French Kiss Me

By Pris G

Published on Jan 5, 2001


Disclaimer: I don't know the Backstreet Boys (sigh), I'm in NO WAY related to them (awww... man).

This isn't meant to imply anything about anyone mentioned, mainly the Backstreet Boys. The characters, aside from the Backstreet Boys and Fatima Robinson, may be based on people I know, but they came completely out of my mind. This is FICTION and nothing that happens here has happened, is happening or will happen. At least not that I know of hehe If you're underaged then you shouldn't be here in the first place (not that you're gonna leave just because I said that but oh well lol). Homophobes should be ashamed of themselves and shouldn't be here in the first place. If you're legal and like this kind of fiction then WELCOME! :)

Thank you so much for the feedback people. And I'll thank Josh (author of Dreams Coming True. BTW, I've already told you to get your booty down and write more, right? Good lol) in special because he was the first one to brighten my day sending me feedback hehe Keep sending compliments, comments and criticism to! I'm fueled by e-mails so the more I get the faster I work hehe Mail me even if it is to say hey! I answer all the e-mails I get!

Oh! Finally you'll have the one and only BSB in the story ;)

Now that I've said enough: sit back and enjoy yourself!!!

************************************ French Kiss Me - Part three by Fallen Angel

"J, wake up"

"Don't wanna" I buried my head further in my pillows

"You're gonna get fired on your first day at job?"

"Screw job! I'm tired"

"God, you're so babyish. C'mon, get up, take a shower, eat, be your gorgeous self, go impress Brian, tell Kevin he's sex on legs for me and check if AJ has orgasm written on his forehead" Nycky can be a pain in the ass sometimes. I know she's right, but that doesn't make her any less annoying everytime she drags me out of bed

"Fine. Fine. I'm awake. Half" I mumbled as I sat on my bed "Just got back?" I asked as I rubbed my eyes

"No. Got back half an hour ago. I was waiting till it was time to wake you so I could go to bed" she yawned

"Sorry for keeping you up. Go sleep." I kissed her forehead and she gave me a small wave before leaving my room, yawning again. I checked the clock on my bedside table and saw I didn't have that much time so I went for my shower. A warm shower always manages to wake me up. By the time I finished I just had time to change quickly and eat some crackers before running out to my first day at job. Half an hour later I was there. 6am sharp! I'd have to thank Nycky big time for this one. I wouldn't have made it if it wasn't for her. I was told to sit and wait 'cause Fatima left a message saying she'd be a little late. And it really was a little 'cause ten minutes later she came rushing through the door

"Hey, sweetie, how you doing?" she greeted me as I stood up and kissed her cheek

"Sleepy?" I replied and she laughed

"Get used to it. Once you're on tour with us, sleep is a privilege of few" she said as she unlocked the door and let us both in the room they were using for rehearsals

"That's just what I needed to hear" I replied sarcastically and she laughed

"Don't worry. You'll survive" she patted my shoulder as she went to the stereo

Two hours later we had gone through pretty much everything and anything else we would be rehearsing today was new to everyone. I was sat down on the floor with my back resting against the wall, sipping from my bottle of water (and panting a little I must admit) with Fatima knelt down in front of me, explaining some stuff from the tour to me, when there was a certain commotion outside and the doors flung open. Inside stepped nine people: five girls and four guys

"Hey, guys, come here!" Fatima yelled and they all came in our direction. She stood up and so did I "People, this is Jeremie, your new partner in crime. J, these are Kristin, Melanie, Lisa, Pamela, Carol, Frank, Joshua, Scott and Mark" (Author's note: I don't know their dancers' names. These were all made up by me 'cause I needed to name them :)

"Nice to meet you" I smiled as I shook hands with all of them. We exchanged small talk till another commotion, a bigger one, outside interrupted us and five panting guys came running into the room. Yes, the one and only BSB.

