Freeing David

By J Wray

Published on Jan 10, 2003


Here is chapter 9 of freeing David in gaymale/authoritarian.


Jerry Wray


This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to real people, real places or real circumstances is purely coincidental.

The story contains both male/male sex and power and surrender (S/M) scenes. If you object to such content or are not of a legal age for your jurisdiction to read them, please exit now.

Many thanks to my proofreaders/editors w1nner and Dirk M for their sharp

eyes and useful suggestions.

The copyright is retained by the author. Do not distribute without written permission.

Freeing David 9

I arrived at David's cabin early, well before he would normally get off work, and my bull took up residence in the drive again. I wouldn't normally arrive early, at least not by much, but that night it seemed like a good idea. I don't think it was even ten o'clock when two cars pulled into the yard. With my watch bull in place I was sure David was in charge, so I just waited to see what would happen. Soon David popped in the door and practically jumped on me as I stood to welcome him. His hug squeezed the breath out of me, and he thrust his crotch hard against mine. "Glad to see me, Boy?"

"Yes, Sir!! I'm horny, like I said I would be, but we've got company, so I guess that'll have to wait." He thrust against me a couple more times. "Umm, if I do that much more I may have a mess." he backed up a little.

"Who's outside?"

"Remember I said there was a guy who arrived at the motel riding a motorcycle who stared and stared at me a few nights ago?" I nodded. "He showed up in a pickup tonight. He came in alone but said he had someone outside who wanted to talk to me and asked if we could go someplace more private than the motel office. I started to say I worked until eleven, then decided my mother was pissed at me anyway, so what the heck. I called the house, got my father and told him I was leaving and locking the door. I knew you were going to be here, so I thought it was safe to bring them here. It felt like Russell was OK anyway, and somehow I think the other fellow is, too.

"When I got to the lane the bull was there, and I told him all of us wanted to come to the cabin. He looked them over pretty carefully before he moved out of the way, but he let us in."

"So they are out in their pickup waiting?"

"I asked Russ to wait until I'd told you what was going on, then I'd come back out."

"Let's go meet them."

David hugged me one more time. "I'm really glad you're here." We went outside and two men got out of the pickup when David waved at them. The one David had met earlier was closer to us and better lit by the porch light. David introduced us when he walked up. Then he turned toward the second and froze. He was looking at a man who could have been his twin, except for his age.

"Uncle David?" It was barely more than a whisper. He took a step toward the man.

"David?" Then they were in each other's arms, their hug making the one David gave me earlier look like a light, affectionate touch. Finally the older man said softly, "I thought you were dead." He hugged David so hard I thought he might crack a rib.

David let out a shaky breath. "Why?" Uncle David didn't answer; they just held each other.

Finally Russell walked up to them and rubbed the backs of their necks. "You men have a lot to talk about. Why don't you go inside? Michael and I will stay out here and get acquainted." For a long time neither man even loosened his grip. It was like each was afraid the other might disappear again. Finally the older man pushed back slightly, put his arm firmly around David's shoulders and turned toward the cabin.

"Russ had a good idea. Let's go inside, Son." I caught the reference, but I didn't think David did right then. My David led the way, and as they went in the door they still wouldn't let go of each other, so they had to go in sideways.

"We came prepared for something like this." Russ said as he walked to the pickup. He pulled a couple of camping pads, blankets and folding lawn chairs out of a box in the back. We took them to a grassy patch around the side of the cabin out of the direct light of the porch light and set up the chairs, leaving the pads on the ground.

"So your man is my David's father?" I said, sitting down.

"Yeah. This is going to get confusing. Shall we call them David and DJ for David Junior?"

"That works for me. I think David, errr, DJ will like it, too." I grinned when I thought about how much he would like it.

