Freshman Year Roommate

By NY GayGuy

Published on Jun 8, 2024


Freshman Year Roommate, Part Two Everyone is over 18 years of age

Happily, John and I continued to get along fine. Our sexual arrangements didn't blossom into romance. He still was on his regular pussy hunt, and he envisioned finding some girl to settle down with someday. But we were a couple of teenage college students, which meant we were horny practically all the time. Since he didn't always find what he wanted when he went to parties, and since John was all I wanted at that point, we continued having fun many nights.

He tried to keep things so it was just the straight boy using his gay roommate for pleasure, but there was some warmth to it. I can't claim "romance," but he wasn't a jerk about it, either. Funny thing is, as much as I enjoyed the sex, some of the stuff that meant nothing to him, or so he said, made for some of my favorite memories. I remember one night when I was sitting at the desk, studying, and he came up behind me. He put he hands on my shoulders and started massaging. "How's it going, Jess?" (This still is a great memory, because it felt special.)

I know I groaned a little, and I said, "oh, okay, John. How are you doing?"

"Well, you know how it is. A little frustrated and... umm... stiff."

I laughed, "maybe you should see about a massage."

And he said, "all the massage I need comes from the inside of your mouth. Best ever!"

I was so proud, and yeah, so horny, too!

He kept rubbing my shoulders. In my mind, I can still feel his strong hands doing that. He was just trying to get me going, but I don't know if he ever realized how intimate that was for me.

"That feels nice," I said. And he said, "I'm glad." Then he leaned in a bit and I felt it. That hard dick, through his pants, pushing at the back of my head.

"Oh, wow, that must be frustrating, John. You need some help relieving some tension, big guy?"

He just rubbed himself against me more, and then I turned around. I didn't even stand. Just looked up and saw him smiling down at me. I remember having enough awareness that I thought, "remember these moments. This is like living a dream." And it really was, and I always have remembered, because it was amazing.

Looking up at him, I smiled back, and he straddled my legs, his strong swimmer's legs spreading around me. I ran my hands up his thighs and then back to his amazing ass.

"You know," I said, "it really is a shame you like girls, because this ass would drive the boys wild."

"Well, I know one boy it seems to drive wild, and that's good enough for me."

Was he flirting with me? Nah, he just wanted to get his balls drained. Take it easy, Jess, this man could break your heart.

I was inexperienced, but thankfully, I kept some sense about me. Sure, I had feelings for this man I'd been playing with, but he never was going to marry me.

"Well," I said, "I'm sure plenty of boys and girls are checking out this ass. I'm just glad I'm the one who gets to hold it in my hands. And I'm glad they don't all get to see what's in the front of your pants, or there'd be a line out the door!"

He just laughed and I could see his dick swell even more in his pants.

So I looked up at him as I unbuttoned his pants and lowered his zipper. I quickly pushed his pants down and enjoyed the sight of his underwear being stretched by that big dick.

I just made an appreciative sound and leaned in, turning my head enough to wrap my lips around the top of his shaft, right through his underwear. He moaned appreciatively in turn and said, "you want that dick so bad, don't you?"

"You know it!"

"Then take it!"

With that, I slid his underwear down, and his dick popped out, pointing up and bouncing there.

We were way beyond slow preliminaries. I grabbed it with one hand and kept the other on his butt, pulling him even tighter to me. I licked around the head, hearing him hum appreciatively. "Oh, fuck, Jess, that feels so good."

Then I opened my mouth and slid his dick in. When I'd taken all I could, I made sure my mouth was tight to his shaft and started sucking him as I bobbed up and down. He was shaking as I sucked him, making sure I was doing my best to give him pleasure, while avoiding scraping him with my teeth. I might not have been the world's most experienced guy, but I wanted this man to compare everyone else he ever was with to how I'd made him feel! (Yeah, okay, maybe I was a little attached to him.)

He was moaning and thrusting in my mouth, and I felt his hands on my head. I also felt that ass clenching with each thrust. He was a sexy dream come true! I kept at it, squeezing the base of his dick as I worked the rest of it with my mouth, and I knew I was reducing this sexy man to putty.

We'd been going at it for several minutes when he stopped. He pulled back and said, "Jess, let's move to the bed."

I certainly wasn't going to argue with him about moving to the bed. Ever.

So we did. He said, "lie down."