"That was close!" Nick said chuckling a little "Hey, Tima!" he greeted her, followed by the others

"Eight in the morning and you're already causing trouble" she scowled at them and they laughed

"Can't help it if we're so damn irresistable" AJ replied as he ran his hand through his (now red) hair and laughed. I had to agree with him

"Come here, you goofballs" Fatima shook her head as she came in my direction. Everyone had pretty much split all over the room and I was standing by myself resting against the wall. I'll tell you one thing: I was nervous! "Guys, this is your new dancer, Jeremie Lapierre, better known as J. J, meet Posh, Scary, Ginger, Baby and Sporty" she said pointing Kevin, AJ, Howie, Nick and Brian, respectivelly, and we both laughed at the shocked look on their faces

"I've always been a fan of that girl power thing" I smiled as I shook their hands. From then on, I could personally testify that Kevin Scott Richardson is perfect (sex on legs as Nycky classified him), Alexander James McLean has amazing arms (and later I'd have to tell Nycky that yes, he HAS orgasm written on his forehead in blood red), Nickolas Gene Carter has the most amazing "kiss me" lips, Howard Dwaine Dorough is the classic charming latin lover and Brian Thomas Littrell has the most gorgeous and hypnotizing blue eyes (not to mention those tempting cheekbones). Yes, touring with them would be delicious

"I like him already" AJ raised his eyebrows "But I'll NEVER forgive you for calling me Scary! Why can't I be Posh?" he whined looking at Fatima, who just laughed

"You? Posh? Get a grip!" Nick patted his shoulder laughing

"I love you too, Baby!" AJ scowled at him

"Keep it up and we'll need a back-up Backstreet Boy too" Nick warned him

"Oooohhhh! Now you scared me!" AJ replied

"This is what you'll have to put up for the next five months" Fatima patted my shoulder

"I think I can handle it" I chuckled. I DEFINITELY can get used to it, but I kept that to myself, right?

"Don't worry though, I've survived the last six years" she said and left us

"We love you too, Tima!" the five of them chorused

"So, you're French?" Kevin asked as they all turned their attention to me. It was a bit awkward to have all five of them looking at me at once but I wasn't about to complain

"No, I'm from NYC. My parents are French, that's why my name's French. Nobody uses it though, everyone calls me J. I guess it's easier" I shrugged

"Well, at least you don't have to pout to say J" Howie replied and I laughed

"Only my parents used my full name. I guess if someone ever called me Jeremie in the streets I wouldn't know it was me" I chuckled and they did along

"C'mon, everyone, time to start!" Fatima yelled and everyone was in their position "We'll have to change things a bit. J's shorter than Ricky" she said thoughtfull "J, you'll be next to Brian and Frank you'll be next to AJ" she ordered and Frank and I switched places. Brian gave me a shy smile when I came to stand by his side and I couldn't help but notice that we had something in commom: we were both extremely shy. He hadn't said a word since we were introduced and I just couldn't bring myself to say anything. Some people think that shyness is charm, for me it's a big pain in the ass!

We rehearsed for two hours non-stop. Needless to say that I almost dropped to the ground when Fatima said "breaktime". I guess I'd never waited to hear a simple word with such passion. Just as I picked my towel and put it around my neck after drying my face I heard Fatima call me "Hey, J! Come here a minute?"

"What did I do wrong?" I asked with my best pitfull look and she laughed at my defeated figure as I walked over to her

"You didn't do anything wrong, sweetie. Just wanted to congratulate you"

"Really?" I perked up

"Really! I've always known you were good with ballet but I have to admit I had my doubts about up-tempo stuff. Though you've proved me wrong already, you're doing better than I expected"

"That's good to hear" I smiled

"Go rest a little. We'll still go over the routine again"

"K. Thanks" I went to sit down when I heard my name and looked over to see the five BSB calling me over "Hey, guys!"