"David got a girl pregnant when he was sixteen. He says it's the only time he ever had sex with a woman and it was mostly her idea even then. The girl didn't want to keep the baby, in fact he says she hated the idea, and David wasn't ready for that responsibility either. David's parents put big pressure on Paul and his new wife to raise the kid, and finally they caved in. From what he's told me, David was crazy about the boy. He was at Paul and Mildred's house to help take care of him as much as he could be. He took jobs so he could help support him and he babysat whenever he was needed. Then, over his strenuous objections Paul and Mildred decided to move back to Iowa where her family lived, and of course they took DJ with them. David still visited as much as he could and sent them monthly support checks even when he was a student in college. It was on one of those visits that he and I first met." he stopped talking, probably remembering that first meeting.

He looked at me. "Has DJ told you any of this?"

"He told me about David's last visit when Paul got mad and ordered him out of the house and told him never to come back. DJ was never told David was his father."

"Oh." Russ thought for a minute. "Well, after that fateful visit David came to my house and described what had happened. Apparently when Paul walked in the room David was sleeping uncovered and had a hard on. Paul was sure David was trying to lure DJ into bed with him and went completely off the deep end. David was very upset, both because of what happened and because Paul didn't understand he'd never do that to his son. It was while I held him as he cried that I realized I was seriously in love with the man. Later that morning he agreed to let me move to Chicago to live with him. When I moved into his apartment David's parents figured out he was gay and they disowned him. He hadn't gotten along with them well for years, so that wasn't a real shock. They haven't been in touch since.

"Anyway, David continued sending support checks and writing at least a letter a week to DJ, but ."

"Wait, you said weekly letters?"

"At least; some of them were long, too."

"DJ says he never heard from David after that morning."

"Oh." A silence. "You know, I'm getting madder and madder at Paul and Mildred." More silence. Finally, "Anyway, other than the checks being cashed there was never any acknowledgment of any of this. After living together for about two months David and I were sure we were mates for life; you know how sure kids can be at that age. We decided we would like the have DJ with us. David said it was clear he wasn't happy with Paul and Mildred and that they didn't particularly like being saddled with the responsibility, but every time he called she would hang up on him, so he finally wrote Paul and told him what we wanted to do. We heard nothing.

"Four or five months after he'd last been there we talked to an attorney and came up with a plan. It was then that David got a letter from the sheriff of that county that contained an obituary for a Paul David Perkins, who had been 6. According to it, DJ had been killed in a car accident. It was dated about three months after David had been there. It seemed very out of character for Iowa at that time, but it said he'd been cremated and his ashes spread over the fields nearby. The letter from the sheriff said that Paul and Mildred had both complained about his harassing them, and if he showed up in that county again he'd be arrested.

"David was devastated. He stayed in our bedroom for days that ran into weeks. I took care of him as best I could, and slowly he came out of it. He was very angry with Paul and Mildred for not telling him about the accident and for continuing to cash his checks. I thought he was going to drive over there and kill them. I talked him out of that, telling him it wouldn't bring DJ back and he'd just end up in horrible trouble." He thought for a while.

"I guess we should have gone back. We'd have found out DJ was still alive." He was silent for a minute. "I can't believe they were callous enough to tell David that lie. It was awful seeing David suffering like that." He could barely choke that out, even now. I got up, laid out one of the pads, spread a blanket on it, and lay down on my side.

"Come over here, Russ." He looked at me for a minute, then came over and spooned into me and let me hold him.

"It's horrible watching someone you love suffer like that." I unbuttoned his shirt a little, put my hand on his chest and pulled him more firmly against me.

Finally he whispered, "You have great energy, Michael. Thank you." We stayed in that position for a while. "Can we get naked and do this?"

"It's OK with me if it works for you and David."

"It'll be fine with him. I hope they're naked inside, too. We're naked around home a lot. Neither of us thinks skin contact should be reserved just for sex." We stripped out of our clothes and resumed our position. It wasn't sexual, but it felt wonderful.

"How did you happen to come through here and see DJ the other night?"

