Freshman Year Roommate

By NY GayGuy

Published on Jun 18, 2024


Freshman Year Roommate, Part 6 Everyone is over 18 years of age

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I woke up with John partly draped over me. As we slept, we'd gotten a bit entangled. Our legs were between each other's and it apparently was an ongoing cuddle battle, as we tried to hold each other. We must have looked like a game of naked twister.

We both woke up and told each other good morning. Then we went to hit the bathroom. Before heading back to bed, yes, the practicalities, some mouthwash.

John asked, "what do you want to do this morning?"

"You have to ask?"

He smiled at me. "You'll never get an argument on that subject. I meant, aside from that."

"I can't think of anything aside from that!"

He seemed concerned for a moment. "Aren't you sore?"

"You're sweet to worry, and yes, but it's the best soreness I've ever felt. Can I have you in me again, please?"

With that, we went right back to bed.

We kissed, and we were hard against each other in no time.

I had it so bad for this man, and all I wanted was to give him pleasure.

I smiled at him. "I don't know what I did to deserve you."

"Hey, I'm not perfect, so please don't expect me to be. But I want to be good to you! You mean so much to me!"

We kissed again, and I told him, "John, how about we try some other positions? Is there anything you want to do? Just use me for your pleasure! I'm here to take that big cock and as much cum as your balls can produce!"

"Wow, listen to you! It's like you just stepped out of some raunchy porn!"

"Ha! Maybe, but it's how I feel. I want to give myself to you in every way possible."

He said, "okay, but I really want to make love to you for a long time and make it great for you."

"It was great last time, and I suspect it always will be, because it's you."

"Oh, no pressure there! So how do you want to start?"

"How about if I lie face-down and you slam my ass like that?"

He made a little groaning noise, and I felt him throbbing against me.

I rolled over, so my butt was facing the ceiling. "Fuck me, stud!"

And it was that simple, at least to start. He grabbed the lube, covered that big, hard dick, and started pushing back inside me. It seemed a little easier for him to get in me this time, but I really was a little sore from that great fucking he'd given me the night before. Still, being penetrated by him again made that soreness feel good. Special, even.

When he was about halfway in, he stopped long enough to add more lube, and then he kept pushing in. Soon, his whole length was in me and I could feel those big balls against my ass. I felt so full and still a little sore, but there was a huge drive I could feel in my brain, telling me that this is where I needed to be and what I needed to be doing. I was trying really hard to not fall completely in love with the "straight" boy, but I certainly had strong feelings. In the moment, that was perfect, because I felt like I'd found heaven.

John gave me nice, long strokes, taking his time and really making it amazing. I said, "let me feel that hot body on me," and he laid his weight on me. As he did, he ran his arms under my shoulders, pulling me to him as his hips kept moving in beautiful rhythm, his athletic prowess and flexibility showing itself. I felt his breath on my neck and turned my head. Instantly, our lips met and then our tongues. He never missed a stroke with his hips, as our mouths sucked at each other.

I again lost track of time, like he often made me do, but then he slowly slid out of me and said, "time to change things up."

He put me on my side. He told me he wanted to try something. As John guided me, he had me stretch my lower leg, the one right on the mattress, out straight, and pull back the other one. Then he knelt over my lower leg and moved up until his dick was teasing my hole. I moaned, and he asked if I wanted more. Of course I did, but he was having fun teasing me and, honestly, it was fun for me, too. He said, "You want this dick? Then beg for it!"

"Please, baby, put it back in me! I need you inside me!"

"Well, since you asked nicely..."

And with that, he slid himself back into me in one smooth thrust. At this point, there was no resistance. We were matched at that point, my hole the perfect home for that monster of his. And it felt so good as he bottomed out in me. As a bonus, it felt like this position let him get even deeper.

The man already had several inches more dick than he needed to make me feel good, but I wasn't complaining about him finding his way even deeper into me!

He groaned, "Oh, fuck, this is amazing! I thought this might be fun to try, but I think I got even deeper in you!"

"You did! I can feel it. Now, give me more deep thrusts! Fuck my guts out!"

I didn't have to ask twice. First, he was thrusting in me hard, pushing me up the bed as he did. Then he changed to the slower, long strokes he already knew drove me wild. I was moaning with his thrusts and calling his name. I looked at his face and saw one of my favorite of his looks, pure pleasure with his eyes closed and his mouth hanging open. Just knowing that I could make this very sexy, manly stud feel this kind of pleasure where he barely had control anymore was such a huge turn-on.

His long strokes got quicker again, and his hips were smacking my ass harder. I was sliding up the bed again when he stopped and pulled out. "Time to try something else," he said.

"Anything you want!"

"Get on your hands and knees."

"Okay," and I did.

He looked at me for a second and said, "I have another idea. Turn so your ass is at the side of the bed."

But that didn't work, because the bed was against the wall and it wasn't wide enough. So I kind of turned at enough of an angle to present my ass to him, staying on my hands and knees, but I had to dangle my left leg down towards the floor. It was a little awkward, but we'd make it work.

