Fresh Off a Flying Saucer

By moc.loa@1kwahymmoT

Published on Jul 6, 2008




By Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM



I looked myself over in the mirror. Maybe the powder blue shirt would be better with these black pants. On the other hand, I liked the way the purple looked on me. Still, the combination was rather dark. Maybe a gold chain around my neck.

I blathered about this to my roommate, Mervin (not Marvin) who was sitting on the bed, watching my efforts with a wry amusement.

"What do you think?" I asked.

Mervin twisted his lips up in a semblance of a smile. "Honey, you're baiting the hook without knowing what kind of fish you're after."

"Hey!" I said.

"Who is it tonight?"

"Grebbo." I said.

"Him again?" Mervin said, with a theatrical sigh. Mervin's in theater, he designs costumes, helps with sets, and throws in his opinions whether wanted or not. If you think he's a raving queen, you're right. We were roommates, but not anything else. "Edwin, honey, are you sure you want to keep seeing this guy?"

"Not only seeing him." I said. "Tonight's the fourth date."

"And you're planning on giving him something to commemorate the occasion?"

"Got my condoms right here." I patted my pocket.

"But I don't know." Mervin said. "He's so quirky, don't you think?"

"I think he's interesting."

"You mean you think he's hot." Mervin clarified.

I didn't deny it. Grebbo is definitely hot. All sort of exotic dark, steamy lover with dreamy dark eyes.

"Honey, something about him really creeps me out."

"Such as?"

"Such as the last time he came over. You were in the bathroom."


"And I came in and he was getting a drink out of the refrigerator."

"What's wrong with that?"

"He was drinking the mustard." Mervin pantomimed holding up the mustard squeeze bottle and squirting it into his mouth. "He took in enough to make my eyes water and I was eight feet away from him.

"So he likes mustard." I said. "I told him to help himself to anything in the fridge while I got ready, he said he was hungry...."

"I noticed he'd also made himself a sandwich."


He'd made it with raisin bran."

"A raisin bran sandwich?" I said. "That's unusual."

"And instead of bread, he used a couple of frozen hamburger patties."

"So he has unusual eating habits." I said.

"And he was singing to himself, this really weird song. Kind of 'eeee-owww-ahhh-kiyiyi-eeee-oooooo!'"

"Maybe it's a song from his homeland." I ventured.

"Yeah, where is that?"

"I don't know." I admitted. "He just says it's a small place far away. I think it's an island someplace."

"I think it's another planet." Mervin said.

"Oh, come on!"

"I'm serious, honey." Mervin curled his legs underneath himself on the bed. Like a girl does, a guy would have crossed his legs or something. "This guy you're dating is one serious space cadet. I think he is fresh off a flying saucer."

"He's got some quirks." I said.

"He's got more than that. And if you end up in bed with him, I think you're going to experience something beyond kink. I'm telling you, honey...." Mervin put an arm on my shoulder. "Dump him, and now."

"I'll think about it." I said. "Really. But now, I have to go. Grebbo is waiting for me outside."

"If you don't see him on the porch, try checking the roof." Mervin advised.

"I'll give you a full report when I get home." I said.

Grebbo wasn't waiting on the porch or the roof, he had his own little car, one I'd never seen before. A foreign model of some kind, small and round-bodied and low to the ground. Barely room for the two of us, but I crawled in and gave Grebbo a kiss. "Hi, there."

"You ready for a night you'll never forget?" Grebbo asked me in his sibilant accent. His face was more than square, it was rectangular, wider than it was tall. His eyebrows were large, almost moth-like, his eyes were black and dark, his skin a tawny brown tinged with some other color, sometimes I thought it was yellow and sometimes I thought it was red. Average it out and call it orange, only it wasn't, not ever. He was wearing what he always wore, a sweater and jeans, all in black.

"You better believe it." I said. "Where are we going?"

"A little place I know." Grebbo said. "It's a surprise."

"Sounds good to me."

"But I need you to close your eyes, and keep them closed."

