French Kiss Me

By Pris G

Published on Sep 30, 2001


Hey, ya'll!!!

Well, yeah, I'm back. Decided to give this a try anyway. For once I'd like to finish something I've started.

Thanks to everyone who e-mailed me with their worries and to David for being so patient with my mood swings and all of my announcements and for being sweet even after that hehe

Special thank you's: Andreas (kiss kiss kiss), Nick (slurp slurp slurp ;)), Vidur (stop reading this and go to a gay bar! NOW! ;) kidding hehe you can read this and then go :P), Nicky P (a.k.a. Priscy's Personal Shrink ;)), Josh & Tris (awwwww....), Ste & Luke (awwwww... again hehe) and Darian (where are the stories you promised me, huh? :D). And a shout out to all the guys/girls in the Niftyorg Chatroom (vre, cutie, love you mwah), you guys rock! And you're extremely addictive!!!

Commercial break: I still haven't had time (and patience) to put all of "French Kiss Me" and "Breathless" up on my site but my other stories ("Thank You For Loving Me", "Starfucker" and "Right Here Waiting") are there so if you want to check it out, please go ahead... the url is As soon as I feel like it, I'll be adding "French Kiss Me", the third and fourth part of TYFLM and a new 98 degrees story I've started, "Cupid's Bow" (this one, as well as "Right Here Waiting", will be up only on my site because it doesn't fit here), up there, so you might want to check it out some time soon :) or not so soon seeing as I've been a total slacker all of my life hehe

Disclaimer: I don't know them, I'll probably never meet them, I don't know what side their doors swing. This is entirely fictional and I don't make money out of it. Not old enough? Don't read. Not old enough and got caught reading this? Don't blame me. Homophobe? Get a grip.

Enjoy it! :) Luv, hugs and chocolate! Priscy a.k.a. The Cliffhanger Bitch muahahahahahah

French Kiss Me - Part 19 by Priscy

"Hello?" I said into the phone. I was still laying on my back on the bed, willing my heart to calm down, when the phone rang in the room.

"You ready to go to the mall already? We're planning on eating something for lunch there." Nycky said.

"I'll be ready in 15 minutes. I need a shower."

"Cold one?" she asked and I could hear the grin on her voice.

"Freezing one." I sighed and she laughed.

"Brian didn't look very... uhm... comfortable when he left." she said still laughing and I joined.

"Good to know I got him back somehow."

"You're bad!" she replied and we laughed.

"I'll be ready in a few."

"K." she replied and we hung up. I was surprised when she didn't press the issue. But I wasn't going to celebrate just yet, she had the entire afternoon to do that. I took a quick shower and changed before grabbing my phone, my wallet and my keycard. I left my room and almost ran smack into Nycky "Finally!" she grinned at me.

"I didn't take that long." I glared at her "Let's go. I'm hungry." I said as I put my arm around her shoulders and went for the door, followed by Mark and Leigh. We went down to the lobby and in a few minutes they had a cab out front waiting for us. We got in and Leigh (the only one who had been to this city already) told the driver where we were headed to. Soon we were at the mall and headed straight for the food court. I didn't know about them but I was starving.

By the end of lunch I came to the conclusion that Leigh and Nicky were far more starved than me and Mark. Have you ever noticed how women can eat like pigs? Well, they can.

"We're off to buy some shoes to me. Meet you back here in two hours." Leigh grabbed Mark's hand and dragged him away.

"That was subtle." I glared at Nycky but unable to hide my smile.

"What? I just told her I wanted some time alone with my best friend. Is that a crime?" she asked with a smile.

"Not at all, missy. We haven't had time to really talk, just the two of us. I miss that." I grinned at her "Let's go. I saw a hairdresser somewhere here and I want a new hair cut." I put my arm around her shoulders.

"Hot date tonight?" she smirked as we made our way to the hairdresser.

"If you must know, yes." I replied and she gasped.


"Yeah." I said and I knew I was grinning like a fool.

"Where's he taking you?"

"I don't know. I didn't have time to ask him."

"You didn't have time?" she raised her eyebrows at me "He didn't look very 'focused' when he left either." she giggled and I laughed.

"Payback is a bitch, babe!" I said and we laughed.

"You nervous about it?"

"Right now? Nope. But you know me and I know me and we both know I'll freak out when I have to leave the room."

"Don't worry. I'll be there to kick your ass." she grinned.

"Thanks. I was counting on you to do so." I kissed the top of her head just as we reached the hairdresser.

"What are you gonna do with your hair?"

"I want it shorter. As in real short."

"Go for the 'just been fucked hair'? Pweese? Pweety pweese?" she whined looking up at me with those famous puppy dog eyes of hers. She just had to have been practicing it because she got better and better at it every day.

"Maybe." I replied just as a guy dressed in pink (talk about bad taste) approached us.

"What can I do for you, fellas?"



"Brian will faint! I know I would!" Nycky replied and I blushed (as usual) "You look great!"

"Thanks." I kissed her cheek.

"He'll have a hard time trying not to jump you." she grinned as we exited the parlor and took our time going to the food court to meet Leigh and Mark.

"And why would I want him not to?" I asked and she gasped.

