French Kiss Me

By Pris G

Published on Jan 12, 2001


Disclaimer: did you really think I would've changed it by now? Sorry to disappoint you. Actually, no I'm not sorry but oh well lol Short and sweet: not old enough? OUT! Not comfortable to read this? OUT! Really believe that what happens here really happened? Get a grip! hehe Didn't get it when I said I don't know the BSB? Do you really think I'd be writing this if I knew them? Uhm... I don't think so... DUH!!!

Thanks to all my readers who are so loyal when it comes to feedback. You guys have no idea how happy you make me when I see your mail in my inbox. I love you all for that. But I do feel the need to send special thanks covered with chocolate and stuffed with cherry-brandy (yummy!!!) to some people (who I already consider my friends): Andreas (for making me laugh during a hard time in my life), R James (I'm SO happy you forgave me :), Eddi (you're great, BOY g), Ross (I'm happy to have found someone with a dirtier mind than mine lol) and Josh (I understand that you're busy but get down to work on your story!!! lol). Thank you all from the depth of my heart!

Oh! Another thing: some people have been asking me about ahem action. Well, I'm a big believer in sex after love, not before. So, if you were just looking for something with a lot of sex, sorry to disappoint you but this isn't meant to be that. I wanted to build a solid background before that and the most important in this story isn't sex itself. That's just a consequence when two people are in love. Hope you respect my way of seeing things :)

I'm not going to beg on my knees this time (Sorry to spoil your fun, Ross lol) but I am going to beg you to mail me and tell me how I'm doing so far. And I love to meet new people, so it would be really nice to hear from you. Comments, criticism, compliments should be sent to Mail me even if it is to say hey. I answer all the e-mails I get. Pinky swear :)

Now that I've said enough: sit back and enjoy yourself!!!

***************************** French Kiss Me - Part nine by Fallen Angel

We got in Belgium a day before the first show of the tour. We had gotten there around noon and most of the people went straight to bed after lunch. I was tired (planes manage to do that to me really well) but you know one of those days that it doesn't matter how tired you are, you're just not able to close your eyes and fall sleep? That was one of those days for me. It was really cold and I thought I could use some warmer clothes while we were in Europe. Besides that I loved shopping so... After settling down in the hotel, I managed to convince Mark (my roommate, who was becoming, along with Brian and AJ, one of my best friends there) and AJ to come with me to a mall (with the promise that he didn't show his tattoo's. I didn't think he would put much resistance to that. He knew better than be recognised after such a long time away from Europe. Fans were bound to get a little... uhm... overwhelmed). We spent most of the afternoon in the mall, and surprisingly enough AJ was recognised only three times and the girls were pretty cool. They freaked out a little just as they realized who he was but then they just asked for autographs and we were left alone for most of the time. After checking just about every store in the mall (and, in AJ's case, buying half of it), we decided to head back to the hotel. By then I was sure I'd fall asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow and I was looking forward to that. Ditto! I just had time to hear Mark chuckling at me as I collapsed on the bed and I was gone to la-la land...

"J? C'mon..."

"Noooo..." I whined, pushing Mark's hands away when he tried to wake me up

"The guys called. They're ordering pizza and asked if we wanted too" he shook me again

"If that means I have to get up, no..." I buried my face in the pillow and he laughed

"Well... y'know, Brian will be there..."

"So what?"

"You don't want me to believe in this 'just friends' bullshit, do you?"

"Yeah, I do"

"Well, I don't! Nick and I used to be 'just friends' too, y'know?"

"Believe what you want. I still say Brian and I are just friends"

"Keep telling yourself that and it might come true" he chuckled and though I wanted nothing more than just be in bed then, he had already woken me up

"What time do we have to be there?"

"Anytime from now"

"Have you showered already?"


"OK. I'll grab a quick shower and we can go" I sat up and stretched. I headed into the bathroom, after taking some clothes and my shaving kit out of my still packed luggage, and turned the water on. I took a little longer than usual in the shower, trying to wash some of the tiredness I was feeling away. When I was satisfied, I turned off the water and dried myself before putting on my boxers. Then I shaved and changed into the beat-up jeans and white t-shirt I had picked. I dried my hair some more with the towel and brushed it back. I stepped out of the bathroom to find Mark sprawled out on my bed, switching channels non-stop

"Ready?" he asked as he turned the tv off

"Yeah. Let's go" I said after putting my sweater on and we went for the door. We walked a few doors down the hallway to Kevin's room and Mark knocked. Soon after Kevin opened the door and let us in. On the couch in front of the tv with Melanie's head on his lap was Nick, Brian was on his back on the floor, Howie was sat with his back against the couch where Nick and Melanie were and AJ was sprawled on his stomach on (what I thought was) Kevin's bed

