French Kiss Me

By Pris G

Published on Mar 2, 2001


"... Just wanna tell you don't worry, I will be late don't stay up and wait for me..." ok, I'm listening to The Call now and I wanted to sing but I sing better with my fingers than my mouth so... lol

You can stop the death threats now, here's the next installment g

I have purple hair, I have purple hair, I have puuuuuuurple hair... lol It's true! My hair is died purple now. And I'm loving every damn minute of it lol

People are talking about my story!!! YAY! Thank you :) I didn't know a cliffhanger could raise your popularity this much. Uhm... I'll probably have to do it again sometime in the future hehe (I know at least three people who didn't want to "hear" that lol)

OK, if you haven't bought Jennifer Lopez' new cd, go out and buy it. It's GOOD!!! g

I have started a new story and the first part is posted on Nifty already. The name is "Thank you for loving me" (yes, the name's corny as hell but I'm horrible with titles and this was the best I could come up with lol) and it's an *Nsync story. If you want to, then click there and (please) read, k? I'll love you forever for it :)

Time for my cherry-flavoured thank you's: Trenchie (our icq talks are getting quite... uhm... interesting lol), Andreas (Ricky-sandwich anyone? lol), Ross (where are you? You disappeared! You can't do that to me!!! I worry about you :), R. J. (it's good to "hear" from you again :). And thanks to ALL the people who sent me e-mails wanting to know what happened to Nycky (and to threaten my ass if I didn't finish this soon lol). You guys rock ;)

A (second) special thank you goes to Trenchie for helping me with the grammar/spelling in this part. Thanks, sweetie :)

If you wish to contact me, now I have downloaded MSN Messenger. Look for me there :)

Disclaimer (I'll make this short because there are people who are really impatient about this installment g): if you haven't understood that this isn't real yet I give up lol Even though I'll see the BSB soon in concert (WOOHOO!!!), I don't really know them, don't know about their sexuality (and believe me, that would be the last thing I'd ask if I met them lol), don't know anyone even remotely related to them. I won't say that if you're under 18 you shouldn't be here because, first of all you wouldn't listen to me and, second there's no "action" yet in my story so it's still mostly harmless. If you're homophobic, feel very ashamed, dumbass!!! That's it!

Hope you enjoy it! Luv, hugs and chocolate! Fallen ^A^ngel

French Kiss Me - Part sixteen by Fallen ^A^ngel

"She's what?" I finally managed to let out as I plopped down on the couch

"I found her a few hours ago and then she was passed out on the floor and..."

"Susan, slow down because I'm not understanding a word you're saying. Take a deep breath and explain to me what happened, ok?" I said slowly, trying to calm myself down in the process too.

"A few hours ago I heard noise in your apartment and knew Nycky was there. Then the doorbell there rang and some minutes later I heard what seemed to be people yelling but as it wasn't the first time..."

"WHAT? It wasn't the first time you heard yelling in my apartment?"

"No. A few nights a week, everytime that guy, what's his name? Nycky's boyfriend?"

"Greg" I answered, not even bothering to hide the bitterness in my voice

"Yes, him. Well, he'd visit her every once in a while and the yelling started a few weeks ago. But this time it was different because I could hear stuff being thrown or something like that. I was afraid to go there because I was by myself here, neither John nor Douglas were home and there wasn't much I could do. Soon the noise stopped and when everything went silent I heard the door open and someone get in the elevator. Just then I gathered enough courage to go and see if something was wrong" she took a deep breath, obviously trying to hold back tears "When I got there I noticed the door was slightly open and I pushed it the rest of the way in. When I got to the living room, Nycky was passed out on te floor, her arm was twisted under her body and her face seemed to be bleeding so much. I did the only thing that I could and called an ambulance. I've been trying to talk to you since then but I couldn't"

"I just got back from tonight's concert" I whispered "How's she?" I asked, scared of what I might hear

"The doctor said that she's going to be fine. Her left arm was broken, her right ankle was twisted and she needed some stitches on her lips and eyebrow. I haven't been able to see her yet, they're moving her to a room. I'm so sorry, Jeremie. I should have done something sooner. If I had..."

"Shhhh... Susan, it's not your fault and you have nothing to be sorry about. You were scared and I understand it. Actually, I should be thanking you for taking care of her when I couldn't."

"Still. I feel horrible"

"If the doctor said she's going to be fine, then she's going to be fine. She'll get through this" I said, trying to reassure both Susan and myself "Has the doctor said when she'll be able to leave the hospital?"

"Not yet. They told me to wait while they put her in a room and then the doctor would come and talk to me again. Actually, he's heading my way, so I'll have to let you go, k?"

"OK. Try to find out when she'll be released for me, ok?"

"Sure. I'll call you as soon as I have that information"

"Thank you, Susan"

"You're welcome, sweetie. I'm sorry"

"Everything will be alright. Bye"

"Bye" she replied and we hung up. I couldn't seem to be able to move from my spot on the couch. I knew all along. I knew something was wrong. I knew Nycky wasn't ok. And I wasn't there to help her. She'd always been there for me and when she needs me, I'm miles away. That scumbag! Freaking piece of shit! I had told her. God, how many times had I told her that this guy wasn't worthy, that she was better than that? She was suffering and what was I doing? Just sitting and waiting. There HAD to be something I could do

"J! Open the door!" I heard faintly through the door, along with a few knocks. I should get up and go get it but it was like my legs couldn't carry my weight anymore "J! ARE YOU THERE?" I heard again, louder this time. And that seemed to snap. It was Brian. And he sounded worried. At that realization I got up and walked to the door. Everything seemed to be going on slow motion. I opened the door and just stood there, holding the doorknob with one hand and my phone with the other "J? What's it? You look pale" Brian said as he stepped inside. He then took my hand off the doorknob and closed the door before turning to me "What happened, baby?" he asked when he took my hand in his

"Uhm... it... Nycky... she... she's..."

"Come here and sit down. You're shaking" he interrupted me and pulled me over to the couch, making me sit down "Now, what happened with Nycky?" he asked softly while his hands caressed mine

"Oh God... she... she's in the hospital" I finally whispered, closing my eyes when I heard Brian gasp. I couldn't cry. I had to be strong. Nycky needed me now and I needed to be strong for her

"What happened?" he asked wide-eyed "Is she ok?"

"As ok as someone who was beaten up by her boyfriend could be" I whispered, tightening my grip on his hands. I had to feel him there. To know that he was there, with me, by my side.

"Wha-... That Greg guy?"