"He told you about that? I embarrassed myself by staring at him so long. Anyway, I'd been visiting my family for a few days - they live west of here. David and Steve couldn't get away right then, so I rode my motorcycle. I started back toward Chicago late, thinking I'd ride for a few hours then find a motel for the night and finish the ride the next day. I was using small highways and gradually heading toward the Interstate when it became obvious I was riding directly toward a big thunderstorm. I knew I didn't want to ride in that, so I pulled into a country motel that still had the vacancy sign lit.

"When I went in the office I had the impression David was behind the desk, then I realized the guy was too young. I made a point of reading his nametag, 'P. D. Perkins.' He told me what it meant and said he preferred David. He almost had to be David's son, though that didn't make sense. I waited until I got home to tell David; I was afraid he'd get really irrational. Actually, he just plain didn't believe me, so we drove out here as soon as we could arrange it to check him out. The rest of it you know." We were quiet a minute.

"Tell me what you know about DJ." Russ requested. I filled him in on how DJ and I had met, and how much he had changed in two weeks and that he thought it was a little piece of David that I'd released that had made the change possible. I told him what DJ had told me about David and how much he missed him and how he had waited for him to come back. I filled him in on what DJ said life with Paul and Mildred was like, on his going to college and then the university. I told him that DJ had been planning to leave the next day to see if he could find his Uncle David. Finally I told him a little of what DJ and I had done sexually.

Russ laughed. "He really does take after his dad. David loves being tied up and flogged. That's how we got together and it still works. He'll occasionally top me, but usually it's the other way." He snuggled back against me more firmly. "It feels good to be held." We were silent for a while, then Russ started filling me in about himself and David.

"After David and I got out of college and started our careers, we decided we wanted a kid. A friend introduced us to a woman who was going to have a boy she couldn't keep. We were in the delivery room when he was born and a day later we took him home with us. It was harder work than we'd ever imagined, but I'd never seen David so happy. Steve is fourteen now, and it's been delightful. Even when he's been a pain in the ass it's been good."

"What do you two do?"

"I have a degree in architecture and design houses. From the very start my office was at home, and I was the baby's daytime caretaker when he arrived. David is a psychologist by training, but he's a contractor at least half-time now. We've worked out a way of interviewing people who want a new house so the first design I do is almost exactly what they want, and then David's crew builds it. We almost always finish ahead of schedule and under budget." We lapsed into contented silence. "Want to spread out that other pad and get the other blanket. I don't think they will be coming out before morning."

"Works for me." I assured him. We did just that, got back in our spoon positions and Russ drifted off to sleep. It was great out here under the stars - cool enough to need a light blanket, just enough breeze to be pleasant.


Just as it was beginning to get light I heard father and son come out of the cabin looking for us. They were talking quietly but sounded happy. They ended up standing behind me. "Think they'd wake up if we pissed on them?" It was DJ speaking in a normal tone. I threw the blanket off, flipped over and grabbed a pair of legs and pulled. A very surprised David fell on us. Russ was startled; DJ laughed. "Can anyone join this group?" he asked.

"Of course." from Russ. He scooted forward a little to let David slide to the ground between us. David spooned into me while Russ scooted forward more. "Get in here between your two dads, Pup." DJ was delighted. He slid in, spooned into David and then Russ backed into him. Russ and I cooperated and pulled the blanket back over the group.

An obvious sniff, sniff, sniff. "Me thinks I smell some man scent." from Russ. "And your belly is still sticky, little one." DJ and David both laughed.

"Dad wanted to see if we jack off alike. I guess I got a little carried away. Michael made me wait all week." David and Russ laughed.

"You had an out, Boy." I reminded him, using my deepest growl.

"Well, yeah, one." It was a teenager's whine if I ever heard one. "You didn't think that would satisfy a young stud like me, did you?" I didn't press him on whether he'd used the option or not - I didn't really care. Maybe he'd tell me some day.

"Well, do you?" Russ asked, returning to the previous subject.