Okay, I did. He just looked at me for a minute. "I think someone's dick is hard."

I laughed. "Yeah, hard to control when I've been sucking this really hot stud."

For an arrangement of convenience, we sure talked a good game!

He said, "I don't mind if you take it out. You have to have some fun, too!"

He didn't have to tell me twice. In fact, I pulled off all my clothes, and he didn't seem to mind seeing his roommate naked and hard in front of him. It seemed to work fine for him. I guess he knew what he wanted, so he was okay with my enjoying this as much as I could, too.

What we did next is something that has since become something I love. What he did was...

"Jess, slide down the bed."

I must have looked confused.

"Just move down."


So I did.


I slid down until I had to kind of fold my legs and my head was near the middle of the bed.

"Yeah, that's it," he said.

Then he got completely naked.

"Ready?" he said.


Like he ever had to ask.

With that, he swung his leg across my chest and I was looking up at him and that big dick of his.

John smiled down at me. "You know, Jess, nothing feels as good as fucking. Not even your amazing blowjobs. So I was wondering if fucking your mouth like it's a pussy would feel as good. Can we try?"

I smiled back. "Have I ever said no to you?"

So he moved up a little more, his ass on my chest as he moved--and I wasn't complaining--and started rubbing the head of his dick on my lips. I poked out my tongue and tasted some of the precum he was leaking there. Then I licked at the head itself.

John reached up and grabbed my pillow, bunching it up and telling me to lift my head. He pushed it behind my head, to position me to receive that magnificent dick.

For some reason, that felt special to me. Sure, he was angling my head so he could fuck my mouth and make me his cumdump. I knew that. Still, there was something about these little gestures that seemed like he cared. Maybe he did, or maybe he just wanted to maximize his own pleasure. Hard to be sure, but since all of this still pops up in my dreams now and then, I have nothing to complain about.

John smiled down at me, and I said, "are you just going to grin at me, or do I get that big dick?"

"Remember, you asked for it!"

I was about to say something else when he moved forward and started sliding his length into my mouth. I soon found I could take almost all of it, despite my usual gag reflex. This angle worked pretty well, and I could feel his balls hitting my chin on each in-stroke. Meanwhile, I was grabbing his hot ass. To this day, that way of sucking remains such a turn-on. John was thrusting, breathing hard and moaning, as I had the best view imaginable, looking up at that hot body and the pleasure written on his sexy face, as I felt his cheeks clench in my hands with each thrust.

He really was getting into it. "Fuck, Jess, that feels so good. Yeah, you like that? You like how I'm fucking you?"

I was absolutely loving it! If he was thinking of some girl's pussy, what did I care? The hottest man I've ever known was having sex with me, and I had absolutely no complaints! Fuck my mouth, you hot stud! But all I could do was moan around his dick, since my mouth was way too full to answer him.

My moaning seemed to please him, because he then moaned more in return. He was taking his time, giving nice, long strokes, and I was loving that big dick moving across my tongue. While I was basically a warm, wet hole for him to fuck, I was trying to keep my lips and cheeks tight to his dick while I did my best to give him pleasure with my tongue working the bottom of it.

He was as hard as he could be, and he was thrusting like a man determined to impregnate my throat. So I guessed he was enjoying it.

Then he said, "holy fuck, this is amazing!"

Yeah, he was enjoying it. And I was getting an extra charge from that.

My own dick was throbbing as he fucked my mouth, and I reached down to squeeze it. That felt better than it ever had before, and I started stroking.

With the other hand, I grabbed his ass again, so then there was no control over the depth his strokes in my mouth. I don't know where my gag reflex went, but I guess I was so turned on, or we'd gotten the angle just right, so it wasn't an issue right then.

"Fuck, Jess, I'm getting close. Ohmigod, I've never felt anything this good. I won't be able to hold it much longer."

I stroked myself faster as his thrusts in my mouth got more erratic. He definitely was getting close.

I loved hearing this sexy man being overcome with the pleasure I was giving him. "Oh, fuck, so close. Gonna cum, babe!" Did he just call me babe? "Oh, fuck! Uhh, uhh..."

And suddenly, his whole dick was pushed as deep as he could, and his balls were on my chin. He stopped thrusting and just held it there as I felt it throb and pulse, shooting his semen right down my throat. I don't even know how I was breathing at that point. Maybe I wasn't while he came? But I survived and was incredibly turned on. As he was cumming in my mouth, I stroked faster and started cumming, too.