"Oh yeah" I laughed bitterly "I told her. God, Brian, how many times I tried to tell her to stay away from him. I knew he wasn't good for her. I tried! Shit! I tried my best and yet she's hurt! Apparently my best wasn't enough! I should've been there!" the more I talked the angrier with myself I got. How could I have let something like this happen?

"J, baby, there was nothing you could do"

"There HAD to be something!" I yelled as I stood up and started pacing "I should've tried harder! She needed me, Brian, and I wasn't there! She gave up what she wanted the most in her life for me and I couldn't fucking stop her fucking boyfriend from fucking hitting her!" I yelled and turned to see Brian right in front of me. He pulled me into his arms and I lost it. Any little strength I had left me and I sobbed in his arms "I should've been there" I whispered over and over

"Shhhh... Baby, she'll be ok" he whispered to me. But there was nothing he could say that could make me hate myself any less. Some minutes and sobs later I calmed down to the point where I was just sniffling

"Does Glenn still need that assistant you mentioned?" I asked as I brought my head up from his shoulder to face him

"Uhm... yeah, I think so. Why?"

"I'll bring Nycky to me. I can't go to her but I can't leave her alone there either. That guy may decide to find her again. Could you try to find that out for me? She could be Glenn's assistant. Please?"

"Of course I can do that. I'll do anything I can to help her" he smiled and just as I went to kiss him my phone rang

"Yes?" I said urgently into it

"It's me, Susan. I talked to the doctor and she says Nycky can leave here tomorrow morning.

"Would you be able to put her on a plane to Newcastle?" I asked, praying that she would help me out with this

"I can try. I'll talk to her. As soon as she wakes up I'll tell her to call you and you two can talk about it. I'll try to find out if there's any available seat in the first flight I can find, ok?"

"Thank you, Susan"

"You don't have to thank me. Nycky means a lot to me too and I'll do anything I can"

"That means a lot." I whispered

"I have to go. The doctor told me I could stay in Nycky's room to keep her company in case she woke up"

"K. Tell her I love her, k?"

"Will do. Bye, sweetie"

"Bye" I replied and we hung up. Brian's arms were instantly around me. I turned around in his arms, burying my face in the crook of his neck

"Have you finished packing?" he asked while his hand caressed my head, his fingers tangling into my hair

"Oh! Shit! No, I haven't!" I replied while running to the bedroom, putting my cell phone in my pocket on my way to the closet

"Want help?" he asked when he came in the bedroom, where I was frantically throwing the rest of my clothes on the bed

"Could you make this stuff fit inside the suitcase on the bed? I need to gather the stuff in the bathroom"

"Sure" he answered and I went to the bathroom. I quickly gathered all my stuff and threw it in a little bag, double-checking to see if I wasn't forgetting anything. I went back to the bedroom to find Brian folding my clothes and placing them neatly in the suitcase. I packed my laptop and went to help him. With four hands working we finished quickly and I went to see if I wasn't forgetting anything in the other parts of the room. After checking everywhere I went back in the bedroom to find Brian sat on my bed. He smiled when I came in and extended his hand to me "I've called the front desk already, the bellhop will be here in a few to take your stuff down to the bus" he said softly as he pulled me down sideways on his lap

"Thanks" I whispered while resting my head on his left shoulder

"Welcome" he whispered back before kissing my forehead

"I'm so scared" I said, trying to swallow the lump forming in my throat when his arms wrapped themselves tighter around me

"Of what?" he asked while rubbing his right hand on my left arm

"Not being able to help her"

"J, if there's one thing about you I've learnt during the time I know you is that when you want to do something, you do it. You just need to be there for her when she's feeling too overwhelmed, to show her she's not alone, to show her you love her, to hold her when she needs to let it all out. And when YOU need to let it out, you can come to me. You don't have to help her alone, baby. I'm here too" he replied and by the time he was finished I was crying like a baby...

"T-thank y-you... for... e-everything... for... being... y-you..." I said between sobs. He continued whispering sweet nothings to me till I was just sniffling and barely awake in his arms. Then we heard a knock on the door and he nudged me so he could stand

"Go into the bathroom and wash your cute face, k?" he smiled at me as he stood in front of me and nudged a rebel strand of hair that insisted on falling over my left eye "I'll get the door and we'll head down to the lobby" he completed and I nodded before going into the bathroom.

I looked at my face in the mirror and groaned "Hey, gorgeous" I muttered before attempting to make myself look less like a crying baby before facing everyone. Wonder if people would take notice if I showed up wearing shades at almost one in the morning?

"Baby, you ready?" Brian asked softly as he rested against the doorframe to the bathroom

"Yeah" I replied after drying my face

"Let's go then. You need to sleep a little" he took my hand and I took my laptop case (the only thing left on my bed) before letting him lead the way to the hallway "Leigh!" he called out to Leighanne, who was on her way to the elevators, and she turned around and walked back over to us

"There you are! Thought you had disappeared but I see you were in good hands" she said to Brian but smiling at me and I tried my best to smile back at her. I guess it didn't work because she looked at me closely "Are you ok?" she asked concerned

"I'll be fine" I replied, my voice hoarse from crying earlier

"Have you seen Glenn?" Brian asked Leigh and I sent him a mental thanks for changing the subject

"I saw her heading to the elevators a little while ago. Why?"

"I need to talk to her. Let's go" Brian replied as he put his arm around my waist and we started our walk to the elevators. A few minutes later we were about to get out of the car when I felt Brian's arm slip away from my waist. I felt lonely without it there...

"Leigh, can you take him to our bus while I talk to Glenn?" Brian asked

"Sure" she looked at him with a questioning look before putting her arm around my waist, just as the doors opened "C'mon, let's get you to the bus" she said softly before guiding me to the back entrance where the buses were. I numbly let her lead me, all the while wondering what I'd do once I talked to Nycky. I didn't even know what to tell her. Before I knew, we were inside the bus "Just take a sit. Brian'll be here in a few" she whispered and smiled at me as I sat down "Do you want to talk about it?" she asked softly as she knelt down beside me

"Not yet. Thanks for caring though" I smiled weakly at her

"OK. I'm going to my bunk, will you be ok by yourself?" she smiled

"Could you show me what bunk I'll be sleeping in?" I asked as I put my laptop on the seat beside me

"Sure. C'mon" she replied before standing up and heading to the bunks, me following close behind her "This is Bri's bunk, go ahead and take it. I'm sure he won't mind" she smiled while pointing to one of the middle bunks

"Thanks" I replied before climbing inside the bunk. I made myself as comfortable as possible in such a small space and was about to fall asleep when I heard laughter coming from the front of the bus, probably the guys getting in. A little after that I felt someone climb in with me and spoon against my body, putting his arms around me "Have you found her?" I asked kind of groggily

"Sorry, didn't mean to wake you up" he whispered

"That's ok, I wasn't asleep"

"Yes, I talked to Glenn already but we'll talk about it after you sleep a little" he whispered while his fingers ran through my hair

"Wake me up if you hear my phone ring?"