"Oh... Anything you want to share with me, sweetie?"

"Not really." I grumbled. If she was gonna embarrass me I didn't want to talk about it.

"You don't have to be embarrassed. You know you can talk to me anytime."

"What's there to talk about?"

"You saying you want him to jump you but sounding nervous as hell when you say it for a start."

Damn her. What was I going to tell her? I hadn't even stopped to think much about it myself "I... I don't know... Everything has been quite... hot lately between us. It's like I can't get enough of him. His touch burns my skin and I just want it to burn forever. It's scary. It's all too new, too unknown. I'm afraid that I'm gonna ruin everything, that I'll do something wrong and he's gonna realize I'm not all that and I'll be left without that burning when he leaves me."

"J, nobody is all that. Everyone has flaws, everyone makes mistakes. And you have to learn to forgive yourself and him for those little mistakes. I'd be willing to bet he's thinking the same thing." she smiled "Nobody is perfect. Being perfect doesn't matter. Being perfect for each other is what matters. And I have never seen any couple be as perfect for each other as you are. And something like that won't end just like that." she snapped her fingers to make her point.

"How can you be so sure about that?"

"I can't. And that's what makes all this such a beautiful thing. The unexpected, the surprise, the unknown, the newness. Exploring each other, finding out what drives the other crazy, what makes them melt, what makes them make that one sound that is so theirs and shows you that they're in heaven every time you touch them, knowing that you are able to get that special reaction just by loving them and being loved back. You love each other, you want each other. The rest just falls into place on their own."

Man, she was good! "Guess it pays off to have a smart bestest friend, huh?"

"And don't forget beautiful, witty, sensitive, talented. Oh! And modest, can't forget modest!" she rattled off and I cracked up. Once more she had managed to put me at ease. She shoots, she scores.

"You're amazing!" I hugged her and then I gasped "Oh! My God! I have to get that for him!" I said and made my way to the store that had my gift. That was just way too perfect. Just needed a small attachment and it would be the perfect gift. Maybe not the perfect one but the perfect one from me to him.

"There you are!" Mark said as Leigh and he approached us "Love the hair." he pointed out.

"Thanks." I replied "Bought a lot of shoes, did you?" I teased Leigh as I grabbed the two bags still in her hands (Mark had three more).

"Just a few." she grinned and we laughed "Can we go back now? My feet are killing me!" she whined.

"Tell me about it." Mark grumbled.

"Oh! C'mon, you love shopping with me!" Leigh went on her tip toes and kissed Mark's cheek.

"Yeah! Yeah! Damn you for being adorable!" he complained and we laughed.

"We blonde people have this ability of being adorable." Nycky batted her eyelashes and Leigh tilted her head to the side. Looking at them at that moment, nobody would guess how mean they could be.

"Yes, that we have." Mark agreed.

"Hey!" I protested, being the only dark-haired in the bunch.

"Don't worry, sweetie. Blondes are adorable. Dark-haired are deviously sexy." Leigh patted my shoulder.

"I am not deviously sexy!" I replied and they cracked up as they started on their way out of the mall "I am not!"

"WHOA! Where's your hair?" Brian asked as we got into the suite and he stood up to meet me half way.

"You don't like it?" I asked as I dropped the bags I was carrying down just before his lips were on mine and one of his hands went to run through my hair. I just wanted to deepen the kiss, lay him down on the closest soft surface and heavily make out with him at that moment. But I remembered there were people around. Maybe they'd like the show? He pulled away and his blue eyes looked me over.

"I like it a lot. I can still run my fingers through it so it's all good." he smiled before pecking my lips.

"Wonder if my dentist would be able to get a plane to England tonight?" Howie groaned and they all laughed at us.

"You're just envious that I have him all to myself and you don't get any little piece of him." I said as I pulled a laughing Brian to me.

"EWWWWW! C'mon, he's... he's... Brian!"

"Hey!" Brian protested as he turned around in my arms so that we were both looking at everyone.

"No offense, bro. But even if I played for your team, I've seen you in so many embarrassing situations that you've lost any charm that you might have had." he replied and we all laughed. Then everybody went off in little groups. Nycky was showing off the new outfit she had bought - while I looked for the "attachment" for Brian's gift - to Howie and AJ. Leigh was showing Kristin all of the shoes she had bought (it turned out she hadn't bought only shoes but over 50% of her purchases were indeed shoes). Kevin was just sitting by Kristin's side and it was really sweet the way he stroked her hair as he watched her every move. Mark was sitting on Nick's lap and they were whispering back and forth as Nick opened the box Mark had handed him. It was some new game Nick had been really eager to get but didn't have time to do so.

"Did you buy me anything?" Brian smiled as he turned his head to look at me.

"In fact, yes, I did."

"Really? Can I see it now?"

"Sure. C'mon." I took my bags from the floor, then took his hand and started leading him to our room. Our room. OUR room.

"Excuse us, guys. I'm gonna go and get my gift now."

"Don't be too noisy!" AJ yelled and we faintly heard them laughing as Brian closed the door behind himself. I put the bags I was holding on the bed and he sat down as I took out my gift from one of the bags.