"Okay." I said and obeyed.

There was a humming sound, a whoosh, then a sort of wrenching feel in my gut, then another whoosh, down to humming.

"We're here." Grebbo said.

"We are?" I opened my eyes. "Wow!" I had left my house after sundown. We were now in bright daylight. A beach, a clear blue sky, and some trees blowing in the wind. "Where are we?"

"My surprise place." Grebbo said. "I want tonight to be special."

"Sure," I said, "but...what kind of trees are those?" Too squat to be palms, but they had the spiky fronds...and the leaves were purple instead of green! Light purple!

"Never mind the trees." Grebbo said. "I brought you here for a reason."

"Yeah?" I said, looking at Grebbo.

"This is the place where my people have always brought the ones they would bond with for life." Grebbo said. "The first time we make love, it is always right here."

"Yeah?" I said.

"Yes, for many thousands of years. Now it is our turn, you and me."

"Well." I said, swallowing. I knew Grebbo and I were getting serious, but this was a bit heavy even for a fourth date. "What if things don't work out?"

"It will."

"But if it doesn't?" I pressed him.

"Then it doesn't." Grebbo said. "I would be sad."

Reassured, I moved in close. "Well, we can't have that, can we?"

And I kissed him. Grebbo kissed me back, and I felt a humming again, this one coming from within. Grebbo's hands on my back. It was coming from them.

It didn't feel bad, this humming was sort of working its way into my body's own rhythms, like it was combining with it.

I felt a faint tugging, and suddenly, I realized that I was naked. I don't mean my clothes fell off me, or were ripped off me. I mean they were suddenly gone and I was bare up against a bare Grebbo!

I pulled my face back from Grebbo and looked at him. Remember, his body was now bare, I'd never seen him bare before. Not even partial, that sweater and jeans were so much a part of him in my mind, I hadn't really considered it.

I looked down...and wished I hadn't. His body was...moving. "Grebbo?" I said, getting scared--and can you blame me?

"Please, Edwin." Grebbo said. "This is still me."

Things were reaching out from his body, his lower body. They were stroking my cock and balls and threading into my butt-crack, all at the same time!

"This is...what are you?"

"I am Grebbo." Grebbo said. "Please, do not interrupt the ritual."

"I don't understand." I said.

"There is no need to understand." Grebbo said, soothingly. "You only need to feel. When it is over, you will understand."

I swallowed hard. "Okay." I said.

And his...things, they weren't quite tendrils, more like moveable, shape-changing masses, but not gooey or anything. Just...changeable.

And Grebbo's hands on my back began to move, and in ways that hands just don't move. I realized that he had fingers that were extending around on my body, stroking me in ways that it would have taken, God, fifteen or twenty trained masseuses to handle!

And my erection was getting plenty of attention, too! Multiple fingers (or whatever they were) were fondling me in several directions at once, but the combination showed a strong familiarity with genitalia. Imagine your shaft held steady, the skin around it being gently pulled upwards, while your glans is pushed downwards so that it was deeply ensconsed in the skin, and then the same fingers that pushed you down are able to pull you upwards while the skin is pulled downwards. At the end of your extension, the skin at the flare of your glans is stroked and those supersensitive nerves are ignited with flame, and then the entire submersion is done all over again, only it's never quite the same way twice, so that every sensation is new, new, NEW!

"Oh, God, Grebbo!" I gasped. "What are you doing?"

"I am making you ready to make love to me." Grebbo said.

"Make me ready?" I whimpered. God, I'd thought this was the main event.

"Yes, my love, now that you are excited, I can begin."

"All right!" I sighed. At this point, I couldn't have denied Grebbo anything.

And I felt us leaving the ground. Floating in mid-air. No flapping, no hot air, no wind lifting us up. We seemed to be floating by sheer will. Up above the purplish growth. I saw a pair of birds flap by, they were feathered, bright green in color, and had wings shaped more like butterflies than birds. But their huge ovalish wings were more than ample to lift their slender bodies and they swirled around each other. A mating flight! Grebbo and I were like birds!