"Sure" he replied "Sweet dreams" he said and kissed the back of my neck

"You too" I whispered back while taking his left hand, that was drapped over my waist, and pulling him closer against me. The last thing I felt was somebody lifting the sheets over us before I fell into a restless sleep...

It seemed to me that not more than five minutes later Brian was softly shaking me awake "Hey, sleepy head, we're almost there" he whispered

"Did anybody call?" I asked, barely opening my eyes, as I turned around and faced him

"Nope" he said before kissing me softly "Feeling a little better?" he smiled as he caressed my cheek with the back of his fingers

"A little groggier would be more like it" I chuckled softly

"It's good to see your smile again. I missed it" he whispered as his index finger ran over my lips before his lips replaced it in a soft innocent kiss

"What did Glenn say?" I asked as I snuggled closer to his body

"She says she still needs the assistant and that she would be happy to 'test' Nycky"


"Yeah. She would help Glenn during a week as kind of an experimenting thing and then Glenn would see if she's ok for the job or not and Nycky can see if she really wants the job. Anyway, I told Glenn it wasn't a definite thing yet. I know you still have to talk it over with Nycky and she might not want it" he voiced my concerns

"How did you get to be so perfect?" I whispered before kissing him with all my might, fully intending to make him blue from lack of oxygen

"WOW" he replied breathlessly

"That was a 'thank you' for everything you are and everything you do" I smiled at him

"From you or from Nycky?" he grinned wickedly

"Nycky better not even think about kissing you like that" I chuckled and he giggled

"Awww... jealous?" he winked while holding his lower lip between his teeth

"Damn right I am!" I replied, trying to pout but failing miserably. Only Brian to make me smile in such a shitty situation...

"You have no reason to be. I only have eyes for you" he smiled and pecked my lips, causing a smile to form on my own face

"That was corny but it was cute" I giggled and he laughed out loud

"HEY! The two of you, we're here!" we heard Kevin yell from the front of the bus

"Let's go then, huh?" he asked before kissing me softly and getting out of the bunk. I followed suit and soon we were all standing at the front desk, waiting for our keys "I asked Kevin to book you in a room with Nycky instead of Mark" Brian whispered to me and I smiled weakly at him

"Thank you" I whispered and went back to staring at the ground

"What's it, frenchy? You look like your dog just died" I heard a voice snarling in my ear

"Leave me alone, Frank" I replied without even turning to look at him

"Awww... touchy!" he muttered and I could almost see that damn smirk on his face "Talking might help, you know?" he continued and I had to gather all my willpower not to break all of his teeth. I ignored him till Brian handed me my key

"I'll be in my room. Go there when you're finished, k?" I whispered to him and bent down to grab my suitcases

"You sure aren't friendly at three in the morning, huh?" Frank snarled again

"Back the fuck off, ok?" I glared at him before heading to the elevators. Ugh! How big is the stick up his ass? The ride up in the elevator was spent trying to stop fuming about that dumbass. As soon as I got into my room my cell phone started ringing. I dropped everything that was in my arms and pulled the phone out of my pocket "Hello?"

"Hey, there, babe"

"Hey, darling" I replied, feeling a wide smile spreading on my lips. Listening to Nycky's voice had always managed to sooth my nerves and this time it wasn't different "How you doing?"

"Sleepy" she giggled, knowing exactly that she wasn't answering what I wanted to hear. Typical. "So, what's this that I hear from Susan that I'm supposed to tell you I'll be in Newcastle at 2:15 in the afternoon?"

"I don't want you there alone" I said softly "Please, say you'll come?"

"My, I didn't know you wanted me this much" she giggled but I couldn't

"Nycky, I'm serious. I can't risk you there by yourself"

"I can take care of myself"

"Nycky, he might come back. I'm not letting you stay there and risk you getting hurt again, ok? Even if I have to ask Susan to tie you up and put you inside that plane!" I said exasperatedly

"What about college?"

"You can come back later. Please?" I begged, trying my best not to burst out crying from anger, from frustration. How could she even think about staying there? Ok, I'd probably want to stay too but no need in telling her that when I'm trying to make her leave...

"Would I be going just as company? Without anything to do?"

"Nope. I actually got you a 'job test'. Glenn, the wardrobe girl as we call her, said a little while ago that she was in need of an assistant. Then I asked Brian to find out if she still needed the said assistant and she said yes. Then Brian told her that he knew of somebody who could maybe fill it in. And that person, my dear, is you"

"I'd get to see all you guys naked? I'm game" she laughed and I couldn't help but do it too. I was slowly convincing her to come. YES!

"You would have a week to get used to the hectic mood of the tour. But if I got used to it, it'll be a piece of cake for you"

"Then I could like go over there and try this job and then if in a week's time I can't manage to get used to it or I don't like it I can come back?"

"We'll have to see about the coming back part but yes, it's pretty much that"

"Then I guess I'll have to cross the Athlantic and see your sorry ass, huh?"

"Don't let Brian hear you say that. I don't think he would be happy to hear you talk about wanting to see his boyfriend's ass" I whispered and she laughed

"I have the hugest hug of all lifetimes to give you for making me laugh right now" she said, becoming serious suddenly

"I'll make you pay it the second I see you"

"I'll be glad to" she whispered "I'm sorry this is all happening and you have to worry about me. You had warned me about..."

"Shhh... you know I'm not a person for 'I told you so's. And it's NOT your fault it happened."