"Here." I handed the package to him and sat down beside him, putting my arms around him and my chin on his shoulder. He eagerly torn the paper away and then he gasped before chuckling "Like it?" I whispered in his ear before nuzzling his neck and kissing it.

"This is so adorable." he chuckled as he eyed the little toys holding the small pillow. The little toys were Winnie The Pooh and Donald Duck. I had the store glue their little paws to a red velvet pillow and on the pillow there was a simple silver cross in a silver chain. It was cheesy, it was sappy but I thought it was meaningful to us and apparently he thought so too because he kept running his fingers over the toys. I was alarmed though when I saw a tear fall to the pillow.

"Bri? What's wrong?" I asked as I took his head in my hands and made him face me.

"Nothing. Just... this... thank you..." he whispered before kissing me softly.

"Welcome. It's cheesy but when I saw them I knew I had to get them."

"Not cheesy. It's sweet."

"Glad you liked it." I replied before taking the chain from the pillow. He turned slightly, just enough so I could put the chain around his neck. I clasped it on the back and kissed the back of his neck (getting a soft moan that didn't go unnoticed by me). Then he turned back around so that his side was facing me.

"Thank you so so much."

"You really think that wasn't cheesy?"

"Well, maybe it was a little." he said with a cheesy grin on his face "But it came from you so it's all good." he kissed me and then fell silent while looking me in the eyes and stroking my cheek "I just know my mom is gonna love you." he whispered and I froze.

"You've... you've told your... mom... about us?"

"Not only her but my brother and father too." he said and I groaned as I buried my face in his neck "What's wrong?" he chuckled.

"Now they'll want to meet me!" I replied against his neck and he laughed.

"That tickles." he poked me "They already want to meet you. Don't you want to meet them?"

"They'll hate me!"

"You have nothing for them to hate." he stroked my cheek as best as he could with my face buried in his neck "They just want to meet the man who makes me so happy."


"They said so themselves. With those exact words actually."

"I like them already. They have to be good people if they made you."

"Thank you. Can you lift your head now?"


"Because you're cute and I want to see you. And you talking and breathing against my neck is tickling me." he said and I chuckled as I lifted my head to look at him "There. Now I'm happy."

"Love you." I pecked his lips.

"Me too." he smiled "What do you wanna do now? We have some time to spare."

"Cuddle." I replied and he chuckled.

"OK, c'mere." he said as he climbed up on the bed and rested back against the pillows, patting the space between his legs for me to sit. I crawled to him and plopped down between his legs, resting back against his chest as he put his arms around me. He grabbed the remote control for the TV and turned it on. Good thing we were in England. At least there was stuff in English on. Not that I paid attention to what was on. It felt good to be like this with him. We didn't get to do it a whole lot. Then it came to me that I should ask him where we were going. The idea of him kidnapping me as sweet as it may sound wasn't all that comforting.

"Where are we going?"

"Tonight you mean?"


"Where do you wanna go?"

"Where do you wanna go?"

"I asked first."




"Which movie?"

"Any movie."

"Any movie?"

"Any movie."


"Beacuse it's dark."

"What's dark?"

"The movie theater." I replied as I pushed back against Bri's groin, trying to get him to follow my train of thought.

"Heh..." I heard him swallow hard and then sigh a little "I think I might know where you're going with this."

"Good. Thought you would." I turned my head and kissed him.

"And now, Mr. Lapierre, we'll call Miss Jennings and she'll help you get ready for your hot date tonight." he said after we had spent the last hour laying peacefully together, supposedly watching TV. I still have no idea what was on. Not that I care.

"And may I know where my hot date will be getting ready?" I asked as I sat up and he stood up by the bed.

"I'll be with Miss Wallace." he pecked my lips "I need to talk to her anyway. Haven't had much of an opportunity to do so."

"K. Take Winnie and Duckie with you." I grinned at him and he chuckled.

"She'll tease the hell out of me because of this. I just know it."

"Do they really need a reason to tease us?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Uhm... good point. She'll think it's cute too." he laughed before kissing me a little more forcefully "You call Nycky while I grab some things, k?" he said before going to the wardrobe. I grabbed the phone and dialed the number to Nycky's room.


"Leigh, it's J."

"Hey, hot stuff!" she said and I laughed.

"Leigh, Brian's in the room. He's gonna get suspicious!" I said in a hushed tone but loud enough for Brian to hear.

"Stop trying to pick up my man, Leigh!" Brian yelled and Leighanne cracked up.

"Oops. You gay men are so hard to catch." she said making some drama "You wanna talk to blondie, right? She's here. Bye!"

"Bye, Leigh."

"Hey, sweetie!"

"Nycky! So, you're supposed to be my helper on my preparations for my first date with the hot man walking around half naked in front of me?" I asked and Brian laughed (and blushed) as he pulled a t-shirt over his head.

"Half-naked? I'm going right over!"

"He's already fully clothed. Sorry to burst your bubble."

"Leigh is right. You gay guys are so difficult." she grumbled and I laughed "I'm going right over. Brian's coming here right now?"

"Yup. Just gathering the stuff he needs."

"K. Be right there. Or do you need a few minutes?" she smirked.

"HAHA! Come over already, smartass!"