"Hey, sit down. Let's talk" Nick offered and I sat down between Brian and AJ, completing the circle

"So, I heard you're a ballet teacher..." Kevin started. He really knew how to boss. I wouldn't be surprised if he knew my blood type

"Yes, I am. A friend of mine has a dance school here in LA and I teach there. I've tried to get into a ballet company but I have a problem with my knee, nothing major, and it wouldn't stop me from dancing, but they stopped me on the physical exams"

"And you wear those tight stuff?" Nick asked with such disgust on his voice and face that I couldn't help but laugh

"When I'm the one on stage, yes, that's what I wear but during my classes, no. It causes too many stares" I replied and they chuckled

"I think that could be a really nice job" AJ said with a thoughtful look. That statement, coming from him, caused everyone to turn their attention to him "I mean, do you have any idea of how many girls with tight bodies you see a day?" he completed and all the other guys rolled their eyes as I laughed

"Can't you keep your hormones in check for five minutes?" Howie replied

"I probably could. If I tried. But I don't want to." he replied and we laughed

"Ready to move to Orlando?" Kevin asked me

"Kinda. I don't have many things attaching me here. Actually just my teaching job and my roomie but I've already talked to Kat, the owner of the dance school. And if I, by any reason, said that I wouldn't go with you guys on tour, Nycole, my roomie, would have my head" I said chuckling "So, I'm all clear"

"As if it wasn't enough that you spend your days looking at girls, you live with one too? You wouldn't know how to sing, would you? I mean, we could trade places" AJ replied and once again we laughed. I decided to keep quiet. No need to say I'm gay right now, right?

"Hey, I was wondering something: would any of you guys be able to tell me a good hotel in Orlando? I don't have any place to stay there and I have no idea which hotel is good" I asked looking around, happy that I had come up with something to change subjects.

"Why don't you stay with one of us?" Brian offered and I looked curiously at him for two reasons: he hadn't said a word to me and he was offering their houses for me to stay? Weird to say the least "I mean..." he continued "Scott and Frank are staying in AJ's, Mel and Mark are in Nick's, 'cause they all don't have anywhere to stay either. You could stay with me. Leighanne will be here in LA for a good two months and I have free space there." he smiled and I couldn't help the smile forming on my face also

"Are you sure I wouldn't be intruding?" I guess I'm not used to people being nice to me. I had trouble accepting kindness...

"Yes, I'm sure" he smiled

"OK. Thanks" I smiled back

"Guys, c'mon! Breaktime's over!" Fatima yelled and I groaned, making them laugh

"Getting tired of us already?" Nick teased as we stood up

"Excuse moi but I've been listening to your sweet voices singing the same damn song for the last four freaking hours non-stop"

"Point taken" AJ laughed. I just loved that laugh!

"Formation. If you do everything right, this is the last time" Fatima said

"Whoever miss a step will have a very vital part of their anatomy fed to my dogs" Nick yelled and everybody laughed

Then we started again. Luckily nobody missed. I guess Nick would have to stick to normal dog food

"Hey, J. Do you know any nice place for lunch nearby?" Kevin asked as they all made their way to where I was stuffing my things in my backpack

"Hum... you guys like japanese food?" I asked skeptically

"I do" Kevin and Howie replied right away

"Ewww..." was Nick's and AJ's answers

"Have never eaten" Brian said but his face dennounced one clear feeling: fear!

"You eat McDonald's, right?" I asked Nick and AJ who nodded eagerly "Fine. There's a McD's across the street. You going to give it a try?" I raised my eyebrows at Brian

"Sure" he shrugged "If I don't like it there's always Big Mac, right?" he laughed and I did along

"I'll give you guys the address" I reached in my backpack for my agenda but a hand stopped me and I looked up

"Why don't you come with us?" Brian asked

"That would be nice" I smiled and he smiled back. To say that his smile made me melt is an understament. I've always thought he had the best smile among them all "I just have to go back to my apartment to take a shower. I'm stinking" I laughed

"We have to go to the hotel too. Same reason." Kevin said wrinkling his nose "You could meet us there..."

"Sure. Just tell me which hotel and I'll be there in an hour and a half"

After having everything settled they made their way to the van waiting for them and I went to my car. This is going to be fun!!! Real fun!!!