"Thank you for wanting to protect me"

"You'd do the same for me" I replied and I knew I was saying the truth "Besides I'm just being my selfish self and bringing you to me so I can keep you" I completed and she giggled

"Thank you for being selfish then" she replied, her voice sounding more tired than she wanted to let me know "I love you"

"Love you too" I replied "I'll let you go to sleep now. You sound tired"

"I just woke up. YOU sound tired"

"Let ME play mom for once and tell YOU to go to sleep, ok?" I said and she giggled "Rest up and come see my sorry ass soon"

"Can't wait!" she said and I could almost hear the sleepy smile on her voice "See ya soon"

"See ya" I replied "Luv you. And don't forget to bring some really warm clothes with you, not many, just enough until we can go shopping together. It's cold here"

"Will do, mom. Luv you too. Bye bye"

"Bye" I said and we hung up. I dropped the phone on the couch before putting my face in my hands and letting out a huge sigh. That was when I heard the soft knock on the door and got up to get it "Hey, there, gorgeous!" I greeted my cute handsome hot gorgeous beautiful sweet adorable loving boyfriend who was standing in front of me with one of his bags slung over his shoulder

"Hey, there, sexy" he smiled that awesome smile of his before I let him in "What happened with Frank that got you that upset?" he asked as soon as the door was closed, eyeing me carefully as he dropped his bag on the floor and put his arms around my waist

"Nothing. He was just being his pain in the ass self again. I'll apologize to him tomorrow" I replied

"You feeling better?" he asked "You sure look better" he smiled

"Why Mr. Littrell are you sweet-talking me?" I said in mock shock

"Is it working?" he winked and I couldn't help but laugh "Yes, you're definitely better"

"I just talked to Nycky" I smiled at him and he smiled back


"She gets here at 2:15 this afternoon."

"And how is she?"

"I asked her and she changed subject like I knew she would. I know her, she would NEVER talk about something so serious over the phone unless there was NO alternative. And also she would do anything not to let me know how fragile and vulnerable she's feeling. She's strong and she knows that, what she doesn't know, or doesn't want to let people know, is that she's just as vulnerable as you or me, she just hides it better"

"Then she'll just make you wait?" he asked, frustration obvious in his voice, causing me to smile

"Yes. And though it frustrates me, I understand her side too. I'll just wait till she has enough courage to break down and when that happens, I'll be there to hold her and wipe her tears. She'll be ok." I said and he sighed, maybe from frustration at not knowing what to do, maybe from relief that Nycky was gonna be ok, or maybe both.

"We'll just have to wait then" he replied and I smiled inwardly at the "we" he used, and what's better, without even noticing he did.

"Stay with me tonight?" I whispered as I wrapped my arms around him and buried my face in his neck

"Only if you promise me you'll wake me up before you leave for rehearsals in the morning"

"Pinky swear" I mumbled against his skin, not failing to notice the shiver that went up his body at that, which, of course, made me smile

"Ok, let's go then" he grabbed my hand and we went to the bedroom "Oh! Nice room, huh?" he said looking around

"Probably not half as good as yours" I giggled

"I haven't seen mine yet" he smirked and I laughed

"The beds are kinda small though" I made a face while looking at them

"Guess we'll have to sleep all snuggled together, huh?" he grinned and I giggled at him

"I don't think I'll mind that"

"C'mon" he pulled at my hands and a few minutes later we were both laying in each other's arms, under the heavy blankets

"Have you noticed that this is the third time you've tucked me in today?" I asked and he giggled

"We could make it a habit then, huh?" he smiled, his head just inches away from mine on the same pillow

"That would be cool" I smiled back "Thank you for everything you've done today"

"You would have done the same for me" he whispered as he caressed my left cheek with his right hand

"Yes, I would" I answered honestly "Goodnight"

"Sweet dreams" he whispered and we snuggled closer (if that was even possible) before sleep overcame us...

Ring. Ring. Ring (AN: OK, so, sue me but my creativity wasn't enough to come up with a more original phone ring so I went with the classic g).

I picked up the phone before the damn machine made any more noise "Hello?"

"This is your wake up call" the eletronic voice said and I hung up, looking at my side to see Brian still sleeping peacefully. I couldn't help the low chuckle that left my mouth at that, I didn't think I could find a heavier sleeper than myself. I slowly and carefully got out of the bed and went to get ready to go to the arena, doing my best to be silent. I managed to, in the middle of it all, call the front desk and order breakfast, which would probably arrive when I was finished changing. It worked and right after my shower, shaving and changing, there was a soft knock on the door. I opened it and the bellhop wheeled the cart inside. I tipped him and then went to wake up Brian, seeing that I had about 20 minutes to eat and I sure didn't want to eat alone

"Bri? Baby, wake up"

"Gowaykev" he mumbled and buried his face in his pillow as he turned his back to me, making me laugh

"I'm not your ugly ass cousin, now c'mon, didn't you say you wanted me to wake you up?" I shook him lightly

"Changed my mind" he muttered and I could feel his muscles twitching under my hand from holding in his laughter

"HAHA Get up! Now!" I said, trying to be stern but ending up laughing, causing him to start laughing too.

"Don't I get a good morning kiss?" he smiled as he turned to lay on his back and stretched, yawning at the same time

"A good morning peck, yes you get, but a good morning kiss only after you brush your teeth" I replied, waving my hand in front of my face for effect, causing him to laugh "Breakfast's here. Go brush your teeth and then come eat" I pecked his lips and stood up

"OK. OK. I had to pee anyway" he giggled before getting up and going into the bathroom

"Too much information, sweetie!" I yelled at him laughing before going to set our breakfast on the table. Five minutes later, a disheveled and wrinkled but in no way less adorable version of my boyfriend took a seat by my side at the table

"Do I get a good morning kiss now?" he pouted and I giggled

"Sure" I replied as I took his face in my hands and kissed him with everything I had in me "Good enough?" I asked breathlessly when our lips parted

"If I say no, will you kiss me again?" he grinned and I laughed

"Maybe later. I'm late" I pecked his lips and we both dove for the food. Ten minutes later, we were both finished and I noticed Brian was about to fall asleep with his head on the table

"C'mon, let's get you back in bed so I can go to rehearsals" I said as I stood up

"That's ok, I can go to my room" he said groggily as I dragged him back to bed

"No need for that. You're already here" I replied as he laid down "Just leave the keycard at the front desk if you leave the hotel before I get back. When I get back I'll look for it there and if it's not there I'll find you here or in your room, k?"