"K." she said and hung up. I put the phone back on its cradle just in time to get a quick, hard and passionate kiss.

"See ya in an hour." he winked.

"See ya." I smiled and waved as he went for the door and left the bedroom. Not even two minutes later, Nycky burst into the room, ran to the bed and plopped down beside me.

"Hey there, brunet wonder." she smirked and I rolled my eyes "So, did you give him your gift?"

"Yup. And I made him cry." I said shaking my head and she tilted her head to the side.

"Awwww... he cried? Sooo adorable!" she gushed and I laughed "Did he tell you where you guys are going?"


"Oh! And what are you guys going to watch?"

"We haven't decided yet." I replied as I stood up and went for the closet "I'm gonna shower. Make yourself comfortable." I said and then looked at her sprawled on mine and Brian's bed "Nevermind." I smiled and she laughed.

"Want help in the shower too? After all I'm supposed to help you get ready." she grinned at me while batting her eyelashes.

"No, thanks. I think I can do that on my own." I laughed as I went to the bathroom.

I took a shower and, when I got back in the room, Nycky had laid some clothes down for me and was munching on something while laying on the part of the bed that had no clothes on it and flipping channels "I thought you were going to take longer."

"Nah... I'm a little hungry and my stomach was complaining." I replied as I dried my hair with the fluffy towel.

"You taking suggestions for clothes?" she asked and I laughed.

"I see you've already made them, huh?"

"I was bored. Did you have anything in mind already?"

"Nope. Thanks." I kissed her forehead as she sat up "It's pretty cold outside, right?"

"A little bit." she nodded and laughed as I shifted my eyes from one piece of clothing to another, frowning "That hard to decide?"

"Uhm... I'm a fickle person and you should know that by now." I replied with a chuckle

"I do know. Why do you think I've picked some clothes out of all of them? You're having trouble deciding between three shirts and two pants." she said "You could go wearing boxers. A lot easier for that whole him jumping you thing." she said and I laughed.

"I want him to jump me but that doesn't mean I'll make it easy for him." I said and she chuckled.

"Good tactic! Maybe I should use it on my boyfriends to get them to stay longer?" she grinned and I laughed. Nycky was famous for being as fickle with men as I was with everything else. And the one guy she spent longer with decided to show himself as a total scum. Asshole!

"Nah... didn't you tell me once that sexual frustration is not good for your health. Well, from that you don't suffer." I cheesy-grinned at her and ducked when she shoved a pair of socks at me.

"Jackass!" she chuckled.

"But you love me so I'm a cute jackass." I replied and we laughed, before I went back to gazing at the clothes. "Red, blue or gray? Button-down or v-neck? Help me, please!" I said dramatically after a while and she cracked up "Don't laugh!" I said and pouted.

"Geez, you look good pouting! Oops, shouldn't have let you know about that." she grinned and I laughed "Uhm... blue v-neck... I'd vote for that one now..."

"Pants?" I asked as I grabbed the blue v-neck, put it on and watched as she gazed at the pants on the bed.

"Uhm... light gray ones with the gray trench coat..." (AN: Trenchie! That was for you! ;) Oops, sorry, guys sheepish grin)

"Oh! I love you, woman!" I said as I grabbed the pants.

"J, I thought you were gay!" she feigned shock with a hand over her heart and another over her mouth.

"HAHA!" I replied as I threw the pair of socks back at her and she shrieked as I chased after her when she grabbed the pants from my hands and started running around the room.

"You're ready!" Brian said with fake surprise from the couch where he was sitting with Leigh. I couldn't help but gaze at the cross around his neck. I was so proud of myself for that one. It looked perfect on him.

"No thanks to my so called best friend!" I playfully glared at Nycky. I wasn't that late. Not my fault Nycky decided to play hide and seek with my hair gel and my shoes, right? Well, at least I didn't have time to freak out.

"Who? Me? But... WHY?" she replied with her lower lip quivering causing me, Brian and Leigh to laugh.



"Hate you!"

"Love you! Now go and have fun!" she said and kissed my cheek before shoving me in the direction of the door. Brian kissed Leigh's cheek before standing up and following me.

"Don't do anything we wouldn't do!" Leigh yelled as I grabbed the handle and Brian and I cracked up as we got out. I closed the door and we started in the direction of the elevators

"You look really good!" he said and I smiled over at him

"Thanks!" I replied and then made a big deal of checking him out from head to toe "You don't look bad yourself" I smiled at his flushed cheeks. He was wearing a denim shirt that clinged to his body a little, denim pants, caramel-colored shoes and a cream-colored coat. I had a very hot boyfriend. Celine will be proud of me when she meets him. Just as that thought crossed my mind, the elevator arrived and we got in.

Brian and I got out of the car he had rented for us (by now he knew I hated limos. Hot and thoughtful. How cool is that?) and he dragged me to the ticket-booth by the hand "Two tickets please?" he asked the guy in the ticket booth.

"To which movie?" the guy asked gazing at his computer.

"Uhm... That one!" Bri pointed blindly at a poster and handed the money to the guy.

"Here you go." the guy said as he handed Bri our tickets "Good movie." The guy smiled his obviously trained smile.