A new organ extruded from Grebbo. I was still too close to him to see it, I only felt it, this was warm and moist, and a spicy aroma filled my nostrils. This stickier cousin of Grebbo's very friendly extrusions proceeded to encircle my cock and clasp it tightly, all over. His tendrils returned, this time they wrapped around his organ clamped onto mine, and began to give us a sort of mutual jerking. Other wet parts of his body gobbled up my testicles and gave them a similar treatment. My balls were awash in his love juices, and they were...tingling! More than tingling, they were downright gurgling.

Another wet thing probed into my anus, probed...and entered. No ravishment, it sidled in thread-thin and expanded once it got inside!

"Oh, God, Grebbo, Jesus!" I moaned.

"Now, my love, now!" Grebbo sighed to me, his own passion obvious in his voice. It is time for you and I to make love."

"You mean we're still not?" I whined. I couldn't take much more of this!

"Not yet." he said. "But very soon."

"God! God!" I groaned. "Hurry up! I'm about to blast!"

"Now is the time." Grebbo said. "Do not be afraid. I will not let anything happen to you."

"I understand." I whimpered.

And we fell! Right out of the sky, we were falling. And "splash!" we went, into the water!

And I was covered up now, entirely surrounded by the wet, moist skin. I couldn't see anything, but I was breathing easily enough. I think Grebbo was feeding me air somehow. I was surrounded by him...somehow! God, don't ask me to explain it, it was happening to me, and I was too close to know what was going on!

All I can say is that every part of my body was alive...more than alive. Brought to life's full blossom, excited to every iota of my body's capacity, it was beyond sexual ecstasy...this was how it must have felt at the moment I was born!

Alive, alive, ALIVE! And I crowed out my joy of life, and I screamed my climax to the cosmos, and I spurted, and I spurted hard! And as I did, Grebbo gave peculiar, keening call, sort of like Leeeeee-leee-leee-leeeee-lee-lee-leeeeeee!

And when I did, I felt myself pelted with Grebbo's own seed, it was hitting me all over at once, everywhere! I was bathing in his spunk! It was hot and creamy and it was washing me all over. I was beyond sticky, I was coated!

I finished my own orgasm and reduced to panting. Grebbo's own call of ecstasy was done, and then I was suddenly surrounded no longer, I was in water, churning, spunk filled water, a sticky mist and I hit the surface and threw my head back and gasped in air, precious, wonderful air!

All around me was a green froth, a huge quantity, like someone had dumped a dozen bottles of bubble bath in and whipped it up into a foam. Beside me was Grebbo, himself well-coated in the green foam. I swam feebly over to him and we kissed, and this time it was a regular kiss, like he'd given me so many times before.

"And that is all of it." Grebbo said to me when we finally, finally stopped. "We are mated, for life if you will permit us to be. If not...I shall be sad."

"I... God, Grebbo!" I said with feeling. "You have to let me think about all this!"

"I shall let you think." Grebbo said. "My heart shall divide itself into three until you return to me as my mate, but I shall let you think."

"Thank you."

"I shall take you home."

"Yeah, home." I said. "Uh, and where is that, exactly?"

And Grebbo pointed upwards. Which, you can imagine, didn't surprise me one bit!

When I got back to shore, my clothes reappeared on me and, at the same time, all my wetness/stickiness vanished. I couldn't decide if this was the most romantic way to undress and dress a lover ever discovered, or the least. Poof, I'm naked, poof, I'm dressed. Like flicking the light switch on the wall. Off, and on.

Mervin was up and awake when I got home, I figured he would be. The minute I got inside, he said, "Okay, Edwin, give! What happened? Did you two do it? Was it something crazy, insane, weird?"

"It was more than that." I agreed. "It was downright out of this world! Like you said, Mervin, Grebbo is fresh off a flying saucer. But it was one hell of a ride."


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E-mail the Author at Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM



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