"Sit up and get off my man" Mark ordered his sister, shoving Melanie's head from Nick's lap, causing everyone to laugh

"Ow, a little gentleness doesn't hurt" she whined as she sit up and Mark sat between Nick and her, putting his arm around Nick's shoulder. After they were all settled, I went and sat down between Howie and Brian on the floor. As soon as Kevin sat down on a chair, there was a knock on the door and we laughed when he groaned before going to answer the door

"Someone could get the door every once in a while, huh?" he whined

"Your room, your obligation" Brian replied and we laughed

"HAHA! You're lucky we have the same blood"

"Unlucky would be more like it" Nick replied

"Behind Nick a hundred percent" AJ joined

"Ditto!" Howie put in helpfully

"Geez, guys, I love you all too" Kevin said dryly and we kept laughing as he opened the door to let the pizzas in (actually the guy bringing the pizzas, 'cause, y'know, pizzas don't walk. You know what I mean, right? hehe). We all ate like we had just arrived from the desert and by the time we were finished half of us was laid down and the other half was leaning on something or someone. And Nick and Mark were making out.

"Prepared to your first concert?" AJ asked me

"I should be, right?" I chuckled "I'm a little nervous but that's normal, isn't it?"

"Sure is. I've been on stage for the last eight years and I still get nervous" Brian replied

"I've been on stage a lot too but never in front of so many people" I said

"It's scary" Melanie chuckled "That's for sure"

"But it's flattering too" Howie pointed out

"It's a weird kinda energy" AJ replied "All the screaming and when everybody sings along... man, it's crazy"

"The one thing that's a problem is when they decide to throw things at us" Nick gave a disgusted look and everyone laughed

"One question: what the heck do you guys do with ALL those stuffed animals you get?" I said and we all laughed

"Some we keep, but most of them goes for charity. Or else by now we'd all need two houses: one for us and one for all the bears" Kevin replied and we laughed

"I've always wondered which one of you got the Tweety I bought for my niece" I smiled and they laughed

"I have some with me" Howie said

"Me too" Brian joined "And I've got a big Pooh Bear too. No pun intended" he added and I rolled my eyes as they laughed

"I still don't know how I'm gonna kill Nycky but one thing's for sure: it'll be really slowly and really painfully"

"Piglet won't be proud of you if you do that" AJ joined the teasing

"C'mon, guys, you've already picked enough on him" Melanie patted my head

"My heroine!" I said with my hands over my heart and she giggled "Look, I hate to be the spoilsport but I'm really really tired" I sighed "You got key?" I asked Mark

"Uhm... actually I won't need it tonight..." he grinned as his thumb carressed the top of Nick's hand

"OK! But don't change your mind or else I'll throw you out the window if you wake me up" I warned as I stood up

"He won't change his mind" Nick grinned before bending down and kissing Mark's neck. I had to admit they were really cute together. I had found out about them during a barbecue Brian threw because of the tour. I walked in on them in the living room, while everybody was in the backyard, in a HUGE make out session. I don't know who blushed more, me or Nick. Mark, who alread knew I was gay, just got a devilish look on his face and asked if I wanted to join them. Yes, another smartass in my life! As if Nycky wasn't enough...

"If you say so" I shrugged and headed for the door, waving Kevin off when he started standing up "Nighty night everyone" I said as I opened the door

"Nighty night, Pooh" they replied in unison

"When I put my hands on her..." I muttered and heard them laughing even after closing the door. Slow and painful...

***************************** French Kiss Me - Part ten by Fallen Angel

We woke up at 9:30 the following morning and after having breakfast we went to the arena where the concert would be held. We rehearsed a little, sharpening anything that was wrong and testing the stage. Then we (dancers and Fatima) sat in the audience and watched the sound check till it was time for the guys to go to a radio interview. While they were there we, the dancers, had to go and try our clothes (both to the concert and the tv show we would be doing right after lunch) on to see if everything was ok.

Wardrobe ok, tv show ok (it was kind of scary how much those girls could scream), time to rest a little before the show. Thankfully. I didn't sleep that well though, first because I wasn't THAT tired and second because I couldn't relax. I was so nervous that I had barely eaten during lunch 'cause the impression I had was that anything that went in would come back out before getting to my stomach. Mark tried his best to put me at ease but as much as he tried, it didn't work. The fact that everything went great in the tv show did help a little but I knew this feeling would only go away once I was actually on stage. Though I was afraid, I was looking forward to that. The audience clapping is the best feeling in the world and though I knew the cheering would be directed to certain five guys I knew, it would still feel great, after all I'd be on stage too.

