Freeing David

By J Wray

Published on Dec 17, 2002


This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to real people, real places or real circumstances is purely coincidental.

The story contains both male/male sex and power and surrender (S/M) scenes. If you object to such content or are not of a legal age for your jurisdiction to read them, please exit now.

Many thanks to my proofreaders/editors w1nner and Dirk M for their sharp eyes and useful suggestions.

The copyright is retained by the author. Do not distribute without written permission.


Freeing David 6

"Thank you, Boy." The morning light was fairly bright by now, but it was still well before he usually got up. "Shall we nap a while longer?" He nodded, and fell asleep almost immediately with us face to face. I don't find that position very comfortable for sleeping, so I turned over and nestled back against him again. I thought he had even slept through that, but he reached over me, pulled my back to his chest and kissed the back of my neck before I heard his deep breathing again. ...

Later I could tell he was awake again, probably needing to piss but not wanting to give up the body contact yet. Finally he started to pull back. "Turn over, Boy."

"I've really gotta piss."

"You can wait a little longer, can't you?" I turned over to face him. "Turn over, let me hold you."

"Well, a little while." He had been holding it for a while already, but he turned over and let me pull his back to my chest again. I started running my hand up and down his torso, playing with his tits, running my hand down his hard stomach, lightly pulling his crotch hair, stroking his cock a little, cupping his balls. "Mmmmmmmm!!!" I continued to play, but 'inadvertently' pressed on his lower belly at times. Finally he was getting pretty restless. "I've really gotta piss, Sir. Really bad."

"Mmmmmmmmm." I held him a little longer. He put his hands on his crotch, like a little kid who has played too long before running to the bathroom.

"Please, Sir!" he pled.

"OK, Boy, go outside and lay on your back on some grass, but don't piss until I tell you it's OK."

"Yes, Sir." He jumped out of bed and almost ran outside. I followed at a more leisurely pace. He was lying in a nice patch of grass, holding his crotch again.

"Spread eagle, Boy."

"Unnnnnhh." He did as I asked, but a little dribble of piss landed on his belly. "Oh, God, Sir, please let me go." I straddled him, one foot on each side of his hips, pointed my cock down and let a couple of little squirts wet his cock. "Unnnnnnnnnnnnnnh!! Please, let me go, Sir. Pleeeease!!" He was sounding pretty desperate by now.

"OK, Boy, let it go." He let out a big sigh, but as often happens when a man has been holding it too tightly for too long, barely a dribble came out at first. "You get extra points if you can hit yourself in the mouth." I didn't even know if he'd like that idea much. Soon a good stream was flowing, then it was like a garden hose let go, but with his cock laying on his belly, there was no way he'd hit his mouth, even if he wanted to. I lifted his cock and pointed it upward toward his head. The stream was hitting him on his upper chest now, and he pressed down a little and it inched up toward his mouth. He lifted his head, opened his mouth and bore down enough to get a taste before the stream subsided. He swallowed and licked his lips.

"Thank you, Sir. I'm going to have to learn to get up during the night and piss when you're here." He grinned. "What are the extra points good for?"

"They mean you get to let me piss on your head and in your mouth." His smile faded and he closed his eyes. "Say it, Boy."

He opened his eyes. They were watery. "Please don't, Sir."

"Please don't what, Boy?"

"Please don't piss in my mouth, Sir."

"Good. I want you to take care of yourself. Why the tears?"

"I was afraid ... I was afraid you wouldn't want to .. play any more, Sir."

"I'll never take my toys and leave just because you seriously don't want something at a particular time. I'm proud of you for asking me not to do that. Now, were can I piss?"

His smile came back. "Can I turn over and let you piss on my ass, Sir?"

"Sure." I stepped out of his way and he rolled over, shoved his cock and well stretched balls down between his spread legs and pulled his cheeks apart so I could see his cute little asshole. It was pretty clear where he wanted my piss this morning. By now I needed to go almost as badly as he had, so I stepped between his legs and wet him down thoroughly. After the last two little squirts at the end, he sighed and released his cheeks.