"Thanks." we both said right before Bri dragged me to the room. I couldn't help but chuckle at his eagerness. Maybe it had something to do with me very innocently licking his ear before getting out of the car? Yeah, maybe that would be a plausible reason. I couldn't help but laugh when I saw the look of happiness on Brian's face when he saw there were only about ten people scattered all over the theater. And there was a small corner to our right waiting just for us. Apparently he thought so too because he hooked his pinky with mine and dragged me to the said corner. When we sat down, it actually occurred to me that I had no freaking idea of what movie we weren't going to watch but that question was left aside when Brian kissed me. We were kissing in public. I had never been a big fan of PDA's but I rarely could show him affection when there were other people around and I'd be damned if I missed those rare opportunities.

"That one was for the lick you gave me!"

"I wonder what I'd get for a bite..." I replied and he laughed as he laid his head on my shoulder. You might want to ask me what the movie was about... I wouldn't be able to tell you if my life depended on it!

"So, what did you think of the movie?" Brian asked me as we left the theater and went to where our car was parked.

"The parts I saw were pretty... uhm... intense!" I replied with a snobbish look on my face.

"And what parts were those?" he chuckled.

"The credits." I replied and he laughed as we reached the car "I drive!" I grabbed the keys from his hand and went to the driver seat.

"That was sneaky!" he whined as he got in the passenger seat.

"I'm hungry. Thought we could go to a drive-thru and get something to eat back at the hotel." I said and he nodded "And I don't think you would want some 15 year old girl to recognize you right now, would you?" I asked and he frowned "See? I drive and save your ass from that torture!"

"How thoughtful, huh?"

"All for you, dear!" I replied and he laughed as I started the car.

When we arrived, the suite was very quiet. We looked at each other and sighed with relief. We so didn't need people picking on us at the moment. We went to our room as silently as we could, praying we wouldn't bump into anything in the semi-darkness of the common room and we were thankful when finally Brian closed the door behind himself.

"I was already expecting Leigh and Nycky to be on the couch waiting for us like mom and dad when I went on my first date with Daniel." Brian said and I laughed.

"I'm hungry. Well, a little past hungry actually."

"If you hadn't decided to save me from torture as you put it and let me drive, you could have eaten on the way back."

"I'm a gentleman. Had to wait for you." I replied and he rolled his eyes "Table or bed?"

"What if we get the bed messy?" he asked and I shrugged "OK." he replied and went to put what he was holding on the bedside table. I didn't think he would be that easy to convince. I walked over to the bed and he took the stuff from my hands before I climbed in. He turned on the tv but I don't think either of us paid much attention to it. He picked on me but from the looks of it he had been "a little" hungry too. I ate a bit but after some time I put it all on the bedside table and just watched him. Even the way he munched was cute. Man, I have it bad. Apparently he noticed me staring because he stopped chewing, looked over at me and raised his eyebrows.

"Just watching you." I replied and kissed his forehead as he finished eating what he was eating "Messy boy, you!" I said and pointed to the trace of ketchup running down his chin and nearly dropping on his shirt. He chuckled as I ran my finger down his chin and put it into my mouth. I heard him swallow and then he put away his food when I finished cleaning his chin with my tongue.

"I probably taste like McDonalds." he whispered against my mouth as I licked his lips.

"Me too." I replied before kissing him, forcing him to lay down as I laid on top of him. I then started kissing him... his jawline... his ear... his neck... his collarbone... I brought my hands between us and started unbuttoning his shirt, kissing and licking the revealed skin.

"J..." he breathed out "Baby... what... oh god..." his breath caught in his throat when I lightly licked his nipple. He tasted so good. Just as I finished with his shirt, he brought my face up to look at him "Do you have any idea what you're doing to me?" he whispered before kissing me. I brought my hands to his hips and pressed my hips to his. Oh! I had a pretty good idea... He moaned and I shivered. He sounded so good. I wanted him. Badly!

"Touch me..." I whispered before kissing him. Urgently, deeply, passionately. I didn't know what had gotten into me but damn I loved it. I made him sit up and pushed his shirt off his shoulder, throwing it to the side. He brought his hands to my sweater and I moaned as his hands went inside and stroked my skin before he pulled it over my head, our lips coming together as soon as that was done. We laid back down and our hands were everywhere, pulling, touching, squeezing. I traced the waistband of his pants till I found the button. In one swift motion I undid it and unzipped it, pulling it down his legs and he kept his eyes on me as I did the same with my pants. I laid back down half on top of him and I could feel his hands were shaking as much as mine when he stroked up my back. It was good to know I wasn't the only nervous one here "I love you." I whispered as I kissed his neck and my hands went around him and inside his boxers to squeeze his ass cheeks.

"I love you too." he moaned breathlessly and his hands went to my cheeks, lifting my head so he could kiss me again. He rolled us over, forcing me to lay on my back with him lying on top of me. He then flicked his tongue over my lips before raining soft kisses all over my face, moving to my ear. When he got to my neck I couldn't suppress the moan that left my mouth, not that I wanted to. I looked down at him when he kissed the middle of my chest to find him looking back at me with those amazing eyes. Eyes that said everything I needed to know, that he loved me, that he wouldn't hurt me, that he'd take care of me. Our stare was only broken when my eyes involuntarily closed after he licked one of my nipples, sending chills throughout my body. Apparently he liked my reaction because he did it again to both nipples. He then descended on my body, not leaving a single part of my chest and stomach unkissed. I thought I was going to lose it when his mouth closed over my navel and he french-kissed it.