"You sure?" he asked, fighting to keep his eyes open

"Yes, I'm sure. Now I have to go or else Tima will have my head" I kissed his forehead

"Knock 'em out" he smiled sleepily and I smiled back

"See you soon" I whispered as I stood up and went back to the main room. I put all the dishes away on the cart and wheeled it outside in the hallway before grabbing my backpack and heading out to the elevators

"Hey, teacher, wait up!" I hear Mark say from behind me and stopped in my tracks

"If you start calling me teacher I'll kill you. Stick with 'frenchy' because at least I'm used to it by now" I replied and both him and Melanie laughed "Hey, Mel" I kissed her cheek

"Are you feeling better?" she asked concerned as we got in the elevator

"Yeah. A really good friend is going through a hard time and it affected me pretty hard. I'm better now that I've talked to her though"

"Is she the one you introduced to us in that club?" Melanie asked and I nodded

"Nycky. Yeah. I'm supposed to pick her up at the airport at 2:15 this afternoon"

"She's joining us?" Mark asked surprised

"Yeah. Brian had told me a little while ago that Glenn needed an assistant and Nycky'll apply for the job"

"Cool. I'll have a chance to get to know her" Melanie grinned

"Corrupt her is more like it, huh?" Mark teased his sister

"If I know Nycky, and I think I do, it's more likely that Nycky corrupts Mel than the opposite" I said and we all exited the elevator laughing

"Uh-oh... mob time!" Mark whispered and we all looked out the door to all the fans gathered in front of the hotel. With a little help from security, we passed through all those people and got into the van. A half hour later we arrived at the arena and had to cross the technical staff that was working on setting the stage up. Actually, the stage was already set up, they were working on the lights and stuff like that. I walked up to where Frank was, fully intending to apologize for the way I went off on him, I didn't usually flip people off like that, doesn't matter how much of a pain in the ass they are

"Frank, I came here to apologize for being so rude to you this morning when we arrived at the hotel" I said as soon as I was beside him

"Awww... now, frenchy is sorry?" he mocked me and I rolled my eyes

"I tried! I swear I tried!" I muttered looking up while walking away from him. The guy was impossible.

"EVERYONE! COME UP HERE!" Fatima yelled from the stage "Well, guys" Fatima started as soon as all the dancers were on stage "We're gathered here so that J and I can show you what we've come up with for 'The Call'. Some of you knew I wasn't happy with the first routine so J here helped me change it. First I want to tell you all that this isn't something static, we're open for suggestions from you guys, if you think that something won't work and you have a better idea then please voice it and we'll see what works better" she explained and everyone nodded "Come here, J" she motioned for me to go to the front of the stage and I did so "We'll show you guys once how the whole thing is and then we'll work on teaching all of you, k?" she said before gesturing for the sound guy to start the music

For almost 40 minutes we taught (or tried to teach) the others, but Frank fully intended to make us all rehearse the whole morning. In every step we did he found something that "wouldn't work". When for the kazillionth time he complained about it, I lost it "What the hell is your problem?" I snapped at him

"What? Can't take criticism?" he smirked at me

"Not when you complain about everything and have no idea how to make it better! Is your problem with me? Because if it is then come here and take my place, dammit!" I glared at him before walking away. I knew it was childish as hell but if I stood there I'd sure punch him in that ugly ass face of his. OK, so he wasn't ugly but that didn't matter at the time. I found a hallway somewhere backstage and sat down against the wall, putting my head in my hands. And I kept staring down at the ground even when I heard steps coming my way

"J, what was that all about?" Fatima nearly yelled at me

"Sorry, I just needed to get away from him" I whispered, not looking up at her and not really sure she had heard me

"I didn't know there was a problem with the two of you..." she replied lower, as she sat down beside me "J, I can't afford to have two of my dancers about to bite each other's heads off like that so please whatever it is, try to solve it and soon, ok?"

"Don't you think I've tried?" I finally looked at her "Just now I tried to apologize to him for going off on him this morning because I wasn't feeling like myself and he came with some smartass remark on me. I've never done ANYTHING to him but ever since the first day I started working with you guys he keeps looking at me like I'm the most worthless person he's ever had to work with, he barely talks to me and when he does it's to tease me or piss me off. Fatima, you know me, you know I'm not normally like that but I had to walk away before I hit him. He's been trying to get me to lose my temper for a while and he just managed to get me in one of the worst days of my life" I replied and had to stop then before I lost it

"What's going on, J?" she asked concerned as she put her hand on my shoulder

"I got a call last night. It was my neighbor back in LA telling me that Nycky was in the hospital."

"Oh, my God! Is she ok?"

"She will be. She'll arrive here this afternoon. That's why he got on my nerves that easily. I'm sorry"

"That's ok. Are you ready to go back?"

"Yeah. I promise I won't walk away like that again. And thanks for understanding"

"Hey, I like Nycky too." she hugged me "And I know how much she means to you. Just don't let a dumbass like him piss you off like that" she said and I couldn't help but laugh. Call me naive but I didn't think Fatima shared my feelings toward Frank like that.

"OK. Let's try to finish this soon because I have a boyfriend to get back to at the hotel" I smiled and she giggled

"Everything ok with you two?" she asked as we started walking back to the stage

"Everything is a lot better than ok with us" I replied and she laughed

"You look cute when you talk about him" she said between laughter and I blushed

"Awww... anything but cute!" I laughed as we reached the stage but I stopped when everyone turned to look at us "Look, I'm sorry I walked away. Let's finish this soon" I said briefly, trying not to glare at Frank, but not failing to notice that only Pamela stood near him.

And with that we went to finish the damn rehearsal. Thankfully, Frank didn't open his damn mouth once for the rest of the time we were there. Another hour and we were ready to go back to the hotel, thankfully. I not only craved to see Brian again (I missed him already, so what?) but my stomach craved for food too. Another half hour and we were entering the hotel lobby. I headed for the front desk but stopped when Mark called me "Where are you going?" he asked as he ran up to me and we resumed my walk to the front desk

"I told Brian to leave my keycard here in case he left the hotel before I got back" I answered him "Excuse me, did anybody leave the key to room 475 here this morning?" I asked the lady

"Just a second. I'll check" she smiled at me before typing something on the computer in front of her "No, the key isn't here" she looked up at me

"OK, thank you" I replied and turned to Mark "C'mon, I'm hungry and I still need to shower"

"Yes, you do" he grinned at me as we walked towards the elevator

"As if you weren't smelling either" I rolled my eyes at him and we got in when the doors opened

"We wouldn't have spent that much time rehearsing if it wasn't for that dumbass" Mark replied "Don't even mention it" I muttered as we got off on our floor and headed towards Brian's (and Nick's in Mark's case) room

"I swear I thought you were going to punch him" Mark laughed as we reached the doors (which were across from each other in the hallway)

"Believe me, I was close"

"And I would have to kiss you if you did that" he winked and I laughed

"What's this? You kissing him? Say that again, I don't think I heard it right?" Nick said as the door to their room opened and he stood there with his hand close to his ear

"Hi, baby" Mark said sweetly back

"Don't baby me!" Nick replied, faking anger

"Oh! Busted!" I replied laughing

"And grounded! C'mon!" Nick said while taking Mark's ear between his fingers and pulling him inside their room. I just had time to hear Mark whining about his ear before the door closed behind them and I turned to knock on Brian's door. Some seconds later, he opened the door and I smiled seeing the smile on his face

"Hey there" he said before pulling me inside his room and closing the door behind me

"Hey" I pecked his lips softly "You have my key, right?"