"Thank you, Sir. That was .. I needed that, I guess."

"Wetting you down was fun, Boy." I stepped to the side so he could get up. "Did you notice that ball stretcher you're wearing has a little ring on it?" I asked him.

"Yeees." His tone made it clear he wondered where this might lead.

"Go get my bag of toys ... no, you're a little messy to go in the house. Go stand under the tree we used the first night. I'll get my bag of toys and meet you there."

"Yes, Sir." He got up and looked down. "I guess I'll need to take a shower before work today, hmmmm?"

"Some customers might like the smell, Boy, but I'll bet your mother wouldn't approve." He let out a guffaw.

"She'd have a stroke." He headed to the tree; I got my bag and met him there.

"Come over here and face the house." I positioned him where I wanted him under a small branch just a little over our heads. "Spread your legs, bend over and put your hands on the ground." While he assumed the position I found a small rope in my bag. I tied one end of the rope through the ring on the back of the ball stretcher, tossed the other end over the branch and took up the slack. "Back up about a foot." He was positioned so the rope went up through the crack of his ass and pulled his balls back and up. "Now, Boy, I want you to tell me how tight you want this." I pulled the rope tighter and tighter.

"Oh, jeeze!" He was raising up on his toes to relieve the strain a little.

"Don't go up on your toes. Boy. You don't know how long I'll leave you here and your feet will cramp." He dropped his feet back on the ground and grunted, but he still didn't tell me to stop. "Tighter, Boy?"

"Yes, Sir." He was making little mewing and whimpering sounds and panting. Finally he gave up. "That's enough, Sir." The skin over his balls was practically transparent it was stretched so tightly, and his hard cock pointed toward his feet. I tied the rope to the trunk of the tree, using a knot I could release quickly if he lost his balance.

"You look pretty good that way, Boy. I think I'll go take a shower." He groaned a little.

"Yes, Sir. I'll wait for you, Sir." I laughed and walked to the cabin, opened and closed the door and sat on the step and watched him. I don't leave a man alone when he's tied up that way, just in case there's a problem. His head was hanging loosely, and I could hear him mumbling to himself.

"Ohhh. Owww. Owww. Unnnh." He raised up on his toes to relieve the strain a little, then settled back on his feet. "Oh, owww, shouldn't do that." I could see the sweat on his back. "Had to show tough didn't I?" More mumbles I couldn't understand, then, "I can do it. Unnnh. Wow .. so hard it hurts..gotta cum.. Unnnh!" It was quite a pep talk he was giving himself. Eventually I opened and closed the door again, and his head snapped back up so he was looking at the ground again not showing any distress, as I walked over to him.

"Doing OK, Boy?"

"Yes, Sir!!" I walked behind him. His cock was indeed quite hard, the end had a large shiny drop on it. I gathered some of his precum on my finger and took it for him to taste. He licked my finger carefully, still groaning once in a while. I went to my bag and found lotion, squirted some in my hand and spread it on his cock and started stroking slowly, rubbing the head carefully every few strokes. "Ohh, unnnhh, ohhh."

"Like that, Boy?"

"Oh, yes, Sir!!" His cock was getting harder and harder, so I stopped stroking. "Ohhhhnnnnngghhhh!" Even as tightly as his balls were pulled back he thrust his hips slightly. I let him calm down a little, then started stroking again. "Ummmmm!!" I let him get a little closer before I stopped this time. "Oooohhhhhnnnnngghhhhhh. Please, Sir. Don't stop!! Nnnnngh." He managed a couple more hip thrusts. I waited a full minute, and his cock didn 't seem to deflate at all, so I added more lotion and started stroking again v-e-r-y v-e-r-y s-l-o-w-l-y. "Unnngh! Ohhhhh!! Unnnnnnngh!! Unnnnh unnnnh unnnnh. Ohhhh." His cock got even harder, if that was possible. Suddenly he went over the edge. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!" It was the loudest yell I'd heard from him. He squirted and squirted and squirted. His knees started to bend slightly before his balls reminded him he shouldn't do that. His head was hanging down, and sweat was pouring up his back toward his neck. He was panting. "Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!"