"That feels good." I managed to let out while my head thrashed around on the pillow. He kept pouring kisses all around my navel while his fingers worked at pulling my boxers down. As he did this, his mouth descended on my body, avoiding some ahem aching parts, till he kissed my ankles and threw my boxers over his shoulder. I looked down in time to see him checking me out. I looked away, my shyness suddenly taking over.

"Damn... You're beautiful..." he smiled up at me before coming back up and kissing me. I once again got lost in his kiss, something that often happened. I felt his hand wrap around my penis and gasped in his mouth when he started stroking me. Slowly. Painfully slowly "Feels good?" he whispered and I didn't even need to open my eyes to know that he was smiling.

"Ooh... amazing..." I moaned and threw my head back, exposing my neck to his mouth. He was amazing. Everything he did was amazing. I opened my eyes when I felt his mouth leave my skin to see him smiling up at me before kissing my chest again. He kissed the invisible path to my navel and traced a circle around it with his tongue. My breathing was so heavy I was feeling light-headed already and the slow but steady rhythm his hand was stroking me wasn't helping much. Actually it was helping a lot. I didn't know how much more I could take and I nearly lost it when I felt him lick the tip of my cock "Oh god..." I moaned when his mouth closed over the tip and he flicked his tongue over the head repeatedly. I was almost tearing the sheets from the strength I was clutching them between my fingers "Please... baby...... oh shit...... please...." I mumbled incoherently as my hips thrust up of their own will. I looked down at him and he winked at me before moving his mouth down, taking as much of my cock as he could inside his mouth "Oh.... Brian.... oh god.... feels good......" I whispered as he started moving his mouth up and down. This was going to end so quickly. I slowly brought my right hand to his head, tangling my fingers into his curls, feeling how soft his hair was. In turn his hands carressed my thighs, his fingers making lazy patterns on my skin. I had long ago given up trying to control my body, it didn't seem to obey me anymore. It obeyed Brian "Brian... baby.... oh god... I'm..... close..... so close......" I opened my eyes to look down at him and he picked up his pace. My index finger shakily brushed a curl away from his forehead and he looked up at me. The love in his eyes was so overwhelming that one look at them made me lose all my senses and I felt my body exploding, white, hot, lightning...

Once my body stopped shaking, I collapsed back onto the bed with my eyes closed, my breath coming in raspy heaves. I felt Brian move back up my body, kissing here and there, and finally coming to rest beside me and nuzzling my neck "You ok?" he whispered and I chuckled softly, still trying to bring my breathing back to something resembling normal.

"I'm way better than ok." I whispered while bringing his head up so I could kiss him softly "That was amazing... you are amazing..." I said before attacking his lips, making him roll onto his back, with me on top of him. His hands roamed my body while mine ran through his hair. I loved his hair "Don't you think you're a little overdressed?" I asked as I nuzzled his neck and he giggled.

"You think so?" he asked as I went kissing down his body, keeping my eyes locked with his.

"Yuh-hun..." I nodded, brushing my lips against his skin.

"And I supposed you'll do something about it?" he whispered, fighting to keep his eyes opened when I kissed his stomach.

"I can think of some things, yeah..."

"You don't have to..."

"What if I want to?"

"Then you can do anything you want..." he breathed out.

"Maybe if I did this..." I said while hooking my index fingers in the waistband of his boxers "...and then this..." I whispered as I tugged them down his legs. He helped me and soon his boxers were gone to keep mine company on the floor "...and now I'm happy" I smiled up at him and he chuckled while his fingers tangled in my hair. I was mesmerized by how beautiful he looked. He just had to be the most beautiful thing God put on earth. And this beautiful, wonderful man had chosen me. I went up and kissed him before going back down and licking the tip of his cock, getting a sound somewhere between a moan and a whimper out of him while I could feel the muscles on his lower stomach tense up "Feels good?" I whispered against his erection before blowing air on it causing his hips to raise from the bed.

"Oh damn..." he let out right before I licked his penis from base to top "Please..." he whispered and he didn't have to wait long before I took him slowly inside my mouth. Inch by inch I tried to memorise the feeling of him, the warmth of his soft skin, his taste, everything. And I found it suprisingly intoxicating. He felt good, he tasted good, he smelled good. My hands made their way up on his chest and then back down to his stomach, repeating it all over again, not failing to notice he took deeper breaths when my fingers touched the area around his navel. His left hand found my right one and he tangled his fingers with mine, his other hand finding its way to my head. I kept moving up and down on him for a while, until I noticed he was clutching desperately at my hand and mumbling unintelligible things in between moans and whimpers and moans and groans and moans and sighs. Then I felt his hands on my face as he forced me to go up till I was facing him again, my body covering his.

"Why did you stop me? Did I hurt you?" I asked, my heart pounding. I wouldn't be able to forgive myself if I hurt him in any possible way.