"You going already?" he whined with the most adorably pathetic puppy dog face I had ever seen, making me laugh

"I need to shower" I replied while wrinkling my nose

"You can shower here" he said, almost begging

"My clothes are back in my room" I replied

"You can borrow some of mine. Now just go in there and don't argue. Lunch will be here soon" he said while pushing me to the bedroom door and I couldn't help giggling "You just go in there while I find some clothes for you and I'll bring them in later" he said while grabbing my backpack and putting it on his (king-sized) bed "Go!" he said giggling while leading me to the bathroom

"OK! OK!" I laughed along before getting in the bathroom and closing the door behind me. I turned on the shower and took off my clothes. After making sure the water wasn't too cold or too hot I got in and closed the door. I was almost finished when there was a soft knock on the door

"Can I come in?" Brian asked

"Yeah!" I yelled above the noise from the water and heard the door opening

"The clothes are here and there's a towel for you near the shower door. Hurry up because our food just arrived, k?"

"K. Thanks" I replied and heard him leaving. I finished quickly after that and turned off the shower before opening the door and grabbing the towel. I dried myself off and got dressed in the clothes Brian had picked out for me before grabbing the towel again and bringing it to my hair to dry it off a little more. I left the bathroom after putting the towel back on its hanger to find Brian's bedroom empty. I folded the clothes I was in before and put them in my backpack, before going to the main part of the room. There I found something I definitely wasn't expecting to: a sheet spread on the floor with food on it and Brian sitting on one side of it. When I came closer he stood up and smiled

"You like?" he asked as he took my hand and pulled me closer

"WOW" was all my bright brain could come up with as an immediate answer.

"I thought we could use the time alone, you know? We haven't had much time to us in a little while" he said softly before grabbing my face and kissing me softly, which slowly became deeply "You look so much better in my clothes than I do" he said breathlessly after we parted, causing us both to laugh

"Doubtful but thanks anyway" I replied still giggling "Don't you have an interview this afternoon?" I asked as I bent down to kiss his jaw, then his neck

"Yup" he replied before moaning, causing me to smile of course "But we have an hour and a half before I have to go"

"Then let's enjoy what time we have, right?" I whispered before kissing him, cradling his face in my hands and stepping closer to him when I felt his arms pull me closer by the waist.

"Whoa!" he grinned when we parted, making me laugh "You hungry?"

"Starving" I replied and he took my hand, pulling me down to sit beside him on the floor. We ate mostly in silence, feeding each other and kissing the whole time. After we finished, we gathered everything back on the cart (Brian complaining the whole time, saying that he wanted to do it alone) and he wheeled it outside, leaving it by the door. Then he came back in and sat down on the floor, resting his back against the couch

"Come here" he said softly as he patted the place between his legs, his other hand reaching out for mine. I took his hand and sat down sideways, resting my right side against his chest, throwing my legs over his right leg and laying my head on his left shoulder

"This is nice" I whispered, the silence seeming too sacred to break

"What is?" he whispered while his left hand softly stroked my arm

"Being able to be with you like this. We don't get much time to be together, just the two of us. I like it" I whispered while closing my eyes and cuddling myself further against him

"I like it too" he said before kissing my forehead "How was rehearsal?" he asked and I sighed while playing with the fingers of his right hand, that was resting on my lap "Uh-oh... what happened?" he asked, certainly noticing the frustration on my sigh

"It was hell. I didn't think it would be easy but I never imagined it would be that difficult"

"What was the problem?" he asked concerned

"'Who' is more like it. Who else? Frank. I swear I don't know what I did to him to make him hate me that much"

"What did he do this time?"

"Every step Tima and I showed them, he had to complain about, had to find some problem, some flaw. Until I snapped and yelled at him"

"You yelled at him?" he asked as he started laughing

"I'm not proud of it, Brian. I have more self-control than that" I replied and he slowly stopped laughing

"It's just... I can't for the life of me imagine you snapping at someone, yelling. You're always so calm, it's hard to imagine you mad"

"Well, he didn't get me on a good day, that's all. I would have handled him better if he was the only problem floating around in my head. In the end we finally got them all to learn everything. It just took longer than needed" I replied "Can we just not talk about him?"

"Sure" he replied and we fell silent, both happy just to be able to be there, holding each other. I don't even know how long we just sat there, me playing with his fingers and him stroking my arm. I was about to fall asleep when there was a knock on the door "All good things come to an end" Brian sighed

"I'll get it. You go and get ready" I said before kissing him and standing up "Coming!" I replied when there was another knock. I opened the door to find Nick standing there

"Kevin told me to come get Rok" Nick said with an apologetic smile

"He's almost ready. Come in" I said, opening the door wider and stepping aside so he could get in. He sat down on the couch and I took a seat beside him

"I hear you almost hurt someone this morning?" Nick half-asked, half-said, teasingly smiling at me

"Mark and his big mouth" I rolled my eyes "I didn't almost hurt anyone" I mumbled

"I wouldn't blame you if you did" he said laughing and I couldn't help laughing along

"We have to go already?" Brian's voice came from behind us as he came back in the room

"Yup" Nick replied as we both stood up. Brian looked great (doesn't he always?) in the grey pants/white turtleneck/black overcoat combination he was wearing

"What time are you leaving for the airport?" he asked me as he put his arms around me

"In a half hour or less" I shrugged "I don't wanna risk getting there late" I continued as he handed me my backpack

"OK" he replied

"C'mon, or else Kevin will have my ass" Nick said as he opened the door

"I thought Mark already had it?" I teased him before running out the door before Nick could catch me, down the hallway till I saw Kevin and hid behind him

"Hey, what's this?" he asked confused

"Gay bashing!" I replied, trying to avoid Nick's hands

"Don't protect him, Kev" Nick said, trying to reach me from Kevin's sides

"Remember that 'welcome to the family' thing, Kevin? I'm holding you to that!" I replied, still using him as a shield

"Sorry, you made the mess, now fix it" Kevin said laughing as he stepped aside

"I'll never forgive you for that" I yelled over my shoulder as I took off running, finding Mark in the way "I've told you to keep your freak on a leash already, haven't I?" I told him as I hid behind him. When Nick caught up to me, Mark put his arms around him and kissed him full on the lips, effectively stopping him. With that I went back to where Brian was standing, trying to glare at me and not smile at the same time "What, duckie?" I asked sweetly as I hugged him

"Tired of running around with Nick?"