"Our basic technique is the same, but I think you and I could both learn some fine points from the young'n." David answered. Russ and DJ laughed.

"Yeah, that's probably why I shot further than you did, Dad." We all laughed. We were all pretty content on the surface, but I could feel David was all knotted up inside. The three of them were drifting toward sleep again, so I concentrated on making some good energy available to David.

"Jeez, Michael, if you get much hotter you're going to burn me." It was a whisper.

"Don't get defensive, Lover, just let it happen." from Russ. At that, David pushed back against me more firmly and relaxed.

"Mmmmm." I think that was both David and DJ. They all drifted off to sleep for a little while, but by the time the sun started lighting the highest branches of the trees they were awake again.

David hugged my hand to his chest. "I don't know what you did, Michael, but I feel a lot better now." I kissed the back of his head.

"I think you need to take us to your tree, DJ." I said. It only took a moment for my David to figure out 'DJ.'

"Hey, I like that." He wiggled against his dad. "It always felt like 'David' was the right name for me. Now I know why, and I don't mind 'David Jr.' at all. Pretty neat friend you brought with you, Russ. Thank you."

"What's this tree Michael mentioned?" Russ asked.

"Come on." DJ said, getting to his feet. "It isn't too far, but you tenderfeet may want shoes." Russ and David both grumbled slightly at being called tenderfeet, but they did find shoes. When they were ready DJ led us about two hundred yards into the trees and stopped, about 20 feet from a huge, old oak tree.

"What." Russ started to ask.

"Just wait and listen," DJ instructed. The three of them stood there looking at the tree while I hung back a little. David and Russ were getting antsy when DJ grabbed a hand on each man and led them forward. "It wants to feel your touch." he explained. They walked up to the tree and following DJ's lead, put both hands on the rough bark. The two newcomers were looking quite skeptical - they did it to humor DJ. They had been standing there for maybe a minute when the tree 'spoke.'

"These men are your true family, David." The deep, vibrant voice was in my head, and I could tell they had all heard it. After nearly jumping out of their skins, David and Russ each put an arm around DJ's shoulders, and they all maintained contact with the tree. Watching the group, I could tell the tree was still communicating with them. Suddenly I had a vision of DJ on the ground on his back with me fucking him and David and Russ stroking their cocks over him. It was nighttime and we were between two fires. I assumed they would know what it meant.

Eventually they backed away from the tree. "I've never ." David was shaking his head.

"I didn't know trees . talked." from Russ. They walked back to me.

"What was that hot picture I got at the end?" I asked.

"It said sometime soon we need to claim and anchor David, Jr. in our family. We should mix his cum with ours on his body and he should wear it for several hours." David explained. He looked a little dubious. I looked at DJ.

"I think that would be a fantastic welcome!" he was glowing. "I want to do it now, but it looked like we should do it at night. Besides we need to do that other thing." I tilted my head, eyebrow raised. "It said we should all go visit Paul and Mildred this morning."

"I think a shower and breakfast are in order before visiting my brother." David said.

"Showers won't take long." DJ giggled. He led us to the cabin and sent his dad into the bathroom first. "Don't use all the hot water, Dad." David frowned. He probably told Steve that all the time. David was out in a very short time.

"You didn't tell me there were only three cups of hot water, young'n!"

"What, you took it all?" Russ groused, but with a grin. Russ, DJ and I all got through our showers very quickly. When we were all dressed we went to the little restaurant where DJ had taken me earlier in the week. The usual patrons were curious about this group of strangers, but not unfriendly. It would give them something new to talk about for the next few days.

At one point during the conversation, Russ looked at DJ and said, "That's a really nice chain, DJ. Where did you get it?"

DJ looked at me, hoping I'd provide the answer. I didn't. "Uhmm. Well, there's quite a story there. For the time being let's just say Michael got it for me." Both Russ and David looked curious but didn't press for more information.