"No..." he whispered before kissing me, his arms going around me as I put my left elbow near his head and my right hand on his hip "Make love to me..." he whispered against my mouth causing me to lift my head and stare at him, probably with the widest eyes possible.

"What?" I whispered and I was surprised he had listened to me.

"I want you to make love to me..." he smiled and I could barely breathe as he moved his head resting his cheek against mine "I want to feel you inside me..." he whispered on my ear "Please..." he whispered before kissing my neck. My head was spinning. I wanted him so badly but at the same time what if I hurt him?

"Are you sure? What if I hurt you? I don't wanna hurt you..." I whispered and he lifted my head.

"I love you and I trust you and I know you'd never hurt me." he smiled and one look at his face made all my doubts flow out of the window. We loved each other, it felt right.

"I love you so much it hurts." I whispered before my lips were on his. I felt his hands go on my chest and broke the kiss. He then rolled a little to the side, opened the drawer in the nightstand and took a small tube and a little pack before closing the drawer again "Planning it ahead, were you?" I smiled at him when he waved the condom and the lube in front of me with a goofy smile on his face.

"Yes, I was." he admitted it as he laid both the condom and the tube on his chest and took my face in his hands, caressing my cheeks with his thumbs "And I'm very glad I did it."

"I'm glad you did it too." I whispered before kissing him. I was surprised by how calm I felt. It wasn't like me to be this calm when faced with something new. I guess the look in his eyes had a relaxing effect on me. I kissed his chest and put both the condom and lube beside him on the bed "Help me?" I asked and looked up at him to see him smiling. He sat up and kissed me as he took the condom and carefully tore the package open. He broke the kiss and we both looked down. I moaned softly when he rolled the condom down my cock and then moaned louder when he applied lube to his hand and started stroking me "Slow down..." I whispered as I grabbed his wrist and took a deep breath.

"Sorry." he smiled and I chuckled.

"No, you're not." I replied before kissing him. He then laid back down and rested his hands on his chest, smiling up at me.

"Now you just have to get me ready, huh?" he whispered and my breath caught in my throat. He looked so amazing lying there, giving himself to me, looking at me with those amazing eyes, those sculptured lips slightly open, and, my God, that jaw! I just wanted to lick it from side to side. Why not do it? I bent forward (making sure I had the lube in my hand) and licked up his jaw to his left ear while I uncapped the tube. OK, so this sort of made me nervous. A good kinda nervous but nervous nonetheless. I applied some lube to my fingers and kissed him deeper as I let my hand wander down his body, caressing his right thigh and then lower until I found what I was looking for.

"Stop me if it hurts." I whispered in his ear before kissing his neck and circling his entrance with my finger.

"Oh... mmmm..." he moaned softly and I couldn't help the smile on my face. He sounded so good then. I stopped kissing his neck and raised my head to find him with his eyes tightly shut, biting his lower lip.

"Don't..." I said as I ran my left thumb over his lips, getting him to open them and his eyes "I wanna listen to you..." I completed right before I pushed my finger inside him. I let it rest there and just kissed his jaw, giving him time to get used to it. I felt his hips move slightly and pulled my finger almost all the way out, getting one of those "so good, do it again" moans from him. I buried my finger back in slowly and his hips thrust against my finger, burying it all the way in. I kept watching his face and his shallow breathing and I knew I could just spend the rest of my life watching him. His hips shot up against mine and he threw his head back when I twisted my finger inside him.

"Oh! God! J... do that again... felt good... so good..." he said and I twisted my finger inside him again, causing him to moan louder. Damn! Could he get any more beautiful? I kissed him, distracting him from the second and third fingers I slowly added inside him "Need you... inside me..." he mumbled as he looked into my eyes caressing my cheeks with his thumbs "Please... please, J... need it..." he pleaded and moaned when I slowly took my fingers out of him. I wedged my left hand under him and slightly lifted his hips as I kissed him. With my right hand I guided myself to his entrance and pressed a little...

...This is my moment... This is my perfect moment with you...

"J, wait!" he whispered as he tensed up and I stopped moving "I..."

"Bri, we don't have to do anything..." I whispered as I laid fully on top of him and kissed his cheek.

"I'm sorry..." he whispered back as he turned to look at me.

"Shhhh... you have nothing to be sorry for... we have all the time in the world to do everything we want... we don't have to do it now..." I smiled at him as I rolled off him and brought him to lay half on top of me, his head resting on my chest, his right arm drapped over me and his right leg going between mine.

"I love you" he whispered as he brought the sheets over us, after I took the condom off and threw it on the garbage can near the bed.

"I love you too" I whispered back as he turned the tv off. We fell silent. I ran my right hand slowly up and down his back, feeling how smooth his skin was, how his muscles moved as he caressed my side. I don't know how long we were like that but it felt really good to be that close. Some time later he raised his head and looked up at me.

"You're still awake..." he smiled.

"Somewhat..." I replied and we chuckled right before Brian's lips were on mine "What time is it?" I asked as I rubbed my eyes and felt his lips on my neck. We had the curtains open and the room had a soft glow coming from the full moon. It made Brian's skin glint. I wish I could freeze this space in time.