"Hey! HE was the one running after me!" I replied, pouting and trying to get him to hug me

"OK, how could I resist a face like that?" he laughed as he put his arms around me and kissed me "See ya as soon as I get back, k?"

"I'll probably be in my room" I pecked his lips

"See..." he smiled and then followed the other guys down the hallway to the elevators

"You owe me one" Mark glared at me

"As if it was that big of a sacrifice to kiss your own boyfriend" I glared back and he stopped, as if considering it

"OK, so I'll give you that one" he said and we laughed

"I gotta go to the airport soon, so I'll see you around, k?" I told him

"Want me to come with you?"

"No, thanks. Nycky might be uncomfortable. But I appreciate the offer" I smiled weakly at him

"Sure. See ya around..."

"See..." I waved and went to my room. I just needed to leave my backpack there, grab my overcoat and I could go. I came in and dropped the bag on the couch, opening it and rummaging through all the stuff in there till I found my cell phone and my wallet. I put them in my pockets and went to the bedroom. Then I decided I didn't want to change out of Brian's clothes so I just put the long overcoat on and I went back to the couch, grabbed my keycard and left the room, heading to the elevators. As soon as I got to the lobby, Glenn came in my direction "Hi, Glenn. I wanted to thank you for giving this chance to my friend" I told her and she smiled

"No problem. I just needed to tell you something. When is she arriving?"

"I'm going to get her in the airport now. Why? Something wrong?"

"Nope. I just wanted you to tell her I need to talk to her before the concert tonight. Could you do that?"

"Sure. Don't worry"

"Thanks. See ya" she waved as she went toward the elevators

"See" I waved back and went to the front desk. I left the keycard there before going out the front door. A few fans were gathered in front of the hotel and I smiled at them on my way to get a cab (not that they knew me but it seemed appropriate you know?). I got in the car and told the driver where I was going before sitting back and looking out at the scenery around me. I tried to concentrate on all the buildings, streets, people, cars, houses and so on, that way I wouldn't start thinking about what I'd say or do, what I should say or do when I saw Nycky. It actually worked until I saw the signs telling me I was close to the airport

"Here we are" the driver said in a thick english accent, smiling at me through the rearview mirror

"Thanks" I replied as I gave him his money and got out of the car. That was when I realized I was shaking, maybe from the cold, maybe from anxiety. Probably both. I pulled my coat tighter around my body and made my way inside the airport. After checking if Nycky's flight was on time (and, thankfully, it was), I found a seat near the gate she was to arrive and sat down, impatiently waiting for the twenty minutes till her plane landed to pass.

"Hi. Want some?" the little boy sitting beside me asked while showing me the two candies he had in one of his hands, while the other (along with his mouth) was a total chocolate mess. I couldn't help the chuckle that escaped my mouth

"No, thanks. What's your name?" I asked him as I glanced briefly at the lady sitting on his other side, guessing she was his mom

"Gary. What's yours?"


"Where are you from?" he asked with a "you're so weird" look, probably wondering about my name

"United States"

"How far is that?"

"Oh! It's really far away. You'd have to stay a looooong time on a plane to get to where I came from"

"I don't like planes" he gave me a disgusted face "My ears get weird when I'm in one" he completed and I laughed

"I don't like planes much either. But I have to use them a lot"


"Because of my work"

"My daddy uses them a lot too. He's arriving from Los... Mommy, where is daddy coming from?" he asked the previously mentioned lady while scratching his head. I grimaced inside as I saw the mess he was doing with the chocolate on his fingers

"Los Angeles" the lady answered to little Gary and he turned to look at me

"What she said" he pointed at his mother and I laughed

"Actually, Los Angeles is where I came from. And I'm here waiting for a friend to arrive from there"

"Are they here to work too?"

"Sort of" I replied and looked up to see the "LANDED" appear in front of Nycky's flight. Finally!

"C'mon, let's get you cleaned so you can greet daddy without spreading chocolate all over him" Gary's mother said as she started cleaning his hands and face. Just as she finished it and Gary looked a little less like a candy bar himself, the gate Nycky was supposed to come from opened and people started to come out

"Daddy!!!" Gary exclaimed before jumping up from his chair and running to a man in his (probably) fourties and attaching himself to the man's leg. Gary's mother smiled at me before going to where her son and husband stood "How far is Los Angeles?" I heard Gary ask and laughed before standing up and looking over the crowds until I spotted a blonde girl trying not to limp too much. I walked to where she was and she smiled when she saw me. We hugged each other tight (as much as we could with her broken arm between us) and no word was said for I don't even know how long. And we didn't need words anyway. She knew exactly what I wanted her to know through that embrace.

"I missed you so much" she whispered before kissing my cheek and lifting her head from my shoulder to face me

"I missed you too" I smiled down at her before kissing her forehead. I didn't fail to notice the black and blue marks near her left eye and the right side of her mouth "C'mon, let's grab your stuff and take you to the hotel so you can rest"

"I'm not that tired" she smiled weakly at me

"Yeah right. You just got here from an overseas flight, why would you be tired?" I replied laughing as we started walking to the baggage claim

"But I want to talk to you" she pouted

"We'll have plenty of time to talk after you rest up a little" I replied and grabbed her bag as she pointed it to me

"So, how's the boyfriend?" she smiled as we started walking outside to take a cab back to the hotel

"OK." I replied and she growled at me

"Just OK?"

"Wonderful, unbelievable, amazing, incredible, unbelievable, great, did I mention unbelievable?" I said and she cracked up. It was good to hear her laughing

"That good?" she asked as I handed her baggage to the driver

"Probably better than that" I sighed as I helped her climb in the car before following her inside. I gave the driver the name of the hotel and turned back to Nycky

"Why the sigh then?"

"I don't know... I... I just think it's hard to get used to being this close to someone again, you know? And... it happened so fast. I mean, you know how long it took me to open up to you. But with him it's just... easy. He makes me feel so comfortable and he cares so much about me it's scary. Great but scary."

"What are you scared of?" she asked and I shrugged while looking down at my hands

"That I get too attached to him and then lose him. Or that I can't be everything he needs me to be. A lot of things I guess" I shrugged again

"Has anyone ever told you that you think too much?" she asked and I laughed

"Yup. Many people have. Even Brian himself"

"You guys talked about this?"