John was moaning from his own orgasm when I came, and I sort of cried out around his dick. Then he yelled, "oh, fuck! Holy shit!"

I guess that was one more bit of pleasure on his dick. He still was pouring his seed into me while I was blasting my load all over.

Eventually, he pretty well collapsed on me, his abs on my face as he slowly, delicately slid his length from my mouth. I was trying to catch my breath and said, "John, your body is amazing, but could you move a little so I can breathe?"

He laughed and rolled onto his side.

Then he said, "wow, that was the most amazing thing I've ever felt!"

"Really? Even better than actual fucking."

"Felt like actual fucking to me. But yes. I mean... different. It's a different feel, but that was amazing. And on top of you being really good at this, if you really want to know, I always wear condoms with girls. I don't need some baby to support! So this, where it's just raw flesh surrounding my dick, yeah, that's pretty intense, especially since you let me get on top and fuck your mouth like that. No girl ever did that with me."

I know how much of a smitten teen this sounds like, but hey, I was a smitten teen. I said, "I doubt some girl felt this way about you."

I realized as I said it that it might be too much for him, but thankfully, he didn't react badly. He just smiled.

Then he sort of looked back and said, "hey, what did..." and craned his neck as he realized something. With that, he said, "okay, stud, you made a mess."


With that, he stood up, turned around and showed me where there was cum on his ass and lower back. Apparently, as he was shooting in my mouth and down my throat, I shot all over him. I have to admit, I was a little proud, and I'm happy that the straight boy was smiling and acting more like he was impressed than grossed out.

As he kept smiling, he said, "so what are you going to do about the mess you made?"

"Why should I do anything? You caused it! Besides, I didn't think anything could make that ass hotter, but maybe this does."

"Nope," he said. "This is a mess." And he was wagging his amazing ass in my face.

So I said, "then let me help clean it up," and I leaned in and did something that was pretty kinky for inexperienced me. I started licking my own load off his ass.

He gasped a little in surprise and said, "this is kinda hot." I kept licking, and even though I was relatively inexperienced, licking this ass made me feel some deep feelings that might have been early stirrings of wanting to rim and fuck him. Not that I really had those thoughts completely formed right then, but I knew my tongue on his cheeks was turning me on a lot! Then I worked my tongue up to his muscular back and ran a hand around to his sexy abs.

"Fuck, Jess, this is getting me hot all over again."

I laughed, and I suggested it was time for us to shower.

He said, "yeah, I guess so." He paused, and then, "you know, I guess it doesn't mean anything if we go in at the same time. And it will give you a chance to finish cleaning the mess you made."

"Well, if you insist!"

Okay, I had no idea what was going on, but I wasn't going to argue! Maybe he was a bit more "heteroflexible" than I expected.

So we grabbed towels and walked over to the shower.

It wasn't exactly roomy, but it was big enough for two. At least if the two were comfortable together, and I guess at this point we were.

At this point, my smart mouth took what could have been too much of a chance. I said, "shouldn't I at least get a ring before we go this far?"

He looked at me, and for a second I worried what he was going to do.

Then he laughed and said, "only if you're pregnant!"

Well, that brought some interesting thoughts, but I didn't say anything else. I reached in and turned the handle to get the water going. We waited, since these showers always took some time to warm up. Once the water got to a good temperature, he held out his arm, indicating that I could get in first. Such a gentleman!

So I did, and he followed me and closed the door behind us.

I looked at this man and still had trouble believing any of this. Damn, so hot!

He handed me soap. "So, are you going to finish cleaning up your mess?"

"I don't know, Jonboy, I think maybe you like my load on you." And I smiled.

"Get to work, Jesse James."

Oh, this was getting so playful.

But I had no objection. I started soaping his ass and back. I probably took a lot more time than the job actually needed. Wouldn't you? This absolute god of a man was letting me enjoy his body? Not something to rush!

"Mmm, that feels nice."

"Yeah, touching you feels nice, John."

He said, "I mean, really nice," and he turned around to show me his dick was hard again.

"Maybe I should make sure you're clean all over."

He didn't say anything, but he gestured and smiled in a way that said, go ahead.