John stood on the floor behind me and grabbed my hips. He lined up and plunged back in. This was a new position for me, and it hit different spots inside me. He was so big that it still massaged all the important places, but it was a different feeling. I didn't know if this would make me cum again, but I was in no rush.

As he was thrusting, I reached back with one hand and grabbed his thigh. Feeling those muscles in action as he fucked me was an added turn-on. He was such a hot man, and he was in me! Using his strength to drive himself deep inside me! Fuck, this was amazing!

We kept going like this, until he said, "okay, turn over!"

I did as requested, and he lifted up my legs. The bed was too low for him to slide in without holding me up a bit, but he had the power to do it, so as he lifted me, he slid back into me. He started to thrust again, and he had a deep flush to his skin. As strong as he was, this was work and so was all the fucking he'd done already. I felt like he wouldn't last that long now, but we'd fucked a lot and I had no complaints!

Also, this angle was driving that big dick into my most sensitive spot. No question, he'd soon make me shoot again.

I was looking up at this gorgeous man, and I continued to marvel at the idea that he was with me. In me! As the deep pleasure was washing over me and I felt that tingle of an orgasm building deep inside, I still had trouble believing it all was real. But it sure was!

"Jess, I can't go too much longer."

In uneven breaths, I said, "As long as you want, babe."

I felt that huge orgasm continuing to build. And a minute later, it hit me like a tsunami. I cried out and started to cum. The angle he was holding me at just helped the fireworks show. Rope after rope of my own cum was splattering my face and the sheets. As John watched this, he panted, "hottest fucking thing ever" and moaned louder as he thrust faster and faster in me. Then with a roar, he slammed hard into me and held it there, as he shot spurt after spurt after spurt deep into me!

As I felt his orgasm subsiding, he just stood there, holding my legs, my ass in the air with him inside me. His eyes were closed again. Then he muttered, "holy fuck," opened his eyes and looked at me. He smiled and said, "I can't believe how good it is with you."

I said, "get over here" and patted the bed. He slowly pulled out of me, and then we moved around so we could lie down together again. As he got in the bed, he looked under him and feigned outrage. "These sheets are wet! Who made this mess?"

"In a way, you did!"

He laughed. "Fair enough."

He stroked my hair as we kissed. As much as that was some amazing raw sex, he still was loving and gentle. What an amazing combination.

After a little while, we decided to go get cleaned up. We both grabbed shorts, even though we were a mess, figuring we had to wash the sheets, so we'd just throw these in, too. Heck, we were college students. We didn't even know about separating colors!

With that, we walked into the suite bathroom. Our suitemate, Tom, was in there at the sink. He had this smirk on his face, and John said, "what are you smirking at?"

Without missing a beat, Tom said, "I must say I'm impressed. I mean, mansex isn't my thing, but damn, you two were fucking a long time! That's some serious staying power."

John immediately started to object, but Tom said, "relax, I'm not telling anyone. But it sounded like you may have slammed the bed clear through the wall into Rob's room" (our neighbors on the other side) "so maybe they know already."

John still looked like he didn't know what to say. Then he said, "Whatever. People can think what they want."

Tom said, "well... good for you guys. Like I said, I don't care, and you're good guys, so keep fucking each other's brains out. Clearly, you're doing better than almost everyone else around here!"

With that, he walked out of the bathroom and headed back to his room.

John looked like he still was trying to figure out what to do. So I reached out and put an index finger to his chin, turning his head to me. "Hey, relax. So what? Tom's right. What we have is amazing. Let's focus on that!"

Finally, he grinned, picked me up and spun me around. We kissed, and he said, "time for a shower!"

We dropped our shorts on the floor and headed for the shower. The stalls weren't really made for more than one, but we never let that stop us. John reached in and flipped on the water. We let it warm up and then both got in. Kissing in the spray of a shower may seem like a corny, Hollywood movie thing, but it felt very romantic right then. And of course, we started getting hard again. I held him in my hand and stroked his length.

I was so turned on. "Babe, I need more."

He smiled that radiant smile but said, "are you kidding? I didn't even bring any lube!"

"I bet we can make it work. I still have plenty of lube in me from before and you had to put about a gallon of cum in there, too!"

He kissed me again and pushed the shower head so it wasn't spraying directly on us. More of a glancing blow. I turned around, put my palms on the tile wall and just said, "do it!"

"Fuck, I've created a monster!"

We both laughed, and then he did something that wasn't this gentle lover's usual way. He bent his knees a bit to line up. Then I felt him rub his swollen head on my hole, lining it up, pushing just a little bit in, and then he grabbed my shoulders with both hands and slammed his whole length into me. I yelped! "Fuck, I didn't expect that. Give me a second!"

With that, he held it there a second, until I said I was ready. He said, "sorry, but you turn me on so much!"

"Don't be sorry! Fuck me!"