"Want me to untie your balls, Boy?"

He gulped. "Yes, Sir." it was a whisper. I released the rope, and he sank to his knees, then flopped on his side with his eyes closed. "Ohhhhhhhh h h h h." I sat on the ground in front of him watching his face. It was at least five minutes before he opened his eyes and focused on me. He tried a smile. "Wow!!!" He closed his eyes for a few more moments, then blew out a breath and opened them again. "That was awesome, Sir. I have NEVER cum like that before. Wow!!" I reached out and ruffled his hair.

"I gathered you liked it, Boy." He smiled dreamily, turned on his back and stretched out.

"Wow!" Finally he rolled on his side and got to his feet and reached down to help me up and started to hug me, then pulled back. "Oooops, guess I'm not very clean." I put my arms around him and pulled his sweaty body into a bear hug, and he responded in kind, pressing our bodies together. Finally he rested his face on my shoulder, "Thank you. Now, what can I do for you?"

"I'll get mine later, maybe after you get off work tonight."

He looked at me. "I feel bad leaving you here by yourself. Maybe I could tell my mother I'm not feeling well and just stay here."

"I have some things I need to do this evening anyway, so it's no problem, David. I'll probably get back here about the same time you do. Besides, I think you'll have fun at work tonight." He looked at me like I'd gone out of my mind.

"That hasn't happened in a long time." He looked suspicious. "Is there something you're not telling me?"

"Nope, it's just a feeling I have." I patted him on the ass. "You smell a little gamy, David. Why don't you go take a shower and then we can go get something to eat?"

"I have stuff for a reasonable breakfast here, unless you really want to get dressed and go someplace."

"I like being naked, actually."

"So do I. I'll take a shower, then fix something."

"Better let me have my rope before you step on it and twang your balls again." He laughed, turned his back to me and bent over so I could untie it from the ring. When I finished I swatted him on the ass. "Go shower, Boy. I' m famished."

"Yes, Sir." He grinned over his shoulder at me then started jogging to the cabin. He slowed to a walk abruptly and held his balls with one hand as he walked. Apparently they were tender.


He fixed a great breakfast -omelets with fresh spinach and feta cheese, toast, coffee and orange juice - and he made it look easy. We took everything outside to the table again, since it was still nice in the sun. He again offered to 'call in sick,' but I really did have some things I wanted to do, so we agreed that we'd meet here a little after 11. After that was taken care of I started pressing for a little more of his history.

"Did you ever try to change things with your parents, get them to lighten up a little?"

Big sigh. "Yes. Two times in particular. When I was in .. probably the fifth grade, I went to see the school counselor and told her how strict my parents were, how they wouldn't let me participate in any activities other than going to church and school, how they didn't even want me to have friends. Well, she wasn't sympathetic, even told them that I'd been to see her and why. That made things even worse - they started lecturing me even more about not trusting anyone except them. In a way the counselor proved their point, of course."

He blew out a breath and thought for a while. "When I was in the seventh grade I ran away from home. I was going to try to find my Uncle David in Chicago." He half smiled. "I didn't understand then quite how big the city was. I didn't get far before the country sheriff spotted me and picked me up. I ended up telling him why I was running away, and he pulled over to the side of the road, pulled me out of the car and made me bend over and take a spanking right then and there. After that he took me home and told my parents everything. I was really depressed after that. I think I cried for a week because the world seemed to be as bad as my parents said."

"Neither of those people acted professionally." I observed.

"I know that now, but it sure hurt at the time. I still don't like those people."

I got up, walked around the table and pulled him back to lean on me. His head was against my belly and I waited until I felt some of the bitterness drain out of him.