So I started soaping up his body. And his dick bounced as I worked. I'd given his ass plenty of attention. Then around to his chest and abs. "Lift your arms" which he did, and I soaped his pits. I rinsed all of that off. I didn't try to wash his face. Somehow, I felt like that might be too intimate. But I headed down. That dick was still standing up. I soaped around it, under his balls and along its length. He made some lovely noises. I rinsed him off, and then, in another surprise, he offered to do me.

First my chest, then down to my thighs, then he said, "well, I guess I have to get this firehose of yours clean," so he soaped and rinsed my dick and balls. He'd given me a handjob before, so I guess it wasn't that shocking, but it still was very hot. I moaned, and my knees nearly gave out. He smiled and said, "fair is fair, I have to do the rest, so turn around."

And I did. Then he started soaping my shoulders and down my back. "You know," he said, as his hands slipped lower, "I hadn't really noticed," as his soapy hands ran down to my butt, "what a nice ass you have."

Okay, what the fuck was going on here?

"Yeah, very hot," as he was clearly enjoying rubbing my ass and then... oh, wow. "I have to make sure you're nice and clean!" and he soaped my crack. His fingers ran past my hole, but he didn't push at it. Still, where were things going?

He rinsed me off, and then I turned to face him. I looked into his eyes, and I felt like kissing him. But he wasn't going there. At least, I didn't think so and didn't want to push my luck. As much as we'd done, I wasn't sure where the limits were and didn't want to fuck up the best thing I'd ever experienced.

He looked at me and said, "look what you've done to me... again!" and looked down. Following his gaze, of course he meant his dick which was pointing at me. I smiled and said, "well, I suppose I should help with that."

I started to kneel, but on my way, I started kissing down his body. I stopped at his nipples and licked and nibbled them. I wasn't sure how he'd react, but he said, "oh, fuck, that's hot, you dirty man!" I reached down to stroke him as I worked his nipples. It was so hot as the water sprayed over us.

Then I kept heading down, kissing down his tight abs and eventually reaching that big fuckstick. I took him in my mouth again, and we were back at it. He started holding my head and fucking my mouth. Not brutally, like he didn't care, but like a lover. Damn, he was confusing the hell out of me.

Then he said, "Jess, stop." What? "Stand up, I want to try something."

So I stood, and he turned me around. He was feeling my ass again.

Uh oh, what was he going to do? If he shoved that into me right then, I was afraid I'd need medical help!

I heard him say quietly, "Damn, that's such a hot ass."

"Uh, John, what are we doing?"

"Relax, I won't hurt you. I just want to try something."

With that, he grabbed some shampoo. "Bend forward."

"John, you know you turn me on, but I can't take that!"

"Relax, I'm not into fucking guys."

"You're into fucking, and you're scaring me."

"Trust me."

I sighed and said okay. I leaned forward as far as the limited space allowed. I put my hands on the tile wall, and I felt him push the spray away a bit and then pour some of the shampoo down my crack. Then I felt his dick rubbing up and down my crack, and he moaned. John grabbed my hips and soon was thrusting away, rubbing his dick in my crack. He wasn't even pushing at my hole, but there was something very erotic about this.

He continued to thrust, and his strong arms wrapped around my torso. He was thrusting faster now, and he said, "Oh, Jess, this feels so good."

As his arms pulled tighter, I went more upright, and I could feel his breath on my neck as he kept thrusting his dick up and down the crack of my ass. He was holding me tight as he kept fucking my crack, and he was going faster and faster. "Jess, I'm gonna cum."

"Yeah, baby, do it!"

He moaned, and I could feel that dick pulsing against me. At the same time, he pulled me even tighter and started kissing my neck. Fuck, he was amazing.

"Wow, Jess, that was amazing." And then he said, "but what about you?"

He shut the water. I asked, "shouldn't we wash off?"

"No, not yet."

He pulled back briefly, and then I felt his hand on my lower back. "Damn, I shot so much! That's what you do to me."

Then he was holding me close again, and his hand came around, full of his own load. He wrapped it around my hard dick and started stroking. Was this stud ever out of sexy tricks? His warm cum felt amazing on my dick. He stroked me, and it took maybe a minute before I said, "John, I can't hold out long."

"So don't. Let me see you shoot."

Seconds later, I groaned and started shooting against the tiles. Oh, fuck, that was amazing. I nearly fell over.

After that, we washed off and headed back to our beds.

I was so happy... and so confused. But we just told each other goodnight and went to sleep.

Next: Chapter 3

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