Finally David heaved a big sigh. "I guess we should go make our visit. I'm still so mad I can hardly stand it."

"That may be why the tree said you needed to do it." I told him. We piled into my car and headed to the motel. DJ said that at this hour Paul and Mildred would be at the house reading the paper and drinking coffee. On the way we decided DJ would go in first, pulling Russ and me in to introduce us, then call his dad in and see what the reaction was. They were all tense.


When we arrived we parked in front of the motel office so they wouldn't hear four car doors slamming, then walked around the building to the separate house sitting behind it. DJ went up the steps, opened the door and walked in like someone who had lived there for a good part of his life would do. Russ and I hung back on the step for a moment. "Hello, Paul. Hello, Mildred." I wondered if his using their names would alert them that something was up.

"Hello." from Paul; nothing from Mildred. From what DJ had said at breakfast, she was probably pouting about his leaving.

"I want to introduce you to two friends." DJ motioned for us to step in. "These are two friends of mine, Michael and Russ."

"Pauli!! How dare you bring strangers into my house!!" Mildred yelled. Paul looked at DJ a little strangely; this may well have been the first time he had brought anybody to meet them. He stood up to shake hands with us. He gave quite a start when he saw my eyes. If he'd suppressed what had happened with Rafe, he hadn't forgotten that part.

"What are they doing here?" Mildred demanded, not at all interested in being a good hostess. DJ ignored her.

"There's someone else you might like to see, too." He motioned, and David stepped into the room. There was stunned silence; even Mildred was speechless for the moment. Paul recovered first.

"Little Brother! God, I'm glad to see you." He moved toward David with his hand out, and at the last moment decided that wasn't enough and he embraced David like the long lost brother he was. David was shocked.

"Paul!! Get away from him!! You may catch it, too!!" Mildred was practically hysterical now.

"I wanted to talk to you, to apologize for that morning. I was wrong. I was so wrong. I'm sorry! I'm so sorry! I've wanted to say that for 15 years. I was afraid you had died. We didn't have your address. I couldn't get a phone number. Uhhhh.." He realized he was babbling and shut up. He hugged David almost as hard as DJ had last night, and by now David was returning the hug, still looking amazed.

Mildred was panicking. She was at their sides trying to shove them apart. Paul turned to her. "Woman, what's with you?! Get off us!!" She shrunk back, her hand to her face like she'd been slapped.

"Paul you can't do that! You may catch it, too! You know what he is!"

"Mildred, what are you blathering about?" Paul was probably being more forceful than she'd ever seen him.

"The Reverend Simms said you could catch it just by touching him."

"Catch What!!?" Paul was clearly getting upset.

"Well, you KNOW he's a . a . a . homosexual." It trailed into a loud whisper. There was dead silence in the room as the five of us stared at her in amazement. Finally Paul recovered.

"Simms told you THAT? And you BELIEVED him?" Paul was voicing the amazement for all of them. I already knew people were capable of believing nearly anything. Paul shook his head, looped his arm over David's shoulders and looked back to Mildred. "You don't 'catch' being a h. gay, Mildred." He squeezed David against him again. DJ backed up against me and pulled my arm around his chest, sort of like a shield. Mildred wasn't facing us, so she missed that move. It probably would have sent her over the edge.

"I'm so glad you're here, Little Brother. I wanted to write to you and apologize, but you'd just moved and we didn't have your address." David looked at him with a funny expression.

"Why didn't you have my address? I wrote letters to you and to little David, and I put my return address on them, and my checks had my address on them." Paul slowly looked from David to Mildred.

"I've got to get going on the motel." She scurried toward the door.

"Mildred!! Stop right there!!" Paul sounded very stern. Mildred stopped and flattened against the door with her hand on the knob, like she was ready to run. "What happened to all those letters?" He was glaring at her.

"I . I . I don't know. We didn't get them."

"You cashed my checks." David said softly. "You destroyed all the letters, didn't you?"