"Sort of. Part of it actually. I told him about the 'afraid of not being good enough' part but not the 'afraid of losing him' part."

"Why not?"

"I thought I might scare him away by telling him that"

"There goes that 'thinking too much'. I'd be willing to bet you have the whole scene played out in your head, right? And the end of it is the worst possible, right?" she asked and I didn't need to answer, she knew that she was right "You are so pessimist sometimes" she continued "Things don't always have to go wrong, you know?"

"Don't they?" I asked as I lifted my head to face her "Sometimes I just get this weird feeling that things are too good to be true and before I realize I'll be without him"

"J, if you keep thinking like that, you'll push him away and repeat what happened between you and Darren"

"That wasn't the only problem in our relationship. He was too possessive and I couldn't deal with it"

"You talk like you and Brian are doomed or something. Things are too good? Make them better then!" she smiled and I chuckled

"God, how much I missed you!" I replied as I hugged her

"You missed me kicking your ass?" she asked and we laughed

"Yeah. I missed even your ass-kicking" I replied and then I felt the car coming to a stop. We got out of the car and I paid the driver after he helped us take her bag out of the trunk

"WHOA! You guys are staying here?" she asked as she looked up at the hotel

"Yup. The perks of working with pop stars" I smirked and she giggled "C'mon" I took her hand and we made our way inside the lobby. I took my keycard as well as Nycky's copy from the front desk and we made our way to the elevators. Soon we were getting inside our room and I dropped her bag by the door and my coat on the couch

"I have never seen a room of yours look so tidy" she laughed as she wondered around, dropping her coat on a chair as she got in the bedroom

"I haven't been here since this morning and the maids came here while I was rehearsing this morning" I laughed as I followed her

"When will I get to see Prince Charming?" she asked as she sat down on a bed

"Probably a little before the concert tonight. He had to work all afternoon" I replied as I sat down beside her "Today he 'prepared' a 'picnic' for us for lunch" I giggled as we laid down side by side

"Awww... tell now!"

"We had breakfast together this morning here and he went back to bed when I had to leave for rehearsal..."

"He slept here?" she smirked

"Yes, he did" I rolled my eyes "I've told you countless times that we sleep together every once in a while and last night he was worried about me" I continued "Well, then, he kept my keycard and when I got back here I went to his room to get it back so I could shower. He made me shower there..."

"That's where you got the sweater?" she raised an eyebrow as a wide grin spread across her lips and I rolled my eyes again

"Yes. And the pants too. And the undershirt. And the boxers too before you ask" I replied and she giggled "Then when I got out of the shower he had a 'picnic' ready in his room for us. It was sweet of him" I smiled as the memory of our 'us time' came back to me

"My God, you're in deep this time" she giggled "You're even wearing his boxers" she completed and I burst out laughing

"You're too much" I said between laughter "C'mon, nap time for you lady" I said as I sat up

"Will you tuck me in?" she grinned and I laughed

"Want me to tell a story too?" I asked and laughed when she nodded "Go change!" I said, trying to sound stern while laughing

"OK, OK." she said and went back to the main part of the room to get her things, soon getting back

"The bathroom is there" I pointed to a door and she smiled before heading to where I had pointed. I felt so relieved to have her there with me. It felt like I could protect her from anything as long as I could touch her, hold her, as long as she was there. I knew we hadn't talked about anything that had happened to her and when that happened I knew it would be hell for her but I was getting more worried as time passed and she didn't even mention it. It was like nothing had happened and denial is not exactly the best way of dealing with bad stuff. I knew it because I was a master at doing it.

"This room is so cool" she gushed as she came back and plopped down on the bed I was sitting.

"You have to see the guys' room. Then you'll see this one is nothing" I laughed as I stood up.

"Where are you going?" she asked and I noticed something in her eyes I hadn't seen before. Fear.

"I was going to watch some tv while you rested. Why?" I asked as I kissed her forehead.

"Would... would you stay here with me?" she asked in such a small voice I almost didn't hear her.

"If you want me to, yes, I'll stay" I smiled down at her as I caressed her cheek.

"Thanks. I... I just don't want to be alone"

"Shhhh... you don't have to explain anything to me" I replied before standing up and taking my sweater and pants off. She pulled the covers back and I laid down beside her, pulling her head down on my chest. I reached for the phone and asked the front desk for a wake-up call at 5 so I had time to take a shower before going to eat something before the concert. Nycky and I just laid there for a while. I wasn't exactly tired or sleepy so I just stared up at the ceiling as I ran my hands through her hair till I knew she was asleep.

"Thank you..." she whispered and just then I realized she wasn't asleep yet, she just had her eyes closed "I was so afraid I'd have to go back home alone" she whispered again and I felt her body shake against me as she started sobbing

"Shhh... he won't be able to get to you here..." I whispered as I tightened my embrace around her

"It hurt so much... I didn't even see it coming... we were fine one second and... and the next he was hitting me... I was just telling him that I had talked to you and the cool things you had told me and suddenly he just got mad... and then he started insulting you and I snapped and yelled at him... he had no right to insult you like he did... and then he hit me for yelling at him... I thought I was going to die... I was begging for him to stop but he didn't and the pain was so unbearable..." by the time she finished, I was too in tears. He had hit her because she was defending me. I held her tighter and cried with her until she was just sniffling

"Susan said it wasn't the first time she heard you guys fight" I said while trying to calm down myself

"It wasn't the first time we fought but it was the first time he hurt me physically. He was always possessive though and when I tried to end it up with him a while ago he threatened me. It was then that I realized he wasn't as nice as I thought. I shouldn't have let things get to the point where they got"

"Shhh... you're safe now. He'll NEVER hurt you again. If he comes even slightly close to you I'll kill him. He won't get to you ever again. I promise you" I said softly

"Thank you... for everything"

"You'd have done the same for me" I replied and felt her nod against me "Now go to sleep. You're tired."

"Will you stay here?"

"I'll still be here when you wake" I kissed the top of her head and soon I felt her breathing become even and I knew she was asleep. She had opened up. That was a good sign. Everything would be alright...


***************************** OK, no cliffhanger this time, guys :) I can be nice sometimes lol I'm slightly ahead on the next chapter but with college picking up now I don't know when I'll be able to release it. I'll try to do it soon but I can't promise you anything. Sorry :)

Mail me and tell me what you thought at See ya! Luv, hugs and chocolate! Fallen ^A^ngel

Next: Chapter 11

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