With that, he was slamming into me, and the sound of our wet bodies slapping together added a porn quality to this fucking. Luckily, I'd been right; there was enough slickness left in me that I was able to take his big dick without pain. He kept going and was panting, "Jess, you feel so amazing!" He gripped my shoulders even tighter as we fucked. Then he wrapped his arms around my chest and pulled us together. I turned my head and he kissed me without missing a stroke.

Where did this man get such amazing skills?

This fuck wasn't as long as what we'd done before, but that was okay. Before long, he said, "I can't go much longer." I really didn't care. I was again in heaven, and he could do whatever he wanted. Another minute and he let out a pretty loud, "Ahhh!" and I felt him pulsating inside me again.

As he came down from that, he said, "it looks like I didn't make you cum this time."

"I'm fine."

"No, that won't do." With that he spun me around and dropped into a squat. His back was against the wall (that had to be cold!), but he was focused on me. He looked up and said, "fuck my mouth, Jess! Let me feel that thick cock shooting your seed down my throat!"

With that, he took me in his mouth. How this otherwise-straight guy had such good gay sex skills is beyond me, but he made my high school fuckbuddy look like a rank amateur. He sucked me so well that all I could do was moan, grab his head and let my hips take over. I was thrusting hard in his mouth, and he was taking every inch. I wasn't hung like him, but I wasn't small either. Still, he took all of me without complaint, as my balls kept slapping his chin. As horny as that fuck had made me, it didn't take long before I was going to cum. I didn't even get to warn him, but it seemed that he didn't care. I groaned loudly, and he swallowed as I was shooting in his mouth. He took every drop right down his throat. Once I was done cumming, I got up and kissed him. I said, "you taste like some guy's cum." He laughed, and said, "yeah, but he's a really sexy guy!" And then we heard it.

Clapping, right here in the bathroom. We stuck our heads out, and sure enough, there was Tom again. He'd come back in at some point. "You guys have to be the horniest couple I've ever known!"

John said, "Tom, look..."

Tom laughed. "I told you before. Relax. I just came back in to brush my teeth but when I realized there was another performance under way in the shower, I had to stay and at least listen. Hey, like I said, my lips are sealed." With that he put two fingers in front of his mouth and pantomimed a key turning and then throwing the key away. And he turned to walk back out. But then he stopped. "But really, you guys almost make me wish I was gay. It may not be my thing, but damn, if I were I'd be begging to get into bed with you!" And with that, he walked out.

Okay, that was weird.

We looked at each other and just started laughing.

Then we finished washing, toweled off, grabbed our shorts off the floor and headed back to the room. We had chores to do. Laundry, mostly, but there would be time for that. The coin-op laundry in the basement wouldn't have a lot of users today. (We knew which days were the busy ones.) So we decided to leave that for later and go for a walk.

The campus was lovely, but then we headed off campus and just walked for a while. Finally, I told him some of what was on my mind. "Tom's a doofus, but I don't think he'll gossip about us. Still, it's going to get out."

John definitely looked troubled by that. "We've kept it quiet this long."

"Well, yeah, but we've taken it to another level."

"Because of loud sex? We can be quiet."

We just kept walking next to each other, and I said, "yeah, we can try, but it's more than that. When you look at me, I see a man with feelings. As much as you turn me on and make me want to be there for your pleasure, you don't look at me like I'm just some cheap fuck you brought home."

That seemed to strike a nerve. "You're not! You never will be! You mean so much more to me!"

"John, I know that. It's what makes this really special. But don't you see? That's the problem. While other guys here are just looking for someone to fuck, it means more than that to you. And other people are going to see how you look at me. People are going to talk."

"So let them talk. It's none of their fucking business anyhow."

I stopped, and we faced each other.

"John, it may not be their business, but you know how people are." I held his hands in mine. "Are you ready for that? You're ROTC and are expected to be an Army officer after we graduate. What's going to happen when your ROTC buddies know you're fucking a guy?"

He sighed. "Jess, you see what we're doing now? Just walking along and talking?"


"I feel like life is perfect now. I made love to you, and now we're just out for a walk, enjoying the breeze and talking about life. Seems to me, the rest is trivial compared to that."

He had a point, but... "John, you make me happy. Happier than I could have imagined possible, but I care about you and don't want to be the reason your life got fucked up. What happens when you wake up one day and realize you've lost track of the search for a hot girl who wants to have your babies? That your plans for a wife and little kiddies somehow disappeared in a cloud of college boy horniness that got you to fuck the boy you happened to be rooming with?"

We'd started walking again and he stopped to face me. Putting his hands on my shoulders, he looked me right in the eyes and said, "Listen to me. You'll never just be a convenient lay. You mean a lot to me. I love that you're so concerned, and yeah, I do need to think about everything and sort things out, but what we have is a lot more than sex."

I was living a dream come true, with a sex life any gay guy could envy, but I really was concerned. Where were things heading? As much as I wanted to live in the moment and enjoy this amazing stud who was coming to mean so much to me, I really was worried. I didn't want to be the cause of his life taking a wrong turn.

Next: Chapter 7

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