"When you get home tonight, maybe I'll be a really bad sheriff. I'll make you get out of the car, stand in the headlights and strip so I can do a cavity search." His cock had been snoozing comfortably, lying down along the ball stretcher onto his balls, but at that point it seemed to lurch and come awake. He laughed and fondled himself.

"I've fantasized about something like that when I was . jacking off at times." He was still playing with his cock. "That would be hot, Sir."

I kissed his hair and pushed him back up to a sitting position and then moved to sit in one of the lounge chairs so I was facing him. "What else have you fantasized about?"

He blushed. "Well, uhhhh.." He was clearly embarrassed.

"David, I hate to tell you this, but you aren't as unique as you think. If you've thought about it, so have many, many other men, and a few of them have even tried the meanest, nastiest, dirtiest, most painful things you have ever thought of." He looked at me dubiously.

"You think so?"

"I'm positive. There is a distinction between fantasizing about something and actually wanting it to happen, too. Lots of gay men fantasize about being kidnapped and gang raped, but very few would actually want to experience it. Every guy has sexual fantasies, and they almost always range more widely than his desires." David looked thoughtful.

"The sheriff thing you suggested turns me on big time when I think about you doing it, but I sure wouldn't want that sheriff in Middleburg to do it. He was fat and ugly. By now he's probably fatter and uglier."

"How about some other things. You've given yourself enemas, right?"

"Errr, yeah. How did you know?"

"You were pretty blasé about having tried the bottled thing last night, so I assumed it wasn't a totally new experience. Have you ever messed your



"Thought about it?"

He blushed and hesitated. "Yeah."

"Why didn't you?"

"Well, it seemed like doing it would be sort of fun, like pissing in my pants that first night, but then I would think about having to clean up afterwards, and that part seemed really gross."

"What if I gave you a big enema, made you put your pants back on, and we took a hike to the river?"

"I'd probably turn my self inside out trying to hold it until you said I could drop my pants and let go." I looked at him speculatively.

"Would you tell me to stop?" He looked down at the table and chewed his lip. Finally he looked up.

"I don't know. If I'm ever going to do it, out here in the country is a good place, but the clean up still sounds like it would destroy any pleasure there had been." I tilted my head and nodded. I agreed with him about the cleanup, but he was right - the country was a good place to try it. We probably wouldn't have time to get to that anyway, but I'd keep it in mind.

"What other fantasies have you jacked off to."

"You've hit some of them pretty well, spanking me, tying me up and using your belt or that other thing."

"The flogger?"

"Yeah. Ever since I saw Uncle David's butt that one morning I've wanted my butt seriously whacked. I've wanted bruises to show for my pain. I've imagined rough cock and balls stuff, too. I'm not sure how far I really want to go with that."

"What we did a few minutes ago is further than a lot of men would go."

He grinned. "I kept telling myself I was a tough .. little fucker and could take it. It worked." He blushed at that admission. He was quiet for a minute. "Your example of the gang rape rings bells, too, but you're right, I don't really want that to happen. Now getting fucked roughly . I guess it depends on how rough it really was whether I'd want it or not." He thought for a minute more. "There's probably other stuff, but that's a lot of it."

"Ever thought of something being pushed into your cock?"

"Eeeeuuuh! No! Do . do some guys do that?" His hands were cradling his crotch.

"Serious leather and toy stores even sell special rods called 'sounds' for that." He looked amazed. "And there are electrical toys, too, ones designed to provide electrical stimulation to cocks or balls or assholes, or all three."

"Yeah? I don't might be interesting if it wasn't too painful." He looked at me. "Have you done all those things to guys you've been with?"

"Not all of them to the same guy, but I've done all of them and had most of them done to me."


"Yeah, I play bottom sometimes. The rougher stuff has always been play acting, but a friend and I did a kidnap-rape for one fellow he knew. The guy didn't know when it was going to happen and didn't know the details of what we would do. He was pretty worried about what was going on until the end when we finally took our masks off."

"You mean he wasn't sure it wasn't real?"