Around seven o'clock we left the hotel and we got in the arena a quarter to eight. About half an hour later, I was ready to go, make up and all and just stood by a corner, watching people pass me by in a rush and listening to all the noise coming from where the stage was "Wanna go there and see?" Melanie asked me and I almost jumped out of my skin

"Yeah" I replied and she took my hand, leading me from the dressing rooms to the stage. With each step we took, the screams got louder and louder. I stuck my head from a pit bellow the stage and gasped at all the people already there. The place was huge and it was pratically packed with people. I wouldn't be surprised if I saw people hanging from the roof "Woah!" I finally let out

"Woah's right" Melanie giggled from behind me "It's scary, huh?"

"It's amazing actually" I replied as we made our way back to the dressing rooms, meeting Mark in the way

"Are you feeling better?" Mark asked, truly concerned

"Yeah. I've already told you this feeling will just go away when the concert actually starts."

"Even knowing that B-Rok will be there?" he wriggled his eyebrows and I rolled my eyes

"Oh! Wait a minute! Spill it, boy!" Melanie ordered laughing

"Your brother's imagination is just out of control" I replied and prayed to God that I wasn't blushing

"Then this pink colour on your cheeks doesn't mean anything?" Mark pushed

"Make up" I replied

"Yeah, right" he shot back

"I think you'd make a cute couple" Melanie said with a dreamy tone in her voice and I chuckled

"Imagination out of control is genetic now. God help me!" I raised my eyes and they laughed

"The gleam in your eyes everytime he walks into the room isn't my imagination" Mark said

"Let's just drop it, k?" I asked

"Hey there, guys"

"There's the gleam again" Mark whispered to me as Brian walked over to where we were

"Hey, Brian" I ignored Mark

"Shouldn't you be getting dressed?" Melanie teased him "If you wanted I could help you" she winked and he chuckled

"No, thank you very much" he gave her a look "And I just escaped for a little while. Until Glen remembers I exist." he said and we laughed. Ugh! I hated to admit but Mark was right!

"You're unforgetable, babe" Mark said putting his arm around Brian's neck

"And just what the hell are trying to do? Hitting on my best friend?" Nick asked as he came closer to us

"Of course not, babe. I just have eyes for you" Mark took his arm off Brian's shoulders and gave Nick the sweetest of the smiles making us laugh

"He was just telling Brian he's unforgetable" I said and laughed when Mark scowled at me

"Tsc... tsc... tsc..." Melanie replied shaking her head at her brother "This wasn't the education you got" she completed pointing her finger at him in a mommy-like way

"Geez! Brian, save me!" Mark whined and we just laughed harder

"You got yourself in this mess" Brian put his hands up "I think I heard my name. Probably Glen. See ya" he said and went away chuckling

"Chicken!" Mark shouted

"YOU were the one asking for his help!" Melanie pointed out

"And you should. So, Brian's unforgetable, huh?" Nick gave him a look

"Yes, he is. You gonna do anything about it?" Mark challenged Nick

"I just might come up with some things later..." Nick gave him that mischievous look of his (yeah, that one that makes us intone in unison "awww"... sigh)

"Then I should say Brian's unforgetable more often?" Mark asked and we laughed

"If you keep that I might spank you" Nick replied

"HEY, BRIAN!" Mark yelled and Brian, who was following Glen (the "wardrobe girl" as we called her and she absolutely hated it of course), looked over "DID YOU KNOW YOU'RE UNFORGETABLE?" he completed and we all laughed, leaving Brian with a puzzled look on his face. He shook his head and resumed his walk to his dressing room "A-HA! There's the gleam again!" Mark exclaimed and I jumped

"Fuck you!" I replied chuckling, trying to bring my heartbeat back to something resembling normal

"You wish!" he shot back

"Keep that up and you'll sleep in the hallway" I threatened

"My Nicky wouldn't let that happen, right?" he batted his eyelashes at Nick

"After calling me Nicky and saying Brian's unforgetable? I'd help J throw you out the window!"

"Geez! It's good to know I'm loved!" he sighed

"EVERYONE! PRAY TIME!" Kevin yelled and everyone gathered in a big circle. We all said our pray and went to where we were supposed to be on stage. The screams were deafening, the flashes were blinding, yet there was no other place I'd rather be...


I know. I know. I'm going in a reeeeeeaaaally slow pace but that was my intentions since the beginning. Please don't hate me? g I PROMISE parts 11 and 12 are GUARANTEED to be better. Just have a little patience with me, k? g Anyway, mail me with your thoughts at

See ya! Luv, hugs and chocolate! Fallen Angel

Next: Chapter 6: French Kiss Me 11 12

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