"Don't know..." he mumbled against my skin

"What were you doing?" I asked and moaned when his right hand started travelling south.




"Awwww... oh God..."

"Like that?" he asked and I nodded as his finger traced my cock. He was gonna kill me "Thought you would..." he whispered softly before kissing me.

...You take me to places I'd never known I'd see...

"Bri... wha-"

"I want you..." he whispered as he took another condom and tore the package before rolling it down my cock.


"Shhhh..." he placed his lips on mine and I moaned as he lubbed me up again. He then sat on my lap and rubbed his cock with mine. Oh that felt good. He took one of my hands in his and he supported a bit of his weight on my arm as he lifted his hips and took my cock placing it right under him. I bit my lower lip when I felt him press against me and watched his face closely, looking deep into his eyes. He slowly started to sit back down and with a bit of pressure I was inside him and he had never looked so beautiful. It felt so warm, so tight, so... oh... so good.

"Am I hurting you?" I managed to whisper without much strength. I was having trouble breathing, let alone speaking.

"Just give me a bit of time." he whispered and I used my thumb to stroke the back of his hand as we looked into each other's eyes. I felt him squeeze me a bit and moaned as he started to sink down on me again. I gasped though when he didn't stop and took me all the way in at once.

"Oh... G-d... Bri..." I mumbled as I threw my head back and grabbed the headboard with my free hand. I needed to hold onto something or else I'd lose it all too soon.

"Feels good..." he whispered before he bent down and kissed me as I moaned loudly. God! It was like I could feel all of his muscles when he moved. He let go of my hand and took my face in his hands as he kissed me deeper and faster. I brought my hands to his hips and helped support him as he started moving up and down on me, slowly, making me slide almost all the way out just to slide back in again. Soon though we had to break the kiss so we wouldn't die of lack of oxygen and our breathing was so heavy it seemed to echo in the room. I opened my eyes and stared into Bri's as we breathed against each other's mouth. My hips started to meet his thrusts as I felt myself get closer to the edge and the sounds coming out of his mouth showed me he wasn't far behind me "I love you so much..."

"So close..." I pressed a kiss to his lips as I started stroking him, causing him to squeeze me tighter "Oh... God..." I gasped as I grabbed his hip and stroked him faster.

"Oh..." he groaned as he grabbed the sheets and threw his head back, his mouth dropping open as he came, squeezing me tighter than I ever thought possible. His whole body tensed up and then he collapsed on top of me, burying his face in my neck, breathing heavy against my skin. I heard myself whimper when he started nibbling on my neck, squeezing me "You look so beautiful..."

"Mmmmm..." I moaned as my breath got caught in my throat and I felt myself go over the edge while looking deep into his blue eyes. He pressed a soft kiss to my lips and I felt myself melt against the matress. When I finally realized I still had a body, I felt Bri raining kisses all over my neck and we both moaned when he lifted his hips and I slipped out of him "I was right... you're really messy..." I said and Brian chuckled softly before pecking my lips.

"You complaining?"


"Good." he replied and kissed me "Be right back." he stood up from the bed and ran to the bathroom. I decided to follow him though "Didn't I tell you I'd be right back?" he glared at me.

"Yup." I pecked his lips before he handed me my toothbrush with some toothpaste.

"Be a good boy and brush your teeth while I clean you up then." he said as he ran a wet towel down my chest and stomach and I laughed.

"Now I feel 5 years old." I said around the toothbrush and he wrinkled his nose

"I so didn't need to picture doing what we just did with a 5-year-old kid." he replied and I nearly gagged on the toothpaste. I spit it out and rinsed my mouth before turning to him and kissing his cheek.

"Your turn." I said and seeing as he had already cleaned himself I just stood behind him kissing his neck while he brushed his teeth. I loved this already. The whole feeling like home thing even if we were far from home. He finished and we went back to bed, getting under the covers, our bodies coming together as if pulled by some force. We kissed and smiled at each other "I love you..."

"Love you too..."

...This is my perfect moment... With you, with you...


******** Some blabbering from the author grin: first of all sorry for the whole "***" thingy... the chapter is a long one already and it would become boring if I described every single detail in between the scenes. The "movie what movie any movie any movie" dialogue came from Andy's (brilliant) mind. Just like the whole Bri dragging J to the theater. Just thought I'd give credits to the person who actually thought about it. See? I'm not as smart as some say I am. I need people to push me around hehe Once again, my Trenchie is responsible for any mistakes in grammar and spelling that might be here because he has read this over for me and let those mistakes slip hehe I love you both! kiss kiss I can't promise the next one will come soon but then it could... blame college... and my Pharmaceutical chemistry teacher too... she's a total B-I-T-C-H!

So, did you like this? Was it worth the wait? I'm sorry you had to wait so long... really, I am... e-mail me with your thoughts, k?

** lyrics taken from the song "Perfect Moment" by Martine McCutcheon. The song is really beautiful and it was Andy's idea to use it :D It's copywritten and I don't claim possession over lyrics or music. If you'd like to get the whole lyrics you can e-mail me and I'll send them to you :D

Next: Chapter 15

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