"Yeah. We tried to force him to tell us some confidential information about his company. It was the kind of stuff a competitor would want to know. He was pretty sure it was us, but he kept wondering, too. He didn't want to repeat it after it was over, but he was turned on during most of it."

We sat in silence for a few minutes, just enjoying the day. Again, simultaneously, we decided it was time to do the dishes. By the time they were done it was after one in the afternoon. It's amazing how fast a day passes when you're having fun. David looked at me a moment. "I need to go sit under the tree for a while. Is . is that OK?"

"Of course. I think I'll really take a shower now, then I'll meditate for a while."

"You mean you didn't take one before?"

"No, I just sat on the step and watched you. I don't leave guys tied up that way unattended." He turned red.

"You heard me say all that stuff?"

"Mostly I heard you muttering. I figured you were giving yourself hell for letting me pull the rope that tight or giving yourself a pep talk. Either way it seemed to work for you. That's what's important."

"You know, I thought about trying to jack off, but I was afraid I'd lose my balance and . well, I didn't know what would happen then. I didn't want'em pulled off." He gave a little embarrassed grin.

"Go sit under your tree, David. You may learn something important."

"Yeah, I think I may."


David came back from the tree and reported that a bunch of confusing images kept coming to mind. Images of him and me naked, images of how he remembered his Uncle David, images of him wearing things his mother bought "for Paul," as he put it, and images of him in those clothes looking ill. He was puzzled. "Just put them on a back burner for a while and see if things becomes clearer." I advised him. He nodded.

"Not much else to do." He made a brown bag "lunch" he'd eat at work. I assured him I'd be out doing things for a while and I'd find something when I got hungry.

"I don't need to go for a while. Is it OK of I stay here?"

"Sure. You can stay here any time you want."

"Will your father come by?"

"He might after he gets off work. That could be a little awkward."

"Well, I think a BIG bull, one of the biggest bulls he's ever seen, will bed down in your driveway after you leave."

"You're getting some help from . err. friends again?" The corners of his mouth twitched.

"Yup. If he's still there when you come home after work, just tell him you need to get home and he'll get out of your way. He's actually pretty friendly." I'm not sure he believed any of it.

"Were you serious about the 'sheriff' thing earlier?"

"Could have been. Why?"

"Well, if you were .. I think I'll be wearing some of 'Paul's clothes,' those things I hate when I come home." I cocked an eyebrow and tilted my head, suggesting he tell me more. "Well, when I get home, if there's a 'sheriff' here who wants to rape me, he'll have a fight on his hands and he may have to rip my clothes off to get what he wants."

"You mean you won't be a docile teenager?"

"No. I won't be surprised to get a couple of bruises in the process,


"This sounds quite a bit rougher than we've been before. Why?"

"Michael, I trust you completely. It may be a long time before I find anyone else I trust enough to do anything even remotely like this, and it's something I've wanted to experience ever since that morning."

"OK. There are two phrases I want you to have. One is 'Red Light.' It means 'STOP right now!' The second is, 'Yellow light.' means you're at your limit for the moment at least. I'll totally ignore any pleading you do saying 'stop' or 'don't do that' or anything like that. Got that?"

"Yeah. Red light and yellow light. I guess I could use green light to mean I really like what you're doing?" I nodded.

"And if you need to tell me something, like 'My left hand is getting numb.' you can just say it."

He narrowed his eyes and looked at me, "You may get a bruise or two, also, Sheriff, if you don't watch yourself." He was asking permission to fight me.

I narrowed my eyes, copying him, "I realize that, punk. It comes with the line of work." He had his permission. He grinned and found the clothes he would wear home and put them in a paper bag. He would look like a twenty-three year old adolescent. No wonder he hated them.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Comments are greatly appreciated. They are part of what keeps all the writers here writing. If you like it, tell me. If you don't and can provide some constructive comments about why, I want to hear that, too. The story is mostly written, so suggestions for story lines are not likely to show up in this piece, though they might be included in a later one.

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Next: Chapter 7

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