***************************** French Kiss Me - Part four by Fallen Angel

As soon as I got to my apartment I dashed inside and ran straight to the bathroom. If I ever thought I'd taken a quick shower before, I was wrong. I ran to my room, with the towel still wrapped around my waist. What to wear? Uhm....... blue jeans cargo, white wifebeater, gray button down shirt over it, gray sneakers. It was as good as it was gonna get 'cause I didn't have time to change again. I quickly wrote Nycky a note, in case she came back before me, took my keys and ran out of the apartment again. As promised, an hour and a half later I was in front of the guys' hotel. Man, and I'm not even Brittish! I went to the front desk and asked to be announced to room 356. The lady said she had orders not to disturb that room and I told her to ask for Donald Duck, trying my best not to laugh. Brian had a good imagination, I had to admit that much. She immediately called the room and about 15 minutes later, the guys were getting out of the elevator. All of them wearing hats and sunglasses. If they thought that would help, I wouldn't be the one to break their bubble, right? Of course I would! LOL "Hey, guys! Nice disguise!" I teased them

"Smartass!" Nick scowled at me and I laughed

"C'mon, I'm hungry" I said and motioned for them to follow me

"Where you going?" Kevin asked making me stop

"To my car?" I answered with a question of my own

"Do we all fit there?" AJ raised his eyebrows

"Sure. Unless you guys prefered a limo..." I teased them again

"You're looking for it!" Brian warned

"Uhhh... I'm scared, Duckie" I teased and they all giggled as he blushed. Why did he have to be straight? Damnit "C'mon" I motioned again and this time they followed me

"I call shotgun" AJ yelled

"But you should go in the back. You're the less spacious" Howie teased him

"Are you saying I'm skinny?" AJ asked oh so densely

"Me? 'Course not! Where did you take that from?" Howie replied in a fake offended voice and we all laughed. OK, I already liked them!

"Still! I call shotgun!" AJ repeated as we reached my jeep

"Woohoo! Nice wheels!" Nick whistled as we pilled in

"Thank you" I smiled at him through the rear view as I buckled my seat belt "OK. Here we go"

"Please, go quick 'cause they're smashing me" Brian whined. Wrong move! I just heard him groaning when both Nick and Kevin almost sat on top of him "OK.I got the point" he said trying to push them "On the way back, I'm calling shotgun" he whined again and we laughed

"Don't kill each other in my car.The last thing I want is blood stains from the oh so adored Backstreet Boys on my carpet" I replied as I put my sunglasses on and they laughed as I pulled out of my spot and onto the streets

"Can I have a look?" AJ asked pointing at the cd case I had near the stereo

"Sure" I replied as I kept driving

"Man, you've got style here" he said "Can I put one?"

"Go ahead. It's at least 15 minutes till we get there" I shrugged. Some seconds later I heard "Last dance" by Brian McKnight start. That guy's voice could turn me to mush in seconds

"So, has Fatima been giving you a hard time?" Howie asked chuckling

"The hardest I've ever been through" I said chuckling "When I first met her I'd have never imagined she could be that bad"

"You've met her before?" Brian asked

"Yeah. Couple years ago we met at a dance competition. She was one of the judges and both Nycky and I were competing. We bumped into each other in a hallway, literally speaking. We kept in contact for some time but then she moved and I started teaching so we lost track of each other"

"Your roomie is a dancer too?" Kevin asked

"Yeah. She's senior at dance college. And a waitress. And a dj too." I said chuckling as they gasped

"How does she manage that?" Nick asked

"If I knew I wouldn't be about to sleep on the steering wheel" I laughed "She's one of the best dancers I've met"

"Can I ask you something a little...... uhm...... private?" AJ asked skeptically


"Is she your girlfriend?"

"No" I said chuckling "She's my best friend ever since I was a senior in high school. She was a sophomore in the same school" I decided to let it drop then. No need to expose my shit to them on the first day we're spending together, right?

"Oh! What does she look like?" AJ asked and everyone burst out laughing

"Beautiful. I can tell you that much" I smiled when a picture of her came to my mind. Just then I pulled over near the restaurant "Uh-oh!"