"You said they were money orders with no return address." Paul's voice had a hard edge that was hard to read. "Why? Why did you do it?"

She started to whimper. "The Reverend Simms said you and little Pauli could catch it from his letters. He said you should never touch them. He said little Pauli would better off just forgetting his perverted uncle. He should never even hear his name. Besides, if he was 'that way', I knew you wouldn't want him visiting anyway."

"Did you get the sheriff to send me that letter?" David was getting angry; his voice held menace; his hands were in fists. Russ put a hand on his shoulder.

"Careful, Buddy." he whispered. David took a deep breath and blew it out, just like DJ did at times.

Mildred looked blank. "Letter? Sheriff?" It seemed genuine. David described what he'd received from the sheriff. Paul looked sick. Mildred was shaking her head. "I never .." We all stared at her. "I always read your letters at the post office and then destroyed them. I couldn't believe a . a . someone like you could write letters that sounded so loving. I told Reverend Simms that, but he said it was all an act. Anyway, when the letter saying you wanted little Pauli back arrived I was so upset I took it to the Reverend and he said he'd take care of it."

"And you didn't wonder if there was a connection between that and David not sending his checks?" Paul inquired.

"Homosexuals can't be trusted. That just proved it." She spat it out, oblivious to the lack of logic.

"Maybe you'd better go take care of the motel." Paul sounded infinitely tired.

"Paul.." She started to cry; she wasn't in control. She didn't like it.

"Go!" He was very firm. She looked like she'd been slapped again, but turned and fled through the door she'd headed to earlier, and slammed it hard. Russ moved to David and held him; I wrapped both arms around DJ and he hung onto them tightly. Paul looked at David, "I'm sorry, Little Brother. I had no idea.."

"Yeah." It was all David could manage right then. Russ and I exchanged glances. It was time to get out of this poisoned space.

"Maybe we should head back to the cabin and breathe some fresh air." Russ suggested. Both David and DJ nodded, and we turned toward the door.

"David.." We all looked at Paul. He looked at the floor for a long moment then back to David. "I have no right to ask this, but may I come, too. I don't want to be here right now either." David turned and looked at DJ, passing the question to him. DJ looked at me then back at Paul. He wasn't pleased to have this man who'd not been a good father intruding right then. Then he looked at David. "You need some time with him, don't you, Dad?" David nodded slightly.

"It doesn't have to be now, Son." Paul closed his eyes, tears were standing in the corners. Was this man sad at loosing whatever status he'd had as a 'dad?' DJ looked at me, a little twitch at the corner of his mouth.

"Why don't you and Paul go have coffee someplace, Dad? The rest of us can go to the cabin in Michael's car. When you come back, see if the bull will let him in. If it won't, you'll just have to walk the rest of the way."

"Sounds like a good plan to me." Russ chimed in.

"The bull.uhhh." Paul didn't quite know what to ask.

"He's mine." I told him. We all headed out the door. Russ, DJ and I started around the motel back to our car, David and Paul to one parked nearby.

"Uhhh,.Michael?" Paul had stopped walking.

"Yeah?" I stopped.

"Do you know someone named 'Rafe?'"

"Yeah. He's a friend."

Paul nodded. "I met him the other night. Pretty startling eyes. I'd like to talk to him some more."

"If I see him I'll let him know." Maybe Paul hadn't suppressed the whole event after all.

"Hey, Dad," DJ called back to them, "Don't be too long. I may get . jealous." I guessed 'scared' would be more accurate. The last time David left him it was for seventeen years, and he wasn't really ready to let his dad out of his sight at all just yet.

"We'll be back in an hour." David called. He probably felt the same way about leaving DJ behind for very long.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Comments are greatly appreciated. They are part of what keeps all the writers here writing. If you like it, tell me. If you don't and can provide some constructive comments about why, I want to hear that, too. The story is mostly written, so suggestions for story lines are not likely to show up in this piece, though they might be included in a later one.

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Next: Chapter 10

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