"What?" they asked

"Just look over there" I pointed at McDonald's and heard them gasp. I don't think I'd ever seen the place so packed with teenage girls like that "Are you sure you still want McD's?" I raised my eyebrows at Nick and AJ

"I..." Nick trailed off, trying to put his jaw back in place

"Took the words out of my mouth" AJ replied still looking at all the girls

"I'm not gonna eat japanese though. I've done it before and it's yuc" Nick completed

"Fine. Let's do it this way: I'll go to both McD's and japanese restaurant, get our food and we eat somewhere else?" I suggested

"Back at the hotel?" Brian suggested

"Can we bring food inside the hotel?" I asked


"Yes, we can!" Nick cut Kevin off "I'm NOT in for a whole afternoon signing papers. Sorry. If you are go ahead, but I'm not joining you"

"Count me out" Howie joined

"OK! OK! I got it!" Kevin put his hands up in surrender. Man, they wouldn't be that way even if they were real brothers

"Settled then. Just tell me what you guys want and it'll be here in some minutes" I replied and memorized what they wanted before getting out of the car. I decided for the japanese first 'cause it sure was gonna be faster. As soon as I had our orders with me I went to the car and put everything on top of Brian (who had taken shotgun) before running over to McD's. It took me twice the time there but it didn't take me as much as I thought it would. Anyway, by the time we had all the food in the car we were all starving "Back to the hotel?" I asked as I buckled my seatbelt

"Please! I'm S-T-A-R-V-I-N-G!" Nick said, almost spelling the last word

"OK!" I said and we drove back. The ride back was a much silent one for we were so weak that we were unable to open our mouthes. It meant too much effort. We got back much quicker, and soon we were pilling in the elevator. They were right, they really could take food inside the hotel. Having Nick and his killer smile with us helped a bit you know? One look at him and the lady at the front desk would let him do anything he wanted. It was fun to see him blushing every time we teased him about it. He's so damn cute! We went up to the top floor and they started opening the bags even before we got inside what I came to know later was Kevin's room. We got in and sat down forming a small circle on the floor with the food in the middle "Up to the challenge?" I raised my eyebrows at Brian and he gave me a small smile back as he took the bag with his food

"I hope it's not THAT much of a challenge" he replied chuckling and looking down at his food

"Go on. I assure you it's good" I replied and though he looked hesitating he tried a little bit. Just then I realized all the others were watching him too and it was obvious that AJ and Nick were eager to tease him as soon as he complained about it.

"Hey, it's good!" he perked up and I laughed, both at him and the disappointment on Nick's and AJ's faces.

"Told you so" I replied and opened my mouth to welcome the food I so waited for

"Hey, J, look here" AJ said and I dropped my hashi, looking at him with raised eyebrows "Open your mouth" he said and I tried so as I laughed "You had your tongue pierced" he smiled

"Uhm... yeah..." I replied shyly as they all looked at me like I had seven heads

"Cool! Let me see it!" Nick replied and I stuck my tongue out at him

"Did it hurt?" Howie asked with concern in his voice

"Yes, it did" I chuckled "But I did it a long time ago. Nycky and I did it when she moved in with me."

"She has one too?" Kevin asked

"Not the same place. She pierced her bellybutton, we both pierced out ears, I tattooed my shoulder, she tattooed her small back and we both died our hair blue. Well, we were rebels back then" I giggled and they did too

"Do you guys do everything together?" Brian asked

"Everything but shower, yeah" I said and we laughed

"It would be cool to meet her..." Nick said

"Maybe one of these days..." I replied as we went back to our food, me thinking about a little revenge...

Well, there you have it people. I'm sorry it's not THAT exciting yet but my intentions were never of just writing a visual or something. I might do it someday but this isn't one. Well, there'll be sex. People have been asking me way too much about it LOL But it's just that the point of this fic is not JUST sex if you know what I mean. Hope you understand. Oh! Enough of this talking crap. Any comments mail me at Hope to hear from you guys. PLEASE E-MAIL ME!!! See ya!

Luv, hugs and chocolate! Fallen Angel

Next: Chapter 3: French Kiss Me 5 6

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